Euonymus in the country planting and care. Euonymus planting and care in the open field in autumn

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Euonymus - evergreen deciduous plant the Bersklet family. It has more than 200 species, but gardeners grow only a few of them. Euonymus grows in Russia, Japan, China, Europe and Asia. The plant prefers neutral, fertile soils. Euonymus can be found in coniferous and deciduous forests. The name of the plant is translated from Latin as "glorious tree". In the people, the euonymus is called night blindness, sourness, privet. This culture is grown not only in the garden, but also at home.

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    Application in landscape design, description

    Euonymus is a decoration of the garden; a beautiful hedge is formed from this plant. Euonymus is used for framing fences and delimiting the territory. The advantage of a hedge is that it pleases the eye all year round. On the territory of the middle zone, the warty and European euonymus is common. Euonymus boxes differ in color, common:

    • purple;
    • yellow;
    • burgundy;
    • pink.

    The average height of a horticultural crop is 2.1 m, but in nature there are varieties that reach 4 m. botanical description it is indicated that the leaves of the euonymus are glossy, dark green, jagged in structure, depending on the variety, they may have white or silver blotches. One brush contains 5 flowers. The fruits look like dry leathery boxes, each of them contains seeds.


    In nature, there are many species, several are cultivated in horticulture:

    1. 1. Warty euonymus is grown in middle lane Russia. It can be found in the southeast of Europe. The average plant height is 2 m. There are varieties that reach 5 meters. The warty euonymus has rich green shoots, the branches are strewn with small warts. The leaves of this culture are light green, the fruits are dark red. In autumn, the leaves become pinkish in color. The peculiarity of the warty euonymus is that it grows slowly. The plant is hardy, unpretentious in care.
    2. 2. European euonymus grows in Europe and Asia. Garden culture takes root in different soil. European euonymus grows in deciduous, mixed forests, it can be found on the slopes of the mountains. The plant looks like a tree, its average height is 5 m. The European spindle tree grows in the form of a bush, its leaves are dark green, in autumn they acquire a reddish tint. Euonymus European has rich red fruits. It is a hardy winter-hardy plant. It grows well in polluted conditions. With the onset of autumn, the garden culture becomes yellow-golden.
    3. 3. Winged euonymus grows along rivers, it is found in deciduous and coniferous forests. This type distributed in China, Korea, Sakhalin. The average height of the shrub is 2 m. The winged euonymus also grows as a tree, it reaches a height of up to 4 m. The plant has tetrahedral branches. Its leaves are dark green, glossy, obovate, the boxes are bright red.
    4. 4. Fortune's euonymus Harlequin grows in China and central Russia. The plant is popular among gardeners, it is resistant to cold. Fortune's euonymus is a creeping shrub. In winter it is covered with snow. The plant has glossy elliptical leaves 3.5 cm long, their edges are bent. It is propagated vegetatively. It needs to be looked after regularly. Periodically it is required to loosen, mulch the soil. It is necessary to cut the plant, remove diseased shoots.
    5. 5. Japanese euonymus is grown as a garden crop. The average length is 7 m. It has dense dark green leaves with a light border. In order for this culture to grow well, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it.

    A houseplant is grown in spacious pots. A mini-bush grown at home does not grow well if the air temperature drops to +4 degrees. The garden plant is hardy, it normally perceives cold. So that the plant culture is not attacked by pests, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

    How is boarding done?

    It is important to choose the right time for disembarkation in open field. In the Moscow region, the plant is planted in early March. It prefers shady areas. Unlike other species, the variegated euonymus grows well in the sun. The plant takes root in light soil, it is advisable to choose one with a neutral pH. If the acidity of the soil is increased, lime fertilizer must be applied. Euonymus does not grow well near ground water. When choosing a site, it must be taken into account that the euonymus grows. Most species and varieties grow in length, but some varieties reach 4 m in height.

    When planting, keep a distance between other trees. In the garden, not only standard, but also dwarf species are planted. They are placed in spacious boxes, in the summer they are kept on the street, in the cold season - at home.

    The root system should function well. When planting, it is required to dig a trench twice the size of the root system. Upper layer soil is removed, mixed with compost. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the trench. You should take 2 handfuls of sand, the same amount of broken bricks and soil mixed with compost.

    It is necessary to neutralize the acidic soil. 180 g of slaked lime is added to the trench. Fertilizer is mixed with compost and soil. The seedling is placed in a trench, the roots are straightened. The earth is rammed as the trench is filled. Gardeners prefer to grow euonymus as a hedge. AT this case several trenches are made. Euonymus is watered after planting and every day for a week, then - 2 times a week.

    Growing features

    After the first watering, it is necessary to form a small depression near the trunk. The trunk circle helps the plant to receive water, thanks to it it does not spread over the site. It is important to follow the rules of watering, do not allow the root system to become waterlogged. Once every 3 months, you need to loosen the soil in the trunk circle. If it rains constantly, the plant is not watered.

    The root system should not accumulate a lot of moisture, otherwise diseases will occur. Garden culture is fed 2 times: in spring and summer. Mineral fertilizers are required. It is recommended to prune the bush. If you do it in a timely manner, it will be better formed. It is necessary to remove weak shoots, periodically pinch the tops. Trimming helps to give the desired shape. Euonymus is cut in the form of an ellipse. A plant that looks like a standard tree looks beautiful.

    The plant is affected by rot and powdery mildew. Rot - fungal disease, which is difficult to extract. To avoid rot, it is necessary to process in spring and autumn. Apply 1% Bordeaux mixture. If a garden culture struck by the rot of the trunk, it is necessary to carefully remove the damaged areas, take them away and burn them. If the lesion is extensive, it becomes necessary to remove the plant from the garden. Powdery mildew is a dangerous fungal disease. So that it does not overtake the euonymus, it is necessary to treat the culture with Topaz and fungicides. 2 treatments should be performed with an interval of 7 days.

    How is the plant propagated?

    There are several methods. For breeding purposes, use:

    • layering;
    • root shoots;
    • seeds.

    In spring, the shoots grow low. To propagate the plant by layering, you need to form a trench in the ground. Daughter shoots are placed in it, sprinkled with soil. The top layer remains on the surface. In the future, the plant is formed, transplanted to a pre-prepared place. Euonymus is propagated by cuttings, they are cut from the tops. It is necessary to choose semi-lignified shoots. For propagation by cuttings, plants that have reached the age of five are suitable. The optimal length of the cutting is 7 cm. The cut is treated with a root former. The blank for the future plant is placed in a peat-sand mixture, aged in a bright place for 2 months, then planted in the ground.

    Euonymus is propagated by root shoots. They are separated from the main bush after the soil warms up. It is recommended to take offspring 20-25 cm long. First, they are grown on a special bed, then they are transplanted to a permanent place. Euonymus is also propagated by dividing the bush. This method is suitable for dwarf varieties. The peculiarity of plants is that their root system is not located deep underground. To propagate by dividing the bush, you should cut off the root growth. It should have a part of the rhizome on it. The shoots are cut in half, the shoots are planted in a permanent place.

    Propagation by seeds is also often practiced. Seed material is collected in autumn. If the plant is planted in the spring, the seeds are stored in a cool room. First you need to soak them in water for 2 days, then place them on the shelf of the refrigerator. Sow in spring. Seeds are collected when the pods burst. At the end of autumn, the seeds are placed in the ground, it is pre-moistened.

    To increase germination, the seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. So that the crops do not deteriorate, they are covered with straw or dry leaves. The euonymus, which is not three years old, should be covered with spruce branches, otherwise it will die. Roots should not freeze. It is recommended to mulch the bush with sawdust and leaves.

The euonymus refers to woody plants, which are often used to create a hedge or decorate a site.

Armed with the necessary knowledge about growing euonymus, you can enjoy its colors throughout the season.

Characteristics of the plant - euonymus

All varieties of this amazing plant have an openwork crown. During the summer, the leaves are dark green in color. In May, the shrub is covered with inconspicuous flowers. The euonymus is especially beautiful in autumn.

During this period, the color of the leaves changes dramatically. The bush flares up in whites, reds, yellows and oranges. One leaf can have several shades. In October, the plant is covered with berries that adorn the garden until frost. In autumn, the euonymus fruits turn orange-red.

Important! Euonymus berries contain alkaloids and are unsuitable for food!

Euonymus is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Some species tolerate frost well and grow well in central Russia.

Varieties of euonymus (photo)

Choosing plants for growing in the garden, you need to take into account its dimensions and the specifics of growing. Some members of the genus can reach up to 10 meters in height.

Euonymus european

large plant which is over 7 meters high. In nature, it grows not only in the form of a tree, but also a bush. In autumn, the leaves turn fiery red. Hanging fruits acquire an orange tint.

This species is undemanding to soils, it can grow in the shade. All the autumn beauty of the leaves can be observed only by growing it in a sunny location.

For landscaping a small area, compact varieties of euonymus are suitable. The height of such shrubs does not exceed two meters, they lend themselves well to pruning, forming a dense crown.

Euonymus winged

Shade-tolerant deciduous shrub native to the Far East. AT vivo its height reaches 2.5 meters. In our growing conditions - up to 1 meter.

Young shoots are green. The autumn color of the leaves is dark red, while the fruit is bright red.

Japanese euonymus

This type of shrub reaches a height of up to 1 meter. Distinguished by its dark green leathery leaves. Suitable for growing in room conditions, offices and winter gardens. The plant tolerates dry air and shade well. However, variegated forms need good lighting.

Japanese euonymus is unpretentious to growing conditions. Needs moderate watering and fertilizing. An ideal candidate for bonsai. With the help of pruning, the plant can be shaped into a ball, cube or pyramid.

Dwarf varieties with creeping shoots are used as ground cover plants.

Fortune's Euonymus

An evergreen creeping shrub reaches a height of up to 30 cm. Climbing shoots spread up to three meters, hold well on a support and take root at the nodes.

Fortune's euonymus prefers well-fertilized soils and partial shade. Varieties with decorative leaf color are best grown in lighted areas. This variety tolerates frost well. Looks good on Alpine rollercoaster and rocky gardens.

Planting a euonymus in the garden

The euonymus refers to fast growing shrubs, therefore, when planting seedlings, you need to leave enough space for development. The soil for planting should be nutritious, loose. It should be noted that the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots, therefore, land plots must be allocated for planting the euonymus. Dwarf varieties of shrubs can be grown in flowerpots, brought into the room with the onset of frost.

Euonymus planting is carried out in spring or autumn. Planting pits are prepared in advance, filling them with compost or humus. The seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with earth. The earth is lightly tamped, watered abundantly and mulched. This allows you to save soil moisture and increases its aeration.

Location selection

An improperly located plant is more likely to be attacked by pests. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety and its relationship to light. Shade-loving varieties, such as the Sakhalin euonymus, are located in secluded corners of the garden. For sunny places, it is better to choose other species, such as maaka.

How to care for euonymus?

1. Optimum temperature for the comfortable development of the euonymus in summer period is 20 degrees. The plant withstands a short-term increase in temperature, but is attacked by mites.

2. Some varieties of euonymus hibernate at a temperature of 8-16 degrees. As a rule, these are tub plants that are grown in a greenhouse.

3. Watering the shrub should be moderate. But drying out the soil is detrimental to the plant. It is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to mulch the near-trunk circle of the euonymus, which will help to cope with the drying of the earth.

4. The plant tolerates shearing and shaping well. In the spring, all dried and broken branches are removed, shoots growing inside the bush are cut out. In summer, you can cut the crown of the euonymus, giving it necessary form.

5. Most varieties of euonymus are frost-resistant, but young seedlings need shelter.

6. In the open field, the plant is grown for a long time in one place, but tub specimens need regular transplantation. Spend it in the spring, transferring the plant to a larger pot. You should not neglect the transplant, as the shrub will slow down growth and development.

What to feed the euonymus?

Like all plants, euonymus needs nutrition. For beautiful and long flowering, healthy foliage and active growth, top dressing is applied twice a season.

Spring fertilizer aimed at the formation of flower buds and the growth of shrubs. During this period, organic matter is used, for example, diluted manure or bird droppings.

During the flowering period, the shrub must be provided with a complex of trace elements. During irrigation, phosphorus and potassium are introduced.

How to propagate euonymus (photo)?

ornamental shrub dividing the bush and cuttings reproduces well, less often by seeds.

Cuttings are carried out in the summer. Prepared in June planting material from young, but formed shoots. Prepared cuttings are planted under the film in a nutrient soil mixture. Rooting takes up to 1.5 months.

Growing euonymus from seeds is difficult. Without seedling stratification, you can wait up to two years. harvested seeds they are kept for several months at a temperature of 10 degrees, when their shell bursts, the temperature is lowered to 0 degrees. Further, the seeds are kept in such conditions for 5 months. When the stratification is completed, they are sown in the garden, the first shoots will appear in about a month. Only after three years, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. All this time they are protected from frost, watered and loosened the soil.

Dwarf varieties are well propagated by dividing the bush. Young shoots are separated from the mother plant with part of the roots. At the seedling, the top is cut to 1/3 of the height and planted in a new place. Such plants take root well and quickly form new shoots.

Euonymus - a resident of temperate and subtropical forests - is not yet in great demand among flower growers. Meanwhile, this shrub is able to decorate any garden or room.

In summer it is covered with dense dark green "curly" foliage. Flowers are not its main advantage, they are inconspicuous and inexpressive. The euonymus becomes a real handsome man at the end of summer, when its fruits begin to ripen. That's when from afar it takes on the appearance of a New Year's tree, decorated with bright toys. Ripe fruits, having the shape of tetrahedral boxes, are painted in the most different colors red, yellow, orange. The leaves do not turn yellow, but acquire many shades - from red to purple, and each leaf can be colored this way.

AT garden option the crown can be formed, the euonymus looks good as a hedge. It is also grown indoors.

Features of growing a flower

Euonymus is unpretentious, resistant to gas pollution and city dust, does not require special care and well suited for cultivation in temperate latitudes our country.

There are evergreen and deciduous species. The former are mainly used indoors. The shrub is resistant to frost and winters well in the garden in the country.

Euonymus needs to be fed and watered, regardless of whether it grows in the garden or in the room. A room instance needs to create an acceptable temperature. Tolerates shade well. Top dressing is done with an emphasis on good fruiting.

Planting euonymus in open ground

For planting in the country, you can use seedlings growing in pots. If there are no seedlings, you can plant the euonymus with seeds or cuttings.

Landing methods

Euonymus can be planted along the border of the site or separated from it by a hedge from the zone of the garden plot. The shrub is not afraid of the shadow, so the presence is near big trees doesn't scare him. Euonymus fruits are very attractive in appearance and poisonous. Therefore, you need to plant it away from the children's area.

Planting seedlings

For seedlings, pits should be prepared in advance. Its depth and width should be about 40 cm. Compost, peat and sand should be added to clay soil. A couple of weeks before planting, you need to feed the soil with a mixture of compost, superphosphates, wood ash and lime.

Before planting, fertilizer must be sprinkled with earth. The root neck is deepened by no more than 2 cm, the roots are covered with earth and tightly crushed, making a hole. After planting, the plant is abundantly watered into the hole, which, after watering, is laid with peat.

Planting seeds

Planting with seeds is possible, but due to low germination (from 5 to 39%), they need to be sown in large quantities.

Important! Before boarding root system the euonymus must be lowered into a mixture of water and clay, having previously dissolved a few grains of potassium permanganate.

Planting can be done in autumn or spring.

Soil for the plant (Composition and soil selection)

Euonymus loves neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Add lime to acidic soil. In no case should euonymus be planted where water can stagnate in the soil. clay soil be sure to dilute with peat and humus.

Features of caring for euonymus at home

Euonymus does not require much attention, the most important thing is to observe the temperature regime and irrigation regime.

Location and lighting for the plant

In the country, the plant is planted in a place where there are no direct sun rays, and best of all under the canopy of large trees. Indoors, it is not necessary to put a flowerpot with euonymus next to the windows; it will tolerate the lack of lighting well.

Air humidity

The euonymus does not impose any requirements for humidity.

How to water properly

Watering the euonymus must be taken seriously. It should be very moderate and not stagnant. In summer you need to water more, in winter watering is reduced. In the garden, the plant can be watered rarely, but plentifully. The norm is considered to be a strait to a depth of 40 cm.

If the autumn is not rainy, then in October it is necessary to shed the bush well, then it will winter better.

If the trunk circle is sprinkled with a mixture of peat with sawdust and wood chips, you can reduce the amount of watering, as it retains moisture well

Important! If the soil in which the euonymus grows is clay or sandy and cracks in the heat, you need to water more often.

Plant nutrition and fertilizer

It is imperative to feed the shrub, especially if you need to achieve good fruiting. Euonymus is fertilized with diluted manure. Before and after flowering, fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus are applied to the soil.

Euonymus pruning is usually done in the spring, before the leaves begin to bloom. In response to pruning, it begins to bush well.

Trimming methods

In the spring, all diseased, weak and dried branches must be removed. This will be sanitary pruning.

In autumn, pruning is done to form a bush. The Japanese euonymus is so plastic that by trimming and bending branches, bonsai are made from it. It is also good for creating green shapes.

Important! With crown pruning indoor euonymus can be given any shape.


Bushes older than seven years do not need a transplant. Young plants, especially those growing in pots, should be repotted every year as they need more capacity.

Transplant methods

Transplanted usually by transshipment. Transplantation is done in the spring.

Euonymus can be propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings. All methods are suitable for garden plant as well as for home use.

Reproduction methods

Propagation of euonymus by seeds.

Seeds can be sown in autumn. If planned spring planting, you need to withstand them for several months in sand (calcined), first at a temperature of 10 - 12 degrees, and then another month at 2 - 3 degrees to improve germination.

Before planting, the seeds must be cleaned of seeds to avoid decay and treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A new bush is transplanted to a permanent place only after 2 years.

Reproduction by cuttings

This is the most reliable way get NEW PLANT. Suitable for cuttings apical cuttings. They are cut in July and planted in sandy soil obliquely under the film. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with heteroauxin or root.

Reproduction by layering

This method is used for the euonymus living on garden plot. In spring, the lowest growing branches are pinned to the ground, laying a specially dug small groove, and sprinkled with soil on top. Gradually, she sprouts roots and a small shoot grows out of her. It is separated from the mother plant and transplanted to another, permanent place.

Bloom. Does the plant bloom?

The value of the euonymus and its decorative properties due not to flowering. The plant blooms, but with very nondescript unattractive flowers.

Home euonymus can drop leaves when the soil is waterlogged or the temperature is too high in winter.

Euonymus diseases are powdery mildew and trunk rot. These are fungal diseases and they are treated with fungicides.

Pests that affect the euonymus are aphids, spider mites, mealybug and caterpillars. Caterpillars are best removed by hand along with nests. The rest of the pests must be dealt with with the help of insecticides - contact and systemic.

Popular types

Euonymus european

This is a deciduous species, growing up to 5-7 meters in height. For better fruiting, it needs cross-pollination, so it is better to plant two bushes in the garden. It tolerates shade well, but it still needs light for the bright autumn coloring of the leaves.

Fortune's euonymus

This species is native to China. It is a creeping plant with beautiful variegated leaves and long stems that take root on their own. This is a frost-resistant and very decorative type of euonymus.

Japanese euonymus

Japanese euonymus is very good as a houseplant. Loves the light, easy to care for and very decorative.

Euonymus winged

Far Eastern deciduous shrub. Very beautiful in autumn in a crimson bright outfit. The bush grows from 1 to 2 meters.

Difficulties in growing a plant

Difficulties may arise when home cultivation euonymus. They are associated, as a rule, with a violation of the rules for caring for the plant. Another difficulty is that the plant is poisonous, so pruning must be done with gloves.

A few care tips will help to avoid some difficulties and make it as decorative as possible for the room.

  • To keep the plant healthy, it can be fed with fertilizers with the addition of iron, manganese and boron.
  • You can treat a diseased plant with herbal infusions, such as onion, citrus, mustard and garlic, or decoctions of wormwood and yarrow.
  • It is very good to decorate alpine slides in the garden with varieties of Japanese euonymus and Fortune.

Answers to questions from readers

The plant is perennial, long-lived.

Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

The leaves may turn yellow and dry from drying out or excessive watering. In addition, the cause may be too high a temperature in the room in winter.

Flower care in winter.

In winter, domestic flowers have a rest period. He needs to provide a low temperature (up to +7 degrees) and moderate watering. It is not necessary to fertilize it in winter.

Autumn will not seem dull if there is an euonymus on the site. The plant is a shrub, tree or creeping carpet. Decorativeness in the beauty of variegated leathery leaves, catkins from poisonous berries. Planting and caring for euonymus is a fascinating activity.

Euonymus variety application in culture

Euonymus represents plants between deciduous and evergreen species. In nature, it occurs in the undergrowth of the middle lane, sometimes in the tropics. Used in culture for landscape gardening. Decorativeness lies in the autumn color of the leaf blade, hanging catkins of bright inedible seeds. Cultural forms have lost high growth, dwarf varieties have appeared.

Like examples various forms euonymus, consider a few of the hundreds of species:

  • , represents a low tree or bush, purple in autumn with orange catkins of fruits;
  • , a shrub of 2 meters, grows wild in the form of an undergrowth on Far East, autumn red;
  • Fortune, creeping ground cover shrub with variegated leathery leaves, native to China;
  • Japanese, evergreen shrub, which can grow at home and is used for growing bonsai trees.

Fortune's euonymus in landscape design photo

The creeping shrub is distinguished by its decorative leaves. Among many variegated varieties, there are bordered and spotted ones, with white and yellow ornaments on a green field. At the same time, large leaves, leathery to the touch, keep their shape well.

Fortuna is an irreplaceable shrub for decorating the landscape of the middle lane. Groundcover evergreen. It is worth covering a low shrub for the winter; with the snow melting, a bright juicy spot returns summer. In addition, the shrub can be sheared and holds its shape well.

The flowers of the euonymus shrub throw out invisible against the background of variegated leaves. But in the fall, the bush dresses up in earrings made of inedible berries. Only the creeping form of an evergreen plant can be saved from freezing where frosts reach -20 degrees. Cover the bushes in late autumn to avoid damping off. The cover material can be pine spruce branches and large chips that allow air to pass through.

Another property of Fortune is used by designers. Liana 3 meters long is able to climb vertical walls. So that it does not slip, it is necessary to prepare supports for which they will hold aerial roots. So you can drape from immodest eyes places of waste storage, outbuildings.

Breeding Euonymus

Reproduction of euonymus under natural conditions occurs due to the transfer of seeds by birds. The berries are poisonous to humans, but serve as food for birds during the winter months.

Under cultural conditions, it is easier to propagate by root layers and cuttings from spring - classic ways. To do this, in the spring, lignified cuttings are rooted in a greenhouse, planting developed plants in the ground in August.

An easy way to breed is to root a branch in a prikop. Since the spindle trees tend to release roots in the internodes, the twig is pinned to the soil and added dropwise. small plot where roots are formed. Later, the branch is separated from the mother bush. In the autumn euonymus, as in the photo, is irreplaceable.

With its victorious color, it reminds us that life is eternal and there is no reason to be discouraged. Autumn has its own colors. And the gray overcast day becomes brighter. Designers like to use stand-alone trees dressed with multi-colored leaves, bright clusters of berries in the exposition.

Undeservedly forgotten, euonymus reappeared in landscape design possessions.

What you need to know about euonymus

For landscaping, cultural forms of the plant, dwarf varieties and shrubs are used. Where it is cold in winter, single plants are grown in pots and tubs, putting them in a cool place for the winter.

In nature, the euonymus grows under the canopy of trees. With a bright sunny color, the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. best temperature for a plant 18-22 degrees. The warmer, the more often you need to moisten the leaves and the clod of earth. If the euonymus wintering is in the open air, its branches need protection. It is best to make a bush fur coat from coniferous spruce branches.

The plant is poisonous. Only 35 berries for an adult is a lethal dose. You can not plant it in a place accessible to children.

Where to place a plant in the country

If you need to grow a lonely tree, Maak's euonymus will do. This kind loves sunlight and does not tolerate shading. For European varieties the best place there will be a shadow of mature trees.

For a hedge, you should purchase a Sakhalin or sacred euonymus. These plants produce rooting branches and are groundcovers.

The soil under the euonymus should be light with an alkaline or neutral reaction. The plant does not like clay, is grateful to

Watering the bush should be moderate. All spindle trees do not like stagnant moisture and high groundwater.

How to grow a lonely tree in a pot culture

Like any young, rapidly developing plant, the euonymus is planted in a small container, in light soil. First transplanted every year, then less often. In summer, the culture is kept outside, on winter period suit in a cool room with a temperature above 5 degrees.

In a warm room, the plant will also overwinter, but it can lose foliage. Keeping a plant indoors is not easy. The leaves are lost from the heat, moldy from the humidity, turn pale in the shade.

Suitable for breeding indoor plant Japanese euonymus. Its leathery blue-green leaves are more resistant. During growth, a young tree is deformed, creating bizarre bends of branches.

Euonymus in the garden - video

Three years ago, she brought two small trees of warty euonymus from the forest, the bush is compact, unpretentious, winters well. I plan to plant a hedge, so the euonymus is the place there, only the bright fruits-boxes are worth something! They appear in the fall and are different for each species.

I will introduce you to some varieties that can be grown in the middle lane in our Urals.

A deciduous or evergreen tree-like shrub from the genus of the same name is common in subtropical and temperate zones the globe and has about 200 species. It grows in forests and undergrowth, some specimens reach a height of ten meters and the same crown coverage, others are creeping dwarfs.

Some species have branches of a regular section, round, and some have tetrahedral ones. The bark of the tree is covered with numerous growths. The leaves of the euonymus are green, with a lack of light they are yellowish, in some varieties they are variegated. In autumn, many are sometimes painted red.

The bush blooms with inconspicuous brownish or beige flowers, but its fruits are a real decoration, business card this plant. These are red or orange boxes, by autumn they play with bright colors on different varieties: yellow, burgundy, raspberry, and pink. Euonymous fruits are eaten by birds in winter.

The plant is loved by summer residents and landscape designers. When most trees and shrubs lose their decorative effect, the handsome euonymus gains it. This plant does not care about urban gas pollution. Almost all representatives of the genus are poisonous, but they also have medicinal properties.

What are the types and varieties of euonymus


The most common species that grows wild in almost the entire territory of our country, like a shrub or tree. It is found in the forest, its height reaches 2-6 meters. The shoots are green, completely covered with warts. Euonymus blooms in spring, and bears fruit in August and September.

Then on its branches appear seed pods, painted in pink-red color. Frost-resistant, unpretentious, this species is used for landscaping city parks, alleys and household plots.


It is found everywhere in Europe, in natural landscapes in the western part and southern regions of Russia. Some varieties are winter-hardy, others not so much, there are forms with tetrahedral outlines of shoots. They tolerate drought well.

Fruits - pink boxes appear starting in September. Used in single and group plantings, for hedges, dwarf and undersized varieties planted to strengthen the slopes, create bonsai from them, grow in flowerpots.

On the basis of the European euonymus, varieties are bred:


Dwarf, growth up to half a meter. Creeping view, rooting shoots.


Falling branches like a willow.


Has large red fruits, very decorative.


Lilac-purple leaves.


Bush with white fruits.

Winged (sacred)

The Far Eastern species grows from 1 to 2 meters (less tall in the middle lane). The branches are rounded-tetrahedral, cork outgrowths are located along.

The bark is green in winter, spectacular in this period. The fruit is in the form of a red four-part box, the foliage turns red in autumn. Widely distributed in the east of our country and in Asia.

Fortune euonymus

Frost-resistant creeping species up to 50 cm tall, variegated leaves (variegated, bordered). There are white-green or yellow-green varieties. Unpretentious, grows rapidly, occupying free spaces. chinese look, however, has long been cultivated in European conditions.

Flowering is rare, here the foliage itself is the decoration of the shrub, some remain evergreen even in the middle lane.

Emerald Gold

Variegated, yellow-green foliage.


The leaves are almost white when young, with green spots scattered on them.

Euonymus dwarf

A low view of the family (up to a meter), the leaves are leathery, narrow. Fruits are yellow-green or pink boxes, on long peduncles. The compactness of the bush allows you to form a border out of it, lends itself well to pruning.


In nature, it can grow in the form of a liana, a heat-loving variety. Japanese spindle tree is grown in greenhouses, apartments and on covered terraces where it reaches a height of only 50 centimeters.

How to plant

Some varieties of euonymus love partial shade, others are not against the sun, yet it is better to plant them in diffused shade, near the walls of houses and fences. Be sure to keep in mind that some species are very proliferating.

You can plant the euonymus at any time, better in spring or in autumn. To do this, buy 2-3 year old trees. Dwarf varieties are grown in tubs, they are transferred from place to place in the garden, while the plants should winter in the house or in covered terraces.

The soil of this plant prefers a neutral or slightly alkaline composition, loose, and that there is no stagnant water and acidification.

Step by step procedure how to plant correctly:

  • The pit is dug out more than the root volume of the plant (twice);
  • We lay broken brick or expanded clay on top, and then a little sand - this drainage will drain water:
  • Pour nutrient soil into the hole, it consists of humus and soddy soil;
  • Pour water into the hole and put the euonymus seedling vertically, sprinkle with earth;
  • To top it off, we compact the earth at the landing site, water it abundantly and mulch to prevent moisture loss and crusting. We take humus as a powder. Compost, wood shavings or peat.

How to care for euonymus

It does not require mandatory care manipulations, but if you follow the appearance of your pets, then the euonymus will also need feeding, loosening and pruning.

It is not necessary to water the shrub specifically, only in dry hot weather you can add water sparingly and spray the crown.

The plant is responsive to top dressing - in the spring, when nitrogen is required, we water it with mullein or diluted bird droppings. In summer, the composition of microelements must be diversified, fertilizing with complex mixtures containing phosphorus and potassium. To prevent acidity of the soil, add a little slaked lime during loosening or digging in the fall.

Euonymus lends itself well to pruning, both sanitary and shaping, it is not for nothing that they are planted as borders, hedges and as a central figure in a flower bed, plot. Sick, old branches are removed in the spring, but we produce the formation of the crown in the fall.

One-year-old and two-year-old shrubs should be covered for the winter; adult specimens do not need this. They construct frost protection from shavings, peat, spruce branches.

What diseases threaten


Ordinary summer residents will not propagate euonymus seed way, it is troublesome and long. In fact, ripe seeds can be planted in autumn, during the winter they stratify naturally and sprout next year. Shoots only in the third year are seated in a permanent place, covering on winter time peat and humus.

In most cases, the euonymus is propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush and layering the roots. Cuttings are cut up to 10 cm after flowering, choosing green, young, with two buds. They are planted in pots or greenhouses, in a mixture of peat and sand. The roots will appear within 2 months, but it is better to transfer the seedling to a permanent place next spring.

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