How to grow gazania. Gatsania: how to grow from seeds when planted on seedlings

landscaping 13.06.2019

bright and beautiful flower bed is the main decoration of the garden or personal plot. Therefore, each grower strives to pick up the most unusual and pretty ornamental plants in order to create unique and beautiful plants with their help. creative compositions. The choice of colors is a complex and responsible process that requires certain knowledge and thoughtfulness.

It is quite difficult to single out truly worthy flowers among such a variety offered at flower markets and nurseries. Seasoned gardeners often choose beautiful, flowering gazanias to decorate their plots, because it is not for nothing that they are considered an unmistakable option for making flower beds.

Gazania or gazania is a flowering plant, it can be both perennial and annual. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it is usually purchased as an annual, since gazania does not tolerate cold and in rare cases is able to survive the harsh Russian winter.

This flower is a composite member of the Astrov family. If you look at the structure of this bright plant, then its similarity with the familiar chamomile immediately catches the eye.

However, gazania is distinguished by larger inflorescences and is able to amaze with the variety of its colors. The flowers of this plant can be painted in various colors and shades, from bright yellow to rich red.

In the natural environment, gazania can be found mainly in warm regions such as Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania. Some varieties grow in Australia and New Zealand. South Africa is considered the birthplace of this "bright daisy".

This is what can explain the love of a flower for warm weather, bright sun and intolerance strong winds and cold. But perennial varieties This plant in autumn and winter is able to withstand frosts up to seven degrees below zero.

Gallery: gazania (25 photos)

plant description

Before you opt for gazania, you should get acquainted with some facts about this flower:

Gazania has a large number of types and varieties. Their main difference from each other is the color of the inflorescences. Breeders from all over the world have been breeding new varieties of gazania, and at present we know about forty species of this “golden chamomile”.

Many varieties were created taking into account certain climatic conditions. This is how annual species were bred for regions with a cold climate. The most popular types of gazania are long-shot, hybrid, feathery, potsy and shiny.

Growing a flower

Gatsania reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds. The seed method is considered the most common, but do not forget that there are some varieties of gazania that can only be propagated by cuttings. For example, terry gazanias are not capable of producing seeds.

How to grow gazania from seeds? Most easy way- it's just to sow the seeds of gazania immediately in open ground. But it should be remembered that with such a planting, the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than in two or three months, since it has a rather long vegetative period.

Planting seeds in the ground:

  • in the spring, after the last frost, sow the seeds in the soil, the main thing is that there are no return colds, as they can destroy the plantings;
  • prepare the soil before sowing: dig and fertilize it;
  • sow the seeds individually, between them there should be a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters;
  • deepen the planting material by one to two centimeters.

This method is suitable for residents of the southern regions, since in such areas already in March there is a rather long daylight hours. For northern and temperate latitudes A great way to grow seedlings from seeds.

From seeds at home

Gazania seeds are sown for seedlings in early March. To do this, use separate containers, tall cups are perfect. This is necessary for the healthy development of the root system of the plant, it has a rod shape and grows in depth, reaching a fairly long size.

If you still decide to use a common container, then sow the seeds at a distance of five centimeters from each other in checkerboard pattern. For planting, use light and loose nutrient soil.

With this method, the seeds do not need to be buried, they can simply be laid on the surface of the soil and sprinkled lightly. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with glass or transparent film. Flower growers are advised to water with a spray gun so as not to wash the seeds with a stream of water. A suitable temperature for germination is twenty degrees Celsius.

Under these conditions, you will receive the first sprouts in about one to two weeks. In open ground, seedlings should be planted in May. To do this, the seedlings are removed from the containers along with an earthen clod and placed in fertilized soil at a distance of at least twenty-five centimeters from each other.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is not as popular as seed. It is used only for the propagation of certain varieties that are unable to produce seeds. This will require:

When using this method, seedlings are grown from shoots at home.

Outdoor care

Gazania care is not difficult. Anyone, even an inexperienced grower, will cope with it. The main thing is to take into account all the features of this ornamental plant and nuances of growth in nature.

Irrigation features. Since South Africa is the birthplace of gazania, the flower feels great during hot and dry summers. It is particularly drought-resistant, but so that the plant can please you with its stormy and bright bloom, it will need to be watered.

Gacinia needs moderate but regular watering. And you can also choose another option for providing moisture to the plant - watering it rarely, but plentifully.

Mulching and loosening

After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil in the near-stem circle. This is done in order to enrich it with air, because in vivo Gazania prefers light, oxygenated soils.

After loosening, add mulch to the ground. It helps plants retain moisture for a long time and prevents the appearance of weeds. As mulch, it is recommended to use sawdust and dried peat.

top dressing

When caring for gazania, special attention should be paid to plant nutrition. It should be done once every four weeks. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer. twenty five grams per one square meter land will suffice. And also top dressing of the plant can be done during watering.

Collection of gazania seeds

To grow this extraordinary flower seeds are required. They can be purchased from garden stores and nurseries, or you can make your own. But this process is not considered the easiest.

In the climatic conditions of Russia, gazania seeds rarely have time to ripen in time. The only exception is very hot summer.

And also it is worth considering that if you grow hybrid varieties of gazania on your site, then during seed planting they will lose all their species characteristics. The process of collecting the seeds of this plant is quite difficult, as they are very similar to dandelion seeds - they are just as light and airy.

Therefore, one careless movement or a slight breath of wind can shower even ripe seeds. If you still decide to get them yourself, then tie the inflorescences with gauze, this will help you keep them and not lose them.

You have learned from our article. how to grow seedlings for gazania at home and how to care for this marvelous flower. Now you can create beautiful compositions in your flower beds using this ornamental plant.

Gatsania (Gazania) is a plant from the Compositae family native to Central Africa. It looks like a large chamomile of all shades of yellow and orange, and blooms almost all summer.

Its distribution area is quite wide - from mountain meadows to sands. South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and Angola. Some species do well in the Mediterranean, Australia and New Zealand.

Gatsania attracts flower growers not only with its bright beautiful flowers, but also with the fact that it is extremely unpretentious: it can grow in the open sun and in poor soils and is resistant to lack of watering.

Popular types of gazania from flower growers with descriptions and photographs of flowers

In total, there are nineteen species of this plant of a wide variety of colors, but only gazania rigins and its hybrids are bred as a garden flower.

Gatsania Rigins, Gatsania harsh (shiny) grows up to 30 cm in height. Its foliage is dull, gray-blue, the flowers are shiny, with contrasting stripes around the heart of the flower. The natural color of gazania is yellow, it is not for nothing that it was nicknamed “midday gold”, and hybrid varieties can be of almost any color - white, pink, red, burgundy, etc. Gazania blooms throughout the summer.

Rules for caring for a gazania plant

Gatsania grows in almost any conditions

Among the many types of gazania, you can find varieties adapted to almost any conditions. In regions with temperate climate gazania is grown as an annual and requires little maintenance.

You can admire the gazania in all its beauty only in solar time of the year. It is unpretentious, in order for the plant to be comfortable, there is enough sun, well-drained soil and infrequent watering.

Like any other plant, she likes good soils, but if there are problems with fertile land in your region, gazania will calmly adapt to poor soil with a large proportion of sand. In the future, she will need timely weeding, loosening the soil and watering. Watering "African chamomile" is better rarely, but a lot, only after upper layer the soil will dry up.

It is enough to fertilize gazania once every one and a half to two months. if the soil in your garden is fertile enough. If not, then you will have to fertilize much more often: once every two to four weeks.

Abundant flowering of gazania contributes to the timely removal of faded inflorescences.

Flowering is possible only in the sunny season. She loves the sun so much that she closes the flowers at night and even in cloudy weather.

If the gazania does not bloom, most likely it does not have enough light. and it is worth transplanting it to a more sunny place.

Adult gazania is an unpretentious plant, but growing it from seeds is a laborious process requiring precision and care.

When growing seedlings, it must be borne in mind that it begins to bloom no earlier than three months after sowing. The optimal time for seed germination is March or April, depending on the region of cultivation.

Growing Gazania from seed is quite difficult process

It is best to plant seeds in deep boxes, from which it will be more convenient to dive seedlings in the future. If there is no deep box on the farm, the usual one will do, but then, after the appearance of the first four leaves, you will have to plant the sprouts in separate peat pots.

Gazania seeds are spread on the ground, keeping a distance of 3 cm and pressed down with a hand or sprinkled with earth on top. After that, you need to abundantly moisten the seeds from the spray bottle, and cover the box with seedlings with glass or a transparent film.

Gatzania seedlings should grow in sunny places at a temperature not lower than +18 C º. Moisture from glass or film must be removed daily, and seedlings should be ventilated, every day increasing the ventilation time by a few minutes, so that small sprouts gradually get used to the temperature around them.

If everything is done correctly, in one and a half to two weeks the first shoots will appear. At first, they will grow slowly, but gradually, with an increase in daylight hours, the growth of newborns will also accelerate. It is time to transfer three-four-month-old seedlings to open ground.


You can start growing gazania outdoors only after the final establishment of warm weather. The flower comes from Africa, and frosts are contraindicated for it, although it tolerates temperature drops to +10 C º relatively calmly.

For landing best suited sunny areas with loose soil. Weeds must be carefully weeded out and holes prepared for seedlings. The hole should be about twice as wide as the root ball and as deep as your seedling box. To improve the quality of the soil, you need to make organic fertilizers. Seedling bushes should be planted in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of 20-35 cm.

Gazania should be transplanted very carefully so as not to damage the young roots of the plant. If, before planting, the seedlings grew in peat tablets or in separate peat pots, you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the roots. After placing the roots in the watered hole, you need to fill it with earth and prepared compost.

Gazania cuttings

Propagation cuttings are taken from side shoots as close as possible to the base of the leaf rosette. Cut the stem very carefully, with a small sharp knife or scalpel, remove the bottom sheet. Dust a fresh cut with root powder to stimulate root growth. The cutting is planted in a container with a diameter of 8-10 cm, watered and covered with a glass cap or bag. It is best to put the resulting mini-greenhouse in a bright, ventilated room, but not in direct sunlight. Rooting usually occurs in about five weeks, and after the formation of a bush around the cuttings from young shoots, the plant can already be planted in open ground.

On a note. If the design of your garden allows the presence of planters and flowerpots with plants, it will be optimal to grow gazania from seeds or cuttings immediately in the flowerpot, thereby avoiding the moment of transplantation that is critical for the plant. This method is also good because after the onset of cold weather, you can take the flowerpot into the house and let it winter. So there will be chances to grow gazania as a perennial.

How to collect gazania seeds

Gatsania seeds are very similar to dandelion seeds.

The fruit of the gazania is similar to a dandelion, and its seeds are just as volatile. Therefore, in order to collect them for sowing next season, you will have to work hard. The main difficulty is to collect them just in time, until they are scattered throughout the garden. To do this, you will need to build a gauze bag around the fetus. If the gazania grows in a greenhouse where there is no wind, everything is much simpler: you just have to check the plant every day and collect the seeds.


In our latitudes gazing at open field does not hibernate and is grown as annual plant. It is possible to save the plant until the next season if you take it to a house or greenhouse for wintering with a temperature not lower than +10 C º. For these purposes, a glazed loggia is suitable.

The requirements for the soil in which gazania will winter do not change - it must be light and nutritious. It is better to take a larger and deeper pot, be sure to put drainage on the bottom.

In addition to bright light and rare irrigation gatzania in winter does not need anything. If everything is done correctly, there are very good chances that next season African chamomile will delight you again with its magnificent flowers.

Pests and diseases of gazania, how to care for and deal with pests

If you create all the conditions for proper growth of gazania, then you can not be afraid of pests: the flower will be quite capable of resisting them on its own. But errors in care can create conditions for the appearance of pests and diseases. Most often, gazania is affected by aphids, gray rot, spider mites, snails and slugs.

Aphid. Aphids are a very common insect pest that feeds on the juice of young plants. Plants infected with aphids become weaker, stop flowering and fruiting, and can easily become infected with various diseases. To destroy aphids, you can use insecticidal preparations (pyrimifosmethyl, bifenthrin, etc.) or folk remedies - infusions of garlic or tobacco mixed with liquid soap. You can also plant geraniums, onions or garlic next to the gazania, the smell of which repels aphids.

You can protect yourself from slugs and snails by spilling gravel between the ridges

The main biological enemy of aphids is the ladybug, it feeds on these harmful insects. If they live in the garden ladybugs, the invasion of aphids can not be feared.

Gray rot. Gray rot is a botrytis fungus, and fungi need water. To avoid infection with gray rot, you should not plant plants close to each other, and when watering, you should try not to get on the leaves. If the fungus nevertheless “clung” to the gazania, treatment with fungicides, for example, foundationazole or euparen, will help.

These insects eat the shoots and leaves of plants, preventing it from developing normally. Of course, modern insecticidal preparations will also act on snails, but their complete destruction is undesirable for the life of the garden - after all, in addition to healthy plants, they eat up and process their dead remains. Therefore, instead of the widespread destruction of snails and slugs, it is better to protect the most delicious plants from them - set traps, sprinkle inter-bed spaces with gravel, crushed shells or eggshells.

Spider mite. The spider mite is not an insect, so insecticides are useless against it. You will have to use insectoacaricides, fitover or neoron. The spider mite has natural enemies - phytoseiulus and amblyseius, also mites, only predatory. You can buy them at gardening stores.

In addition, watch the video this flower We wish you a pleasant viewing.

Bright large gazania flowers will improve even the most Bad mood and growing it is quite easy. And the African golden chamomile sun will bloom in the garden to everyone's joy.

If you are interested in how growing gazania from seed at home, then most likely you have seen this magnificent flower. If you have only heard about its beauty, then we hasten to assure you that it can become a real decoration of your site, balcony or terrace. We have access to the cultivation of about 50 varieties of gazania, the main difference of which is the color.

This representative of the genus Asteraceae reaches a height of about 30 cm. The flowers are similar to daisies, only brightly colored. In natural habitats - in Africa - gazania grows as a perennial. In our latitudes, the favorite way to grow a flower is to plant seeds annually. Our site will tell you more about this today.

Ways to grow gazania

Gardeners have different approaches to growing this African plant:

Like an annual. This is the most common approach in our latitudes. Seeds are sown in winter for seedlings, and then planted in spring in a permanent place. So the plant will bloom in early summer and will delight the eye. bright colors until the first frost.
Like a perennial. This becomes possible only if the gazania is transferred to the shelter for the winter. After digging up the plants and planting them in pots, you can continue to grow them at home. True, they will not bloom in winter. In spring, the plants are again carefully transferred to open ground. When transplanting roots, you should be extremely careful. With the help of gazania planted in pots, they decorate balconies and terraces, and some devoted lovers of this plant grow them even on windows. The main condition is a lot of light and a temperature above 10 ° C.

Gatzania can be grown outdoors and in pots on the balcony or at home.

We sow seeds - we grow gazania at home

In our latitudes, the cultivation of gazania begins only at home. Why? The fact is that it develops for a very long time - 4 months can pass from sowing seeds to the beginning of flowering. In view of this, to see beautiful flowers summer, sowing should be carried out in winter.

Gatsania is not afraid of small frosts (down to -7 ° C), so it can be safely planted in an open area in warm regions at the end of April. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in January. February seedlings can be planted in late spring. If you decide to leave the gazania to grow at home, place it in the sunniest window or balcony. Move flowerpots to the open air no earlier than April.

Gatsania grows for a long time, so seedlings are grown at home first

For planting gazania seeds, it is best to use peat tablets or pots. So it will be possible to avoid damage to the roots and, as a result, slowing down the growth of the plant. If it is still decided to plant in a common container, then tiny seeds should be placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other (preferably in a checkerboard pattern). It is not necessary to deepen the seeds strongly, it is enough to sprinkle 1 cm of soil. From above, the soil must be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

Now the planted seeds need to be covered with an airtight transparent material, thus creating a micro-greenhouse. Now it remains to do the following: make sure that the air temperature does not fall below 18 ° C, regularly moisten the soil, ventilate the greenhouse, remove the resulting condensate and wait.

Taking care of seedlings

After about two weeks, small green sprouts will appear. Now they need a lot of light, and on the contrary, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 16 ° C so that the seedlings do not turn out thin and high. Be sure to use good artificial lighting, which will help plants gain strength on gloomy winter days.

The picking of seedlings (in the case of growing in a common container) is carried out until the first true leaf is formed. Before planting in open ground, it is necessary to expose the plant to the street for several days for hardening or to ventilate the room well.

Sprouts appear two weeks after sowing seeds

We transplant gazania without risks

Gatsania has a well-developed root system, so the bushes should not be placed too close to each other. Leave a distance of at least 20 cm. If you intend to grow flowers in flowerpots, then make sure that the containers are spacious enough and have drainage holes. The soil should contain a high percentage of peat. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom.

Since gotsaniya does not tolerate severe frosts, it must be taken indoors for the winter, otherwise the plant will disappear. In order for it to please with lush greenery, the temperature must be at least 10 ° C and it is imperative to provide additional illumination. Some plant varieties can be successfully transplanted into open ground after wintering at home.

In winter, the flower does not need any special care. Watering, loosening and an abundance of light is all he needs. Low temperatures and drafts should not be allowed. Fertilize the plant in winter is not worth it.

We take care of the hotsaniye correctly

by the most important conditions for gazing are:

light soil,
good lighting,
adequate moisture,
loosening and weeding.

If the soil is not nutritious enough, then you need to take extra care of top dressing. It will be enough to carry them out once a month, using special mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. In essence, caring for gazania is quite simple and everyone can do it.

In our latitudes, there is only one way to admire the delightful bright "daisies" - growing gazania from seeds at home. Since from the moment of planting to flowering takes from 3 to 4 months, sowing must be carried out in winter. Gatsania is not whimsical at all, but very elegant. Her appearance is always uplifting. Make it the decor of your backyard, terrace, balcony or home, and good mood you are guaranteed!

The aster family has in its arsenal wonderful plant, which is called gazania or gazania. Popularly, it is often called the African chamomile or midday sun, because its bright flowers open at noon. It was brought to Europe from Mozambique. Cultivation of culture is carried out not only as an annual, but also as a perennial crop.

Today we will take a closer look at the process of planting this plant in open ground, its features, and tell you how to properly care for it. After that, you can independently grow amazing gazania on your site, filling it with colorful splashes and spectacular strokes.

Gazania: varieties and varieties

Gazania grows only 30 cm in height. It has very dense leaves of dark green or grayish color, which serve as a kind of protection from the cold, and in hot weather help to retain moisture. Bright, sunny flowers ghazani is difficult to confuse with others. They are characterized by orange, yellow, red tones with a darkened area near the base. One plant can have up to 30 inflorescences. You can see the magnificent gazing in the photo.

Gazania looks great in mono plantings

Charming African chamomile today has approximately 40 species. Consider the most famous of them.

In addition, one-flowered, feathery and hybrid glazing are also distinguished. A hybrid look is obtained by crossing a harsh (shiny) and long-shooter. It is more resistant to various climatic factors and sickness. The most famous varieties of hybrid gazania:

Planting and plant care

You can’t even imagine what pleasure a perennial or annual gazania grown with your own hands will bring to you. Planting and caring for her is quite simple, and their result will be a fantastic abundant flowering.

Landing is best done in late May - early June, when the last night frosts have passed. Choose a sunny area with light and fertile soil for gazania. The plant easily tolerates drought, so do not be afraid to get direct sunlight on it.

Be careful when transplanting gazania into open ground: the root system of the culture is very delicate

In open ground, seedlings should be transplanted with pots or an earthen clod so as not to damage root system. The distance between plantings should be about 20 cm. Gazania blooms from early summer until winter.

Attention! Gatzania does not tolerate excessive moisture. Do not fill it with water, as this will lead to decay of the plant. AT this case, it is worth providing her with a good drainage system.

it unique plant it will also endure the first autumn night frosts quite steadfastly, if they are replaced by warm sunny days.

Do not forget to loosen the soil in a timely manner, remove weeds that interfere with the normal development of the plant, and also remove wilted inflorescences. The process of mulching the soil will help retain moisture during the drought period and will prevent the rapid growth of weeds.

So that the plant optimally consumes moisture - mulch the soil around it

If you want to grow a crop as an annual, then at the end of flowering, the remains of the vegetation can simply be destroyed. To try and save the gazania until next year, flowering bushes must be carefully dug up, transplanted into boxes and stored at a temperature of about 10 degrees. Remember to provide them with good lighting and moderate watering. Cut the shoots in half. In the spring, the bushes are again planted in the ground.

Reproduction and feeding of gazania

Propagate stunning gazania by seed or vegetative method.

The plant blooms after 3-4 months from the moment the first shoots appear. The seeds themselves can remain viable for up to 2 years. They are sown individually, at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of soil, sprinkled with water and covered with a transparent film.

Gazania seeds

A container with seedlings should be stored in a bright place at a temperature of 20 degrees. Don't forget to ventilate the landing regularly. The first shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks. To keep the root system intact, it is best to grow seedlings in peat cups. Transplantation into open ground is carried out only in May-June.

Advice. When the first 4 leaves appear, lower the room temperature to 16 degrees. This will contribute to a more active development of plants.

In July you can propagation of gazania by cuttings. To do this, cut off parts of the stem with a heel with a sharp knife, their length should be no more than 10 cm. bottom sheet removed, and the cut is powdered with root. After that, the cuttings are planted in containers with soil, watered and covered with a film. In March, the bushes are planted in the ground or in a large flowerpot in a permanent place.

Gazania propagation by cuttings

Grown on fertile soil gazanias will require top dressing only once a month with a solution of mineral fertilizer. Stony and heavy soil will need to be fed about 2 times in 1 month.

Dangerous diseases and pests

These plants can be attacked by dangerous pests and diseases only in case of improper or untimely care. For example, gazania can be affected by gray rot. Then diseased plants are removed, and the rest are treated with phytosporin.

Most dangerous pests for gazania are snails, aphids and spider mite. They fight against aphids with the help of phytoverm, acarin, against the tick - fufanon, ditox. Snails must be collected by hand.

Gazania in the garden

Combination with other plants and use in landscape design

The breathtaking flowering of undersized ghazania often adorns the original alpine slides. They are also used for landscaping borders, various discounts. They look especially attractive in combination with other plants, namely: with ursinia, lobelia, dimorphoteks, arctotis, iberis, blue ageratums, venidiums, etc. The successful use of gotsany can be viewed in the following photos.

How to plant gazania: video

Gazania: photo

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