What flowers to put in the health bedroom. What flowers can be kept in the bedroom: nuances and useful tips

Encyclopedia plants 30.08.2018
Encyclopedia plants

Trimming, - this word scares many, and some of the owners of the household plots simply ignore the trimming, removing only dry and broken shoots. Others, on the contrary, too zealously take over the trimming, reading only a few articles on this topic and allow a whole bunch of errors at once. Here in the error let's and understand today. Let those who are afraid once again To take for a secateur or garden saw, and learn how to other people's mistakes in order to prevent your own.

The tradition of manufacturing pumpkin-lamps went from the custom of making lanterns that help lost souls to find a path in purgatory. After many centuries, Jack lamp became an indispensable attribute of Halloween's holiday, and funny faces appear from everywhere in late October, scattering evil spirits. All that will need you for the manufacture of a lantern - beautiful orange pumpkin proper form, knife and spoon. For backlight, use a conventional candle or electric flashlight.

Onions and garlic - a riddle vegetables, after them unpleasantly smelling from mouth, to eat them just like that, taking the head of the bow and just having burned it, as well as garlic - a clove behind a cloth, hardly someone can. But, nevertheless, these vegetables are present in each of our dish, each salad, and what a kebab without fragrant rings of the bow? And of course you should not forget about therapeutic advantages of these vegetables. Today we will try to talk about how at home can be saved onions and garlic.

All efforts in November should be directed to proper preparation Garden by winter. The continuation of plant insulation and cleaning on the plot are essential tasks, but it's time to enter into your calendar and constant monitoring, allowing you to identify some problems. Attention S. garden plants Slowly switches to the room collection. A successful alternation of the Moon phases will allow almost every day to find time and to work with plants, and for organizational troubles.

One of the most spectacular indoor cereals opolemenus or ostroan - genuine exot. This plant is from a distant green continent surprised and the form of growth, and the beauty of motley leaves. An atypical representative of the cereal family is not for everyone. The opilisman needs regular updates, sensitive to humidity. But he is so contemporary and bolders in appearance that it feels quite advisory to the title of indispensable indoor culture.

Soup with pumpkin, beans and pork rubbers - a tasty, welded and thick first dish, which is best prepared late autumn or in winter, when the harvest is assembled, it's cold and uncomfortable outside the window, I want to warm up, eat something satisfying. Robryshki can take any - pork, calf, lamb, cooking time will be slightly different, but slightly. Young tender bean, it does not need to soak and cook for a long time, it will prepare at the same time with the rest of the vegetables.

Pleet roses are leaders among Garden Lian and distribution, and on decorativeness. Klaimers and Ramblers are fairly called indispensable garden aristocrats. On the figure support, the porch or above the track, in the company of Clematis or the role of a soloist, the plenty roses are highlighted abundant blossom. But their difficult character is an important feature. plenty roses. Indeed, in the regions with severe winters for successful wintering, there will have to make a lot of effort.

Wood plants And shrub cultures can not only get extreme in winter, suffer from provocative thaws in the cold period and return freezers in spring or even at the beginning of summer, but also from rodents, koim in gardens and berries are mice and hares. By their nature, these are frantic and you will be very surprised if you notice a hare in the garden in the garden. More often you can notice the mouse, but often, closer to the evening, when it literally merges with the soil.

Salad of green tomatoes for the winter with bow and pepper is an acute sour-sweet snack from green tomatoes cooked based on Korean cuisine. If the summer was cold, then the probability of becoming the country of forever green tomatoes increases, but the gardeners' molded experience will always find the use of this valuable vegetable. If you plan to preserve the crop of "green" in the conditions of the apartment, they need to be pouring boiling marinade from the water of salt, sugar and vinegar.

Among indoor plants The inhabitants of the most arid places have always enjoyed special love. The deserved reputation of deserted stars is simply explained: no other plants can boast such endurance. Although not all succulents and cacti belong to cultures found in nature in semi-deserts and deserts. Even despite this choice among the true desert endemics is very large - from bright flowering stars to modest living stones.

Cauliflower pancakes in the oven - gentle, golden, very tasty. Cauliflowers are prepared by cutlets, casseroles, cream-soups, but pancakes, in my opinion, are obtained by the most appetizing! Cooking pancakes, cheese or small pancakes in the oven are much easier and easier than frying in a frying pan. First, you spend significantly less vegetable oil. Secondly, the stove remains clean. Thirdly, the kitchen will never smell the burner oil.

Now more and more girlfriends seek to grow vegetable crops It is an ever-shaped way, and seedlings, like the soil for her, prepare yourself. This is true, because if you learn this, you can grow good seedlings And save on both ones. It is clear that the soil for seedlings should provide the needs of one or another culture. In general, there is no universal soil. However, the basic requirements for the seaside soil still have.

Survessing spirits are increasingly called spirits autumn. And it's not at all in a mistake. Most of the "second wave" spirits are really blooming in the summer. But expanding the palette of varieties and decorative forms capable of continuing their flowering to frosts, it allows you to call such spirires and summer, and autumn. Spectacular Lodniming Spiraei is inferior in popularity spring species. But among them where more plantscapable of living on a flower bed or in Rabatka.

Baked in foil meat - dish is always tasty and festive. It will be even tastier if baked pork is not just with a set of spices for buoyhenine, and ... with fruit! If you are surprised by a combination of sweet fruits and meat, I assure you: apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots and even apricots give meat dishes new, different and very interesting tastes. We will try to try these recipes in turn, and today let's prepare the most appetizing of them - pork with quince!

This procedure is sometimes conducted by gardeners on its sites. The reasons for replanting the already formed plants on a new place can be many: it is, for example, soil conditions (often together with the characteristics of the climate). It happens that the place on which shrub grew up for several years, began to sleep with her waters, or the shrub began to heal annually. Or the conditions are purely household, when, for example, a neighbor built a fence, and now your bush is in the shade.

The bedroom is a special place of a cozy atmosphere and heat. Flowers are an important component of modern bedrooms. Green plants will give comfort, clean the air and create a nice green background.

Advantages of houseplants:

  • revitalizing the interior of the room;
  • improving the oxygen balance in the apartment;
  • absorption of harmful substances;
  • highlighting phytoncides;
  • the destruction of pathogens bacteria.

Bedroom Plant Choice

Important components modern bedroom: a color scheme, fresh airmuffled light, comfortable furniture and plants that can revive the interior. In this room, we relax and gaining strengths for new labor everydays.

In the equipping of our homes and apartments there are synthetic materials: plastic products, finishing and construction Materials, Furniture elements. All materials that have a synthetic base are distinguished by negative substances: formaldehyde, toluene, benzene and others. Therefore, the placement of green plants in the apartment is useful for health.

Indoor plants in the bedroom are recommended to be placed in accordance with the interior and taste preferences. So, in bedrooms of small sizes, you can place neat cacti, begonias and violets. The bedroom is a cozy room at home, so the variety and the redhouses are inappropriate here.

Spacious bedrooms can accommodate large-scale plants, palm trees or yucca. In completely tiny bedrooms, the plants suspend to the ceiling, or placed on the toilet. What plants can be kept in the bedroom? - The question for which there is no unequivocal response.

When choosing a bedroom colors, it is advisable to consider the flowering period. For example, the Pounsettia begins to bloom at Christmas, then flowers Amaryllis, Rosan Chinese, Begonia. In the summer, geranium and balsamines bloom.

When buying single plants, you must pay attention to the development of a flower, its condition and visible damage.

Assortment of green plants for the bedroom

There is a list of green plants that are recommended to be placed in bedrooms.
What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom?

  1. Chlorophytum. The plant neutralizes poisonous substances and microorganisms in the premises, perfectly moisturizes the air. Plants in the amount of 4 pieces cleaned the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10 square meters per day. m 80%.
  2. Spathifylum. This beautiful flower contributes to the absorption of harmful substances that fall into the apartment during ventilation. Spathifulum is ideal for any kind of room, but it will be best in the bedroom.
  3. Aloe. The plant neutralizes the harmful formaldehyde element by 90%. At night, the flower produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide.
  4. Kalanchoe. At night, the plant produces oxygen, facilitates a depressive state.
  5. Begonia. Plant can neutralize harmful substances and microbes in the air. Begonia's aroma perfectly copes with a depressive state, as a rule, flower is placed in the bedroom of the elderly.
  6. Geranium. The plant kills microbes, contributes to the purification of air and reduce the internal voltage. The flower is very useful in insomnia, but can cause allergic reactions. In the photo you can see how it blooms beautifully.
  7. Sansevieria (Teschin Language, Snake Language) - perfect option For sleeping rooms, intensively produces oxygen. The required oxygen level is supported using 6-8 languages \u200b\u200bof the plant per person.
  8. Laurel is an excellent bedroom plant. Adults and children celebrate healthy and full sleep.
  9. Camellia - a beautiful flower copes with problems that are intimate.
  10. Lavender and rosemary - plants that allow you to shoot nervous tension And contribute to strong sleep.

What indoor plants can not be kept in the bedroom?

Lilies contribute to the violation of the vestibular apparatus, cause severe migraines. With long-term contact with hydrangea, the person complains about nervous disorders.

Which plants can not be kept in the bedroom?

Geranium can cause headaches, however, the plant fights perfectly with mosquitoes. Plants such as fern, alocation and oleander during flowering period are potential allergens.

Coniferous plants are able to allocate resin, which are spreads of mold. Therefore, this type of green plants is not suitable for accommodation in the bedroom.

Monster, Diffenbahia, Ficus - Plants that are considered energy vampires. Large leaves of these plants absorb oxygen and take air at night. The fern highlights carbon dioxide, thereby causing headaches.

Orchids relate to plants that influence nervous system man. People become aggressive, complain of insomnia.

When choosing green plants for the bedroom, you need to explore the information about each representative of the flora. It is recommended to do in order to avoid unpleasant moments.

Plants in the bedroom on Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a popular philosophy that many people are fond of. Any teaching has its own positive and rational sides. Room Plants for Bedroom on Hairdryer Shui - Some rules for accommodation:

  • do not place patients (absorption of positive energy);
  • do not keep plants with sharp needles and leaves;
  • it is allowed to place no more than 3 pots with flowers, away from the bed;
  • for bedrooms best plantswhich has a red color (contribute to the strengthening of love and mutual understanding);
  • the placement of a small ficus is recommended for pairs that have problems with the conception of a child (care for a small plant can customize the energy of the house for the appearance of the baby).

The children's bedroom must have a friendly and cozy atmosphere. Recommended plants on Feng Shui for children's bedroom - citrus. They are able to discharge negative emotions and clean the air.

Unfavorable bedroom compositions - plants that are distinguished by high, empty colors with large leaves. It is also not recommended to post a large number of flowers.
Wet land in vases is great place for reproduction of various fungi, which can provoke the development of lung diseases and different species Allergies.

Live compositions from colors can be performed with their own hands. They will allow you to revive the interior that has calm, pastel tones.

The best way to purify air is the landscaping of residential premises using plant-etheros plants. Such plants contribute to the allocation of environment special Toolspossessing useful properties.
The choice of plants for bedrooms requires an attentive approach. After all, the state of a person depends on this while sleeping and at the time of awakening.

The video in this article will teach you to choose plants into the house.

Currently shops represent various tropical plantswho have care instructions. The price of indoor flowers will pleasantly surprise you! Proper selection room flowers For the bedroom - a guarantee of a full and healthy sleep!

What flowers should stand in the bedroom so that they bring only benefits and harmoniously fit into the room design? This is a rather scrupulous question, the answer to which we are today and finding.

First of all, you need to understand that the bedroom is a place where we spend a certain part of the time, rest, we sleep, restore moral and physical forces. And for this, we are very important to the atmosphere of comfort and comfort, so that nothing prevents the point in this room.

Total moments

The bedroom does not recommend growing plants that exude a strong fragrance.
At night, when we sleep, we inhale these smells, which can negatively affect health - for example, probably the occurrence of headaches.
When choosing representatives of the flora - the smell, it is chief Criteria, be careful!

Indoor plants are designed not only to decorate our home, but also to protect, improve, clean the air.

What flowers put in the bedroom - here are a lot of options, let's look at some of them:

  • Aloe. This culture will provide you with a healthy and strong sleep, due to its high absorption capacity of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen. In addition, aloe has medical propertiesIn case of small injuries, this flower will always come to the rescue.
  • Camellia. Very beautiful blooming room culture, which blooms in the cold season. In the most dull and gloomy day will definitely raise the mood. Camellia flowers outwardly look like a rose, but do not smell, therefore they are considered for the bedroom neutral.

  • Violet. This flower is loved by many, because it can be found in almost every home. During flowering this plant There is no smell that it is important for the bedroom. Care for violet is easy and simple, and therefore it will not require much attention from you, the main thing is not to overflow and periodically feed.

  • Spathifylum. There is no smell, as mentioned above - this is the first thing we pay attention to, so we believe it with confidence to consideration. In addition to decorative leaves, Plant has beautiful flowers, the type of which will bring aesthetic pleasure.

  • Chlorophytum. Absolute leader in air purification among possible options What flowers are better to keep in the bedroom. The experts found out that this plant completely cleanses the air from harmful microorganisms in just 24 hours. If you want to achieve this particular effect, choose this flower.

If you put in a flower pot activated carbonIt will increase its cleaning properties at times.

  • Room geranium. This plant is "our grandmothers" and not in vain, they kept this culture in the house. Geranium highlights active substances that kill pathogenic microbes (staphylococcus / streptococcus), thereby normalizes the microflora of the room.

  • Dracaena. Experts determined that the Dragon Female is so called the dragon, radiates harmony, gives life forces, takes care of a favorable climate. In addition, this plant has very beautiful decorative leaves.

Unwanted plants

Some fear to place plants in the bedroom: first, due to the negative energy, secondly, due to the ability of most plants to allocate the substance at night. In fact, it depends on which flowers to locate in the rest room.

So, very undesirable in this room:

  • Ferns and lilies - they absorb oxygen, therefore - hydrogen carbon dioxide.
  • Beware of such a representative of green crops like Monster is a powerful "vampire", which is not recommended at all to keep in the house, especially if there are small children. The juice of these plants is poisonous.

  • Diffenbachia - It is believed that she takes energy and how it feeds on it.

  • Various curly plants also do not need to use anywhere in the house. It has long been noticed that they give rise to slots, quarrels and attract diseases.

Plant plants

In the design of the recreation area matters all:

  • comfortable light;
  • fresh air;
  • combinations of colors;
  • beautiful furniture;
  • accessories;
  • and the flowers in the pots will unite all the details into a single harmonious ensemble.

It is flowers that will add heat to strict styles, not very much good combination Forms and, in the end, create a favorable climate, clean the air, create warm homemade comfort.

The nature of the bedroom does not tolerate visual fragmentation and "anxiety" - the interior must be harmonious.

I want to emphasize if you have a fairly small area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you can put several plants on the windowsill or one thrown onto the dressing table. Either, as an option, hang, in a beautiful porridge, which, for example, you made with your own hands.


It is very important that the plants in general fit into the interior, it should be considered here:

  • room dimensions;
  • color of walls, floor, ceiling;
  • type of furniture;
  • general design.

We will give you a few tips to help you create a cozy atmosphere:

  • The thoughtful composition, always looks more advantageous than chaotic alignment.
  • In order to complete the design, sometimes one flower is enough, which will attract attention, and the room will become harmonious, warm, cozy.

  • In a room in which furniture of one style is best to place several large plants.
  • If the furniture in the interior is not homogeneous, then you can put a lot of plants, they will give an atmosphere internal unity and distract attention to themselves.
  • If you have a motley wallpaper with a strongly pronounced pattern, plants are suitable with large leaves, they will stand out, and crops with small leaves are lost on the background of walls. (See also Article.)
  • Plants with dark leaves will be better looking at a light background, and light plants on the dark.


Holding simple rules, it will be very simple to achieve individual design, and no instructions will not need - we will be creators ourselves. And the video in this article will help to figure out the details, see!

Plants are capable not only to decorate our life, but also to protect, clean, improve. Provided that we will know something about them, take into account their requirements and observe certain rules Arrangements in the apartment. Starting from this issue of "your home" we will tell about what plants and in which room it is worth putting. Today we select flowers in the bedroom.


At night, Aloe sends oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, so in the bedroom he is the very place. In addition, this plant does not like guests, so it is better to hide it from prying eyes. He removes the aircraft in the apartment and protects against accidents. Plus Aloe - Real ambulance At home. Wash sheets can be applied to a bleeding or infected wound. Aloe juice helps with headaches and colds.


One of the most beautiful flowering houseplants. Camellia blooms in the coldest months of the year - from November to May - and, of course, will decorate your bedroom. Flowers camellia are devoid of smell and do not disturb sleep. Flowers have a different degree of terrain: simple, semi-grade and terry white, pink and red color. The bedroom is especially recommended to put Red Camellia - it has "psychological" help with sexual problems.

Uzambarskaya violet

These flowers are almost in every home. Their impact on emotional condition Human depends on color. In the bedroom it is useful to put white and purple violets. White soothing strong feelings. When a person is under a strong impression when he has a very joyful or vice versa in his soul, sad when a person is experiencing a strong sense of love, white violets will be very useful. They will prevent nervous breakdowns, reduce the load on the nervous system.
Purple violet is useful if the tenants of the house do not understand each other if there is no spiritual unity between them. Violet S. purple flowers Cleans the atmosphere from misunderstanding energy, rejection. Thanks to this violet in the bedroom and in the whole house, a warm atmosphere of mutual understanding can be reigned.
Red and pink violets inspire a sense of satisfaction. As a result, under the subtle effects of these plants, humans decreases the need for food and there is a feeling of joy from work, from communication.


This flower absorbs harmful substances from the air, which fall into our apartment through the velocity. Spatifylum leads to the norm extreme fluctuations and is suitable for any person, you can put it in any room, but we advise you to put it in the bedroom - for a calm and healthy sleep.


This champion among flowers for cleaning air - several such plants is sufficient to absorb formaldehyde highlighted by thermal insulation from synthetic materials in the apartment middle size. Experts found out that in 24 hours this flower almost completely cleans the air from harmful microorganisms. Interestingly, its cleaning properties are noticeably enhanced if put in flower pots Activated carbon.

Room geranium

Geranium allocates biologically active substances that kill staphylococci and streptococci. It is recommended to keep in the bedroom, because, inhaling the useful compounds produced by them, a person calms down, which is very important during stress and insomnia.
And also, the leaves and flowers of geranium are used in cooking. Here are some recipes.
Isabel Gordon Kurtis introduced his recipe for Pink Gerani Pie in the cookbook of Mrs. Curtis, who was published in a huge home discoveries of Mr. Morse. The cake was common among workers who served in the editorial office of Good Housekeeping, Collier's Weekly, The Delineator and Success Magazine.
1/2 Cups Oil (Butter)
1 Cup of Sugar (Sugar)
2/3 cups of water
2 cups of flour (flour)
1/4 teaspoon salt (SALT)
1 teaspoon baking powder (Calumet)
4 eggs protein (Whites of 4 Eggs)
Mix flour, salt and baking powder. Wear oil and sugar. Add water alternately and the flour mixture, then the enemy proteins. Whip5 minutes. Cover the baking shape of the wash paper and spread out the leaves of fragrant geranium with a rose smell. Pour whipped dough for cake. Bake at a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) until prepaid. Readiness to determine, pushing the pie with a stick - it should be clean. Geranium leaves can be removed along with paper to enhance fragrance you can add a few drops of pink extract when cutting the cake. You can also use fragrant geranium leaves for standard recipe pound pie.

Easy geranium cake.

Fragrant geraniums (pelargoniums) grown in the garden smelling as lemon, mint, apple or rose, are often used in cooking. According to the old English recipes, this traditional pound pie baked, pressing the leaves of the plant into its surface, which gives a thin fragrance with an exquisite dessert. Tea is a great accompaniment to this cake.
Spray the form for baking the appliance with an aerosol, not allowing the burning, and check with parchment paper. Spread down a few fragrant geranium leaves at the bottom and sides of the form. Fill in the shape of a whipped dough and bake. After baking, turning the shape and pulling the pie, you will see that the leaves created a lace pattern on the surface of the cake.
Traditional pound pie bake, using the pound of each component - oil, sugar, flour and eggs. Weigh all the components, especially egg yolks and proteins to take the exact amount, because eggs are different in size. Since the pound pie always has the best taste the next day, thoroughly wrap it into a plastic wrapper and leave at room temperature until the table is filled the next day.
It turns out a 9x4 1 / 2x 2 3/4 inch cake (22x11x5.5 cm).
12-16 Leaves of fragrant geraniums, washed and dried
1 pound (4 sticks) of fresh room temperature oil
1 pound sugar
1 pound of universal flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 pound eggs (by weight), separate squirrels and yolks
2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup of thick, oily cream
Culinary sprinkler of vegetable oil
1. Preheame the oven with a lattice located in the center of up to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius). Snaw 9x4 1 / 2x2 3/4 Inch Baking vegetable oil from the sprinkler; Stop parchment. Spread the leaves of Gerani on the bottom and on the sides of the form.
2. Beat the wedge of an electrical mixer on medium speed for 2-3 minutes oil and sugar before the formation of a light and fluffy mixture. Mix together flour and baking powder. Using a low speed mixer, add yolks one to a mixture of oil and sugar, alternating with additives of flour mixture.
3. Using the mixer on medium speed, take the extract of vanilla and cream. The mixture should be thick. Add it to a common mixture.
4. Egg proteins place in the medium size tank and take the mixer to the formation of thick, stable foam. Using a rubber blade, dilute the dough with one quarter of egg proteins so that it becomes easier. Then carefully connect the remaining proteins with the dough.
5. Spoon gently lay out the mixture in the prepared form. (Additional Leaves of Gerani, at will, can be laid on top of the mixture.) Pass the knife blade mixture several times to remove air bubbles. Bake 80-90 minutes by checking the readiness with a stick, which should leave the cake clean. Cool the cake on the grid for 1-1 1/2 hours, then remove from the form.


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