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Unlike Novgorod, all other Russian lands of this time were feudal monarchies led by princes, but everywhere they had their own characteristics.

In the eldest southwest Ancient Russia Galician and Volyn lands were: Galitskaya - in Parkatpathy, and Volynskaya - next door to her on the shores of Buga. Both Galitsky, and Volynskaya, and sometimes only Galician land was often called Chervona (i.e. red) Russia, in the city of Cherberry in Galicia. Due to the exclusively fertile black soil here, it has arisen relatively early and has reached a heyday. feudal land tenure. It is for South-Western Russia that is particularly characteristic and therefore powerful, often opposing themselves by the princes of boyars. Numerous forest and fishing crafts were developed here, worked skillful artisans. Slane spikes from the center of Ovrich diverged throughout the country. Salt deposits also had important for the edge. Previously, the Volyn Land with the Center in Vladimir Volynsky began to be separated.

In the Galician-Volyn Principality, the prince was considered a sacred special, "the ruler, the god of the data", the owner of the entire Earth and the cities of the Principality, and the head of the troops. He had the right to give subordinate to the service for the service, and also to deprive them of land and privileges for the non-completeness of the princely authority was inherited by the eldest son. Vassal dependence among members prince Roda He came from the elderness, but was formal, since each princely ownership had sufficient independence.

In state affairs, the prince relied on the boyars, the local aristocracy. They were shared on the "old" and "young", which also called "Buckets", "Great" or "deliberate". The great senior boyars constituted the management top and the "senior squad" of the prince. They owned "Batkovshchikov" or "grandfathers", ancient family lands, and complained from the prince with new land plots and cities. Their sons of "rasters", or younger boyars, made up the "younger squad" of the prince and served under his yard as an approximate "courtyard servants."

The prince united in his hands the legislative, executive, judicial branches of the authorities, and also monopolo owned the right to lead diplomatic relations. Trying to become an absolute "self-container", the prince was constantly in conflict with a boyars surrounded, which was sought to preserve its independence and turn the monarch into his own political tool. The strengthening of the prince's power also prevented Duumvirates of Princes, the crushing of the principalities and the interference of neighboring states. Although the monarch had the right to make decisions on his own, he sometimes convened boyars "Duma" to address the most important issues and problems.

Against the strengthening of the authorities of the prince, Galitsky Boyars was performed here - "Galitsky's men". Despite the contradictions among themselves, the boyars showed solidarity in defending their power functions from the encroachment of the Prince and developing cities. Relying on its economic and military power, the boyars successfully opposed attempts to strengthen the power of the prince. In fact, the highest authority here was the Boobs Council, which included the most significant and powerful boyars, bishops and senior officials. The Council could invite and shift the princes, controlled the management of the principality, without his consent, the princely letters were not published. These meetings acquired a permanent character from the XIV century, finally blocking the "autocracy" of the prince, which became one of the reasons for the decline of the Galician-Volyn Principality

The fight of the prince with boyars was carried out with varying success, but as a rule, the power in the principality was controlled by boyars. If the princes turned out to be volitional natures and began to exterminate the boyars "Kramol", then the boyars were going to the betrayal of national interests and were invited to Volyn and in the Galicia of the Horde of Polish and Hungarian conquerors. Through it was also Yaroslav Ommomysl, and Mstislav Deloy, and Roman Mstislavovich, and Daniel Romanovich. For many of them, this struggle ended their death organized by the boyars that did not want to strengthen the princely power. In turn, when the top was on the side of the princes, they ruthlessly destroyed the boyars giving birth, relying on the support of the cities that disgraced the "Probud" boyars.

Device of cities in the XII - XIII centuries She was such as in other lands of Kieseki Russia, - with the advantage of the boyars-Patrician top, with a section on the units of taxation - hundreds and streets, with the city council - veche. During this period, the city belonged directly to the princes or boyars.

Cities are becoming an important component in the struggle for power, showing their will at the urban evening. Main role In this evening, the boyars were also played, but they were opposed by the townspeople. The boyars nomigated the speaker from their environment and called for supporting the decision taken by them. Without the support of the "nationwide multitude of people", the owners of the city could not resist the princely power, but often opposed the Wecha "Black people" rebelled, rejected their power and suburbs (cities subordinate to the older city). Evening firmly and for a long time strengthened in Western Russian lands, helping the prince to resist the fight against the nobility.

But not always the support of cities could shake Galitsky Boyar. In 1210, one of the boyars, Volodislav Kormichich, even for a while became a prince, which was a complete violation of all customs that existed then in Russian land. This is the only event of the Boyarina.

The gravestones led to the actual fragmentation of the Galician-Volyn Principality per a number of separate small lots that are constantly fighting with each other. Polovtsy, Polish, Hungarian troops helped rivals, robbing, leading to slavery, and even killing local population. They intervene in Galician-Volyn affairs and the princes of other land of Russia. And yet, by 1238, Daniel managed to deal with the boyars opposition (no wonder he advised one of the approximations: "Bees without having been submitted, not to drive honey." He became one of the most powerful princes of Russia. Will he obeyed Kiev. In 1245 Daniel Romanovich smashed united forces of Hungary, Poland, Galician boyars and the Chernihiv principality, thereby completing the struggle for the restoration of the unity of the principality. The boyars were weakened, many boyars were exterminated, and their lands switched to the Great Prince. However, Batievo invasion, and then the Ordan Igo violated Economic and political development of this land.

Galician-Volyn Principality, geographical position which is Eastern EuropeRepresents an interesting symbiosis of close cultures. It originated in 1199, after the unification of Galitsky and Volyn lands. It is recognized as the largest principality of Southern Russia times of feudal fragmentation.

Geographical position

The Galico-Volyn Principality is located on the fertile lands of southwestern Russia. And what interesting neighbors surrounded the young state! In the north, the Galico-Volyn Principality bordered with Lithuania, in the south - with the Golden Horde, in the East - with the Kiev and Turks and Ping Principles, in the West - with the Polish kingdom. And the Karpat was already spread by Hungary for the mighty grocery.

After the fall of the Galician-Volyn Principality, the fate of two lands was largely determined by the Western neighbors of South Rus. In the 14th century, Galicia captured Poland, and Volyn moved under the control of Lithuania. Then there was a single issue of a compudent, which again captured these territories.

For many years, the population of Galicia and Volyn was influenced by Polish and Lithuanian cultures. Also, the Ukrainian language of Western Ukraine is somewhat similar to Polish. From here it becomes clear why Western Ukrainians always wanted to become independent.

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Topic: "Galico-Volyn Principality"

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Chernyavsky Dmitry Yurevich




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The history of the Fatherland, the history of Russia puts himself to show the place and role of its peoples in world development, helps us comprehend our special place in a long series of human generations. Who are we, where our historical roots, what place is our people in the history of Europe and Asia occupies, what is its relationship with other countries and peoples. That the people of Russia gave the world and what he received from him.

The story should give us exact guidelines for our own people. She must cause our respect and admire his decent affairs and feelings of regret and condemn by his acts bad and shameful. The story should and can give a calm and honest answer to the question - what is pride and fame to life path Peoples, and what - dishonor and shame. Last generations invisibly stretch their hands to us. They give us not only their employment skills, experience, achievements, their acquisitions, success - material and spiritual, cultural, but also their missions, miscalculations, failures, troubles and sorrow. All this left its mark in history and went to the inheritance now living people. And we, something, having accepted their past and rejecting something, we ourselves to the inheritance to future generations and their achievements, and their mistakes and disadvantages.

The history of Russia gives us the opportunity to know the process of creating human society On the territory of our Fatherland, to identify the level of development of this process over the centuries, to compare this development with the whole move of the movement of humanity, enrich their memory, their intelligence knowledge of the laws of this development.

Know the past - it means in many ways to understand the present and foresee the future. Truly, as the ancient Romans said, "the story is a teacher of life."

1. Great Princes of the Galician-Volyn Principality

In the second half of the XII century, the most remarkable figures on the political horizon of Galician-Volyn Rus were descendants of Rostislav and Monomakh. We call here five princes: Princes Galitsky - the grandson of Rostislav Vladimir Volodarevich, his son, famous for the "Word about the regiment of Igor" Yaroslav Osmomysl, Yaroslav's cousin - Ivan Blightenik, as well as the Volyn Prince of Descendant Monomakh - His great-grandfather of Mstislavich's Roman and his son Daniel .

Due to the exclusively fertile black soil here, the feudal land tenure has appeared relatively early and reached the heyday. It is for south-western Russia that is particularly characteristic that there is a powerful, often opposing the princes of Boyars. Numerous forest and fishing crafts were developed here, worked skillful artisans. Slane spikes from the center of Ovrich diverged throughout the country. Salt deposits also had important for the edge.

In the middle of the XII century in the Galitsky Principality, which by this time became independent and separated from Volyn, the first big princely confusion began, behind which the interests of both boyars and urban layers were viewed. Citizens of Galich, taking advantage of his prince Vladimir Volodarevich for hunting, invited to the city in 1144 to the prince of his nephew from the younger branch of the same Rostislavich, Ivan Rostislavich, who was reigning in the small town of Zvenigorod. Judging by the later affairs of this prince, he showed himself to the ruler close to the wide urban layers, and his invitation instead of the shavily and fucking Vladimir Volodarevich was quite natural. Vladimir Seasdil Galich, but the townspeople got up the mountain for his chosen one, and only the inequality of the forces and the lack of military experience in the citizens bowed the bowl in favor of Galician Prince. Ivan fled to the Danube, where settled in the Berlada region, which was why he got the nickname of Berladnik. Vladimir took Galich and cruelly dealt with rebellious citizens.

After a long wandering, Ivan Berladnik once again tried to return to Galich. The chronicle reports that Siddy openly moved on his side, but he ran into a strong princely opposition. By this time, his opponent Vladimir Volodarevich has already died, but Galician throne moved to his son - energetic, smart and militant Yaroslav, married to Yuriy Dolgoruky Olga's daughter. About Yaroslav Osmomysla "The Word" says that he is "under-with its iron regiments" Mount Ugors (Carpathians). Hungary, Poland, his heads were dominated against Ivan, and Chernihiv princes. And he received support from the Kiev Prince, who was undertaking in those years to weaken his opponent Yaroslav Osmomysl, who was supported by Yuri Dolgoruky.

Under Yaroslav, the Galitsky principality has reached the highest heyday, famous for its wealth, developed international relations, especially with Hungary Poland, Byzantia. True, it was not easy for Yaroslav with rational, and the author of the word about Igor's regiment, telling about his success and power, lowers those political difficulties that were led to to test this prince in the fight against the boyars clans. At first he fought with Ivan Blightenik. Later, his son Vladimir raised against him, who, together with his mother, - daughter Yuri Dolgoruky and prominent Galician boyars fled to Poland. This insurgency is clearly read by the confrontation of a self-wired Galician boyars of Yaroslav Odmomysl, who sought to centralize power with a support for the "younger squad" and citizens who were suffered from the boyars.

Galician boyars, remaining in the city, persuaded Vladimir to return and promised assistance in the fight against the Father. And indeed, during the boyars conspiracy, Yaroslav Odemomysl was taken into custody and was released only after "kissed the cross" on the fact that he would show loyalty against his wife and son. However, the struggle between Yaroslav and Vladimir continued for a long time. Vladimir Faugh, it turned out to be in Novgorod - Yaroslavna, Igor's wife, Igor's wife, participated in the unsuccessful half-blood campaign of the Seversky Prince. He returned to Galich only after the death of his father in 1187, but was soon unhanded from the boyars.

If the Galitsky principality was firmly in the hands of Rostislavichi, then the descendants of Monomakh were firmly sat in the Volyn Principality. Here the rules of the grandson of Monomakh Izyaslav Mstislavich. Then Monomakhovich was divided by the Volyn Principality into several smaller principalities, which were part of the Principality of Volyn.

By the end of the XII century, and in this principal, as in other major principalities - states, the desire to combine, to the centralization of power, began to be viewed. Especially brightly, this line manifested itself with the prince of Mstislavich's novel. Based on the townspeople, on small landowners, he opposed the boyars of boyars, the authorities subordinate to himself with the powerful princes. Under it, the Volyn principality turned into a strong and relatively single state. Now Roman Mstislavich began to claim all Western Rus. He took advantage of the parties among the rulers of Galich after the death of Yaroslav Orel, and tried to reunite the Galitsky and Volyn Principality under his authority. Initially, he succeeded, but the Hungarian king was involved in the internecine struggle, who managed to capture Galich and expelled Roman from there. His rival, the son of Ommomyslla Vladimir, was captured, sent to Hungary and is sharpened there in the tower. But soon an enterprising prince fled from captivity, descending on the ropes to his friends waiting with her horses. He appeared in Germany in Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and with the support of German and Polish troops reigned in Galich. And only after his death in 1199, Roman Mstislavich again united and now for a long time Volyn and Galich. In the future, he became both the Grand Duke of Kiev, turning into a ruler of a huge territory equal to the German Empire.

Roman, as well as Yaroslav Osmomysl, continued the policies of the centralization of power, suppressed Boyarsky separatism, contributed to the development of cities. Similar aspirations were visible in the policies of the emerging centralized power in France, England, other European countries. The rulers of large Russian principalities of this sense were the same way as other countries, relying on the growing cities and small landowners dependent on them. It was this layer that became both in Europe, and later in Russia the basis of the nobility - the support of the central government. But if in Europe this process was in a natural way, then in Russia he was interrupted at the very beginning of a devastating Tatar-Mongolian invasion.

The politician of Roman Mstislavich continued his son Monomakhovich in the fifth knee Daniel Romanovich. He lost his father in 1205, when he was only four years old. Galico-Volyn Boyars immediately raised his head. Princess with the juvenile heir fled from the principality, leaving her palace through underground moveand found shelter in Poland. And the boyars invited to Galich, who was now the unceal city of the United Principality, Sons of Igor Seversky. In the course of the crossbursions, the principality was again split into a number of cars, which allowed Hungary to conquer him. The princes of Igorevichi continued to fight for power, in the fire of which a lot of boyar surnames died, citizens, peasants, and two of Igorevich had died, and two of Igorevich.

In 1211, Daniel returned to Galich, but not for long - boyars again drove him together with his mother from the city. Boyar was put at the head of the Principality of the Miller from his Radov, which caused discontent among all Rurikovich. Only in 1221, Daniel Galitsky returned the Volyn throne first, and a few years before the Tatar-Mongol invasion, in 1234 he was established in Galich. Only in 1238, Daniel Romanovich approved his power over the Galician-Volyn Earth. In 1240, taking Kiev, Daniel managed to unite the South-Western Rus and Kiev land. He walked over a bold and talented commander. Legends walked about his personal courage.

During these years, the fight against the widespread and rich Galitsky boyarism Daniel relied on the citizens, the "younger squad", like other Russian princes - centralizers. One of his assistants was advised by Daniel: "Mr., do not blow bees - do not go honey," that is, not to keep the authorities without dealt with the boyars.

But after the approval of Daniel in the principality, the boyars continued to fight against his centralization policies, he entered into collusion, then with Hungary, then with Poland, loosened political and military power of the principality.

2. Galico-Volyn land in the XII - XIII centuries.

At the extreme South-West of Ancient Russia, Galitskaya and Volyn lands were located: Galitsky - in Carpathia, and Volynskaya - next door to her on the shores of Buga. Both Galitsky, and Volynskaya, and sometimes only Galician land was often called the Chervonna (i.e. red) Russia, in the city of Cherberry in Galich. The Galician-Volyn Principality was formed on the basis of land of the former Vladimir-Volyn Principality, which was located on the Western and South-Western borders of Russia. In the XI - XII centuries. In Vladimir, the secondary princes directed here are the great kiev princes.

The Galico-Volyn Land was located in places exclusively favorable for the farm, trade, political contracts with the outside world. Her borders came up on one side to the foothills of the Carpathians and rested during the Danube. From here it was hand to Hungary, Bulgaria, to the Trading Road on the Danube to the Center of Europe, to Balkan countries and Byzantium. From the north, northeast and the East, these lands hugged the ownership of the Kiev principality, which fencing him from the mighty Rostov-Suzdal princes.

There were fat black soils in wide river valleys, as well as extensive forest arrays, grapples for commercial activities, and significant deposits stone Soloi.which was taken into neighboring countries. On the territory of the Galico-Volyn land arose and bloomed large cities. This is Vladimir - Volynsky, named so by the name of Vladimir 1. He was a long year by the residence of the Grand-Magnish governors. Galich grew up on Soltvorgoville, where in the middle of the XII century a powerful and independent boyars, active urban layers, was formed. The centers of local specific principalities grew noticeably, where the descendants of Rostislav - Son Son's early deceased Son Yaroslav Wise Vladimir. Rostislav Vladimirovich was given a lifelong ownership of Liberal Vladimir - Volynsky. And now Rostislavichi belonged to Menley, Dorogobuzh, Terebovil, Bug, Tourisk, Cherven, Lutsk, Hill. These cities were rich and beautiful, there were a lot of stone buildings in them, almost all of them were well fortified, had powerful children - fortresses. Once, many of these cities were diluted with Poland first Vladimir, and then Yaroslav Wisely. Convenient geographical position (Neighborhood with Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic) allowed to lead active foreign trade. In addition, the land of the principality was in relative security from nomads. As in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, there was a significant economic rise.

Previously, the Volyn Land with the Center in Vladimir Volynsky began to be separated. Vladimiro - Volyn Principality has long passed from - under the authorities of the same prince to another, while in 1134, the grandson of Vladimir Monomacha Iasaslav Mstislavich was not engaged here. He became the founder of the local princely dynasty.

Later, Galician land with a center in Galich was alone. It was originally only part of the owners of the deceased father of the son of the son of Yaroslav Wise Vladimir and the Son of the Last Rostislav. Only in the XII centuries. Under Vladimir Volodarevich (1141 - 1152), Galician lands became independent of Kiev, and special power reached this principality with the Son Vladimir Yaroslav Orel. However, it was precisely at the same time that the land began to tease the feudal gravestites. Boyars to fight against trying to establish the strong power of Yaroslav Osmomysla took advantage of his confusing family deeds. Boyars managed to arrest Yaroslav, and his mistress was burned by a fire. In the end, Yaroslav still won in this struggle, and the heir was appointed Oleg "Nastasych". However, after the death of Yaroslav Boyar, Oleg was achieved and proclaimed the prince of the legal son of Yaroslav Vladimir. But they did not get along with Vladimir, because the prince, according to the chronicle, "Duma is not loving with her husbands." Ingenic forces interfere in the internecine struggle. The Hungarian King put on the Galician throne of his son Andrei, and Vladimir took it to imprisonment in Hungary. However, Vladimir managed to flee to the yard of the German Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and, returning, again to the stroke.

Already during these interdudes, many of the boyars were thinking about the new ruler: Vladimir-Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich. After the death of Vladimir (1199), Roman Mstislavich was proclaimed by Galitsky Prince. Thus, the association of Vladimiro-Volyn and Galician principalities in Single Galitsko - Volyn Principality, one of the largest principalities of the Russian Earth occurred.

The outstanding commander of Roman Mstislavich for a while was able to stop the boyars, he took Kiev and accepted the title of the Grand Duke, supported peaceful relations with Byzantia and established the world with Hungary. However, conducting active foreign PolicyHe intervened in the civil strife of Polish princes (whose relative was) and in 1205 he died in the battle with his cousin Krakow Prince Leshko White. In the Galician-Volyn Principality began a new gravestone: after all, Daniel's prince's heir was only 4 years old. Power captured the boyars.

One of the boyars, Volodislav Kormichich, even for a while became a prince, which was a complete violation of all customs that existed then in Russian land. This is the only event of the Boyarina.

The gravestones led to the actual fragmentation of the Galician-Volyn Principality per a number of separate small lots that are constantly fighting with each other. Polovtsy, Polish, Hungarian troops helped rivals, robby, leading to slavery, and even killing the local population. They intervene in Galician-Volyn affairs and the princes of other land of Russia. And yet by 1238, Daniel managed to deal with the boyars opposition. He became one of Russia's strongest princes. Will him obeyed Kiev. In 1245, Daniel Romanovich broke the united forces of Hungary, Poland, Galitsky Boyar and the Chernigov principality, thereby completing the struggle for the restoration of the unity of the principality. The boyars were weakened, many boyars were exterminated, and their lands switched to the Great Prince. However, Batievo invasion, and then the Ordane Igo violated the economic and political development of this land.


Galico-Volyn Rus was in special climatic conditions. The mild climate and fertile lands have always attracted a lot of agricultural population. At the same time, this blooming edge was constantly subjected to raids of neighbors - Poles, Hungarians, steppes - nomads. In addition, there was an extremely strong boyars, which not only oppressed farmers, but also fiercely struggled for power with local princes. Only in 1199, with great difficulty, Roman Mstislavich managed to unite the Galicia and Volyn under his authority. After his death in 1205, the power in the principality was captured by the boyars, for a long time turning him into a number of small devices who are entrited with each other. Only in 1238 after the cruel struggle, the son and heir to Roman Daniel returned power and became one of the strongest Russian princes. In 1240, Daniel managed to unite the South-Western Rus and Kiev land. However, in the same year, the Galician-Volyn Principality was ruined by Mongol-Tatars, and after 100 years, these lands were founded in Lithuania (Volyn) and Poland (Galich).

galitsky volyn Princess Prince

Used Books

1.History of Russia from ancient times until 1861, Pavlenko N.I., Moscow, 2001

2.The formation of the state territory of North - Eastern Russia In the X - XIH centuries. Kuchkin V.A., Moscow, 1984

.Kievan Rus and Russian principalities of the XII - XiIIIVV., Rybakov B.A., Moscow, 1982

.History of Russia, Orlov A.S., Moscow, 2004

.Old Russian Principles of the X - XIII centuries, Moscow, 1975


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In the 12th century, the Galician and Volyn Principles with the capitals Galich and Vladimir were formed on the southwestern territory of the Old Russian state, which belonging to the streets, Dulebam, Croatam and Tisterscam.

Geographical position of the Galician-Volyn Principality

The union of the two principalities occurred in 1199, when the prince of Vladimiro-Volyn Roman Mstislavovich, being a descendant of Vladimir Monomakh, gaining strength and strengthening his power, joined Galich's Vladimiro-Volyn lands. The geographical position of the Galician-Volyn Principality was as follows: the lands of the principality of the rivers of the rivers West Bug, San and the Dniester Verkhovyev and bordered in the east with the Kiev and Pinsky principalities, in the south with Bladia, later became known as the Golden Horde. In the southwest, the Galico-Volyn Principality bordered with the Kingdom of Hungary, in the West with Poland, and in the north with the Polotsky Principality, the Teutonic Order and the Grand Durability Lithuanian.

Relationship with Poland, Hungary and Lithuania

The resulting Galician-Volyn Principality in 1214, after the death of Prince Roman Mstislavovich, was under the rule of Hungary and Poland. But in 1238-1264, thanks to the son of Roman Mstislavovich, named Daniel and his associate, Mstislav, a remote, Galico-Volynsky principality managed to restore its strength and independence.
In the 14th century, because of the internecial warrior of the sons of Daniel, the weakening of the Galician-Volyn lands began. The disintegration of the principality occurs against the background of enhancing the influence of Poland and Lithuania. In 1339, the entire territory of the Galician Principality was captured by Poland, and in 1382 Volyn was divided between Lithuania and Poland.

Political Features of the Galician-Volyn Principality

Public system at that time in the Galician-Volyn Principality had a strong position of a small group of the feudal policeman, who had previously formed from major local landowners. They did not support close relationships with the princely courtyard and did not hide their relationship hostile to him. The mainstream class in the principality was the church to know, since it was them that they were managed by the extensive land ownership owned by them and the peasants working on them.
With the increasing influence of the feudalists, the peasants lost their independence, falling under their influence. The number of peasant communities decreased, but the number of peasants who lived on the lands belonging to the feudalities and were obliged to pay the feuds to their hosts were grew. However, this process gradually walked on all lands since time. The urban population of Galico-Volyn lands was a few, since the number of major cities was small. At the same time, the urban knew was interested in strengthening the princely power. In cities there were their trade and craft associations that were governed by the elders and had their own treasury. The highest authority in the Galician-Volyn lands was the prince and advice under him, in contrast to the authorities of Prince was a boyars council, who played a large role in the external and internal politics Principality. The Board of Boyar could at his own discretion to deprive the power and choose the new prince in connection with which the power of the Prince over the state was very limited. All the issues of the management of the principality and the court were solved with the help of the Council, which included the boyars, clergy and representatives of the princely yard. Thus, the system of the principality was formed in the form of a palace-primary system, which was the usual phenomenon for that period of time. The army in the Galician-Volyn principality was formed from a permanent squad, which included professional wars and misinitions of the city and peasants from the inhabitants of the city. In the Galician-Volyn Principality, a system of rights of the ancient Russian state was preserved.

Decay Kievan Rus was a natural result of its economic and political Development. Its reasons were rooted in the production and social relations of the time that developed on the basis of raising productive forces in agriculture and crafts. The closed nature of the natural economy led to strengthening the independence of individual principalities, and hence the change in their political orientation to the department. Local economic interests gave rise to the desire to exit from the power of the Grand Duke. Role political Center From Kiev goes to places: such a role begins to play main city of this or the specific principality. The elevation of these centers gave rise to a certain aggressiveness in relation to the neighbors. The loss of state unity objectively led to the princely crossburses. Each local prince sought to expand its possessions and obtaining the title of the Grand Prince.

In the middle of the XII century, Kievan Rus broke up at the principality: Kiev, Galitsky, Volynskoye, Smolensk, Pereyaslav, Vladimir-Suzdal and others. These principalities-land in turn consisted of smaller principalities or volosts. The supersenitate-vassalitet system was transferred to the specific principality.

Each principality (land) had its own features of political development. In Novgorod and Pskov, feudal republics were formed, in Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, a strong princely power won, in the Galician-Volyn Earth, a considerable impact on power traditionally provided a boyars aristocracy.

Let's go back to those times when both Volyn and Ga-Lisk land were not dependent on Kiev. It should be noted that Volyn statehood was older than Kiev, the Ukrainian tribe began with it. It was a rich land located on the trade routes in Western Europe. TO Kiev state She was attached to Vladimir campaigns of 981 and 993. At about the same time, Galician land was attached to Kiev.

Volyn and Galician land had great importance for the development of the economy of Kiev Rus. After the nomadic tribes blocked the way to the Crimea, Carpathia became the only source of supply of salt. In addition, the main trading paths to the West through the Volyn and Galice-Kui, which made them one of the main links of the European trade of that time.

In the era of the decay of Kievan Rus in Xii--The X1P century the processes of separation of individual lands are completed. Kiev turned from the capital of Russia to the "Color" city of Kiev land.

In addition to the Kiev principality, independent Chernihiv, Novgorod-Severskie, Pereyaslav, Volynsky and Galician principality, between which the civil struggle did not subside, appear in the XII century.

Galician land separated from Kiev in 1097 year. The dynasty of the Lamunens of Yaroslav the Wise "princes of Rostyslavich was formed. The union of Galitsky lands held outstanding statesman Vladimirko (1124-1152). The capital of the principality in 1141 was Galich. But his highest power of the Galitsky Principality reached during the reign of the Son Vladimirk - Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl (1152-1187). The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" so characterized Galitsky Prince: "Sits high on his golden throne, supporting the Hungarian mountains with its iron regiments - bought the road to the king, closed the Gate Danu." Yaroslav had allied treaties with Hungary, Poland and Germany. In order to strengthen the Union with Yuri Dolgorukh, he married his daughter Olga.

His deputy - Vladimirko II - did not recommend with the boyars and asked for help to the Hungarian king Bellya III. In 1188, Bela proclaimed himself by the King of Galicia, and Vladimirika II put in prison. It was the first foreign occupation of Galicia, which became a precedent for many years. Over time, Vladimirka II, with the help of Germans and Poles, managed to return the lost power. But after his death in 1199, the Galitsky Principality was joined to Volyn and lost its independence.

The Volyn Principality was formed during the reign of the great-grandfather Vladimir Monomakh - Mstislav Iaslavich.

There were always good neighborly relations between Galician and Volyn lands, which manifested primarily in economic relations. These factors, as well as the need for joint confrontation of aggression from Hungary and Poland, created prerequisites for the unification of neighboring lands into a single principality.

As a result of these processes, a strong political organization appeared in the West of Ukraine - the Galician-Volyn Principality, which almost a hundred years continued the traditions of Russian-Ukrainian statehood.

The greatest power of the Galician-Volyn Principality reached during the jurisdiction of Mstislavich's novel (1170-1205). His support, he made seconded and small boyars and urban population. Thanks new Policy He managed to pacify the boyars tip, hold a number of events raising the international authority of the state. The novel carried out several successful trips to Lithuania, in 1196 he joined the land of the Lithuanian tribe of Yatvägov to his principality. In 1202, he took possession of Kiev, but, unlike his father and grandfather, did not move there, but remained at Volyn. It became famous for the novel and in wars against Polovtsy, who at the time constantly attacked Russia. He twice - in 1202 and 1203 - headed the combined hiking of Ukrainian princes on Polovtsy. Materials of one of the Polish Chronicles show that the novel "For a short time So ascended that the rules of almost all lands and princes of Russia. " Roman Metislavovich died during a hike to Poland on June 19, 1205.

After the death of the novel, the boyars of the Galician-Volyn land, taking advantage of the youngsters of his sons of Daniel and Vasilka, tries to strengthen his power. However, the Wednesday of Boyars was not homogeneous, and this led to the confrontation between the boyars - major landowners, on the one hand, and the boyar - average and minor - on the other. Boyarskaya Tip, which focused in his hands huge land wealth, tried to establish the unlimited power of the aristocracy. Medium-trip and small boyars and urban populations were supporters of unification of land under the rule of the Grand Prince, advocated the strengthening of this power. Began civilians in which the Chernihiv-Seversk princes took part. Poland and Hungary intervened in these civil workers.

Especially strong was the opposition to the princely power in Galicia. However, the boyars opposition was not united here. Part of the Boyar supported the princes of Igorevich (Sons of Igor, the hero of "words about the regiment of Igor"), and the part was favorable to Hungary. At first, the power was captured by Igorevichi, then Galicia was occupied by Hungary. In 1211, the brothers, taking advantage of the displeastence of the population by the Hungarian occupation, returned to Galicia, executed "for treason" more than 500 boyars. This action, in turn, pushed the Galitsky boyars from Igorevich. With the help of the Hungarian troops and Volyn Boyar, the juvenile Daniel was planted for the princely throne. However, his reign was not long. After a series of shuffles, the princely throne took the boyar Vladislav Kormilchich - the only fact in the history of Ukraine, when a representative of not a princely kind came to power.

In 1214, Hungary and Poland agreed on the dismemberment of the Galician-Volyn Principality: Hungary captured Galicia, and the Menley was transferred to Krakow Prince Leshka. The latter supported the sons of Roman, Yves 1215 with the consent of Leshka Daniel and Vasilko received their father's victul - Vladimir.

The period of 1205-1245 years is extremely interesting and important to understand general conditions The heyday of the Russian-Ukrainian statehood. It is necessary to name those who in difficult for Ukraine the time was faithful to the princely throne and sagging the legacy of the novel for his sons.

First of all, this is a spouse of Roman, Princess Anna, who for the age of 14 cared for his sons, led a tense struggle with Galitsky boyar. She became the second after the princess Olga a woman who "left a deep mark in the history of Ukraine.

Another very important feature of this period is the devotion of the princely power of Volyn boyars, thanks to which it was possible to save for the sons of the novel.

Volyn. For 40 years, Volyn land remained reliable support Romanovichy: There was under the supervision of Boyar Vasilko, Daniel was saved after failures in Galich. Volyn warriors have repeatedly gave life, freeing Galich from Hungarians.

In 1219, Galichanes themselves opposed the Hungarian occupation. The boyars invited to the Galician throne of the Mstislav remotent - Novgorod Prince, who was contacted in Galich in 1228.

Meanwhile, Daniel and Vasilko united all the lands of the Volyn Principality. Since 1230, Daniel's struggle begins for Galicia.

Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Prussian Order of Crusaders took part in these wars. The result of the struggle depended on the position of the Galicians themselves and, above all, the urban population. Finally, in 1238, "Gradskie men", contrary to the will of the boyars, opened the Bram Galich before Daniel. But his claims did not end up. In 1239, Daniel took possession of Kiev. Then five years have passed in the fight of Daniel with Hungary for Galicia. And only the decisive victory of Daniel in the summer of 1245 near Yaroslav, where the troops of the Hungarians and the favorable Galitsky Boyar troops were broken, put an end to the 40-year war for the liberation of Volyn and Galicia from foreign occupation. The unity of the Galician-Volyn principality was restored.

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