How difficult is it to install a Wi-Fi router at home on your own? Everything you need to know before buying a Wi-Fi router. Installing a router in an apartment or house

landscaping 20.10.2019

Not so long ago, a computer, and even more so a laptop, was a luxury. Today, almost every family has a computer or laptop, and in many families, almost every family member has these devices. Each such device must have access to the Internet, since a computer without the Internet is a “box”. With the development of technology, in order to divide Internet traffic into several devices, it is no longer necessary to connect a separate cable to each device, everything can be done over the air - using Wi-Fi technology.

The content of the article:

Benefits of Wi-Fi

Before we talk about setting up a Wi-Fi network at home, let's talk about the tasks and advantages of this technology. So, if you have a need to divide the existing Internet channel into several devices, then you need a router. If you want to share the Internet channel by connecting devices without using wires, then a Wi-Fi router will help you with this. We have already told you about that, and therefore, before buying it, we recommend that you read this article again. A Wi-Fi router is a great option if you have devices that support Wi-Fi networks. Thus, by installing a Wi-Fi router in the most central point, you can provide Wi-Fi coverage throughout the apartment, which is very convenient, because you will not need to pull extra wires. If your computer does not have a Wi-Fi adapter, then this issue can be solved in two ways: install a Wi-Fi router in the room where the computer is located, or purchase a Wi-Fi adapter. A Wi-Fi adapter is a small device in the form of a flash drive or in the form of a card inserted into a PCI slot.

In view of the fact that in almost every family there is a need to install WiFi router, then we will tell you how to configure it yourself, without calling the wizard.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router

To configure the router, it must be connected via cable to a computer or laptop. The connection diagram must be displayed in the instructions. We unpack the router, fasten the antennas to it, then connect one part network cable(which comes with the kit) to the router, and the other to the computer (laptop). Then we connect the power of the router and after that we connect the network cable of the Internet provider to it.

How to enter the router menu

Absolutely all Wi-Fi routers are configured using the WEB interface, this is a kind of site with settings. That is, in order to configure the router, you need to open a page with its settings in the browser. To do this, enter "" in the address bar of the browser and press the "Enter" key. After that, a window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter your login and password to access the router settings. Standard (by default) login and password from the router settings menu: "admin" - in small letters. After entering, press "OK" and get into the menu.

Flashing a Wi-Fi router

So, in order to set up a Wi-Fi router, you first need to reflash it. If you are a fairly experienced person, and you know what and how, then now we will tell you what you need to do for this. If you don’t really like to understand all the intricacies of computer technology, then you can do without flashing the router. Firmware is a kind of operating system router on which it is based.

Why do you need a flashing? Re-flashing the router is necessary in order to ensure normal and quality work devices. As a rule, each Wi-Fi router from the moment of release until the moment of discontinuation has the same firmware version. This firmware passes only internal tests, but when the device goes on mass sale, users find all the problems in the operation of the device, in various situations. Therefore, the "native" firmware is not perfect and you may have problems in the operation of the device: low speed, freezes, problems with Wi-Fi, etc. That is why it is better to install a new firmware version.

In order to reflash a Wi-Fi router, you need to download the firmware file. You can download it, of course, from the official website of the manufacturer. To do this, on the website of the device manufacturer, find the model of your Wi-Fi router, and click on the “Downloads” tab, this is where the list of available firmware should be located. Some manufacturers may send you to an FTP server where the firmware is stored. But do not rush to download the most latest version firmware, first read the forums where users who installed this firmware wrote a review about its work and concluded whether it is worth installing it or not.

After downloading the archive with the firmware, unzip it and copy the firmware file to the downloads folder. In the router menu, go to the Firmware section and in the available field, specify the path to the new firmware for the router. More detailed instructions how to reflash the router, you can find in the instructions for the device.

After flashing, go to the Network / IPConfig / Network menu (depending on the model of your router) and first make the provider settings.

WAN connection type
  • Dynamic IP / DHCP / Dynamic IP - select if the provider provides a dynamic IP;

  • Static ip / Statistical IP address - select if the provider is built on local network, where you need to enter an IP address, subnet mask and Gateway to access the Internet.

  • PPPoE - select if you need to enter a username and password to access the Internet.

DNS 1 and DNS 2 - it is advisable to leave them installed automatically, if the provider requires them manual installation(which is very rare), then we enter the primary and secondary DNS. It is not always necessary to enter the provider's DNS in the network settings, sometimes external DNS work better than the provider's.

Then go to the Wireless tab, which contains the Wi-Fi settings.

How to set up a Wi-Fi network

Network name (SSID)

The network name is the name of your Wi-Fi router that will be displayed when the device searches for a network to connect to Wi-Fi. We recommend that you set the name as original as possible to avoid overlaps. If there are 2 devices with the same names in your network, then the Wi-Fi connection may not work correctly.


This is the frequency channel over which data will be transmitted. Give this option Special attention, as this may cause you to experience slow Wi-Fi speeds. Why? Each channel has its own, so to speak, data transfer volumes. The more devices you have connected via Wi-Fi, the lower the Internet speed for each device - the same goes for the channel, the more devices use the same channel, the less its bandwidth. Therefore, even if you have a high speed Internet connection, and the Wi-Fi channel is overloaded, then wifi speed connections will be very low.

If you do not have such advanced neighbors, then this parameter can be left at the value of "Auto". It is very easy to check the Wi-Fi activity of neighbors - call up the list of Wi-Fi connections menu and see the number of Wi-Fi routers that are available in your apartment: if there are few of them, then the channel is enough, if there are many, then it is better to install it manually.

In view of the fact that "Auto" selects the 6th or 7th channels, then with manual selection it is necessary to select the channels that are at the beginning. That is, if in the future, the connection speed via Wi-Fi has dropped, and via cable it corresponds to the declared one, then it is possible that the whole problem lies in the Wi-Fi channel.

Mode (Wireless Mode)

This setting sets the wireless network standard. 2 factors depend on the wireless network standard: the ability to work in it with older types of devices and the speed of Wi-Fi. That is, Wi-Fi has its own standards of operation, and to make it more clear to you, let's look at an example. AT cellular communication At first, the Internet was transmitted via WAP, then via GPRS, then via EDGE, etc., with each new type, the data transfer speed also grew - in our situation, everything is the same. The further down the alphabet letter the communication standard is, the higher the data rate it supports. But here it is necessary to take into account one more point: not all devices released a long time ago and supporting work in Wi-Fi networks support the latest type of connection - and this must be taken into account.

When choosing a wireless connection type, set the type that will be supported by all your Wi-Fi devices. Devices of a new type can work with older types, but not vice versa. But do not be upset, most modern Wi-Fi routers can work with several standards - which is very convenient, for this, set the value to "b / g / n" (if any).

Channel Width

The channel width is specified in megahertz. We recommend leaving this parameter on the “Auto” parameter, or setting its maximum value.

Maximum data transfer rate

This parameter sets the maximum data transfer rate - rate limit. Of course, it is best to set this parameter to the maximum value. If you are the main user of the Internet, and you need a high data transfer rate over a network cable on your computer, then you can cut the Wi-Fi speed in this way.

Encryption type

Another important parameter when setting up a Wi-Fi router is the type of encryption of transmitted data. The stronger the type of encryption, the more secure your data will be transmitted. To date, the most best type encryption is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. But here you should also pay attention to the fact that not all devices support given type encryption, and therefore it is possible that when you select it, you will need to find " golden mean» for all devices.

How to set up Wi-Fi on a computer and laptop

Let's briefly describe how to set up Wi-Fi on Windows 7 and Windows 8. In order to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop or computer, you need to select your Wi-Fi router in the list of Wi-Fi devices, which you gave the original name. Then we click on his name 2 times with the mouse, and we are prompted to enter a password - we enter the password, it is checked, and if you entered everything correctly, the device connects to Wi-Fi. After that, we recommend checking both over the network and over Wi-Fi. Please note that Wi-Fi speed may be limited throughput router. Therefore, it may differ from that which is available on the LAN.

Sometimes, to connect a laptop via Wi-Fi, you need to separately enable the Wi-Fi module. As a rule, on laptops, the corresponding button is responsible for this, it can be either separate or combined with the F7 key.

More detailed information You can learn about setting up a Wi-Fi connection in the video below.

This article will consider a rather serious question, how to install wifi router to make the most of its capabilities.

Of course, about a wired twisted-pair connection, the location of the router plays little role. The only rule is that it should be as far away as possible from powerful electrical installations to minimize electromagnetic interference that generates interference inside the wire and distorts the useful signal.

But here with wireless wifi connection is not so simple, and basic knowledge must have, which will be discussed further.

Radio signal transmission

A wireless Wi-Fi network is nothing more than the well-known radio waves.

radio waves

Television channels, radio, light and sound are transmitted according to the same principle, the only difference is the wavelength. The shorter the wave length, the higher its penetrating ability through objects (walls, forest, etc.). This must be taken into account when choosing a router, as there are two Wi-Fi frequency standards - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

Requirements for the location of the router

Before you install a Wi-Fi router in its permanent place, you must first find optimal location. Of course, it all depends on the apartment (or house, cottage - it doesn’t matter), the main thing is that the signal is present in all the necessary corners and is stable.

This requirement is affected by two main parameters:

  • Technical characteristics of the router;
  • The presence of radio interference between the transmitter (router) and receiver (computer).

Let's consider each item in more detail.

Router Specifications

To technical specifications The router includes both hardware design and software, in other words, firmware.

The hardware design is what the router is made of (processor, microcircuits, radio modules, antennas).

Router hardware

Everything is simple here - the more expensive and more powerful the components, the stronger and more stable the signal. A lot depends on volume. random access memory, the radio module is serviced by the central processor or a separate one, the number and gain of the antennas.

But it is also very important that the appropriate firmware (firmware) manages all the stuffing. It is a very common occurrence when expensive powerful routers work at the level of budget ones, and as soon as you update the firmware, everything falls into place, and the router significantly increases the speed and quality of Wi-Fi signal transmission.

It also helps to purchase detachable antennas with large coefficient gain than is already set on the router (for models with detachable antennas).

Location of the router in the apartment

The second important step before installing the router is to choose its location, taking into account all the interference. Interferences include walls, floors, ceilings, and the material from which the walls are made is of great importance. Carpets on the walls, thick wallpapers, tall plants also extinguish the signal.

Almost all routers can be either placed on the table or hung on the wall using special holes under the bottom of the router, designed for self-tapping screws.

Holes in the bottom of the router

Rubber feet will not allow the router to be pressed close to the wall, and cooling through the slots will not be disturbed.

Installing a wifi router is possible even in hard-to-reach places (behind a closet, mezzanine), as it is designed for continuous round-the-clock operation, and it is not required to turn it off, for example, at night. As they say, hang it up and forget it for years.

Electronic interference

Since radio telephones, microwave ovens, and many others electronic devices emit 2.4 GHz radio waves, this creates insurmountable interference in the path of the Wi-Fi signal. If, for example, between the rooms where the router was installed and the computer is located, there will be a kitchen with a radio telephone, or in microwave oven something to warm up, then a very high probability of breaking the connection.

Obstacle in the path of the Wi-Fi signal

But it should be noted that this is true only for 2.4 GHz. Recall that there is also a 5 GHz standard, which is devoid of such a drawback.

It would also be useful to choose the most free channel (and 2.4 GHz has three channels), since the freer the channel, the higher its bandwidth.

This concludes with the definition of how to install a wi fi router, and consider the software part of the device.

Setting up a router

Above mentioned such a moment as a firmware update. You can update the firmware in the router settings, you can also change the power level of the Wi-Fi module there.

All settings are carried out either using the assistant program located on the router's bundle CD, or through the web interface. The second method serves for finer tuning, so we will analyze it.

Entering the router settings menu

We connect the router to the computer via Wi-Fi or wire, and go to the router through any web browser. The address of the router can be found either in the setup instructions or on the label under the bottom of the router.

The label under the bottom of the router

After connecting to the router, it will display messages that you need to enter a username / password for authorization.

All necessary information we find in the same place as the address of the router.

Firmware update

First of all, go to the manufacturer's website and download the file from new version firmware. Next, we return to the settings menu, go to the “System Tools” item in the settings tree, and then to the “Firmware Upgrades” sub-item.

Firmware update

An update dialog box will open, in which you can review the current installed version firmware and once again make sure you need an update.

Next, click the "Browse" button, in the explorer that opens, specify the path to the downloaded firmware file, and click the "Upgrade" button. The update process will begin, accompanied by an indicator strip. At the end of the process, the router will automatically reboot.

Attention! The update process should never be interrupted, even if it seems that the router is frozen!

Wi-Fi module power control

Not in all models, but in many, you can change the power level of the Wi-Fi transmitter. This is convenient when the installation of a Wi-Fi router is located close to all receivers, and lowering the power helps reduce air pollution for other radio waves.

Consider the D-link DIR-300NRU router as an example.

The level is adjusted in the Wi-Fi menu, Advanced Settings submenu.

Wi-Fi power setting

Power is expressed as a percentage, 100% is the maximum. We set the required power, click the "Change" button. All is ready.

Separately, we note that other items in this settings menu should not be changed without the appropriate knowledge, otherwise you will have to perform a complete reset and reconfigure from the very beginning.

For clarity, here is a video tutorial:


To ensure optimal signal reception in all rooms of your apartment (from 1 to 3 rooms) and adjacent rooms, follow a simple rule: the fewer walls between the router and your gadget, the better. If you think about how to achieve such a result, you will quickly guess that very often optimal location to place the router is hallway or the corridor(although the plans now, of course, are different).

Respectively, It is NOT recommended to place a Wi-Fi router:

  • In places with limited space - niches, behind cabinets, sofas, on a shelf bookcase etc;
  • Below - on the floor, under the table and so on;
  • Next to the appliances there is a TV, a refrigerator, a computer, a microwave, a home wireless telephone. Maintain a distance of at least 1-2 meters;
  • Near radiators and in any other places where the air temperature exceeds 40 degrees - otherwise the router will heat up and will not be able to cool down;

More useful advice- install a router as high as possible, ideally hang it on the wall or put it on a shelf at a height of at least 2 meters. So you get perfect coverage Wi-Fi networks in the apartment.

By the way, place the router as far away from yourself as possible… enough good for your health:). After all, even today, scientists and doctors have not come to the final conclusion about whether it is harmful wireless Internet for the body. But the facts that make you at least think about it have already been collected quite enough. For example, at one time the so-called. "Copenhagen" experiment Danish schoolgirls. In 2013, five girls germinated plant seeds for 12 days, with and without Wi-Fi radiation. As a result, seeds in six trays in an isolated room grew normally, while their “buddies” next to Wi-Fi routers failed to grow. And a few sprouts turned brown and withered! And in 2010, Dutch scientists tested trees for the influence of Wi-Fi. After three months of exposure to a Wi-Fi signal, the ash trees "participating" in the study began to show signs of radiation sickness("lead" reflection on the leaves)!

Greetings, our dear readers. AT modern world almost everyone is faced with Wi-Fi routers. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to set up a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • the presence of a wired connection to the Internet;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • connection cable to the network board.

Wi-Fi router setup.

How to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router for home? Initially, you need to connect the equipment. For all routers, it is the same, for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers just draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider's cable should be inserted until a characteristic click into one of the ports on the device, which differs in a different color from the rest.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connection via web interface.

Now almost all network routers are managed using a web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first enter it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting the basic parameters.

In the Wan / Basic settings / Main settings (or something similar) tab, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • IP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used; for clarification, you can find it out from the contract with the provider or in the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often it is automatically connected there desired type connections, if not found, skip.

The username and password are entered from the documents provided at the conclusion of the contract.

We leave the IP parameters as Disable, or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions that the operator provides you.

Set the connection mode to Auto so that devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save your settings! =)

After that, we proceed to setting up a WiFi connection.

Open the tab Wireless networks / WiFI or something similar. In the tab of the main settings of the wireless network, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

We set the connection type based on the data in the contract, most often as an "Access Point". Sometimes this option is simply not there.

The network mode is set to b/g/n or g/n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards will be able to work in it. So if you have an old phone or laptop, then it will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi of the modern standard. If you have a modern device, then it is able to work in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example, "My_WiFi".

The channel can be left auto.

However, if in this mode devices will not connect, then you should change it manually to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that in our time there may be several routers nearby, for example, in high-rise building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And at the final stage of setting up Wi-Fi on the router, we go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the performance. Next, you need to correctly change the network card settings in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Setting up the network card

To fully answer the question, they say, how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to correctly configure the network card itself. You can perform manipulations in the "Network Connections" menu.

  • The easiest way to get into it is by entering the network adapter settings via command line, using the key combination Win + R, after executing the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network settings;

  • Next, open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After that, you need to go to the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)";

  • Where it is worth putting a checkmark in front of the IP and DNS items, allowing them to be automatically received in this way.

  • After that, we connect to the configured WiFi network of our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye bye everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

The Internet has become an integral part of life, and every computer should have access to the network. At home, a connection through a Wi-Fi router is suitable for this, which provides the ability to use both a wireless connection (for laptops, mobile, tablets) and a cable connection (for desktop computers).

Where is the best place to install a wifi router

For those who are considering options for how to install a router, you should start by choosing a place to place the device. Several factors influence this:

  • the location of the provider's modem or cables, if used;
  • apartment layout;
  • the location of the desktop computer (if any).

There are different models of wireless devices from Asus (Asus), TP Link, D-Link (D-Link), etc. They may have different speed data transmission, coverage area. This should be taken into account when choosing a location for the device so that it can be accessed anywhere in your apartment. AT this case best solution will be a central point if the cable, modem location and desktop PC allow. If you are required to install the device closer to the computer in order to stretch the cable to it, then you need to focus on this factor.

How to connect a router to a computer or laptop

It's easy to figure out how to connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer. The process itself is fast, but problems can arise with setting up the device. Separately, the option of connecting a stationary PC via a wireless network and using a network cable will be considered below. The option of how to connect a router to a laptop is practically no different. Before buying a receiver, keep in mind that there are models on the market that do not support Wi-Fi distribution and act as an adapter (for connecting multiple devices).

At the first stage, in order to get Internet access, you must correctly connect the wires to the device. There are several major manufacturers of routers, but the connection scheme always remains the same. Here step-by-step instruction how to connect a wifi router to a computer:

  1. Unpack and install the device, plug it into a power outlet. On the back panel, as a rule, there is a button to turn on the device: press it. If a signal is received, then the lights on the router will light up.
  2. There are several sockets on the back panel. One of them is always located on the edge and tinted with a different color (blue, yellow) with the signature WAN. Connect the wire from the modem or the Internet cable to it. You should hear a latch click, indicating that the cord is secure.
  3. If you need to bring a cable to the PC, then insert it into any of the empty sockets nearby and stretch it to the connector on the network card. When connected, the light should light up, which means the presence of a signal.
  4. When connecting wirelessly, you need to go to the network settings on the PC itself.

Wireless connection of the router

For most users, the option of how to connect to a router wirelessly is interesting. In the case of a laptop, everything is much simpler, because it has a built-in module for receiving a Wi-Fi signal. When it comes to conventional PCs, the situation is somewhat more complicated, because you will additionally need to purchase an adapter for wifi networks. They are easy to find in any hardware store, they are often sold with modems.

There are two options for Wi-Fi adapters for PCs on the market - external and internal. The first are connected via a usb cable and stand on the table, outwardly similar to the docking station for the player from Apple. The second is mounted on motherboard through the PCI slot. They work equally well, but external option can be disconnected and connected to another device, and the built-in one does not take up space on the table. The device must come with a driver disk. software.

After connecting to a computer, the setup takes place in exactly the same way as on a laptop. In most cases, to turn on computer Wi-Fi, you just need to find your connection in the list of networks and enter the password. If the connection is happening for the first time, you may need to specify the settings that were given to you when concluding a contract with the provider.

Wired connection using twisted pair

Previously, there was only one way to desktop computer connect wifi router - cord. At first, a cable from a telephone line was used (sometimes it is still used), then others appeared that provided not only a computer with Internet access, but also a TV with cable channels. This connection method is still used now, as a rule, for stationary PCs. How to connect a computer to a router via cable:

  • connect the provider's wire to the wi-fi router in the socket labeled WAN or Internet;
  • the power cord should be inserted into one of the LAN connectors;
  • the second end of the cord must be connected to the Ethernet port of the computer, after connection, the light should light up (blink).

What to do if the router does not connect to the Internet

Even if you know how to connect a wifi router to a computer, you have done everything necessary manipulations, a situation may arise that the connection to the Internet is not established. At the same time, everything works correctly through the cable, and the wireless network does not transmit data, but is visible in the list of connections. If you call the provider's support service, then first of all the specialist will offer to disconnect the device from the wi-fi socket, wait 3-10 minutes and turn it on again. In many cases this really helps.

If this method did not help, then it is likely that the computer cannot automatically obtain an IP or DNS address for the network. To check the settings, you need to right-click on your connection, select "Network Center", click on the image of the network connection and go to the "Details" tab. If opposite the DNS or IP item is empty, then this is the problem. You need to call the support service and find out what values ​​you need to set in the properties. After receiving them:

  1. Click on the connections and click on the "Properties" button.
  2. Find the item that ends with TCP/Ipv4. Click on it and click Properties.
  3. Activate the items "Use the following IP address", enter the data that the provider provided to you.
  4. Repeat the same for DNS gateways.
  5. Click OK and close the rest of the tabs.

Video instruction: how to connect a router to a computer

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