Plaster hopper ladle wall. Plaster bucket "hopper": features and benefits of use

garden equipment 29.08.2019
garden equipment

To optimize finishing processes and speed up work several times, a tool such as a plaster shovel is often used. And although this device is quite popular, many masters do not have sufficient information about the features of its use.

In our article, we will try to eliminate this gap in knowledge by describing the device of this device and the method of its use when leveling walls and ceilings.

Description of the mechanism

Design features

In most cases, a small plaster spatula - a trowel - is taken to apply the mortar to the prepared surface. However, in this case, the work will take quite a long time, since a very modest portion of the leveling compound can be put on the trowel blade at a time.

When processing large areas as an alternative to manual application, special devices are used - hopper buckets. Otherwise they are called plaster shovels.

What is this device?

  • The basis of the device is a steel container of considerable volume. This container is designed for laying a large portion plaster mortar, which will be applied to the surface to be leveled.
  • The plaster is applied to the wall or ceiling through special nozzles. Some models are equipped with one nozzle, while others (of course, their price is higher) can work in three or four streams at once. This significantly speeds up the work.
  • The supply is carried out by entering the hopper with a solution compressed air. The hopper bucket requires a compressor to operate.

  • To ensure an even supply plaster mixture, the pressure in the system should be maintained at 4 atmospheres. However, some masters recommend setting this figure at 5-6 atmospheres, especially when working at a distance from the compressor. This allows you to compensate for pressure losses when air moves through the hose.

Note! Here are the average operating pressures. As a rule, the instructions for each specific model contain more detailed information, and it is necessary to focus on it.

  • Solution flow can be adjusted using special valve. By pressing on its lever, we increase the pressure, which leads to an increase in the speed of plaster spraying onto the wall.
  • For convenience of work hopper buckets are completed with long handles. For high-quality models, the handles are equipped with overlays made of porous material, which makes it easier to hold a rather heavy tool in your hands and makes work more comfortable in the autumn-spring period.

It should also be noted that today plaster shovels are produced in two modifications - wall and ceiling. The main difference between these types of device is the location of the hopper: it is oriented so that the solution does not spill out during operation.

Hopper Bucket Application

The method of using this device with your own hands is quite simple:

  • We prepare the surface for plastering by performing mechanical leveling with a perforator and applying a primer.
  • We knead the plaster mortar, choosing the consistency in such a way that the resulting mixture passes unhindered through the hopper nozzles.

Note! When mixing, you should be guided by the recommendations of the bucket manufacturer, but still required skill only comes with experience.

  • We load the solution into the container and apply pressure until the nozzles start to work.

  • Stepping back from the wall to a distance of half a meter and increasing the working pressure to the maximum, we spray.
  • After the base layer has dried, we cover the wall with plaster from a distance of 15-20 cm. At the final stage, we move the bucket 3-5 cm for a more dense application and elimination of voids.
  • Next, dry the solution and perform its grouting.

After finishing work, the plaster shovel should be cleaned:

  • We remove the remains of the solution from the bunker with the help of .
  • We release all the air, remove the container (if provided) and thoroughly rinse all parts.

Advice! May be required mechanical cleaning nozzles clogged with the remnants of the solution.

  • We assemble the device again and blow the system several times to remove liquid and plaster particles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As for the advantages that the use of a hopper bucket provides when working on, they are as follows:

  • Firstly, the speed of work increases at least twice compared to the manual method of application. This time estimate also takes into account the preparation and cleaning of the bucket, so in fact the savings will be even greater.

  • Secondly, when applying the mortar using a plastering shovel, the loss of material is minimized. This is due to the formation of a thinner, denser and more continuous layer. Thus, we significantly reduce the cost of finishing the building.
  • The quality of the finish is also improved, as the increased impact force ensures that the finish adheres more firmly to the substrate.
  • Another an important plus of this device is ease of use. Any worker can use the hopper bucket after a brief briefing.

As for the disadvantages, they include:

  • Rather high cost of the instrument itself. Of course, there are also budget models on the market, but in any case, a high-quality bucket will cost much more than a set of trowels, trowels and spatulas.
  • The need for a compressor. Not only is the compressor itself expensive, but it requires either fuel or electricity to operate. So savings in solution are usually offset by energy costs.

However, when it becomes necessary to perform a large amount of work, these shortcomings are not paid attention to. For private construction, the most rational solution would be not to buy, but to rent a hopper.


A plaster shovel is a device with which a leveling compound can be applied to walls much faster than traditional method. The use of this device allows you to optimize finishing work and reduce labor costs for leveling large areas. The technology of use is shown in more detail in the video in this article.

When conducting finishing works every craftsman is interested in how to improve quality, reduce time and make their work easier. One of the tools that can help this case, is a plaster ladle "hopper". It allows you to mechanize the workflow, which affects the quality and speed of work. Consider its features, advantages of use and learn how to make such a tool with your own hands.


This device is designed for plastering surfaces of large volumes (up to the whole building). Its use in small areas is impractical. In this case, it will not be possible to save time, because the installation of the unit itself and its washing after completion of work are quite lengthy processes.

Externally, the device is a small metal bucket with a handle, which has a lever that contributes to the mechanical feed plaster composition. On the side opposite to the handle, there are holes for ejecting the mixture onto the base to be processed.

Translated from English name devices means "jump" or "bounce". Its work is carried out by means of the force of compressed air, which is directed from the handle with the compressor. The rate of supply of the plaster solution is usually 60 cubic meters per hour. Such a tool saves up to 40% of the mixture in comparison with the manual method. It can be used for finishing walls, ceilings, inclined planes. In the work it is allowed to use cement-gypsum, cement-lime, adhesive compositions, as well as paints and varnishes.

An interesting nuance is the fact that hopper buckets for processing walls and ceilings differ in nozzle variability. They have a different angle of inclination in relation to the processed plane. In addition, the handle is different. For wall processing models, it has an inclination angle of 45 degrees, ceiling buckets differ in an inclination of 90 degrees.

These devices are called buckets for mechanical plastering. Typically, the kit is supplemented with several nozzles that can be adjusted depending on required type finishing works. This allows you to vary the emptying time of the bucket within 5 - 10 seconds.

To level the composition applied to the base, use a rule or a wide spatula.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a hopper bucket are obvious.

  • It has an acceptable cost, which is suitable for every buyer and "does not hit the pocket."
  • The product is sold separately, sometimes a compressor nozzle is included in the package.
  • The design of the device is extremely simple and intuitive. You do not have to spend time learning the intricacies of the process for high-quality application.
  • At proper handling and timely cleaning, the product will last a long time.

  • When working with two people, it significantly reduces the surface finishing time.
  • The range of models is varied. If desired, you can choose an option for sticking liquid wallpaper, paint and glue.
  • Due to the pressure generated by the operation of the device, the adhesion of the composition to the surface to be plastered increases.
  • The hopper saves the working solution, which large volume allows significant budget savings.

  • This device has been highly acclaimed. professional craftsmen, because it is characterized by maximum spraying accuracy.
  • The tool is easy to clean, especially if it is made of galvanized or stainless steel.
  • The plaster bucket hopper is suitable for interior and exterior finishing work.

The use of a mechanical method of applying the composition in no way affects the quality of the solution and allows various impurities.

However, the consistency of the base plaster composition should be thicker than other compositions. With the help of such a tool, it is possible to finish surfaces of complex configuration, it perfectly prepares the base for finishing. In this case, it is possible to finish the planes with compositions of different textures and colors.

However, the hopper also has a drawback. If it is necessary to perform plastering of the surface in several layers, the craftsmen consider its use inappropriate. Throwing in such cases is faster by hand. In addition, if the working solution is not removed immediately, it will be much more difficult to do this after drying. To do this, you will have to soak upper part instrument by placing it in a container of water.

How to use?

The use of a hopper plaster bucket implies preliminary wetting of the treated surface, as well as setting beacons. In addition, it is necessary to install a reinforced mesh. Since the work itself does not take much time, you can immediately prepare a large batch of mortar. Usually, within a few minutes, when plastering, about 50 kg of the prepared composition “leaves”.

The preparation of the mixture must comply with the proportions indicated on the package. Spraying is carried out immediately after the preparation of the composition and its re-mixing. The correct distance of the device from the surface to be treated is approximately 4 - 5 cm. The mixture is applied to the plane, after which, without waiting for it to dry, the surface is leveled. They try to apply the solution evenly, gradually moving the device. After the final drying of the leveled layer, it is overwritten.

How to do it yourself?

Bucket hopper for wall and ceiling plaster can be made independently. To do this, you will need tools, materials and a diagram (you can consider different drawings, choosing the one that is more understandable for you). It should be noted that a device with a volume for a solution of 6–8 kg is sufficient for operation. If you approach the implementation correctly, a home-made unit will work no worse than a store-bought counterpart.

There are several main points of step-by-step instructions.

  • Take finished drawing or make it yourself (to do this, draw its outline, indicating all the parameters on a scale).
  • Transfer the drawing drawing to thin metal or aluminum sheets in full size.
  • Using a grinder, cut out each blank of the future ladle along the marked lines.
  • Applying welding machine or autogen, assemble the cut blanks into a single structure.
  • After that, attach the handle with the inlet fitting for the air hose to the body, not forgetting to pay attention to the choice of the outlet.
  • It remains to choose the power air compressor and attach it to the welded container for plaster.

For more details on the manufacture of the "hopper" bucket, see below.

After that, the device can be used. However, it should be borne in mind that this unit is designed mainly for processing walls, not ceilings.

home appliance requirements

If you decide to make a plaster shovel with your own hands, take note of a few rules that are important to follow in the manufacture.

  • When buying materials for making your own shovel bucket, take Special attention pen selection. It should fit comfortably in your hand and be strong enough. Unfortunately, store counterparts have more ergonomic handles.
  • Make sure you have a hinged or removable lid for the container. This will prevent spillage of the solution during operation and when tilted.
  • The diameter of the inlet should not be less than 1.5 mm, otherwise, instead of providing quality work, it will be systematically clogged. If the diameter exceeds the 5 mm mark, this may lead to a pressure drop after the mixture exits.
  • It is impossible to take tin as a basis for a container for a solution. This material deforms pretty quickly. Better use for this a metal sheet not more than 1 mm thick.
  • Do not use homemade devices or a ball valve instead of a pneumatic valve. This will lead to an overrun of raw materials, since it is impossible to immediately stop the supply of the solution in such cases.

One more nuance should also be taken into account: the larger the outlet hole parameter, the greater should be the distance between the tool and the machined plane. In some cases, it is from 10 to 20 cm.

The plasterer's spatula has not changed its design for many centuries of existence and occupies the main position among the devices for plastering. This tool for applying plaster has several names: spatula, trowel, trowel.

Its purpose is to apply and level the solution for plastering walls.

The basis of all finishing work is plastering walls. Without applying plaster and leveling surfaces, it is impossible to perform high-quality finishing of walls, ceilings, and flooring.

Before applying plaster, you need to decide on the ultimate goal that you want to achieve. This will make it possible to specify the necessary material costs and set a deadline for completing the task.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  • work will be carried out outside or inside the premises;
  • what accuracy the alignment of the walls is necessary;
  • What material are the walls made of?
  • what kind of future finish.

The plastering process begins with the preparation of the walls. For this purpose, as well as for applying and leveling the mortar, it is necessary to prepare tools for plastering.

Preparatory work includes the following steps:

  1. Hanging walls. It is carried out using a plumb line and any kind of level according to a specially designed scheme. These tools check the verticality and horizontality of the surface. Marks and beacons are installed on the walls, with the help of which the correct levels are provided. The plaster is applied and leveled to the level of the beacon, obtaining even surfaces.
  2. Preparing the wall for plaster. Old coatings are removed, pits are leveled, bumps are knocked down, protruding remains of the solution. Visible cracks are cleaned of dust, dirt and sealed with mortar. The pits are covered with reinforcing mesh and covered with a plaster composition.
  3. Surface priming. For better adhesion of solutions to the surface, it is primed. The primer is selected for the material that will be used to plaster the wall.

The solution in the process of plastering is applied in several layers:

  • spray: a 5 mm thick grout is applied all over the wall;
  • soil - a thicker layer that forms the basis of the plaster coating;
  • nakryvka - a layer 2 mm thick, which is used in places of alignment to a flat surface.

Novice builders often have a question about what tools to use for plastering, especially the plasterer's blades, because they are presented in stores with different forms canvases.

Plaster tools

For proper management process, many tools are used to facilitate the work of the plasterer. The design of some has not changed since ancient times, but there are many new devices developed with improvements in materials and with changes in technological processes.

We list the main tools for plastering surfaces: a construction falcon, Shaulsky's ladle or Ilyukhin's scoop, as a rule, a cutting blade, graters and trowels, bush hammer, troyanka and cogwheels, plastering spatula, metal scrapers, rollers, brushes, steel trowels, shaped trowels, automatic plastering complexes , spatulas for wall plastering.

The construction falcon is one of the most ancient tools of the plasterer. Initially, this device was made of wood. Now it is made of duralumin plate. A handle is attached to its center.

The falcon is designed to bring a certain amount of plaster and finishing composition and hold it with your hand when plastering the surface with a spatula. Another device is used for smearing and leveling the mortar on the wall.

Shaulsky's ladle and Ilyukhin's scoop are used for direct pouring of the solution onto the surfaces to be plastered. They are used when it is possible to install a box with a solution next to the workplace. The use of buckets increases the productivity of the plasterer. There is a reduction in several operations that are performed when using a falcon.

Shaulsky's ladle consists of a bowl and a handle. The bowl is made of stamped steel. The handle is fastened with rivets, a wooden handle is put on it.

The rule is a device for leveling the primer layer of the plaster composition. This tool checks the flatness of the surface. The rule is used when installing beacons, for finishing slopes and decorating internal corners.

The device is made of a flat, well-planed lath of rectangular or square cross-section. On the rail, handles are made in the form of slots. The construction industry releases the rule of aluminum. It is also made of aluminum h-profile.

The rule is often combined with a plumb line. Such a tool allows you to simultaneously perform 2 operations: check the verticality of walls, lighthouses and their straightness.

The master also needs tools for finishing plaster - graters and trowels. They are used for grouting the solution on the surface. Devices are made from pine board, on which there are no knots and tars. In stores, you can buy graters made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Their handles are wooden.

Trowels or trowels are used to smooth plaster. They are made from wood or steel. Rubber pads are attached to the ironing board.

Buchard is a metal hammer with teeth in the form of pyramids applied to the end sides. There are devices with cutting in the form of straight blades. Bouchard is used for applying decorative pattern on the plastered surface.

Troyanka and cogwheels are used for making notches on surfaces when plastering walls with your own hands. They are made in the form of a chisel, on the blade of which there are teeth.

plaster spatula

The main tool for plastering walls is a trowel. It is used for applying mortar on surfaces prepared for plastering. A trowel measures and mixes materials to make a solution in a small amount. The spatula is applied ready solution to the falcon The device is convenient to apply putty and finishing compositions.

The trowel for plaster is designated KSh, for surface finishing it is designated as KO. They differ from each other and from the blades intended for other construction works, the shape of the canvas. The trowel consists of a canvas with a bracket, a cap and a handle.

The plasterer's trowel is made of stainless steel and steel of other grades with a strength of 1P and 2P, which are distinguished by normal rolling accuracy of type B and normal flatness.

Steel with high or increased rolling accuracy is used for the bracket.

The cap is made from different brands steel with rolling accuracy and normal type flatness. For the manufacture of trowel handles, hardwood or impact-resistant plastic from composite materials with the addition of glass threads are used.

The brackets are attached to the canvas by gas arc welding. wooden handles spatulas for plaster must have caps in front; they are not provided for plastic handles.

Wooden handles are painted with bright enamels. colors or varnished. Plastic handles should have a relief notch.

The mass of the blade is not more than 0.3 kg. Geometric dimensions trowels: length to the tip of the handle - 286 mm, blade length - 190 mm, blade thickness - 1.5-1.7 mm.

The canvas for the plasterer's trowel is made in the shape of a heart, the spatula for finishing the plaster has a trapezoid shape.

Surface finishing tools made of stainless steel do not have an additional coating, for other types of steel an anti-corrosion coating is provided.

Plastering large walls by hand is a rather expensive pleasure and a lot of labor, especially if perfect quality is required and in a very short time by time. To speed up the plastering process, the so-called hopper bucket plastering shovel is used, with which it is possible to almost completely mechanize the entire plastering process.

In contact with

Hopper bucket: what is it, its features and application

This is a mechanical device with which a layer of plaster is applied to the surface of walls and ceilings. Plaster mixture exposed to air supplied from a compressor under a pressure of 6 atm., sprayed onto the walls. The solution feed rate (capacity) is approximately 60 cubic meters per hour, while its consumption, compared with a manual cape, is approximately 40% lower.

The pneumatic bucket is used for finishing primed vertical, inclined and horizontal (ceilings) surfaces with liquid, cement-lime, cement-gypsum mortars, as well as paints and adhesives.

Factory made hoppers are divided into two types - for ceiling plaster and separately for wall decoration.

The difference between buckets for plastering walls and finishing ceilings is small and consists only in design feature nozzle, consisting in the difference in the inclination of its angle to the surface to be treated. They also differ in the design of the handle. For buckets intended for ceiling work, it is located at an angle of 90 degrees, and for wall buckets, it has an angle of 45 degrees.

Plaster bucket-hopper, due to the pressure and force of impact of the solution on the surface of the wall, greatly improves its adhesion to the surface being plastered.

The bucket for mechanical plaster comes with several adjustable nozzles, which can vary depending on the type of mixture used for work. Due to this, the bucket gets rid of the solution within 5-10 seconds. And is able to plaster for a short period time area of ​​about 60 sq/m. The applied mortar is smoothed over the wall with a rule and a wide spatula.

How does a hopper bucket work?

For the operation of the hopper bucket, a compressor is used with a compressed air supply at the outlet of 5-6 atm., And a capacity of 350 liters per minute. Air is supplied through a hose with a diameter of about 16-18 mm. The hopper is activated by pressing the trigger guard, which is located on the handle.

During the production of plastering, a certain portion of the solution is scooped from the container with a ladle, after which it is brought to a distance of about 2-5 cm to the surface to be plastered. When pressing the trigger guard on the handle, compressed air is supplied from the hose to the hopper bucket, after which the solution is thrown out of it onto the wall surface.

The pneumatic ladle is completely freed from the plaster solution within 3-5 seconds. Due to this property, one plasterer will be able to process a wall area of ​​about 60 sq./m.

When supplying a very liquid mortar for plastering, the device should be held from the wall at a more remote distance within 250 - 350 mm, while the mixture should be fed under maximum pressure air.

The whole process of working with the hopper bucket can be viewed on the video.

With small volumes of plastering work, for a bucket, you can use an electric pump for pumping up car ramps, a turbine or some other air blower that can produce pressure within 6 atm.

Benefits and reviews of the plaster ladle


According to numerous reviews, users highly appreciated the work with this equipment.

The bucket hopper is a pretty good thing, cheap and cheerful. It looks like a paint gun. He plastered the garage himself in almost one day without helpers.

Nikolay. Sevastopol

Plastered my garage with a homemade hopper bucket, works great. Neighbors crowded to consider this miracle technique.


I've been using hopper for a long time. Work on plaster, when compared with manual, is much simpler and faster. But there is a slight clarification, with a large layer of plaster in several layers, the sketch is done manually faster.

Oleg. Professional plasterer.

How to make a do-it-yourself hopper bucket

Bucket set includes:

Considered plastering device possibly free to manufacture on their own, and drawings and diagrams can be freely found via the Internet.

Making a bucket on your own

Almost all parts of the hopper bucket can be purchased separately in specialized stores or construction market, then simply assemble them according to the scheme, which can be found on the Internet. DIY, perhaps only the solution container itself.

Various drawings and diagrams can be freely found on the Internet and improved to suit your needs, but you should also take into account the ergonomic properties of the bucket being made. For example, if the total mass of the device is in the range of 6-8 kg or more, it will be quite difficult for them to work for a long time.

To make your own container for a mechanical plaster shovel, you will need to perform the following actions:

After that, the equipment will be almost completely ready for work..

In general, if the hopper is made on its own, it will be inferior to the factory model in almost nothing in terms of work. But still, there is one small limitation for homemade work - they can only plaster on walls, and it will be very difficult to work with ceilings.

Requirements for a homemade bucket

After finishing work, the hopper must be thoroughly rinsed immediately. And if the remains of the solution are difficult to remove, it is recommended to lower the device into water for about 30 minutes.

Watch a video on how to make a hopper bucket from their canisters.

Finishing, and especially - plastering work, cannot be classified as particularly productive. It is not for nothing that in the recent past the laboriousness of erecting the walls of buildings was estimated at 30 ... 35% of the cost of finishing work. Since then, plastering stations have appeared, but they economically justify themselves only with significant areas of plastered objects. In addition, they are characterized by a significant consumption of plaster, and the finished premises require labor-intensive cleaning. Therefore, the appearance of such a tool as a hopper bucket was a kind of revolution in the field of individual and low-rise construction.

What is a hopper bucket?

Hopper (from the English. To hop - bounce, jump) - a prefix that unambiguously indicates the method of operation of such a device. The plaster mixture bounces, with the help of compressed air force, directed from the bottom of the plaster gun, created by a compressor that is attached to the tool.

The advantages that are achieved as a result of the use of a hopper bucket are as follows:

  1. Precise spraying of the mixture leads to 30-40% savings in plaster mortar.
  2. It is possible to work with other rare building mixtures, for example, with liquid wallpaper.
  3. With this device, it is possible to plaster surfaces with a complex configuration with high productivity.
  4. It is possible to plaster various areas with solutions different color and invoices.
  5. Due to the increase in the speed of contact of the mixture with the surface, the quality of the final coating increases.

The hopper bucket consists of the following parts:

  • spray nozzle, which disperses the working mixture and gives it the necessary speed;
  • containers for the working solution, the size and shape of which depend on the productivity, as well as the angle of inclination of the nozzle to the treated surface;
  • a control pneumatic valve that ensures the flow of the working mixture into the nozzle of the device;
  • a fitting with a confusing outlet nozzle, with the help of which the mixture at the outlet of the hopper bucket is given the required speed;
  • holding handle, the execution of which depends on the configuration of the device: if it is intended for processing ceilings, then the handle is placed perpendicular to the axis of the bucket, and if for plastering walls, then at an angle of 45 °.

The industrial designs of the tool in question are also equipped with special compressors, the characteristics and capabilities of which are adapted specifically for working with liquid building mixtures. Among them are concrete, cork and cement-sand compositions, relief-textured paints. Accordingly, the nomenclature of replaceable nozzles with different spray angles is also established (usually in the range of 30 ... 90 °: at smaller angles, productivity decreases, and at larger ones, the output speed decreases).

Due to their operational capabilities, hopper buckets are mini-plastering stations, the compactness and economy of which make them suitable for use in the most cramped areas of finishing work.

Hopper bucket technology

Outwardly, the hopper bucket resembles an airbrush, and uses almost the same method of application. Before starting work on finishing surfaces, a compressor is connected to the equipment in question, connected to a bucket with a rubber hose, and then the required working mixture is collected there. After opening the pneumatic valve, compressed air begins to flow into the bucket capacity, along the way, capturing fine particles of the working solution with the nozzle. Further, the flow comes out of the nozzle and is distributed over the treated surface in accordance with the manual movement of the bucket.

For the manufacture of the ladle, the device uses thin-sheet stainless steel: this allows you to increase the service life, and at the same time reduce the weight of the tool.

Working with the device requires certain skills, since the plastering process itself takes place with some changes, against traditional technology. It consists in the sequential execution of the following steps:

  1. Wetting the bucket with water. This is necessary so that the emerging adhesive forces of adhesion of the working mixture to the walls do not prevent its exit through the nozzle to the outside.
  2. Preparation of the mixture itself. When using traditional plaster components - sand and cement - it should be prepared less viscous, and it is better to use mortars on plaster base. To increase the productivity and convenience of working with the hopper bucket, it is advisable to add modifying additives to the main mixture.
  3. Preparations for plastering the very surface of the wall or ceiling. For this purpose, it is necessary to clean it from dust, dirt and irregularities, set beacons, and moisten. Sometimes, to increase the durability of the coating, the surface is reinforced with fiberglass mesh or geotextiles, or coated with primers.

  1. Prepare the necessary supply of solution at the rate of 30 ... 40 l / h. With a standard bucket capacity of 3 ... 4 liters, its complete emptying occurs in just a few seconds, so the volume of the working mixture should be sufficient to plaster the surface with a layer of 10 ... 20 mm. As a rule, up to 60 kg of ready-made plaster mixture in bags is used in one run, with large volumes it is more rational to use a concrete mixer.
  2. Depending on the nature of the liquid mixture used, the distance to the object of work is set. For industrial structures hopper buckets, this is 40 ... 50 mm. Further, without interruption, the composition is sprayed.
  3. During breaks in work, the tool must be thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of the working solution. To do this, the empty bucket must be lowered into a large container of water, and the compressed air supply must be turned on. The process should be carried out until only air comes out of the nozzle.

The final surface finish (grouting of irregularities) is carried out in the same way as with conventional plastering.

Do-it-yourself hopper bucket

The device in question is easy to make with your own hands, especially since there are a sufficient number of workable versions. The corresponding working drawings of some of them are presented below.

The main element of the hopper bucket, which will be made by hand, is the container itself. Components will have to be purchased, and as a compressor, you can use any home unit that is able to develop a compressed air discharge pressure in the range of 60 ... 70 atm, at a flow rate of at least 500 l / min. The volume of the compressor receiver must be at least 50 liters.

Minimum pressure setting for homemade device especially critical, because otherwise, the mixture will be supplied unevenly, its consumption will increase, and the quality of the finish surface will deteriorate. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to adapt vacuum cleaners-blowers for these purposes: the air consumption of some models can reach the required parameters, but the absence of a receiver will lead to sudden pressure drops during operation.

When developing a bucket drawing, it is worth considering ergonomic indicators - if the total mass of the device exceeds 5 ... 8 kg, then long-term work with it will be impossible.

The capacity of a do-it-yourself hopper bucket must meet the following requirements:

  1. On the side of the hose connection, the container must have a lid, hinged, or, preferably, sliding. This will protect the operator from spilling the working solution in case of plastering inclined or horizontal surfaces, especially ceilings.
  2. The diameter of the inlet hole cannot be less than 1.2 ... 1.5 mm: with small holes, the device often clogs, and with large holes - over 5 ... 6 mm - the pressure at the exit of the mixture from the bucket drops sharply.
  3. The outlet nozzle flare dimensions also have great importance. Its main parameters are the angle of the conical part (no more than 70 ... 90 °), and the length of the nozzle. In particular, with a length of more than 200 ... 220 mm, the distance between the bucket and the surface to be treated increases, which will negatively affect the accuracy of work.
  4. Aluminum or sheet steel is used as the container material (tin has a very high ductility, and therefore such containers will be deformed after several cycles of their use). Each of the options has its own advantages. For example, an aluminum bucket will be much lighter, but sheet blank you will have to connect into a spatial figure using self-tapping screws, and seal the joints with rubber seals. A steel bucket can be welded, while the sheet thickness should not be taken more than 0.8 ... 1 mm.

As a pneumatic valve, you can use a device for pumping air into car tires. In extreme cases, a conventional ball valve will also work, but it will not allow instantaneous shutdown of the mixture supply, and its specific consumption per unit area of ​​the treated surface will increase.

Operation video homemade hopper bucket presented below.

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