Economic development of Galico Volyn Principality Table. Association of Galician and Volyn Principities

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Decay Kievan Rus was a natural result of its economic and political Development. Its reasons were rooted in the production and social relations of the time that developed on the basis of raising productive forces in agriculture and crafts. The closed nature of the natural economy led to strengthening the independence of individual principalities, and hence the change in their political orientation to the department. Local economic interests gave rise to the desire to exit from the power of the Grand Duke. Role political Center From Kiev goes to places: such a role begins to play main city of this or the specific principality. The elevation of these centers gave rise to a certain aggressiveness in relation to the neighbors. The loss of state unity objectively led to the princely crossburses. Each local prince sought to expand its possessions and obtaining the title of the Grand Prince.

In the middle of the XII century, Kievan Rus broke up at the principality: Kiev, Galitsky, Volynskoye, Smolensk, Pereyaslav, Vladimir-Suzdal and others. These principalities-land in turn consisted of smaller principalities or volosts. The supersenitate-vassalitet system was transferred to the specific principality.

Each principality (land) had its own features of political development. In Novgorod and Pskov, feudal republics were formed, in Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, a strong princely power won, in the Galician-Volyn Earth, a considerable impact on power traditionally provided a boyars aristocracy.

Let's go back to those times when both Volyn and Ga-Lisk land were not dependent on Kiev. It should be noted that Volyn statehood was older than Kiev, the Ukrainian tribe began with it. It was a rich land located on the trade routes in Western Europe. TO Kiev state She was attached to Vladimir campaigns of 981 and 993. At about the same time, Galician land was attached to Kiev.

Volyn and Galician land had great importance for the development of the economy of Kiev Rus. After the nomadic tribes blocked the way to the Crimea, Carpathia became the only source of supply of salt. In addition, the main trading paths to the West through the Volyn and Galice-Kui, which made them one of the main links of the European trade of that time.

In the era of the decay of Kievan Rus in Xii--The X1P century the processes of separation of individual lands are completed. Kiev turned from the capital of Russia to the "Color" city of Kiev land.

In addition to the Kiev principality, independent Chernihiv, Novgorod-Severskie, Pereyaslav, Volynsky and Galician principality, between which the civil struggle did not subside, appear in the XII century.

Galician land separated from Kiev in 1097 year. The dynasty of the Lamunens of Yaroslav the Wise "princes of Rostyslavich was formed. The union of Galitsky lands held an outstanding statesman Vladimirko (1124-1152). The capital of the principality in 1141 was Galich. But your highest power Galitsky Prince Provided during the reign of the Son Vladimirk - Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl (1152-1187). The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" so characterized Galitsky Prince: "Sits high on his golden throne, supporting the Hungarian mountains with its iron regiments - bought the road to the king, closed the Gate Danu." Yaroslav had allied treaties with Hungary, Poland and Germany. In order to strengthen the Union with Yuri Dolgorukh, he married his daughter Olga.

His deputy - Vladimirko II - did not recommend with the boyars and asked for help to the Hungarian king Bellya III. In 1188, Bela proclaimed himself by the King of Galicia, and Vladimirika II put in prison. It was the first foreign occupation of Galicia, which became a precedent for many years. Over time, Vladimirka II, with the help of Germans and Poles, managed to return the lost power. But after his death in 1199, the Galitsky Principality was joined to Volyn and lost its independence.

Volyn Princess Formed during the reign of the great-grandfather Vladimir Monomakh - Mstislav Iaslavich.

There were always good neighborly relations between Galician and Volyn lands, which manifested primarily in economic relations. These factors, as well as the need for joint confrontation of aggression from Hungary and Poland, created prerequisites for the unification of neighboring lands into a single principality.

As a result of these processes, a strong political organization appeared in the West of Ukraine - the Galician-Volyn Principality, which almost a hundred years continued the traditions of Russian-Ukrainian statehood.

The greatest power of the Galician-Volyn Principality reached during the jurisdiction of Mstislavich's novel (1170-1205). His support, he made seconded and small boyars and urban population. Thanks to the new policy, he managed to pacify the boyars tip, hold a number of events raising the international authority of the state. The novel carried out several successful trips to Lithuania, in 1196 he joined the land of the Lithuanian tribe of Yatvägov to his principality. In 1202, he took possession of Kiev, but, unlike his father and grandfather, did not move there, but remained at Volyn. It became famous for the novel and in wars against Polovtsy, who at the time constantly attacked Russia. He twice - in 1202 and 1203 - headed the combined hiking of Ukrainian princes on Polovtsy. Materials of one of the Polish Chronicles show that the novel "For a short time So ascended that the rules of almost all lands and princes of Russia. " Roman Metislavovich died during a hike to Poland on June 19, 1205.

After the death of the novel, the boyars of the Galician-Volyn land, taking advantage of the youngsters of his sons of Daniel and Vasilka, tries to strengthen his power. However, the Wednesday of Boyars was not homogeneous, and this led to the confrontation between the boyars - major landowners, on the one hand, and the boyar - average and minor - on the other. Boyarskaya Tip, which focused in his hands huge land wealth, tried to establish the unlimited power of the aristocracy. Medium-trip and small boyars and urban populations were supporters of unification of land under the rule of the Grand Prince, advocated the strengthening of this power. Began civilians in which the Chernihiv-Seversk princes took part. Poland and Hungary intervened in these civil workers.

Especially strong was the opposition to the princely power in Galicia. However, the boyars opposition was not united here. Part of the Boyar supported the princes of Igorevich (Sons of Igor, the hero of "words about the regiment of Igor"), and the part was favorable to Hungary. At first, the power was captured by Igorevichi, then Galicia was occupied by Hungary. In 1211, the brothers, taking advantage of the displeastence of the population by the Hungarian occupation, returned to Galicia, executed "for treason" more than 500 boyars. This action, in turn, pushed the Galitsky boyars from Igorevich. With the help of the Hungarian troops and Volyn Boyar, the juvenile Daniel was planted for the princely throne. However, his reign was not long. After a series of shuffles, the princely throne took the boyar Vladislav Kormilchich - the only fact in the history of Ukraine, when a representative of not a princely kind came to power.

In 1214, Hungary and Poland agreed on the dismemberment of the Galician-Volyn Principality: Hungary captured Galicia, and the Menley was transferred to Krakow Prince Leshka. The latter supported the sons of Roman, Yves 1215 with the consent of Leshka Daniel and Vasilko received their father's victul - Vladimir.

The period of 1205-1245 years is extremely interesting and important to understand general conditions The heyday of the Russian-Ukrainian statehood. It is necessary to name those who in difficult for Ukraine the time was faithful to the princely throne and sagging the legacy of the novel for his sons.

First of all, this is a spouse of Roman, Princess Anna, who for the age of 14 cared for his sons, led a tense struggle with Galitsky boyar. She became the second after the princess Olga a woman who "left a deep mark in the history of Ukraine.

Another very important feature of this period is the devotion of the princely power of Volyn boyars, thanks to which it was possible to save for the sons of the novel.

Volyn. For 40 years, Volyn land remained reliable support Romanovichy: There was under the supervision of Boyar Vasilko, Daniel was saved after failures in Galich. Volyn warriors have repeatedly gave life, freeing Galich from Hungarians.

In 1219, Galichanes themselves opposed the Hungarian occupation. The boyars invited to the Galician throne of the Mstislav remotent - Novgorod Prince, who was contacted in Galich in 1228.

Meanwhile, Daniel and Vasilko united all the lands of the Volyn Principality. Since 1230, Daniel's struggle begins for Galicia.

Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Prussian Order of Crusaders took part in these wars. The result of the struggle depended on the position of the Galicians themselves and, above all, the urban population. Finally, in 1238, "Gradskie men", contrary to the will of the boyars, opened the Bram Galich before Daniel. But his claims did not end up. In 1239, Daniel took possession of Kiev. Then five years have passed in the fight of Daniel with Hungary for Galicia. And only the decisive victory of Daniel in the summer of 1245 near Yaroslav, where the troops of the Hungarians and the favorable Galitsky Boyar troops were broken, put an end to the 40-year war for the liberation of Volyn and Galicia from foreign occupation. The unity of the Galician-Volyn principality was restored.

The collapse of Kievan Rus was the cause of its political and economic development. In the middle of the twelfth century, the Galician-Volyn Principality appeared as a result of this decay.

Now let us return at that time when Galician land and Volyn were not dependent on the city of Kiev. It should be noted that the Volyn state was older than Kiev and it was from her that the cohesion of Ukrainian tribes began. This land was rather rich, as trading routes in Western Europe passed through her. In 981 and 993. As a result of the campaigns, Vladimir joined it to the Kiev state. At about the same time, Galician land was attached to him.

As authorities in the Galician-Volyn Principality were the prince, as well as the Boyarsky Council and Evening. However, their role was a bit different than in Kievan Rus.

The entire supreme power formally belonged to the prince standing at the head of state. He owned the right to accept laws, and also had the right to judge and exercise the central administration to the whole state. But with all the will of the prince could challenge the boyars. Only the case of the agreement with them all the power focused in his hands (but the agreement was not achieved, the power passed to the boyars aristocracy).

Within its possessions, Vassaly Prince received (as a rule, along with the post) the right to judge. In the boyarships, absolutely all court perpetrators were in the hands of the boyars themselves. And let the princely judicial bodies were established on the ground with the prince of Tiunami themselves, they could not go against the boyars.

Also, the ruling prince was supposed to head military organization, to collect taxes and coins and coins, as well as to carry out foreign policy relations with other states and countries.

The main form of government in the Galician-Volyn Earth was a monarchy (early refortel), but Duumvirate also took place here. So since a thousand two hundred forty-fifth year, Danilo Galician rules by the state along with his brother Vasilkom, owned for the most part Volyni.

As in many other lands of Russia, in the Galician-Volyn Principality there were events, but here it did not have any influence on political life and did not have a clear working regulation. Quite often, the prince himself and collected the vessel, asking folk support in certain domestic and political decisions.

The Galician-Volyn Principality has developed on the territory of two adjacent Old Russian regions - Galicia and Volyn. Initially, there were two separate principalities - Galitsky and Volynsky, then they were combined into one. Galician land occupied southwestern corner ancient RussiaBy covering the territory of modern Moldova and North Bukovina. In the south, she reached the Black Sea and the Danube, in the West bordered by Hungary, from which the Carpathians were separated, in the north-west, with Poland, in the north - with Volyn and in the East - with the Kiev principality. Volyn occupied the area of \u200b\u200bthe top pripyat and its right tributaries. She was Poland, Lithuania, Town-Pin Principality and Galina.

Galician land was thickly populated. For a long time, arable farming flourished here. Abundant crops were grown on fat chernozem. There were a lot of livestock. On the territory of Galicia were rich salt cop. Salt Exported from here to Russian principality and neighboring foreign states. Volyn was also an ancient rich Slavic area.

In Galico-Volyn Rus, high development reached the crafts. There was relatively many cities (about 80). The largest of them were Vladimir, Lutsk, Buzhsk, Cherven, Belz, Pinsk, Berestye - on Volyn and Galich, Peremyshl, Zvenigorod, Terbell, Hill - in Galicia. The capital of land - Galich and Vladimir - belonged to the number of the largest Old Russian urban centers. The growth of crafts and agriculture contributed to the development internal trade. At that time, Galico-Volyn Rus kept a wagon trade with other Russian principalities and foreign states, which a lot contributed to her favorable position On water and land trading paths. Galico-Volyn Land traded with Byzantia, Dyutnays, Crimea, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and other countries. There were many merchants-foreigners - Germans, Sourozhtsev, Bulgarians, Jews, Armenians, as well as merchants from other Russian principalities lived in her cities.

In Galician land, as the most developed part of ancient Russia, a large boyars land tenure. The power of the princes here settled quite late - at the end of the XI century.

By the time of the arrival of the princes, the main lands were already captured by local boyars. Galitsky princes failed so creating any significant princely domain. This circumstance imposed a deep seal to the entire social and political life of the Galician-Volyn Principality. XII and XIII centuries. The history of Galico-Volyn Rusi is filled with almost the incessant struggle by the princely power with a boyar. The rich and strong Galician boyars looked at Prince as their own, designed to protect their interests from the people and from external enemies. They had their own body - a boyars council, with the help of which they sought to keep the prince in their hands and send his activities. The princely authorities relied on serving feudalists, the center of which was mainly Volyn, and on the growing power of cities interested in the restriction of feudal privileges of land nobility and the destruction of feudal barriers that prevented the development of crafts and trade.

Despite the fierce struggle, the Galico-Volyn princes could not break the boyars, although some of them managed much to raise the value of the princely power. Describing the power of Boyar, the chronicler writes that they are "the princes of themselves the name, and the entire land of the land. In the struggle for power, the boyars did not disappear by any means. They willingly surrendered to the defense of Polish and Hungarian faeodals. Interweaving internal struggle with external wars make up characterlike History of the Galician-Volyn Principality of the XII - XIII centuries.

Galician land made it from Kiev to the beginning of the XII century. In the line of the great-grandfather of Yaroslav Wise - Rostyslavichi. Somewhat later, in the middle of the XII century, it became independent and volyn. From the middle of the XII century. Both principalities are experiencing a significant political ascent. In the Galician Earth, at this time, one of the outstanding Western Russian princes - Yaroslav Vladimirovich Osmomysl (1153 - 1187). Yaroslav approved his power at the mouth of the Danube, broke kiev Prince And collapsed in Kiev (1154), where he planted his ally, Smolensky Prince Rostislav, established peaceful relations with Byzantia and the Allied with Hungary. Glory 0 The power of Yaroslav Orel was spread to all of Russia and beyond. Turning to Him, the author "Words about the regiment of Igor" says: "Galichki Osmomysla Yaroslav! Highly sites on their cereal table, underwear Ughorovy Mountains with its iron shelves, standing up the queen path, defending the Gate Danu. "

Son Yaroslav Vladimir due to a clash with Galitsky boyars fled to the Hungarian king. His flight took advantage of the will of a certain prince - the great-director of Monomakh, Roman Mstislavovich and in 1188 he captured Galich, but not for a long time. He had to drive a stubborn fight against Galitsky boyars, who supported the Hungarian king. Only in 1199, Roman, with the support of citizens, managed to unite the Galician and Volyn principality. He successfully led to the fight against Galitsky boyars, took the land from some of them. Prince Roman in 1201 convinced Kiev. His title of "Grand Duke" was recognized in the Galician land, and in Novgorod, and in Byzantium. The newly created Mighty Principality paid attention to the Roman Pope Innokentia III, who wanted to involve him in the orbit of his influence. From Rome, the embassy was sent to the prince of Roman with a proposal of the royal title, but the proposals of the Pope were rejected by Roman.

In 1201, the novel in battle with the Poles was killed. After his death, two juvenile Sons were left - Daniel and Vasilko.

Hungarian and Polish kings, using a convenient point, presented claims to Galich and Volyn.

The widow of the novel with his children was forced to run. Only after Daniel Romanovich's long struggle by 1238 was established in Galich, relying on the population of cities. Both principalities were again combined. Daniel Romanovich (1238 - 1264) led a cruel fight against the boyars, which called and the Polish and Hungarian intervders against the prince. Daniel even moved the capital to the hill, which became the center of the United Galico-Volyn Principality.

When Daniel joined the Town Principality to his possessions, the lands of the Galician-Volyn Principality reached almost to Kiev. In addition, Daniel led to fighting Lithuania and Poland. In the Lithuanian tribe of Yatvägov, he took significant land spaces, and in the fight against Poland, Lublin seized. The flourishing of the Galician-Volyn principality was punished by the invasion of Batya. Daniel could not fight with the hordes of Tatar-Mongols and was forced to recognize himself by Vassal Khan Golden Horde. However, he did not leave thoughts about the struggle and tried to organize crusade against conquerors. For this, they were convicted with the Roman dad. Daniel hoped to also get support from the Hungarian and Polish kings. However, after the Tatar-Mongols began to directly threaten the invasion, Daniel's "allies" did not help him. Dad Innocent IV stubbornly sought spreading his political and church influence in the Galician-Volyn Principality, but Daniel retained full independence in relations with Rome.

After the death of Daniel, the most sad pages began in the history of the Galician-Volyn Principality. The continuous gravestics between the princes led to the fact that in 1349 the Volyn Principality finally captured Lithuania. Galitsky Principality fell under the power of Poland, and Zakarpatskaya Rus became the prey of the Hungarian king.

History of Russia IX-XVIII centuries. Sailors Vladimir Ivanovich

2. Galico-Volyn Principality

Galician-Volyn Land, with a mild climate, steppe space, mixed with rivers, the wide valleys of which were covered with obese chernozem and forest arrays mainly from oak and birch, was the center of highly developed agriculture and cattle breeding. The consequence of the further deepening of the public division of labor was the development of crafts, which led to the growth of cities. The largest cities of this land were Vladimir-Volynsky, Peremyshl, Terbell, Galich, Berestye, Hill. Through the Galician and Volyn lands passed numerous trading paths. Water path is Baltic Sea In black passed on Vistula, Western Bugu and Dnestra. Land trading routes led to southeastern countries and Central Europe. On the Danube was a trading path to the countries of the East.

On the Lubachest Congress, Galitsky Earth fastened himself for Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavovichi (Hispunches of Yaroslav Wise). They led a stubborn struggle with Volyn princes, Polish and Hungarian feudal. Until the middle of the XII century. Galician land consisted of several principalities. In 1148, they united the rented Prince Vladimir Volodarevich. After the joining the principalities, the capital was transferred to Galich.

In Galician Earth, a large boyars land tenure. Here, old boyars gave birth to extensive lands. At the same time, the princely domain was small. Galician princes due to lack of land could not increase the number of their serving people, relying on which they could strengthen their power and fight the fighting. Therefore, Galician land has become the isna of the fierce struggle of the boyars with princes.

The elevation of the Galician principality accounted for the Board of Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl (1153-1187), which was "wise and spent by the language" (knew eight languages). The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" wrote that the osmomysl sits "on his cereal throne", keeps the key from Kiev, does not give a passage to the Hungarian king through the Carpathians.

The death of Ommomysl led to the fierce struggle of his sons and summary brothers for power. In it, Galician boyars accepted the most active participation. Taking advantage of the weakening of the Galician principality as a result of the civilian struggle of the prince and boyars for power, the Volyn Prince Roman Mustlavich was actively involved in this struggle, seeking to prevent the son of the Hungarian King's son to the Galician table and unite Galich and Volyn under his authority.

In the Volyn Principality, which in the middle of the XIII century. It became a generic hold of the descendants of Prince Iaslav Mstislavich, a powerful princely domain was very early formed, which allowed the fight against the boyars of Galich and Volyn for strengthening the princely power and the unification of the Galician and Volyn lands. In 1199, after several years of struggle, Roman Mustlavich united Galician and Volyn lands under his authority. He suppressed the resistance of Boyar and sent his efforts to unite under his authority of all south-western lands. Roman actively defended his lands from the claims of Poland, Lithuanian princes, assisted by Byzantium, driving from the north Balkan Peninsula Polovtsy invaded there. In 1203, he mastered Kiev, and the whole South and South-Western Rus turned out to be under his authority. In 1205, during the war with Poles, the prince of Roman died. The heir was his eldest son, four-year prince Daniel.

Using the youngsters of the prince, Galician boyars tried to capture political power. The chronicler directly wrote about it: "The boyars Galitsky delivered the prince to themselves, and they hold the whole land." In the Galician-Volyn land began a thirty-year ruinous internecine struggle.

The weakening of the Galician-Volyn principality decided to take advantage of Poland and Hungary. They did not want to restore the unity of Galich and Volyni. In the fight against Inomers, Mstislav Mstislavich was involved in a remote, which twice expelled Hungarians from Galich, but twice was forced to leave there. The active struggle continued to have a husband in the wandering and constant campaigns Daniel Romanovich. He grew up in a strong character, patient, brave and domineering prince. The struggle against the Polish and Hungarian faeodals served as the basis for the consolidation of forces in the southwestern Russian lands. Based on the citizens and his servants, Daniel was able to strengthen the Volyn, and in 1238 he, taking Galich, again united Galician and Volyn lands under his authority.

In 1240, Daniel took Kiev, uniting Kiev land with South-Western Russia. But in the same year, Mongol-Tatars Batiy took and ruined Kiev. After that, the Baty defeated the Earth of the Galician-Volyn Principality. Daniel Romanovich acknowledged the Susarnist of the Golden Horde, but he did not leave the thoughts about the continuation of the struggle with her, although he understood that at that moment he was not enough for this. Prince, being a good diplomat, skillfully lavished between the Horde and the West, who was afraid of the new invasion of the Mongol-Tatar Horde. Keeping the hope of liberation from the power of the Horde, Daniel Romanovich went to negotiations with the Pope of Roman Innochentius IV. Dad, leading negotiations with Daniel, thought about the spread of his church-political power through the Ulya Catholic and orthodox churches. He suggested that the Royal Title Daniel, who crushed in 1255, but he did not receive real assistance in the fight against Tatars from Rome, and attempts to spread Catholicism in his lands resolutely obstructed. Thus, to create an union of Christian states to combat the Golden Horde, what Daniel was striving for, failed.

Daniel Romanovich died in 1264. After his death in the Galician-Volyn Earth began a new boyars unfortunately than Poland and Lithuania used, who seized in the middle of the XIV century. Accordingly, Volyn and Galicia.

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§ 3. The Galico-Volyn Principality of Galico-Volyn Principality was formed on the basis of the land of the former Vladimir-Volyn Principality, which was located on the Western and South-Western borders of Russia. In the XI - XII centuries. In Vladimir-Volynsky, secondary princes,

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Galician-Volyn Principality Since ancient times, the region of Galico-Volyn Russia is known under the general name of "Cherven Cities". This is actually a Galicia with cities: Mamolem, Zvenigorod, Retail, Galicham, Blobre and others, as well as Volyn with cities:

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Chapter 3 Galico-Volyn Principality is a continuation of the tradition of Russian-Ukrainian statehood (the first floor. XIII - the second floor. XIV century) 3.1. The overall historical review of the collapse of Kievan Rus was a natural result of its economic and political development. His reasons


2. Cities, crafts: development and importance

3. Domestic and foreign trade: features and meanings



The emergence of the Galician-Volyn state contributed to a successful geographical position (remoteness from Kiev weakened the influence of the central government, natural conditions They made these lands to accommodate for steppe nomads, in addition, the principality was located at the crossroads of strategically important trade routes). Also contributed to the need common struggle Two principalities against aggression from Poland and Hungary, and subsequently against the Mongolian invasion and yoke and the energetic unifying policy of the princes of Roman Mstislavich (1199-1205) and Daniel Romanovich Galitsky (1238-1264). Important existence in the territory of the principality of rich salt deposits was important, which contributed economic growth and intensification of trade.

The relevance of the topic "Galico-Volyn State: the features of economic development" is that during this period there were significant shifts in the development of land tenure, cities, crafts, internal and foreign trade

The object of research is the Galician-Volyn state, the subject - the features of economic development

The purpose of the study to consider the Galician-Volyn state: the peculiarities of economic development.

Research tasks to consider:

Landwilling system: Form and character.

Cities, crafts: development and value.

Internal I. foreign trade: Features and meaning.

1. Landwilling system: forms and character

The formation of mature forms of feudal ownership is associated with the growth and strengthening of land tenure of princes, boyars, church. A significant part of the landowners was the so-called free servants - Vassals of Princes and Boyar. Feudal legislation provided feudalities exclusive right to own land, alienate and transmit to inheritance, to protect their property.

The hierarchical structure of land tenure was established, which was based on interclause and prince-boyar vassal relations. There was a real feudal staircase: Grand Duke, Local Princes, Boyars, Boyar servants. The legal side of the senory and vassal relations was not clearly worked out. They were not established on land relations, but at the collection of taxes from land for the emergence.

Separate historians defend the idea that in Ukraine the Western European-type system arose in the XII-XIII century, in particular in the Galician-Volyn Principality. For its economic development, the predominance of Boyarsky land tenure was characteristic. The princely domain began to form only from the XII Art. The process of feudalization took place without affecting the princely organiser. The Galician-Volyn princes of land ownership, their servants and boyars began to communicate with the service and Vasalitet. The lands that were provided in life ownership were called the "state". Prince Daniel Galitsky, freeing the Earth from Hungarians, distributed the city of Boyars and Governors. As a rule, when the prince lied his principality, the faithful boyars lost his villages.

With the formation of a large land tenure and feudal dependent peasantry in the XI-XIII century. Immunity developed as legal design of feudal domination. The landowners acquired the right of court, charging Dani and the management of all categories of the peasantry.

The most intense developed princess victobs. For them there was a characteristic scattering in different mosses. In the structure of the economy, pooling, horse breeding, fishery, durable and natural rent prevailed.

Private owner defenders in the XII - the first half of the XIII century. Rosged as a result of the talent of the feudal of princely lands and as a result of its private advocacy initiative (the acquisition and passion of lands, the development of untouched territories). The three forms of rent were connected. Natural rent prevailed in two types - Fixed Chinsh and Zdolshchka. Cash payments were associated with judicial-administrative fines and duties. In the domain economy, regular and periodic workouts were used (SENOKOSY, construction works, Human coercion, field work).

The patrimony was a diversified economy. It belonged to the agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, most important of which were hunting, fishing, beekeeping, raw materials processing, molar. The feudal courtyard of the castle was strengthened by his economic and administrative and military center. In the center of the territory there were homes and household buildings (barns, chlev, stables, pigs, workshops). I existed a system of the primary administration: the rural, rural and role-role stroks, a stall (Konya), the keysticker. The facilities of Votchina had a natural character, a pronounced focus on satisfying the needs of consumption. Only an insignificant part of the developed market for the sale and purchase of goods that were not produced in the farm.

The economic basis of the peasant economy was the peasant yard-smoke. The size of individual peasant land use was on average one "plow", which was a unit of taxation and amounted to about 15 hectares of land. 10-15 smoked, mostly relatives, combined into the courtyard. Over time, people who, depending on the property state, were entered into the dvoriki, who, depending on the property state or became equal members - "Lakes", or they were dependent on the owners of the courtyards, they were called "half-books", "dolniki". The Earth, the courtyard consisted of "plots" - smoked, which were scattered in different places. There were also small farms and a smaller unit of taxation - "Rail". The courtyards were part of the society, at the head of which stood Street (Ataman).

IN common use Societies were indivisible. They distributed government coercion and taxes.

The peasant farms were the basis of economic life, they occupied most of the land of the victims, produced most of the agricultural products, reworked it for direct consumption. The particle of domination farm in the total production was significantly less, but it determined progress in agriculture, had more opportunities to improve the tools of labor, to apply agrotechnic to the time, to grow new cultures and the like.

The capturing of Ukrainian lands by foreign states led to changes in land relations. The land ownership of the Lithuanian, Polish, Hungarian, Moldovan feudalists occurred and gradually increased.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, the bulk of the peasants -cmonds from the free community farmers has become the keenners assigned to the prince, boyars and the church of the earth. Sadda lost economic independence and personal freedom. There were changes in the forms of operation of the peasants. Under conditions of low-level agriculture techniques, their mistakes were deprived of the opportunity to widely organize their own economy, because the main part of the victims, the peasant farms that were paid to the feudal rents - the lifts. "In all European countries," said K. Marx in "Capital", - feudal production is characterized by the division of land between how large quantity Vassal dependent people. The power of feudal lords, as well as all sovereigns in general, was determined not to the size of their rent, but the number of their subjects, and this last depends on the number of peasants who behave independent economy. "

Natural rent guaranteed a certain economic independence of the ancient Russian peasant. He was interested in the results of his labor, and this increased its performance, ensured in the end the subsequent economic development Long standing Rus.

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