Installation of an aspiration fire alarm system. Aspiration detectors: classification and characteristics

reservoirs 17.06.2019

Fire safety is an important aspect of human life. Each of us, while at work, at home or anywhere else, must be protected from external threats, including from fire. Timely detection of the source of danger can help to quickly find and eliminate it, protecting more than one life, as well as minimizing material costs. Aspiration detectors are an effective way to ensure the safety of people and premises, protect them from fires. About the features of these devices will be discussed in the article.

General information

The word "aspiration" is of Latin origin. Aspiro means "I breathe in". It is this word that gives an idea of ​​​​the general mechanism of the device. In an aspiration fire detector, it consists in the selection of air masses within a certain controlled room. The extracted air is analyzed in order to timely detect threats and identify combustion products.

The main task for which specialists developed such a device is to search for areas where the fire has just begun to spread and has not yet created a serious danger.

latest technology

Aspiration detectors, according to experts, today account for 12% of the entire market fire fighting systems in Europe. Their predictions indicate that this indicator will only grow. The development of new types of aspirators makes it possible to use the device more actively, expanding the scope of its use, as well as to fully realize in practice all the advantages of such systems in a wide variety of fields of activity.

The technology, thanks to which the detector works, is one of the most advanced among similar devices aimed at early detection of a fire source. The idea is to create a flow of air that the system absorbs directly from the controlled room, as well as its further transmission to a special optical fire detector. Aspiration thanks to this mechanism of work can detect a fire at the earliest stages of their occurrence - even before a person can feel or see the smoke. The device will fix the danger even in the process of smoldering objects, heating surfaces (evaporation of an insulating substance on cables, etc.).

Principle of operation

The aspiration fire detector IPA consists of a series of pipes combined into a system where there are special openings for taking air masses and an aspiration device equipped with a turbine to maintain the air flow.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple, but effective. The sensors that are installed in the system carry out optical control of the received air. Given the level of required sensitivity of the device, laser or LED detectors can be installed in it. The pipes are mounted in the room where it will be carried out, while the aspiration device - the control unit, is located in any other place from where it is convenient to maintain and control the system.

Application area

To date, aspiration detectors equipped with ultra-sensitive laser smoke detectors provide the most successful fire protection. Such systems are excellent for providing fire safety power plants with different principles of energy production, large hangar rooms with aviation, automotive and other types of equipment, rooms designed to store fuel and combustible mixtures, industrial areas of increased sterility, hospital buildings with diagnostic equipment and other rooms with high-tech devices.

Initially, the systems were developed specifically for objects of increased importance, the safety of which was a top priority. Security of material assets, large volumes Money, expensive equipment, the replacement of which can lead to serious expenses, as well as stopping the entire production process - the main objective aspiration detectors. In such places, it is extremely important to find and eliminate the formed threat as soon as possible at the moment when smoldering did not begin, before open fire appeared.

It is equally important to ensure the safety of premises with a large crowd of people. There, the systems must have a particularly high level of sensitivity compared to standard devices. These can be large exhibition centers, cinemas, stadiums, entertainment and shopping centers. At objects of this kind, a preliminary signal, which is received only by the maintenance personnel of the building, makes it possible to eliminate the cause of the fire without resorting to mass evacuation, and, accordingly, to panic among visitors.


The IPA aspiration detector has a number of advantages compared to traditional systems:

  • To point-type devices installed in large areas, smoke may simply not reach. The aspirator in this case ensures that air masses enter through all openings from any part of the room. Ventilation, air conditioners will not be able to affect the quality of the system;
  • This type of detector minimizes the effect of air stratification in a high room where warm air, located closer to the ceiling, interferes with the flow of smoke and prevents a timely response to a fire.
  • Often designers face serious problems when designing rooms where the fire safety system makes it impossible to implement one or another idea. The aspiration type of the device allows you to hide all the external structural elements. It is enough just to make a couple of holes under the ceiling, the diameter of which is a couple of millimeters. Even with the naked eye, they cannot be seen.


An aspiration system will help ensure the safety of valuable equipment and people at a high level.

Efficiency of work will avoid serious material costs, stopping the production process and human casualties, without requiring complex maintenance or large investments in its installation.

And it can be difficult to figure out what types of devices need to be installed in a particular room. Consider the question of what aspiration fire detectors are, their device, principle of operation and scope.


An aspiration fire detector is a device that captures combustion products (liquid or solid particles) that occur during a fire and transmits a fire signal to the control panel.

The sensor is a system unit with air intake tubes extending from it, in which, at a certain distance, several holes are drilled for air intake. Inside the central unit is an electronic receiver that analyzes incoming air samples.

Depending on the size of the controlled room, the air sampling tubes can be of various lengths, from several meters to several tens of meters. But in this case, additional fan adjustment is required to achieve the optimal air intake speed.

The sampling tubes can be made from different materials. So, in factory workshops, where the air temperature can heat up to 100 degrees, pipes made of an alloy of metals that are resistant to high temperatures are used. Plastic-based pipes are indispensable at facilities with non-standard ceilings, where there are many bends.

Aspiration detectors, for the most part, are designed with smoke, but in some models, smoke and gas components are combined at the same time.

According to the level of sensitivity of devices, aspiration smoke fire detectors are divided into three types: A - high precision, where the optical medium is not denser than 0.035 dB/m; B - increased accuracy from 0.035 dB / m and above; C - standard from 0.088 dB / m and more.

Principle of operation

Through a special aspirator, air is sucked into the intake pipe system. Next, it goes through a two-stage filter. At the first stage, the air sample is cleaned of dust particles.

The second filter adds fresh air, so that the optical elements of the device, in the event of the presence of smoke in the air sample, are not contaminated and the established calibration is not violated.

After passing through the filters, the intake air enters the measuring chamber with a laser emitter, which shines through it and analyzes it.

If the sample is “clean”, then the laser light will be straight and accurate. If smoke particles are present, laser light scattered and registered by a special receiving element. The receiver sends a fire signal to the monitoring or control panel.

Aspiration devices are very accurate in operation, as they can detect a fire on initial stage, through continuous air sampling and analysis.


The main advantage of such detectors is their operation in rooms with a high height. ceilings. Type A detectors (high-precision) are used in areas with a ceiling height of up to 21 meters. Device type B - up to 15 meters, C - 8 meters. This is due optimal performance devices in a certain space. Failure to follow these recommendations may lead to incorrect operation of the sensors.

As mentioned above, the length of the air intake pipes can be different, up to several tens of meters. Therefore, they have several air intake holes. They are located at a distance of 9 meters, and from the walls - 4.5 meters.

Air sampling pipes do not have to be installed on the ceiling. In some special rooms it simply does not exist, so pipes can be attached to metal structures or hidden under finishing elements, leaving small holes for additional capillary tubes.

The pipeline can have several bends, thereby expanding the controlled area and reducing the likelihood of false alarms. Also, for additional protection, it is possible to install pipes vertically on the walls, brought directly to the intended place of a possible fire. This method of placing pipes is an indisputable advantage of aspiration detectors.

If during the installation of pipes it becomes necessary to turn, then the bending radius must be at least 90 mm. If possible, turns should be avoided as they slow down the air flow. There must be at least 2 straight meters of pipe per turn.

At the point of connection of the pipeline with the electronic unit, the straight length of the pipe should be about 500 mm, and the exhaust pipe - 200 mm.

The central unit of the device is installed either in the controlled zone itself or outside it, for example, in rooms with extreme conditions, where air temperature, humidity, and pollution are high.

If the device is operated in a heavily dusty or polluted room (woodworking shop, construction warehouse), then external filters. Also, it is additionally possible to install a pipe blowback system to eliminate contaminants.

In rooms where temperature fluctuations and condensation in the pipeline are possible, it is advisable to install an additional device inside the pipes to collect moisture.

Use of aspiration firefighters smoke detectors possible in explosive areas. In this case, the unit is taken out of the controlled area, and special devices are installed in the air intake pipes - explosion-proof barriers. They prevent the entry of hazardous gas mixtures into the pipeline.


The large sensitivity range of aspirating fire detectors makes possible use devices in various rooms:

IPA detector

Aspiration fire detector IPA TU4371-086-00226827-2006 is a single unit, inside which there are five working zones: vacuum, injection and coarse cleaning, fine filtration, air sample measurement, terminal connections. Also on the case there is an electronic fire analysis compartment:

  • "Temperature" - responds to an increase in the temperature inside the room;
  • "smoke" - sensitive to optical changes in the air;
  • "gas" - measures and analyzes the deviation from the established norm of gases in the air;
  • "flow" - captures changes in the gas-air flow.

On the one hand, the incoming air intake pipeline is connected to the device, on the other - the exhaust pipe. In the discharge compartment there is a fan - aspirator. The maximum length of the pipeline is 80 meters. The distance between the intake holes is 9 meters.

IPA is designed to protect residential and industrial premises, as well as tunnels, shafts, cable channels, etc. The device takes samples from the air environment, analyzes them and sends signals to the control panel: “Normal”, “Alarm 1”, “Alarm 2”, “Start”, “Start 30s”, “Accident”.

The sensor is operated at a temperature environment from -22 to + 55С. Does not tolerate direct contact with the electronic unit sun rays, as well as the presence of acid and alkali vapors in the air that can cause corrosion. Resistant to vibrations with a frequency of 50 to 150 Hz.

Smoke aspiration fire detectors (IPDA) are detectors of a new generation that can provide fire protection of objects at the highest possible level and under almost any operating conditions.

Unlike point and linear aspiration smoke detectors, there are no regulatory restrictions on the maximum sensitivity level, and their principle of operation and design features allow you to effectively protect the most complex objects. For example, areas with high airflow rates, overhead and underfloor spaces with extremely high or low temperatures, dusty and explosive areas, rooms with limited access, rooms with high ceilings, domes, with beams, etc. Possible concealed installation pipes in the overhead space, in building structures or in decorative elements rooms with transparent capillary tubes for the formation of remote air sampling points.
Aspirating smoke detectors were invented by Xtralis over 30 years ago and have been featured on the market for over 20 years. Russian market. Until 2009, aspiration detectors were used according to the recommendations of VNIIPO, which were developed for aspiration detectors of each specific type. In 2009, the requirements for the installation of smoke aspiration detectors were defined in the Code of Rules SP 5.13130.2009 fire protection. Settings fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishers. Norms and rules of design». In the same year, GOST R 53325-2009 “Fire fighting equipment. Technical means fire automatics. General technical requirements. Test Methods”, which for the first time defined the technical requirements and methodology for testing IPDA. These norms and requirements are further development in subsequent versions of these documents: in GOST R 53325-2012 and in SP 5.13130.2009 with Amendments No. 1.
Of greatest practical interest are class A laser smoke detectors, which have now achieved a fantastic sensitivity of 0.0002%/m (0.00001 dB/m). High-sensitivity laser aspiration detectors provide the highest level of fire protection in cleanrooms, containment areas, operating rooms, computerized magnetic resonance tomography, positron emission tomography, pressure chambers, high rooms and areas with air currents: atriums, data centers , in the control room, in industrial shops, in high-rise warehouses, etc. Highly sensitive laser IPDA provide ultra-early detection fire hazard, which determines the minimum material losses, the absence of the need for evacuation and interruption of the enterprise. To ensure the possibility of prompt response of personnel, several pre-alarm and alarm signals are generated at various levels of smoke. A narrower scope has aspiration detectors with hypersensitivity class B and class C with standard sensitivity, i.e. with the sensitivity of a point smoke detector.

Operating principle
According to GOST R 53325-2012, aspiration fire detector is " automatic detector fireman, which provides sampling through a system of pipes with air sampling holes and delivery of air samples (aspiration) from the protected room (zone) to the device for detecting a sign of fire (smoke, changes chemical composition environment)" (Fig. 1). This principle of construction of the detector, unusual at first glance, with pipes with air intake holes and an aspirator, determines a lot of advantages compared to smoke point and linear detectors. Air samples from the controlled room enter the pipes due to the discharge created by the aspirator, which, together with the optical density meter, is located in the processing unit.

Can you help me with the IPA aspiration detector?
Certificate of conformity С-Ru.ПБ01.В.00242
Aspiration fire detector IPA TU 4371-086-00226827-2006
Operation manual DAE 100.359.100-01 RE point 2.9 The detector detects the occurrence of a fire with the formation of notices and ranking by hazard degree in accordance with paragraphs 2.12.2, 2.12.3 (at the inlet of connection to the suction pipe detector) with standard sensitivity class A according to GOST R 53325-2012.
Note - Upon detection of a fire and the issuance of danger signals "Alarm"
ha 1", "Alarm 2", "Start" simultaneously take into account the data of all measurement channels
of fire factors and their sensitivity is adjusted in an interconnected manner.
paragraph 4.1 The detector is made in a sealed housing, consisting of five
separate compartments (discharge, injection and coarse cleaning, fine cleaning, change
rhenium and terminal connections). Inside the case under the top panel is located
compartment of the electronic module with channels for measuring fire factors:
- "Temperature" - responds to changes in the temperature of the controlled environment;
- "Smoke" - reacts to changes in the optical density of the gas-air medium;
- "Gas" - responds to changes in the concentration of installed gases;
- "Flow" - responds to changes in the gas-air flow and filter contamination.

I am citing an excerpt from SP5 p14.2 ... when one fire detector is triggered that meets the recommendations set out in Appendix P. In this case, at least two detectors are installed in the room (part of the room), switched on according to the "OR" logic circuit. The placement of the detectors is carried out at a distance of no more than the normative one.
P.1 Use of analysis equipment physical characteristics fire factors and (or) the dynamics of their change and issuing information about its technical condition (for example, dust content).
P.2 Use of equipment and its modes of operation, excluding the impact on detectors or loops of short-term factors not related to fire.

From this it follows that the aspiration detector complies with Appendix P, and therefore we do not reduce the distance between the detectors and make two air intake holes in each room, but there is one more point in the manual:

Operation manual DAE 100.359.100-01 RE point 6.10 The location of the intake openings in the protected room must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of clause 13.3 of SP 5.13130.2009

Reading SP:

13.3.2 At least two fire detectors connected according to the "OR" logical scheme should be installed in each protected room.

Note - In the case of using an aspiration detector, unless specifically specified, it is necessary to proceed from the following provision: one air intake hole should be considered as one point (non-address) fire detector. In this case, the detector must generate a fault signal in case of deviation of the air flow rate in the air intake pipe by 20% from its initial value, set as an operating parameter.

1. That is, by connecting the device to the S2000-KDL, we prescribe the address of the device, and the IPA detector becomes addressable and paragraph 13.3.2 is already in effect?
2. But the question arises then why point 6.10 of the instruction manual, which means that it is possible to connect the IPA to Signal 20, but at the same time we reduce the distance and put three detectors per room?
3. The manual states that plastic pipes can be used as an air duct, but will metal-plastic be suitable?
4. Are all generated commands displayed on the S2000 control panel?
5. For example, there is a warehouse wooden planks, height 12.8 m, length 60 m, width 25, stacks of boards do not exceed a height of 4 m, the boards are loaded directly inside, that is, transport drives directly to the warehouse. Naturally, it is not heated, dust, the wind is walking, but consider the street, do you think it is advisable to use this type of fire detectors?

Aspiration smoke detectors- these are sophisticated devices for active fire detection, which make it possible to issue a reliable warning or alarm signal at the earliest stages of the appearance of signs of a fire. Aspiration fire smoke detectors consist of a detector unit with an aspirator and a piping system with air sampling holes through which air samples from the controlled space are delivered to the detection device (Fig. 1). This design of the detector allows you to isolate the measuring chamber from external influences as much as possible. High sensitivity, which in some models reaches 0.0015% / m (0.000065 dB / m), is many times higher than the parameters of point detectors and is achieved through the use of ultra-sensitive optical density meters. Aspiration detectors are used to control not only premises, but also equipment, air conditioning installations and air ducts. The use of aspiration detectors provides the highest level fire protection of any object, and the specific design and additional devices allow them to be used even where the use of other types of detectors will be ineffective or simply impossible.

On the this moment technical requirements for aspiration detectors are established in GOST R 53325-2009 “Fire fighting equipment. Technical means of fire automatics. General technical requirements. Test Methods". In this article, we will not focus on technical specifications, and consider the possible applications and advantages of installing aspiration detectors on various types objects.

In Russia, the basic requirements for the design and installation of aspirating fire detectors are defined by the Code of Rules SP 5.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Norms and rules of design». And here the first point is the recommendation to install aspiration detectors to protect large open spaces. These areas include atriums, production shops, warehouses, trading floors, passenger terminals, sports halls, stadiums, etc. According to clause 13.9.1, class A aspiration detectors can be installed in rooms up to 21 m high, class B - up to 15 m, class C - up to 8 m. in a room with a height of more than 12 m, unlike linear smoke detectors, installation of a second tier of detectors is not required. Building structures usually impose certain restrictions on the installation sites of linear smoke detectors in such premises, forcing them to be mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling, which in turn seriously reduces the level of fire protection of the premises and the facility as a whole. Aspiration detectors do not have these disadvantages. Piping with air sampling holes can pass directly under the ceiling, avoid obstacles, while expanding the controlled area and reducing the likelihood of false alarms.

Moreover, in accordance with SP 5, it is allowed to embed air sampling pipes in building construction and finishing elements. This application makes it possible to protect rooms with high design requirements, such as historic buildings, museums, large area glazing, etc. Moreover, the elements of the fire alarm system in this case are really invisible, and the level of fire protection remains at the highest level.

Air sampling pipes can be laid both in horizontal and vertical planes, which makes it possible to determine at the design stage of the system best option access to the detector for maintenance and repair and locate it in the most convenient place for this. Suppose you want to control limited hard-to-reach spaces, such as the space behind false ceiling and under the raised floor, cable channel, inner space aggregates and mechanisms, such as escalators or conveyor lines. And here, according to SP 5, the use of aspiration fire detectors is allowed. It is allowed to control both the main and allocated space of the room, i.e. in the case of monitoring the overhead space, the pipes of the aspiration detector are located behind the false ceiling, and additional capillary tubes lead the air sampling holes into the main space. Special attention should be given to the issue of protection of expensive equipment and material assets. The use of highly sensitive aspiration detectors when protecting, for example, servers or data arrays, even overheating of individual components can be detected electronic device. The advantage of aspirating detectors is that the pipe or capillary outlet with an air intake is led directly to the object to be protected. Figure 3 shows an example of equipment cabinet protection. Server rooms, data processing centers, warehouses with rack storage and other facilities where it is extremely important to detect and eliminate the source of ignition at the earliest stage in order to prevent major damage are equipped in the same way.

Often there are objects, the control of which traditional methods complicated by severe conditions such as dust, dirt, extreme temperatures, high humidity, electromagnetic interference, high air flow speeds, etc. The use of aspiration detectors here is also effective way protection. Since air sampling from controlled volumes is carried out through small holes, air flows from ventilation and air conditioning systems do not affect the detection ability. That is why it is possible to place the air intake pipes of the aspiration detector directly in the air ducts and on the air intake grilles. If the operating conditions are associated with significant contamination or dustiness, then external filters are additionally installed in the pipeline system (Fig. 4).

Protecting the measuring chamber of the instrument from foreign particles entering it reduces the likelihood of false alarms and prolongs the life of the system. In the most difficult conditions, such as in waste treatment plants or industrial productions, additionally provide for purging the pipeline into reverse direction. To do this, a valve is installed, which, when blowing, cuts off part of the pipe to the detector unit, after which the contaminants are blown out of the pipeline. And in some cases, when blockages in pipes can happen too often, it may be advisable to implement automatic cleaning of the pipe system.

Rice. 3. Location of pipes when protecting cabinets with equipment

Rice. 4. Three-level replaceable filter for air purification

Rice. five. Condensate extraction device (FAS*ASD*WS)

Rice. 6. Example of a pipeline with a condensation protection device

In the case of monitoring areas with changing temperature or incoming fresh air condensation may form in the aspiration system, which may impair the performance of the detector unit. However, there is a solution for this case as well. Piping in areas with high humidity
equipped with an additional device for collecting condensate (Fig. 5).

In addition to protecting the detector unit from moisture ingress, these devices may have a filter for additional protection against particulate matter. It is installed at the lowest point of the pipeline (Fig. 6). And additional pipe turns at an angle of 45 ° allow you to provide access to it during maintenance.

The solution described above is used in areas with temperatures from 0° to 50° C. But the range of operating temperatures during the operation of aspiration detectors is much wider and allows them to be used even at negative values ​​in deep-freeze warehouses. The detector unit itself, depending on the optical density meter used, can operate at temperatures from *20° C to +60° C.

When installing suction systems, halogen-free plastic pipes are usually used. PVC pipes allow them to be used at temperatures from 0° to 60° C. ABS plastic pipes can be used in the range from *40° to +80° C. Nevertheless, the detector unit is most often taken out of the area with difficult conditions. This further expands the scope of this type of detectors. Let's consider one more example. Agree, it is quite difficult to find a suitable detector to protect the sauna. Some models of aspiration detectors can perform their detection functions at air sample temperatures up to 110 ° C. Of course, plastic pipes are no longer suitable for this example, and in order to exclude false alarms, it is imperative to use a condensate extraction device.

There are several other areas of application related to the possibility of moving the detector unit outside the controlled area. plastic pipes are not conductors and are not subject to
the influence of electromagnetic interference. Such a system can be operated even in conditions of high radiation. In turn, the remote block of the aspiration detector does not create interference in the controlled area, which is very important for diagnostic and testing laboratories.

Many mistakenly believe that the absence of loop conductors in the controlled area will allow the use of aspiration detectors at explosive objects the same way. Such a solution does exist, but the situation is somewhat more complicated. Indeed, in this case, it is not air that enters the measuring chamber, but an explosive gaseous mixture, and the detector unit itself, at certain values ​​of its composition, concentration, temperature and pressure, can become a source of ignition. To prevent the spread of flame through the pipeline and detonation in the explosive zone, special explosion-proof barriers are used in the system (Fig. 7).

As we can see, the possibilities of aspiration detectors are wide and varied. The properties of aspirating smoke detectors, compared to traditional point and other types of detectors, are unique: high sensitivity for early detection, and the ability to install in large spaces, and the ability to work in difficult conditions, and ease of maintenance even in hard-to-reach places. Undoubtedly, the regulatory framework created in 2009 will allow aspiration systems to occupy their niche in the Russian market of fire detectors and improve the fire safety level of many facilities.

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