The main idea of ​​the smart city system. What are we waiting for?! Smart city technologies: saving millions of euros per year on matches

Engineering systems 20.09.2019
Engineering systems

Each era builds its cities. It builds, determined by a certain sum of historical conditions: social and political structure, the level of development of technology and technology, its own special psychology, culture, etc. Our time is the age of knowledge, information and computer engineering. Almost no area of ​​modern life is complete without the use of information and computing technologies. What can we say about urban planning.

City on your mind

The result of integration modern technologies in urban planning and urban management has become the concept of "smart city". Not that cities were once stupid, but only now they are becoming smart. No. It's just that earlier they came out directly from the hands of a person, but today an intermediary - a computer - has stood between them. The current smart city is a city that, with the help of technology, is taught to think and make decisions independently.

His thoughts are mainly occupied with four basic things: how to increase comfort, safety, where to save money and do less harm.

How it happens in practice.

smart city model


The first is communication. Here, the smart city acts as a medium between those who make urban planning decisions, who implement them, and those who use the results of these decisions. Simply put - between the municipal government, management and service companies and citizens.

In practice, these are various open interactive web platforms where every citizen can influence the present and future of their place of residence. For example, vote for which monument will stand in his yard, or how to name the street and where the stop should be. Here you can complain about someone: a policeman, a neighbor, a suspicious person; point to an unauthorized dump or an extinguished lantern. Here: electronic libraries, school electronic diaries and magazines, electronic entry to the clinic, interactive services for the provision of public services, and the like.

Strelka Institute collects opinions of citizens as part of the program for the renovation of public spaces in the regions

The result is a huge archive of civic activity protocols. All information is then filtered, analyzed, processed (at best), and specific decisions are made based on this data.

City "sensitive"

In another case, a knowledge-intensive city operates more independently. For this, the conditions of its "sensitivity" are created. In a certain urban location or infrastructure facility, sensors are installed that monitor this area or object, collecting data: on the state of the environment, technical serviceability of communications, use of resources (electricity, heat and water supply), crime situation, etc. So identify problem areas, inefficiently functioning systems in order to optimize them in the future.

The most famous sensor is the CCTV camera. And it is no longer just a security tool. The cameras, using public Wi-Fi, inform citizens about free parking spaces through a mobile application, simplifying life and saving time for many, many.

Wi- fimodules for determining free places

The emergence of 5G and the development of ultra-precise navigation bring the emergence of unmanned public transport closer. So far, geoinformation technologies provide access to the analysis and management of urban transport network or tell in how many minutes the tram number 9 will arrive.

Sensor-equipped street lights with LEDs significantly save resources and increase safety. There are people - the lantern is on, no - it goes out. For example, "smart lights" save Los Angeles about $ 9 million a year.

The principle of operation of intelligent lighting. Data comes in real time

Safety is also enhanced with the help of "shot locator" technology. Autonomous or lamp-mounted sound sensors detect shots and automatically report this to the police. Software also able to determine the number of shooters.

Shot Spotter Locator

Of course it's not full list smart technologies that determine the functioning of a modern city. But even this list gives an idea of ​​the vector of urban development.

Smart architecture

The most creative part of a smart city is its architecture. Together with it, he solves the same problems: ecology, economy, safety and comfort. Modern houses are equipped with water or gas leak sensors, the devices automatically regulate heating and air humidity. The complex of machine-to-machine interaction of information and communication elements is called "Internet of things".

To reduce more negative impact on the environment, architects are developing projects in which the share of environmentally friendly materials is increasing. Moreover, a smart building must independently provide itself with energy resources, using natural energy sources as a priority.

The requirements for green building are based on the American LEED standard and the British BREEAM.

300-meter Chinese skyscraperPearl River Tower, designed and developed by Gordon Gill (GordonGill) and an architectural firmSkidmore, Owings& Merrill, is considered one of the most environmentally friendly buildings in the world. wind turbines use the wind to generate electricity and as a source of ventilation, radiation heating and cooling. Rainwater tanks are heated by the sun and provide hot water. Panels solar panels additionally provide the building with electricity. The transparent facade is equipped with a system of automated blinds sensitive to sunlight.

The design features of the building reduce energy consumption by 58% compared to similar stand-alone buildings

The two towers of the Bahrain World shopping center connects a structure of three turbines, with generators connected to them. They are oriented to the north, from where the wind blows more often. The system provides 11 to 15% of the energy needed by the building. Designed and built by Atkins

Hearst Tower is the first "green" high-rise office building built in New York. The floor of the atrium is paved with heat-conducting limestone. A polyethylene pipe embedded in the floor drives the circulating water for cooling in summer and heating in winter. The rain collected on the roof is used for the cooling system and for watering the plants in the main lobby. 85% of the building's structural steel contains recycled material. Overall, the building was designed to use 26% less energy than citywide standards require. The project belongsNorman Foster with Adamson Associates Architects

Bank of America Tower. The facade uses glass that partially absorbs solar radiation, while retaining maximum natural light. The automatic daylight control system reduces heat loss and air conditioning costs. The air entering the building is filtered based on carbon dioxide sensors. The outgoing air is also cleaned. The concrete from which the skyscraper was built is 45% recycled - slag, which also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. Designed by AdamsonAssociatesArchitects and CokFoxarchitects

Not only ecology worries smart architecture, but also the general urban space. The problem of insolation in places of dense accumulation of skyscrapers is solved using the technology of facades that do not cast a shadow.

Architects from the NBBJ bureau created a project of two towers, one of which - with a mirror surface - reflects light, directing it exactly to the area where the second tower casts a shadow

The most advanced methods of designing a living environment are used in the so-called parametric architecture. In the very general sense parametric design - generation of free architectural forms based on the functional data of the future building. That is, a computer program models a project based on the calculation of various initial parameters: the purpose of the building, the number of visitors or residents (depending on the type of buildings), their trajectories, landscape, traffic flow, climate, etc.

Parametric Urbanism - Master Plan for Kartal and Pendik districts in Istanbul, ZahaHadidArchitects. The length and width of the streets depend on traffic activity data and the number of residents. The same parameters determine the number of storeys of buildings, the number of apartments. The program forms a grid of neighborhoods, identifies the main nodes where it can replace part of the housing with public building or shop. When adding additional parameters, the program rebuilds the model

Robotization and automation of a modern city should not become an end in itself or a competitive competition. smart city is not limited to the introduction of innovative technological and information products. The focus remains on the person, on the correlation of project methods with the psychology and needs of people, their life values ​​and goals.

A modern smart city is perhaps the initial stage of a long journey of digital urban development. What's next? Imagination draws futurological pictures of a fully robotic metropolis. Utopia always raises the question of man's place in the world. Will he become freer with the help of high technology, or will he find a new addiction?

Within the framework of the concept of the Internet of things (Internet of Things, IoT), one of the most popular areas of development is the concept of "smart city" (Smart City). The fundamental principle of the "smart city" is the introduction of information technologies and IoT objects into the urban environment. It is expected that this approach will improve the management system and interaction between the state and society, improve the quality and efficiency of city services, and all together will qualitatively change the life of the population.

The main asset of the city will be: people, processes and technologies.

The Smart City concept is characterized by three basic parameters:



    Focus on lifestyle. A "smart city" should be environmentally friendly, safe, energy-intensive, open up wide opportunities and provide the most comfortable life.

Among the priority sectors in need of intellectual modernization are public administration, city infrastructure and the economy. The main directions of development of these sectors are presented in the table.

Table - The most important directions for the development of "smart city"

Innovation economy

City infrastructure

Public administration

Innovations in industry, clusters, city districts


Administrative services to citizens

Smart workforce: Education and employment


representative and direct democracy

Creation of knowledge-intensive companies

Environmental Protection/Safety

Citizen Services: Quality of Life

For example, the concept in these directions can be manifested in the following features. An innovative economy should be self-sufficient and independent of natural carbon resources. In urban infrastructure, it is necessary to introduce economical and renewable energy sources. In the state branch, work should be carried out to increase the competitiveness of capital, both financial and intellectual and human.

Roadmap for the development of "smart city"

The smart city development roadmap suggests the following way to implement the concept.

WHY you need"smart city"?

First, cities should study their society. Success is impossible without a goal, so it is necessary to study the needs of citizens and businesses, their interests, unique features, way of thinking, level of education, age structure, etc., in order to understand why the population needs a "smart city", how they want to see it and what it is must change in their surroundings.


Secondly, once the “why” has been determined, it is necessary to work out a strategy for “how” to implement the concept. Namely: how will smart city initiatives spread, what are the functions and goals of such a policy?

WHO is interested in creating a "smart city"?

The benefits of a "smart city" are aimed primarily at the population, at improving their living conditions. Therefore, the idea should be supported by citizens. They should be interested in its development and implementation, and they also need to work on their involvement in the process. For example, increase the transparency of processes, expand management opportunities through e-government systems, etc.

However, before starting work on the above three areas, it is important to understand WHAT is an urban community. What is it like in the present, what are its geographical boundaries, how does it interact with the district.

The work carried out according to the presented algorithm will make it possible to study the processes of society, determine the needs of the population and formulate goals and means for achieving them.

Standardization of the smart city concept in Russia

Creation projects"smart city"formed in Russia. The National Informatization Center (hereinafter referred to as NCI) is engaged in the development of standards for "smart cities". The need for the emergence of standards is dictated by trends: interest in the concept is growing significantly, more and more new projects appear, between which there is no consistency. Common criteria will allow to generalize knowledge, unite efforts and ideas, prescribe which city is considered "smart" and accelerate its construction. At the same time, standards must be dynamic, changing as the plan progresses to meet the current needs of society.

Recently it became known that in the near future a technical committee for standardization "Cyber-Physical Systems" will be formed in Russia. Its tasks, among other things, include the standardization of the Smart City, and in addition to it, the Internet of Things, Big data and Smart manufacturing.

As part of the smart city concept, the following national standards may appear:

GOST “Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 1. Structure of business processes of the Smart City" (harmonization with ISO/IEC 30145-1);

GOST “Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 2. Smart City Knowledge Management Framework (harmonization with ISO/IEC 30145-2);

GOST “Smart city. Reference structure of ICT. Part 3 Engineering systems Smart City" (harmonization with ISO/IEC 30145-3);

GOST “Smart city. ICT indicators” (harmonization with ISO/IEC 30146).

Russia is taking the first steps to develop several Smart cities. For example, one of them in the vicinity of Kazan is being sold by JLL. Near St. Petersburg, work is underway on the satellite city of Yuzhny. There are several pilot projects to create "smart" districts in the Moscow region. M2M technologies and the modernization of education should contribute to the intellectualization of cities in Russia.

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) is the inter-machine exchange of information or its one-way transfer. The technology has a great future and a wide range of applications in the smart city concept. For example, in smart home sensors to control its parameters such as air temperature, lighting level, etc. In addition to the "smart" home, M2M solutions are built into many systems: payments, security and safety, navigation, housing and communal services, vending, healthcare, etc.

In education, work is underway to introduce the "Electronic Educational Environment of the Russian Federation", and steps are being taken to completely transfer specialized institutions to electronic textbooks. These activities are part of a comprehensive program of the State information system(GIS) in the field of education in Russia. The information ecosystem will reduce costs in the field of education, and also contributes to the implementation of the federal all-Russian store of educational content and technologies (EDU.RuStore).

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  • System administration
  • - You said that the city is strength, but here everyone is weak ...
    The city is an evil force. The strong ones come, they become weak, the city takes away the power... So you are gone!
    k / f "Brother"

    We are living in an amazing time. The time when what the science fiction writers of the past decades were talking about is being put into practice.

    There is nothing unusual for us in a “smart phone”, “smart vacuum cleaner”, “smart car”, “smart home”: smartphones and robotic vacuum cleaners have already become an integral part of our daily lives, residential building automation systems are becoming increasingly popular, actively being development of unmanned vehicles.

    The process of "smart-ization" of everything and everything around us like a snowball is picking up and picking up speed, increasing in volume. And with high proportion We can say with confidence that the next link in this chain will be a “smart city”, because almost all large agglomerations are thinking about automating urban management processes in one way or another.

    I think it's time to sort out the topic on the shelves :)

    Fairy tale city, dream city

    What is a “smart city”, or, in the language of Shakespeare, a Smart city? In fact, this is a universal integrated information support system that performs two main functions:

    – provides key information to all levels of city executive power;
    - provides feedback interfaces through which the executive power can influence certain areas of urban life that fall within its area of ​​responsibility.

    What is its use?

    Firstly, the implementation of this concept unequivocally improves the quality of life of the population of the region, or, as it has become fashionable to call it now, life quality experience.

    Secondly, it is a reduction in the cost of operating the infrastructure by automating routine processes for managing the urban economy and creating means of objective control over the work of city services. In the current tough economic conditions, accompanied by a reduction in the amount of money, including in the housing and utilities sector, the optimization of current processes is perhaps the most popular solution.

    But we'll rip beautiful packaging and see what is hidden under the "Smart city" label.

    key link"smart city" is a kind of operational center that accumulates information from downstream systems and is a high-level aggregator of control actions.

    The next level behind the center console – level of specific areas of urban economy, each of which has its own tasks and performance indicators with its own specifics. And in this regard, each such area is controlled by a separate application. For example, the "smart city lighting management" application, which allows you to set a general policy for city lighting management from a central console and optimize electricity costs and operational support for lighting. Or a “smart management of housing and communal services” system that monitors the state of various sections of the housing and communal services and can effectively respond to failures in its individual parts, as well as predict potential problems based on the analysis of data collected from sensors (for example, somewhere on the highway there is pressure drop: most likely, there is a leak in one of the areas, and the control system is designed to help localize and eliminate the damage before it leads to an accident).

    All these separate systems (“smart light”, “smart housing and communal services”, “smart traffic control systems”, “smart buildings”, “smart medicine”, etc.) are reduced to a single central console for managing the city - a kind of “urban brain” , which processes the received information: filters, sorts, aggregates and analyzes. The results of this processing are displayed on a citywide dashboard that reflects the current state of city systems - a kind of control panel for the city boss.

    If there are any problems on the central panel, then the responsible persons can go to a specific management system for the urban area directly from the panel and quickly understand the details of what is happening, take adequate measures.

    City as a service

    In addition to monitoring urban systems and communications, the smart city is designed to change the better side Another key aspect of urban life is the process of interaction between the government and the citizen. If earlier each area of ​​the urban economy was practically sovereign and managed relatively independently of the others (with its own standards, rules, procedures), then the “smart city” in its ideal implementation should provide citizens with access to city services through a single interface to which they would be applicable general rules interactions with clear quality indicators and clear operating principles. In fact, this should be the implementation of the idea "City as a Service", giving the citizen the fastest and most convenient way feedback with urban infrastructure. "Integrated city government" if you will.

    Technological basis
    Naturally, to bring this concept to life, a number of technologies and solutions built on the basis of these technologies are needed to implement a "smart city" from a technical point of view.

    Can be distinguished four basic elements in the technological structure of the "smart city", namely:

    – internet of things, the technological concept of which allows you to collect the necessary information from objects and provides feedback with them;
    – data infrastructure linking applications with urban infrastructure facilities;
    – data analysis systems to extract from a large amount of data useful information;
    – system of aggregation and unification of data designed to streamline and synchronize huge data streams.

    As for the functions of the Internet of things and the data transmission infrastructure, everything is more or less clear, but we will say separately about the presence of data processing platforms in the described technological basis.

    Obviously, the information flow in smart city systems is huge and most of the information is actually duplicated, if not not valuable at all. And data systems play a crucial role: you need to correctly filter and cluster data, analyze and identify dependencies - the correctness of the forecast and the accuracy of the reaction to emerging events depend on this.

    Perhaps it would be fair to say that it is in these systems that the “mind of a smart city”, its “think tank”, is contained. And of course, a "smart city" is impossible without "smart people" - experts with a sufficient level of knowledge and skills to effectively use the systems.

    Attention, question!

    We announce a break. Break for the heading "Minute tricky questions". And the winner of the rubric today is the question “What is the basis for the hypothesis about the growth in popularity of smart city technology in the near future?”.

    Thanks for the question. To date, two global processes are clearly visible, conducive to the spread of "smart cities".

    First of them is urban population growth with all the ensuing consequences. Today, more than 60% of the world's population lives in cities, and the trend towards an increase in the number of people in cities continues. For example, in terms of population, Moscow is about three of Finland and about one and a half of the Czech Republic. At the same time, cities today create up to 70% of the gross world product, i.e., in other words, up to 70% of the world economy is located in cities. It is hardly possible to effectively manage such a huge farm without the use of high-tech tools. Therefore, today all large agglomerations are implementing the Smart city concept. With different levels of readiness, there are examples of projects for building "smart cities" in all parts of the world without exception.

    Process two, perhaps even more important than the first, – search for new sources of income at the next stage of technological development. In essence, the introduction of a smart city is a large and profitable business. According to the classic BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix, the development of the “smart cities” niche is the launch of a new “cash cow” on the market, which in the next few years will bring big profits to the IT industry.

    According to various estimates, by 2020 this market will be about one and a half trillion dollars. Moreover, the monetization of the "smart city" can go in a variety of ways: there is still no clear model by which the market works. However, whatever one may say, one and a half trillion is a lot of money, and many want to compete for it.

    What are we waiting for?!

    Despite the promise of the solution, there are a number of reasons that prevent the explosive development of "smart cities". And Huawei is interested in overcoming these obstacles, as we see the future in the development of smart cities.

    One of these reasons is the legacy of old systems with disparate data interfaces and old protocols that are not clear how to integrate with each other. Such networks are slow, have many security problems, and a whole bunch of other shortcomings. And there are two solutions: either cut out the old systems and replace them with new ones (but this is expensive and not always possible), or invent some “magic piece of iron” that “wow!” and collect the necessary data from heterogeneous interfaces, normalize them and transfer them to a higher platform.

    Huawei went the second way. We have developed a universal gateway with large quantity wired and wireless interfaces, which performs the work of collecting and normalizing data from heterogeneous sources. At the current level of technological development, without such a universal gateway, building a data collection infrastructure in a smart city is comparable to a miracle. Either the network will be very complex and multiply redundant, or it will not collect all the necessary data.

    So what is universal gateway from Huawei? In fact, this is the infrastructural basis of the network in the "smart city" - an IoT router, made in an industrial case and designed to work outdoors, protected from the effects of adverse weather conditions.

    Key Concept here is IoT. This gateway integrates support for special industrial data transfer interfaces (PLC, DI / DO, etc.), which are more typical for SCADA systems than for telecommunications infrastructure. In addition, it implements a full stack of standard network protocols and network protection systems (a built-in firewall), so we can say without a twinge of conscience that this is a full-fledged router.

    Deploying a smart city network infrastructure based on such gateways is becoming a fairly typical and understandable task.

    Another reason that is a "stopper" for the development of "smart cities" is the lack of a platform capable of working with truly big data. The information flow of a "smart city" is very demanding on the performance of systems that process this information.
    Huawei can answer this problem with Fusion Insight.

    Fusion Insight is implemented on the basis of Hadoop, based on the Fusion Sphere (OpenStack) cloud platform, Huawei OceanStor storage system and X86-based computers.

    We see great prospects for the development of smart city technologies and growth in market volumes. That is why part of Huawei's development in the near future will be aimed at supporting the popularization of Smart City technologies and technical support for the development of these technologies.


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    Faced with the concept of "smart city", many people begin to imagine futuristic panoramas described in various stories by science fiction writers: hovering cars, robots, lasers, holographic objects... But what really makes a city "smart"? What technologies are used for this today?

    What is a "smart city"?

    What is a "smart city"?

    A smart city, also known as an "intelligent city", "digital city" is a concept on which a number of specialists have different points of view. So far, their opinions agree on only one thing: it is wrong to define a smart city only as an area saturated with technology. Technologies in this case are rather a means to achieve a universal goal - the formation of a comfortable urban environment. And the "mind" of the city is primarily a dialogue with local population and shaping a shared future in line with their aspirations as well as their course of action. That is, a "smart city" is a city that uses high technology to communicate in order to productively use the available resources to improve living standards, reduce environmental damage, support innovation, as well as rational use of energy and save costs. . Examples here are: the openness of the government, the high degree of involvement of citizens in management processes, the feasibility of development, the widespread availability of the Internet, space for cyclists, the availability of city on-line services, etc.

    What makes a smart city work?

    Ambitious projects are being launched in a number of countries to develop modern urban infrastructure based on the use of modern technologies. A smart city must necessarily have a qualified managerial and analytical resource in order to predict possible negative trends as accurately as possible. To eliminate the shortcomings of modern cities, new IT systems are produced and tested, which use Big Data analytics (data arrays about the citizens of the city), complex computer modeling, apply the results of the latest scientific research in sociology and human behavior. Therefore, in smart city projects, it is important to take into account a variety of approaches - from the study of human behavior to the management of resources and infrastructure. At its core, this is a network of intertwined mechanisms, and information and communication technologies make it possible to visualize their interaction, manage current flows that cover not only urban structures different levels, but also the suburbs, and in some cases even other cities. From the position of ICT, general optimization in various areas, balance material resources, which include positions from the city budget to food and waste, as well as intangibles - urban population, energy, information.

    Where was this technology first used?

    The idea for Smart City was born in the Spanish seaside city of Santander, after the European Union chose this place as a pilot project for the implementation of smart city concepts. Even 6 years ago, more than twelve thousand sensors were installed in the center of Santander, which diagnose, if not everything, then definitely a lot: the amount of garbage in the tanks, free parking spaces, the ratio of cars and pedestrians. What's more, sensors on the policemen's cars measure the degree of air pollution. Among other things, traffic light control was introduced. For example, a sound sensor at a certain traffic light detects the sound of a siren fire truck or ambulances, and then sends signals to other traffic lights and they all adjust their work in order to clear the road faster in remote areas. Economic difficulties in Spain served as a kind of motivation for the formation of a smart city: for example, thanks to sensors, the cost of street lighting has decreased. Automatic control of the fullness of the garbage cans allowed the authorities to reduce energy costs, since the garbage was subsequently removed more quickly. A certain array of data eventually became available to both residents of the city and tourists thanks to the developed mobile application. Thus, we can see that with the spread of this kind of technology, the city is becoming smarter, it is getting in touch, residents have an idea of ​​how it functions and plan their daily schedule according to the existing system. 11 million euros were spent on the equipment of Santander.

    What other examples of "smart city" exist in the world?

    In 2014, in Copenhagen, the implementation of large-scale project, which will rebuild the city into a unitary system, through the use of a number of technologies and management decisions. The system is already set up to save energy, increase safety in the city and reduce environmental pollution. Smart cities are also called Helsinki, Vancouver, Vienna, Singapore, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Amsterdam, Lyon. Following the example of its more developed counterparts, the City of Bogota has boosted its image by clearing out slums and lawbreakers to become one of the emerging green cities. Now it is one of the most environmentally developed cities in Latin America: the Colombian capital has implemented a "smart" public transportation system, tens of kilometers of bike paths and more than a thousand urban green crops. Thus, the quality of air and water in the city has significantly improved, and the trade in natural resources has also been completed.

    Are smart cities developing in Russia?

    In some Russian cities experiments are already underway to introduce "smart" technologies. First of all, this affects large metropolitan areas, whose budgets allow the use of individual services in practice. For example, in Moscow, interactive services are already actively used in the sphere of housing and communal services and transport. Major development projects in the field of security and sound management of urban utilities have started in St. Petersburg and Kazan. The introduction of "smart" technologies in Russian cities is carried out by the largest international IT companies, such as IBM, Cisco and a number of others. In particular, the “Smart and Safe City of Kazan” project being implemented by Cisco provides for a unified city network of Wi-Fi and video surveillance, control of the urban environment and the ecological situation, intelligent transport system- a complex of traffic flow sensors, a processing center and controlled traffic lights. It is assumed that as a result of the implementation of the project, the costs in the housing and communal services sector will decrease by 80%, for street lighting - by 40% and 50%, and the efficiency of using public transport will increase.

    The pace of urbanization in the 21st century is going through the roof. Every year the number of people seeking to move to big cities is only increasing. Megacities attract residents of villages and villages good conditions work, higher wages, developed infrastructure and quality medicine. But in this regard, a number of legitimate questions arise.

    How to improve the standard of living of the urban population? How to simplify the process of city management as much as possible? Is it possible to improve the work of municipal transport? The development of the concept of smart cities will help find answers to all these questions. Actually, about her will be discussed in our article.

    The ideal city problem

    Vicenzo Scamozzi, Leonardo da Vinci, Francesco de Marcha, Giovanni Bellucci, Le Corbusier - all these talented people at different times worked on the idea of ​​the so-called ideal city. In Europe, they began to think actively about how to create such a settlement back in the Middle Ages.

    So, for example, a drawing of a two-level street with separate traffic, dating from the middle of the 15th century, has been preserved. Its author is the outstanding Italian scientist Leonardo da Vinci. In the northeast of Italy is the unique old city of Palma Nova in the shape of a star. It was founded in 1593. This is how the “ideal city” was imagined by the architect Vicenzo Scamozzi.

    Of course, with the rapid development of science and information technology, the idea of ​​an ideal city has changed somewhat. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the concept of a "smart city" was born, which is based on the automation of absolutely all processes of urban life.

    Smart City: the main tasks of an intelligent city

    The concept of "smart city" has emerged relatively recently. Moreover, there is no unambiguous and generally accepted interpretation of this term. The very concept of a smart city (Smart City - in the English version) originated in the late 90s. It was then that the progressive part of humanity first realized that the future lies with the development of the IT sector. It is curious that initially this idea was developed exclusively in an ecological and environmental context. But years have passed, and today Smart City is a comprehensive reality.

    So what is a smart city? The following definition can be given: it is the integration of all communication and information technologies in order to effectively manage the urban system. According to the smart city concept, all these technologies are used to solve a number of important tasks:

    1. Rational use all objects of urban infrastructure.
    2. Comprehensive improvement of the environment.
    3. Operational collection and transmission of data to city officials.
    4. Establishing close ties between the city government and local residents.

    7 signs of a smart city

    In short, the main goal of the smart city program is to increase the efficiency of all municipal services. Is it possible to somehow distinguish a Smart City from an ordinary settlement? It turns out you can. Here are the seven key features of a smart city:

    • Involvement of ordinary urban residents in management issues.
    • Availability of intelligent systems
    • A smart approach to street lighting.
    • Implementation of a citywide and accessible WiFi networks.
    • Active use of solar panels.
    • Availability of the system through sms-messages.
    • Minimal use of cash to pay for services and goods.

    The main cities today include wireless sensor networks, various online platforms, sensors (for example, to control traffic, air pollution levels, etc.), electronic maps and applications.

    Smart city device

    According to the concept we are considering, a smart city consists of seven structural components (parts) - three main and four auxiliary. This is:

    1. Smart economy (development of information and communication technologies, favorable environment for innovation, availability of an online booking system).
    2. Smart financial system(non-cash payments, availability of ATMs and terminals, transparency in the distribution of tenders).
    3. Smart city management (openness of the municipal administration, close ties between local authorities and ordinary residents).
    4. Smart public transport.
    5. Smart infrastructure.
    6. Smart lighting.
    7. Smart residents.

    Let's take a closer look at some of these components, namely transportation and lighting.

    Smart city transport

    The transport of the future, according to the famous Brazilian urbanist Jaime Lerner, will be maneuverable and extremely cheap. It will run on the surface and can be easily integrated into underground metro lines. Today at different countries there is an active work on the development of a smart bus, a smart bike and a smart taxi.

    Smart transport controls everything that happens in the passenger compartment and on the roadway. At the same time, it is able to quickly transmit information about traffic violations to the relevant authorities.

    One of the most important components of any smart city is geolocation. It helps to track the movement of urban transport online by determining the location of a particular bus, trolleybus or taxi. In many cities around the world, a system for optimizing the movement of municipal transport has already been introduced, which prompts the passenger (through special information panels or user smartphones) on the optimal route of movement.

    Smart city lighting

    Imagine that you are walking down a street at night, where the street lamps turn on automatically as you progress. Similar technologies have long been introduced in many cities around the world. So-called motion sensors are extremely popular today. They record the presence of a person (or vehicle), and only then turn on the light. Scientists have calculated that smart lamps within the concept of "smart city" can save up to 80% of electricity compared to conventional incandescent lamps.

    It should be noted that in the near future, lighting will become comfortable not only for people, but also for plants. Research is already underway on smart lighting for city parks and gardens, with automatic adjustment of the brightness, intensity and hue of the emitted light.

    Architectural lighting is booming. Thanks to the wide variety LED lamps new opportunities are being created for the original design lighting of the facades of city buildings and public facilities.

    Smart Cities: the most famous examples

    At the moment, the concept of Smart City is being implemented to a greater or lesser extent in 350 cities around the world. According to analysts, by 2020 this figure will increase to 600 settlements. Here are some examples of the smartest cities in the world:

    • Singapore (Singapore).
    • Masdar (UAE).
    • Columbus (USA).
    • Yinchuan (China).
    • Fujisawa (Japan).
    • Curitiba (Brazil).

    Let's take a quick look at what smart technologies are implemented and used in the listed settlements.


    In the ranking of the smartest cities, the first line is often given to Singapore. The government of the country has launched special program Smart Nation, in which city blocks were equipped solar panels, vacuum waste collectors, as well as sensors that control the volume of electricity and water consumption. Many houses in Singapore have special sensors that monitor the movements of the elderly and, if necessary, send messages to nearby hospitals.


    The village of Masdar is a futuristic project of the city of the future, located on the territory of the United Arab Emirates. As conceived by the designers, it should become completely autonomous and self-sufficient. All energy required for the functioning of city services and systems will be obtained exclusively from natural renewable sources - wind, sun and water. Despite the hot climate, the air temperature comfortable for human life will remain on the streets of Masdar. This project will be fully implemented only by 2030.


    At least 850 thousand people live in the capital of Ohio. Google has implemented its Flow system here, which collects and analyzes traffic information from smartphones and navigators. This helps municipal authorities to avoid big traffic jams, and helps local residents to choose the best route and mode of transportation, taking into account the congestion of the main roads. In addition, very soon, unmanned shuttle buses will begin to run in Columbus.


    The relatively small Chinese city of Yinchuan is notable, first of all, for the fact that there is no need not only for cash, but also for bank cards. In order to make a purchase, it is enough to bring your face to a special sensor. The unique one will automatically deduct the required amount from your account.

    In addition, a number of other smart technologies. For example, all waste containers are solar-powered and equipped with full indicators. But in the building of the local administration, visitors are greeted not by government officials, but by holograms that can solve many problems of citizens.


    How not to mention Japan, which today is one of the leaders in the introduction of the latest technologies and developments. Most recently, Fujisawa Smart City was inaugurated in this country. Only electric cars roam its streets, and all houses use only solar energy.

    In the streets and alleys of Fujisawa, smart lighting. Flashlights turn on only when there are moving objects in their coverage area. In Japan, as you know, earthquakes are not uncommon. But the city of Fujisawa is fully prepared for any natural disaster and is able to provide its residents with cold and hot water for at least three days.


    Brazilian Curitiba is perhaps the most striking example of a "smart city" if we talk exclusively about developing countries. Many problems of the modern metropolis were resolved here fifty years ago. Largely thanks to the efforts of the mayor of the city - Jaime Lerner. He became famous throughout the world for the modernization of his native Curitiba, transforming the urban environment to a reference level in terms of planning.

    Lerner has achieved particular success in the field of urban transport. The statistics speak for themselves:

    • Public transport in Curitiba consumes 30% less fuel than in other major metropolitan areas.
    • The city bus transport system works no less efficiently than the light metro.
    • Curitiba is famous for one of the largest pedestrian areas among all cities in the world.
    • About 70% of Sao Paulo residents would like to live in Curitiba.

    Smart cities of Russia

    The concept of smart cities in last years is of great interest in Russia. The fact that it resonates with politicians and officials of various levels is also positive. So, in 2016, at the initiative of the Moscow Government, the Smart City Center was opened at VDNKh. A separate pavilion was built for him with quite original design external facades (in the form of a relief pattern of computer chips).

    Within Moscow, they want to implement the concept of a smart city in the village of Kommunarka (the settlement of Sosenskoye). Here, the city authorities are planning to create a modern business center with the participation of the French company Engie.

    But Huawei is directly involved in the implementation of the Safe City project in St. Petersburg. AT northern capital a cloud storage system for video files collected from 12,000 surveillance cameras has already been developed. It allows you to find the desired fragment in a matter of minutes and take appropriate security measures. The total capacity of this cloud storage is impressive: about 40 PB (for reference: 1 PB is 1 million GB of memory).

    "Smart city": the concept of Rostelecom

    In April 2018, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation hosted an extended meeting of a special working group with the participation of representatives from various regions of the country. At it, Rostelecom presented a roadmap for the new Smart City project as part of the Digital Economy of Russia state program.

    The Smart City concept developed by Rostelecom includes a number of tasks in six different areas designed to significantly improve the lives of citizens. Among the most important results of the implementation of this project:

    • The introduction of public transport on unmanned control.
    • Reducing accidents and emergencies in the housing system.
    • Reducing the total number of accidents in cities.
    • Increasing the reliability of energy supply.

    The RF Ministry of Construction has also drawn up a list of municipalities where this pilot project will be implemented. It includes 18 cities: Perm, Voronezh, Veliky Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kotovsk, Evpatoria, Tolyatti, Izhevsk, Yelabuga, Glazov, Sarov, Novouralsk, Satka, Sarapul, Magas and Sosnovy Bor.


    "Smart City" is a concept based on a locality that uses a variety of information technologies for the more efficient functioning of all its services and systems. The key idea of ​​such a city is to collect various information (in real time) and use it to make rational, constructive decisions.

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