Foreign policy on the eve of World War II briefly. Foreign policy of the USSR before the war

The buildings 22.09.2019

International relationshipsThe pretended after the First World War were not sufficiently stable. Versailles system that divided the world on the Winner Power and the losers of the country's war did not provide equilibrium forces. The restoration of stability also prevented the victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia and the arrival of the fascists in Germany, as a result of which these two largest powers were in the position of the rogue. They sought to get out of international isolation, getting closer to each other. This was facilitated by a signed agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations and mutual refusal of complaints. Since then, Germany has become the most important trading, political and military partner of the USSR. She, by bypassing the restrictions that the Versailles Agreement hosted on her, the officer's staff prepared on Soviet territory and produced weapons, sharing the USSR by the secrets of military technologies.
At rapprochement with Germany, Stalin built his calculations related to inciting the revolutionary struggle. Hitler could destabilize the situation in Europe, starting the war with England, France and other countries, creating that favorable conditions For Soviet expansion to Europe. Stalin used Hitler as a "icebreaker of the revolution."
As can be seen, the appearance of totalitarian regimes threatened stability in Europe: the fascist regime rushed to external aggression, Soviet - to incite the revolutions outside the USSR. Each of them was characterized by the rejection of bourgeois democracy.
The established friendly relations between the USSR and Germany did not interfere with them to lead disruptive activities against each other. The German fascists did not refuse to continue the anti-communist struggle, and the Soviet Union and the Comintern organized an uprising in Germany in October 1923, which did not receive mass support and was suppressed. Also, the uprising in Bulgaria, raised by a month earlier, and the strike of the British miners of 1926, which was funded by the Soviet government. The failure of these adventures and stabilization of the democratic regimes of the West did not lead to the refusal of plans to implement the global revolution, and only prompted Stalin to change the tactics of the struggle for her. Now there are no longer communist movements in capitalist countries, and the Soviet Union was proclaimed by the leading revolutionary force, and loyalty to him was considered a manifestation of genuine revolutionaryness.
Social Democrats, who did not support revolutionary performances, were declared the chief enemy of the Communists, and the Comintern swamped them as "Social Fascists." Such a point of view has become mandatory for the communists around the world. As a result, the anti-fascist single front was not created, which allowed National Socialists led by Adolf Hitler in 1933 to come to power in Germany, and even earlier, in 1922, Mussolini began to rule Italy. In the position of Stalin, the logic was viewed, subordinate to the plans of the world revolution, and with it, mostly, was coordinated internal and foreign policy countries.
Already in 1933, Germany came out of the League of Nations (AD), and in 1935, in violation of obligations under the Versailles Agreement introduced a universal military service and returned / through the plebiscite / Saar region. In 1936, German troops entered the demilitarized Rhine region. In 1938, Avshlus Austria was produced. Fascist Italy in 1935-1936 captured Ethiopia. In 1936-1939. Germany and Italy carried out armed interference in civil War In Spain, sent to helping the rebellious general of Franco about 250 thousand soldiers and officers (and the USSR helped the Republicans, sending about 3 thousand "Volunteers").
Another focus of tensions and war arose in Asia. In 1931-1932 Japan Annexed Manchuria, and in 1937 he began a large-scale war against China, capturing Beijing, Shanghai and other cities of the country. In 1936, Germany and Japan concluded an "anti-compostern pact", ITALY signed it in a year.
In the period from the first to the second world wars, up to 70 regional and local armed conflicts occurred. Versailles system held only by the efforts of England and France. In addition, the desire of these countries to preserve the status quo in Europe weakened by their desire to use Germany against the Bolshevik threat. This was explained by the policy of condirsty, "peacekeeping" of the aggressor, in fact, encouraging the growing appetites of Hitler.
The apogee of such a policy was the Munich Agreements in September 1938, Hitler, who considered Germany, strengthened enough, began to implement his plans of world domination. At first, he decided to unite all the land in the middle of the earth. In March 1938, the German troops occupied Austria. Taking advantage of the passivity of the world community and the support of the German people who had hoped with Hitler for the revival of the country, the Führer went on. He demanded that Czechoslovakia handed over Germany to the Sudetening Region inhabited by the Germans. Territorial claims to Czechoslovakia were nominated and Poland, and Hungary. Czechoslovakia could not alone resist Germany, but was ready to fight in the Union with the French and the British. However, the meeting in Munich on September 29-30, 1938. British Prime Minister Chamberlain and the Prime Minister of France Daladier with Hitler and Mussolini ended with a shameful capitulation of democratic powers. Czechoslovakia was prescribed to give Germany the most important in industrial and militarily, Poland - the Teshin region, Hungary - part of Slovak lands. As a result, Czechoslovakia lost 20% of the territory, most Industry.
The English and French governments hoped that the Munich Agreement would satisfy Hitler and prevents the war. In fact, the policy of peaceful only encouraged the aggressor: Germany first joined the sudans, and in March 1939 occupied the entire Czechoslovaki. Hitler's arms captured here could arm up to 40 of its divisions. The German army grew rapidly and strengthened. The ratio of forces in Europe has rapidly changed in favor of fascist states. In April 1939, Italy captured Albania. In Spain, the civil war ended the victory of the fascist regime of Franco. Being on, Hitler forced the Lithuanian government to return Germany. Memel (Klaipeda), annexed Lithuania in 1919
On March 21, 1939, Germany presented Poland a requirement to transfer to her Gdansk (Danziga) inhabited by the Germans, who was surrounded by Polish lands and had a guaranteed Liga of Nations the status of a free city. Hitler wanted to occupy the city and build a way to him through the Polish territory. Polish government, given what happened to Czechoslovakia, responded with refusal. England and France said they guarantee the independence of Poland, that is, they will fight for it. They were forced to force their military programs, agree on mutual assistance, provide guarantees to some European countries against possible aggression.
In the mid-1930s, realizing the danger of fascism, the Soviet leaders tried to establish relations with Western democratic states and create a collective security system in Europe. In 1934, the USSR entered the League of Nations, in 1935 agreements on mutual assistance with France and Czechoslovakia were concluded. However, the Military Convention with France was not signed, and the military assistance of Czechoslovakia, which the USSR offered, was rejected, because It was due to the provision of such assistance to Czechoslovakia by France. In 1935, the VII Congress Comintern called for the formation of the Popular Front from the Communists and Social Democrats. Nevertheless, after the Munich Agreement, the USSR was political isolation. Activated relations with Japan. In the summer of 1938, the Japanese troops invaded the Soviet Far East in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hassan, and in May 1939 - to the territory of Mongolia.
IN complex situation The Bolshevik leadership began maneuvering, the result of which was dramatic changes in the USSR foreign policy. On March 10, 1939 at the XVIII Congress of WCP (b), Stalin subjected to a tough criticism of England and France's policy and stated that the USSR was not going to "carry from the chestnut fire" for "war of war", implying these these states (and not fascist Germany ). Nevertheless, in order to reassure public opinion in the West and put pressure on Germany, the Soviet government on April 17, 1939 suggested England and France to conclude a three-minded care pact for mutual assistance in case of aggression. A similar step was made by Hitler to prevent the Western Power Block with Russia: he suggested them to conclude a "pact of four" between England, France, Germany and Italy. The USSR began negotiations with England and France, but only as a smoke curtain, in order to raise the Hitler more. The other side also used negotiations to put pressure on Hitler. In general, in Europe a large diplomatic game was conducted in which each of the three sides sought to replay other parties.
On May 3, 1939, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. M.Litvinov, who was a supporter of the Union with Western Democrats and the Jew for Nationality, was replaced by V.M. Molotov. It was an obvious symptom of changes in the accents of the USSR foreign policy, which was fully appreciated by Hitler. Soviet-German contacts were immediately activated. On May 30, the German leadership made it clear that it was ready to improve relations with the USSR. The USSR continued to negotiate with England and France. But there was no mutual trust of the parties: Stalin after Munich did not believe in the readiness of the British and the French to resist, they also did not trust the USSR, they pulled the time, they wanted to push the Germans and Russians. At the initiative of the USSR on August 12, 1939, negotiations began with military missions of England and France. And there were difficulties in negotiations, especially in terms of taking military obligations, readiness to put troops against the aggressor. In addition, Poland refused to miss the Soviet troops through its territory. The motives of the Polish refusal were clear, but otherwise the Red Army could not act against the German troops. All this made it difficult to negotiate the USSR with England and France.
Hitler, on the contrary, expressed explicit readiness to negotiate from the USSR, because At that time, he needed such a partner. Germany was not yet ready for big War From the USSR, and Hitler elected the Western option. On March 8, 1939, at the Secret Meeting, Fuhrer had a strategy providing for the seizure of Poland to autumn, and in 1940-1941. - France, then England. The ultimate goal was proclaimed by the association of Europe and the establishment of fascist domination in the American continent. Therefore, Hitler was interested in a temporary union with the USSR.
The decision on the start of negotiations with Germany, Stalin took at the end of July 1939. At the same time, he did not interrupt contacts with western countries. Thanks to the efforts of Soviet intelligence, he knew about the plans of fascist Germany for attacking Poland and the deployment of war with England and France, believed that the agreement with Hitler would allow to delay the USSR entry into war, expand the Soviet borders and the scope of socialism, to implement the world revolution with the help of military Political power of the USSR.
On August 23, 1939, after three-hour talks, the so-called "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact" was signed in Moscow. Negotiations took place in a deep secret, and therefore the message about the signing of the non-aggression Covenant has made the impression of a broken bomb around the world. The parties signed a more important document - secret protocols on the division of the spheres of influence in Eastern Europe (the existence of Protocols Soviet leadership was denied until 1989, their presence was confirmed at the Gorbachev, the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR). Finland, Estonia, Latvia, East Poland and Bessarabia were attributed to the sphere of influence of the USSR. It was a secret shameful conspiracy with the fascist aggressor about Eastern European's delegation.
With the signing of these documents, the Soviet foreign policy has changed dramatically, the Stalinist leadership has become an ally of Germany under the section of Europe. The situation in Europe as a whole has changed in favor of fascist Germany. The USSR helped her eliminate the last obstacle to the attack on Poland and to start the Second World War.
The assessment of the Covenant August 23, 1939 and in general the rapprochement of the Soviet Union and Germany is the subject of sharp discussions. Supporters of the Covenant as arguments indicate: to the existence of the risk of the occurrence of a single anti-Soviet front, which united the fascist and democratic powers; on the achieved time gain before the USSR entry into the war; On the expansion of the borders of the Soviet Union on the eve of the aggression of fascist Germany against him. IN stalin's period These arguments were not doubtful. But in the future, in the conditions of pluralism of opinions, their inconsistency was revealed.
It was extremely unlikely to create a single anti-Soviet front, it could not even create it in 1917-1920. Excluded entry into the war against the USSR democratic states of Europe. Moreover, Germany in 1939 in any case could not start a war against the USSR due to the lack of common borders for the deployment of troops and attacks. In addition, she was then not ready for a big war, which was visible in a military campaign against the little Poland. The defeat of the Japanese group at the Khalkhin-Gol River in Mongolia (July-August 1939) was followed by the ambition of the Eastern neighbor, and Japan began to behave more carefully. On September 15, 1939 an agreement was concluded from the USSR. This defeat became a factor that prompted Japan subsequently refrain from attacking the USSR. Consequently, the USSR in 1939 from the war on two fronts was practically insured.
Another argument about the time benefit is also untenable, since this win was mutual. The question was who best uses this time. Germany 22 months before the attack on the USSR used more effectively: the military forces increased, conquered European states, deployed their divisions from our borders. The leadership of the USSR was more involved in external expansion and bloody war With a small Finland, the extermination of the command composition of his army. Winning in the acquisition of new territories was also not, because They were not in militarily mastered, the boundaries were not fortified, lost in the early days of the war. There was a common border with Germany, facilitating her attack on the USSR.
It is important to take into account the fact that the possibilities for continuing negotiations with England and France were also not exhausted. The leadership of the USSR required a manifestation of greater perseverance in overcoming mutual distrust of the parties, in achieving a compromise with its natural allies, which these countries were. (When the Great Patriotic War began, harsh reality inevitably forced the USSR to close and become their ally). Instead, it became mistakenly reoriented to fascist Germany, led the "double game", and then interrupted the negotiations. It turned out that on August 21, the French representative General Zh.Dumen received the authority to sign the Military Convention with Russia.
Rapid from fascist Germany, the conclusion of the Covenant and secret protocols with it was extremely unprofitable for the USSR, it ultimately led to war and military catastrophe at the beginning and historically did not justify himself. First, the signing of the Pact untied the hands of the aggressor, provided him with reliable rear to unleash the war and conquering European states. Without the Covenant, without the neutrality of the USSR, without a reliable rear, Hitler would hardly hit Poland, began the war with England and France, received freedom of action in Europe. Secondly, dividing Poland to collusion with Hitler, creating a common border with Germany, the Stalinist leadership facilitated a sudden attack on the USSR with catastrophic consequences. Thirdly, closer with Hitler Germany, signing the Pact with her, Stalin dropped the prestige of the country in the world, gave the basis for the accusation of the USSR in the awareness of fascist Germany, and he opposed the expansion to Eastern Poland and the Baltic States, he opposed him from Finland, isolated herself from the world community And in December 1939, it was excluded from the League of Nations.
Fourth, brings clisp with Germany, refusing tactics of the VII Congress Comintern, the Kremlin made an installation on the termination of the fight against fascism, disoriented and disorganized the activities of the Communist Parties; The naughty leaders repressed and sent to the Gulag, put hundreds of communists and anti-fascists in the hands of the fascists. And finally, fifthly, the Soviet-German pact became a barrier on the way of the possible convergence of the USSR with England and France, removed from them by making it impossible to joint struggle with the aggressor.
A step made by the Stalin regime to rapprochement with fascist Germany in the desire to delay the beginning of the war, expand the sphere of his domination, was logical for him, but for the country is unpromising and destructive. The payroll for him was inevitable, but she followed not immediately.
K. B.Vallin, R.K.Zipyova "History of Russia. XX century"

  • Question number 4. Rus between East and West: a discussion on the influence of the Golden Horde for the development of medieval Russia (the second half of the XIII is the first half of the XV centuries).
  • Question No. 5. Causes of Moscow's victory in the struggle for community political leadership. Suppression of the Novgorod Development Trend.
  • Question number 6. Completion of the unification of the Russian lands around Moscow at the end of the XV-early XVI centuries. Education of the Russian state.
  • Question number 7. Russian state in the XVI century. Ivan groznyj. Goals, forms and content of its reforms.
  • Question number 8. State, politics, morality in Russia in the XVI century. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe mission of the state in Russia and the countries of Western Europe.
  • Question number 9. The genesis of absolutism in Western Europe and Russia. The main stages of the formation of absolutism in Russia.
  • Question number 10. Petrovskaya westernization of the public administration system.
  • Question No. 11. Peter I and its policy of mercantilism and protectionism in the process of industrialization of the country.
  • Question number 12. Discussions about the heritage of Peter I. The results of its reforms (reform or revolution "from above"?).
  • Question number 13. The split of Russian society into two ways: "soil" and civilization "as a result of the Petrov westernization of Russia.
  • Question number 14. Ekaterina II and "Enlightened Absolutism" in Russia.
  • Question number 15. Reforms of Catherine II: the provincial reform of 1775, "Chuzhnaya graded a nobility" and "Chrunned graded city" 1785
  • Question number 16. Internal policy of Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century. State Activities of Alexander I.
  • Question No. 17. Under the Scypoor Alexander I. Projects M. M. Speransky.
  • Question number 18. "Apogee autocracy". The reforms of Nicholas I.
  • Question number 19. Falling of serfdom. Reform 1861
  • Question No. 20. Zemskaya, urban and judicial reforms of 1860 - 1870s.
  • Question number 21. Financial, educational, Military reforms 1861-1874.
  • Question number 22. The emergence of three socio-political flows in Russia in the second half of the XIX century: government, liberal and revolutionary-democratic.
  • Question number 23. Features of the development of capitalism in Russia (80-90s. XIX century).
  • Question number 24. The economic and political crisis in Russia began the beginning of the XX century. Features of the formation of Russian political parties.
  • Question number 25. Political and socio-economic reasons I of the Russian revolution 1905-1907.
  • Question number 26. Character, features and driving forces of the I Russian revolution 1905-1907.
  • Question number 27. Creation of the State Duma in the period I of the Russian Revolution. The process of forming a multiparty political system.
  • Question number 28. Stolypin policy of modernization. Her results.
  • Question number 29. Russia in the First World War. The crisis of the political system.
  • Question number 30. February bourgeois-democratic revolution. Crash autocracy. Features of dubewings.
  • Question number 31 Development of the February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917. October coup.
  • Question number 32. Civil war in Soviet Russia. Politics of military communism (1918-1920).
  • Question number 33. Soviet society on the Rails of the NEPA. The fate of the NEP.
  • Question number 34. USSR on the paths of forced construction of socialism. Formation of an administrative and command management system and personal power regime and. Stalin.
  • Question number 35. Soviet foreign policy on the eve and at the beginning of World War II.
  • Question number 36. Second World War. The results of its initial period (1939-1941).
  • Question number 37. USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The initial stage (June 1941 - November 1942).
  • Question number 38. The radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War (November 1942 - December 1943).
  • Question number 39. The final period of the Great Patriotic War (1944 - September 1945).
  • Question No. 40. The ideological confrontation of the East and West in the post-war period. The origins of the "Cold War".
  • Question No. 41. Prevailing totalitarian trend in the post-war period. Expansionism - Dominant Stalinist Foreign Policy.
  • Question No. 42. Beginning of the Society Defalinization. Political liberalism n. S. Khrushcheva. "Thaw" in spiritual life.
  • Question number 43. Economic development of the country in 1953-1965 Causes of the incompleteness of Khrushchev reforms.
  • Question No. 44. The socio-economic situation of the country in the 70s - the first half of the 80s. XX century.
  • Question number 45. In search of ways to improve socialism. Stages of the Gorbachev Perestroika. Her results.
  • Question No. 46. August 1991 The collapse of the USSR. Sovereign Russia on the ways of forming a new statehood.
  • Question number 47. Economic reforms in modern Russia: Essence, consequences, social price.
  • Question No. 48. Interethnic relations in modern Russia. Chechen problem.
  • Question number 49. Modern Russia in the external world.
  • Question No. 50. V. V. Putin and the constitutional reform of Russia.
  • Bibliographic list.
  • Content.
  • Question number 35. Soviet foreign policy on the eve and at the beginning of World War II.

    1) In 1933, due to the exacerbation of the international situation (the emergence of powers-aggressors who dreamed of a new redistribution of the world and first of all, the Soviet state passed to the policies of collective security. Its essence was: 1. The desire to associate European states with contracts aimed at joint reflection of the threat from the state of the aggressors. In 1935, such contracts (not supported, but military conventions) were concluded by the USSR with France and Czechoslovakia. 2. Improving the relationship with the West countries and strengthening its position in the international arena as a major power. In the 1930s. The USSR recognized a number of states (including the USA). He becomes a member of the League of Nations by entering her leadership. 3. Education of anti-fascist "fronts" in western states with the participation of communists and other socialist and democratic parties. In 1934, such a folk front was with the blessing of the USSR formed in France. 4. All-time countering acts of aggression in the international arena. The USSR tried to prevent the militarization of Germany in every way: Italy - Ethiopia, Japan - China, Germany - Austria. However, the USSR voice was not heard by other Western powers. They preferred collective security policies Policy of the pacification of aggressors (permanent concessions of Germany and its allies in order to delay the war and send them aggression against the USSR). The bowl of patience of the leadership of the Soviet state overpowered the "Munich collusion" of 1938. He meant the consent of France and England for the transfer of the Sudetening Region of Czechoslovakia of Germany and concluding non-aggression contracts with Germany.

    2) In fact, the USSR risked to remain in confrontation with Germany (supported by France and England) one on one. In order to avoid this in August 1939, the USSR concluded a non-propatization pact with the Third Reich, which was accompanied by "secret protocols". Protocols meant the section "spheres of influence" between Germany and the USSR. Hitler got the opportunity to unhindered occupy Western and Central Poland and start the war in Europe. The USSR received a breather and could restore the imperial borders of Russia. However, this step led to the disorientation of the people and the army and undermined the international authority of the Soviet Union. Peacefully, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania were attached to the USSR in the form of the Union republics. The Moldavian Union Republic of the USSR demanded that she previously seized her Romania (1940). Military way to the USSR were attached from Poland Western regions of the Ukrainian and Belarusian Union republics (1939). War with Finland (1939-1940) allowed the USSR to attach only the district of the Karelian Isthmus with a Vyborg and a number of territories on the Kola Peninsula.

    Question number 36. Second World War. The results of its initial period (1939-1941).

    1) The Second World War had its reason for two groups of contradictions - the struggle of powers - aggressors for markets and sources of raw materials and the struggle between the two socio-economic and political systems World - socialism and capitalism. The initiator of the war was the block of fascist and militarist states (Germany, Italy, Japan), whose goals were held in the new frontier of the world in their favor, the seizure of world domination, the elimination of democracy, the organization of the system of forced labor, racial and national oppression and direct genocide. For opposing states of war, a fair and liberation character. Second world War Different from the first greater maneuverability and dynamism, as well as a scope.

    2) The first period of the war (1939 -1941) was characterized by the continuous expansion of aggression and the seizure of the aggressors of the strategic initiative. 1. War began on September 1, 1939. From the attack of Germany to Poland, which is supported by its allies - England and France. Poland was defeated and captured, but the fighting in the West accepted the sluggish character (" strange War"). 2. In April 1940, Hitler captured Denmark and almost all of Norway, and in May-June 1940 - France. In the summer of 1940, "Battle for England" began (Hitler's attempt to break the UK resistance to sea blockade and bombardment). In the spring of 1941, the countries - aggressors carried out the seizure of North Africa (with the exception of Egypt), Yugoslavia, Greece. In the same period, the overtaking allies ("satellites") Hitler and Mussolini become: Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria. A friendly position was taken by Spain. 3. Japan in the Far East in this seized China's coast and invaded Indochina.

    3) Results of the initial period of war: 1. Capture with aggressors of colossal territories, population, resources. 2. Registration of the block of aggressor countries.

    Abstract of Russia's history

    In 1937, the capitalist world was covered by the new economic crisiswhich aggravated all his contradictions.

    The main force of the imperialist reaction was the aggressive military side of Germany, Italy and Japan, which unfolded active preparation for war. The purpose of these states was a new redistribution of the world.

    To stop the coming warThe Soviet Union proposed to create a system of collective security. However, the USSR initiative was not supported. Governments of England, France and the United States, contrary to the root interests of the peoples, went on a deal with aggressors. The behavior of the leading capitalist powers predetermined the further tragic course of events. In 1938, Austria became a victim of fascist aggression. Governments of England, France and the United States have not taken any measures to curb the aggressor. Austria was occupied german troops and included in the German Empire. Germany and Italy openly intervened in the civil war in Spain, helped the overthrow of the legitimate government of the Spanish Republic in March 1939 and establishing a fascist dictatorship in the country.

    In 1938, Germany demanded from Czechoslovakia to transfer it to the sudden region, inhabited, by the advantage of the Germans. In September 1938, in Munich, at the meeting of the heads of government of Germany, Italy, France and England, it was decided to rejected the region required by Germany from Czechoslovakia.

    The head of the government of England signed a declaration of mutual nonsense in Munich with Hitler. Two months later, in December 1938, the French government signed a similar declaration.

    In October 1938, the Sudetan region was attached to Germany. In March 1939, all Czechoslovakia was captured by Germany. The USSR was the only state that did not recognize this seizure. When the occupation was hung over Czechoslovakia, the USSR government declared his readiness to provide her military support if she would ask for help. However, the bourgeois government of Czechoslovakia, betraying national interests, refused to assist.

    In March 1939, Germany reflected from Lithuania Port Klaipeda and the territory adjacent to him. The impunity of aggressive actions of Germany encouraged the fascist Italy, which in April 1939 captured Albania.

    At the eastern borders of our country, a threatening situation also developed. In the summer of 1938, the Japanese military provoked an armed conflict at the Far Eastern State Border of the USSR in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hasan. The Red Army as a result of fierce fighting defeated and dropped the aggressors. In May 1939, Militarist Japan in the River Khalkhin-goer was attacked by the Mongolian People's Republic, expecting to turn the territory of the MPR in a bridgehead for further aggression against the USSR. In accordance with the Agreement on Friendship and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and the MPR, the Soviet troops acted together with Mongolian warriors against Japanese aggressors. After four months of stubborn fighting, the Japanese troops were headed off.

    In the spring of 1939, negotiations between the USSR, England and France began on the initiative of the Soviet government about the conclusion of the trilateral Covenant on mutual assistance. Negotiations that lasted until July 1939 ended to no avail due to the position occupied by Western powers. The Governments of England and France also opposed the trilateral agreement on military cooperation directed against fascist Germany. To negotiate in Moscow, they sent delegations not endowed with the necessary powers.

    At the same time, in the summer of 1939, secret negotiations began between England and Germany on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on military, economic and political issues.

    By August 1939, the persistent reluctance of Western powers was apparent to take effective measures to curb the fascist aggression, their desire to negotiate with Germany.

    Under these conditions, the Soviet leadership was forced to agree on the proposal of Germany and sign Agreement on non-fire. On August 23, 1939, such an agreement was concluded for a period of 10 years. He was signed by the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Ribbentrop. The contract was accompanied by a secret protocol, distinguished by the sphere of influence of the USSR and Germany in Eastern Europe. According to him, Poland became a German "sphere of interests", with the exception of the eastern regions, and Baltic States, East Poland, Finland, Bessarabia and North Bukovina (part of Romania) - the "sphere of interests" of the USSR, i.e. The USSR actually returned lost in 1917-1920. Territory former Russian Empire. The conclusion of the Soviet-German Covenant led to the cessation of all diplomatic contacts between England, France and the USSR.

    Come on the conclusion of a contract with Germany, the Soviet Union destroyed plans to create a single anti-Soviet front of the imperialist states and threw the calculations of the inspirationors of Munich politics, striving to accelerate the military clash between the USSR and Germany. As a result of the agreements of the Soviet Union with Germany, the country, due to territorial increments of 1939-1940, strengthened its strategic position, economic and mobilization opportunities, won two years "delay" from the war. The USSR agreements with Germany had and negative consequences: The USSR turned into the ray-ray ray base and supplied the strategic resources of his future enemy; ideological work in the country and the army disoriented; The anti-fascist activity of the Comintern was paralyzed; England and France considered the USSR as a partner of Germany and only after June 22, 1941 began to break the wall of the alienation between the future allies on the anti-Hitler coalition.

    In the late 20s - early 30s. The international situation has changed significantly. The deep global economic crisis, which began in 1929, caused serious domestic political changes in all capitalist countries.

    The international situation was even more sharply aggravated after coming to power in Germany in 1933 of the National Socialist Party headed by A. Hitler. The new government has placed its goal to revise the results of the First World War. In the program of Hitler, described by him in the book "Main Campf" ("My struggle"), said: "We renew the movement in the direction in which it was suspended six hundred years ago. We stop the energic Natisk to the south and the West of Europe and see the eye. On the Earth in the East ... But if we are talking about new lands in Europe today, then we can think, first of all, only Russia and subordinate to it of the outskirts. "

    As a country losing war, Germany did not have the right to have their armed forces, but she refused to fulfill the conditions of the Versailles and in 1935, announced the creation of military aviation and navy, introduced a universal military duty. Preparing for the struggle for the redistribution of peace, Germany attracted the fascist Italy and Militarist Japan to their side.

    In 1933, the Soviet government has developed a plan for the struggle for collective security, which provided for the conclusion of a regional agreement between European states on mutual protection from German aggression. In 1934, the USSR entered the League of Nations. As a result of negotiations between France's Foreign Minister Louis Bart and the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR M.M. Litvinov was developed a project of the Eastern Covenant, according to which the USSR, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland form a collective security system. However, the Eastern Pact as a collective security system was not implemented due to the opposition of England and the right-wing reaction circles of France. As the success of Soviet foreign policy, it is necessary to recognize the signing in 1935 of the Soviet-French and Soviet-Czechoslovak treatments on mutual assistance. The parties were obliged in the event of an attack on one of them to immediately assist each other.

    In March 1936 an agreement was concluded with Mongolian People's Republic, and in August 1937 - an aggression agreement between the USSR and China.

    In 1935, Germany introduced his troops to the demilitarized Rhine region, and in 1936, Germany and Japan signed an agreement against the USSR (Anti-Comintern Pact). In 1938, Germany carried out anchlus (joining) of Austria.

    Western powers conducted a policy of concessions of fascist Germany, hoping to send aggression to the East. It is not randomly a signing between Germany, Italy, France and England of the Munich Agreement of 1938, according to which Czechoslovakia lost its independence.

    In the conditions when the negotiations of the USSR, with England and France, in 1939 were in a dead end, the Soviet leadership adopted the proposal of Germany on peace negotiations, as a result of which on August 23, 1939, a Soviet-German nonsense was concluded in Moscow, which immediately entered into force and designed for 10 years (Pact Ribbentrop - Molotova). A secret protocol on the demarcation of spheres of influence in Eastern Europe was attached to him. The interests of the Soviet Union were recognized by Germany in the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Finland) and Bessarabia.

    The USSR was put before an alternative: or agree with England and France and create a collective security system in Europe, or enter into a pact with Germany, or remain alone. Concluded in 1939 the nonsense pact with Germany when Far East Military actions went, the USSR escaped the war on two fronts.

    In general, this pact did not make it possible to create a single anti-Soviet front in Europe.

    September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland. The United Kingdom and France announced the war of Germany, the Second World War began. In the new international conditions, the USSR began to implement the Soviet-German agreements. On September 17, after the defeat of the Germans of the Polish army and the fall of the Polish government, the Red Army entered Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. On September 28, 1939, the Soviet-German treaty "On Friendship and the Border" was concluded, which secured these land in the Soviet Union. At the same time, the USSR insisted on the conclusion of agreements with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, having received the right to place its troops on their territory. In these republics in presence soviet troops Elections were held in the legislative bodies, which won the communist forces. In 1940, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania entered the USSR.

    In October 1939, the USSR proposed Finland to surrender for 30 years of Hanko Peninsula, which had strategic importance for our borders, as well as transfer the islands in Finnish Gulf, part of the fisherman's peninsulas and the average near Murmansk and part of the Karelian Isthmus - i.e. About 2,710 square meters. km in exchange for territory in Soviet Karelia in size of 5,523 square meters. km. The Finnish side did not accept these conditions, and the negotiations were interrupted on November 13, and then a military conflict broke out.

    Soviet-Finnish war lasted 105 days, from November 30, 1939 to March 12, 1940. Although this campaign ended with the victory of the USSR, allowed our country to strengthen strategic positions in the north-west, to push the border from Leningrad, yet she inflicted our country Political and moral damage. The world public opinion in this conflict was on the side of Finland, the prestige of the USSR fell markedly. On December 14, 1939, the USSR was excluded from the League of Nations.

    1. Territorial disputes arising from the redistribution of Europe of England, France and the Allied States. After the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of the exit of her from hostilities and the revolution in it, as well as due to the crash of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 9 new states appeared on the world map of the world. Their boundaries were not yet clearly defined, and in many cases the disputes were literally for each place of the Earth. In addition, the countries who have lost some of the territories belonged to them sought to return them, well, and the winners who joined new lands to themselves, were hardly ready to part with them. The centuries-old history of Europe did not know best way Solutions of any, including territorial disputes, in addition to hostilities, and the beginning of the Second World War became inevitable;

    2. Colonial disputes. It is worth mentioning not only that the losers of the countries, having lost their colonies who provided the treasury by the constant inflow of funds, of course, dreamed of their return, but also that the liberation movement grew inside the colonies. The charter to be under the igga of those or other colonialists, residents sought to get rid of any submission, and in many cases it also inevitably led to the emergence of armed shchek;

    3. Rivalry leading powers. It is difficult to allow Germany after his defeat from world history after his lesion did not dream to take revenge. Explosive opportunities to have their own army (except voluntary, the number of which could not exceed 100,000 soldiers with light weapons), Germany, accustomed to the role of one of the world's leading empires, could not accept the loss of his domination. The beginning of the Second World War in this aspect was only a matter of time;
    4. Dictatorial modes. A sharp increase in their number in the second third of the XX century created additional prerequisites for the unleashing of fierce conflicts. Paying great attention to the development of the army and weapons, first as a means of suppressing possible internal unrest, and then as a method for the conquest of new lands, European and oriental dictators with all their mights of the beginning of World War II;

    5. The existence of the USSR. The role of a new socialist state arising from the ruins of the Russian Empire, as an irritant for the United States and Europe is difficult to overestimate. The rapid development of communist movements in a number of capitalist powers Against the background of the existence of such an explicit example of the victorious socialism could not not inspire concerns, and an attempt to erase the USSR from the face of the earth would be undertaken inevitably.

    World War II 1939-45, unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France on September 3 declared Germany war. In April - May 1940 german fascist troops Occupied Denmark and Norway, on May 10, 1940 invaded Belgium (capitulated May 28), the Netherlands (capitulated on May 14), Luxembourg, and then through their territory to France (capitulated June 22; At the end of June, the Committee was created in London, since July 1942 - Fighting France). On June 10, 1940, Italy joined the war on the side of Germany. In April 1941, Germany seized the territory of Greece and Yugoslavia.

    Together with her, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Italy appeared. The Soviet-German front was from 62 to 70% of the existing divisions of fascist Germany. The defeat of the enemy in the Moscow battle of 1941-42 meant disrupting the Hitler's plan of the "Lightning War". In the summer of 1941, it was necessary to start creating an anti-Hitler coalition.

    In the 1930s, the international situation continued to remain difficult. Japan, Germany and Italy planned a new redistribution of peace and at the beginning of the 30s. From words switched to business. In 1931, Japan attacked China and occupied its northeastern part (Manchuria).

    In Germany, during the struggle against the Social Democratic Party, the German Communists turned a part of the working class towards National Socialism. The split in the ranks of the German working class facilitated the transfer of power in Germany in Hitler's hands. As a result of general elections, Nazis came in Germany in 1933, they received 11.7 million votes, the Social Democrats - 7.2 million and the Communists about 6 million. Becoming the ruling party, the Nazis began to carry out their aggressive plans for the violent revision of the conditions of the Versailles peaceful contract. Germany's relationship with the USSR sharply deteriorated.

    In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia. In 1936, the troops of Germany joined the demilitarized Rhine zone. In the same year, Germany and Italy, contrary to the decision of the League of Nations, intervened in the civil war in Spain, performing in support of the rebel of General Franco. In 1937, Japan began a large-scale offensive in China, capturing the capital - Beijing and occupying the north and part of Central China. These actions did not meet the active counteraction of Western democracies, which carried out the so-called policy of the appearance of aggressors, without losing hope to send the aggression of Japan and Germany against the USSR.

    Based on the current international situation, in the first half of the 1930s, Soviet diplomacy sent its efforts to create a collective security system against potential aggressors, without stopping the secret negotiations with Germany on the restoration of the former harmony in relations. As part of this policy in 1933-1935, the USSR established diplomatic relations with the United States, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Belgium, Spain, Uruguay, and a number of other countries. In 1934, the USSR entered the League of Nations. In 1935, the USSR signed mutual assistance agreements in the event of a third party attack with France and Czechoslovakia. Create a collective security system that covers most of Europe, Soviet diplomacy failed. Governments of England and France and their allies in eastern Europewithout making differences between totalitarian regimes In Italy, Germany and the USSR, they did not want to associate themselves with any obligations from the USSR.

    In March 1938, Germany joined Austria. On September 30, 1938, Germany at the Conference in Munich achieved the consent of England and France to rejection from the Czechoslovakia of the Sudetening districts. The agreement concluded in Munich was directed not only against Czechoslovakia, the victims of Corporation of England, France, Italy and Germany, but also against the interests of the Soviet Union. On March 15, 1939, Germany occupied Czechoslovakia and created the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia on its territory and "independent" Slovakia under the auspices of the German Empire.

    Events March 15, 1939 resolutely changed the mood of influential political circles in England. In March 1939, England announced a "guarantee policy" that is, the obligations of direct military assistance to Poland, Romania, Greece and Turkey in the event of aggression against them. The Government of Great Britain appealed to the Soviet government with a request for his position in the event of a threat to the attack on Poland and Romania. But at the same time the British began to find out the possibility of an agreement with the Germans, which would ensure the safety of England.

    The Soviet Union, for its part, also led a double game. In mid-April 1939, he began open negotiations with England and France on the conclusion of the military union, and on the other hand, the energetic probe in Berlin on the possibility of concluding a wide political agreement between the USSR and Germany against the interests of England and France.

    In April 1939, the USSR offered England and France to conclude an agreement for 5-10 years of mutual assistance and the help of Eastern European states located between the Baltic and Black Seas and bordering the USSR in the event of aggression against these states. The Offers of the USSR envisaged the conclusion of the military convention.

    During May, between the USSR, on the one hand, and England and France, on the other, the exchange of proposals and discussion on diplomatic channels continued. From the point of view of the USSR, the most important issue was the guarantee that the Baltic states (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) would not have fallen in one way or another in the hands of Germany, in the event of war against Germany, Soviet troops could pass freely through the territories of Poland and Romania, because between The USSR and Germany did not have a common border.

    Poland's governments and Romania did not agree to give permission to the passage of Soviet troops in the event of war against Germany, since not without reason feared, the presence of Soviet troops on their territory will lead to irreversible socio-political changes.

    At the end of May 1939, bloody clashes occurred in the Far East between the Soviet and Mongolian troops, on the one hand, and Japanese on the other on the Khalkin-goal river. The exacerbation of the Japanese-Soviet relations even more strengthened the nervousness of the Soviet leadership and its fear of the possible prospect of the involvement of the USSR into war on two fronts - in the West and the Far East.

    In July 1939, German-Soviet trade negotiations resumed. At the same time, the Soviet government offered England and France to begin negotiations in Moscow between representatives of the armed forces of three states. On July 25, England and France consent consent and the English-Franco-Soviet negotiations began in Moscow.

    Thus, in early August, on the eve of the opening of the negotiations between the military missions of the USSR, England and France, there was a situation where the Soviet government could choose between three possibilities: to go with England and France against the Nazi of the aggressor who prepared for the attack on Poland, to ensure its interests. Agreement with Germany and open the road to the attack of Germany to Poland, not to get involved in any agreements and remain aside from the war.

    By mid-August 1939, the Soviet government decided to go on the second path. Soviet conditions were actually formulated by Molotov and brought to the attention of the German government: Baltic States, including Lithuania, Besarabia should be included in the Soviet interests area, the Polish problem will decide in the interests of Germany. Now the Soviet leadership expect an answer from the German government.

    On August 15, 1939, a telegram signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Ribbentropi was sent to the USSR Schulenburg. In the telegram, he was prescribed to report Molotov that the period when National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union were in hostile camps, ended, between Germany and the USSR there is no real conflict of interest. Germany does not feed aggressive intentions towards the USSR. Ribbentrop also stated that to clarify the German-Soviet relations, he was ready to immediately go to Moscow to meet with Stalin to convey Hitler's point of view. Schulenburg handed over Molotov this message August 16. Molotov's answer was positive.

    On August 16, Ribbentrop sends a new telegram Schulenburg to transfer Molotov. It says that Germany is ready to sign a pact of nonsense from the USSR for a period of 25 years and to ensure jointly the Baltic states. Germany is also ready to use its influence to resolve Soviet-Japanese relations. The German Foreign Minister is ready to arrive in Moscow on August 18.

    On August 17, Molotov reports Schulenburg about the readiness of the USSR government to put the cross on the past. Agreeing in principle with the arrival of Ribbentrop, Molotov said that it takes some time to prepare his arrival. This time was necessary to find a suitable reason for termination of negotiations with the military delegations of England and France.

    This reason was given by the British, who, firstly, did not have formal authority to sign the Convention, and secondly, could not achieve the consent of the Governments of Poland and Romania to the passage of Soviet troops through their territory in the event of war against Germany.

    On August 23, 1939, a Soviet-German pact for non-quenses for a period of 10 years was signed in Moscow. Germany promised to influence its ally Japan and convince her to normalize relations with the Soviet Union. The USSR agreed to supply Germany with strategic raw materials and food. In addition, a secret additional protocol was signed, the fact of the existence of which until 1991 denied the Soviet government. This secret protocol was the first, but not the only secret agreement concluded between Germany and the USSR in 1939 - 1941.

    In the history of Europe and the world as a whole, a turning point: the Soviet Union, signing the contract and the secret protocol on the division of the spheres of influence with Germany, opened the road to war.

    The message appeared on August 22 and 23, 1939 in the Soviet press on the arrival of Ribbentrop and at the same time about the next congress of the Noutional Socialist Party of Germany in Nuremberg, sounded like thunder with clear sky. For many years, the German national socialists are different as "fascists" or "Nazis" Soviet printing was not named. And suddenly it turned out that no they are not fascists, but some National Socialists. Ribbentrop, which in Soviet newspapers, not otherwise called as an ancestor of war, was solemnly met at the airfield in Moscow, decorated with flags with a swastika and a sickle and a hammer. Photos of smiling Stalin and Ribbentrop appeared in the newspapers. The people, of course, did not know what conversations led Stalin with Ribbentrop.

    The most emotionally reacted to the Soviet-German rapprochement of young people. In Moscow State University, official speakers - teachers of the department of Marxism - Leninism - were attacked by ironic and outrageous issues. The youth did not want to reconcile the fact that the German fascists from now on the first friends of the Soviet Union.

    Thousands of propagandists were sent to institutions and to enterprises to clarify that the German-Soviet rapprochement is not a conjunctural maneuver, and a historical turn. Of all the institutions associated with external relations, they began to dismiss people of Jewish origin. For the first time in all years of the existence of the Soviet power, anti-Semitism, previously camouflable conversations about internationalism, was transformed into government policies.

    A week later, on September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland. September 3, England and France, faithful to their allied obligations, declared war in Germany. The Second World War began.

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