We connect and configure Wi-Fi on the computer ourselves. How to set up a Wi-Fi router at home yourself: connection tricks

Landscaping and planning 21.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Today, full-fledged work at a computer is possible only if you have access to the Internet. Outdated wired connections have lost their positions - just connect to the nearest access point. And if adapters are usually already installed on laptops by the manufacturer, then for a stationary PC you will need to install a Wi-Fi adapter. Let's see how to choose optimal model for different requirements.

Types of adapters

First of all, you need to decide on the type of wifi adapter for your computer. According to the features of the installation, there are two large groups. The first includes external models that connect outside the computer. The second group includes internal options, which are mounted in the body of the device. Out of fashion, but still found adapters on the CardBus bus, which are installed in a special slot, stand apart.

External Wi-Fi adapters

External models are the most popular and easiest to install, since they do not require special knowledge of the computer device. They can be installed outside the PC without opening the case. It is only necessary that the corresponding port, most often USB, be free.

Dimensions may vary: compact models practically do not protrude beyond the port, larger ones look like flash drives. For ease of placement or to improve reception (for example, to physically bring the adapter closer to the access point), an extension cable connection is possible.

Since USB is a universal port, external models can also be connected to almost any computer - even a stationary one, even a laptop. Modern operating systems can recognize most of these models. Such a USB adapter for a computer is automatically activated after installation.

Please note that the transmission speed of most modern models may exceed the capabilities of older connectors. For example, USB 2.0 will not be enough to use the entire channel of 802.11ac adapters - they must be connected to high-speed USB 3.0 ports.

Occasionally come across models with an Ethernet connection. In this case, the connection between the adapter and the computer is established via a regular network cable.

Internal wifi adapters

Internal options provide for installation in the system unit. From the outside, they may not be visible at all - of course, if the model does not have a special external antenna to improve reception quality. But even in this case, it is located on the rear end of the PC and practically does not catch the eye. So if appearance computer is critical, and it is also undesirable to occupy USB ports, it is better to stop at this option.

Please note that when installed completely internally, the signal may not pass well, since the metal elements of the case will block it. For models with a remote antenna, such difficulties almost never arise. Some adapters also provide for the replacement of the outer part with a more powerful antenna.

A typical installation option is inside the system unit in a PCI Express slot, as for a conventional network card. The PCI standard is less common, as it is already becoming obsolete. At the same time, portability suffers, since quickly rearranging the adapter to another PC will not work, as well as easily moving it to improve reception quality.

WiFi Card Bus Adapters

The rarest type of adapter, which has practically ceased to be produced. To install it, you need a special connector. The pluses include compact dimensions and a very simple setup, the minuses (along with low prevalence) are low power. Most often, such models are used in laptops - for example, when the main adapter fails.

Wi-Fi adapter D-Link DWA 525

An available internal model for connecting a PC to a network is DWA 525 from the company. To connect with wifi router The ohm can use 802.11 b/g/n protocols, which gives a maximum speed of 150 Mbps. In most cases, this is enough for reliable operation in the apartment. The model supports WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption. To install, you need a free PCI Express or PCI slot - both versions are available, so you need to clarify which model you are purchasing.

The antenna on the adapter is removed. The manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device in OS from Windows XP to version 8 inclusive.

WiFi Adapter ASUS PCI N10

Another internal adapter. The characteristics are similar to the previous model: installation in a PCI port, transmission speed up to the same 150 Mbps thanks to an external antenna and the ability to work within 802.11n. To quickly set up a connection, you can use WPS, and communication will be automatically carried out over an encrypted channel. An additional plus is that the adapter can work as an access point.

Wi Fi adapter for desktop computer PC

If the signal is weak, then the laptop can be moved closer to the access point. With a stationary computer, such a trick will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately choose a model, taking into account the conditions at the place of its installation. So, in an apartment with a complex layout or thick walls, a more powerful option may be required. But you can not limit yourself to an assortment of external models only or modify an existing one if the antenna cannot cope with reception.

How to choose a Wi-Fi adapter

If you have already chosen between internal and external option installation, it's time to take a closer look at the technical characteristics of the devices. Pay attention to the following key points when choosing a Wi-Fi adapter for PC:

  • compatibility with existing devices (first of all, access point - router);
  • standards support, since it determines the transfer rate;
  • used frequency;
  • transmitter power in the adapter;
  • the ability to encrypt the connection;
  • receiver range.

You should not be limited only to the speed written on the package. This is the theoretical maximum limit for this model. On the real speed the factors mentioned above are also involved.

Also pay attention to the future place of work. If the system unit is hidden in the depths of a massive table, then it would be logical to try to take out the antenna with an extension cord higher.

Sometimes it is recommended to use an adapter from the same company that made your router. There is a bit of common sense in this: the manufacturer can test the equipment for the stability of collaboration, and the software interface is likely to be similar. In practice, popular models quite successfully connect to routers from other manufacturers. Difficulties due to different manufacturers are extremely rare, as a rule, with old equipment.


First of all, check if the computer has a corresponding free port. A PCI Express adapter cannot be put into a USB connector, as well as into a regular PCI, and a model with an Ethernet connection - into the Card Bus slot. Concerning operating system, then everything is simpler: popular models support the Windows and Mac OS lines at a decent level. Full list indicated on the packaging or in the accompanying documentation.

If you need to connect a specific device (for example, on an old version of Windows or a rare OS), first make sure that the appropriate drivers are available on the manufacturer's website or on the supplied disk.


Support for a particular communication standard determines the possible speed modes of communication between the adapter and the router. To work at high speed, support for modern 802.11n or 802.11ac is required. If you use a device that supports only g or even b standards, then the connection speed will be very, very limited - this only makes sense if the router does not support faster options.

If you connect using a slow adapter, the router will automatically switch to reduced performance mode. In this case, all other connected devices will also be forced to work at a lower speed.

The minimum reasonable requirement is support for version n of the standard. It provides speeds of 150 or 300 Mbps, depending on the model. This will be enough for comfortable surfing the net, and for watching video content without a long wait.

The 802.11ac standard features support for the 5 GHz frequency and is gradually gaining popularity. It provides data transfer at speeds up to 10 Gbps. Indeed, this speed home equipment may not be useful. Unless you want to choose an adapter with an eye on the future or for professional purposes such as participating in online gaming tournaments or regularly working with large amounts of data.


Wireless equipment uses two different frequencies to operate. Older or cheaper models usually only use the 2.4 band, newer and more expensive models can operate on both bands or exclusively on 5 GHz. Therefore, you need to make sure that the adapter and router can "make friends" and use the same frequency for communication.

The advantage of increased frequency is the increased data transfer rate between devices. In addition, more channels can be placed in this range without mutual overlap. That is, individual access points, even when proximity will not interfere with each other to transmit data. And since such devices are more expensive, the radio in this range is less busy, which has a positive effect on the stability and speed of the connection.

However, this approach also has a drawback: the high-frequency signal penetrates through walls and other obstacles worse. Because of this, the radius of confident reception, other things being equal, it may have less. If possible, it is recommended to check both connection options and choose the best one for a particular computer.

Transmitter power

The transmitter power of the Wi-Fi adapter for the computer determines the range over which the radio signal will propagate. The higher it is, the more confident the connection with the router will be. This means that the data speed will be higher. On the other hand, legislation limits the maximum power.

If there are obstacles between the computer and the router, it is better to focus on values ​​​​of the order of 20 dBm. In line-of-sight conditions (for example, if the access point is in the same room), less powerful models can be used.

Access Encryption

Wireless connection due to the use of radio waves has a significant drawback: if you have equipment and are close to the transmitter, anyone can receive the signal. That is, the data is actually transmitted in an unsecured environment. So you need to take care of the encryption of access so that no outsider can connect to the channel and view what is transmitted on the air.

The modern WPA2 standard is a whole set of technologies aimed at protecting data. An enhanced version of the WPA3 standard has just been announced. But it is better to immediately abandon the outdated WEP, since hacking technologies have already been developed for it.


An important parameter is the signal reception range. After all, Wi-Fi is of little use if you have to spend all the time near an access point. The more powerful the transmitter, the better the antenna, the greater the distance you can confidently maintain radio communication. However, it should be borne in mind that the manufacturer specifies this parameter for ideal conditions with numerous reservations. The fact is that the range is affected by the presence and material of the walls between the router and the adapter, the degree of radio noise (the number of routers or other radio equipment nearby), the frequency range used, etc.

Other parameters

Pay attention to the support of MIMO technology. Despite the ridiculous abbreviation, it allows you to improve the signal: instead of using one, you can use several antennas, both on the side of the router and on the adapter. In the version n standard, 4 pieces are allowed, and ac - 8 at once. Since they all work in parallel, the speed is multiplied. It also has a positive effect on the stability of the connection. True, and these adapters are somewhat more expensive.

If you also need to distribute Wi-Fi to nearby devices, check SoftAP support - this mode allows you to use the adapter as an additional signal transmitter. Then you can install one powerful module in your PC, and connect your smartphone or tablet to it.

If you buy an adapter to link devices directly, make sure that the appropriate technology is supported. For example, it could be Wi-Fi Direct or Miracast. Otherwise, the adapter will not be useful.

Setting up and connecting a Wi-Fi adapter

Next, we will analyze how to configure the purchased adapter. First, it must be connected to the appropriate connector. To connect via PCI or PCI Express, you will need to open the system unit. Then you need to carefully, without undue pressure, put the adapter into the slot and make sure that it is fixed there. If the module has an external antenna, it is necessary to remove the plug from the rear wall and replace it with the bar that comes with the adapter. With external models, everything is much simpler: you just need to connect it to a free USB.

Popular models are well recognized by modern operating systems. The OS can independently install all the necessary drivers and activate the new device. In this case, additional configuration may not be required - the computer will simply be able to connect to wireless networks using standard methods.

If the system did not cope with the installation in automatic mode, you need to help it. Drivers can be found on the disk (if it was included with the device) or on the manufacturer's website. To activate additional features, such as distributing Wi-Fi from a computer or fine-tuning transmission parameters, a special proprietary utility may be required.

First steps

After installing the software, check the connection. If the drivers are installed correctly, then the computer will be able to connect to your router. Enter the correct access point name and password. If necessary, set up interaction with the router - select the desired frequency range and the required standard, optimize communication using proprietary utilities.

Network problems

Sometimes after installation, the network is unstable. The reasons may be different: incorrect configuration of the router or the computer itself, problems with the software, or even a malfunction of the adapter. This manifests itself in the fact that the connection is interrupted some time after the connection or the computer does not see Wi-Fi.

The reason why this is happening may be trivial: the power saving mode is activated for the adapter. This is often found on laptops, the OS optimizes power consumption by turning off everything “unnecessary”. To check you need in the properties wireless connection open settings. Then, on the power management tab, you need to uncheck the box that allows you to turn off the device.

Problems with the router

You also need to check if other devices can connect to the router. For example, using a smartphone or tablet. If another device successfully establishes a connection and maintains it stably, then the router itself is working correctly. Also try restarting your router.

Otherwise, you need to check the configuration of the access point: whether a compatible standard is used, whether the same radio channel is selected (if automatic configuration is disabled), whether the correct password is specified. As a last resort, you can reset the router to factory settings and then set it up again, checking each step.

It is also possible that a router firmware update is required. In this case, you will need to download it from the manufacturer's website and then update it through the router control panel. Detailed Instructions for a specific model are usually listed in the user manual.

If all the above measures did not help, check that the device is working properly. For example, check with service center manufacturer.


Also, the problem may lie in an outdated wireless connection profile - if the router settings have changed, and the operating system “does not know” about it. Then you need to delete the profile, after which it will be created again. First run command line(CMD), then run the following command, specifying the profile name instead:

netsh wlan delete profile name=

After that, you will need to re-enter the password when connecting to the router.

If a message is displayed that the connection is limited, you can reset the TCP/IP settings to the default values. To do this, the command line uses the following trick:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

After the reboot, check the connection.

If this does not help, check if the driver is installed correctly. In the OS control panel, select Device Manager, then in the list of network adapters, check yours. Open its settings and try reinstalling the driver (delete and reinstall). Use the drivers from the official site. You can also try installing an older version of the driver (with a lower index).

Adapter failure

When the above measures do not help or the adapter is not even detected by the system, it may be the device itself. For reliability, you can try installing it on another computer. If it worked there, you need to check the settings of your computer. If the adapter refuses to function on another machine, you need to replace it (if the warranty is still valid) or repair it.

Fast internet to you!

Greetings, our dear readers. AT modern world almost everyone is faced with Wi-Fi routers. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to set up a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • the presence of a wired connection to the Internet;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • connection cable to the network board.

Wi-Fi router setup.

How to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router for home? Initially, you need to connect the equipment. For all routers, it is the same, for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers just draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider's cable should be inserted until a characteristic click into one of the ports on the device, which differs in a different color from the rest.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connection via web interface.

Now almost all network routers are managed using a web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first enter it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting the basic parameters.

In the Wan / Basic settings / Main settings (or something similar) tab, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • IP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used; for clarification, you can find it out from the contract with the provider or in the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often it is automatically connected there desired type connections, if not found, skip.

The username and password are entered from the documents provided at the conclusion of the contract.

We leave the IP parameters as Disable, or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions that the operator provides you.

Set the connection mode to Auto so that devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save your settings! =)

After that, we proceed to setting up a WiFi connection.

Open the tab Wireless networks / WiFI or something similar. In the tab of the main settings of the wireless network, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

We set the connection type based on the data in the contract, most often as an "Access Point". Sometimes this option is simply not there.

The network mode is set to b/g/n or g/n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards will be able to work in it. So if you have an old phone or laptop, then it will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi of the modern standard. If you have a modern device, then it is able to work in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example, "My_WiFi".

The channel can be left auto.

However, if in this mode devices will not connect, then you should change it manually to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that in our time there may be several routers nearby, for example, in high-rise building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And at the final stage of setting up Wi-Fi on the router, we go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the performance. Next, you need to correctly change the network card settings in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Setting up the network card

To fully answer the question, they say, how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to correctly configure the network card itself. You can perform manipulations in the menu " Network connections».

  • The easiest way to get into it is by entering the network adapter parameters through the command line, using the Win + R key combination, then executing the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network settings;

  • Next, open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After that, you need to go to the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)";

  • Where it is worth putting a checkmark in front of the IP and DNS items, allowing them to be automatically received in this way.

  • After that, we connect to the configured WiFi network of our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye bye everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

How to set up a wireless WiFi adapter is a fairly frequently asked question. This is due to the fact that this technology of data transmission over the air is very widespread all over the world. Such distribution is explained by the extremely simple setup and easy use of WiFi networks anywhere, for example, in a cafe, at home, at work, in mall and so on.

As a rule, to connect to the network, the user simply needs to turn on the wireless adapter on a laptop or smartphone. After that, the device will start searching for available connections and offer a list. You just have to select the desired network and connect to it. But, before the adapter starts to work normally, it must be configured. And this is where some difficulties can arise for many.

How to set up a WiFi adapter easily and simply: Video

Equipment pre-configuration

Pre-configuring the wireless WiFi adapter is a software installation. In other words, installing drivers and necessary utilities for working with networks and equipment.

So, if we are talking about a laptop, then all the necessary drivers are available on the disk that was bundled with the computer upon purchase. If this disk is lost and you cannot find it, then you can download everything you need on the official website of the manufacturer, indicating the full name of the laptop model.

If you separately bought a WiFi adapter, then a disk must be attached to it. Also, knowing the exact name of the module, you can easily find the right software on the Internet. After installing the drivers, new hardware will appear in Device Manager. The computer will determine its name and exact model.

How to install WiFi driver: Video

Setting up the wireless module

After installing the drivers and utilities to work with the device, it is recommended to restart the computer. After that, you can proceed to further settings. Everything is just as simple here. All available settings that you can change are located in the network control center. It is this service that should be started in the first place to configure network adapters. You can open the service by simply right-clicking on the network icon in the tray (area in the lower right corner of the desktop).

So, how to set up a wireless WiFi network adapter? In the Network and Sharing Center, select "Change adapter settings". Here you will find a label for the wireless network. Depending on the version of the operating system, it may be called differently. In the seven - a wireless network connection, in the eight - a wireless network. If you right-click on this shortcut, a preliminary menu will appear. Here you can disable the adapter, run troubleshooting, and enter its properties.

Diagnostics allows you to automatically find problems and fix them. Users only need to carefully follow the prompts on the screen. As a result of the diagnostics, the system will provide a report on the work performed, from which you can find out what errors were found and what was fixed.

WiFi adapter properties

How to set up a network Wi-Fi adapter at a deeper level? To do this, enter its properties. Here you can select the components and protocols that will be used by the device. In addition, there are cases when you need to enter the connection IP address manually to configure the network. To do this, select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCPIPv4) and enter its properties. Here you should move the marker to the item "Use the following IP address" and enter the network data manually. You will find this information in the contract with the provider. You can also just call the customer support service of your provider and find out all the data.

  • General.
  • Additional.
  • Driver.
  • Intelligence.
  • Power management.

The first tab displays information about the device. If an error occurs, its code will be displayed here and general information. If no errors are found, you will see the message "The device is working properly." In the second tab, you will see all the available functions and properties of your WiFi adapter. Here you can enable and disable certain functions, as well as set their values.

In the vast majority of cases, nothing needs to be configured in this menu, since all parameters are specified during driver installation. However, if necessary, here you can change the MAC address of the adapter by assigning absolutely any values. This is done only in extreme cases, when a change of physical address is necessary to connect to the network.

The "Driver" tab displays all data about software and about his version. Here you can uninstall or update the driver. The next tab "Details" allows you to find out detailed information about the device. It is worth noting that here you can find out absolutely all the information regarding your WiFi adapter. In the "Property" line, you select the function or service that you want to learn about. Below, in the "Value" line, detailed data about the support of the function and its properties will be displayed.

The last tab "Power Management" is the power settings for the Wi-Fi adapter. Here you can enable or disable automatic shutdown energy saving devices.

Let's go back to the adapter properties. Now go to the "Access" tab. Here we can enable or disable Internet connection sharing with other users connected to the network. This option is used when you create a virtual network using a laptop or PC as an access point or server.

Setting up an external Wi-Fi adapter

We figured out the settings for the wireless module on the laptop. But what if this is a USB module that is used in a desktop computer? How to set up a wireless USB WiFi adapter? Here it should be understood that it works in exactly the same way as the built-in models in laptops. Therefore, it supports the same properties and protocols and has similar settings.

I work as a specialist in the company "Techno-Master".

Good afternoon, Dear guests site site!

The computer was created to exchange information, which means it must be connected to a network, whether it's just a local area network or the Internet. A computer without a connection to the World Wide Web has long lost its relevance, and cannot satisfy all our needs.

Until recently, when choosing a way to connect a computer, we settled on connecting using wires. The fact is that wireless equipment was quite expensive. Fortunately, technology does not stand still!

Most recently, I moved to another apartment, which means that I again needed to connect my computer to the World Wide Web. And if there were no problems with the laptop, since I use wireless router then pull across the room the wires up desktop computer I didn't have any desire. There is only one way out - you need to install it on your computer wifi adapter.

Wi-Fi adapters are of two types:

  • external- connect via USB port;
  • domestic- connected to the motherboard via a PCI or PCI-E 1X connector;

There are also motherboards with built-in wi-fi, but usually this motherboards upper price range.
I opted for an external adapter. To be honest, I did not think for a long time which adapter to choose. By technical specifications adapters differ in the support of different standards, which determine the data transfer rate and compatibility with new equipment, and also differ in the support of encryption methods.

Since I rarely use local network, and the adapter will mainly be used to connect to the Internet - I'm fine with almost any speed. Almost all modern adapters support WPA2 encryption. Therefore, first of all, I chose based on the price.

So I bought myself an adapter D-Link DWA-127. Similar adapters very low prices you can buy here - aliexpress.com


Maximum wireless connection speed
150 Mbps

Data protection

Transmitter power

Connection interface
USB 2.0

The price of the adapter is 550-650 rubles.

Perhaps I was bribed by a rather large antenna :-), in the hope of best reception signal, although in practice I did not notice the effect of the antenna on reception.

All we need to do for WiFi connections adapter is to plug it into the USB port and install the drivers from the disk that comes with the kit.

After the drivers are installed, we just have to search for wireless networks in range and connect to our network, or not ours?

In general, the connection diagram is as follows.

The cable from the Internet provider enters the apartment and connects to a wi-fi router (a device that provides an Internet connection), then we connect the rest of the devices via a wireless data transmission channel.

Thus, we get the connection of all wi-fi devices to the network at once, save a lot of time, and do not litter the room with unnecessary wires.

That's all for today. I wish you always stay in touch!

Internet access can be obtained through an Internet cable or a Wi-Fi router. In the second case, the connection speed is much higher, and the amount of data transferred is not limited.

A router, also known as a router, works as follows. A cable is brought into the room, which is connected to the router, and then pulled to the computer. The router processes the signal and transmits it to all devices over the air. Most routers are preconfigured at the factory. The user only needs to connect the device to a PC and use the Internet.

The device memory contains a routing table. It contains paths to all devices. This is how a whole network is formed. Periodically, the router sends messages to each device to see if the signal reaches it. This is how the current state of the routing table is checked and dynamic routing works. So that the signal does not go to someone else's device, specific addresses are set. Static routing is more difficult to control if many devices are connected, but it is more secure.

What you need to connect the router to a computer or laptop

To connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer, you need:

    the router itself; network cable; PC, laptop with a network card.

Modern devices are equipped 4 LAN connector. That is, 4 computers can be connected to one device or a local network can be formed. The cable usually comes with the router, and the card is integrated into the motherboard.

How to connect a router yourself

Typically, the installation of the device is carried out by employees of the provider company. But even beginners will be able to connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer on their own.

The equipment kit includes a router, cable and instructions. The first step is to connect the Wi-Fi router to the computer. Since the cable in the kit is quite short, you need to install the router close to the computer. If necessary, you need to order a longer cable from the store and compress it.

First you need to connect the power cable from the wall outlet to the machine. Next, connect the provider cable and the cable from the computer.

The final step is to pull the network cable into the PC socket.

One end of the network cable must be connected to LAN connector(yellow) router, and the second - to a computer or laptop.

One of the 4 indicators on the machine should light up.

The taskbar on the PC screen should show the connection.

How to correctly configure the wifi router

After the connection is established, you can do the configuration.

For one PC

If connect wifi router to the computer failed, then the toolbar will glow red cross.

The first step is to simply change the cable. If the connection status has changed. for example, on yellow cross, so that's where the problem lies.

Most often, the difficulties arise because network card disabled. To fix this error, you need to Toolbars» select item « Network and Internet", and then " Network connections". "" will be displayed among the icons. Right-click on the shortcut and select " Turn on».

If there is no such shortcut at all, then on the PC driver not installed. It is best to download the driver from the disk that came with the equipment.

For PC and mobile gadgets

You can also configure the connection on a laptop through the toolbar. An Internet connection icon is displayed in the lower left corner. Click on it and go to the section " Network and Internet settings". Available devices are displayed in the list. You need to find the name of the router on the network, click on the label and click the " connect". If the connection is secure, the system will ask for a username and password.

The connection on the smartphone is set up in the same way. In the phone settings you need to select the section WLAN, find the name of the wireless network in the list, and then enter login and password.

How to install a new router instead of the old one

First you need to connect the new router to the PC, as described earlier. If the device has already been configured by the provider, then immediately after connecting the cable, the Internet will work. To check, just open the browser and loads the pages of the sites. But in the case of replacing an old device with a new one, most often you have to change the settings.

After connecting the network cable, you need to open the browser and drive in the search bar " " or " » and press Enter. One of these IPs will open the settings. If none of them worked, then the correct IP must be indicated in the instructions for the router.

If everything is done correctly, then a window for entering the settings will appear in the browser window. The system will ask for a username and password. When connecting for the first time, both fields should indicate " Admin". Instead of password combination can be used 1234 . Also, the login and password to the system can be specified in the instructions for the router.

If none of the suggested options worked, you could not open the settings, then your connection needs additional settings. Only the provider company can deal with this issue. The exact settings may vary by device model and service provider. There is no universal instruction for such cases.

The settings menu contains several items. Fill in the fields according to the instructions for your device. It is very important to come up with a strong password. Its length must exceed 7 characters. A strong password consists of Latin letters and numbers.

Passwords and limited access when distributing the Internet

The router itself does not provide access to the World Wide Web. It must first be configured and connected to the provider's network. At this stage, the problem may arise due to limited access.

If the network cable is connected, but the adapter does not work, then there may be several reasons:

    the router is not configured correctly; the drivers are out of order; the wireless network is not configured.
Another reason may be the inclusion of economy mode on laptops with a low battery charge. In the first case, you need to reconfigure the router according to the instructions. And in the second - reinstall the drivers. If problems arise on the network, then you should check the IP address settings. On the Toolbar in the network control center, select the wireless connection item and open " Properties».

In the next menu, select " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)».

In line " IP address» must be entered manually subnet address, which is indicated on the sticker on the bottom of the case.

Now let's look at how to remove restricted access on Windows 8 PC. To solve the problem, you need to restart the network adapter. To do this, in the command "" you need to enter the line ncpa.cpl.

A list of available connections will appear on the screen. We find the right one and open the context menu of the RMB. In the drop-down menu, select the item " Disable”, wait until the adapter changes color to gray, and then reconnect the device. Another reason for incorrect connection may be an incorrectly entered network login and password. To resolve this issue, contact your ISP.

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