How to care for a houseplant myrtle. Legends, beliefs about myrtle, its medicinal and other useful properties

garden equipment 12.06.2019
garden equipment

Like ordinary myrtle, it is not found in apartments too often. But this plant harmoniously looks in any interior. It looks very attractive and unusual, as you can see if you look at his photo. However, lovers of home floriculture may experience some difficulties when growing myrtle, as it needs to create certain growing conditions and ensure proper care.

plant description

There are different varieties and varieties of this plant, but in indoor floriculture the most famous and popular is the common myrtle. At home, it can grow up to 0.6 m, maximum - up to 1 m.

Can be grown as a compact tree or ornamental shrub. Its leaves are small, leathery, shiny and as if polished. Inflorescences of single type. The color of the flowers can be white, cream, pinkish. They have a very pleasant and rather strong aroma. When flowering, many stamens are formed. They give appearance myrtle tenderness and airiness. If pollination occurs, then fruits appear.

Features of growing myrtle

The homeland of the plant is the subtropics with a humid climate. Similar conditions need to be created for indoor myrtle and at home. It grows well on the southern windows in the apartment, feels good on the western and eastern ones, and in winter it can be kept on the north side.

Myrtle needs to create a humid and warm microclimate

loves warmth and high humidity. In addition to abundant watering, the plant should be sprayed with settled water at least 1 time per day, and more often - up to 2-3 times. To create high humidity, the flower pot itself is placed in a tray with wet gravel poured into it. You can also place water containers next to it.

Attention! Myrtle also reacts negatively to short-term drying of the soil. From drying out, it sheds leaves and may even die.

In order for this plant to feel comfortable, it is provided, in addition to high humidity, by the following conditions:

  • good lighting - in poor light, the myrtle begins to wither and does not bloom, but it is better to shade it from the direct sun on the south side in order to avoid darkening and burns of the leaves;
  • fresh air - the plant needs ventilation, it is not even afraid of drafts. And in the summer, a flower can be placed on the balcony or planted along with a pot in a suburban area;
  • dormant period - in winter, the myrtle should rest, it should be placed in a cool place with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Water and spray it at this time less often, but without complete drying of the soil. In a cool place, the dormant period lasts about 3 months, while in a warm place it is shorter and is half of this period.

Myrtle care

A plant like any other home flower need attention. Caring for myrtle, in general, cannot be called too complicated. It consists of:

  • watering;
  • spraying foliage;
  • top dressing;
  • forming cut.

Myrtle tolerates shaping pruning well

Watering during the warm period is done several times a week. It should be plentiful, but without flooding the flower. Excess water is immediately removed so that the roots do not rot. In winter, water less often if the flower is kept cool. But when the plant is in a warm room, the watering regimen is normal.

Often, lovers of home floriculture do not prune plants, but this is necessary for myrtle. Without this procedure, its crown acquires an unattractive appearance over time. It is better to prune in early spring or after flowering.

Advice. After spring pruning myrtle may not bloom at all this year. Therefore, for those who expect lush flowering from the plant, it is better to postpone this procedure for autumn.

Myrtle responds well to fertilizing. In the warm period, it is fed about 2-4 times a month. In winter, myrtle also needs top dressing at least once a month. In spring and summer, fertilizers intended for flowering plants are more often used, and in the cold period - for decorative foliage.

flower transplant

Young plants are best replanted annually. It is not recommended to immediately plant myrtle in a large pot with a margin, it is better to increase its size gradually. To prepare the soil, take 30% of sod and peat land, 20% of humus and sand. You can take purchased soil for planting a plant.

Be sure to use drainage. And for better survival, the roots of the flower can be treated with a stimulant. After transplanting, water abundantly until water begins to seep out of the pot. It is then removed from the pallet. Adult flowers no longer need an annual transplant. In one substrate, they can grow up to 3-4 years.

Advice. In order not to unnecessarily injure the roots of the myrtle during transplantation, it is better to use the method of transferring the plant along with the old clod of earth into a larger prepared pot.

Plant propagation

Many prefer to reproduce on their own indoor flowers. To propagate myrtle, you can use one of two methods:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

myrtle cuttings

Cuttings are a popular and easy way to get a new plant. It can be carried out in winter time early spring or mid-summer. They take a stalk 6-8 cm in size, but not from a flowering branch, process the cut in a stimulator, then plant it in the ground, covering it with glass or transparent film. Rooting will take about 2-3 weeks, after which the plants can be planted individually.

The seed method is also used, but it takes much more time. Just keep in mind that the germination of myrtle seeds lasts only about a year. In addition, the characteristics of the variety with this method may be lost, and the myrtle will begin to bloom much later than with cuttings.

Common myrtle is a beautiful and fragrant plant that creates a special microclimate in the room. Of course, there are some nuances in its cultivation that can scare off newcomers to home floriculture. But caring for myrtle is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, to refuse such an amazing flower.

Myrtle is perfect home plant for lovers of peace, silence, connoisseurs of harmony. Shrub compact, evergreen, very decorative and possessing, moreover, healing properties. We will learn how to properly care for myrtle at home, find out all the subtleties and nuances of the content of this wonderful plant.

Myrtle is an evergreen shrub of small size, originally from a large Myrtle family. The homeland of the plant is the warm regions of the Mediterranean, myrtle is also found in tropical and subtropical zones.

In our country, the plant can also be cultivated in open ground - but only in the south, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. In most of the territory of Russia, it is better to grow heat-loving myrtle at home, in a pot on the windowsill.

In greenhouse conditions, the bush grows especially strongly, sometimes reaching a height of two meters. In a pot, of course, it is unlikely to reach such sizes.

External characteristic

In myrtle, both leaves and flowers are decorative. Its foliage is rather small, but plentiful. Individual leaves are ovate, elongated, rich dark green and glossy.

The flowers are located either in the axils of the leaves one by one, or are collected in small brushes. There are always an even number of petals: either four or six. More often, myrtle has the usual structure of flowers, but hybrid varieties are also terry. Most of the flowers grow at the top, as the lighting there is the best. Flowers are either white or pink. In addition, the myrtle has fruits - and they are edible. Black berries are formed when the buds fade.

The aroma emanating from the leaves and flowers of the plant has calming properties, helps to relax, unwind. Aromatic glands are located on the leaves of the flower - they can be seen even with the naked eye.

Note that myrtle is a poisonous plant, but to a small extent. In sensitive and allergic people, prolonged inhalation of the aroma of its leaves can cause headaches and nausea.

Species, varieties

Let's take a look at the most common indoor cultivation species and varieties of myrtle.


The most common variety in our country, in literal translation is called Communis. This type of myrtle grows up to half a meter in height, but when grown in open ground and in a greenhouse, it can reach large sizes. The plant is evergreen, has small leathery foliage, shiny and decorative.


The foliage of this plant is more decorative due to its variegation, spotting. On the surface of the leaves you can see stripes, spots, dots of an interesting amber hue.

The flowers of variegated myrtle are also beautiful: although they are small, they have a wonderful beige-white hue, decorative golden stamens. In addition, the flowers also smell very pleasant. Perfect option for home cultivation.


This species is distinguished by particularly pronounced healing and antibacterial properties. In the fight against colds, sore throats, flu, SARS, large-leaved myrtle can provide invaluable assistance. In addition, the plant is able to disinfect the air in the room, kill the pathogenic microbes and sticks that are in it.

In height, this myrtle reaches 3-4 meters, that is, it is not cultivated at home. The leaves are large, pointed, the flowers are snow-white with pronounced golden stamens.

Growing conditions

We will find out in what conditions myrtle should be grown at home.

Location and lighting

It is better to grow myrtle under the condition of abundant bright lighting. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight, but in summer, with especially scorching heat, it is still better to shade. In the shade, the plant, although it can survive, will not bloom. Thus, the window sill on the south or west side of the house will be the best choice for this plant.

Temperature and drafts

Myrtle grows well in cool conditions, despite its southern origin. Moderate air temperature is what you need: a range from +18 to +23 degrees is suitable. But in winter, you need to keep the plant in a cold room, at a temperature not higher than + 6-8 degrees. This measure will ensure that myrtle blooms luxuriantly next season.

An adult plant is not afraid of drafts and cool breaths of air. On the contrary, frequent airing will benefit the myrtle, and besides, it will help spread the healing phytoncides emitted by the plant throughout the house. In summer, you can take the plant to the balcony, to the garden: wet, fresh air will only benefit the plant.

Soil composition

The following soil composition is optimal for growing myrtle:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

All listed components are taken in equal proportions.

Features of home care

We will find out what kind of care myrtle needs at home.


The plant needs timely watering in sufficient volume. Myrtle loves moisture very much and will not last long without it. During the growing season, keep the potting soil constantly moist.

In addition to direct watering of the soil, the leaves of the plant also need to be moistened: they must be sprayed periodically. Shower procedures can be arranged from time to time. Showering and spraying are needed mainly in summer heat. In winter, these procedures are not required, and even harmful.

When the temperature drops by autumn, the amount and frequency of watering should be reduced. But in any case, it is important not to allow the earthen clod to dry out: in the dried soil, the myrtle will throw off all the foliage, and it may dry out itself. The transition to the “reduced rate” should be gradual, starting in the fall.

The other extreme is also undesirable - waterlogging. This can lead to rotting of the roots, so make sure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the pot. Use soft and warm water.

top dressing

The introduction of additional nutrition is necessary for myrtle for a prosperous existence. During the growing season, top dressing is applied once every couple of weeks; in winter, the plant does not need additional nutrition. You can use complex minerals intended for flowers.

If you want to enjoy lush bloom myrtle, use mainly phosphorus top dressing. And to get an evergreen bonsai, use nitrogen compounds.


In our country, ordinary myrtle is most often grown at home - and unlike some other varieties, it tolerates pruning remarkably. Even from non-flowering plant with help correct pruning it is quite possible to get a neat tree like a bonsai.

When cutting off the top of the myrtle, keep in mind that it will acquire a classic fan-shaped bush. And by cutting exactly the side shoots, you can end up with a lush, graceful tree.

When pruning, the trunk of the plant should not be exposed much, it is necessary to leave more side shoots on it. And for flowering, not too strong pruning is important: if you get carried away, you can radically remove flower buds.


Since the myrtle does not grow too fast, it can be kept in one pot for one year. He does not need an annual transplant, unlike many other plants. However, sooner or later, the old pot "outgrows" the myrtle and needs a new "home". We add that young plants for the first three to five years are still transplanted annually.

It is recommended to transplant in early spring - before sap flow begins after winter. Use a standard substrate of soddy soil, peat and humus and do not forget about the obligatory drainage layer. The pot must be selected only a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one.


At home, myrtle can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings. The first method is long, but if there are no cuttings, it is indispensable. If there is a choice, then propagation by cuttings is preferable: it is simpler, more efficient and faster. More on both methods below.


In this case, the loss of varietal characteristics of the plant is possible, since sometimes the seeds are collected from hybrid bushes. It is necessary to understand this risk when deciding on seed propagation. Note that myrtle reproduces well only on condition of fresh seeds - they have the best germination.

Before planting, inspect the seeds and select the strongest of them, devoid of damage and rot. Release the planting material from the pericarp, then rinsing for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate. Be sure to dry the seeds before dropping them into the ground.

Pour light nutrient soil into shallow containers. Seeds are planted to a depth of half a centimeter. From above, the container is covered with a film or glass, after which shoots should be expected in a warm, well-lit place. Protect the container from direct sunlight.

Seeds need daily ventilation, but for a limited time. It is recommended to moisten the soil by spraying, avoiding either waterlogging or overdrying of the soil.

After one and a half to two months, shoots appear. After that, the film should be removed and a little seedlings should be grown. When two leaves appear on the shoots, they dive into separate pots. When the shoots reach 15-20 cm in height, pinch their tops for greater branching of the shrub. Myrtle grown from seeds will begin to bloom in the fifth year of its life.


This method is much simpler and more convenient than the previous one. Myrtle cuttings take root easily, and you won't have to wait long for a young plant to bloom. In addition, varietal characteristics in this case are transmitted completely.

It is recommended to plant cuttings of myrtle either in January-February or June-July. These periods are most suitable for the rooting of the shoot and its further development and growth. Most often, however, flower growers choose winter time.

Algorithm of actions in this case next:

  1. Cut off a shoot from an adult plant in early summer. The shoot must be taken from the top of the myrtle and must not bloom. On the resulting cutting, there must be 3-4 pairs of leaves.
  2. The length of the cut off shoot should be from five to eight centimeters. It is recommended to cut off the leaves from below.
  3. Place the lower part of the cutting (by 1 cm) in the Phytohormone solution, thus keeping it for two hours. After the root stimulator, rinse the cutting with clean water.
  4. Landing is carried out in a peat-sand substrate. The cutting is deepened by three knots and placed in the ground at an angle of 45-50 degrees.
  5. For more efficient and faster rooting, the cutting needs to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, it is covered with a film on top or plastic bottle with cut neck.
  6. The cutting for rooting should be placed in a warm place, without access to sunlight. Regularly, the escape must be freed from shelter and aired.
  7. A month later, the plant usually takes root. After that, the shelter is removed and the myrtle is placed on a well-lit windowsill.
  8. Further care is standard, as for an adult flower. Propagation by cuttings leads to flowering young shrub after 2-3 years.


When seed propagation myrtle blooms in the fifth year, and with cuttings - in the second or third. However, it is important to consider that in order to obtain flowers in spring, the myrtle should not be heavily cut. Pruning removes flower buds, so you can not wait for the buds in the current season. If you want to enjoy flowering myrtle, we recommend that you postpone pruning until autumn.

Myrtle blooms in June-July. To get healthy and beautiful flowers, necessary:

  • properly care for the shrub;
  • regularly ventilate the room or take the pot out to the balcony, to the garden.

If the myrtle is not properly cared for or kept in inappropriate conditions, the plant may well get sick, which will reduce the likelihood of flowering to a minimum. In addition, the shrub rarely blooms when kept in a poorly ventilated room with stagnant air.

Diseases, pests and other problems

Consider what problems arise when growing myrtle and how these problems can be dealt with.

root rot

Myrtle often gets sick due to improper watering. It is important to prevent waterlogging of the soil and stagnant phenomena in it, while maintaining the substrate moderately moist. From an excess of water, the roots of the plant rot, as a result of which the flower sometimes dies.

fall leaves

Dry air with insufficient watering lead to leaf fall and curl. But this problem is easy to deal with: you just need to start regular spraying of the plant and resume watering it.

Leaves can also wither when water stagnates in the ground. But in this case, they will not dry out, but will acquire a wet, sluggish structure.

Poor growth or no growth

The causes of the problem can be different: most often these are lack of care or improper maintenance of the plant. However, it should be noted that myrtle, in principle, grows slowly, so you should not panic ahead of time.

spider mite

Sometimes the myrtle is attacked by a spider mite. This pest can be recognized by the small white cobwebs that stand out against the background of the leaves. If found, wash the foliage with warm soapy water, you can also use tobacco infusion. If the mite has multiplied significantly, it is better to use insecticides: but only by taking the pot out into the open air.


This pest can also attack myrtle: dark spots on the foliage will serve as a symptom. Insecticides are ineffective against scale insects, since the solid shield shell protects the insect well. Get rid of the pest by washing the foliage with a tobacco-soap caustic solution. If you can see the insects well, you can also remove them mechanically - with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.


This pest can quickly lead to drying and curling of foliage, and then to the complete loss of myrtle of its decorative effect. Aphids settle on the leaves from below, feeding on the juice of the flower. This pest will have to be controlled with insecticides, since folk methods are ineffective here. Yes, and the aphids multiply too quickly.

We learned how to grow myrtle at home. The plant is famous for its beauty and medicinal properties: if you start it, you will not regret it at all. Well, the tips from the article will help you more competently approach the cultivation of this wonderful homemade evergreen shrub.

Myrtle is an evergreen plant grown as a shrub and as a small tree. The myrtle tree is very popular as a gift for the bride, symbolizing a successful marriage. This plant is not so easy to care for, but it is worth it.

General information

Myrtle has long been valued for its medicinal properties - flowers and foliage contain essential oils, and if the leaves and fruits are dried, they can be used as spices (spices). For example, cloves are a product obtained from one of the types of myrtle.

In the season of colds, for prevention, essential oils are used, spreading their smell around the room or simply putting the plant on the windowsill, for example, in the children's room. The study also showed that myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.

Myrtle plants also include such valuable plants, according to their characteristics, as tea tree, eucalyptus and clove tree.

Species and varieties

(Myrtus communis) or it is also called " communis " (aka " indoor ”) is the most common type in home gardening. This species is characterized by a short, well-branched trunk, which is covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.

The leaves are green, oval, shiny and have a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white (sometimes a faint pink shade is observed) with protruding stamens. Blooms in the summer season. The fruits are black berries with a reddish tint.

This type of myrtle has developed many varieties:

  • compact shrub, which has many fruits, is smaller in size than that of the mother.

  • Myrtle variety Alhambra - has white fruits-berries and dense foliage.

  • (Variegata) stands out among others with variegated foliage.

  • Myrtle "La Clape" - has purple berries.

  • There is also a dwarf form among them - myrtle "Microphylla" .

This is a miniature copy of a tree, a very popular plant, of great value to flower growers, its leaves contain essential oils used in medicine and cosmetology. The price of such a tree is not small.

The shape of such a tree can be varied, the trunk twists and bends in the process of growth, and due to the periodic pruning of the processes, you can form the shape of the crown as you wish.

- it happens both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree with brown exfoliating bark. The leaves are matte, dark green, white flowers that bloom in July or August. The fruits are dark red and edible.

(Myrtus chequen) - a tree with glossy leaves and slightly wrinkled edges.

(Myrtus ralfii) - This bush is distinguished by pink flowers and red edible berries. The leaves have a white or cream border.

Myrtle Boetica (Boetica)

A large-leaved species, the leaves are larger than those of other species (6-7 cm, while the standard is 1-2 cm), with a pointed end. This myrtle grows very slowly. The trunk has interesting feature- it twists, in the process of growth, interesting shapes are formed. The flowers are white and large, and the berries are oblong, black.

(Cassandra or marsh myrtle ) is an evergreen shrub that grows exclusively in swamps, from which it got its name. It reaches one meter in height. Young shoots and leaves contain poison, which is dangerous for animals (for goats and sheep).

If you crush the leaf of such a plant, you will feel a pronounced lemon flavor. In some countries, such leaves are used as a seasoning. Leaf sizes: length 10 cm, and width 1-4 cm. It blooms first with white flowers, and then darkens to a creamy and slightly yellow hue.

Myrtle care at home

Myrtle is a plant that needs to create a climate with high humidity, so spraying is required condition for healthy and lush growth. In no case do not forget about watering, but do not flood, the plant is very sensitive and can get sick. Water only with soft, settled water.

But myrtle is not afraid of drafts, so you can safely leave it on the windowsill, where a window is constantly open for ventilation. With the flow of air around the apartment, useful phytoncides will spread, destroying pathogenic microbes.

The temperature must be controlled within 18-24°C. AT summer time year, it is advisable to put the myrtle on the street or balcony and shade a little so that the rays of a particularly scorching sun do not fall.

pruning myrtle

As for pruning, the myrtle tolerates it well, not to mention the fact that thanks to this, it is possible to give a different desired shape to the crown, creating various compositions. Pruning and transplanting is carried out in the spring season, no more than once every two years.

Myrtle transplant

When transplanting, the transshipment method is used, while choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for myrtle is simple, with good drainage. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of sod land, peat and sand.

It will be useful to add some charcoal and organic compost. Any pruned varieties must be additionally fed; for this, any fertilizer for indoor plants (complex mineral), without chlorine in the composition, is suitable. A young plant begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

Myrtle care in winter

In winter, the myrtle has a dormant period, while watering is reduced (the soil is only slightly moistened, preventing drying out) and the plant is moved to a cooler (8-10 ° C), but bright place.

If this is not done, then leaf drop is observed. Although this is not a big danger, as new, young leaves will begin to appear in the spring.

Reproduction of myrtle cuttings

If the main task during reproduction is the preservation of maternal (varietal) characteristics, then cuttings are considered the ideal method of reproduction.

Cuttings are cut from a healthy plant, they should not be very young, but in a semi-lignified form. For better rooting, the cut is treated with a special growth stimulator (for example, root) and stuck into the prepared soil at an angle (45-55 °). The substrate is constantly checked for moisture.

Myrtle from seeds at home

The seed method is less effective, but it is also used. At the beginning of spring, the prepared substrate (one part of peat and one part of sand) is poured into boxes (soil thickness 8-10 cm), sown with myrtle seeds, sprinkled with the same mixture of soil (3-4 cm thick), moistened and covered with glass. controlled temperature regime around 20°C.

Periodically, the glass is opened to ventilate and moisten the soil, if necessary. The glass can be turned over or wiped, getting rid of excess condensate.

After a couple of weeks, the first seedlings will begin to appear, when there are too many of them, thinning is carried out, and after at least three leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate composition. A month later, young plants are fed with low concentration nitrogen fertilizer.

Diseases and pests

If, on the contrary, constant excessive watering is observed, then in this case, rotting of the roots and damage by putrefactive bacteria and fungal infections are inevitable, and this is already serious. It is not easy to deal with such problems and most often the death of the plant is observed.

  • If a leaves fade, turn yellow, and the edges curl , then this indicates an excess of illumination.
  • If the stems are too long and the leaves are too small - This is a clear sign of lack of lighting.
  • Myrtle does not bloom – if you cut too often or cut too much at one time, and also if the room is poorly ventilated.
  • Leaves wither and fall - if this happens in winter, it means that the air is too dry and the temperature is too high (for example, when heating devices are working in the room). The plant needs a cooler room and some moisture (just a little!). Also, leaves can wither when water stagnates in the pan or from sunburn (direct sunlight).

Myrtus - beautiful evergreen tree or shrub. Belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is a woody southern plant. It has glossy, opposite leaves, emerald hue.

The flowers are snow-white pubescent, containing essential oil. Flowers have a pleasant fragrant aroma. Essential oil given tree It is used in perfumery products, medicine and in the manufacture of incense sticks. The fragrant liqueur "Mirto" is also infused from the leaves. This representative of the flora is a symbol of peace and silence.

Myrtle species

Myrtle has over 100 varieties. Many varieties of myrtle are grown in botanical gardens and greenhouses. AT natural conditions the plant reaches 3-5 m. But in culture it does not exceed more than 60 cm. Myrtle grows in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia.

Swamp Myrtle(calyculata) is an evergreen shrub. It reaches a height of no more than 1 m. It has a spreading crown with straight stems. The branches are covered with miniature scales. The leaves are small, reaching a length of no more than 1-4 cm. The leaf petiole is shortened. The flowers are snow-white, collected in racemes. A feature of the plant is its adaptability to Russian winters.

Under the snow you can see dry bare branches of myrtle. But if you cut them off and put them in a vase, they turn green. The plant reappears every spring. The growing season lasts from spring to the onset of cold weather. The plant prefers wetlands. Grows well in sphagnum bogs. Commonly called Cassandra. Lives for over 50 years.

Important! This representative of the flora in leaves and shoots contains a large amount of poison. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed livestock with marsh myrtle!

Variegated Myrtle(Variegata) has flawless variegated leaves. The edges are covered with amber dots and stripes. For a pronounced color requires a lot of sunlight. AT good conditions blooms. It has golden stamens and beige-white miniature flowers. Emits a pleasant aroma. Disinfects the air, removes carbon dioxide.

Can be used for decoration flower arrangements. It grows both indoors and in the wild. Prefers loose, breathable soil. Responds well to top dressing. During the growing season likes frequent spraying. Contains essential oils. Amenable to crown formation. It is a symbol of fertility.

Mirt Hymen named after the God of Marriage. That's why given plant sometimes referred to as "the happiness of the bride". It is considered a symbol of beauty and youth. It is a variation of the common subspecies. It is an evergreen shrub. In the wild, it reaches a height of 3-5 m. In room conditions, it does not exceed 0.8-1 m. It has miniature lanceolate leaves of an emerald hue.

swamp myrtle

Variegated myrtle

Mirt Hymen

Contains a large amount of essential oil. In spring, miniature flowers form in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are snow-white, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. They have a large number of golden stamens. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of blue-black berries. The fruits have a strong pleasant aroma.

large-leaved myrtle is a variation of the common subspecies. Has an antimicrobial effect. Eliminates pathogenic bacilli, bacteria. Helps to cope with sore throats and flu. It is used in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines. Eliminates sinusitis, diphtheria.

It reaches a height of 3-4 m. It has tetrahedral stems. The leaves are very large, opposite, reaching a length of 4-5 cm. They have pointed edges and a glossy surface. Flowers are miniature, white. Formed on elongated pedicels. Each flower has five petals. Stamens symmetrical, golden.

Myrtle Alhambra(Alhambra) is an excellent ornamental plant. It can be grown in wild and indoor conditions. It is an excellent decoration for compositions. Likes lots of sunlight. It has hardened leathery leaves.

The leaves contain a large amount of essential oil. The flowers are snow-white, miniature, very fragrant. Flowering occurs 3 years after planting. The plant blooms in late spring. Forms oval seed pods. A distinctive feature of the plant from other subspecies are fragrant snow-white fruits. The plant prefers light, breathable soils. Responds well to top dressing.

Myrtle large-leaved

Myrtle Alhambra

Myrtle Tarentina

Myrtle Tarentina(Tarentina) is a dwarf form of the common subspecies. Blooms very profusely. It has miniature snow-white flowers in in large numbers. Flowers grow in inflorescences. Thanks to essential oils, the plant has a wonderful aroma. It has elongated leaves, reaching 1.5 cm.

Leaves with pointed edges and serrated edge. They are formed on short petioles of an emerald shade. The plant has a fast growth rate. It reaches a height of more than 5 m. In room conditions it grows up to 1 m. It prefers systematic watering, water spraying from a sprayer. Grows well in breathable soils. Likes lots of sunlight.

Mirt Communis(communis) - a small evergreen tree, reaching a height of 3-5 m. It has single elongated leaves. The flowers are white, in large numbers. They grow on shortened racemes. In the common people, this representative of the flora is called a dead tree. Refers to decorative cultures.

lemon myrtle(lemon) has a wonderful lemon scent. It grows in the tropics of Australia. Used in cooking. Essential oil, various sauces, dressings, syrups and lemon drinks are made from it. Seasoning and spices are made from dried leaves.

common myrtle(communis) grows in oak forests next to thickets of shrubs. It reaches a height of no more than 4 m. It has bare, tetrahedral stems. Leaflets are opposite, oval, growing in groups of three. The flowers are tiny and very fragrant.

Mirt Communis

Myrtle Lemon

Myrtle ordinary

Myrtle has about 100 different subspecies. Has a fast growth rate. He likes systematic watering, top dressing. It is used for decoration compositions. It grows in botanical gardens and in the wild. Distributed throughout the world.

Useful video

Watch the video: 53 stunning myrtle creations

For lovers of light and natural aromas, myrtle is best suited: it helps to improve indoor air, improve the atmosphere, and its leaves are used as a medicine. In addition, it is grown to create a bonsai tree. And among the variety of varieties, you can choose suitable ones for both beginners and experienced flower growers: care is not difficult, but you should still remember some features.

Myrtle - plant features

The homeland of myrtle is the Mediterranean, but it also grows in North Africa (in Europe it freezes after the first frost). Depending on the variety, a heat-loving plant in the form of an evergreen shrub in these parts reaches a height of 3.5 m, due to which it is grown as garden culture in tubs or in open ground. The bush is even cut to give the crown the desired shape.

A bright representative of the family is ordinary myrtle. It is a shrub up to 2 m high with dark green leathery leaves and small white or pink fragrant flowers. The fruits are edible black berries, on which the flower calyx is attached.

After flowering on the myrtle, dark fruits of a rounded or elliptical shape with seeds are formed.

There are many varieties of plants in the myrtle family. Interestingly, eucalyptus is also included in it. However, only a few varieties are suitable for the home. Caring for them is simple, but they need to create acceptable conditions, such as high humidity, ventilation and regular watering.

Indoor varieties

Despite modest diversity suitable varieties, the choice of myrtle for the home is, however, even more limited due to supply. The optimal way out is not to purchase in stores, but to grow cuttings from plants that have taken root with friends. If there is a choice, then it is better to pay attention to the varieties described below. They differ in the shape and size of the leaves, flower, fruit, and are also considered the most unpretentious and compact varieties:

  1. Alhambra - dense, leathery leaves, white fruits and flowers.
  2. Microfill - bonsai with small leaves.
  3. Flore Pleno - characterized by fluffy, double flowers.
  4. Tarentina is a fast growing tree with small leaves and abundant flowering(for example, Tarentina Granada, Tarentina Variegada, etc.).
  5. Boethica is a slow growing tree, its trunk twists over time and has a rich cinnamon hue.

It is noteworthy that all of the listed varieties belong to the common myrtle species.

Photo gallery: home types of myrtle

Myrtle lends itself well to formation, so it is relatively easy to grow it in the bonsai style.

But the most original trees will come out of the Boethica variety and dwarf Microphylla: it is convenient to form their crown and trunk due to the slow growth and pliability of the shoots.

Landing and transplant

Transplantation of adult myrtle is best done once every 3-4 years, and young plants are transplanted annually in the spring. When transplanting myrtle, it is impossible to deepen the root neck of the plant: this can lead to various diseases or rot damage. Be sure to lay out at the bottom of the pot good layer drainage.

General rules for transplanting myrtle:

  1. Plants up to 3 years old are transplanted every year into a pot, 2–3 cm wider (enough to fit the root system) than the previous one, the roots are not cleared of the ground, they are transshipped and some fresh soil is added. And also the capacity for transplantation can be chosen based on the size of the crown of the plant: the volume of the pot should be half that of the crown of the plant.
  2. Plants after 3 years are transplanted as they grow, when the roots completely entangle the land lump.
  3. Transplantation is done in the spring, before flowering.
  4. Young myrtle can be transplanted after flowering.
  5. Every year, adult plants change upper layer soil that is not entangled with roots, cutting it off carefully with a knife and filling in a fresh portion. During this procedure root system do not process and generally try not to touch.
  6. Myrtle has sensitive and tender roots, so they should not be injured during transplantation.
  7. It is better to choose a ceramic and light pot so that the leaves do not get burned when its edges are heated.

If the above rules apply to both adults and the younger generation, then the following requirements are only suitable for a tree older than 3 years:

  1. Prepare the ground.
  2. Release the root system from some of the old soil, leaving a small clod to fill the pot with more than half of the new soil.
  3. Plant in a new pot. In order not to damage the roots, you can wash them in warm water.
  4. The plant is not deepened, for this they make a mark of the old ground level on the trunk.
  5. Fill the voids with new soil.
  6. Leave the plant alone for a few days.
  7. Watering is acceptable after 7-15 days.
  8. Start fertilizing myrtle no earlier than 1 month after transplantation.

Young myrtle trees are transplanted in the same way, but leaving more land on the roots and choosing soil with a different composition: a mixture of peat and coarse sand

For adult plants, a slightly acidic ready-made soil is purchased or mixed:

  • peat;
  • sod land;
  • coarse sand.

Myrtle recommend slightly acidic soil Ph 6–6.5, all universal purchased soils have such acidity. The main thing is that the soil is loose, it passes water well. Water should not stagnate. Be sure to have good drainage at the bottom. Water for irrigation and spraying must be defended, if it is very hard, then it can be acidified.


Expanded clay is usually used as drainage, but perlite is considered more effective, which can be mixed into the soil. Before use, the soil is sterilized and treated with fungicidal substances to avoid fungal infections.

Myrtle care

Caring for myrtle differs little from the standard. It is important to remember that he loves warmth during periods of activity, moisture and fresh air.

Table: conditions for keeping myrtle depending on the season

Watering and feeding

When the myrtle grows and blooms, it is abundantly watered with settled water at room temperature. Chlorine is detrimental to delicate roots, even a short contact with it will lead to sad consequences. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, but its need is determined by the condition of the soil: it is not allowed to dry completely. However, excessive watering guarantees acidification of the soil, rotting of the roots: the tree will throw off its leaves and stop developing.

Spraying (or occasional showers) will help to cope with drooping leaves, restore their elasticity and bright color. And also these procedures are the prevention of many diseases and the appearance of pests. Spray myrtle during the period of activity every day or several times a day. To facilitate maintenance and ensure suitable air humidity, which should be high, a humidifier is placed in the room or expanded clay is placed in the pot tray and watered. Spraying gives a short-term improvement in conditions: as soon as the moisture evaporates from the leaves, the myrtle will feel its lack.

Humidity can be raised by placing the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay, just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the expanded clay - that is, put the pot on the tray, and then put them on the pallet with wet expanded clay. Also, after transplanting, you should keep the plant under a transparent bag. It is necessary to make a hole in it for fresh air access, and make sure that mold does not form.


The room in which myrtle grows is regularly ventilated, taking the plant itself to another room, where it will be protected from hypothermia.

This plant needs fresh air, but it is afraid of drafts and extreme cold.

Myrtle grows in direct sunlight. However, in the midday heat in the warm season, he is provided with protection, especially when he is on an open balcony.

Fertilizers help the tree grow, but they are used with caution. If you add a little humus when transplanting into the soil, then until the summer you can forget about ready-made formulations. In other cases, myrtle is fed with complex fertilizers in the spring, and after the beginning of flowering and until its end with nitrogen. This plant also perceives top dressing of roots or leaves in the form of spraying.

Flowering and fruiting period

Myrtle usually blooms in late spring or early summer. This period lasts about 2 months. With its onset, increase the amount of watering and the frequency of spraying.

For fruits to appear, insects are needed, however, at home, pollination in this way is almost impossible., Therefore, this is done manually with a brush

With active pruning and crown formation, the myrtle trunk does not bloom. If the appearance of the crown does not bother you, then you can speed up and intensify this process: then stop pruning and apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

For intensive flowering, myrtle is planted in a cramped pot so that it does not waste energy on the growth of shoots and the development of the root system.

rest period

Myrtle needs a rest period in winter to gain strength for the next season of rapid growth and intensive flowering. If in summer and warm spring for him the best place- a balcony, a loggia, a garden in the open air, then in winter an adult plant feels better at a temperature of 6–12 ° C and without additional lighting. If the myrtle is left to winter in a warm room with normal lighting, then it is regularly sprayed, but watering is still reduced.

During the dormant period, which lasts from December to the end of February, watering is significantly reduced to 1-2 times a month and any top dressing is excluded. The plant is prepared gradually for the dormant period: they begin to lower the temperature in the room in advance and reduce the volume and frequency of watering.

But these rules do not apply to plants that are less than 3 years old: in winter they are in a warm and lit room with additional lighting.

Stem and crown formation

To make the shape of the myrtle beautiful, it is periodically cut off. The procedure and methods for forming a trunk or crown depend on the variety, but this is always done in early spring or after flowering has ended.

In summer, it is permissible to remove a few extra branches. If you do not trim the crown of the myrtle, then it takes on a pyramidal shape.

Shoots can be bent and tied up, entangling with soft wire, but with care

Pinching is relevant in spring and in young plants during the period of activity. This will make the crown wider, so it is better to cut young branches short enough.

Video: tree formation

Bonsai at home

Many are addicted to this extraordinary activity, and myrtle is perfect for the formation of bonsai. It is advisable to choose slow-growing and dwarf varieties (for example, Boethica or Microfilla). To form the crown, pinch the top leaves regularly, cut off unnecessary branches, preventing flowering. It is then that the crown will be lush and dense, and its shape will be compact and correspond to the given one.

So, the Boethics barrel can be directed in different directions: it is malleable, but you should not pinch it, because there will be creases

A myrtle bonsai pot should be flat and wide, with low walls. To avoid drying out of the soil and add decorativeness, moss is placed on the top layer of soil or mulched.

A pot mismatch can create obstacles to the normal functioning of the root system, which will lead to the quick death of the tree.

Mistakes in care

When growing myrtle, various problems arise, often associated with improper maintenance of the plant. Below are the most common causes the "unhealthy look" of your plant.

Table: improper care: problems and their solutions

Often you have to resort to emergency resuscitation of a plant (in particular, a dried one):

  1. Carefully remove the plant.
  2. Immerse its roots in settled warm water for several hours.
  3. Place the myrtle in the pot.
  4. Cover with foil.
  5. Ventilate at least 1 time per day, preventing the soil from sour.
  6. Add complex fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants.

When the myrtle recovers, the film must be removed. Next, you should review the terms of its content.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Myrtle becomes vulnerable to pests if the conditions of detention are violated.

Table: list of main pests and diseases, measures to combat them

Disease or pestsignsTreatment
  1. The plant withers.
  2. The base of the stem rots.
Not amenable to treatment.
  1. Leaves fall.
  2. A web is formed.
Treatment with acaricide (Fitoverm, Aktellik, Sunmite).
  1. Leaves turn yellow and curl up.
  2. Growth stop.
  1. Wash off the pests with a stream of water.
  2. Hardening in cold air (removal to a balcony or loggia for 30 minutes at a temperature of 10–15 degrees, sheltering from the wind).
Sticky leaves.
  1. Wash off pests.
  2. Soap treatment.
  1. The leaves curl up, as do the stems.
  2. Light green or brownish insects appear, usually not exceeding 5–7 mm.
  1. Wash off the pest in the shower.
  2. Treat with an insecticide (Dr. Foley, Aktara, Aktellik).
  3. Trim off damaged parts.

Photo gallery: signs of affected plants

If the choice is between vermiculite and perlite, give preference to the first: it is not dusty and has useful elements for plant nutrition.

Cuttings are planted in a small pot (plastic cups are also suitable) with prepared soil.

Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2.5–3 cm, remembering to compact the soil at the base

Rooting cuttings are expected within 1-2 months.

  • When the shoots appear, the film is removed and transferred to a room with standard conditions for myrtle.
  • In the spring, the cuttings are planted in separate pots (diameter - 10 cm).

    The soil for rooted myrtle sprouts is prepared from a mixture of peat (70%) with perlite or vermiculite (30%)

  • Before the young myrtle begins to actively grow and sprout, it is kept at a temperature of 15-20 o C.
  • As a rule, plants grown from cuttings bloom only in the second or third year.

    Reproduction by seeds

    A myrtle tree obtained from seeds will delight you with flowers no earlier than 4 years later.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that seeds have a tendency to reduce germination after one year of storage.

    How to grow myrtle from seeds:

    Myrtle grown from seeds grows slowly.

    Seed stratification

    Few people subject plant seeds to stratification, although this is often required. So what is this "beast"?

    Stratification is the preparation of a plant embryo for future germination without loss: keeping the plant in a humid environment at a low temperature and further planting in relatively warm soil. Without pre-cooling, the seed can simply rot in the ground.

    Typically, such seed preparation is carried out as follows:

    1. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours.
    2. Prepare a container with wet cotton or paper swabs, on which the seeds are laid out.
    3. Seeds in this form are placed in the refrigerator; the temperature should be within 1-5 o C.
    4. Withstand 1.5-2 months in this state.

    To increase the effectiveness, Zircon is added to the water for primary soaking (1 drop per 300 ml of water). This solution must be infused for at least 16 hours. It is suitable for use only for 3 days at an air temperature of 18–25 ° C.

    Before soaking the seeds, the container with the Zircon solution is shaken.

    Possible problems during germination

    Often, when growing plants from seeds, a number of “what if” questions arise:

    • seeds do not germinate;
    • abundant condensate caused the formation of mold;
    • sprouts wither, etc.

    For example, seeds may not germinate for several reasons: unviable old seed, excessively deep sowing, cold, oversaturated soil, etc. If in the first case you are absolutely helpless, then the second and third are the work of your hands: consider the specifics of planting myrtle seeds and do not forget about drainage and ventilation of the greenhouse.

    If mold has formed under the glass, take immediate action:

    1. Reduce watering by about 30%.
    2. Mulch the soil with minerals.
    3. Treat seedlings, soil and glass with fungicides.

    Perhaps the situation is aggravated by acidic soil. Then chalk is added to the soil at the rate of about 50 g per 1 kg of land (it can also be replaced with wood ash in the same proportions).

    In any case, try to follow the recommendations for care in order to avoid problematic "what to do" in the future.

    Exported several centuries ago to Europe, myrtle has taken root well in homes and feels great. Today there are about a hundred species myrtle tree, of which common myrtle and all its varieties are suitable for growing at home. In order for beautiful plants with such an amazing and rich history to please the eye, you should give them a little attention: simple care with abundant watering.

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