Lay paths in the country. DIY garden paths: drawings and design options

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Paths on a personal plot are not only protecting shoes from dirt and peat dust. Hard surfacing sets an interesting game of balance between the man-made and natural components of landscape design. Making garden paths in the country with your own hands is more than realistic. Learn how to plan them correctly, compare the advantages of paving materials, get acquainted with the technology of laying paving slabs on a sand cushion, evaluate the options for decorating a paved canvas with borders and flowers.

Layout of paths in the summer cottage and in the garden

To break down the functional system of movement in their garden, they take a site plan or draw it on a scale and mark two groups of objects on it:

  • goals - significant places that you need to easily approach: a gate, a garage, outbuildings, a gazebo, an alpine hill, a recreation area, a greenhouse, open ground beds;
  • obstacles - objects that will have to go around: trees, mounds, relief depressions.

Fantasy terracotta with small bushes and leaf pattern

Further on the plan, observing the scale, paths are outlined, trying to get by with a minimum number of them, since each one takes up the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden and the entire plot. It is recommended that you work on multiple projects so you can compare drawings and designs.

A small mosaic among uneven slabs will not let the eye get tired

What are the nuances to consider when planning tracks

The ergonomics, durability and impeccable appearance of these garden objects are influenced by a number of factors:

  1. tracing. When laying the route, the main paths are first marked: from the gate to the porch, from the house to the garage, utility block, vegetable garden, garden. They are made as straight as possible, since they are designed for the quick walking of a working person. The remaining passages - side ones - branch off from the main ones and run around the entire site. They serve for relaxation and therefore can be of any length and degree of sinuosity.
  2. Width. No one wears crinolines anymore, so the need for Versailles avenues has disappeared, but the dimensions of the paths should still allow people walking towards them to disperse or walk hand in hand. 80 cm is taken as the minimum width. The main garden path is made even more free, 120-150 cm, so that a wheelbarrow or bulky furniture can be transported along it.
  3. Cross slope. Accumulating rain and melt water erodes some types of coatings and creates dirt. The smaller the gaps between the paving elements, the more important that the water goes to the sides, for which the middle of the coating should rise slightly above the edges.

Elevation design

Any kind of garden paths can be hopelessly mutilated by the roots of closely growing trees. It is desirable that at least 2 m of space remain between the tree trunks and the edge of the canvas.

Visual effects of paving

Any line in the landscape creates a certain visual sensation. You can achieve interesting visual effects using design methods:

  1. Curvature. Straight as arrows, paths are typical for regular parks, their task is to organize order, symmetry, discipline and even pomposity. Winding, on the contrary, turn the garden into a fairy-tale world, promise a surprise around every turn.
  2. Color. The coincidence of the coating material with the finish of the basement of the house creates a stylistic unity on the site, but, in order to avoid boring monotony, it is worth choosing different shades for the building and paths in the same color scheme.
  3. Paving pattern. Longitudinal laying of elongated tiles creates the illusion of movement, calls forward and visually lengthens the garden path. Cross paving shortens and expands it, makes you slow down and look around.

Square plates unfolded in rhombuses will create the impression of a diamond bracelet

Interesting effects that draw attention to the pattern underfoot can be achieved by combining materials and adding unexpected elements: shells, mosaics, leaf prints, low flowering grasses.

What can paths be made from?

A set of requirements is imposed on the material for paths in the garden, which is common for elements of landscape design:

  • availability and adequate cost;
  • elegant appearance and durability;
  • compatibility with the general style of buildings and garden;
  • reliable performance;
  • safety for children and pets;
  • the possibility of combining in the process of work and repair in the future;
  • no insurmountable difficulties during installation.

Fantastic patterns can be made from ordinary pebbles

To determine how to lay out the tracks inexpensively and beautifully, consider a variety of ways to pave them.

Paths in the country from paving slabs

The popularity of paving slabs is explained by its durability and resistance to seasonal temperature changes in central Russia and to the north. Tiles are relatively easy to install and replace. Manufacturers offer samples of different shapes for paving paths: brick, square, wave, rhombus, hexagon, coil - which avoids monotony.

Paving slabs do not wear out, do not soften under the scorching sun, do not crack from frost, do not emit volatile substances. To clean the garden from fallen leaves and wind-blown earth, you can simply walk on it with a broom.

The more varied the shape of the tile, the more interesting the result.

Eco-friendly wooden walkways

Under the condition of a dry climate, you can lay out a cheap path in the country with your own hands from wood. Suitable for this purpose:

  • cross cuts of trees, half dug into the ground;
  • boards, timber and pallets;
  • bamboo stems;
  • garden parquet.

Boards seem to be laid directly on the grass

The disadvantage of such materials is their low resistance to moisture, so any wood is treated with antiseptics and bituminous mastic, and drainage is carefully prepared before laying. It is better to raise the wooden flooring above the ground, laying it on metal supports, then it will be blown from below and will not start to rot. For additional protection, the flooring is painted or varnished.

Shredded bark and shells of coconuts can be conditionally attributed to the tree. They look original, but require a mandatory border and periodic backfilling. Another disadvantage of soft paths is that in wet weather, pieces of bark stick to shoes and are carried around the site.

Stone in the landscape - noble and natural

Walkways made of natural stone

The most durable, beautiful, aesthetic, but also the most expensive paving material in the garden is natural and artificial stone. It looks elegant, allows you to imitate the streets of ancient cities and mountain paths, goes well with rock gardens, fountains, waterfalls, lamps, flower beds and stone plinths of buildings.

Chipped natural stone, such as limestone, has a special shape and shade for each piece, so the paving is interesting and easy on the eye. The result of laying multi-colored pebbles or shell rock slabs with your own hands is always a unique work of art.

"Herringbone" brick resembles antique parquet

Walkways made of bricks for practical

This is an excellent budget solution if after the construction of a cottage or garage there is a lot of unused brick left. It can be used whole or broken into crumbs that will be nice to crunch when walking. The combination of different brands allows you to create a geometric mosaic, and use the darkest or lightest bricks as a border.

The disadvantage of conventional silicate brick is its low frost resistance. Repeated freezing and thawing for several years make it unusable. In regions with cold snowy winters, it is better to use a paving variety of clinker bricks in the garden. A special firing technology protects it from changes in temperature and humidity.

Using stencils on concrete creates the illusion of stone

Concrete walkways in different versions

Concrete is one of the cheapest materials for decorating a garden, but the long gray ribbons that the curing mortar turns into look dull and unpresentable. Concrete requires a fantasy approach:

  • the use of special forms to create an artificial stone that imitates different breeds;
  • inclusions of pebbles, shells, broken tiles, colored glass;
  • mixing pigments;
  • gravel inserts and grass islands.

Leaf prints on concrete

Beautiful concrete alleys are obtained if large leaves are imprinted into a semi-liquid solution, additionally scratching the veins with a sharp knitting needle.

Gravel paths

As an alternative to stone, gravel is quite cheap, especially if there is a quarry or a company selling such material nearby. If desired, it can be removed and replaced with a different combination of colors and fractions. Gravel is ideal as a path to a rockery with flowers or a classic Japanese rock garden, but requires occasional backfilling.

Against the background of gravel, garden benches, lanterns and pergolas look great. It emphasizes the carved structure of ferns, the freshness of roses and the heaviness of metal. However, as a road surface, gravel is somewhat unstable: individual pebbles move out underfoot, and sharp edges prick through thin summer shoes.

A chain of concrete circles in a river of gravel

We make tracks with our own hands

In order to properly make paths in the country with your own hands and at the same time get a really beautiful economy option, you need to calculate the total coverage area, multiply by the cost of 1 sq. m of different materials and compare the numbers with each other. For some, the concrete remaining from the construction will be cheaper, and for someone “from the neighbor’s shoulder” natural stone will fall for a third of the price. Below is a step-by-step instruction that can be applied to laying most materials, since the most important stage - soil preparation - is almost the same in all cases.

The pegs are hammered deeper so that they do not roll.

Step one - marking the area

For marking, you will need as many sharp pegs as possible, a skein of twine and a tape measure. On straight segments, pegs are placed less often - one per 8-10 m, on turns - more often. Steep bends in the garden are outlined with pegs every 15-20 cm. The width of the path is controlled with a tape measure.

At this stage, the site layout can be corrected, the functionality of the “transport network” under construction can be checked. To do this, you need to walk around the entire territory of the garden inside a stretched twine and understand how convenient the path to each significant object is and how effectively flower beds and other decorations on the site are visible.

When working on a hard surface, be sure to protect your knees

Step two - preparing the bed

In regions with negative winter temperatures, soils swell. In autumn, the clay is saturated with water, in winter ice forms in the garden, pushing the soil particles apart, in spring the melt water goes down, as a result, the coating elements lie unevenly. The classic way to prevent such a problem is to create a gravel-sand cushion that performs the function of drainage:

  1. Inside the twine contour, the earth is taken out to a depth of 20-25 cm, at the same time removing stones, roots and debris.
  2. The bottom of the resulting recesses is carefully compacted, especially on soft, for example, chernozem, soils. Given the amount of work, they use a gasoline vibrorammer, while the toes are protected by shoes with steel capes, and the ears are protected by tight headphones.
  3. In the absence of such a tool, a manual rammer is made. It is a heavy log of large diameter, to which handles are attached from the ends.
  4. The compacted bottom of the recesses is covered with geotextile to protect against the germination of weeds, the seeds of which remained below.

To organize the slope, the height of the pegs is checked with a level

At this stage, it is necessary to determine the slope of the paths, which will ensure the rolling of rainwater: whether it will be longitudinal (at least 3-5 mm for every 10 linear meters of the canvas) or transverse. If the path in the garden, according to the plan, is crossed by communications (electric cable, pipes of the drainage system), they are being installed now.

Step three - installing the border

Edge banding will make it difficult to mow the grass later, but it is often used because it achieves several goals:

  • give the canvas a neat finished look and keep it for decades;
  • highlight the track visually;
  • do not allow the earth to crumble from nearby flower beds.

Installing a curb on concrete

As a border, you can use paving elements in a contrasting color, which are laid using the same technology as the rest. Roof tiles, even stumps, willow braids are simply dug into the ground so that they can be replaced.

The most difficult base is created for the curb stone. Under it, they dig grooves below the bottom level and fill them with 5 cm of sand. Then a small layer of concrete is poured and a stone is installed, checking the quality of work with a level.

Pavement for paving slabs

Step four - backfilling the gravel-sand cushion

Operating procedure:

  1. Half the depth of the excavation is covered with gravel or crushed stone, the size of the fraction does not matter.
  2. Gravel is covered with lightly moistened sand and carefully rammed.
  3. The sand is watered until puddles form and left for 3-4 hours in sunny weather and for a day in cloudy weather.
  4. When the water is completely absorbed, the sand is leveled immediately before paving. For this, a board is prepared, the length of which exceeds the width of the track. The board will move along the "beacons", which can be a previously installed curb stone.
  5. If the level of the canvas is supposed to be below the edges of the curb, cutouts are made along the edges of the board.
  6. In the absence of a curb, two pipes are laid in its place, one on each side, a board is placed on them with an edge and led along the path until the sand surface is completely leveled.

Alignment sets the quality of the future track

Step five - paving over the pillow

The arrangement of garden paths is directly related to the future load on them. Under the passage of wheelbarrows and other equipment, as well as under intensive walks of a large number of people, it is recommended to pave on a sand-cement mixture (1: 6). It is poured over a leveled pillow and re-leveled with a board along the “beacons”. In other cases, the coating elements are simply placed on the sand.

If a complex ornament is conceived, for example, from pebbles, its full rapport is first laid out nearby on the ground in order to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it will look like when finished. The same applies to the alternation of multi-colored bricks or tiles, stripes, various inserts and combinations of materials.

The first row of elements is laid along the twine stretched across the pillow and carefully rammed with a mallet. The presence and width of the seams between the elements depend on the selected material and pattern. Brick and tile are usually fitted closely. Rounded wood cuts in any case will leave significant gaps.

Using a hand rammer

When laying any material, do not forget about the transverse slope: the center of the web should be somewhat convex.

At the end of the laying, the self-made garden path is sprinkled with a sand-cement mixture and the seams are swept with a brush. To harden the mixture, it is moistened with light sprinkling.

Making tracks in different styles

Paths in the country house are not just a way to get to the greenhouse without getting covered in mud, they are a full-fledged design element of the site that can emphasize the beauty of the landscape and enhance the impact on the viewer's senses. Therefore, the general style of the garden determines how, for example, to decorate the path with flowers, lawn grass, lighting.

A country-style dacha is ennobled with paths made of uneven blocks of limestone or shell rock, between which ground covers are allowed. Astilba, rudbeckia, lavender, small lilies and sedge are planted on both sides. Reed grass, lobelia or a bright blue delphinium are placed in the background. Garden paths made of rare stones framed by curtains of cereals are often complemented by wooden benches and compact rose bushes.

Those who have their own dacha or garden know how important it is to equip them well so that rest or stay in the countryside after a dusty and bustling city is as pleasant as possible. Ennobling landscaping has become more important than simply growing vegetables in a vegetable garden.

Now every owner strives to give his garden or cottage a special personality and style. One of the main details of this style are garden paths, because the whole look of your site can depend on their design and appearance.

How to make paths in the country, but such that all the neighbors gasp with surprise and delight? Of course, you can invite a designer or hire specialists who will professionally decorate the site for you, but this will cost you quite a lot. There is another option - to design and make paths in the country with your own hands. Moreover, absolutely any materials can be suitable for this.

What to choose and how to turn the idea into reality?

First you need to figure out what country paths are in general and what they can be made of. You will have a very large choice, because there are a huge number of options for their manufacture and design, in addition, they are all very diverse and original and beautiful in their own way, so if you wish, you can find an idea to your taste and to your wallet.

Why do we need paths in a summer cottage or garden plot? Many will answer that their main function is to provide the opportunity to move around this very site. Indeed, paths or paths should provide comfortable movement, connecting all the main objects or buildings of your dacha. However, in addition to this, ideally they need to perform other tasks:

  • provide comfortable walking (especially if there is clay soil or a lowland around, where water accumulates all the time);
  • divide the site into peculiar zones or sectors (flower beds, garden, vegetable garden, recreation areas, etc.);
  • decorate and create a certain style, uniting everything around into a single harmonious ensemble.

So, we figured out the purpose of the garden alleys, now you need to understand what paths you can make in the country with your own hands. The main classification is based on the choice of material that you use to make the paths, and on the way they are constructed (there are also differences in size and location - straight, winding, etc.).

  • The most spectacular and expensive paths, of course, will be made of natural stone. A big and undoubted advantage of this option is the durability of your product. However, even here you can save money by not buying a stone on purpose, but by using, for example, the remnants of building cladding. However, it is necessary to be able to handle such material. This also includes paving slabs or paving stones and bricks. If you chose the latter as the material, then find a special paving brick, since ordinary white and red bricks may not be resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. With a brick, you can lay out any designs and patterns in your alleys, folding it like a mosaic. Just designate in advance in the diagram the ornament that you want to get as a result.

  • Wood is the second most popular material after stone. Wooden alleys look no less beautiful and stylish, especially since a do-it-yourself garden path made of wood can be obtained at much lower cost and effort. You can use wooden blocks, and wood cuts, and boards, and chocks - in a word, any derivatives that are easy to get. The main thing is to show a little imagination and try to do something special. However, a tree will require some care, so for the durability and beautiful appearance of your wooden paths, learn how to properly care for them.

  • You can pave the paths in the country with your own hands from gravel, pebbles, crushed stone or marble chips, pouring them into a specially prepared base and reinforcing them on the sides with a border tape made of bricks or tiles. Gravel can be multi-colored - then you will be able to make original patterns. The soil in a dug trench will need to be pre-treated before backfilling (usually herbicides are used), and then covered with agrofiber or polyethylene. So you protect the alley from the germination of weeds. At the end, you need to compact the gravel (you can use a portable roller or other device).

  • The easiest way is to pour concrete paths. Moreover, on top you can lay at least a tile, even a stone, even a paving stone. And now on sale in hardware stores you can find plastic molds with which you can easily make various concrete elements and create unique and beautiful paths.
  • In addition to the basic materials, you can use any improvised means for arranging tracks: pieces of old tiles, glass bottles, caps, corks, old tires, etc.

As you can see, you can easily and quickly equip garden paths with your own hands at low cost. Materials can be combined with each other, the main thing is that they fit the general style of the site and the house, fitting into their ensemble and complementing it.

Be sure to think in advance and draw up a plan-scheme of how the alleys will be located on the site, because their network must be built so that they unite all the main zones and buildings. Do not be afraid to combine different shapes and directions - let you have straight and curved paths side by side, wide and narrow, etc.

Getting Started: A Quick Look at the Basic Ways to Make Tracks

An important part of creating routes for movement around the site will be the preparatory stage. First of all, you will need to properly markup. If a straight path is planned, then a rope stretched on pegs is also suitable. And to mark out a winding alley, you can drive long nails along the edges of an ordinary rake and drag them where you want to see the path.

If the climate in your area is rainy, then you need to take care of the drainage system, as well as provide drains along the edges of the paths so that stagnant water does not form. Keep in mind that large trees should not grow near the alleys themselves, because their roots will spoil the integrity and appearance of any roads.

  • The device of all tracks begins with markings. Then comes the digging of a trench and the preparation of the soil for laying out the material. The depth and width of the trench depends on the type and parameters of the selected materials. The next step is to form a sand bed or pillow. Backfilling is especially important for areas with loose earth, as well as for paths on which you foresee a large operational load, for example, for a platform for a car.
  • To line an alley with brick, stone, or tile, fill the grooves with gravel or pebbles, tamp them down, and then make another layer of sand. It is this top layer that will need to be well leveled. The depth of the trench for stone is about twenty centimeters (often it will be the same for paving stones or bricks). Crushed stone or gravel should be poured with a layer of ten centimeters, plus ten centimeters of sand. Then lay the material on this pillow, following the direction and shape of the desired track. Tap bricks or tiles with a rubber mallet to set them down to the correct level. Fill the void between the stones with sand, and then thoroughly water everything.
  • You can make tiles of any shape yourself using a plastic frame. To do this, you only need to fill them with concrete, compact the mass in the form, and then remove it. From such tiles, when they dry, you can lay out an alley, and then fill the gaps between them with multi-colored filler or sow them with herbaceous plants.

  • If you want to make a path from wood cuts, then you will need to cut a lot of stumps of various shapes (the large ones will go to laying the main part of the alley, and the small ones will fill the voids between them). A trench for wooden cuts does not need to be too deep. Fill its bottom with sand and tamp, and then lay out the stumps there. You can level the chocks with a sledgehammer and focusing on the level. You can also fill in gravel, soil or sand between them, and then sow flowers or grass if you want. If nothing should grow on your path, then lay polyethylene on the bottom of the trench, as is the case with a gravel path. Be sure to prepare the cuts - they must be well dried and treated with hot drying oil over the entire surface (you can process the sections with a ten percent solution of copper sulfate, and the side that will be in contact with the ground - with bitumen).
  • Gravel and planks go very well together. Boards can be large and small, located next to each other or at some distance from each other, you can lay them in a crossbar or length, lay them out in a parquet way, paint - in a word, do whatever your heart desires. Please note that raising the boards a little above ground level will help you circulate air underneath them, which means they will last longer. Like saw cuts, boards also need to be treated with antiseptic and protective agents.

In addition to functionality, the paths in the country house play a huge role in the original design of the landscape. The presence of beautiful original paths gives the site sophistication, creates a positive impression of its owners.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on the material for garden alleys in order to fully preserve the perfect harmony of the site, while not going beyond the available budget.

It is important that the material chosen for arranging the paths is in harmony with the style of the garden. So after drawing up the estimate documentation, as well as calculating the required dimensions, you can proceed to the selection of the most optimal material.

Natural stone

At the moment, natural stone is still considered one of the status and practical materials for various coatings.

Marble, sandstone, and also granite are applied. Focusing on the preferences of the owners of the site, a stone is selected in a light or dark shade. Alleys made of stone have a variety of shapes, but they need professionalism when laying.

The stone, which is laid in plates, is incredibly in demand. It's called flagstone. Imitation of natural stone, which is offered on the market in a variety of product ranges, is considered an identical and affordable option.

Alleys made of stone look great, in harmony with the trees and shrubs growing on the site. Natural stone goes well with pebbles.

Among the advantages of the stone, one can single out the durability of use, a high degree of resistance to mechanical influences, aesthetics, a variety of textures and configurations. The disadvantages include a fairly high price, slipperiness when the surface is moistened and crusting from ice in frost.

paving stones

Garden paths made of paving stones are in demand because of their durability, high resistance to temperature extremes.

A diverse palette of shades and a variety of configurations make paving slabs a versatile material used in a wide variety of design ideas.

Paving stones are easy to install and fit perfectly into the garden space of any shape. According to the production type, several types of paving stones are produced, therefore it can be sawn, as well as chopped.

The advantage is the versatility of use. Among the minuses - laying at a non-professional level can cause distortions.


Clinker brick is often used as a pavement for garden paths, as it is convenient in the laying process, fits well into any style area, and is presented in a variety of shades.

It is important to note that we are talking about clinker, since building bricks are not suitable for creating garden alleys.

Walkways made of wood

This type of garden path can hardly be called practical, however, additional impregnation, as well as processing, can increase their resistance to the negative effects of mold and humidity.

To maximize the performance of the coating, it is desirable to apply it exclusively on dry hills.

The most suitable tree species for organizing alleys is oak, the rest of the array also has positive characteristics.

Inexpensive options for the price category are saw cuts, as well as bars, and a terrace board is a more expensive option.

Among the advantages of wooden alleys are originality and affordability. Among the shortcomings are impracticality, as well as instability to mechanical influences.

Alley of concrete

Filled concrete alleys are widely used in suburban areas. This coating is considered a barrier to weeds and has increased resistance to the negative effects of moisture.

Forms for such alleys are sold in any specialized store. With this type of fixture, concrete becomes a true design find. Using dyes, colored details are obtained, the forms provide for a specific pattern.

The advantages of concrete tracks include practicality and durability, as well as external originality, and among the minuses, the laboriousness of the workflow stands out.

Choose the most suitable material and equip beautiful and stylish alleys on your site!

Photo of paths at their summer cottage

Landscaping always makes our life better, but sometimes we can’t afford its cost, therefore, garden paths with our own hands at low cost are just what is very useful in such a situation. It should immediately be clarified that the laying of such alleys can be done with different materials. And for this, it is not always necessary to purchase paving slabs, although this is one of the best options.

We will try to highlight the possible popular options and how to implement them, as well as show you a thematic overview - the video in this article.

Beautiful garden

Basic styling technique

First, the layout

  • By and large, do-it-yourself garden paths come down to the same technical parameters, with the exception of amendments to one or another finishing material.. First of all, you will have to visually determine the place where you are going to lay your alley, and then make accurate markings in width. To do this, pegs are driven in along the entire length and a cord is pulled along them - this should fully reproduce future contours, whether it be a straight line, a turn or a zigzag.
  • After that, depending on the soil and the presence of turf on it, dig a trench with vertically even edges, the depth of which can be from 10 cm to 30 cm (the removed turf can be used elsewhere). By and large, in such cases, the instruction recommends covering the base with geotextiles to cut off moisture and prevent weeds from growing through the finishing coating. But we are still talking about a budget option, therefore, you can lower the geotextile and use a dense plastic film - wrap its edges on the walls of the moat.
  • And the last preparatory step before installing the facing will be backfilling a pillow of sand and crushed stone 5-10 cm thick. Sand is usually poured from below, and crushed stone is poured from above, but you can do without both, using granite screenings for this purpose. Everything - now you can proceed to the outer part.


The visiting card of a suburban area can be the main alley that runs to the house from the gate, because this is one of the first elements of landscape design that catches your eye when you visit. Therefore, it determines the first impression.

During installation, it should be borne in mind that this area is the most passable and the load on it will be greater than in the garden. Therefore, wear-resistant materials are needed here - asphalt, concrete or paving slabs - wooden elements are somehow inappropriate under such a load.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the width of the passage - at least 2 people should diverge freely there, which means that the width of the path from the gate to the house cannot be less than 1.5 m.

Secondary garden paths can be called those that serve to communicate between household structures and units, such as a garage, gazebo, barn, bathhouse, chicken coop, well, and the like. The width of such a device can be from 50 cm to a meter - this will be quite enough.

Although, if desired, they can also be made wider, if the area of ​​​​your site allows it. It is possible that on such a surface you will have to transport any goods on a wheelbarrow - in this case, again, the finishing material must be durable - asphalt, concrete, paving slabs.

Between flower beds, trees or for other transitions, they arrange paths in the garden with their own hands of an intermittent type, that is, such that you can walk in rainy weather without getting your feet wet.

As a rule, such paths are narrow from 30 cm to 50 cm from sparsely located tiles or stones - this is quite enough to pass one person. This method of installation makes the coating hardly noticeable against the general background of the landscape, preserving more green spaces.

Types of coatings

The cheapest track is the one on which there is no decorative coating, that is, a path that is trampled underfoot or the wheels of a wheelbarrow, but the ground sags in such places. Therefore, when it rains, puddles will definitely gather there. To avoid them, you can make a drainage system if the level of the site allows it (the presence of a slope), but it is best to fill an additional layer.

As a backfill, you can use sand or screenings (granite, limestone), and so that the embankment does not spread, it is fixed with a curb of stones or mixborders (evergreen flower bed).

Gravel, crushed stone and pebbles will always serve as a good base for backfill. Accordingly, if this material is taken as a base, then such a path will last for a long time, but other elements can be used for decoration here, for example, paving slabs, paving stones or flat stones.

For backfilling, they deepen 10-15 cm into the ground and cover the bottom with geotextiles or a dense plastic film to prevent the germination of various weeds (a sand cushion 20-30 mm high can be poured under crushed stone or pebbles).

Naturally, it is better to make the embankment above the ground level, and so that it does not spread, it is fixed on the sides with a curb or stones. If you decide to decorate crushed stone with tiles (stones, paving stones), then these elements must be inlaid on the same level with bulk material - this will turn out to be a uniform beautiful canvas.

In addition, such a crushed stone (pebble) base can serve as a pillow for paving slabs, which will be laid without pouring cement-sand mortar (dry).

But tiles (paving stones) cannot be laid on crushed stone, therefore, a sand cushion 20-30 mm high is poured over it and a decorative coating is already mounted on it. Sometimes, for decoration purposes, dwarf lawn grass is sown in the gaps that remain between the elements.

The most durable and durable structures are obtained in cases where the formwork for garden paths is mounted with one's own hands and poured with cement-sand mortar or fine-grained concrete. In such cases, paving slabs, paving stones and decorative stone (artificial or natural) are most often used as a coating, and a border is mounted on the sides, which serves more as an element of decoration than a limiter from sprawling.

Recommendation. To fill the base on which paving slabs are laid, a cement-sand mortar is used, to which tile adhesive is added for elasticity. The proportion of glue in this case should be at least 1/2 of the cement, but it is better if the glue and cement are one to one.


If you are thinking about how to make a garden path with your own hands, then the most popular finishing material in such cases will be paving slabs of different sizes and different configurations. Such tiles can be made of concrete or baked clay.

With its help, you can create a wide variety of patterns and ornaments, full of their colors and features of the geometric parameters of each element (in the photo above, the Gzhelka tile ornament). In addition, paving slabs can retain their appearance and operational strength from 5 to 20 years - everything will depend on the current load and the quality of production.

Recommendation. To increase the operational resource, you should choose pastel-colored concrete tiles - this will preserve its appearance. And to prolong the service life, pay attention to the manufacturer's brand and do not use an ice scraper.

Paths made of fine-grained concrete are very good, which are poured into special forms that give the fragments the most diverse look. In addition, decorative cement can be used here, changing the color scheme of the fill to your liking.

Clinker brick not only has high strength - it is very beautiful and looks similar to cobbled pavement. But for garden paths, they use the possibilities of colors, thereby diversifying.


Of course, the price of each material is very different from each other and not everyone is able to lay out large sums for clearance. But when decorating, the main role is played by taste, and not by the cost of the decorative coating.

An elegant path emerging among snow-white pebbles

Today we bring to your attention amazing ideas for decorating garden paths. We will show you the splendor of options for arrangement and chic landscape design. Here are all the most popular examples, from unique design compositions and stylish geometry, to simple and uncomplicated paths built from building materials waste and other great ideas.

The most popular are stunning alleys and paths built of natural stone. On their own, they can perfectly complement textures and diversify juicy greens, but you can show a bit of creativity and create magnificent masterpieces with their own original plot, the charm of contours and rough shapes.

Fairy-tale path among the riot of decorative plantings

Rectangular rock fragments surrounded by colorful pebbles

Easy but neat path

Stone slabs laid out between beautiful flower beds

Even simplicity can look spectacular

From large debris, you can combine not only the alley, but also the steps

Compositional contrasts

What your fantasy is capable of

beautiful staircase

Unique image

cozy garden

Laconic landscape design

fairy tale composition

They will look more impressive in the landscape design of a piece of decorative stone, which was previously submitted to the finish to acquire a certain shape.

As a rule, such fragments of rocks are made to order and, depending on your desire, they can have even the most intricate configurations.

You also get the opportunity to individually select one or another stone and better implement such an idea together with a designer who will help you correctly formulate your needs.

elegant decoration

Intriguing compositions from different materials

winding path

Alley for a modern garden with a minimalist design

Original scenery

Road to a fairy tale

You can focus on non-standard options, winding stone paths will add an interesting twist to your site. And if you choose original garden lighting for such a stylish look, you will get an impeccable picture, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. You can lay out such a path from almost any material that is available to you.

Charming road through a manicured lawn

A winding concrete path surrounded by colorful flower beds

Modest design

To some, a brick may not seem like a completely relevant material, but if you correctly formulate the image, choose non-standard patterns, then you will get a wonderful decor. And you can combine it with other textures to get a catchy contrast.

intricate motif

Stylish alley

Convenient way through the luxurious gallery

Simple but effective solutions

Paving stones formed into a stylish image

The road along which your walk will be unforgettable

An interesting way of laying

Gorgeous landscape design

For fans of stylish geometry and creative design, you can think about a stunning option that is worthy of royal flower beds. A symphony of natural stone, lawn grass, pebbles or other material can be embodied in a chic picture that will become an artful highlight of your garden.

Playful Combination

Worthy decoration

Concrete garden paths also have good potential. You can build such an alley either on your own, having basic knowledge in this industry, or entrust all the work to a specialist.

You can choose any method: solid fill or slabs, and the second method will be more flexible, since you will get not just a solid canvas, but also areas where decorative plants can be planted between the fragments, which will serve as frames for each piece.

Alley between beautiful flower beds

Impressive composition in original frame

paved paths

Adding interest with captivating details

Magnificent steps

Do you want to express your individuality, and in some cases fit into a modest budget? Then the following examples will pleasantly surprise you.

An unusual but beautiful path made of wooden decks buried in the ground

Creative approach to arranging the path

Even simple pallets will do the simplest task

A unique pattern, the material for which can be found among our trash

Passage between flower beds

Having a small pond on your site, you can’t even imagine how effectively this image can be presented. Right in the middle of a mini-reservoir in the garden, you can build flower beds with moisture-loving plants and lay a small path out of stones. But you should not be limited to this either, because wide opportunities open up before you, which you should not brush aside.

Gorgeous man-made lake

exotic terrace

Luxurious landscape design

The paths, paved with stones with an uneven structure, have a very charming look. They blend perfectly with the whole landscape. To slightly soften their rough appearance, you can plant decorative low-growing plants in the voids between them, which will hide the open ground under them and form a simply fabulous image.

A tempting option for the design of the track

Modern terrace design

wonderful path

magic road

Bring in a variety of colors

Visual appeal in every detail

Gorgeous landscape with superb scenery

You can build garden paths with your own hands even from improvised materials, you may doubt it, but glass, sand, brick fragments, old tires and other building materials can be a brilliant idea for decorating a stunning path that runs through your garden.

For a more intricate project, you will need the help of a designer who will turn your patio or yard into a fabulous place where you can not only relax, but also fully enjoy the beauty of nature that you have created with your own hands.

ёQˠ- it is enough to add the above proposed additions, and you will mentally find yourself in the south of France.

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