Bathhouse in the forest in winter. How to make a camping bath with your own hands: ways

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Mobile bath tent is the simplest of existing options baths. marching bath will allow you to have a good rest during fishing, long hunting, fishing, during hiking trips and jeep safari. It can be easily installed on suburban area(if there is no stationary bath or it is still at the project stage).

light tent

For this option baths not the polyethylene familiar to us all is used, but the usual cling film. If you are planning a cycling or hiking trip and want to organize a sauna in nature, cling film is much better than polyethylene.

Assembly technology

1. Assemble a “heater” / “stove” / “hearth” / “fireplace” from stones - in general, any structure inside which you can make a fire. The dimensions of the inlet are approximately 40x40 centimeters, and 50 centimeters deep to lay long logs.

assemble a camping bath

For the construction, it is necessary to use large stones, as they store heat longer, although they heat up longer. Between the stones it is necessary to leave gaps for air access, so the fire will burn better. To make the heat stand out longer, you need to build a large stove.

2. You need to heat the stove for at least 5 hours. Therefore, prepare normal firewood (not deadwood with brushwood).

3. While the stones are heating, a frame is being made.

how to assemble a camping bath

The frame can be knitted with anything and in any way. Best Option- on twists (freely tied to the right place with a rope or tape in several turns). After that, a stick-lever is inserted into the loop. She spins around the harness and tightens the rope. They twisted it harder and tied the "lever" to one of the sticks so that it would not unscrew. The height of the frame does not need to be made more than 140 cm. You need to measure by the person sitting and add a little for the margin.

assembling a camping bath tent

Ceiling perimeter rails and center stake are optional - hot air will lift up any film, which by the way and on the sides inflates like a balloon.

4. We lay the floor from spruce or pine branches.

We make bench seats (old stumps will ideal option). When the stones warm up, and only coals remain from the firewood, you need to rake out with a shovel, oar or any wide stick and throw away everything that is left of the fire. The remaining coals need to be thrown with sand, earth or moss. This must be done, otherwise you can get poisoned in such a bath carbon monoxide(burn out). We wrap the frame with foil. You will need tape to secure the edges and repair if holes appear. The edges of the film are carefully pressed to the ground (logs, sand and stones).

Mobile bath tent

We make an entrance. If the size of the film allows, then you can simply lift the edge. You can make a gap, but you need to seal it with high quality using clothespins.

Spruce bath-tent

You will need:

  1. Hazel.
  2. Poncho.
  3. Rope.
  4. Scotch.
  5. Covering film (Film must be purchased in advance)

Such a film covers furniture and finishing surfaces. Available in thicknesses up to 60 microns. Of course, you can buy a film for greenhouses, but weight is an important factor. While the stones are heating, we are building a frame. Depending on the size of the bath, you will need about 12 long hazel trunks with a length of 3-4 meters.

Tip: When choosing a hazel, keep in mind that a thin hazel will not withstand the structure, and a thick hazel will not bend and break. The hazel ends are not pointed and are inserted around the perimeter. Bend, fasten with tape. Remember to leave a distance for the entrance.

We collect a mobile bath

Having made the main dome, it must be strengthened with ropes or the same hazel. You can do both.

mobile bath tent

Now you can start laying the legs of the Christmas tree. This will help protect the film from burning. Paws carry incredibly useful feature- inhalation. The base is ready.

Now you need to throw out the unburned coals from the fire.

Tip: If you leave even a little ember, you can get carbon monoxide poisoning. We attach a hazel stick to the bottom edge in tension, this will be the door and tie a poncho over the entrance.

The whole structure is now covered with a film. Cover should be very carefully (the film is thin), fasten with tape. at the base baths We apply the film with stones, logs and sprinkle with earth.

Advice: It is better to water the stones hot water. This will keep the heat from your stones from being taken away. It is necessary to water the stones in small portions, otherwise the film will burn out.

Mobile bath, camping

The principle of the device of all "mobile" baths is the same. But you can meet different variants. frame camping bath built from wooden beams with your own hands. Sizes vary by company. The more bath- the more stones you need to heat up.

Variants of camping baths tents

A heater is laid out inside the frame. Inside which an intense fire is melted. In order for the stones to warm up well, the fire should be burned all day. At the same time, you need to prepare buckets of boiling water.

When you decide that the stones are hot enough, the fire must be allowed to go out. All remaining coals and smut must be removed with a shovel. It is necessary to clean everything from soot as much as possible.

do-it-yourself mobile bath

After cleaning, it's time to throw polyethylene or any awning over the frame that prevents steam from escaping.

From the inside, a camping bath looks like this.

camping bath. inside view

You can steam.

Camping bath from a tent

If you have a solid large one that has no bottom. In this case wooden frame no need to build. It all starts, of course, with a fire on the pyramid of stones (heater).

For better heating of stones from all sides, you can use a special metal stand from rods. Firewood is also stacked under it.

After 5 hours of heating the stones, the smuts and coals are removed from the stones. You can pitch a tent without a bottom over the coals.

For this, everything was done. "Advice. Sprinkle the tent at the base with earth. This will avoid drafts."

Camping bath from an awning

Necessary materials:

  • A piece of metal lattice.
  • Large five bucket pot.
  • stapler.
  • Ropes.
  • Axes.
  • Oilcloth.
  • Awnings from tents.

We dig a hole 0.6 m wide, 1.5 m long, 0.5 m deep.

making a tent bath

The walls and bottom of the pit are laid out with medium stones. The bottom between the stones is covered with small pebbles so that the ash does not wake up. As many stones as possible are superimposed. Principle: there will be a fire in the pit, a metal mesh is placed across the pit. Stones are then piled on it, and a pot of water is placed.

Even tree trunks are selected from the dry land on the frame of the bath. We dig them into the ground and make jumpers. The size of the bath depends on the number of people. We prepare oilcloths and awnings in advance.

On the picture bath almost assembled. The stones are heated for at least 6 hours. A suitable temperature will be maintained for about 2 hours.

Bath melted without an awning, otherwise everything would be smoky. After the stones are heated, all the ashes must be removed. The field of this design is quickly covered with blades and an awning. Everything is fixed with a stapler.

From below, the tent is pressed down with firewood, stones and covered with earth so that the steam does not go outside.

If you are a true fan of the Russian bath, then the mobile bath tent will be very useful to you.

In preparing the material, photographs from the following resources were used:

Tourism shops offer a huge selection of tents for a bath. There are two problems with industrial hiking steam rooms: high cost (25-30 thousand rubles) and small capacity (3-4 people). Do-it-yourself camping bath is 3 times cheaper, and its area is unlimited, because the size is determined by the owner himself.

Bath, made by hand in field conditions

What is a camping bath

A field bath is a mobile steam room in nature, which is carried around like a regular tent. her all year round used by tourists on hikes, summer residents and avid lovers of baths.

The meaning and action of the steam room is no different from the traditional bath. Only in nature, a hot holiday is more pleasant and affordable. There is nothing easier than making a camping bath yourself and inexpensively.

Differences between a homemade bath and a purchased one

Factory baths come with a stove, which is located inside the tent. It heats the room and brings the smoke out. AT homemade design the stove replaces the fire and stones from the river bank. They are heated and placed in a tent, poured with water, as in a real Russian bath.

It is more convenient to build a bathhouse on a hike with your own hands, because only a cover for a tent is taken from the equipment.

Bath accessories: what to put in a backpack

Camping baths are not only a tent structure. In order to build it yourself, you will need certain tools.

  1. A container for heating water - a pot, a bucket will do. Consider the size of your tent.
  2. Ax and saw. Preparing firewood for future use is the first rule in a sauna tent with a stove.
  3. Dried brooms, light and compact. Steaming without them makes no sense. A fresh broom made from living branches is traumatic.
  4. Clothes and towels. For drying the body and hair after a steam room or swimming in a pond (if there is such an opportunity next to the bath).
  5. Seat mat. Mats, a blanket or a blanket, so as not to catch a cold on the cold ground.
  6. Dry field herbs for tea, fragrant steam.
  7. Metal or wooden tongs and a bucket for hot stones.

Homemade stove for a camping bath

Firewood, clean water and stones for an impromptu stove can sometimes be found at the bathing halt. If you go to a proven, familiar place, then you probably know the features of the area.

Place for a bath

It is best if a do-it-yourself camping bathhouse stands on the shore of a lake or river. It is convenient to wash after the steam room and scoop up clean water for tea. It is important that the reservoir is clean. Green cloudy water will give a foul-smelling, dirty vapor and useful effect don't have to wait.

The field bath is laid out on a dry, flat surface. Carefully inspect the shore and the place for the tent for sharp stones, glass, anthills. Choose soft enough, but the soil to drive the frame of the tent was not difficult, and the structure did not loosen.

Firewood should be available: a forest nearby is also required. It is great to prepare deadwood for a fire - the fire will be hot and quickly flare up. You won’t be able to carry firewood with you, because for several hours of a good fire you will need more than one armful.

The ideal shore is river stones. If there are only sandy coasts nearby, they buy stones for a bath in the store and carry them with them.

The design of the bath for a hike

A camping sauna tent consists of three elements: a frame, roofing material and a stove. The finished stove is often bought separately, and the tent is made. The disadvantage of the finished oven is that it will have to be carried with you. That is, a couple of extra pounds will make the tourist's backpack heavier. In field conditions, craftsmen independently lay out a stone stove.

In the photo - the frame of the camping bath

Types of bath frames

The skeleton of the building is made of timber, light metal (aluminum tubes, for example), plastic. The frame should be easily and quickly assembled by hand. An old tent frame will do. Often, tourist baths are a cap made of roofing material. Supports are also made from improvised materials - young long shoots, which are fastened together in a rectangular structure and dug in for stability. A blank of fabric, oilcloth or tarpaulin is pulled from above and the tent for the bath is ready.

Ordinary camping tents are not suitable as a steam room. Under the influence of steam, harmful chemical substances In addition, the tent fabric wears out quickly from high temperatures.

Roofing materials for the tent

The distinctive properties of the roof are thermal insulation, density and impermeability. The cheapest and almost disposable option: polyethylene or oilcloth. Its integrity is enough for 3-4 times of careful use. From above, it’s nice to sketch soft branches so that the mobile bath with your own hands keeps warm longer.

Suitable for sheathing tarpaulin and dense waterproof fabric. Fasten the parts of the tent cover with a double-folded seam, tape, tape, adhesive tape, and in any way that will give tight insulation.

The entrance is fastened with a zipper. This is good way insulation and heat preservation. The most convenient two-sided model.

The device of a tarpaulin roof for a camping bath

When the frame is ready and the cover is put on, the edges of the tent are sprinkled with stones and sand so that the walls become stretched and motionless.

How easier: make or buy an oven

The choice of stoves is wide, as are the methods of home-made laying out. All you need are medium sized stones. Approximately 10-15 cm in diameter, oval, oblong shape.

Do not take stones with obvious layers and layers. They tend to crack and scatter into hot fragments.

In order for the fire to burn well, the earth is laid out with boulders or pebbles. Stones, like firewood, need a lot, about a bucket for 1 soaring.

The oven is laid out in several stages.

  1. The stones are laid out in a well, which gradually narrows towards the top. It turns out a pyramid.
  2. Under the pyramid, they leave a void for a fire, respectively, and a small stove opening.
  3. They lay firewood and kindle a fire.

From the first time laying the furnace, not everyone succeeds. To facilitate the task, a mesh of reinforcement is used, which serves as a support for the stone dome. Or a metal cubic frame that serves as a stable support for stones.

Water is heated on stones for about 3 hours until it boils.

The second version of the fire is a little more mobile: the stones are folded into a pyramid without a cavity. From above, they are completely laid with firewood in the form of a hut. They light a fire and immediately hang water on a slingshot to warm up, because the stones will be hot in 1-1.5 hours.

For safety reasons, a fire is laid out at a distance of 10 meters from the tent. a polyethylene bath, for example, will instantly melt from a spark or a hot stone fragment if the fire is close. Tarpaulin or rag tents are no more durable.

We offer a video on how to make a camping bath yourself.


If you intend to go out into nature on the weekend, or another day, and at the same time think about the bathhouse and think about canceling the trip to the bathhouse, then the answer is obvious. Take the sauna with you or build a new one there. After all, a trip to nature and a trip to the bath can be combined and made one whole. We are talking about a bath in field conditions, which you can build with your own hands.

Is it possible to buy a camping bath?

For beginners in this matter, it is necessary to know in detail what needs to be available during the construction of this structure, so that, in the end, the planned event with washing and a steam room still happens. If a trip to nature is planned by personal transport, then it is better if the racks for the frame of the camping bath are already available. Also, if you want to avoid unnecessary work, but, nevertheless, if you need a camping bath, buying such a design today is not a big deal. You can buy a camping bath as a whole, you can buy - by its constituent elements: only a stove, only a frame, only an awning. In short, it’s more economical to buy what you most don’t want to invent and do with your own hands. The purchased bath looks, of course, more aesthetically pleasing, so it is best to purchase it for country house or a dacha, if there is no stationary bath there yet, but you really want to wash, and even more so, take a steam bath. The principle of such baths, no matter what design they are, is the same - hot stones are poured with water or herbal decoctions.

What you need to make a bath on a hike

For those who are planning a hike on foot, of course, it is more reasonable to build a bathhouse right at the place of rest. Still, there are some things you need to take with you. But in order to fulfill the plan, you need to know whether everything that is missing will be in this place. Indeed, in order for a camping bath to turn from an imaginary object into something real, certain conditions are necessary. At the place of halt it is obligatory and necessary:

  1. Availability of water. Without water, in fact, it will be very difficult to wash. It can be the coast of a river, the coast of a sea or a lake.
  2. The presence of stones. Steam when splashing on - without it, a bath in field conditions will turn into a simple dousing with water. Well, if this is the coast, there will certainly be stones. It is worth choosing them carefully. It is better to take homogeneous round large boulders, the fact is that different components of the stone can react differently to temperature differences and, as a result, when heated, the stones will crack and scatter into small components. In the absence of boulders, you can get by with pebbles. You need a lot of stones, approximately 1 bucket - for 1 wash. In short, each participant in the bathing procedure must collect a bucket of stones for himself.
  3. The presence of young thin trees for the construction of the frame. You can also stock up on racks in advance. These can be simple aluminum racks from stalls. They are quickly and easily assembled and disassembled, easy to transport. Some hikers use carbon fiber racks, they are also safe. If these are not available, young trees will have to be cut down. The finished poles should be about 3-4 cm in diameter. But here it must be borne in mind that the wooden racks will be disturbed within the framework of safety, and you will always have to think about this. About the way they are fastened together, you also need to think. Moreover, each campaign will need to invent new poles. Therefore, regular lovers of camping baths take collapsible racks on a hike. This allows you not to think about fire safety, and also saves construction time.
  4. Availability of firewood. it will also take a lot, on the basis that they burn for at least 2-3 hours. No need to choose too thick logs. They burn poorly and do not save time from this at all. The size of firewood should be a maximum of 10-15 cm, then they will have time to burn out and give up all their heat.

But with what to cover the constructed frame, you need to think in advance. Covering material must be taken with you, since, unfortunately, nothing suitable can be found in nature. There are also many options here, you can buy something, maybe there is something on the farm. The easiest option is a square piece of polyethylene measuring 6 by 6 meters. You can also use an awning from an old tent, the bottom of which, of course, needs to be removed, or a piece of tarpaulin of a similar size.

The construction of the stove: the first option

When all of the above is already in stock, it remains main question how to put it all together so that it works, in other words, how to make a camping bath? First things first, you need to take care of the fire, since it will burn for at least three hours, so you can do the frame later. Well, if a lot of people gathered on the campaign, and everyone wants to wash, let them participate in the work. Then all the work can be done in parallel: some collect stones, others build a frame, others deal with an awning, fourth ones chop wood, and the most responsible one, of course, manages the whole process. The stove in our case will be like a layer cake. A layer of stones is piled on a layer of firewood, which are also covered with a layer of firewood. Now you need to build a fire and when it flares up, put another layer of stones. This procedure with layers must be repeated until the stones run out. Within 2-3 hours it is necessary to maintain a good heat, the stones should be red-hot, in the dark it is more noticeable.

Frame construction

It is necessary to make the frame strong and not far from the fire (two meters) and water. The neighborhood with water provides fast and uninterrupted water supply, and if desired, it will replace the presence of a pool. And the fire must be at a safe distance, and at the same time we must remember that there will still have to be transported stones. It may happen that they have time to cool down before they get to the steam room. For stones, by the way, on the territory of the frame, you need to dig a pit, and stones will be collected in it when they heat up to the desired condition. If the frame is made of poles, they can be connected using the example of a hut or a cube. The joints can be tied with a rope, wrapped with tape or electrical tape (all this should be prudently taken with you). After assembly, the ends of the poles must be "packed" in soft material so that they do not pierce the film. If there are racks for the frame, its construction will not take much time. We insert the racks into each other, according to the design technology, and the frame is ready for use.

Installation of covering material

If the stones have already warmed up to the desired condition, it's time to move them into the frame, into a hole specially dug for them. The stones are moved as best they can, who rolls, who drags with a shovel, the main thing is to do it quickly. Strongly crumbled ones should not be taken. When all the stones are already in place, it is necessary, in order to fire safety, places of contact of the fire (or stones) with the ground, pour water. Now you need to hoist the awning on the frame. This must be done carefully, without touching hot stones. Outside, you need to leave the “skirt”, spreading out on it everything heavy that is at hand: stones (cold), logs and the like, so that as much as possible less heat came out. It is better to enter in opposite side from the stones, but straight - to the water, there, after the parks, you can dive and rinse. To check whether everything is ready for the park, you can splash water on the stones, if the steam rises up in a hot wave, then the bath is ready for the steam room, if the steam has filled the structure with thick fog, this means that the stones have cooled down and you won’t be able to take a steam bath anymore.

The construction of the stove: the second option

There is another option for the design of the stove. A camping bath, in this case, will resemble a Russian bath "in black". Such a bath, of course, is more smoky, but also hotter. The stove for such a camping bath needs to be built in a slightly different way, and the essence will be the same, but the forms will be different. The first attempt - a huge stone is placed in the middle of the proposed stove - a boulder, around it are poured, all the other stones are superimposed. All firewood is piled on this pyramid at once, so that no more firewood is added. When the whole fire has burned down - the bath is ready. The second attempt is to make a structure out of stones in the shape of the letter “P”, and lay firewood in the middle. it will take 5-6 hours, the bath is ready. The third attempt is to make (in advance) a non-combustible stone box and hoist it over the fire. And this bath is ready.

Installation of an awning

The option is convenient for those who do not like playing golf with rolling stones in one hole. Here, on the contrary, a frame with an awning is installed above the place where the stones are heated. But first you need to remove all unburned logs and cracked fragments of stones from the fire, pour water around the fire. It is necessary to equip places for a steam room, spreading around the stones, for example, a layer of needles. The entrance to the bath can be done in the same way as the previous version - opposite from the stones, next to the water. Well, the issue of safety, in this version of the camping bath, must be approached most carefully. If everything is ready - you can bathe.

So, the options have been exhausted. Of course, they all have a chance to exist. Which one is better to choose, practice will help. One thing is indisputable - after a day spent in nature, a steam room in a bath is its best completion. You can feel it only when you experience all the splendor of this procedure for yourself. It is better to try and not regret than not to try and regret the missed chance all the time left until the next trip!

Camping bath - video

Camping bath (video instruction):

How easy it is to make a bath in nature:

Camping Bath

Everyone knows what a bath is, which cannot be said about such a structure as a camping bath. In this article I will tell you how to make an impromptu steam room in nature at no extra cost. Plus we'll talk about what offers us modern market, with an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of specific models, tourist baths and stoves for them.

Homemade steam room in nature

Of course, a mobile bath in a high-quality factory design is a good thing, we will also talk about it, only a little later. But those who go out into nature once a year and are not going to seriously invest in expensive equipment need more simple solutions and we will start the conversation with these options.

Where does it all start

It is no secret that traditional baths come in white and black, a bath in nature is no exception. But before delving into the intricacies of technology, let's first figure out what tools and raw materials we need.

In principle, almost all such structures, whether they are mobile or stationary, are arranged in the same way. AT indoors a heater stove is installed, which is heated and then these heated stones are poured with water.

You don’t need any specialized tool for building a steam room with your own hands in field conditions, it’s quite possible to do standard set tourist. That is, you must have an ax, a knife, a supply of rope and a shovel.

To build an impromptu room for our steam room, you need a frame.

There are several options here:

  • The easiest way is to go to the nearest forest and chop the young there. You should choose straight poles with a thickness of about 3 - 4 cm and a length of up to 3 m;
  • A prefabricated frame from a tourist or, at worst, a market tent is perfect. Iron tubes are certainly a good thing, but they are heavy, so it is better to give preference to aluminum racks here.

Now there are still frames made of carbon fiber and fiberglass, I won’t lie, I personally didn’t test them, but according to experienced tourists, the material is quite worthy of attention.

Naturally, the frame needs to be covered with something, and for these purposes there are also several pretty decent options:

  • In the "bins of the Motherland" of almost half of our compatriots, you can find an old canvas tent without a bottom, still of the Soviet type. A canvas tent is a thing that cannot be killed even for an impromptu steam room, it fits perfectly, the only negative is its weight, the tarpaulin is heavier than modern analogues;

  • If somehow it didn’t work out with a canvas tent, then you can buy a two-layer technical polyethylene with a thickness of 100 - 200 microns. You can take a roll, but you have to fuss more with it, I recommend buying a whole canvas. Now in stores they sell pieces 6x6m in size, such dimensions are enough for you to build a steam room for 4 - 6 people;
  • A friend of mine adapted an old advertising banner for this purpose. Dense polymer fabric is of course a strong thing and you can use such an awning for a steam room more than a dozen times, but the banners are heavy, so this option is more suitable for autotourists.

In no case do not use modern synthetic tents for the construction of a steam room, they burn out from any small spark. Such an awning after the first call can be thrown away.

Choosing a place wisely

When choosing a place, first of all, remember that a camping bath with a stove should be equipped next to a pond. It is not so important whether it is a lake or a river, the main thing is that there is a lot of water, it will not work well to wash from an imported tank.

Second no less important point this is firewood, and a lot of firewood will be needed. When my friends and I organize a fishing steam room, two people need about 2 hours to collect. Only deadwood should be taken, logs should be 10–15 cm thick. Thick logs will not burn through, and thin logs will not give the desired heat.

By the way, advice for motorists, having a chainsaw in the trunk will significantly speed up the process, plus you won’t have to sweat so much with an ax in your hands.

And finally, it will take a lot of stones to fold the stove for a camping sauna, and the choice should be taken seriously.

  • Approximate amount of material 1 bucket of stones per 1 person;
  • In addition, you do not need to take all the stones in a row. Only large and medium boulders are suitable for us, preferably rounded;
  • Do not take stones with extraneous inclusions and multi-colored stones. Such material, when heated, will almost certainly crumble, or even worse, begin to “shoot”;
  • Cracked stones will not suit us either;
  • In no case do not try to build a stove for a mobile bath from slate, it is categorically not suitable for these purposes;
  • As a result, we are interested in rounded homogeneous boulders, the diameter of which starts from 10 - 15 cm.

I will give you a separate secret of selecting stones from own experience. I choose stones on a sunny day, preferably on open area and take only hot boulders. If the stone is heated by the sun, it means that it accumulates heat well and fits perfectly under the stove for a camping bath.

We organize a bath on white

For you to understand, a white bath is a fire with hot stones separately, and an impromptu steam room is separate and only at the very end of heating all this is combined.

We start by heating the stones, and while they are heating, we are building a steam room. Although if there are enough people, then you can do everything at the same time. At the same time, the distance from the fire to the steam room is approximately 1.5 - 2 m, so that the heat or sparks do not burn the awning.

The process goes in stages, the first row of the thickest logs is laid on the ground. One layer of stones is poured on it. Lay out another row of logs on top and cover with a row of stones. Thus, you should get a "sandwich" of 3 - 4 layers of stones, after which the fire is kindled.

As the firewood burns out, you gradually add rows of stones and cover them with dry firewood. This continues until all the stones are in the fire. Next, they need to be brought to desired temperature, it takes an average of 2 - 3 hours, so the fire should burn all this time.

It is best to organize this action in the afternoon, so by the time it comes to the procedures themselves, twilight will come, and at twilight you can clearly see the moment when the stones turn red from the heat.

By the time the stones are finally warmed up, you should have a steam room ready. It’s easier, of course, to build a hut like an Indian wigwam. But it is bad because the heat will collect in the upper cone, and miserable crumbs will remain on the lower tier, where people actually soar.

My friends and I always collect a cube, fuss with it more, but the effect is much better. Although in principle there is nothing complicated. You dig in 4 support posts, make a strapping from above and tie diagonals on the walls for stability. On the ceiling, the diagonals should be crossed.

To prevent polyethylene from breaking through sharp corners homemade frame, they should be wrapped in advance with some rags. Plus, you need to dig a small pit for laying stones in the farthest corner of the steam room from the entrance and dig a gutter from this pit to the fire.

Now a couple of people are arming themselves with strong sticks, scooping heated stones out of the fire and pushing them along the chute into the steam room, unloading them into one common pile in the pit.

Some tourists do otherwise, they build a frame, drag stones there, and only after that they quickly cover the frame with an awning. The method is acceptable, but in my opinion erroneous, too much heat goes to the wind.

My friends and I do this:

  • The awning is calmly and carefully covered in advance and lined with stones around the perimeter for tightness;
  • When it comes time to move stones into it, 2 people push these stones to the entrance to the steam room, while the third person, being inside the steam room, quickly picks up the stones on a shovel and stores them in the right place;
  • For everything about everything, it takes no more than 10 - 15 minutes, and most importantly, all the heat remains inside the steam room.

Some of the stones may crumble from the heat, so you should not rake these fragments out of the fire, they will not make the weather. Plus, at the end of the moving process, the gutter should be poured abundantly with water, small coals will definitely remain in it, which can be burned.

Bath in black

Sauna in black from the point of view of warming up the steam room profitable option, but at the same time, this option is more smoky and, if I may say so, more dirty. It can be organized in two ways.

The easiest and least expensive way is to set the largest boulder available in the center, and lay all the other stones around the perimeter and on top in the form of a pyramid.

Then you dump all the firewood that you have on this pile of stones, set it on fire and wait for the fire to burn out. When the fire begins to fade, you start building a frame for the steam room around this pyramid, but do not immediately cover it.

The main thing here is not to miss the moment of the highest heating of the stones. When you decide that this moment has come, take a broom from freshly cut branches and sweep the remaining coals away from the frame. And inside the frame itself, you pour water on the ground and lay tree branches; coniferous spruce branches are well suited for these purposes.

Now the main thing is to quickly wrap the frame with an awning and press it around the perimeter with stones. By the way, that is why I recommended buying a single wide piece of polyethylene, it is easiest for them to do this.

If you have a prefabricated frame, then you can immediately cover it with an awning and put it aside. When the time comes, a couple of strong men can easily lift this structure and cover it with a pyramid of hot stones.

The second method, in my opinion, is more effective, but at the same time it takes more time. Here, initially, a square furnace of large stones is built at the base and a pyramid of smaller stones is built above it.

Further, this impromptu stove for a camping bath is melted and maintained in an active state for about 4-6 hours. Since the dimensions of the firebox itself are often small, a person must constantly be on duty near it in order to throw a fresh portion of firewood into the fire.

But this method is good because when things are approaching the end, you can build a frame right around the stove and even partially cover it. The fire is concentrated in one place and here, with a few strokes of a shovel, you will completely remove the coals from the furnace.

Moreover, coals can not be raked out at all, just fill them with plenty of water. Then quickly close the tent and enjoy the bath procedures. By the way, if the roof is made with a hatch or completely removable, then such an oven can be melted several times.

In order not to constantly look for large stones for the construction of the firebox, one of my comrades immediately welded a cube from a corner of 35 mm, with dimensions of about half a meter, he installs it in the base of the firebox and covers it with stones, simply and conveniently.

Features of homemade designs

  • In any case, a certain number of stones will crack and crumble, and so, in order to minimize this percentage, first collect the stones, and then make a fire. No need to take a stone from the river and throw it into the fire, believe me it's dangerous;
  • Of course, stones rarely crack after a set temperature, but in order to once again don't risk it, don't pour cold water on them. You have enough time, put a bucket of water on the fire in advance, boil it and pour boiling water over the stones;
  • Despite the great heat from the fire, the ground near the reservoir is always cool and so that this dissonance does not prevent you from steaming, immediately prepare heat-insulating rugs and sit on them;

  • Do not expect much from the first entry, on the first entry the person and the steam room warm up, real relaxation occurs only on the second entry;
  • Experienced bath lovers know that steam is a kind of temperature indicator. When the stones are well heated, the steam from them is translucent, it quickly rises up and disappears there. If you poured water on the stones and the steam room filled with thick fog, this indicates that this entry was extreme.

Choosing a serial model of a mobile bath

Of course, a bath in nature, assembled with your own hands from improvised means, is filled with special romance, but its construction takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, a serial camping sauna with a stove is now more popular, plus you can also cook dinner on such a stove.

Here you can go in two ways - buy a tent separately and pick up a stove for it or order everything in the complex. Each of these options has its pros and cons.

We buy everything separately

First, let's talk about the most popular models of stoves, 2 marching designs "Pashekhonka" and "Bereg" are in the lead here. Both of them are assembled from sheets of stainless steel and they function perfectly, but there are still differences.

The Pashekhonka oven has standard sizes 300x300x500 mm, it is equipped with four removable metal legs. A box for stones is not provided here at all; instead, two are hung from both sides of the furnace metal screen from stainless steel.

In addition, the stove for the Pashekhonka mobile bath is equipped with a one and a half meter chimney with two removable knees. With their help, the chimney is easier to adapt to a specific awning, plus the smoke output can be adjusted in a certain direction.

The relative disadvantage of the Pashekhonka stove is the lack of a grid for stones. But if this is really important for you, then stones can be poured onto the upper plane, their temperature, of course, will not be the same, but there is a certain charm in this.

The stove for a camping bath "Coast" is a more capital structure. The so-called convection casing is equipped around the perimeter of this furnace, into which, if desired, about 25 kg of stones can be loaded. This design improvement significantly improves heat transfer, but it is not the only one.

The oven doors are equipped with a special glass, the instruction says that with the help of this device it is possible to regulate both the temperature inside the furnace and the general temperature in the steam room.

Like the previous model, "Bereg" is equipped with a collapsible chimney, only here the kit does not include knees for it. Manufacturers also equipped this design with a spark and a flame arrester, which, according to them, save from overheating.

As for the tents, there are also 2 leaders here. The Mobiba trademark is more widely known in the domestic market, but I will devote a separate chapter to it. Right behind it in the popularity rating is a bath awning from the Nova Tour company.

The thin and light bath tent from Nova Tour is designed for 4 people, when folded it fits easily into a backpack and weighs only 2.5 kg. A big plus is the presence of several windows, and most importantly, the price for this tent fluctuates around 4 thousand rubles, while Mobiba will cost much more.

In fact, the only disadvantage of the Nova Tour sauna tent is that the frame is not included in the kit, it will have to be bought separately or built from improvised means.

Popular models from the brand "Mobiba"

A mobile bath in nature is not always bought purely for tourist purposes. Hunters, geologists and even summer residents are also interested in this product, because at the stage of building a capital mansion, you need to wash somewhere.

Therefore, before you start choosing, answer yourself a few questions:

  • You only need a sauna or you are going to use an awning for living. If the first, then should there be a vestibule in the bath?
  • Will the structure be operated only in the summer or is it a year-round option?
  • The awning will be assembled occasionally at the exits or installed on long time semi-permanent way?
  • Again, what is the maximum capacity of the structure?

Now let's go through all these issues more specifically:

  • If you are interested in a two-in-one design, that is, a tent and a bathhouse, then among single-layer awnings, MB-104 or MB-103 are suitable for this purpose. Among the two-layer options, MB-552, MB-442 and MB-332 are more suitable for you. In all these models, the partition is made detachable;

  • But MB-12, MB-5 and MB-1T are purely baths, the partition in them does not come unfastened. But keep in mind, the MB-5 model does not have a vestibule at all, so it is considered the lightest and most mobile;
  • For year-round use and a terrible winter cold, the MB-552, MB-442 and MB-332 models are suitable. In addition to a two-layer protected awning, they are equipped with a reinforced frame made of light tubes with a cross section of 16 mm;

As for the number of layers, this is the case. According to manufacturers, a single-layer awning can be used at temperatures up to -20ºС, it is considered demi-season. The winter two-layer version withstands frosts down to -40ºС.

  • There are 2 types of frames, they practically do not differ in design and assembly principle, the difference lies only in the cross section of the tubes. Light frames are made from tubes with a section of 13 mm, and capital ones from a section of 16 mm. All tubes are made of D16T aviation alloy;
  • But do not think that lightweight frames are excessively flimsy, they are stronger than most of the frames of ordinary tourist tents, only these frames are not advisable to be left unattended for a long time, they are designed to be assembled in a "couple of days". While a heavy frame can be installed for the whole season;
  • As for specific models, MB-104, MB-103, MB-12 and MB-5 come with light frames. But the models MB-552, MB-442, MB-1E and MB-332 are equipped with powerful frames made of a 16 mm tube, but these frames weigh much more;

  • Almost all models are produced with different dimensions. The capacity of the tent ranges from 2 to 10 people, so this is often not a problem;
  • Mobile bath in without fail it is completed with the furnace, 2 models "Optima" and "Medina" are presented here. If we compare their characteristics with the above-mentioned furnaces, then "Optima" corresponds to the "Pashekhonka" furnace, and "Medina" is closer to the "Bereg" furnace, the differences there are insignificant;
  • By default, all single-layer models MB-12, MB-5 and others are equipped with Optima. Of the two-layer awnings, Optima is installed only in MB-552, the rest all come with Medina. Although the manufacturer can change the package at your request, this is usually not a problem, only the price will change.


A camp bath on a "wild" vacation, fishing or hunting, is an irreplaceable thing. I tried to provide comprehensive information, both on homemade and factory options, now it's up to you. In the photo and video in this article, you can clearly see the process of arranging such structures. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will try to help.

When we talk about a bath, we first of all understand not only that this is an opportunity for high-quality bathing, but also that it is great benefit for good health. Going on a hike, we know for sure that we get rest, strengthen our health, and recharge ourselves with energy. And if there is a do-it-yourself camping bath, then everything beneficial effects increases many times.

Why do you need a camping bath

In conditions of a long trip, sometimes problems arise in order to wash up. But if you imagine that you can go to bed not only clean, but also relaxed and exhausted after visiting an excellent bathhouse. The difference will be felt immediately, and your rest at night will allow you to fully spend the next day.

Do-it-yourself camping baths come to the aid of those under construction. In addition, it is an excellent option for construction teams that are permanently attached to the construction site.

What does a bathhouse look like?

There are no fundamental differences between this design and the usual bath: you will need to organize an enclosed space that functions as a steam room and make a stove for such a camping bath. Sometimes a special stove is not used in the conditions of a hike, and using stones, something similar to a fireplace is built, where a fire is made.

Stones are later placed in such a fireplace, and the main task is to heat these stones to the temperature necessary to obtain the right amount hot steam.

They try to use rounded stones, because of the fragility of flat and layered ones. When heated, they become covered with cracks, fragments are formed that scatter to the sides, which can lead to damage to others. Therefore, two options are possible here: stay away when heating stones, or there is another, more civilized way - to buy either a finished stove, or the entire structure.

In addition to the stove, there is a frame that is covered with some kind of material that prevents heat leakage. In order for the heat to be constantly present while in the bath, firewood must be constantly thrown up.

Ready-made constructions of a camping bath

When it comes to ready-made ones, it must be said that the choice is quite large. You can buy only a tent for organizing a hiking steam room or complete with a stove. There are only awnings, without a frame, which is assembled independently.

Immediately after purchase ready kit and if the stove is included, then there will be no problems associated with organizing a steam room in the so-called field conditions. True, the price will be much higher.

The only negative is that all the elements, although they are as light as possible, are still not easy to wear. Therefore, it is necessary to have some vehicle. Although for builders or summer residents it will be an ideal option.

It is possible to purchase a special awning, knowing that on the spot you can find material for the frame or it can be a sauna tent, complete with a frame.

Be that as it may, it is quite convenient, because the tasks of keeping warm are much easier to solve, since such awnings perfectly keep the temperature. After the construction of the stove, a full-fledged steam room is obtained - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

Making a camping bath

So, you are faced with the task of how to make a camping bath with your own hands. There is nothing complicated, the first thing is to clearly plan what actions we perform and what materials will be needed.

We prepare material for the frame

For mounting the frame, racks are required, which can be carbon fiber or aluminum. Wooden poles can be used, especially if it is in the forest, but they are not reliable and short-lived. Also, wood is a combustible material, so you have to constantly monitor this.

Tip: It is very convenient to use the ready-made racks included in the four-person tent kit. There is an opinion that they do not withstand the "bath" temperature, but it is known from practice that these materials are safe and relatively durable.

We prepare covering material

If the purchase of a special awning is not planned, then it is possible to use ordinary wide polyethylene. When buying it, you must not make a mistake when calculating the dimensions.

It is necessary to perform calculations, starting from an area of ​​\u200b\u200b6x6 meters. This amount of film is enough to make a steam room that can accommodate 6 people.

Ambient conditions

  1. Firewood. A camping bath is placed where firewood is present in in large numbers. For a bath, dry firewood is most suitable, the diameter of which is not more than 15 cm. Thick logs will burn badly.
  2. Stones. Must be prepared in advance. For one call, you need about a bucket of stones. The stones should be rounded, those that have chips, impurities of other rocks, layered or flat should be immediately rejected.

  1. Water. Well, if the bath is built on the banks of a reservoir or river, you can swim in cool water. If there are no such conditions, you still have to stock up on water.

We build a camping bath

As already mentioned, this is not difficult, and the instruction showing how to build one of the options for a camping bath looks like this:

  • A fire is made and with the help of spears and a crossbar a bucket of stones is arranged above it, the volume of the bucket is selected according to the principle - the more the better. It is necessary to heat until the stones turn red or turn on intuition. Washing water is also heated here.

  • Prepared racks are taken and a frame is assembled from them, not far from the fire. You can tie the corners with a rope or tape, thereby constructing a cube that does not have a bottom, or a hut.

Tip: The ends of the poles should be covered with some unnecessary cloth so that they do not tear the film.

  • A film is stretched onto the resulting frame, glued with adhesive tape in places of overlap. At the bottom, he clings to the ground and falls asleep.
  • A bucket of stones is transferred inside the resulting room, water is brought in there, and you can wash.

The second option may be the so-called "black bath". In this case, a special do-it-yourself oven for a camping bath is made inside the frame. It is made in the form of the letter P, above it, using rods or thick wire, a box or pyramid is made, in which stones are placed.

Caution: Such a furnace is not safe, as it must be carefully monitored, because materials can burn or melt.

After the stones are heated to a high temperature, they wait until the firewood burns out completely, ventilate the room, pack and wash.

  • In the process of heating, the stones can crack badly and, accordingly, fragments can scatter from them. Therefore, we must be careful.
  • It is advisable to water the stones with hot water so that the water begins to evaporate almost immediately. Cold water may lead to cracking.
  • A do-it-yourself bathhouse on a hike has a drawback: a low temperature near the surface of the earth, and indeed the surface itself. Therefore, under the feet it is necessary to lay some kind of rug or a layer of dry earth.


Summing up, we can say that a bath in field conditions - necessary thing and you can do it yourself. We found out how to do this, detailed information can be obtained on our portal or by watching the video in this article.

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