Flower care myrtle tree. What needs to be done to give the myrtle the appearance of a tree from a cutting

reservoirs 12.06.2019

Myrtle is one of the florist's most favorite houseplants. It's not surprising, because myrtle tree incredibly beautiful and useful. In addition, it has a rich history of origin and very beautiful symbolism. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this leafy beauty.

Myrtle is a plant from the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees. It belongs to the myrtle family and originates in Ancient Greece. For many centuries, this tree has been considered a symbol of beauty and youth, and it also symbolizes happiness and prosperity in the family. As decorative flower the myrtle plant was formed over 400 years. V room conditions the flower can reach 1 m in height, in natural it grows up to 3-4 m.

Leaves of a woody shrub

The woody shrub has straight stems that branch quite densely. The leaves of this handsome man are dark green, dense, leathery. The shape of the myrtle leaf is oblong, slightly sharpened towards the edge. On the stems, the leaves grow very abundantly and are held on small petioles. The length of one leaf reaches from 2 to 5 cm. The leaves may have various forms depending on the type of plant, for example, hekven myrtle has wrinkled edges on the foliage.

Myrtle leaves are shiny and have a pleasant smell. The thing is that the leaves contain small glands that can be seen close up in good light. It is thanks to these glands that the leaf of the plant releases essential oils and aromatic substances. Myrtle essential oil helps to relieve fatigue, calms well and treats insomnia. However, one should be careful with the aroma of myrtle, as excessive amounts of it can cause nausea and dizziness.

indoor plant flowering

Myrtle flowers grow singly in the axils of the leaves, or flowering is collected in whole brushes. Flowering is mostly white, sometimes there are pink shades of flowers. The flowers themselves are small, very fragrant and fragrant. The flowering of indoor myrtle is pollinated with a brush. The tree blooms in early summer and bears fruit in autumn. The fruits of this plant contain spice, they are edible and juicy, dark blue or deep red in appearance.

Popular types of myrtle

Today there are about one hundred various kinds myrtle. This fragrant leafy beauty is represented by a wealth of species throughout the world, but the most common is the common myrtle or, as it is also called, communis. And this is not surprising, because flower growers consider the myrtle plant to be the most unpretentious flower from the myrtle family. characteristic features of this tree are five-petalled flowers with golden stamens in the center, as well as a strongly branched trunk, rather short.

Such species as small-leaved myrtle, lush myrtle, Ralph myrtle, hekven myrtle are very popular. Also included in the description of the myrtle plant is a species such as Tarentina Granada, a dwarf flower that gives its owners a beautiful lush bloom. All these species have differences in the shape of leaves and branches, as well as in the color of the fruits, but they are all incredibly beautiful and unique.

Medicinal and beneficial qualities of the myrtle plant

It is not in vain that the characteristic of myrtle has such interesting point: the word "myrtle" is translated from Greek as "balm".

You can list for a very long time what myrtle is useful for and how it is valued in medicine. This southern plant has a huge storehouse medicinal properties. Today, everyone who cares about their health is interested in the topic - the myrtle plant: its properties and uses, because this small indoor dweller is very rich in useful qualities.

The flower is able to purify the air in the apartment, protect the inhabitants of the house from bacteria and annoying viruses, for example, from SARS, from tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. The antibacterial properties of myrtle plants are widely known, as well as the fact that the flower contributes to the anti-inflammatory processes of the body.

Various tinctures are made from the tree, which help with intestinal diseases, assist in the fight against cancerous tumors, help to cope with heart disease, provide healing actions with sinusitis, diabetes, diseases of the liver and kidneys. Interestingly, myrtle is also used for various allergic symptoms.

The essential oil, which is found in the foliage, bark and flowers of the tree, perfectly tones and soothes. This oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it heals the skin from acne, gives it freshness, strengthens the hair. And myrtle oil invigorates and improves mood. And on this beneficial features myrtle plants do not end there. This evergreen flower softens the cough of a heavy smoker, improves immunity.

Proper care of myrtle at home

Many amateur flower growers are wondering how to care for myrtle so that it grows healthy and strong. Any indoor flower needs reverent and attentive care, because it needs to feel cared for. If the care of the myrtle plant at home was complete, then this indoor handsome man will certainly please the grower with his magnificent growth. To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Place and lighting for a flower

Myrtle loves sunlight However, sunlight should be in moderation, especially on hot summer days. You should not keep a flowerpot with a myrtle tree in the heat. It is best to place the flower in a well-lit area, or on a windowsill. It will be great if the tree is on the west or east side. In summer, caring for a myrtle plant requires less effort, just take it out into the fresh air, for example, onto a balcony. In winter, you need to provide a flower good lighting.

Temperature and humidity

A favorable atmosphere for a myrtle flower: how to care, what temperature to observe, how to refresh it and not overdry it? All this is quite simple. The myrtle tree grows well in moderate air temperatures, in winter it will feel good at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. If you provide myrtle with coolness in winter, then in summer this handsome man will bloom thickly and profusely. In the summer season, the flower should simply be kept outdoors, but protected from the sultry heat.

Humidity This evergreen tree requires high humidity and copes very poorly with dry indoor air. The plant needs constant spraying in summer, as well as in spring and warm autumn, when it grows intensively and grows stronger. When cold weather sets in, you can not spray it.

Soil, fertilizer, and watering

The soil in the pot with the myrtle plant should remain fairly moist. The flowerpot is recommended to contain sand, humus, peat soil and turf soil in equal amounts. You can also make the soil from clay, humus, peat and sod land in equal amounts and add sand. Watered house tree should be regularly, but in moderation, do not overfill the flowerpot. Warm water is used for irrigation.

How much fertilizer does a houseplant myrtle require: cultivation and care during feeding, are there any features? The fact is that top dressing depends on what result is expected by the grower. If you need to achieve good flowering, you can, for example, use fertilizer with phosphorus, and fertilizing with nitrogen is suitable for growing a small ornamental tree. Whatever the choice of grower, the main thing is not to forget to feed the myrtle flower once a week.

Transplanting a woody shrub

Replant woody shrubs should be as necessary, this should be done carefully and carefully.

With this crucial procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk does not sink into the ground along with the roots, it is recommended to leave it on the surface of the flowerpot. While the leafy handsome man is young, you can replant it once a year, but try not to overdo it, because very large flowerpots will not benefit the tree. Also, it must be remembered that the flower is transplanted in the spring before it begins to bloom.

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle needs pruning in order to gain nice shape. This leafy flower will be pleasing to the eye in any case, but if you give it the desired look with trimming, it will look unique. If you cut the top of the flower, it will decorate the interior of the room in the form of a shrub, but if you trim the side parts, the myrtle will stretch up like a slender tree. Here it is recommended to remember the following: woody plant it is cut off when the trunk is already strong, and this procedure is necessarily carried out in the spring.

You can pinch a leafy handsome man as needed in order to increase the density of the crowns. Myrtle will become fuller and healthier after pinching, but it is not recommended to do this too often, as the tree may lose its flowering density. Experienced flower growers know that procedures of this kind should be carried out moderately, taking into account all the subtleties of the common myrtle issue: home care, because each plant loves an individual approach.

Propagation of the myrtle tree

In nature, there are two ways to propagate myrtle: from seeds and using cuttings. Both methods require a lot of attention and care. The flower grower propagates by cuttings 2 times a year, for this it is necessary to remove them from the myrtle and plant them for rooting in peat with sand. The cuttings are covered with a bag to preserve moisture, and after a month, when the roots grow, they can be planted in a small flowerpot. Such a myrtle blooms already in the third year of its growth.

For seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil from peat and sand, distribute them evenly on the surface, sprinkle on top with a thin layer of earth and cover with a film. This soil is recommended to be placed in a well-lit place and watered regularly. After about 2 weeks, when the seedlings have two leaves, you can transplant them into small flowerpots. This myrtle will begin to bloom in the fifth year of life.

What threatens myrtle?

Is myrtle healthy: diseases and treatment, what should be feared and how to properly protect a woody plant? Flower growers definitely need to know what myrtle diseases are in order to prevent their occurrence. The most common misfortune is aphids, a very unpleasant spider mite, as well as a scale insect. These, as well as similar myrtle pests, can manifest themselves if the flower is not provided with good lighting and proper watering. Treatment is carried out with insecticides, it is also recommended to spray the handsome myrtle with water, special attention giving the underside of the foliage.

Every florist who boasts a chic myrtle plant in his collection is incredibly proud of it, because this flower carries a lot of useful nuances. We can talk forever about the symbolism, history and beauty of this leafy pet, but it's better to just enjoy the view in your home! Lot useful information in the article:

Like ordinary myrtle, it is not found in apartments too often. But this plant harmoniously looks in any interior. It looks very attractive and unusual, as you can see if you look at his photo. However, lovers of home floriculture may experience some difficulties when growing myrtle, as it needs to create certain growing conditions and provide proper care.

plant description

There are different varieties and varieties of this plant, but in indoor floriculture the most famous and popular is the common myrtle. At home, it can grow up to 0.6 m, maximum - up to 1 m.

Can be grown as a compact tree or ornamental bush. Its leaves are small, leathery, shiny and as if polished. Inflorescences of single type. The color of the flowers can be white, cream, pinkish. They have a very pleasant and rather strong aroma. When flowering, many stamens are formed. They give the appearance of myrtle tenderness and airiness. If pollination occurs, then fruits appear.

Features of growing myrtle

The homeland of the plant is the subtropics with a humid climate. Similar conditions need to be created room myrtle and at home. It grows well on the southern windows in the apartment, feels good on the western and eastern ones, and in winter it can be kept on the north side.

Myrtle needs to create a humid and warm microclimate

loves warmth and high humidity. In addition to abundant watering, the plant should be sprayed with settled water at least 1 time per day, and more often - up to 2-3 times. For creating high humidity the flower pot itself is placed in a tray with wet gravel poured into it. You can also place water containers next to it.

Attention! Myrtle also reacts negatively to short-term drying of the soil. From drying out, it sheds leaves and may even die.

In order for this plant to feel comfortable, it is provided, in addition to high humidity, by the following conditions:

  • good lighting - in poor light, the myrtle begins to wither and does not bloom, but it is better to shade it from the direct sun on the south side in order to avoid darkening and burns of the leaves;
  • fresh air - the plant needs ventilation, it is not even afraid of drafts. And in summer period a flower can be placed on the balcony or planted along with a pot in a suburban area;
  • dormant period - in winter, the myrtle should rest, it should be placed in a cool place with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Water and spray it at this time less often, but without complete drying of the soil. In a cool place, the dormant period lasts about 3 months, while in a warm place it is shorter and is half of this period.

Myrtle care

A plant, like any home flower, needs attention. Caring for myrtle, in general, cannot be called too complicated. It consists of:

  • watering;
  • spraying foliage;
  • top dressing;
  • forming cut.

Myrtle tolerates shaping pruning well

Watering during the warm period is done several times a week. It should be plentiful, but without flooding the flower. Excess water is immediately removed so that the roots do not rot. In winter, water less often if the flower is kept cool. But when the plant is in a warm room, the watering regimen is normal.

Often, lovers of home floriculture do not prune plants, but this is necessary for myrtle. Without this procedure, its crown acquires an unattractive appearance over time. It is better to prune in early spring or after flowering.

Advice. After spring pruning myrtle may not bloom at all this year. Therefore, those who expect from a plant lush flowering, it is better to postpone this procedure for the autumn time.

Myrtle responds well to fertilizing. In the warm period, it is fed about 2-4 times a month. In winter, myrtle also needs top dressing at least once a month. In spring and summer, fertilizers intended for flowering plants are more often used, and in the cold period - for decorative foliage.

flower transplant

Young plants are best replanted annually. It is not recommended to immediately plant myrtle in a large pot with a margin, it is better to increase its size gradually. To prepare the soil, take 30% of sod and peat land, 20% of humus and sand. You can take purchased soil for planting a plant.

Be sure to use drainage. And for better survival, the roots of the flower can be treated with a stimulant. After transplanting, water abundantly until water begins to seep out of the pot. It is then removed from the pallet. Adult flowers no longer need an annual transplant. In one substrate, they can grow up to 3-4 years.

Advice. In order not to unnecessarily injure the roots of the myrtle during transplantation, it is better to use the method of transferring the plant along with the old clod of earth into a prepared pot bigger size.

Plant propagation

Many prefer to reproduce on their own indoor flowers. To propagate myrtle, you can use one of two methods:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

myrtle cuttings

Cuttings are a popular and easy way to get a new plant. It can be carried out in winter time early spring or mid-summer. They take a stalk 6-8 cm in size, but not from a flowering branch, process the cut in a stimulator, then plant it in the ground, covering it with glass or transparent film. Rooting will take about 2-3 weeks, after which the plants can be planted individually.

The seed method is also used, but it takes much more time. Just keep in mind that the germination of myrtle seeds lasts only about a year. In addition, the characteristics of the variety with this method may be lost, and the myrtle will begin to bloom much later than with cuttings.

Common myrtle is a beautiful and fragrant plant that creates a special microclimate in the room. Of course, there are some nuances in its cultivation that can scare off newcomers to home floriculture. But caring for myrtle is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, to refuse such an amazing flower.

Myrtle is an evergreen plant grown as a shrub and as a small tree. The myrtle tree is very popular as a gift for the bride, symbolizing a successful marriage. This plant is not so easy to care for, but it is worth it.

General information

Myrtle has long been valued for its medicinal properties- flowers and foliage contain essential oils, and if the leaves and fruits are dried, they can be used as spices (spices). For example, cloves are a product obtained from one of the types of myrtle.

In the season of colds, for prevention, essential oils are used, spreading their smell around the room or simply putting the plant on the windowsill, for example, in the children's room. The study also showed that myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.

Myrtle plants also include such valuable plants, according to their characteristics, as tea tree, eucalyptus and clove tree.

Species and varieties

(Myrtus communis) or it is also called " communis " (aka " indoor ”) is the most common type in home gardening. This species is characterized by a short, well-branched trunk, which is covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.

The leaves are green, oval, shiny and have a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white (sometimes a faint pink shade is observed) with protruding stamens. Blooms in the summer season. The fruits are black berries with a reddish tint.

This type of myrtle has developed many varieties:

  • compact shrub, which has many fruits, is smaller in size than that of the mother.

  • Myrtle variety Alhambra - has white fruits-berries and dense foliage.

  • (Variegata) stands out among others with variegated foliage.

  • Myrtle "La Clape" - has purple berries.

  • There is also a dwarf form among them - myrtle "Microphylla" .

This is a miniature copy of a tree, a very popular plant, of great value to flower growers, its leaves contain essential oils used in medicine and cosmetology. The price of such a tree is not small.

The shape of such a tree can be varied, the trunk twists and bends in the process of growth, and due to the periodic pruning of the processes, you can form the shape of the crown as you wish.

- it happens both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree with brown exfoliating bark. The leaves are matte, dark green, white flowers that bloom in July or August. The fruits are dark red and edible.

(Myrtus chequen) - a tree with glossy leaves and slightly wrinkled edges.

(Myrtus ralfii) - This bush is distinguished by pink flowers and red edible berries. The leaves have a white or cream border.

Myrtle Boetica (Boetica)

A large-leaved species, the leaves are larger than those of other species (6-7 cm, while the standard is 1-2 cm), with a pointed end. This myrtle grows very slowly. The trunk has an interesting feature - it twists, in the process of growth, interesting shapes are formed. The flowers are white and large, and the berries are oblong, black.

(Cassandra or marsh myrtle ) – evergreen shrub, which grows exclusively in swamps, from which it got its name. It reaches one meter in height. Young shoots and leaves contain poison, which is dangerous for animals (for goats and sheep).

If you crush the leaf of such a plant, you will feel a pronounced lemon flavor. In some countries, such leaves are used as a seasoning. Leaf sizes: length 10 cm, and width 1-4 cm. It blooms first with white flowers, and then darkens to a creamy and slightly yellow hue.

Myrtle care at home

Myrtle is a plant that needs to create a climate with high humidity, so spraying is a must for healthy and lush growth. In no case do not forget about watering, but do not flood, the plant is very sensitive and can get sick. Water only with soft, settled water.

But myrtle is not afraid of drafts, so you can safely leave it on the windowsill, where a window is constantly open for ventilation. With the flow of air around the apartment, useful phytoncides will spread, destroying pathogenic microbes.

The temperature must be controlled within 18-24°C. V summer time year, it is advisable to put the myrtle on the street or balcony and shade a little so that the rays of a particularly scorching sun do not fall.

pruning myrtle

As for pruning, the myrtle tolerates it well, not to mention the fact that thanks to this, it is possible to give a different desired shape to the crown, creating various compositions. Pruning and transplanting is carried out in the spring season, no more than once every two years.

Myrtle transplant

When transplanting, the transshipment method is used, while choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for myrtle is simple, with good drainage. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of sod land, peat and sand.

It will be useful to add some charcoal and organic compost. Any pruned varieties must be additionally fed; for this, any fertilizer for indoor plants (complex mineral), without chlorine in the composition, is suitable. A young plant begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

Myrtle care in winter

In winter, the myrtle has a dormant period, while watering is reduced (the soil is only slightly moistened, preventing drying out) and the plant is moved to a cooler (8-10 ° C), but bright place.

If this is not done, then leaf drop is observed. Although this is not a big danger, as new, young leaves will begin to appear in the spring.

Reproduction of myrtle cuttings

If the main task during reproduction is the preservation of maternal (varietal) characteristics, then cuttings are considered the ideal method of reproduction.

Cuttings are cut from a healthy plant, they should not be very young, but in a semi-lignified form. For better rooting, the cut is treated with a special growth stimulator (for example, root) and stuck into the prepared soil at an angle (45-55 °). The substrate is constantly checked for moisture.

Myrtle from seeds at home

The seed method is less effective, but it is also used. At the beginning of spring, the prepared substrate (one part of peat and one part of sand) is poured into boxes (soil thickness 8-10 cm), sown with myrtle seeds, sprinkled with the same soil mixture (3-4 cm thick), moistened and covered with glass. controlled temperature regime around 20°C.

Periodically, the glass is opened to ventilate and moisten the soil, if necessary. The glass can be turned over or wiped, getting rid of excess condensate.

After a couple of weeks, the first seedlings will begin to appear, when there are too many of them, thinning is carried out, and after at least three leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate composition. A month later, young plants are fed with low concentration nitrogen fertilizer.

Diseases and pests

If, on the contrary, constant excessive watering is observed, then in this case, rotting of the roots and damage by putrefactive bacteria and fungal infections are inevitable, and this is already serious. It is not easy to deal with such problems and most often the death of the plant is observed.

  • If leaves fade, turn yellow, and the edges curl , then this indicates an excess of illumination.
  • If the stems are too long and the leaves are too small - This is a clear sign of lack of lighting.
  • Myrtle does not bloom – if you cut too often or cut too much at one time, and also if the room is poorly ventilated.
  • Leaves wither and fall - if this happens in winter, it means that the air is too dry and the temperature is too high (for example, when heating devices are working in the room). The plant needs a cooler room and some moisture (just a little!). Also, leaves can wither when water stagnates in the pan or from sunburn(direct Sun rays).

The plant, which came to us from ancient antiquity, brings peace, tranquility and comfort to the house. Myrtle is a resident of the Mediterranean, where in nature it reaches a height of 3-5 meters. In the cultivated version, it is a small tree up to 1 m high.

As an ornamental plant, it has been around for over 400 years. They can decorate your home, office and winter Garden. Myrtle has amazing healing and disinfecting properties. Various infusions are prepared from it, its leaves have a great ability to purify the air. In a word, myrtle not only decorates the house, but also brings undoubted benefits.

The main feature of myrtle breeding is the need for cold wintering. As a southerner, he loves light and high humidity. Myrtle - flowering plant. For good flowering, it needs pinching. On the other hand, if you actively form its crown, its ability to bloom may suffer. Therefore, you need to know the basic rules of pruning and decide what you like more - a flowering tree or a plant with a beautifully shaped crown.

Another feature of the myrtle is its slow growth. For a year, the tree adds only 10-15 cm.

Myrtle is not very whimsical and not difficult to care for. It is enough to provide him with a temperature, light and watering regime.

Planting indoor flower myrtle

Landing this home flower has no features. Transplantation is carried out as the plant grows. Each time they take a larger flower pot.

Landing methods

Myrtle is propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Optimal landing time

Most the best time for planting cuttings in winter - February, in summer - July. For propagation by seeds, the season does not matter.

Soil for the plant (Composition and soil selection)

Myrtle is suitable for the following soil composition:

  • A mixture of turf, humus, peat and sand in equal parts
  • greenhouse land
  • Peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5, respectively.

The soil should be slightly acidic.

Features of caring for a homemade myrtle flower at home

There is no difficulty in caring for myrtle, if you follow the basic conditions for its cultivation.

Myrtle grows well in bright light. However, in extreme heat, he needs an openwork shade. If the myrtle lives in the summer in the country, at noon it is better to put it in the shade of trees, if on the balcony, you can shade it with a tulle curtain.

In accordance with this, you need to choose a place in the house. It is better if it is the south, southeast or southwest side. If you put it on the north side, of course, it will survive, but it will bloom worse.

Important! If the myrtle is on the north side, the rest period lasts 3 months, and if on the south side, it is reduced to one and a half.

Air humidity

Myrtle loves humid air, especially in summer. The soil should not dry out, and the plant itself must be sprayed.

In winter, if it is not possible to keep the myrtle in the cold, it should be placed away from heating radiators and high humidity should be maintained.

Important! Do not forget to ventilate the room where the myrtle lives.

Temperature regime for the plant

The main difficulty in keeping myrtle in good shape is the organization proper wintering. Myrtle in winter is extremely necessary for a sufficiently low temperature - optimally not higher than +7 degrees, in summer - +22 - +25 degrees.

How to water correctly

Overflow and excessive dryness are equally harmful to myrtle. Enhanced watering is done from spring to late summer. Then it is reduced to 1 time per week. The drying of the earthen coma is unacceptable. If there is water in the pan after watering, it must be drained.

Fertilizing and fertilizing the myrtle flower

You can feed myrtle all year round, only the frequency of fertilization changes.

In summer this can be done weekly, in winter - monthly. Fertilizers for flowering plants are ideal for top dressing.


Regular pruning of myrtle stimulates the growth of side shoots. If this is not done, it is impossible to get a lush crown. Frequent pruning of young shoots can adversely affect flowering.

Trimming methods

To get a neat crown of the desired shape, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the plant will bloom less.

If you pinch the top, you get a neat bush, if you do not touch the plant, the crown will be pyramidal, if you cut off the side shoots, you get a crown like a tree.

Myrtle transplant

Young plants are transplanted 1 time per year, adults - 1 time in 2-3 years.

Transplant methods

Transplantation is carried out by simply transferring the plant to new pot bigger size. Naturally, in new ground. In order for the plant to be easily removed from the pot, it is necessary to dry the earthen ball a little, so you should stop watering a few days before transplanting.

Be sure to put drainage at the bottom of the pot, then plant the myrtle in the soil of any of the compositions indicated above. The earth must be well compacted around the plant. The trunk does not need to be buried in the ground.

Important! After transplanting, the myrtle must be well watered so that water begins to flow from the drainage hole of the pot.

Myrtle is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Both methods give good results and are not particularly difficult at home.

Reproduction methods


Cuttings can be taken both from the side shoot, and from the main, but not blooming. From the side shoot, you need to take a cutting no more than 10 cm, from the main one - 5-7 cm. Before planting, you need to remove lower leaves from the handle and cut off the top ones. Treat the cutting itself with root or heteroauxin. Plant in a flat tray in a mixture of leafy soil and coarse sand.

It is better to put a pallet with cuttings in a cool shaded place and cover with a film. Just like an adult plant, seedlings need to be watered and sprayed. From time to time, it is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse so that the soil does not turn sour and the cuttings do not rot. Rooting occurs within a month. Then the grown plants are seated in separate pots in the usual substrate for myrtle.

Important! If it seems to you that the myrtle is not growing, there is no need to worry, this is a temporary phenomenon for him. Cuttings may slow down their growth for a while.

Reproduction by seeds

For sowing seeds, take peat soil in half with sand. Before sowing seeds, the soil must be moistened, it is possible with a fungicide solution. Seeds are distributed in a pallet on a layer of soil, then they are sprinkled with another layer of soil and covered with a film or glass. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated and keep the soil always slightly moist. Seeds germinate on the seventh or tenth day. After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings need to be transplanted into pots. When root system will develop and entangle an earthen lump, the plants are transplanted again by transshipment into larger containers. Further, they need to be looked after, as for adult plants.


If you want the myrtle to bloom, you don't need to prune it in the spring.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

The flowering period is June and July. At this time, the flower requires increased watering and fresh air. Some flower growers take the myrtle to the dacha and there they drop the pot into the garden bed so that direct sunlight does not fall on it, but there is enough light.

Myrtle flowers are small, delicate, white or Pink colour. The main part of the flowers is located on the top of the crown. They are ordinary and terry.

Plant care after flowering

After the end of flowering, its watering and top dressing are gradually reduced. Crown pruning is done in autumn.

Important! If myrtle is kept indoors during the summer, it may not bloom.

Problems, diseases and pests in a flower

If the care of the myrtle is good, he will not face any trouble. It can only suffer from overflow, then the roots begin to rot and the plant dies.

If the air in the room is too dry, pests can appear on the myrtle. It is affected by aphids, scale insects and spider mites.

  • Shchitovka or shield aphid infects leaves and stems. Measures to combat it - spraying with a soap and tobacco solution with the addition of kerosene. The pests themselves are removed with a damp swab, and spraying with an insecticide saves from the larvae.
  • Spider mite appears if the air in the room is too dry. You can get rid of it by washing the leaves (their lower side) with soapy water or a weak tobacco infusion. You can use insecticides.
  • Aphids attack leaves They start to curl up and dry out. Treated with insecticides.

Important! Pests often infect an old plant.

plant species

As ornamental plant Myrtle is represented by only one species - it is ordinary myrtle (Myrtus communis).

There are practically no difficulties in growing myrtle. But we dare to give some advice.

  • An annual transplant is not required for an adult myrtle, but it can be changed every year. upper layer soil with the addition of complex fertilizers
  • If you spray myrtle in winter, it can shed its leaves.
  • Put myrtle in the children's room - it creates a very good atmosphere.

Answers to questions from readers

Myrtle is a perennial plant good care lives long.

Can this plant be kept at home?

Myrtle in the house is a source of peace and Have a good mood. Myrtle leaves contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on mood and health.

Is this flower poisonous?

Poisonous (slightly) myrtle leaves. Allergy sufferers can cause nausea and headaches

Why doesn't the flower bloom?

Flowering may not be if the crown is formed. It will not bloom even if it is kept indoors in the summer.

Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

Myrtle leaves turn yellow if it is damaged by a pest. Dry air and lack of light can also be the cause.

Why does the myrtle shed its leaves?

Leaves fall off due to lack of light or too high temperature.

Flower care in winter

In winter, myrtle has a dormant period. He needs a low temperature, a minimum of watering and no top dressing.

The myrtle plant in most people evokes associations with ancient Greek legends and the hot southern sun. Indeed, the name of this shrub is of Greek origin and means "incense" in translation. According to Greek myths, this tree is the embodiment of a nymph named Mirsina. The goddess Aphrodite herself wore a wreath of myrtle branches.

Nowadays, some varieties of this evergreen plant are grown in pots. These are small-leaved myrtle (Myrtus microphylla) and common myrtle (Myrtus communis). In nature, there are many types. Biologists have more than a hundred varieties of this tropical culture.

Description and properties

Many parts of the plant - young shoots, leaves, fruits - are rich in essential oils and antibacterial components. From mature myrtle leaves a medicinal product was prepared - an alcohol tincture. Modern and traditional medicine unanimously confirms the healing properties of myrtle in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia of various etiologies.
  3. Tuberculosis infection resistant to most antibiotics.
  4. Purulent otitis.
  5. Severe smoker's bronchitis.

This plant is powerful biostimulant, which increases the body's resistance to significant mental and physical stress. This drug does not side effects, so you can use it even for children of the first year of life. Experts advise keeping the plant in a pot in the rooms where children sleep - this makes the indoor air cleaner and healthier. One potted plant enough to clean the air in a room with an area of ​​​​20 square meters. meters.

Esotericists consider the myrtle tree very strong amulet. In many European countries, there is a belief that peace and mutual understanding always reign in a house where myrtle grows. If the myrtle tree dies, happiness and well-being also leave this house along with the dead plant.

Myrtus communis is absolutely not suitable for growing in offices - he needs a house and only the mistress of this house should grow him. In the Muslim tradition, it is believed that this plant dooms young people to loneliness, so they try not to keep it at home.

Home Care

Caring for ordinary myrtle at home is not so difficult, but it is necessary follow some rules:

  1. Plant pots should be placed on well-lit window sills. The south side is best suited for these purposes. Of course, you can grow myrtle on other windows, but it will begin to bloom only when in large numbers Sveta.
  2. Since myrtle is a subtropical plant, it needs high humidity and sufficient heat. To ensure sufficient moisture, you can use regular spraying. Watering and spraying is best done with soft settled water.
  3. This tree does not tolerate even the slightest drying of the soil and can turn yellow very quickly. To prevent this, the pot can be immersed for a while in a container of water. However, the water in the pan should not be allowed to stagnate.
  4. The composition of the soil in which myrtle grows should be close to that in natural conditions. To prepare the substrate, you will need 3 parts of turf, 3 parts of peat soil, 2 parts of river sand and 2 parts of humus. More simple solution may become a purchase ready mix in the shop.
  5. Top dressing should be carried out using complex preparations for flowering plants.
  6. Mirt is very fond of Fresh air and absolutely not afraid of drafts. It can be placed in a room that is constantly ventilated. The plant will feel very good on the windowsill in the kitchen. Under such conditions, it will release even more phytoncides and improve the atmosphere of the room.

There are some differences in how the myrtle plant is cared for at home in winter and summer.

Seasonal content

In the warm season, myrtle needs moderate temperature air and soil. Optimum temperature indoor air temperature is +22 - +24 ºC. In summer, it is better to keep the plant on a well-lit windowsill, creating some shade. You can install a small curtain or screen above the plant to protect against scorching sun rays.

With the onset of heat, you can move the tree to fresh air - to open veranda, balcony or terrace. And even if the pot with the tree remains indoors, it is necessary to ensure thorough ventilation and a constant supply of fresh air. Watering in the warm season should be moderate, but regular. You can feed 1 time per week.

The winter period for this southern tree is a dormant period. At this time, watering should be limited, but the land should not be allowed to dry out. Watering once a week will suffice. Spraying is necessary only in cases where the plant hibernates in a warm room. Top dressing in winter will be enough 1 time per month.

It is best to move the tree to a room with a temperature of +8 - +10 ºC for the winter. If the air temperature is too high, the plant will drop leaves. However, do not be upset: even if in winter it loses some of its foliage, in spring the tree will fully restore its strength and will delight with its lush crown.

Myrtle transplant

Myrtle has a rather slow growth, so do not repot it too often. Young specimens should be transplanted once a year. With each transplant, a pot of a larger diameter is taken. mature plant it will be enough to transplant 1 time in 3-4 years. This is best done in winter when the plant is dormant.

The transfer process is as follows:

  1. A few days before the proposed transplant, you should stop watering the plant. This will dry the earthen ball a little and make it easier to extract the roots from the pot.
  2. The pot with the plant should be carefully turned over, then the plant is removed, gently holding the base of the trunk.
  3. To make the myrtle tree take root better, its roots can be treated with a stimulant solution.
  4. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the new pot - you can use expanded clay or crushed bricks.
  5. Next, a substrate is prepared from turf, peat, sand and humus. You can cook it yourself or buy it in a specialized store. The finished substrate is poured into a pot.
  6. The plant is carefully placed in a new pot, the roots are sprinkled with soil, which is slightly compacted and leveled.
  7. After transplanting, the tree should be watered abundantly so that water seeps into the drainage holes.

After moving to a new pot, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place.

Reproduction methods

Myrtle can be propagated using cuttings and seeds. A prerequisite proper reproduction the soil temperature is not less than +25 degrees.

Used for reproduction apical cuttings 7-8 cm long.

  1. Cuttings should be cut from side shoots. You can also use shorter cuttings (5-6 cm), but in this case they are cut from the main shoot, provided that it does not bloom.
  2. The lower leaves on the cutting are removed.
  3. The formed cut is processed by means "Kornevin".
  4. Cuttings should be planted in a mixture of peat and sand. From above, the planted shoots are covered with a film.
  5. Rooting should take place at room temperature.

After 2-3 weeks, the first roots appear, and the plant can be transplanted into a separate container.

Another breeding option is with the help of seeds. However, this method has a significant drawback. It takes much longer to germinate from seed than to propagate from cuttings. Nevertheless, many flower growers prefer this way of breeding myrtle at home.

  1. In order for the seeds to germinate, a substrate of a mixture of sand and peat is required. From above it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  2. After sowing, the container is covered with plastic wrap.
  3. Germinating seeds need diffused lighting and an air temperature of about 21 degrees.
  4. An important condition for growing with the help of seeds is the formation of a crown. To do this, pinch the sprout at a low height.

With this method of reproduction, the young tree will begin to bloom in the second or third year.

Features of flowering

To get a beautiful flowering plant at home, it should not be cut in the spring. Pruning is best postponed until the end of flowering.

The time when the plant blooms takes the beginning and middle of summer. To get the most beautiful flowers, you need to follow some rules:

  1. The plant needs to be properly cared for and maintained.
  2. It is equally important to provide a constant supply of fresh air.
  3. Do not expect good flowering in a room with dry, stagnant air.

Flowers in myrtle can be located singly in the axils of the leaves or grow in the form of brushes. Each flower can have 4-6 petals. Distinguish between simple and double flowers. Most of flowers grows on the top of the tree. This is due to the best illumination of the upper part of the crown.

Trimming Rules

Caring for a myrtle tree also includes the formation of a beautiful crown. You can form a crown different ways- it all depends on the purpose of breeding this houseplant. Most flower growers are indifferent to the shape of the crown, the main thing is that the plant blooms. In these cases, the crown is formed in the form of a stem tree.

Do not resort to excessive pinching and pruning of lateral shoots in a young plant. However, one should take into account the fact that the crown of a mature plant is restored very easily and quickly. Thus, you can always change your intentions regarding appearance crowns. The most important condition is to carry out the formation of the crown in early spring or after flowering.

Diseases and pests

Myrtle has several pests that can damage the health of a tree:

  1. Whitefly.
  2. Mealybug.
  3. Shchitovka.
  4. Thrips.
  5. Spider mite.

Very often, flower growers wonder what to do if the myrtle began to dry out. It would be correct to put the question in a different way: how to prevent the green pet from drying out. To do this, it is enough to provide him with the right care.

If the plant began to turn yellow and fall off the leaves, most likely, the rules of care described above were violated.

Unfavorable factors can be:

  1. Insufficient air humidity.
  2. The air temperature is above 18 ºC.
  3. Keeping a flower in a room where central heating radiators work.
  4. Insufficient watering of the plant.

If you know how to care for myrtle at home, water and spray the tree in a timely manner, ensure normal temperature and timely feeding, the plant will delight with its beauty and beauty for a long time. healing properties.

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