II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets

Engineering systems 14.10.2019

Preparatory stage

In the autumn of 1917, the crisis in Russia was aggravated. The Bolshevik Party moved to active actions to seize power. They showed the greatest activity in the capital and major cities.

In September, Trotsky LD was appointed as chairmen of the Soviets in Petrograd and Moscow. And Nogin V.P. Thus, in the advice of the Bolsheviks began to occupy a solid majority.

Note 1.

In order to win the majority in the All-Russian Council, it was necessary to gain as many votes as possible at the All-Russian Congress. Therefore, on the initiative of the RSDDP (b), the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets was convened.

For this, the corresponding requests to local councils were sent, as well as soldier committees. Mensheviks and esters reacted negatively to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe congress under such circumstances, because were in confrontation with the Bolsheviks. Note that local councils and committees in the mass of their request ignored (only 8 responded to 69).

Simultaneously with the activation of Bolsheviks, the Provisional Government appointed elections to the Constituent Assembly - November 12. By decision of the Central Executive Committee, the convocation of the II congress was postponed on October 25.

Opening a congress

Note 2.

The II All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier's Deputies opened on October 25. A total of 2 meetings were held.

The congress consisted of 649 participants. The most part was workers and soldiers' deputies, but there were also peasant, sailor and Cossack deputies. According to political preferences, most of the Bolsheviks were, then the esters (390 and 160 people are respectively). Throughout the work of the congress, some delegates left him, someone passed to another party, while 625 participants were in it. At the same time, the number of esices (left and left) increased to 179 people.

Congress meetings

The congress opened by the River Menshevik Dana F.I.

The first meeting of the II All-Russian congress consisted of opponents of the Bolshevik uprising and then demonstrative care of moderate socialists after election to the Presidium of Left Socialists and Bolsheviks.

The congress was opened by active debate of political opponents. Trotsky L.D., Excellent speaker, represented the Bolsheviks. Note that representatives of the peasant councils and the soldiers' committees refused to participate in such a congress. Mensheviks with the esrames spoke sharply against the Bolshevik coup. Conducted the dishonest struggle of the Bolsheviks and the DVIK and recognized the II Congress failed, which meant the illegality of any decisions and actions produced by its participants. Mensevian Martov Yu.O. Evaluated the revolution of the Bolsheviks as an anti-revolutionary and antidemocratic. The last appeal of the predarmit is also extremely negatively assessed by the new power and arrest of temporary government members.

At the beginning of the meeting of the congress, the opponents of the Bolsheviks insisted on the graciousness of the uprising and peaceful resolution of the crisis. The presidium of the congress was then elected. It includes exclusively Bolsheviks and the left esters. Of course, in the established conditions, moderate socialists refused to participate in such activities.

The Socialists who left the Congress formed the "Committee of Salvation Motherland and Revolution".

According to Trotsky, the armed uprising did not need any excuses, because It was not a conspiracy, but the will of the people.

Note 3.

After the news of the fall of the Winter Palace, the congress meeting took an appeal to workers, soldiers and peasants on the deployment of the temporary government and the transition of power to the Soviets.

The first meeting of the congress was completed at 6 am on October 26. The second meeting of the congress worked from evening on October 26 to early morning on October 27.

At this meeting, Lenin was already present. He announced the first decrees of Soviet power: about the world, about Earth. They were accepted by the congress. Lenin headed the New Government - the Council of People's Commissar. Also bloomed the old WTCIK (which naturally, given his opposition to the Bolsheviks). The Bolsheviks prevailed in the new Allbik. Congress called on the tips to unite around the new Allbiz. Arrested members of the Provisional Government were released after the completion of the meeting and the closure of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

To the 95th anniversary of the Great October

1. Opening the Congress

On the night of October 26, the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Council, overthrowing the government of the bourgeoisie, passed power to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. The delegates began to go to Petrograd on October 17-18, since the opening of the congress was originally planned on the 20th. The ECERO Menvestian leaders of the Central Executive Committee deliberately chose a hostel in different ends of the city in order to prevent the unification of delegates. The trick, however, failed. Very quickly, all delegate dormitories turned into lively political clubs. Delegates went to plants and regiments. The overall furnishings of the capital's city dispelled the conciliatory illusions in some delegates who arrived from the front or from a distant province. In the evenings in hostels, delegates shared the impressions of a rapid day. There were hot conversations and disputes everywhere, and most of the delegates who did not adjoin formally to the Bolsheviks party were unanimously expressed against the temporary government. Even non-partisans were captured by the warmood in the capital and among the Bolshevik delegates.

In Petrograd until October 22, 1917, 175 delegates arrived, of these, 102 Bolshevik and the Bolshevik point of view (see: SPARRICHIV. The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. S. Liii; from the editorial). Every day, the hostels were representatives of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks with a list in their hands. The Bolshevik delegates called and sent Petrograd to the working regions.

The delegates of the Bolsheviks on the task of the Central Committee performed on factory and regimental rallies. Several times a day, the delegate of the North Caucasus S.M.Kirov said.

Ya. Zerman reported about the growth of the revolution in Tsaritsyn. The Bolshevik delegates brought apartments in which tens of thousands of industrial proletarians demanded the transfer of power to the Council. The Bolshevik soldiers were told that rumors about the brewing revolution would catch in the army. The name of Kerensky was not accepted otherwise as with a mockery and brave. Ural, Donbass, Volga region, Ukraine, Front - The whole country took place in front of listeners on turbulent rallies. According to the speeches of delegates, the Bolsheviks, Petrograd workers were convinced that they were not alone that they would support the entire working class, the whole peasant was poor.

Of the 318 provincial councils presented on the second congress, only 59 were expressed for the "power of democracy" and 18 were half-in (part of the "power of democracy", part of the "power of the Soviets") of the decision. Delegates of the 241 Council came to the Congress with Bolsheviki. 241 Council declared unconditionally: "All power to the Council!". That was the mood in the field.

The less days remained before the opening of the congress, the more often the delegates were collected in Smolny.

The delegates of the trenches, plants and villages came with excited, concerned. In long, vaulted, weakly lit corridors, the crowds of the people were continuously moving in the clubs of tobacco smoke, the dark, grilled jackets workers, gray coinles soldiers and blacks - sailors, Zipuny and Armenians of the peasants.

The delegations of the workers and the soldiers' regiments came to witness their devotion of the revolution and the opening congress of the Soviets.

All day on October 25, from early morning until late evening, fractional meetings took place in the Smolny halls. The most numerous fraction of the congress was represented by the Bolsheviks. They constituted the overwhelming majority of the II Congress - 390 people from the total number of arrivals to the opening of the congress of 650 delegates. During the exercise, a few more dozen delegates arrived.

The Bolshevik faction was placed in the first floor of Smolny. A continuous human stream was sent to it. The huge room, the entire furniture of which consisted of a table and several chairs was overflowed by the people. Delegates of the Congress - Bolsheviks - sat on the floor, along the walls.

The mood was raised, but calm and sure. Many delegates-Bolsheviks last days before the congress and spend the night here, in Smolny, in the faction room. Distribution on the floor, coat or sinel, they dreamed 2-3 hours, so that the next morning be ready to fulfill the party instructions. Some of them were armed with revolvers, rifles, checkers; Hand grenades hung a belt.

The part of the Delegates of the II Congress of the Council was a clear demonstration of how much the Bolshevik Party for seven months of the provision of the Provisional Government managed to convince the masses that outside the proletarian revolution is impossible to resolve issues of land and peace issues.

Mensheviks and right-wing esters are the strongest parties of the I congresses of the Soviets - came to the II Congress of Silent Bankrupt. It took a very short time so that these imaginary friends of the people were fully exposed in the eyes of workers and peasants as traitors, deserters of the revolution.

Right-wing esters, together with the center of the center, were a group of 60 delegates. The remaining members of the ECOM party went for the "left". Subsequently, during the Congress "Left" acers, having assured a part of the provincial delegates - the right and the center, "there were 179 people, constituting the second after the Bolsheviks fraction of the congress. Mensheviks of different directions, including Bund, had a group of about 80 people by the beginning of the congress.

Pale and confused, ponuro wandered along the corridors of the Smolevik and Socialist Republic of Mensheviks. These were generals without an army. At the fractional sessions of Mensheviks and Socialists who broke into countless groups, a split occurred. The leaders of Mensheviks and the right-wing essentials decided to first not take part in the congress. But the mood of the masses was so revolutionary that ordinary members of the Mensheviks and Social Party members openly opposed this decision to their leaders.

In the Menshevik factions, a long debate was going, but Menshevik leaders could not be achieved. A break was announced for the meeting of the Central Menshevik Committee. At 6 o'clock in the evening, a meeting of the faction was resumed. Dan announced that the Central Menshevik Committee decided to decide responsibility for the completed coup, and therefore the Mensheviks party cannot be standing at Bolshevik barricades. The Central Committee of Menshevikov proposed a faction to refuse to participate in the congress of the Soviets and at the same time decided to begin negotiations with the temporary government about the creation of power.

ECEROV in the faction also defeated the attitude towards the congress. The SEROV Central Committee proposed to refuse to participate in the congress, but the fraction by a majority decided not to leave the congress.

To keep the front delegates in his hands, the ECERO Mensheviks created a front-line group. Taking advantage of the lack of Bolsheviks, who left the meeting of their faction, ESERO-MESHTIVIKI 16 votes against 9 at 6 abstained fabricated the view of the group, deciding to avoid participation in the congress.

Until late evening, fractional meetings were delayed.

By agreement of all factions, it was decided to open the congress to 8 o'clock in the evening. At 10 o'clock, the Menshevik faction still continued to sit down. The Bolsheviks sent two representatives to the Mensheviks to find out when Mensheviks appear in the meeting room. Mensheviks answered that they need at least another hour (see: for the congress of the Soviets // Working Way, No. 46, October 26, 1917).

Finally, a group of members of the Old Central Executive Committee - Mensheviks and Social Committee appears in the eleventh o'clock at the table of the Presidium.

Despite the late hour, Smolny is still full of movement. White column hall with light chandeliers; People climbed to the protrusions of the columns, on the windowsill, on the benches. The thick crowd is crowded in the doors and aisles. At 10 o'clock 40 minutes to the table, thick, in a military tuber, with a doctoral bandage on the sleeve of Menshevik Dan. On behalf of the central executive committee of the first convocation, he opens up the Congress.

However, the Mensheviks and their inseparable satellites - right-wing esters seemed to be only that came to the congress, so that from his stands to frankly show the rebel workers and soldiers their counter-revolutionary person. From the first point, they openly and unconditionally supported the counter-revolution, the nest of which - the Winter Palace - Petrograd workers and soldiers at this time with rifles in their hands took the attack.

"I am a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, and at this time our party comrades are located in the Winter Palace under fire, selflessly fulfilling their debt of ministers" (See: SPARRICHIV. The second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad : Gosizdat, 1928. P. 32), "said Dan, opening a congress.

The ministers with which Dan was solidized, at this time caused troops from the front to hand over the Petrograd proletariat. They sent Kerensky to the front to lead to Petrograd Cossack parts. They appointed Cadert Kishkin "Dictator" by providing him with extreme expansion authority in Petrograd "Order".

"Without any speech," said Dan, "I announce the meeting of the congress open and I propose to start the presidium elections" (ibid.).

The Bolsheviks offered to draw up a presidium on the basis of a proportional representation of all fractions present at the congress. However, Mensheviks and right-wing esters refused to give their representatives. Mensheviki-internationalists also stated that they were "refrained" from participating in the elections of the presidium of the congress, "some questions will not be found out" (ibid. P. 33).

Following these, the Mensheviki-internationalists put forward demanding "First of all, it is the question of how to prevent an imminent civil war" (ibid. P. 34).

The tribune appears a skinny embitting figure of Martov. The leader of the Mensheviks is a hoarse voice begins to shout in the address of the Bolsheviks, calling the victorious uprising of the proletariat "secret plot" and offering the rebels workers and soldiers to form until it's late. The essence of the citizenship of Mensheviks was to ensure that the members of the congress go to the streets of Petrograd to persuade the rebels workers and the soldier to return home.

On behalf of Menshevikov-International Martov recommended a congress

"To choose a delegation for negotiations with other socialist parties and organizations to achieve the cessation of the collision that began." The possibility of preventing the civil war of Martov saw, according to him, "in the creation of a single democratic power" (ibid).

Representatives of "other socialist parties and organizations", with whom Martov proposed to agree on "On the creation of a single democratic power", was sitting immediately at the congress. And if they sincerely wanted to go along the path of the requirements of a huge majority of workers, they had to take part in the work of the congress, obeying all his regulations. The proposal of Martova Tailed in itself. "The termination of the collision began" - which the Mensheviks demanded - meant the cessation of the siege of the Winter Palace, the freedom of action for the ministers headed there, headed by the "dictator" of Kischkin, the time benefit to obtain a temporary government of reinforcements from the front and mobilizing the counter-revolutionary forces in Petrograd. Proposal This meant direct support for counter-revolution.

Martov's proposal was joined by other oscillating fractions of the Congress - "Left" Esters and Front Group. The Bolshevik faction stated that she

"Decisively does not have anything against the proposal of Martov. On the contrary, it is interested in all the factions to find out their point of view on the events that would have been told and they would see what they see the way out of the situation "(ibid. P. 35).

In such a statement of the issue - in the sense of understanding the factions of the congress of your attitude to the events, the proposal of Martov was unanimously taken by the congress.

The adopted resolution clearly could not satisfy Mensheviks. The main content of their proposals is "the termination of the collision began" - the Congress did not take into account. One after another representatives of Serc and Mensheviks demanded words for "extraordinary statements." Touching from the powerless malice, they continued to shout about the "plot" and "adventurism" of the Bolsheviks. From the stands of the congress, they frankly proclaimed civil war against Soviet power.

"Mensheviks and the esters consider it necessary to dissociate from all that is happening here, and collect public strength to provide stubborn resistance to attempts to seize power" (ibid.), "Said Menshevik Ya. Yarash, who served as a representative of the XII Army Committee.

Following Him, Menshevik appeared on the stands, the officer GD Kuchen, who took the word "on behalf of the front-line group."

- From now on, the aros of the struggle is transferred to places - there is a mobilization of forces, "said the Menshevik messenger.

- From whose name you are talking? - Ask him from the places. - When are chosen? And the soldiers say? (Ibid. P. 36).

Kuchin begins to list one after another Army Committees - II, III, IV, VI, VII and other armies. In his voice, explicit threats are heard. He fighters the exit that the army on the front will come to Petrograd and will not leave the stone on the stone. It threatens the congress by the opening of the front and the death of Russia. In confirmation of his words, Kuchin reads resolutions of army committees, full of such threats.

Silence comes in the hall. In the ranks of delegates, the chill runs. Front parts are a huge combat force. What if the truth is all what this officer says? .. But here the tense silence rushes a loud, confident voice. Some soldier-front-line in splashing mud overcoats hoodly sneaks to the podium.

"They set out to us here the views of the heap sitting in army and front committees. The army has long been demanding their re-elections ... residents of the trenches are waiting with the transfer of power to the hands of the Soviets "(ibid. P. 39).

And the speaker under the storm of enthusiastic screams and the applause of the congress shakes over the hall with a bundle of the soldier's resolutions brought from the front.

After that, the representative of the Latvian shooters is. He says:

"You have listened to the statement of two representatives of the army committees, and these statements would have had value if their authors were valid representatives of the army ... they do not represent the soldiers ... Let them leave - the army is not with them!" (ibid. P. 38).

Harash and Kuchin were typical representatives of the elected not at the beginning of the February Revolution of the Army Committees. The ordinary soldier's mass quite correctly considered them as the agents of the General Staff, a little changed his appearance since the fall of the autocracy. And from the very first minutes of the opening of the congress, the struggle between the representatives of the army, peasant, railway, railway organizations and filling all benches, protrusions and aisles of the huge hall of the lower delegates were beginning between the tribunes of the huge hall of the lower delegates: workers, soldiers, peasants. With hatred and ridicule, there were ordinary delegates to the congress every word of the Committers who spent in the hall of the congress meeting as it were in a hostile camp. Remarks for indignations, driving from delegate bench in response to Menshevian-Social threats, were only a weak echo of the huge indignation of the policies of social conceducers, which covered the country. The voice of the Saches and the rest of the Committers reflected yesterday's revolution.

- Traitors ... You say from the headquarters, and not from the army! - screaming screaming with a delegate bench.

And in response to the call of a kona "to all conscious soldiers", to leave the congress, hundreds of soldiers' votes were answered:

- Cornilovtsy!

The dirty attacks made by Harash and Kuchin in their speeches were repeated after this in the declarations studied by the Mensheviks and the Esrami, full of malfunction on the socialist revolution and counter-revolutionary attacks against the Bolsheviks.

In the Menshevik Declaration, the Great Socialist Revolution was called "Aventure", "plot", which "enters the country into civil strife" and "leads to the celebration of counter-revolution." The only way out of the position of the Menshevik was considered ... "Negotiations with the temporary government on the formation of power" (ibid. P. 37).

The esters joined the statement of Mensheviks. Their declaration announced by Gendelman, in full uniform with the Menshevik Declaration, was named the Oktyabrsky uprising "crime to the birthplace and revolution" (ibid. P. 38).

Mensheviks and the esters stated in their declarations that they leave the congress. Following them, the representative of the Bundovtsev Group spoke, also reported to resolve the congress.

On the podium - the representative of Bundovtsev Abramovich. He said that all Mensheviks, the Esers, the Executive Committee of the Peasant Deputies and the members of the City Duma decided to die along with the government, and therefore they all go to the Winter Palace under the shelling. Abramovich invited all members of the congress to accompany the Socialists and Mensheviks to the Winter Palace.

"Not on the way," answered him from the places.

After that, the Mensheviks, the right-wing esters and the Bundovtsy left the congress to which they came only to throw from His tribune calling for cohesion of counter-revolutionary forces.

From the table of the presidium had to go through the entire hall. The leaders of the conceducers made their way through the thick crowd of delegates, and from all the benches they were accompanied by ridicule, whistles, outraged by the exclamations.

- Deserters! Traitors! Sketch road! - shouted to them after.

However, the ECERO Menshevik leaders could not be taken with him even his supporters. The fields of the absentee parties continued at the very congress. In the Menshevik factions, 80 people were registered and the right-wing esices - 60. It was possible to expect that 140 delegates would leave. But part of the Social Pieces passed to the Ukrainian Esramen; The number of last in one night increased from 7 to 21. Part of Mensheviks moved to the united internationalists who remained at the congress. The number of combined internationalists increased from 14 to 35. A lot of right-wing esices and non-partisans joined the "left" esera. The number of "left" ECOV increased to 179, while all the esices were listed before the opening of the congress 193. Thus, only 70 people left the congress, no more. And at the very congress, the process of isolation of the agreements continued: many ordinary members of the ECO-Menshevik faction left their leaders (see: ibid. S. XXXV and XXXVI).

Low longer remained at the congress and Mensheviki-Internationalists. Despite the fact that the behavior of Mensheviks and Socialists showed their explicit hostility of the revolution, the Mensheviki-Internationalists continued to persist on the need for an agreement with them to educate the communion-democratic government.

Shortly after the departure of the conventors in the hall of the congress, the echoes of deaf, distant blows were heard. That was the thunder of the guns. The delegates turned to large dark windows, where the last act of the Great Rebellion ended in October Midnight - the assault on the Winter Palace.

Asero-Mensheviks appeared in the hall again. With distorted from panic and angry, they sneeze themselves in the crowd of delegates, shouting that the Bolsheviks firing the Winter Palace. Abramovich noted again on the stands. Located hands, he hysterically called the congress to help members of the temporary government, among whom are party representatives and delegated by the Mensheviks.

Abramovich in the podium replaces Martov.

"The information that was announced here more persistently demanding decisive steps from us," he starts.

But it is interrupted from the places:

- What information? What are scared of us? Shame on you? These are only rumors!

- Not only rumors come here, but if you are going closer to the windows, then you will hear and cannon shots (ibid. P. 41).

Frightened thunder of flops, March throws the Bolsheviks charges in a military conspiracy, in the organization of bloodshed and in conclusion, nervously rejecting, the declaration with the requirement to create a commission for the peaceful resolution of the crisis.

In the future, before obtaining the conclusions of this commission, the Mensheviki-internationalists demanded to stop the work of the congress.

As soon as a squeaky voice of the Menshevik leader and a sutula back hid him in the door, as the ESEROVSK representative of the Executive Committee of the Councils of Peasant Deputies acted as the same "admission". He called on delegates not to participate "in this congress", but to go to the winter, where

"There are three members of the executive committee of peasant deputies and including Breschko-Breschkovskaya. We now go there to die along with those who sent there to create our will "(ibid. 44-45).

A handful of representatives of the executive committee of peasant deputies left the hall. Together with the Esrah and Mensheviks, they went to the winter. After the Congress, the sailor "Aurora" from the stands of the congress is generously, calmly throws:

- Do not be afraid! Hall shoot.

Representative "Aurora", telling delegates that winter is shelled by idle shells, at the same time assures the congress that the sailors will take all measures to ensure that the congress of the Soviets can "calmly continue their classes" (ibid. P. 45).

The new storm of ovations announces the hall. A group of arrivals arrived at the congress of people is confining to the exit to the exit, the group of arrivals for the Congress of People is confining to the exit of the bunch of Menshevikov.

The presiding report reports that the "Duma fraction of the Bolsheviks appeared to defeat or die with the All-Russian Congress" (ibid. P. 42).

Bolsheviks - members of the Petrograd city Duma are shown in the aisle of the hall. Congress meets their ovations.

At 3 hours and 10 minutes of the morning, on October 26, after a short break, the meeting of the Council Congress resumed a message about the capture of the Winter Palace. The last stronghold of counter-revolution fell. The sessions in the winter ministers - members of the Provisional Government - headed by the "dictator" of Kishkin were arrested by the Red Guard and Soldiers. The temporary government deservedly hateing the hatred of the masses in a short time, no longer existed.

One after another heard the congress of the Soviets, more and more new reports about the victories of the Great Procelet Revolution. On the transition of all new parts on the side of the rebel people.

Here comes the Commissioner of the Garrison of the Tsarist village and declares:

"The TsarskoShell garrison protects the approaches to Petrograd ... Having learned about the approach of the scooters, we prepared to the dissolution, but the anxiety was in vain, as it turned out that there are no enemies of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets among the comrades of the scooters. When we sent their commissioners to them, it turned out that they were also worth the power of the Soviets ... I declare that the Tsarskoye Sberris for the All-Russian Congress, for the revolution, which we will protect until the last end "(ibid. P. 49-50 ).

After him, the representative of the 3rd scooter battalion rises, in which Sergo Ordzhonikidze was visited. Congress meets a soldier with stormy applause. The representative of the scooters tells:

"Until recently, we served on the southwestern front. The other day, by telegraph orders, we were moved to the north. In the telegram it was said that we were going to defend Petrograd, but from whom it was unknown to us; We looked like people blindfolded; We did not know where we were sent, but vaguely guessed, what's the matter. In the way of all we were tormented by the question: where, why?

At the station Perevskaya we staged a flying rally owls with the 5th Battalion of the Scooters to find out this provision. At the rally, it turned out that there were no man among all scooters, which would agree to oppose the brothers and shed their blood ... We decided that we would not obey the temporary government. There, we said, there are people who do not want to defend our interests, but send us against our brothers. I declare you specifically: no, we will not give the power to the government, at the head of which there are bourgeois and landowners! " (ibid. P. 50).

After the speech of the representative of the scooters reported that the telegram was obtained on education on the Northern Front of the Military Revolutionary Committee, "which will prevent the movement of echelons to Petrograd" (ibid. P. 52).

On behalf of the Congress of Soviets, a greeting of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Northern Front is sent.

The congress of the Soviets takes the appeal "to workers, soldiers and peasants" written by Lenin. It was reported:

"The Second All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier deputies has opened. It presents the huge majority of tips. At the congress there are a number of delegates from the peasant councils. The powers of the agreement of the Central Executive Committee ended.

Relying on the will of the enormous majority of workers, soldiers and peasants, relying on the victorious uprising of the workers and garrisms held in Petrograd, the congress takes power into their hands.

The temporary government is lowrated. Most of the temporary government members are already arrested ...

The congress decides: all the power in the field moves to the advice of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies, which should provide a genuine revolutionary order "(ibid. P. 53).

A short appeal written by a stingy, squeezed Leninsky, opened a new era in the life of a multi-million people. From now on, forever abolished the power of landlords and bourgeoisie and the broad masses of the labor nation were involved in the management of the state. Leninskoye appeal ended with a revolutionary call on behalf of the Congress of Soviets to the soldiers, workers serving. It called them to vigilance and resistance.

"Soldiers! - It was said in it. - Activate Active Countertility Kerensky! Be guard!

Railway! Stop all the echelons sent by Kerensky to Petrograd!

Soldiers, workers, employees, in your hands the fate of the revolution and the fate of the democratic world!

Long live the revolution!" (ibid. P. 53-56).

For the first time in history, the transfer of power from the hands of one class in the hands of the other was so simple and briefly decreed.

Reading the appeal was often interrupted by stormy applause of delegates. The "left" acers remaining at the congress joined the appeal. At 5 am, the appeal was taken by the congress by all the voices against 2, with 12 abstentions.

And although it was already morning and delegates were tired, everyone cheerfully, in young brillples, eyes and hearts were filled with joyful hope. Over the capital, the Oktyabrsky dawn. Above the world, it took up a new life.

The remainder of the night on October 26, most of the Bolshevik delegates spent here in Smolny. The whole day, October 26, was filled with feverish work. According to telegraph and telephone wires, the appeal of the II Congress of Soviets to the whole country and all armies was sent out. The meeting of the Military Revolutionary Committee almost continuously went. His decisions were agreed with Lenin, and often directly wrote the leader of the revolution. Lenin proposed to restore the normal activity of urban institutions as soon as possible. In the morning, the disposal of the Military Revolutionary Committee appeared: Open all commercial institutions from October 27. All empty premises and apartments were taken under the control of the Military Revolutionary Committee.

The main attention was paid to the final defeat of the counter-revolution. The Military Revolutionary Committee ordered to suspend and delay all military echelons in the way going to Petrograd.

"By giving advantage of the present order," the order ended up, "the Military Revolutionary Committee hopes for all the support of it from the All-Russian Railway Union and calls for the vigilance of all railway employees and workers, the loyal of the revolution" (orders of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Council R. and S.D. // News of the Central Executive Committee and the Petrograd Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies, No. 208, October 27, 1917).

A special appeal was sent to all railway workers, in which it was reported that the revolutionary power of the Soviets takes on the task of improving the material situation of railway workers.

This appeal in the light of the recent conflict of railway workers with the Provisional Government has played a huge role. It drove a wedge between the noses and the tops of the railway workers. It prevented the heads of the Union of Railway workers to captivate masses to fight against the revolution.

Lenin, Stalin and Sverdlov of the organization of a food case, bringing bread to Petrograd and on the front.

In the evening, after a rapid day, a meeting of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks took place. At this meeting, the composition of the new one was discussed. Soviet government. The name of the new government was approved - the Council of People's Commissars.

The second, and last, meeting of the congress of the Soviets opened at 9 o'clock in the evening on October 26. On it were made solutions to enormous historical importance. The first one is to cancel the restored Keren death penalty at the front and the immediate release of all arrested soldiers and revolutionar officers. Then a decision was made to exempted land committees arrested by the Government of the Kerensky members and the transition of all power in the field to the Council.

"All power is from now on to the Soviets. Government commissars are removed. The chairmen of the Soviets are demolished directly with the revolutionary government "(centrahve. The second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. P. 57).

A special decree was prescribed to all army organizations to take measures for the immediate arrest of Kerensky and delivering it to Petrograd.

Approving the decision, the congress passed to the discussion of the Declaration on the main issues - about the world and land. With reports on these issues at the congress, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin acted. Until that moment, the congress did not see him. Lenin worked in Smolny, fully occupied by the Organization of the uprising. Now he has come to the tribune of the congress not only as a leader and a teacher, how they knew his masses earlier, but also as an organizer of the victory overwhelmed by the proletariat over the joint forces of counterrevolution.

The chairman did not have time to call it the one who thundered the name for the whole world, as the hall trembled from the explosion of unheard of applause. As if the sudden impulse of the wind rushes around the hall. Delegates jumped out of the places. The whole congress was on my feet. Stormy applauses, enthusiastic screams met the leader of the world's greatest revolution.

Hundreds of eyes with delight and love were addressed to the stands, where she stood, towering above the hall, a low person with a big open forehead and attentive sharp eyes.

He waited until the storm of greetings would subscribe. But at its insistent requirement of ovation, finally, Smallkley. He began a report.

Lenin's speech, as if emphasizing all its content - "A lot is now, it's time to go to the case," put the face at the turn of two eras.

"The question of the world," said Lenin, "there is a burning question, a sick issue of modernity. He is talking about him, it is written, and you all probably discussed him. So let me go to reading the Declaration, which you will have to publish the government you choose "(Lenin V.I. The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. November 7-8 (October 25-26) 1917. World Report 8 November (October 26) // Op. T. XXII. P. 13).

This declaration is a decree of the world - was adopted by the congress in the form of "appeal to the peoples and governments of all warring countries." "Appeal" began with the words:

"The working and peasant government, created by the revolution on October 24-25 and resting on the advice of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies, invites all the warring people and their governments immediately negotiations on the fair, democratic world" (centrahve. Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and with . D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. P. 59).

"Appeal" indicated that

"Fair, or democratic, peace ... The government considers the immediate world without annecons (i.e. without the seizure of foreign land, without the violent accession of other people) and without contributions" (ibid).

"Appeal" offered to conclude the world immediately, expressing the willingness to do the immediate decisive steps

"In the future, before the final approval of all the conditions of such a world, the authorized meetings of people's representatives of all countries and all nations" (ibid).

However, the "circulation" said that the Soviet government

"By no means considers the above conditions of the world with ultimate, i.e., it agrees to consider any other conditions of the world, insistent only for a more rapid proposal of them, anything in the fight and on their complete clarity, on the unconditional exclusion of any ambiguity and all the mystery When offering the conditions of the world "(ibid. P. 60).

At the same time, the Soviet government declared the abolition of the secret diplomacy, expressed a solid intention to lead all negotiations completely open to all the people. The Soviet government promised to embark on the full publication of secret treaties immediately, declaring these treaties certainly and immediately canceled.

"Appeal", offering to immediately conclude a truce for three months, ended with the appeal to the proletariat of advanced capitalist countries - England, France, Germany.

"The working names of the countries will understand the tasks of the liberation of humanity from the horrors of war and its consequences ... will help us successfully bring to the end of the work of the world and at the same time the case of the liberation of the working people and the exploited masses of the population from any slavery and any exploitation" (ibid. P. 61-62).

"Decree of the world", adopted by the II Congress of Soviets, had great international importance.

The economic development of Russia, the national interests of the peoples of the country demanded the exit of it from an unfair war. During the imperialist war, Russia has ever more turned into a semi-colony of foreign capital. With the bourgeois temporary government, the colonial dependence intensified. British, French imperialists with the help of loans prepared a full routine country. Russia was to recoup the victims of foreign imperialism; At the expense of Russia, imperialist Germany tried to achieve concessions in the West. But the Russian bourgeoisie was unable to save the country from turning into a colony. By virtue of their class, self-support interests, entangled, as silk, loans, the Russian bourgeoisie more turned into an agent of foreign imperialism. Could not save the country and a small bourgeoisie, the tops of which were fully supported by major capitalists.

Moreover, the world was eager for almost all the peasantry. It sought peace not in the name of socialism. It did not require only the "democratic" world, without annexations and contributions. He needed a world first of all for the redistribution land.

Only one class could solve the tasks of the national development of the country - this is a proletariat.

Long before the party of Bolsheviks came to power, the Bolsheviks developed their platform of the world. Back in 1915, Lenin said that, having become in power, the Bolsheviks would suggest a democratic world to all warring countries on the conditions of liberation of dependent and oppressed peoples. With existing governments, neither Germany nor other warring countries would agree on these conditions. Then the Bolsheviks would fully implement all measures scheduled in the party program, would rebuilt the farm of the country, would prepare and lead a revolutionary war in defense of the socialist society.

Only led by the Bolsheviks, the working class freed the country from semi-colonial addiction, pulled it out of an unfair war and laid the foundations for the management of a fair war.

Russian proletariat has become an expressive of the national interests of the country. He embodied the hopes of democratic layers. But the proletariat allowed the national-democratic tasks of the country will not by the peace agreement with the government, but the only possible revolutionary way: the transformation of the war imperialist in the civil war. The Russian proletariat committed a socialist revolution, along the way ending the unresolved tasks of the bourgeois-democratic revolution.

The "Decree of the World" was formulated the basis of the entire foreign policy of the Soviet state. Decree clearly and unequivocally announced the complete refusal of the Soviet government from all ceases. "Decree of the world" caused a decisive blow to the imperialist goals of the war, exposing its robbing character before the whole world. In his report on the issue of peace at the congress of the Soviets, Lenin pointed out:

"No government tells all of what he thinks. We are against secret diplomacy, and we will act openly before all the people "(Lenin V.I. The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. November 7-8 (October 25-26) 1917. Report about the world on November 8 ( October 26) // Op. T. XXII. P. 16).

The program of the world of the proletarian state was clear and fully defined. She was announced as a state act addressed to governments and to the peoples of warring countries. This circumstance Lenin emphasized the congress of the Councils in his report. He said:

"We cannot ignore the governments, for then the possibility of imprisonment of the world is delayed, and the People's Government does not dare to do it, but we do not have any right to simultaneously contact the peoples. Everywhere governments and peoples diverge among themselves, and therefore we must help the peoples to intervene on the questions of war and the world "(ibid. P. 15).

"We, of course, will foreseally defend our entire world program without annexations and contributions. We will not retreat from it, but we must embroider from our enemies the opportunity to say that their conditions are different, and therefore there is nothing to enter into negotiations with us. No, we must deprive them of this winning position and not to put our conditions ultimatically "(ibid. P. 15-16).

Against this item at a meeting of the congress of the Soviets, comrade Eremeev was made. "They may think that we are weak that we are afraid" (centrahive. The second All-Russian Congress of the Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. P. 65), "he said.

In the final word, Lenin resolutely objected to Eremeev.

"Ultimativity may be destructive for all of our case," he explained. - We cannot demand that some minor retreat from our claims give the opportunity to imperialist governments to say that it was impossible to enter into negotiations on the world because of our irreconcilities "(Lenin V.I. The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. 7-8 November (October 25-26) of 1917. Report about the world on November 8 (October 26) // Op. T. XXII. S. 17).

But a particularly bright argument against the ultimativity given by Lenin in the final word at the congress was an indication that the peasant "some distant province" will say:

"Comrades, why did you rule out the possibility of suggestions of all conditions of the world. I would discuss them, I would look at them, and then punished my representatives to the Constituent Assembly, as they do "(ibid.).

Each word of Lenin fell like a refreshing rain on a dried, covered with blood-baked earth. Hundreds of delegates in the Room of Smolny eagerly listened to each Leninist word. Simple, idle words of the Lenin report and "appeals" were answered to the painful hearts of millions of people of different nations. They expressed their deepest aspirations and hopes.

Representatives of the oppressed nations were supported by the Bolshevik decree on the world. A high, slim figure of Felix Dzerzhinsky appeared on the stand of the congress.

The harsh, ascetic face glowed by the joy of victory.

"We know," said Dzerzhinsky, "that the only power that can free the world is a proletariat that fights for socialism ...

Those on behalf of which this declaration is offered, go in the ranks of the proletariat and the poorest peasantry; All those who left this hall in these tragic minutes are those not friends, but the enemies of revolution and proletariat. You will not find a response to this appeal, but you will find this response in the hearts of the proletariat of all countries. Together with the allies we will reach the world.

We do not exhibit yourself from the revolutionary Russia. We always encounter her. We will have one fraternal family of peoples without strife and discord "(centrahve. The second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. P. 17-18).

There was silence in the hall. Delegates tensely listened to the excited speech of the Polish revolutionary and infected with his confidence in the victory. His passionate words seemed to spread the walls of the hall, and the delegates were seen how the age-old shackles of Tsarist Russia are crumbling - the peoples prisons. On the tribune rose one by one fighters for the liberation of oppressed nations. The old revolutionary, knocking on behalf of the Latvian proletariat and the poor supported the decree on the world. Comrade Kapsukas-Mitskevich added on behalf of Lithuanian workers:

"There is no doubt that" appeal "will find the response in the hearts of all peoples inhabiting not only Russia, but also the peoples of other countries. The voice of the revolutionary proletariat, the army and the peasantry will pass through the bayonets and will penetrate Germany and other countries and will contribute to general liberation "(ibid. P. 18).

On the other day, after the revolution, at dawn, the radio was separated by the Great Iron Ocks of the Imperialist War, the wise words of the Soviet "Decree on the World" worldwide. People cried, listening to them, and in long-fastened eyes, hope again light up.

With enthusiasm adopted delegates of the congress of the Soviets at a meeting in Smolny, this historical decree. The order of the meeting was broken. People jumped with benches, delegates mixed with members of the Presidium. The caps flew into the air, the faces were colored, the eyes tanned with inspiration.

The sounds of "International" - the hymn of the proletarian struggle - they mixed with greeting cries and Gromovoy "Hurray" in honor of the Grand Chief of Revolution.

One of the delegates of the congress was released on the tribune and under the overall buzz of approvals proposed to welcome Lenin as a "author of the appeal and a persistent wrestler and the leader of the working and peasant victorious revolution" (ibid. P. 21).

All delegates got up and arranged ovation by Lenin.

The chairman of the congress announced the transition to the second point of the order of the day. With stormy applause, Lenin again occupies the stand of the congress. Next - the question of the Earth.

"I will read you the points of the decree, which should release your Soviet government," says Lenin, and the exciting words "Decree on Earth" are distributed in the crucial hall.

It said:

"one. The landowner property on the Earth is canceled immediately without any redemption.

2. Local estates, as well as all the land specific, monastic, church, with all their lively and dead inventory, manor buildings and all accessories are transferred to the volost land committees and county councils of peasant deputies, to the constituent assembly "(Lenin V. I. The Second All-Russian Congress of the Soviets R. and S. D. November 7-8 (October 25-26) of 1917. Report about the world on November 8 (October 26) // Op. T. XXII. P. 20-21).

Further, decree was stipulated that "no matter how damaged the confiscated property belonging to from all over the people is declared a grave crime, punishing the revolutionary court" (ibid. P. 21). The county councils were obliged to ensure the strictest order during the confiscation of landlord estates and the revolutionary protection of the entire egoing economy.

"For the guidelines for the implementation of great land transformations, the constituent assembly should continue to serve their final decision, must serve ... Peasant Salads, compiled on the basis of 242 local peasantages by the editorial board" News of the All-Russian Council of Peasant Deputies "... (ibid.).

In conclusion, the decree stipulated that "the land of ordinary peasants and ordinary Cossacks are not confiscated" (ibid).

Together with the Declaration of World Decree on Earth occupies the main place in a number of the most important decisions of Soviet power.

In the vast mass, the peasantry has long been waiting for the expropriation of landowners. This task, before the decision of which the bourgeois-democratic revolution was powerless, was permitted by decree on Earth. The main idea of \u200b\u200bit at the same time, at the second congress of the Soviets, Lenin expressed in the following words:

"The point is that the peasantry gets firmly confident that the landowners in the village there are no more that let the peasants themselves solve all the questions, let them arrange their lives" (ibid. P. 23).

"Decree on Earth" showed a peasant that the Soviet government is completely and irrevocably eliminating in the village of landowners with their neot and exploitation, and at the same time gave the peasant confidence that the Earth really goes to his order.

A number of attacks on the Bolsheviks on the part of Serc and Mensheviks caused the 4th item "Decree on Earth", which was offered as a "guide to implement the Great Land Transformations" the so-called "peasant gas". Based on 242 complaints, these peasants delegates of the I All-Russian Congress of the Peasant Deputies, the Social Secretary of Peasants, summarizing all peasant requirements. The esters were printed on August 19, 1917 in the Izvestia of the All-Russian Council of Peasant Deputies. " It was proclaimed that the whole land becomes a national treasure and "enters the use of all workers on it" (ibid. P. 21), he established "equalized land use," prohibited the use of workers in agriculture. The ECEROVA program dismissed with the Bolshevik program of nationalization of the Earth. The Bolsheviks rejected the equalization land use, the prohibition of hired work and other points of "

But in one - and more than the decisive - the issue "Okaz" had a common with the program of the Bolsheviks, formulated at the April Conference in paragraph 17. It generally consisted in the request of the confiscation of all landlord, specific and monastic lands and in the transfer of them to the hands of local Soviet bodies - councils and volost committees. Namely, it was the main and most important revolutionary event that the peasantry was waiting. It was important to take away the land from landlords and declare that the peasants have the right to use it that the precentition of the groove was eliminated. And since most of the peasantry organizedly expressed the desire to arrange the use of the captured land as it was scheduled to "Agashia", the Oktyabrskaya Socialist Revolution, the first of its land for Earth was to confirm this the right of peasants.

It should be noted that such a situation for Lenin and for the entire party was not unexpected. Long before the October Revolution, before IV, the congress of the party, Lenin in the "Revision of the Agrarian Program" brochure indicated:

"To eliminate all the idea that the workers' party wants to impose as the peasantry, regardless of the reforms, regardless of the will of the peasantry, regardless of the independent movement inside the peasantry, an option A is applied to the program project A, in which, instead of the direct system of nationalization, it is mentioned first On the support of the party's support of the revolutionary peasantry to abolish private ownership of land "(Lenin V.I. Revision of the agrarian program // Op. T. IX. P. 74).

This thought, as you know, Lenin has always defended when discussing the agrarian program. And he emphasized that this program "will not contribute to any case a roset between the peasantry and the proletariat as fighters for democratism" (ibid).

Lenin therefore had all the reasons on the second congress of the Councils to take away, as a non-serious, the accusation is that the Bolsheviks are carried out, they say, someone else's program. Lenin explained:

"There are voices here that the decree itself and the punishment is composed of revolutionary socialist. Let it be. It is not equal to who he is compiled, but, as a democratic government, we cannot bypass the decision of the folk languages, at least we did not agree with him. In the fire of life, applying it in practice, spending it on the ground, the peasants themselves will understand where the truth is. And even if the peasants will go further behind the socialists-revolutionary and if they even give the majority of this party at the constituent assembly, then here we will say: - Let it be. Life is the best teacher, and she will indicate who is right, and let the peasants from one end, and from the other end we will resolve this issue "(Lenin V.I. The Second All-Russian Congress of the Soviets R. and S. D. 7-8 November (October 25-26) 1917. Report on Earth November 8 (October 26) // Op. T. XXII. P. 23).

All the wisdom, the smell and reality of Leninist politics in this issue was exactly the fact that, without hiding his disagreement with certain points of "Pok", the Bolsheviks still put it as the basis of the agrarian platform of October. The party foresaw that the peasants, applying the law in practice, will come "from the other end" to the Bolshevik solution to the issue that they themselves refuse the petty-bourgeois Single "equalization" and move to the organization of new forms of agriculture. The peasantry on the experience of life will be convinced that one Earth equation does not make a low-power peasant free from Kutatski Kolas. Now, the struggle between the poor layers of the village and Kulacia on the distribution of land, its processing, inventory, etc. will be defeated on the elimination of the landlord nest.

The program scheduled to be essentially ceased to be an ESEROVSKY program, since it was the esters of Ryano supported the temporary government in his struggle against the attempts of the peasants to take the land from landlords, that is, to implement the requirement of the same "ordinance". "Decree of the Earth" under these conditions is a special form of isolation of esices from the peasantry. One blow, the Soviet power broke out huge masses from under the influence of conciliators. The first act of Soviet power, in front of which there was a task to win the masses from the bourgeoisie and small bourgeois parties "through the revolutionary satisfaction of their most pressing economic needs" (Lenin V.I. Elections to the Constituent Assembly and the dictatorship of the proletariat // Op. T. XXIV. P. 640 ), and consisted of this demand of the peasantry.

"Peasant Okaz" was printed by Essemi on August 19. And in two months - October 18 - with the participation of the same Serc, members of the Government of Kerensky, the ministerial draft of the Earth's Law was published, in the root of the controversial "punishment". "Peasant Oaks" lay down for more than two months without movement. Only the proletarian revolution caused him to life. At the proposal of Lenin II, the congress of the Soviets turned the "peasant gas" into an unshakable law, in "Decree of Earth". By turning the "Okaz" into the law, the Bolsheviks showed the peasants that Lenin - Stalin's party did for workers more than the seven months of the revolution.

"Decree on Earth" was adopted by all the votes against one with eight abstained. The mood of the congress briefly expressed the delegate, the peasant of the Tver province. He stated in his speech that "brought a low bow and hello to this meeting."

On behalf of his voters, he handed out "Greeting and gratitude to a comrade of Lenin as the most resistant defender of the peasant poor" (centrahve. The Second All-Russian Congress of the Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. P. 74).

The peasant speech was Pottered in the enthusiastic cries of delegates.

Hundreds of years fought the peasants for the land. During the centuries, the peasants of all nations of Russia plowed millions of tits untouched virgin virgin. With an incredible work, they were purified by the land from the chain roots of a dense, deaf forest, walked her in the waste and swamps.

But the centuries were selected from the peasants this land, the labor of generations. Fasteners-landowners captured the Earth, turning the peasants themselves in the fortress. Capitalists, landowners and fists of the power of economic coercion, the power of capital drove the peasants "on the sands". More than once they climbed the peasants against the invaders, against the landowners. But then there was no proletariat, the only consistent-revolutionary to the end of the class, capable of heading the peasant movement. Only in the October Socialist Revolution came true in-time vague, the powerless aspirations of the Labor Peasantry: the Earth was confiscated, without a redemption was selected from the landowner with the defeated oppressed classes under the guidance of the proletariat.

"Decree on Earth" destroyed Russia. But landsel drivers were laid and repeatedly restained in banks. A blow to the landlord property was a blow and throughout the capitalism system. Liquidation of private ownership of Earth undermined and private property for all means of production. Moreover, the elimination of private property to Earth destroyed the age-old proprietary prejudices of the peasants. The road for new, socialist forms of the farm, instead of the old, serf, who kept the most peasants in poverty and hunger on the tiny blocks of the Earth was opened. This consisted of the socialist face of the Decree on Earth.

"Decree of Earth", like "Decree on the World,", briefed to the end of the bourgeois-democratic revolution, allowed the tasks not completed by the bourgeois-democratic revolution, but did it "resembling, in passing."

"... to consolidate the conquest of the bourgeois-democratic revolution for the peoples of Russia, we had to move on, and we advanced further. We solved the questions of the bourgeois-democratic revolution resembling, by passing, as a "by-product" of our main and real, proletarian-revolutionary, socialist work "(Lenin V.I. to the four-year anniversary of the October Revolution // Op. T. XXVII. P. 26 ).

So I wrote Lenin about the conquests of the Great Proletarian Revolution.

The last point in the order of the congress was the question of the structure of power. On this issue, the congress adopted the decree on the formation of the working and peasant government - the Council of People's Commissars. The decree adopted by the congress read:

"All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies decides:

To educate the country to manage the country to convene the Constituent Assembly, the temporary working and peasant government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissar.

The control over the activities of the people's commissarov and the right of displacement them belongs to the All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Peasant and Soldiers and His Central Executive Committee "(centrahve. Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets R. and S. D. - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1928. S. 79-80).

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was approved by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and the People's Commissar on the Affairs of Nationalities - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The first Soviet government included only the Bolsheviks. "Left" Esers rejected the bolshevik's offer to divide power with them. Their spokesman said at the congress that

"Entry into the Bolshevik Ministry would create the abyss between them and the detachment of the revolutionary army who left the congress - the abyss, which would exclude the possibility of mediation between them between the Bolsheviks and these groups" (ibid. P. 83).

Reflecting the ideology of the wealthy tops of the village and at the same time the peasant thirst for the land, the "left" esters were fluctuated between the Bolsheviks and the petty-bourgeois parties. Ideologically to the latter, they at the same time perfectly understood that the peasants can only get the land from the hands of the Bolsheviks. From here and there were throwing "left" Socialists between the Bolsheviks and the petty-bourgeois parties. These were travelers of the proletarian revolution for the time being, which, however, could have changed and betrayed at the critical moment.

In conclusion, the Congress elected the Central Executive Committee composed of 101 people, which included: 62 Bolsheviks, 29 "left" Socialists, 6 United Social Democrats-Internationalists, 3 Ukrainian Socialist and 1 Socialist-revolutionary-Maximalist.

At 5 o'clock 15 minutes in the morning, October 27, the congress of the Soviets closed under noisy exclamations: "Long live a revolution! Long live socialism! " (ibid. P. 92) and singing "International".

So the Soviet power was born - the first working and peasant government in the world.

Already dreamed when delegates left Smolny. Taking the packs of freshly printed newspapers and leaflets, loaded by Bolshevik literature, they hurried to the train stations, hurrying to their places, to quickly disseminate the news of the victory of the proletarian revolution.

2.1. The composition of the congress. At the second All-Russian congress of the Council, 1046 delegates from the councils of workers and soldier deputies of the country, as well as representatives of the army, fleet and national dyeing were present. Bolsheviks, unlike 10% of the vote at the first congress in June, at the second congress, at the end of October, were already about half of the delegates.

In the opening of the congress On the evening of October 25, 739 delegates participated, including 338 Bolsheviks, 211 right and left speakers, 69 Mensheviks.

At the end of the first meeting, After the rest of the right-wing esices, Menshevikov, Bundovtsy, the arrival of late, 625 representatives from 402 (from 974) of the Boards of workers and soldiers' deputies remain at the congress. The number of supporters of the Bolsheviks has increased to 390 (including those who have passed from other fractions), left speakers to 179.

2.2. Political struggle at the congress. After approving the agenda, the left wing of Mensheviks led by L. Martov He proposed to form a unified democratic power to choose the delegation of the congress and begin negotiations with all socialist parties. The proposal was adopted unanimously, including the Bolsheviks, but then one of the groups of Social Democrats, Social and Representatives of the Bund made a declaration in which events of October 25 as a military conspiracy, implemented by PartyBolshevikov, the name of the Council behind the back of all other batches of impacts. Most delegates from moderate socialist parties who did not recognize the uprising results left the congress, thereby refusing the role of the legal opposition and finally giving the initiative to the Bolsheviks. The development of the realistic position of moderate prevented the lack of unity in their party rows, as well as personal ambitions of the leaders and the underestimation of them by the Bolsheviks.

After the departure of the right marches, I tried to find a compromise and achieve the formation of the government in proportion to the party composition of the congress. But this proposal was not supplied to the vote and soon March and his supporters left the congress.

After the interruption and news of the arrest of the temporary government, the overwhelming majority of the remaining, including left-wing esters, the Mensheviki-internationalists, etc. supported the appeal to workers, soldiers and peasants! On the transition of power to the congress of the Soviets.

2.3. Results of the Congress. The second congress of the Soviets recognized the results of the revolution and

Proclaimed the establishment of the power of the Soviets;

Adopted Decree on the world (approved unanimously) with a proposal to the warring nations and their governments about the conclusion of a fair democratic world - without annexations and contributions;

Adopted Decree on land With the requirements of the abolition of private ownership of land), prohibition of the sale of land, equalization land use, preventing hired labor, etc., which corresponded to the ESEROVA agrarian program for the socialization of the Earth.

Congress accepted also decisions On the abolition of the death penalty on the front, about the release of the arrested members of the Zemstvo Committees, about the arrest of A.F. Kerensky and about the possibility of replenishing the WTCIK representatives of parties and groups who left the congress, as well as peasants.

In addition, the congress announced the need for the earliest convocation of the Constituent Assembly.

2.4. Formation of new authorities. The highest legislative authority proclaimed All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Legislative, administrative and controlling functions received an elected Congress of the WTCIK, which included 102 people, including 62 Bolsheviks, 29 left speakers, 6 Social Democrats (internationalists), 3 Ukrainian Socialist and 1 Ester-maximalist. The Chairman of the Central Executive Committee was elected LB Kamenev. He was in this post to 8 (21 in a new style) November, when he was changed Ya.M. Sverdlov. Soon, 200 more people were introduced into the CPCC, including the executive committee of the All-Russian Council of Peasant Deputies.

The congress has formed a purely Bolshevik temporary (before the convening of the Constituent Assembly) a revolutionary government - Council of People's Commissar (Counsel or SNK) led by IN AND. Lenin.Leaders' leaders, among them B.D. Kamkov, rejected offer to enter the new government .

The Second All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies, October 25-27 (November 7 - 9) of 1917, Smolny, Petrograd. The congress was opened on October 25 (November 7) at 22:40, at the height of the October Revolution; Many delegates who arrived from the places took part in it. Speaking at the II Congress of Soviets, Lenin proclaimed: "The socialist revolution, the need for which the Bolsheviks spoke so much, accomplished." II Congress of the Soviets approved the overthrow by the Bolsheviks of the Provisional Government and announced the taking of Russian authorities into his own hands. II Congress of Soviets formed the Government - the Council of People's Commissars led by Lenin, the composition of which only the Bolsheviks entered due to the refusal of the left ECOV. The congress passed power on the places of the Councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies.

The control of the activities of the new government and the law of the displacement of the People's Commissars were provided to the congress of the Councils of workers, peasant and soldiers' deputies and his elected VTCika. Among the 100 members of the new VCIKA were 62 Bolshevik and 29 left speakers. L. B. Kamenev became the chairman of the Central Executive Republic.

Congress accepted:

1) Appeal to "workers, soldiers and peasants!", In which it was said that the Congress takes power into their hands, and on the ground all power passes to the advice of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies, which should provide a genuine revolutionary order.

5) Decree on the abolition of the death penalty (June 13, 1918. The death penalty in Russia was officially restored) and other decisions and appeals.

9. State Duma in 1905 - 1914: Composition and main activities.

The State Duma of the Russian Empire is a legislative, later legislative, institution of the Russian Empire. The Duma was the Lower Chamber of Parliament, the Upper Chamber was the State Council of the Russian Empire. There were only 4 convocations in the State Duma.

Until 1905, there was no representative legislature in the Russian Empire. His appearance was the result of the 1905 revolution.

On August 6, 1905, the State Council of Nikolai II was established by the State Duma as "a special law-based establishment, which is given to preliminary development and discussion of legislative assumptions and consideration of the painting of state revenues and expenses"

The new basis of the legislative competence of the State Duma was paragraph 3 of Manifest on October 17, 1905, which established "as an unshakable rule, so that no law could perceive the power without approval of the State Duma." From the deliberative body, as was established by the manifesto * of August 6, 1905, the Duma became a legislative body.

The first meeting of the State Duma took place on April 27, 1906 in the Tavrichesky Palace of St. Petersburg. It was convened according to the electoral law of December 11, 1905, according to which 49% of all selectors belonged to peasants. Elections in the First State Duma took place from March 26 to April 20, 1906.

The election of the Duma deputies occurred not directly, but through the election of the electors separately in four Kuria - landowner, urban, peasant and working. For the first two elections were two-dapped, for the third - three-wall, for the fourth - four-dimensional. RSDLP, National Social Democratic Party, Party of Socialist Revolutionaries and the All-Russian Peasant Union declared elections in the Duma of the first convocation of the boycott.

The chairman of Cadet S. A. Muromsov was elected. The first day worked 72 days:

1) 2 projects on the agricultural issue were discussed: from Cadets (42 signatures) and from the Deputies of the Duma Labor Group (104 Signatures).

2) proposed the creation of a state land fund for endowment of the land of the peasantry. 3) they advocated the preservation of exemplary landlords and alienation for the market price of the land, which is leased by them.

4) Trudoviki demanded to provide peasants to take place areas for labor norms at the expense of state-owned, specific, monastic and individual land-based land, the introduction of equational land use, declaration of political amnesty, liquidation of the State Council, expanding the legislative rights of the Duma.

On May 13, a government declaration appeared, which announced an unacceptable forced alienation of the Earth. Failure to bestow political amnesty and expand the prerogatives of the Duma and introduce the principle of responsibility to the ministers. The Duma responded with a decision on distrust to the government and replacing it with others. On June 6, an even more radical Essera "Project 33X" appeared. He envisaged the immediate and complete destruction of private ownership of Earth and its announcement with all the subsoil and waters of the general property of the entire population of Russia.

In terms of its composition, it was generally the left of the first, as Social Democrats and Esers participated in the elections. The chairman of F. A. Golovin was elected chairman. Cadets continued to perform for the alienation of the part of the landlord land and the transfer of it to the peasants for the ransom. Peasant deputies insisted on the nationalization of the Earth.

June 1, 1907 Prime Minister Stolypin accused 55 deputies in a conspiracy against the royal family. The Duma was dissolved by Decree of Nicholas II of June 3 (Treyunsky coup).

At the same time, a new provision on the elections in the Duma was published on June 3, 1907. According to this law, a new thought was convened. Elections occurred in the fall of 1907. The Duma was significantly the right of the two previous ones.

The Third Duma, the only of four, worked all the five-year election law on elections in the Duma - from November 1907 to June 1912.

Octobrists - Party of large landowners and industrialists - managed the work of the whole Duma. Sweet disputes in the Duma arose in different reasons: on the reform of the army, on the peasant issue, on the issue of attitude to "national outskirts", as well as because of personal ambitions, we teased by the Deputy Corps. But in these extremely difficult conditions, oppositional deputies found ways to express their opinions and criticize the autocratic system in the face of all Russia. To this end, the deputies widely used the query system. For any emergency, deputies, collecting a certain number of signatures, could be interpelling, that is, the requirement for the government to report on their actions, for which he had to answer by one or another minister.

Excellent experience was accumulated in the Duma when discussing various bills. In total, about 30 commissions operated in Duma. The election of the members of the Commission was made at the general meeting of the Duma on the preliminary coordination of candidates in fractions. In most commissions, all factions had their representatives.

The own legislative of the Duma was limited to the requirement that each proposal proceeds by at least 30 deputies.

Preparation for elections in the IV Duma began in 1910: The government made tremendous efforts to create the staff of the deputy corps, as well as the most involved in the elections of clergy. It mobilized the forces in order to prevent the exacerbation of the domestic political situation in connection with the elections, to carry them out "silently" and with the help of "push" to the law to preserve and even strengthen their position in the Duma, and to prevent its shift to the left. As a result, the government was even greater insulation, since Okabrists from now on firmly switched on a par with cadets into a legal opposition.

In composition, it differed little from the third, the clergymen significantly increased in the ranks of deputies.

Since 1915, a leading role in the Duma played a progressive block. The fourth day and to the First World War, and during her was often in opposition to the government.

On February 25, 1917, Emperor Nicholas II signed a decree on the termination of the class of the Duma until April of the same year. The Duma refused to obey, gathering in private meetings.

Being one of the opposition centers by Nikolai II, the Duma played a key role in the February Revolution: its members of February 27, the Temporary Committee of the State Duma was formed, de facto assumed the functions of the Supreme Power, to form a temporary government of Russia.

After the fall of the monarchy, the Duma never gathered in full force, although regular meetings held a temporary committee of the State Duma.

On October 6, 1917, the Provisional Government dissolved the State Duma in connection with the preparation of elections to the Constituent Assembly, and on December 18, the SNK decree abolished the Office of the Duma and its temporary committee.

History of Public Administration in Russia Chiptetev Vasily Ivanovich

II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Creating a new government apparatus

The second All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier deputies was held on October 25-27 (November 7-9) of 1917 in Petrograd, in Smolny. 649 delegates were registered (390 Bolsheviks, 160 ECOV, 72 Menshevik).

At the first meeting of Mensheviks and the Esers, condemning the "Military conspiracy of the Bolsheviks, organized by the backs of the Soviets," left the congress. Their departure gave the Bolsheviks freedom of action; Under their influence, the Congress adopted the following resolution: "Congress II states that the departure of Mensheviks and Socialists is a criminal and desperate attempt to deprive this meeting of representativeness at the very moment when the masses are trying to protect the revolution from the onset of counter-revolution."

The congress adopted "appeal to workers, soldiers and peasants about the victory of the October Revolution and its closest tasks." This legal document of the Soviet authorities was constitutional in nature, legally secured the victory of the Oktyabrsky uprising.

The main provisions of the appeal

1. The congress proclaimed himself the only legitimate senior authority of state power in Russia.

2. He announced that all power in the field should belong to the Councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies. Thus, the Congress, proclaiming the uniformity and the fullness of the councils in the center and on the ground, established the Soviet state.

3. The congress has scheduled the program of the priority tasks of Soviet power, a democratic world, a gratuitous transfer of landlord land at the disposal of peasant committees, timely delivery of bread in cities, guaranteed right to self-determination to all nations living in Russia.

The first law of Soviet power was the decree on the world, which was adopted by unanimously multiparty composition of the delegates of the congress on October 26 (November 8), 1917

Another major legal act of the second congress of the Council was the decree on Earth, adopted on October 27 (November 9), 1917

The question arose about the formation of new authorities. Supreme authority declared All-Russian Congress of Soviets.Between the congresses of the function of this organ rest All-Russian Central Executive Committee(VTCI). From 101 of its member 62 were the Bolsheviks, 29 - left esters, 6 - Mensheviks - internationalists. The Chairman of the Central Executive Committee was elected L. B. Kamenev,which was replaced on November 8 J. M. Sverdlov.Subsequently, the Central Executive Committee created departments that belonged to the right to control and displace the government or change its composition.

Congress of the Soviets formed temporary (i.e., before the convening of the Constituent Assembly), the working and peasant government - Council of People's Commissar (Council, SNK),which received the right legislative initiative, remaining accountable and responsible before the congress of the Soviets and the WTCIK.

The main link among the central bodies of state administration was People's Commissariat.The Council of People's Commissars amounted to the Government of the Russian Republic. The connection of legislative and executive functions was a distinctive feature of a new government. Regarding the principles of the formation of the government (multi-party or single-party), an acute discussion occurred at the congress. Left esters, striving for the creation of a broad socialist government coalition, refused to enter the government.

As a result, the Bolsheviks were formed in the following composition: Chairman - V. I. Lenin(Ulyanov); Folk Commissars: Internal Affairs - A. I. Rykov,farming - V.P. Milyutin,labor - A. G. Hatpnikov,trade and Industry - V. L. Nogin,according to foreign affairs - L. D. Trotsky(Bronchtein), finance - I. I. Skvortsov(Stepanov), Enlightenment - A. V. Lunacharky,justice - G. I. Podpokov(Lomov), Food - I. A. Teodorovich,post and Telegraph - N.P. Avilov(Glebov), in cases of nationalities - I. V. Stalin(Jugashvili); Committee on Military and Maritime Affairs - V. A. Antonov(Oatenko), N. V. Krylandkoand P. E. Dybenko.

Thus, at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the foundations of the new government, the Soviet Republic, who had to express and protect the interests of workers was laid.

The position of the Bolshevik government was unstable. The Committee of Public Safety Committee was supposed to prevent the public coup. On October 26, mainly by the Estems and Mensheviks - members of the City Duma, the former VCIK, the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Council of Peasant Deputies, who left the II Congress of Soviets by members of the Socialist Parties, was established by the Committee of Salvation Motherland and Revolution.

The Committee was planning simultaneously with the accession of Krasnov's troops to Petrograd to raise an uprising against the Bolsheviks. The left wing of Mensheviks and Social University, without supporting armed speeches, nevertheless condemned the Bolsheviks for the usurpation of power. The All-Russian Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Service (VIZHEL) demanded to begin negotiations with the aim of creating a homogeneous socialist government. The Bolsheviks agreed to the expansion of the "government base", the change in its composition and even leanned to the exception of Lenin and Trotsky from him, which Mensheviks and the esters were sought. Nevertheless, they defended other decisions of the II Congress of Soviets.

Initially, the Bolsheviks were calculated to be used in the interests of socialist transformations former ministries and other old state bodies. But officials who worked in ministries, banks and other institutions, on the call of the Committee to save the Motherland and the revolution, announced a strike. The Bolsheviks turned to the leadership of the left speech party with a proposal to conclude a political bloc.

During the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the entry of representatives of the Left Social Party party to the government. Left esters were headed by the addicts of post office and telegraph, agriculture, justice, as well as newly created public property addicts and local self-government. In the rest of the drug addicts, representatives of the Left Social Party took the posts of deputies of the Commissars and members of the Board. Representatives of the Left Social Party Party also introduced into other central institutions of the Soviet state.

By the beginning of 1918, the drug addicts were mainly formed. At the same time, the activities of ministries of temporary government ceased. The economic councils, the State Committee for Folk Education, Admiralty, State Council and its Office, the Office of the State Duma and its temporary committee and other institutions were dissolved.

The protection of the revolutionary order was performed by Petrogradsky VRK (abolished in December 1917), and then - People's Commissariat of Interior(NKVD). According to his decree of October 28, 1917, began to be created workers' and peasant militia.She was under the leading of local councils and at the same time submitted to the NKVD, which in early December 1917 dissolved the Main Police Department, which existed during the temporary government. When SNK was formed All-Russian Emergency Commission to Combat Council and Sabotage.She was headed F. E. Dzerzhinsky(1877-1926). The PVC included representatives of the parties of the left speakers.

All previous organs of justice were abolished: district courts, court chambers, government senate, prosecutor's office, institutions of judicial investigators, jury attorneys and private lawyers. The activities of global ships were suspended.

Decree of the SNA of November 22, 1917 elected folk courtsconsisting of chairman and people's assessors. For consideration, crimes were particularly dangerous for the Soviet power revolutionary tribunals.New judicial authorities worked under control People's Commissariat of Justice(Drugstomy).

One of the urgent tasks from the first days of revolution to the Soviet state was the organization of defense. In the existing army, all military ranks were canceled, the principle of the election of commanders and the Institute of Soldiers Committees, which controlled the headquarters and other military institutions was introduced. At the same time, the demobilization of the army and the reorganization of the structures of the military ministry began, which the Committee on Military and Maritime Affairs was engaged (in November 1917, transformed into the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs). In January-March 1918, more than thousand employees were dismissed from the military office, and a number of departments, councils and meetings were disbanded. January 15, 1918. V.I. Lenin signed decree "On the working and peasant red army."Originally RKKKA was built on a voluntary basis. In February 1918, a decree was published on the organization of the working and peasant Red Fleet and the Commissariat for Maritime Affairs was created.

The seizure of power in Moscow has passed with great difficulties than in Petrograd. After several days of armed clashes, which caused several hundred victims, the power in Moscow went into the hands of Bolsheviks. In other cities of Russia, the authorities passed to Bolsheviks in three ways:

1) In industrial cities with a large number of working class, the authorities of the Council approved and recognized;

2) in industrial cities with a smaller number of working class, at first, the power of the Soviets was created on the basis of factory committees or garrisons;

3) In cities with a weak industry, power was captured by force.

One month after the October coup, under the control of the Bolshevik authorities, there was a majority of the North and the Center of Russia to the Middle Volga, a significant number of settlements to the Caucasus and Central Asia. The power under the control of Mensheviks was maintained in Georgia, in small cities the influence was used by the esters. Resistance to the Bolsheviks turned out to be in the outskirts - in the areas of Kuban and Don, in Ukraine and in Finland; The eastern part of Russia and Siberia stated their independence.

Even before the end of the II Congress of the Soviets, the Petrograd Committee took a number of tough measures against the political opponents of the Bolsheviks: opposition newspapers were closed, radio and telegraph were taken under control, the authorities assigned themselves to close any printed organ, "sowing concern in the minds and publishing knowingly false information."

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