The advantages and principle of the turbine wind engineer. What is a new wind turbine and what kind of it happens? Wind generator vertical turbine

Reservoirs 04.03.2020

Thus, the notorious abstraction of the "spherical horse in vacuum" is questioned. If you drop into the direction of this pseudo - paradigm, it remains to be recognized that the energy possibilities of vertically - axial turbines are not limited to the limit that is established by the theory for propeller wind generators (59.3% of the wind energy in the rotor target). Based on these reasonable provisions, the author of the article came to the idea of \u200b\u200bvertically - axial wind turbines (VAWT) of the new "architecture". It uses the principle of natural phenomenon - a tornger. The turbine turns the wind stream in an ascending vortex, which is "wounded" to the multilobe rotor, like a cocoon. The blades interfere with the passage of air directly, he spirally blows up the cavity of the rotor, passing his energy to friction. The flow interacts not only with these blades, but also with the inclined antiques associated with the rotor. A horizontal impeller is connected to the top of the blades. It also interacts with ascending swirl. Such a combination of signs creates a paradoxical possibility of an increase in the rotor overeaten by the wind without increasing its dimensions, since not only the external surface is worn. The image of the turbine is shown below.

In 2016, two existing models of such turbines were manufactured. The height of the vertical blades and the transverse dimensions of the rotors were 800 mm. All the elements mentioned above had an aerodynamic Clark y profile. The thickness of the profile is 11% of the chord length. Both models had horizontal impeller with nine blades, each of which is associated with one of the vertical rotor blades and with a central mast, which rotates together with the whole design. The first model (photo is given below) had nine antiques, the second - 18. At the wind speed of 11m / with the second turbine, the power of 220 W has developed and had a speed of rotation of about 80 rpm at idle. Both turbines worked in the surface border layer, standing on the stationery. This did not prevent them from reaching the Keev 0.42 and 0.48, respectively, which is not inferior to horizontally axial turbines, which are rendered beyond the turbulence zone by mounting on high masts.

On the turbine number two was spotted demolition along the surface of the table in the direction perpendicular to the wind direction. That is, for the first time it was found that the effect of Magnus is valid not only for the bodies of rotation with a solid surface. It is possible to master the new direction in shipbuilding by using this turbine as the driving attacks of small ships and large ships (in addition to the main power plants) to save fuel. The rotating turbine when interacting with the windthord causes a transverse force moving ship, and the turbine operator rotates an electricity generator. In more detail about the ships with the propulsion on the basis of the magnus effect, although these vertical rotors and vertical wings create force moving the ship using wind as well as old sails, Magnus rotors require an external drive for their rotation, and wings require fan again with external drive. And, moreover, these two installations are not able to produce energy when exposed to winds.

Currently, in the framework of the Rostekhno Rostov Group of Companies, the Turbine described, with active and, which is especially pleased with the creative team with a sharp feeling of a new one, is being improved. It instills confidence in the success of a promising direction!

The priority of the wind turbine is currently protected by the following documents: the decision to issue a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan on request 2015/70.1 "Wind Energy Aggregate", the decision to issue a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan on request 2016 / 0104.1 "Rotor of the wind turbine". However, significant improvements were prepared beyond the scope of this article and giving decisive advantages over the attempts of pirated reproduction of the turbine described above.

Minerals mined from the depths of the Earth and used by humanity as energy resources, unfortunately, are not limitless. Every year their value increases, which is explained by the reduction in production level. Alternative and gaining momentum with a power supply option protrude wind turbines for home. They are allow us to transform wind energy into alternating currentWhat makes it possible to ensure all the needs of the electricity of any household appliances. The main advantage of such generators is absolute ecology, as well as free use of electricity an unlimited number of years. What other advantages has a wind generator for the house, as well as the features of its operation, will look further.

More Ancient people noticed that the wind can become an excellent assistant in the implementation of many works. Windmills that allowed to turn the grain into flour, without spending their own forces, became the twin priests of the first wind generators.

Wind power stations consist of a certain number of generators capable of obtaining, converting and accumulating wind energy into alternating current. They may well provide a whole house of electricity that is taken from nowhere.

However, it must be said that equipment costs and their maintenance is not always cheaper, rather than the cost of central power grids.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, before joining the supporters of free energy, it is necessary to realize that wind power plants have not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. From positive parties The use of wind energy in everyday life can be allocated as follows:

  • the method is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of operation;
  • independence from the power grid.

Home mini generators can, both partially provide electricity and become a full-fledged substitute, transforming in the power plant.

However, no need to forget about limitationswhich are:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • payback occurs no earlier than 5-6 years of use;
  • relatively small efficiency factors, which is why power suffers;
  • requires expensive equipment: a battery and a generator, without which the station is impossible in windless days.

In order not to spend a lot of money, before buying all the necessary equipment, it is necessary to estimate the profitability of the power plant. To do this, calculate the average capacity of the house (here includes the power of all used electrical appliances), the number of windy days a year, and also assess the locality where the windmills will be located.

Basic structural elements

The simplicity of the construction of the power plant is explained by the primitiveness of the structural elements.

To enjoy wind energy such details will be required:

  • wind blades - capture the wind stream, transmitting the pulse to the wind generator;
  • the wind generator and controller - contribute to the transformation of the pulse in a constant current;
  • battery - accumulates energy;
  • inverter - helps convert a permanent current into variable.

The newly created wind turbine refers to renewable energy sources in the form of vertically - axial wind turbines (international abbreviation VAWT) carousel type

In the modern world, they made a bet on renewable energy sources, including wind power. Propeller type wind generators prevail, with a horizontal axis of rotation. Such generators require powerful support towers and increasing gearboxes, which increases payback period. In addition, such aggregates are powerful low-frequency sources of noise. These circumstances limit the circle of buyers and makes it look for the alternative to traditional wind power generators.

The newly created wind turbine refers to renewable energy sources in the form of vertically-axial wind turbines (international abbreviation VAWT) of the carousel type.

The advantage of vertical type rotors is primarily a lower payback period, as well as what they allow work in a wide range of wind velocities. While the rotors with a horizontal axis are translated into the protective ventilation mode with some limit wind speed, the excess of which is fraught with the destruction of the structure.

In this mode, the propeller is disconnected from the multiplier and the generator, the electricity is not produced. And the rotors with a vertical axis are experiencing significantly smaller mechanical stresses at an equal wind speed than rotors with a horizontal axis. In addition, the latter require expensive orientation systems towards wind.

While the rotors with a vertical axis can operate at any direction of the wind. Also, the advantage of vertical rotors is their low-noise and the possibility of installation in urban buildings, including on the roofs of buildings.

Within the framework of this project, a fundamentally new approach to the design of vertical electricity wind generators is proposed. It is based on the use of a lowly located durable rotor, on the periphery of which a lot of sails are fixed - wings.

The rotor is equipped with reference racks of wheel chassis, which allows it to rotate around the stationary axis with a stable sometimes on the foundation due to the chassis wheels. Many sails - wings create a large rotary moment at the expense of aerodynamic forces. What makes this design of a record for specific power. The diameter of the rotor can be 10 meters.

At the same time, on such a rotary, it is possible to install the wings with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200 kadral meters, which will make it possible to generate up to one hundred kilowatt of electricity. At the same time, the weight of such aggregates is so small that it is possible to install it on the roofs of the buildings and ensure them due to this autonomous power supply. Or it is possible to provide electricity to a large farm in the steppe, where the power line is not laid. Increased power up to an arbitrarily large value is achievable by replicating such aggregates. That is, by setting a lot of wind positions of the same type, we achieve the desired power.

During the Internet - monitoring, an American company producing VAWT for residency, electric car stations, as well as for the US Department of Defense (Electronic resource

With the external similarity of the American VAWT with our turbine, there are the following fundamental differences:

1. The analogue rotates the inner part of the VAWT. And the external part is the stator (fixed guide apparatus). The proposed object has the entire system - a single rotor. Although it is possible to additionally equip our turbine stator planes - wind turbines.

2. Since power depends on the torque, which is directly proportional to the radius of the rotor, with other things being equal in our turbine the radius is more (with the same dimensions).

3. Our turbine contains a horizontal impeller, in contrast to the analog, which removes the power from the ascending vortex inside the rotor.

4. Analog has no inclined anti-pot. In our system, they are, in quantity of 9Do 18. These anti-killers showed a comparison of the old model with nine antiques and a new one with a twice as large amount of antiques, increased power by 10%.

5. The company cannot do large VAWT. The applicant designs a turbine with a capacity of up to 50 ... 80 kW, which is one and a half the order exceeds the indicators of the described analog.

As for technical efficiency. Our prototype with a height of 800mm blades and transverse dimensions of 800 mm at wind speed of 11 m / s has developed a mechanical power of 225 W (at 75 revolutions per minute). At the same time, he defended from the surface of the Earth at a height of less than a meter. According to the resource, the comparable power (300 W) is developing a five-pointed vertical windmill, installed on a six-meter mast, and it has five,1200 mm blades installed on a dimensional diameter of 2,000 mm.

That is, if you take the windmills of compaable windmills, it turns out that the prototype is an energy efficient than the famous windmill 2.5 ... 3 times, taking into account the fact that the Earth is weaker because of the proximity to the boundary surface and has a pronounced turbulent nature. From this, knowing that the described analog has the coefficient of use of wind energy (cyser) equal to 0.2, it is possible to estimate the prototype cyser as 0.48, which is much higher than that of the VAWT type "Savonius" and "Darius" and corresponds to the best world samples. horizontally axial wind generators.

At the same time, the material consumption and cost of the prototype is incomparable lower than that of propeller mast wind turbines, which have mechanisms of orientation on wind and highly located energy modulus with an expensive increase in the planetary type gearbox.

Comparative assessment of the efficacy of rotors of wind turbines of various types is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Type of Rotor

The location of the axis of rotation

Wind energy utilization coefficient (Keev)

A source


Rotor Savonius



R.A. Janson. Windstore. Edited by M.Zh. Osipova. M.: MSTU Publishing House. AD Bauman, 2007, p.23, Fig.13

Developed about eighty years ago, the scheme - rice. 7 (e) on page 17 of the mentioned source

Rotor N-Darya with wide-sided blades




Developed about a century ago, the scheme - rice. 7 (a) on page 17 of the mentioned source

Multiboral resistance



Also, as well as a specific commercial product on the site

The Rotor Bolotova is widely known in Astana.

Two-low propellers




The most common type of wind turbines today

Rotor of our turbine (formally n-Dari, but with tightly closed blades, on which inclined anti-killers and a horizontal impeller are installed)



Firemen of wind speed measurements by anemometer, rotor torque dynamometer, rotor revolutions tachometer

Keev is defined by indirect methods. We need direct measurement of electrical power on the electric generator to be purchased.

That, the inventive object is not only new and non-obvious, but also corresponds to the best world standards for the Keev, surpassing world standards for related costs and payback period.

In the future, it is planned to construct, make and test a full-size pilot sample. It is planned to establish a massive issue of such installations after debugging a pilot sample, with such installations of non-elected areas in rural areas and new buildings in cities.published

Wind power is actively developing around the world, and no one has long been a secret that this is one of the promising directions of alternative energy at the moment. By mid-2014, the total capacity of all the wind generators installed in the world was 336 gigavatt, and the largest and most powerful vertical three-blade wind generator Vestas-164 was installed and launched at the beginning of 2014 in Denmark. Its power reaches 8 megawatts, and the blast of the blades is 164 meters.

Despite the long-running technology for the manufacture of blade turbines and wind turbines in general, many enthusiasts seek to improve technology, increase its efficiency and reduce negative factors.

As is known, the coefficient of use of the wind stream energy y at best reaches 30%, they are quite noisy and disturb the natural heat balance of nearby territories, increasing the temperature of the surface layer of air at night. They are also very dangerous for birds and occupy significant areas.

What alternatives exist? In fact, the work of modern inventors does not know the boundaries, and many different alternative options are invented.

Let's consider the 5 most unusual of the alternative designs of wind generators notable for the industry.

Starting in 2010, the American company Altaeros Energies, based in the Massachusetts Research Institute, is developing new generation wind generators. A new type of wind turbines is designed to work at altitudes up to 600 meters, the usual wind generators simply cannot get. It is at such large altitudes that the strongest winds constantly blowing, which are 5-8 times stronger than winds near the surface of the Earth.

The generator is an inflatable structure similar to Helius airship, which has a three-bladed turbine on the horizontal axis. Such a windy generator was launched in 2014 on Alaska to a height of about 300 meters for testing for 18 months.

The developers assure that this technology will allow to receive electricity worth 18 cents per kilowatt-hour, which is twice as cheaper than the usual cost of wind power in Alaska. In the future, such generators will be able to replace diesel power plants, as well as find application on problem areas.

In the future, this device will not be just a generator of electricity, but also part of the weather station and a convenient means of providing the Internet on far from the relevant infrastructure of the territories.

After installation, such a system does not require the presence of personnel, does not occupy a large area, and almost silent. It can be monitored remotely, and requires maintenance only once every 1-1.5 years.

Another interesting decision to create an unusual design of a wind power plant is implemented in the United Arab Emirates. Not far from Abu Dhabi is built the city of Madsar, in which they plan to build a rather unusual wind power plant, called the developers of "Windstalk".

The founder of the New York designer company Atelier DNA, developing the design of this project, said that the main idea was to find a kinetic model in nature, which could serve to generate electricity, and such a model was found. 1203 Carbon Fiber Stems, every about 55 meters high, with concrete bases of 20 meters wide, will be installed at a distance of 10 meters each other.

The stems will be reinforced with rubber, and have a width of about 30 cm at the base, and up to 5 centimeters are narrowed up. Each such stem will contain alternating layers of electrodes and ceramic discs made of piezoelectric material, which generates an electric current when exposed to pressure.

When the stems are swinging in the wind, the discs will shrink, generating an electric current. No noise blades of wind turbines, no victims among birds, nothing but wind.

The idea arose due to the observation of the rehabils on the swamp.

Atelier DNA's Windstalk project ranked second in the Land Art Generator Competition, sponsored by Madsar to choose the best, from among international applications, works of art that can generate energy due to renewable sources.

The area occupied by this unusual wind station will cover 2.6 hectares, and in power it will correspond to a conventional wind generator that occupies a similar area. The system is effective due to the lack of friction losses, characteristic of traditional mechanical systems.

At the base of each stem, a generator that converts torque from the stem using a system of shock absorbers and cylinders is similar to the Levant Power system developed in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Since the wind is not constant, the energy accumulation system will be applied so that the accumulated energy can be spent and then when there is no wind, explain the project employees.

At the top of each stem will be installed in the LED light, the brightness of which will be directly dependent on the wind strength and the number of electricity generated at the moment.

Windstalk will work on chaotic schism, which allows you to position the elements of the mountain closer to each other than it is possible with conventional blade wind generators.

A similar project Wavestalk is being worked out to convert the energy of ocean flows and waves, where the similar system will be in an inverted view under water.

The project developed by SAPHON ENERGY from Tunisia, as well as WindStalk, is a lightweight wind generator, but this time the device has a sailing type design.

This silent generator, in shape, resemble a satellite plate, was called Saphonian. It does not have rotating parts and is completely safe for birds. The generator screen performs under the action of wind forward-back moving, creating fluctuations in the hydraulic system.

The goal of the project is to improve the characteristics of wind generators, relative to the use of wind stream. The wind literally blames the sail, which makes the movement forward-back under its action, while there is no blades, nor rotor, nor transmissions. Such interaction allows you to convert more kinetic energy into mechanical with a piston.

Energy can be accumulated in hydraulic batteries, or convert into electrical media by the generator, or to give it to rotate any mechanism. If conventional wind generators possess the efficiency of 30%, then this sailing generator gives all 80%. Its effectiveness exceeds the windmill vane type 2.3 times.

Due to the absence of expensive components, as it takes place in a wind turbine (blades, hubs, gearboxes), in the case of SAPHONIAN, equipment costs are reduced to 45%.

The Aerodynamic form of Saphonian has the advantage that turbulent windflows slightly affect the body of the sail, and the aerodynamic force is only increasing. It is because of turbulence wind turbines and are not used in urban areas, and Saphonian can be used there. In addition, harmful acoustic and vibration factors are minimized. Saphon Energy has received a KPMG award for efforts in the development of innovation.

Another very revolutionary approach to the use of wind energy was implemented back in 2008 inventor - enthusiast from California. Large windy generators for small cities are sized with a 30-storey house, and their blades achieve the size of the wings of Boeing 747.

These giant generators certainly produce a lot of energy, but production, transportation and installation of such systems are complex and road. Despite this industry grows by more than 40 percent each year. That was how Dag Selasham from California reflected before setting up with its ambitious goal. He decided that it was quite realistic to get more energy using less material for this.

By installing a dozen or several dozen small rotors on one shaft, associated with one generator, Dag, eventually achieved the goal. One end of the long shaft he connected with the generator, and the second end launched into the balloons with helium. The system has earned, as was supposed.

In Doug textbooks, I read that the single turbine is enough to obtain a maximum, but Dagi has doubts. He considered otherwise: the more the rotors, the greater the wind energy is available for use.

If each rotor is located at the desired angle, then each rotor will receive its own wind, and this will increase the efficiency of generation.

Of course, it complicates physics, because now it was necessary to make sure that each rotor catches his own stream, and not just the flow from the nearby Rotor. It was required to find out the optimal angle for the shaft in relation to the wind and the perfect distance between the rotors. And in the end, the gain was obtained using a smaller amount of material.

In 2003, the inventor received a grant in the amount of $ 75,000 from the California Energy Commission for the development of a 3000-watt turbine for seven rotors. The task was successfully solved, and Doug Selas has already sold more than 20 of its 2000-watts turbines with a double rotor to several homeowners. He built these devices in his country garage.

The idea of \u200b\u200bDag was one of the few ideas that actually have every chance to achieve great success in the commercial world. Selsam says that two rotors are only the beginning. Probably, someday he will see his multi-motor turbines with a length of mile in the sky.

Archimedes, the office of which is located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, invented its concept of unusual wind turbines, which can be installed directly on the roofs of residential buildings.

According to the plan of the authors of the project, an effective low-noise design can quite provide a small house of electricity, and a complex of such generators, working in aggregate CO, is able to reduce the dependence of a large building from external sources of electricity to zero. New wind turbines were called Liam F1.

A small turbine, a diameter of 1.5 meters, and weighing about 100 kilograms, can be installed on any wall or roof of a residential building. Usually, the height of terraced roofs is 10 meters, and the wind in the country is almost always southwest. These conditions are enough to properly place the turbine on the roof, and effectively use wind energy.

Two problems of ordinary wind generators are solved here: noise of conventional blade turbines and high cost of installing bulky equipment. In ordinary wind generators, the installation costs often do not pay off. The noise level of the Liam turbine is about 45DB, and even quiet rain noise (rain noise in the forest - 50 DB).

On the form resembling a snail shell, the turbine is like a fluger to turn over the wind, capturing the air flow, reducing its speed, and changing the direction. The director of Marinus Mirinus argues that the effectiveness of the innovative turbine reaches 80% of the most affordable theoretically in the wind energy efficiency. And that is already quite enough.

In the Netherlands, the average family consumes 3,300 kW-hours of electrical energy for the year. According to developers, half of this energy can provide one LIAM F1 turbine at a wind speed of at least 4.5 m / s.

You can place three such turbines in the vertices of the triangle on the roof of the house, then each of the turbines will be provided by the wind and they will not interfere with each other, and opposite will be to help each other.

If we are interested in installing in the city where turbulent flows take place, the manufacturer suggests a slightly raising wind generators installed on urban roofs, attacking them on the poles so that the walls of neighboring houses do not interfere with wind threads.

The estimated cost of the new turbine together with the installation is 3999 euros. Since the device has a size of more than one meter, it may be necessary to take a special license for its use, therefore, the MINI-LIAM turbine is also produced by the company, the diameter of which is 0.75 meters.

Manufacturers plan to apply their turbines not only for the power supply of residential and industrial buildings, but also for the power supply of ships.

As you can see interesting alternatives from manufacturers of wind turbines.

The issue of wind power in our innovation time interests very many. Those who at least once visited European countries on their cars, probably seen huge wind farms.
Hundreds of generators are found along the way.

Observing such a picture, many begin to believe that the production of electricity with wind, a very promising and advantageous lesson. Wise Europeans are wrong, then can not.

At the same time, for some reason, the fact is ignored that in other places of the same Europe, there are practically no such wind-power plants. Why's that?
That's it precisely when, where, where and how the windmills are beneficial, but when there is no, and it will be discussed in the article.


Surely after the next rise in price of electricity, you thought about the installation at home on the vehicle. Thus, ensuring if not all, most of its electricity needs.

Some even think in such a way to become independent of the power grid. How real is really possible? Unfortunately, for 90% of the owners of private houses, these dreams will remain dreams.

And so that you did not waste your money, tell me with the layout of all the numbers why this is exactly the case.

Wind speed

Unfortunately, in our country there are not so many regions, where the wind speed is at least at least 5-7 meters per second. There are data on average per year. In the overwhelming majority of latitudes suitable for accommodation, this speed is equal to a maximum of 2-4 m / s.

This suggests that your windset is most of the time, it will not work elementary. For stable generation of electricity, she needs a wind about 10 m / s.

If the wind is 7m / s in your area, then the generator will work with a maximum of 50% of its nominal. And if only 2m / s, then at all by 5%.

In fact, in an hour, 2kW generator will give you no more than 100W.

You will also come across another problem of the wind, about which manufacturers are silent. Near the earth, its speed is much less than above, where industrial installations 25-30 m are set.

You will assemble your assembly for a maximum of ten meters. Therefore, do not even focus on the winds of the winds from different sites. This data is not suitable for you.

Manufacturers modestly silent that for their wind-trap cards, measurements are produced at an altitude of 50 to 70 meters! In addition, there are no data on turbulence, swirls.

Try to turn up more than 10m, be sure to think about lightning protection. Electricated air friction blades, a very tasty bait for discharges!

In addition, for some reason, everything is worried only about such a parameter as wind speed, and at the same time they forget about its density or pressure. And the energy difference is very significant. The dependence of electricity generation from the wind pressure is disproportionate.

So, with an increase in the wind pressure, the generated power increases eight times!

In addition, there is a certain debris in the specified technical characteristics of the generators.

Of course, you can believe, but only for ideal conditions. Because:

  • and in a laminar stream with a constant direction and high density

You have a wind speed in the country area, there may be such that it will not work and shaft scroll, not what to produce energy.

And it is in spring or autumn. It is during this period that the most active movements of the air masses occur.

Do not forget that the windmill does not work in idling mode of the turntable, but should unlock the generator rotor surrounded by neodymium magnets.

And it is only as long as the electric potential of the windmill below the battery voltage. When the voltage is achieved sufficient to start the charge, the battery turns into a load.

If you apply low-speed structures with a vertical axis of rotation, then there is already an increase in the boost. Have you tried to unwind the booster? This design becomes more complicated, increases weight, sailboat, cost.

Even on the lighthouses of the Northern Fleet, given there is constant wind and the polar night, experts prefer to use solar batteries. To the question of why, they answer in a simple way - there are less problems!

Cordless batteries for wind turbines

Large industrial wind turbines can transmit energy directly to the network, bypassing all sorts of batteries.

But you can't do without them. Without acb, it will not work or a TV or a refrigerator. Even the lighting will shine with urabs, depending on the busting of the wind.

At the same time, for 12-15 years of operation of the generator, you must change the 3-4 kits of the battery, thereby having increasing its initial costs. Moreover, we take almost an ideal option when the batteries will be discharged not more than half of its container.

Of course you can buy cheap models of AKB, but the costs will not be less. Just a trip to the store for new batteries will be carried out not 4 times, and already 8.

Where better to install

Another thing about to seriously think - this is the presence of a free space. And in the area it can leave 100 or more meters in each direction from the mast.

The wind should walk freely through the blades, and without interference to achieve them from all sides. It turns out that you should reside either in the steppe or near the sea (better directly on its shore).

The perfect place will be on top of the hill. Where from the standpoint of aerodynamics, the air flow is compacted with an appropriate increase in wind speed and pressure.

Forget about neighbors nearby. Their gardens and two-three-storey mansions, great "will come with your bloodleton," every time overlapping the passing breeze. As well as neighboring forest stations.

The same industrial windmills are not available directly after each other, but they are diagonally mounted. Each subsequent, should not close the previous one.

Price for 1kW power

4th Cause - High price. Do not be found on the prices of sellers in the price list. They never show the real cost of all the necessary equipment.
Therefore, prices always multiply on 2, even when choosing the so-called ready-made sets.

But that's not all. Do not forget about the operating costs that reach up to 70% of the cost of wind turbines. Try to display the generator at the height, or every time to dismantle and disassemble-collect mast.

Do not forget about the periodic replacement of the AKB. Therefore, do not expect that the windmill can do you on 1 dollar for 1kW eminence.

When you consider all the real costs, it turns out that each kilowatt capacity of such a wind generator has cost you at least 5 bucks.

Payback period and calculation of savings

The fifth reason is inextricably linked with the first four. This is the payback period of costs.

For your individual wind installation, this period is never.

The cost of the windmill, masts and additional equipment for 2 kilowatts high-quality models will reach an average of up to 200 thousand rubles. Performance of such installations - from 100 to 200 kW per month, no more. And this is under good weather conditions.

Even the precipitation reduces wind turbines. Rain is 20%, snow - by 30%.

So it turns out all your savings is 500 rubles. For 12 months of continuous work, it will break a little more - 6 thousand.

But if you remember the initial spending in 200 thousand, you will return them in thirty two years!

And all this is excluding operating costs. And if you estimate that the average service life of a good windmill is about 20 years, it turns out that it is finally and irrevocably worried before it comes to payback.

At the same time, the 2nd kilowate unit will not close by 100% your needs. Maximum on a third! If you want to connect everything entirely from it, then take a 10 kilowatt model, no less. The payback period from this will not change.

But there will be completely different dimensions and weight.

And fasten it just so on the pipe through the attic of its roof, it will not be exactly.

However, some are still convinced that due to an infinite rise in price of electricity, the wind generator at one fine moment, according to anyone will become profitable.

When it is worth buying a windmill

Of course, the electricity is more expensive every year. For example, 10 years ago, its price was 70% lower. Let's carry out approximate calculations and find out the prospect of accessing the windmill, taking into account the sharp rise in the cost of electricity.

We will consider the 2kW generator.

As we have already found out earlier, the cost of such a model is about 200 thousand. But taking into account all the extra charges, you need to multiply it into two. It turns out at least 400 thousand rubles. Costs, under the service life of twenty years.

That is, for the year it turns out 20 thousand. At the same time, in fact, this year the unit will give you a maximum of 900 kW. Because of the coeff. Installed power (it does not exceed five percent for small windmills), in a month you wipe 75kW.

Even if you take 1000 kW per year for ease of calculations, the cost of 1 kW / h received from the windmill, for you will be 20 rubles. If we assume that electricity from the TPP will rise in price 4 times, it will not happen tomorrow, and even not after 5 years.

What windmills choose

Well, those who live far from substations and VL-0.4KV, it is worth purchasing the most powerful windmills models, which you can afford. Since from that power, which is indicated in the pictures, you will get no more than 15%.

Another category of consumers, well deservedly makes the choice not in favor of Chinese factory models, but on the contrary, prefers homemade windmills from self-taught masters. There are also their benefits in this.

For the most part, the inventors of such devices, these are competent and responsible guys. And almost in 100% of cases, without problems, they can be returned to the installation, if something went wrong, or it should be rejected. There will be no problem with this.

In industrial chinese windmills, the appearance of of course prettier. And if you still decided to buy it, immediately after checking the electric drill, make preventive repair and replace the Chinese scrap metal with high-quality lubrication bearings.

If you have a large nesting of birds near you, it will not hurt to purchase an additional set of blades.

Chicks sometimes fall under the distribution of a spinning "minimum mill". Plastic blades break, and metal bent.

And I would like to finish the wisdom from those users who did not obey all the arguments and came closely to all the problems described above. Remember, the most expensive fluger for home is the wind generator!

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