Minerality raw potential of Africa. General economic and geographical characteristics of countries in Africa

Landscape design and layout 21.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

Various minerals are mined in Africa: iron ore, bauxite, phosphorites, uranium, gold, copper, marble and precious stones.

According to a number of experts, in the coming years, about 25% of oil entering the world market will be mined in African countries that, in particular, will stabilize the situation in world energy market markets. In African countries, there is also the potential for increasing gas supplies to European states, assessed by the International Energy Agency in 63-65 billion cubic meters. M and by 2030, he may increase to 180 billion.

Africa is one of the regions having significant oil and gas reserves, which explains the interest of foreign investors, such as the United States and Western Europe. Despite the fact that oil production is increasing every year, the search for new deposits is continuing. One of the largest oil exporters in Africa is Nigeria. The presence of a large reserve of natural gas allows you to think about creating a gas pipeline by a thousand kilometers, which will unite Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana.

According to the World Bank experts, the West African countries account for about 70% of world biogenetic resources, and they are the source of a number of important raw Resources. In the depths of the region are 90% of the world reserves of platinoids, chromites - 80%, phosphates - 76%, manganese and cobalt - 60%, diamonds - 40%, gold - 37%. Vasilenko I.A. Geopolitics [Text] / I.A. Vasilenko - M.: Logos, 2003. - S.59.

IMF experts believe that negative influence Increased in the Middle East on the movement of world prices for energy carriers of the Guinean bay area takes larger place In the energy policy of the United States, Western Europe, Asian NIS, as well as the dynamic emerging economies of China and India.

As expected, already in the near future of the United States at the expense of oil from the Zone of the Gulf of the Gulf will cover 20% of their oil needs. Seven leading oil-producing states of this region in the period up to 2019 will receive $ 350 billion from the exploitation of its deposits, which is equivalent to the total annual GDP of African countries.

The export potential of the region under consideration is based not only on hydrocarbon raw materials, but also on the extraction of gold and diamonds carried out in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Agriculture occupies an exceptional place in many national economies, providing 60% of the able-bodied population and forming more than 40% of all export revenues. By availability recreational Resources Senegal is allocated in the region, the country is actively visited by tourists from Western Europe and America.

But, despite all his wealth, Africa still remains one of the poor regions of the world. It is necessary that its leaders will treat these economic benefits in a different way.

Africa is the birthplace of many cultivated plants. At the same time, the use of certain types is of great importance. wild plants: Oil palm, the collection of fruits, which represent the economic industry, cola trees, breadwinner, Baobab, acacia, etc. Ivanov. A. Colors of Wildlife Africa [Text] / A.Ivanov - M.: Moscow, AST, 2010. - p.152.

Coffee culture is distributed in very many countries. Côte d "Ivoire gives more than half of the West African collection. Peanuts are distributed mainly in the zone of Savannan. As an export culture, he is grown in Senegal, Nigeria, and in most other countries is mainly on local consumption. Oil palm is distributed mainly in the Gulf of Guinea, where There are also plantations, and the so-called "protected groves", in which fruits are being collected by the fruits of wild palm trees. The region accounts for about half of the world's palm harvest.

In Africa there is a so-called cotton belt, it includes countries for which the cultivation of cotton is particularly important: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria.

From other export crops, rubcomters, tobacco, sisal and tea should be mentioned. However, these cultures do not form clear commodity areas anywhere.

The animal husbandry of Africa is characterized by very low productivity with a significant number of livestock of the main types of livestock. The continent is dominated by nomadic, semi-bed and distant pasture animal husbandry. Stall cattle is practiced mainly in state farms' state farms.

The main commodity product of animal husbandry are leather, skins and wool. For individual countries as: Niger and Burkina Faso, skin export and skins make up a very significant part of exports. To the greatest extent, animal husbandry lags behind in the production of dairy products, which account for 90% of the value of imports of all livestock products.

Another important component resource potential Africa are numerous labor resources. To date, about half of the economically active population of the region remain unemployed. In turn for developed countries It is characterized by strengthening the problem of aging of the population. All this ultimately determines the international migration work force.

The world labor market is formed by exports and imports of labor. Every year a huge number of workers, employees, specialists various industries Leaving abroad. It should be noted that most of the labor emigrants leave to Europe, the USA and the countries of Central and South Africa.

As a result of strengthening the disproportion in the distribution of the population of the Earth between the main groups of countries, and as a result, an increase in the concentration of most labor resources Mira in the least developed countries, which provides an opportunity for Africa to use this advantage.

The number of labor emigrants increases every year. Since 2000, their number has increased by 3.2 times. In my opinion, this trend will be maintained and their magnitude is most likely to increase. This provision requires, on the one hand, the need to create new jobs on the other should develop a competent policy migration policy. The latter must contain mutually beneficial conditions for both the countries of host workers from Africa and the region itself, and primarily for labor emigrants.

Based on the above, it should be noted that among 49 countries with the status of the "least developed", African countries are among the attempts to overcome backwardness and poverty. In recent years, positive shifts in the socio-economic development of individual countries of the region are noticeable. However, to exit this subgroup, countries are not enough to use only internal resources.

Africa has the richest and diverse natural resource potential.

First of all, Africa is highlighted by large reserves. mineral . Among other continents, Africa ranks first in the reserves of diamonds, gold, platinum, manganese, chromites, bauxites and phosphorites. Great reserves of coal, oil and natural gas, copper, iron, uranium, cobalt ores. In addition, mineral raw materials of Africa often features high quality and low production cost. The rich in mineral resources is the country of Africa - South Africa has an almost complete set of well-known fossil resources, with the exception of oil, natural gas, bauxite.

However, stocks mineral resources Posted unevenly. Among the countries of the region there are very poor in the reserves of resources of the country (Chad, Tsar, Sudan, etc.), which greatly complicates their development.

Agroclimatic resources , like minerals, are characterized by large reserves, a variety, but uneven accommodation, which greatly makes it difficult to develop agriculture.

Significant land reserves of Africa are due to the prevalence of flat relief (Mount of Atlas, Futa-Dzalon, Capskie and Dragons are located only in the outskirts of the mainland), as well as the presence fertile soils (red-yellow, black, brown soils of equatorial forests, brown soils of subtropics, alluvial soils of river valleys), extensive natural pastures (areas of savannah, steppes and semi-deserts occupy about half of Africa) favorable for different species Agricultural activities.

Favorable condition It is a high security of thermal resources (the sum of the active temperatures is 6,000-10,000 ° C).

However, the conditions of moisture sufficiency significantly limit the possibility of developing agriculture in this region. Almost 2/3 of the territory of Africa is a steady agriculture possible only when land aelioration. In the episcoped area of \u200b\u200bAfrica, where the amount of precipitation is 1500 and more mm per year, an excess of moisture is observed, in semi-deserts and deserts of the Northern and South Hemisphere (Sugar, Namib, Kalahari), on the contrary, its lack of. The most favorable for farming natural conditions of the views of the Mediterranean, the eastern dyees of South Africa, where the amount of precipitation is 800-1000 mm per year.

Africa has significant forest resources . According to the total area of \u200b\u200bforests, it is only inferior Latin America and Russia. But the average forest science is significantly lower. In addition, recently, the threatening scales took deforestation caused by the growth of the cutting of the trees.

Africa has definite recreational resources. On the one hand, these are the resorts on the sea coast (first of all the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas), on the other, the monuments of world culture (North Africa - the cradle of the ancient Egyptian civilization). In this regard, Egypt is particularly highlighted. In addition, Africa is created national parkswhere you can see the most different representatives of flora and fauna. In the first one, it refers to Kenya, where international tourism For income is inferior only to exports of coffee.

Population of Africa.

The population of the region is more than 820 million people.

With an average density of 25 people per 1 square. km Population posted in Africa uneven. The most densely populated sea coasts, coastal islands, the lowering of the rivers Nile, Niger, the mining districts of South Africa, Zambia, Zaire and Zimbabwe. In these areas, the population density ranges from 50 to 1000 people per 1 square meters. km. On huge spaces, Sugar deserts, Kalahari, Namib population density barely reaches 1 person per 1 square meter. km.

The uneven settlement is manifested both at the level of the region as a whole and at the level of individual countries. For example, almost the entire population of Egypt lives on the territory of the Delta and the Nile Valley (4% of the total area), where the density is 1,700 people per 1 km 2.

Ethnic composition Africa's population is highly multiple. The mainland lives 300-500 ethnic groups. Some of them (especially in North Africa) have developed into large nations, but most are still at the level of nationalities and tribes. Many of the ethnic groups have kept the relics of the birthbroken system, the archaic forms of social relations.

By linguistic sign, half of the population of Africa belongs to the Nigero-Cordofan family, the third part is to the Afrorosy family. Residents of European origin constitute only 1%. But at the same time, state (official) languages \u200b\u200bof most African countries remain the languages \u200b\u200bof the former metropolis: English (19 countries), French (21 countries), Portuguese (5 countries).

"Quality" of the population Africa remains very low yet. The share of illiterate in most countries exceeds 50%, and in countries such as Mali, Somalia, Burkina Faso it is 90%.

Religious composition Africa is also highly different. At the same time, Muslims prevail in the northern and eastern part of it. This is connected with the resettlement of the Arabs. In the central and southern parts of Africa, religious beliefs of the population were susceptible to the significant influence of the countries - metropolis. Therefore, many types of Christianity (Catholicism, Protestanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, etc.) are common here. Many peoples of this region have retained local beliefs.

Due to the motnotes of ethnic and religious composition, the socio-economic difficulties and the colonial past (border) of Africa is the region of distribution of numerous ethnopolitical conflict(Sudan, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Chad, Angola, Rwanda, Liberia, etc.). In total for the postcolonial period in Africa, over 35 armed conflicts were recorded, in which more than 10 million people died. As a result, more than 70 public coups were killed 25 presidents.

Reproduction of the population Africa is characterized by a very high pace (more than 3% per year). For this indicator, Africa is ahead of all other regions of the world. First of all, it is determined by a high birth rate. For example, fertility in Niger, Uganda, Somalia, Mali exceeds 50 O / O, i.e. 4-5 times higher than in Europe. At the same time, Africa is the region of the highest mortality and low average life expectancy (men-64 years old, women - 68 years old). As a result, the age structure of the population is characterized by a high proportion (about 45%) of children and adolescents up to 15 years.

Africa is characterized by itself high levels migrations of the population , the overwhelming number of which is forced and is associated with interethnic conflicts. Africa accounts for almost half of all refugees and displaced persons in the world, and in the overwhelming majority it is "ethnic refugees". Such forced migrations always lead to flashes of hunger, diseases leading to increased mortality.

Africa is a high region labor migration. The main centers of the attraction of labor from the African continent are Western Europe and Western Asia (especially the country of the Persian Gulf). Inside the continent, the migration flows of labor mainly go out of the poorest countries in richer (South Africa, Nigeria, Côte d "- Ivoire, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Zaire, Zimbabwe).

Urbanization The population of Africa is characterized by the lowest level in the world and the highest pace. By the share of urban population (about 30%), Africa is significantly inferior to other regions.

The rate of urbanization in Africa has acquired the nature of the "urban explosion". The population of some cities doubles every 10 years. But urbanization here has a number of features:

Mostly metropolitan cities and "economic capital" are growing; The formation of urban agglomerations is only beginning (the number of cities - millionaires - 24);

Urbanization is often the character of "false urbanization", which leads to negative socio-economic and environmental consequences.

A vivid example of Urbanization "African" is the city of Lagos in Nigeria. This city has long been the capital of the state. In 1950, his population was 300 thousand people, and now - 12.5 million. The conditions of life in this overcrowded city are so unfavorable that in 1992 the capital was transferred to Abuja.

Farm Africa

Africa is the economically the most backward part of the world economy. According to the main indicators of the economic and social Development It is significantly inferior to other regions. Africa takes the last place in terms of industrialization, transportation, the development of health and science, crop yields and livestock productivity. According to the share in the global GDP (4.5%), Africa is ahead of only incomplete Australia.

Industry region.

In international division, Africa is represented by products extractive industry. Especially high its share in global production:

Production of the extractive industry has a pronounced export orientation, i.e. Weak communication with the local manufacturing industry. This is due to the fact that the manufacturing industry in most countries are at the stage of origin.

Among the manufacturing industries are the most developed textile and food. Leading industries textile industry - production of cotton fabrics (ARA, Sudan, Algeria), food - production vegetable oils (palm, peanut, olive), coffee, cocoa, sugar, winemaking, canned fish.


Leading Industry of Agriculture Africa - crop production. In the structure of crop production two directions are allocated: the production of food crops for local consumption and production of export crops.

The cultures consumed in African countries include millet, sorghum, rice, wheat, corn, maniacs (or cassava), yams and sweet potatoes (Batat).

The main grain crops of the African continent - millet and sorghum, cultivate almost everywhere. Corn - Home food crop Savannan zones. Wheat crops are concentrated in North Africa and South Africa. Rice is mainly grown in well-moistened areas of East Africa (the Nile Valley, in Madagascar, etc.). The scale of the production of wheat and rice does not cover the internal needs of the region, so many countries in Africa wheat and rice are imported.

Agriculture of Africa in the international geographical division of labor is presented primarily by branches of tropical and subtropical agriculture. Africa is highlighted by the production of cocoa beans (60%), manica (42%), sisali (41%), palm nuts (39%), peanuts (27%), coffee (22%), millet and sorghum (20%), Olives (16%), Tea (12%). African countries are also major exporters of citrus, grape wines, tobacco, tropical wood.

Livestock breeding In the region, it is subject to the challenge in relation to farming, with the exception of countries where farming is limited to natural natural conditions (Mauritania, Somalia, Lesotho, etc.). Livestock is distinguished by small productivity (due to low pitfall). It relies on the backward production and technical base.

Nomadic, semi-surround and distant pasture animal breeding prevails. The main branches of animal husbandry are sheepstone (coherent and meat source direction), cattle breeding (mainly meat direction), camel.

Large difficulties Agriculture experiences due to periodic droughts, livestock diseases (Tse-Tse) and other negative phenomena.

Desertification and deforestation took the nature of the environmental catastrophe for Africa. The main district of Zasuh and desertification is the Sahel zone, stretching along the southern borders of Sahara from Mauritania to Ethiopia in the territory of ten countries. This zone is famous in that in the period from 1968 to 1974, not a single rain fell here, and in the 80s, drought repeatedly repeated. The sahal turned into a zone of the scorched land, and this phenomenon began to call the "Sachel tragedy".

Transport The region is characterized underdeveloped transport system. In the era of colonialism in the interests of metropolis, only marine and rail transport (although the length of railways Nearby). The automotive and air transport is now developing.

For some countries of Central and East Africa large economic significance It has inland water transport. In the length of the intensity of use, the Congo, Nile and Niger River basins are highlighted.

Sea transport mainly ensures the external communications of the countries of the region. The Gibraltar Strait of Africa and Europe have great importance for shipping (its distance is only 14 km) and connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea Suez Canal.

If we consider the farms of the countries of the region, it should be noted that after independence, the share of industry and non-productive sphere increased in their sectoral structure, but still in most countries persists colonial type of sectoral structure farms. His distinguishing features:

The predominance of low-turn, low-product agriculture;

Weak development of the manufacturing industry;

Severe transportation of transport;

Restriction of the non-productive sphere mainly by trade and services;

Single stake development of the economy.

In many countries, one-sided economy has reached a level monocultureUnder which the monotizing specialization of the country's economy is understood (narrow specialization in the production of one, as a rule, of raw material or food product, intended mainly for export).

Monocultural countries in Africa:

Countries Share in the export of the country
Oil and petroleum products Rud black and non-ferrous metals, uranium, diamonds Food and C / x Raw Materials
Algeria 99%
Gabon 82%
Egypt 68%
Congo 90%
Libya 98%
Nigeria 98%
Botswana 70%
Guinea 95%
Congo (Zaire) 51%
Zambia 90%
Liberia 63%
Mauritania 51%
Namibia 74%
Niger 80%
Benin 64%
Gambia 83%
Ghana 74%
Senegal 70%
Sudan 52%
Uganda 99%
Chad 91%
Ethiopia 66%
Mauritius 60%
Mali. 65%

Import African countries mainly machines and equipment, industrial products, food.

Energy Africa It remains at a very low level. For the production of electricity per capita, Africa is lagging behind other regions of the world. More or less acceptable indicators of electricity production are located only South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Libya. Despite the fact that Africa has certain reserves of primary energy sources (oil, gas, coal), most of them are exported. Hydropower resources are not fully used. So, for example, the hydropower potential of the Congo River is much higher than the Amazon, although it takes out 5 times in the ocean less water. This is due to the fact that the 300-kilometer segment of its lower flow is the fall of the river is 275 m in the presence of 32 waterfalls and silent. Here you can build hydroelectric power plants. total capacity 80-90 million kW, which is approximately equal to the power of all US hydroelectric power plants.

Subregions of Africa

In geopolitical and economic terms, Africa is divided into two parts: North Africa and tropical Africa.

North Africa Includes the territory (area of \u200b\u200babout 10 million square meters. km with a population of 170 million people), adjacent to the Mediterranean, intensified in the main Arabs professing Islam. Countries located on this territory (Algeria, Egypt, Zap. Sugar, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia), thanks to its geographical position (Primorskoye, neighborhood in relation to the countries of Southern Europe and West Asia) and higher (in comparison with states Tropical Africa) the level of economic and industrial development, differ in greater involvement in international division Labor (export of oil, gas, phosphorites, etc.).

The economic life of North Africa is concentrated in the seaside strip. In the same strip, almost all population of the region is concentrated.

Tropical Africa Includes the territory located to the south of the Sahara, within which, in turn, highlight Western, Central, Eastern and South Africa. The overwhelming part of the population of countries located on their territory belongs to the Equatorial (Negroid) race. The ethnic composition of the population is highly varied (there are more than 200 peoples), multinational states prevail. The main activity of the population is agriculture (the exception of the countries of South Africa, in the farm of which the industry and services play a decisive role). Tropical Africa is the most backward economically, the least industrialized and least urbanized part of the developing world. Of the 49 countries that are within its limits, 32 belongs to the group of "least developed countries of the world." Average GNP in the countries of Eastern, Western and Central Africa several times (in 5-7 or more times) less than in North and South Africa.

Among the countries located south of the Sahara special place occupies South Africa .

First, in its geographical position, it no longer belongs to tropical Africa.

Secondly, on socio-economic development, it does not apply to developing countries. This is the country of "Migrating Capitalism". It is necessary: \u200b\u200b5.5% of the territory, 7% of the population of Africa, but 2/3 of its GDP, more than 50% of manufacturing products and a car park.

In South Africa, the largest industrial area of \u200b\u200bWithersland in Africa was formed with a center in Johannesburg, who plays the role of the "economic capital" of the country.

The Mg Art Person South Africa is represented by mining industry (gold, platinum, diamonds, uranium, iron, manganese ore, coal), some industries (ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, as well as the production of certain types of agricultural products (grain, subtropical Cultures, fine sheep, cattle).

South Africa has the most thick on the continent transport network, large marine ports.

However, in the economy of the country, the effects of apartheid policies are still feeling. There are great differences between "white" on the one hand and "black" and "color" on the other. Therefore, South Africa is often called a dual economy country. It is inherent in the features of economically developed and developing states.


The video tutorial is dedicated to the topic "The natural and resource potential and the overall characteristics of Africa's economy". From the lesson you will learn what resources the continent is rich and what is the feature of their use. The teacher will tell you in detail about the specifics of the economy of Africa. how additional material Three topics are considered in the lesson: "Monoculture", "South Africa" \u200b\u200band "Transifrican highways".

Subject: Africa

Lesson: natural resource potential and general characteristics Africa farms

Africa is extremely rich in minerals, although they have been weak while weakly. Among other continents she ranked first in the reserves of the following natural resources:

1. Ore manganese.

2. Chromites.

3. Boxitites.

4. Gold.

5. Platinum.

6. Cobalt.

7. Diamonds.

8. Phosphorites.

The resources of oil, natural gas, graphite, asbestos are also great. The proportion of Africa in the world mining industry - 1/4. Almost all extracted raw materials and fuel is exported from Africa to economically developed countries.

Fig. 1. Diamond mining in Africa ()

In the central part of Africa, large stocks of forest and water resources.

In addition, significant and land resources Africa. One of its residents accounts for more land treated than in South-East Asia or Latin America. In total, 20% of land suitable for agriculture is processed. However, extensive management of the economy and the rapid growth of the population led to the catastrophic soil erosion, which reduces the yield of cultures. This, in turn, aggravates the problem of hunger, very relevant for Africa.

Fig. 3. Africa desertification map ()

Agroclimatic resources of Africa are determined by the fact that it is the hottest mainland, lies entirely inside the average annual isotherm +20 ° C. But at the same time, the main factor determining differences in climatic conditions are precipitation. 30% of the territory - the arid areas occupied by the deserts, 30% - receive 200-600 mm of precipitation, but are droughts; The anti-essential areas suffer from the oversupply of moisture. Therefore, on 2/3 of the territory of Africa, sustainable agriculture is possible only when recording ameliorative work.

After independence, Africa has begun to make efforts to overcome the age-old backwardness. The restructuring of the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy began. The greatest successes on this path were achieved in the mining industry, which is now on the volume of 1/4 mining from the world.

Despite certain progress, for most Africa regions, the colonial type of farming is still characteristic.

The main features of the colonial type of farming:

1. The predominance of minor agriculture.

2. Weak development of the manufacturing industry.

3. Strong transportation of transport.

4. Restriction of the non-productive sphere only by trade and services.

5. Monocultural specialization.

Africa exports bananas, coffee, tea, dates, citrus and other agricultural products.

In total, seven major mining areas can be distinguished in Africa. Three of them are located in North Africa and four to south of the Sahara.

Fig. 4. Map of mining areas of Africa ()

Mining areas of Africa:

1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlas Mountains is allocated by the reserves of iron, manganese, polymetallic ores, phosphorites (the world's largest phosphate belt).

2. Egyptian mining area is rich in oil, natural gas, iron, titanium ores, phosphorites, etc.

3. The area of \u200b\u200bAlgerian and Libyan parts of the Sahara is distinguished by the largest oil and gas fields.

4. The West-Guinean area is characterized by a combination of gold, diamonds, iron Rud., graphite.

5. The East-Guinean area is rich in oil, gas, metal ores.

6. Zairko-Zambian district. On its territory there is a unique "copper belt" with high-quality deposits copper ores, as well as cobalt, zinc, lead, cadmium, Germany, gold, silver. Congo (b. Zaire) is the main global manufacturer and cobalt exporter.

7. The largest mining area of \u200b\u200bAfrica is located within Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. Almost all types of fuel, ore and non-metallic minerals are mined here, except for the inclusion of oil, gas and bauxite.

Africa is divided into 5 regions or 2 large region (North Africa and Tropical Africa).

Fig. 5. Map of regions of Africa ()

Each region is distinguished by the composition and location of the population, the natural and climatic conditions, resources, specialization of the economy. Tropical Africa (Africa South Sahara) is the least industrialized, the least urbanized region of the world and the most backward region of the world.

Fig. 6. Tropical Africa ()

Monocultural specialization- Narrow specialization of the country's economy at the production of one, as a rule, of raw or food product, intended mainly for export.

Fig. 7. Monocultures of African countries ()

South Africa Republic. This country in many indicators of economic development ranks first in Africa. South Africa accounts for the lion's share of Africa's GDP, manufacturing and automotive park. South Africa is characterized by the development of the mining industry, gold mining, diamonds, iron ores, etc.

Trans-African highways: Magribskaya, which binds all countries of North Africa from Morocco to Egypt (Rabat - Cairo) and runs along the coast Mediterranean Sea; Transshar Magistral Algeria (Algeria) - Lagos (Nigeria); Transfried Lagos - Mombasa (Kenya), or Mainstream West - East, etc.


Topic 8, P. 1, 2

1. What resources are the most rich in Africa?

2. What is monoculture?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set contour cards For grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drab. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

2. Africa // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhause and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

2. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

9. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

10. EGE 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

11. EGE 2012. Geography: standard exam options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

12. EGE 2011. Geography: standard exam options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( ).

2. Federal portal Russian education ().

3. Electronic version of the magazine geography ().

African continent rich in the most different types natural resources. Some people believe that here you can relax well, having visited safaris, and others - earn mineral and forest resources. Mastering on the mainland is carried out complex, so all types of natural benefits are applied here.

Water resources

Despite the fact that a significant part of Africa is covered by the desert, there are quite a few rivers, large of which is Nile and Orange River, Niger and Congo, Zambezi and Limpopo. Some of them proceed in the deserts and their rainwater nourish them. The most famous Lakes of the Continent are Victoria, Chad, Tanganyika and Nyasa. In general, the continent has small reserves of water resources and is weakly secured by water, so it is in this part of the world that people die not only from numerical diseases, hunger, but also from dehydration. If a person falls into the desert without water reserves, most likely he will die. The exception will be the case if he is lucky enough to find an oasis.

Soil and forest resources

Land resources on the hottest continent are quite large. Of the total soil, which is here, only the fifth part is processed. This is due to the fact that the huge part is exposed to desertification and erosions, so the land is not good here. Many territories are occupied by tropical forests, so it is impossible to agriculture here.

In turn, forest arrays represent tremendous value in Africa. Eastern I. south part She is covered with dry tropical forests, and the wet cover the center and the west of the mainland. What should be noted is that the forest is not appreciated here, and it is irrational. In turn, it leads not only to the degradation of forest and soil, but also to the destruction of ecosystems and the emergence of environmental refugees, both among animals and among people.


A significant part of natural resources Africa is minerals:

    fuel - oil, natural gas, coal;

    metals - Gold, Lead, Cobalt, Zinc, Silver, Iron and Manganese ores;

    nermetal - Talc, Gypsum, Limestone;

    precious stones - diamonds, emeralds, Alexandrites, Piropas, Amethysts.

Thus, in Africa there are huge global wealth of natural resources. These are not only fossil, but also wood, as well as world-famous landscapes, rivers, waterfalls and lakes. The only thing that threatens the exhaustion of these goods is an anthropogenic effect.

Africa is the fierce and poorest (if you take into account the standard of living of the population) the mainland of the Earth. These facts about the black continent are familiar to everyone. But the fact that this mainland owns the colossal reserves of diamonds, gold, bauxite and phosphorites, they know a few. In this article we will describe in detail about the geological structure, the relief and natural resources of Africa (forest, aquatic and mineral).


Africa - the second in size of the mainland of the planet. It is here that the largest terrestrial mammals in the world - elephants and hippos are inhabited. It is here that there are more languages \u200b\u200band dialects. It is here that the fastest and most endless people on Earth are born. Records from this mainland abound! We will concentrate in this article on its natural resources.

Africa is engaged unique geographical position. This is the only continent on the planet, which is exactly between both subtropics - the northern and southern. The equator line crosses it almost in the middle. Thanks to this, the nature of the northern part of Africa almost mirror reflects natural features Southern part of it.

Taking an area of \u200b\u200b29 million square kilometers, Africa covers approximately 6% of the surface of the Earth (and about 20% of the earth sushi). Mainland is washed by two oceans - Atlantic and Indian. From Europe, he is separated by the Mediterranean Sea, and from Asia - red. Within Africa is 55 independent states. This is more than any other continent of the Earth.

Geological structure and relief Africa

Africa is an extremely compact mainland. It almost completely lies within an ancient African lithospheric plate. Only the Atlas Mountain Country in the north and caps of the mountains in the extreme south belong to the zones of folding. The foundation of this platform is complicated by the long-standing rocks of the Precambrian age. This is predominantly gneisses, granites and crystalline slates.

Africa is a high mainland. The average height of its surface is 750 meters. This is explained by the fact that in the Cenozoic era, the entire continent experienced a raising, which was especially actively at its edges. About 70% of Square Africa falls on a plateau and a plateau, another 20% - on the mountains and Highlands, and only 10% of the territory is occupied by lowlands. According to the peculiarities of the geological structure and relief, Africa is usually divided into two parts:

  • High (southern and eastern parts of the mainland).
  • Low (Northern and Western regions).

Huge expanses of the continent are busy with stony and sandy deserts. Among them and the largest desert in the world - sugar. Its monotonous and boring landscape somewhat revive the rocky protrusions of Highland Ahaggar and Tibst. The highest point of the mainland is the volcano Kilimanjaro (5895 m). It is located within the East African Plateau. The lowest point is the level of Lake Assal (157 meters below the World Ocean).

Mineral resources mainland

Africa's natural resources are extremely diverse. In particular mineral. How big is the list of minerals of the mainland?

Africa is an absolute leader on the planet for the volume of gold mined. About half of this metal, ever mined from the depths of the Earth, accounted for by one terrain - Withersrand Mountains in South Africa. The mainland from ancient times is the main supplier of gold in the world. The main gold mining countries: South Africa, Congo, Ghana and Mali.

North Africa is rich in oil and gas deposits. States such as Libya, Algeria and Nigeria are among world leaders in the extraction and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials. It is important to note that African oil is distinguished by high quality and is valued all over the world. In the north of the Black Continent, phosphorites are also mined - a sedimentary breed, widely used in the chemical and metallurgical industry. About 50% of all phosphorites of the world are produced from deposits located between Libya and the mountains of the Atlas.

Another wealth of Africa is diamonds. What to say, even if the so-called kimberlite tube was named so by the name of one of the provinces of South Africa. It was there that the tube of this species was first discovered for the first time. The largest diamond fields in Africa are being developed in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe.

The African subsoil is also rich in ores of black and non-ferrous metals. So, on the territory of the continent, a manganese, titanium, aluminum (bauxites), copper, lead, nickel, tin, antimony are mined. Most of All these deposits are concentrated in the two countries - the Republic of Congo and South Africa. But the famous Madagascar Island is famous for the world's largest deposits of graphite.

Water resources Africa

One of the most acute problems of this continent is a lack of water. On average, every African overcomes every day four kilometers to the nearest source of clean fresh water.

A relatively thick river network is characteristic only for the central (examples) and southern regions, where a sufficient amount of atmospheric precipitation falls. The largest rivers The mainland is Nile, Congo, Niger, Zambezi and Orange. But within the desert of the Sahara, which occupies almost a third of the territory of the continent, there is not a single natural watercourse with a constant flow.

Lakes in Africa, too, a little. The greatest reservoirs (Victoria, Tanganic, Nyasa) are located in large tectonic faults.

Forest Africa

In comparison with other continents of the planet (for example, Eurasia or South America), Africa's forest resources is also not very rich. The most extensive arrays virgin forests Are in the Congo River Basin. These are the so-called Equatorial belt evergreen forests. Their total area is over 170 million hectares. About 40 species of plants with extraordinarily valuable wood (Kaya, Ebodir, and others) grows here.

For North Africa, rare subtropical forestsgrowing on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the slopes of the atlas. The most common wood breeds this region is a stone and cork oak, wild olives, arbutus, pistachio and alekskaya pine.

In South Africa, subtropical forests also grow. They preserved a series of endemics of the Cape Flora - Tooda Bearded, Maswall Lavricacy, Gekkel Gaming Marpus and other types of wood vegetation.

It should be noted that in most African logging countries are carried out solely to meet the needs local population. In such states such as Angola, Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Cameroon and Ghana, valuable types of wood are harvested for export.


This mainland has the richest and diverse natural resources. In Africa, oil, gas, diamonds, gold, bauxite, manganese, iron, phosphorites, chromites, tin, and dozens of other minerals are mined. The black continent's relief is also quite diverse. It is dominated by highlands, elevated plateau and plateau.

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