How to find wifi password on laptop. How to find out your Wi-Fi password, or what to do if you forgot your password

garden equipment 21.10.2019
garden equipment

How to find out the password from a WiFi network is a hot topic, since there are very often cases when users simply forgot their key. Of course, you can reset the parameters of the router (access point), but this is not always possible, and not everyone will be able to reconfigure the router later.

To avoid such situations, you should write down the data in a notepad. Moreover, it will allow you to quickly view it in the future if, for example, you need to connect a new device. So, how to find out the password from Wi-Fi?

How to find out the password for your own wireless network

There are two methods to find out the password from Wi-Fi:

  • in the operating system.
  • in the router settings.

But it is worth noting that in the first case, your computer must be connected to the router (not necessarily at the moment, but ever before). The fact is that the system saves the connection data, so that the next time everything happens automatically, and the user does not need to enter the key. This means that we can always look at this data.

In this case, the second method allows you to find out the key from the wireless connection, even if the computer has never been connected to the router. This could be, for example, after reinstalling Windows or if you purchased a new PC. So, let's look at both methods of how to see the password from a Wi-Fi router.

How to find out the WiFi key in the operating system

To do this, we will need to open the properties of the connection. In this case, your PC must be connected to the network at the time of execution. further action. So, we find the network icon in the tray (the area in the lower right corner of the screen). Right-click on it and open the "Network Control Center".

In the window that appears in the center, you will see the type of connection (home, public or workgroup), as well as the name of the network. If you look to the right, you will see the inscription "Wireless Network Connection" in Windows 7 or "Wireless Network" in Windows 8 and the name of the router.

Click on this label. The connection status window will open. From here we can get to the various wireless connection settings. We are interested in the "Wireless Network Properties" button. Clicking on it will open its properties. The window that opens has two tabs:

  • Connection.
  • Safety.

We are interested in the second. Click on it and see the type of security, the type of encryption, as well as the key. But the password is hidden. To see it, you just need to check the box "Display input characters." Here you can see which WiFi password is used in this moment.

It is worth noting that you can open the properties of the wireless connection in another way. To do this, open the control center again. In the window that appears, select "Manage wireless networks". After that, you will see a list of networks that your computer has ever been connected to. Select the desired name and click on it with the right mouse button. Choose properties. Then everything is exactly the same as described above.

It is worth noting that the second option answers the question of how to find out your Wi-Fi password without connecting to the network. In other words, if your laptop is not currently connected to a router, but has been connected to one before.

How to find out the WiFi password in Windows: Video

How to find out the key to your WiFi connection in the router settings

So, how to see the password from WiFi networks in the router settings menu? This method allows you to find out the necessary information, even if you have never been connected to the device before. But in this case, you will need a cable connection. The router has several ports for such a connection. Insert the Internet cable into one of them, and the other end into the appropriate socket on your laptop or PC.

After that, open your favorite browser and write the IP of your router in the address bar. To find out, just look at the instructions. If it doesn't exist, then necessary information should be indicated on the router itself, just carefully inspect the device from all sides. If you still could not find the desired IP address, then the command line comes to the rescue.

If you have Windows 7 installed, you can open it using the key combination Windows + R. In the window that appears, simply write CMD and click "OK". If you are using the number eight, then simultaneously press windows keys and X. In the menu that appears, select " Command line(administrator)".

So, here we need to execute a simple command - ipconfig. The program will display information about the network. Here we need to find the main gateway. Its value is the IP address of the router you are connected to. We register this value in the browser (in the address bar) and press "Enter".

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

If everything is done correctly, a window will open in which you will need to enter your login and password to enter the interface. Initially, the manufacturer sets the following values ​​- admin, admin, respectively. After that, click "OK". So we entered the router parameters. But, how to find out your WiFi password here?

We will look at how to do this using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example. But it is worth noting that they all work on the same principle. The difference is only in the names of some items and in the design of the interface. So, at the bottom of the screen there is an "Advanced Settings" button. We press it. Several additional items will appear. We are interested in the WiFi section. In it we see the security settings. We enter them. Here we see the network authentication and the PSK encryption key. The second is the password for your WiFi connection.

Today we will talk about how to find out the wifi password if you forgot it, lost it, and so on.

In this release we will talk about the security of a wireless Wi-Fi connection.

Now we will look at four ways to see the password from your wi fi.

Current connections

We go to the lower right corner of our display (monitor), where we have the date and time, go to five antennas (stripes), access to the Internet. Select the desired wireless connection to which you are currently connected.

We right-click on it and go to properties, we get into the properties of the wireless network. Go to the Security tab and check the box Show input characters.

The network security key (password) will be displayed in front of you.

Network and Sharing Center

We also go to Internet access, near the time and go to the Network and Sharing Center.

Then click Manage Wireless Networks in the top left corner.

We select the desired connected network, also right-click on it, go to properties, the security tab, display the entered characters.

The current valid wi-fi password will appear in the network security key field.

We look at the Wi-Fi password in the modem settings

Open any Internet browser, I will use Google Chrome. In a new tab, in the address bar, type the characters or, detailed information look on the back of your modem, where its IP address is written.

Router backup

If you are not looking for easy ways, then I can offer you the last fourth way to view the password of a wireless network connection.

To do this, again go to the control panel on the modem >>> Advanced settings >>> System >>> Configuration.

Saving the current configuration in a file, click opposite the Backup button. By the way, with the help of a backup copy, you can revive your network device if you have changed something in its settings, the Internet or Wi-Fi has disappeared, in simple words do a system restore.

Select a location on your hard drive for storage and click Save.

After opening this configuration file with notepad, wordpad or any other editor, I will use notepad++.

Pressing a keyboard shortcut , call the search in the document and enter the text or , depending on the type of encryption. Alternatively, you can not use the search and find your Wi-Fi password on your own.

Symbols should appear in front of you, with the help of which you access the Internet through Wi-Fi.

Now let's consolidate our knowledge and watch a video tutorial on today's wireless security topic.

How to find out the password from wifi |

When configuring any router, authorization in the control panel is required. As a rule, it is carried out in the browser, after navigating to the IP address of the router. In rare cases, WiFi setup is done using a separate program that asks for a username and password from the router.

Important! Routers from individual manufacturers do not have a password by default. To enter the web interface of such devices, the password field must be left empty.

The most common location for the router password is a sticker on the underside of the case. As a rule, in addition to the password, the username is indicated there, which you will need to enter when entering the control panel. The password is written in the "Password" field.

Do not confuse the password from the router and the standard password from the wireless network. These are different things. The first one is used exclusively for configuring the router, the second one is for connecting devices to your WiFi.

If the username and password from the router are in quotation marks, they are not required. When entering the control panel of the router, you must enter the value specified inside the quotes. Quotation marks are not included.

If the router does not have a sticker with a password, it may be on the box from the device. Check for a sticker on the package. It is usually placed on the side or underside.

Important! Sometimes a username and password sticker is supplied on a separate insert so that the user can stick it on himself. Check if the insert is included with the router.

How to find out the default password from your router

The password for logging into the web interface can be found in the instructions for the device. If the package did not contain instructions in paper or in electronic format(on disk), you can download it on the manufacturer's website. The website address can be found on a separate insert inside the box.

In case it was not possible to find out the password using conventional methods, there are specialized sites where passwords from various models of routers are collected. The most popular of them is To find out the password for your WiFi router, select the manufacturer from the "Select Router Manufacturer" drop-down list and click the "Find Password" button.

The table will display the router models of the selected manufacturer added to the site. The “Username” column contains the standard username, and in the “Password” column you can find out the password for your router model.

Note! If your device model is not listed, try using a password from another router from the same manufacturer.

What to do if the password does not match

In the case when authorization by entering a standard password is unsuccessful, check whether the keyboard layout is selected correctly and whether Caps Lock is enabled. If the problem occurs for another reason, the password from your WiFi device may have been changed to a non-standard one. You can find out the new password from the specialist who set up the router earlier. If the initial configuration of the router was performed by the provider, the changed data may be specified in your contract for connecting to the Internet.

If it was not possible to find out the new password, it is recommended to restore the factory settings of the router. To do this, find the "Reset" button on the back of your router. If it does not go beyond the router case, use a thin object (paperclip, toothpick) to press it. Press the button and hold for 10-15 seconds. When the settings are reset and the router boots up again, you can enter the control panel with the standard password.

Important! Not only the password from the router is returned to the factory settings, but also all other parameters. After resetting the settings, do not forget to reconfigure and set the wireless security. Do not forget to also change the default password for logging into the router so that outsiders cannot change the network settings.

Tutorial video: What to do if you can't enter the router settings

The situation where users seem banal. It seems that it is not necessary for the constant operation of one device, but an access point is required to connect a new one. One user writes down personal data on a piece of paper, then throws it away as unnecessary, the other specifically uses well-remembered alphanumeric values. And after a while, uncomplicated combinations are erased from human memory. At such moments there are topical issues: how to find out the password from your home wifi router how to recover a password, how difficult it is and where to look for it.

It should be noted that the problem with forgotten keys is a common phenomenon, so the possibilities for its access are taken into account by system software developers. Knowing the required algorithm, solving the problem is simple.

There are dozens of ways, represented by tools in the router itself and the PC operating system. Opportunities are known in the form of various programs, applications, as well as with the help of devices, thanks to which it is not difficult to find out the password from Wi-Fi.

how to find wifi password on pc

As in the settings of the router, you can find out the password for wi fi on a PC using functionality his operating system. This takes into account the fact that in each of the versions the principles and sequence of actions differ, with the exception of Windows 7 and Windows 8, where they are of the same type:

  • Right click on the "Network" icon, the context menu opens.

  • Select "Network and Sharing Center".

  • The Manage Wireless Networks opens.

  • Right click on the name of the desired network in the list.
  • In the window that opens, select the "Properties" section.

  • In the new window, go to "Security", where check the item "Display input characters." Forgotten data will be displayed immediately in the field opposite "Network Security Key".

On Windows 10, things happen a little differently:

  • Call the context menu by right-clicking on the "Network" icon.
  • Select "Network and Internet Settings".
  • Left click on the "Show available networks" section, open the list.
  • Select the network of interest from the list provided.
  • Go to the tabs "Wireless Network Properties" - "Security Settings".

  • Further - on Windows 10 - everything is the same as on previous versions.

The same steps as on a PC are taken on a laptop, the algorithm of actions is no different.

Windows XP

As for older versions of Windows, everything is a little more complicated there, but doable. It won't be hard to restore forgotten password. On Windows XP, the sequence is different, but the principle remains the same, namely:

  • Open "Control Panel".

  • Select the "Wireless Network Wizard" section.

  • Move forward through the start screen tabs.

  • Select "Add a new computer".
  • Click on " Self-selection networks" - "Next".
  • In the window that opens, select the "Print network settings" section.

  • The required information will appear in the line opposite the “Network Key” item.

Sometimes the key is not displayed in the operating system settings, despite the exact execution of the actions. The most common reason is that "wi-fi" is not configured on the computer. It does not hurt to first make sure that the device is connected.

Through the web interface of the router

Recovering the Wi-Fi password is quite simple in the router settings, you just need to use its IP address. And the router itself provides a hint: the address is contained on a tag pasted in
its lower part. If the entry is overwritten or illegible, you need to use the instructions for the router, which contains the password to enter the settings, the sequence of actions, how to see the password for connecting to the wi fi network, lost by the user. Then all actions take place as follows:

  • The router is connected to the computer using a network cable.
  • In the address bar of the browser, the IP address is entered, consisting of eight numbers and three dots.
  • Enter data to access the settings page: admin and admin by default.
  • Go between the tabs "Wireless" - "Wireless Security", the password is written in the column opposite "PSK Password".

The method is simple and productive, but only if the standard data has not changed. Otherwise, another question will be added to the question of how to find out the password from your wifi router: how to find out the password for accessing its settings.

how to find wifi password on phone

This problem is also relevant when using mobile internet. It occurs much more often on the phone than on the computer. The explanation for this is simple: phones are frequently changed gadgets. Connecting "wi-fi" on a brand new acquisition, it turns out that the password is hopelessly forgotten. The main problem here is that the owner of the phone has never connected to the home router, which means that the access point is much more difficult to find. But even here the problem is not serious: the functionality of the new devices provides for such nuances, and the menu items contain many tools. In addition, the RootBrowser application will come to the rescue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First of all, you need to download and install it on your android phone.
  • Launch by clicking on the browser icon.
  • Go to the "Data" folder, go to the "Misc" directory.

  • In the list that opens, select the "Wifi" direction.
  • Find the file "wpa_supplicant.conf" and open it in any convenient text editor.

The storage contains information relating to all points of "wi-fi" to which the phone has ever been connected. To find out the forgotten password, you need to find the access point, it is in the "psk" line.

Additional Access Programs

In addition to the standard solutions to this issue, there are other possibilities, how to find out your wifi password. For this purpose, various programs, utilities and add-ons have been created. The principle of their work is the ability to find networks to which a computer or other devices are connected. Not all of them cope with this task equally, but some are worth paying attention to.

WiFi Password Decryptor

A simple, reliable and multifunctional program capable of recovering a password account, decrypt, save. Main advantages:

  • Ease of use, clear interface, navigation system.
  • Ability to recover types of passwords and wireless account keys.
  • High speed data processing in decryption and recovery.
  • Easy to copy passwords: with one keystroke.
  • Extensive functionality in sorting and ordering the displayed keys.
  • Protection of personal data in any format.

The principle of the program is extremely simple: after it is downloaded and installed, you need to open it, a list of Wi-Fi networks will appear, then just click on the desired network (Ssid) and the Key password (Ascii) will immediately open.

Wireless KeyView

One of the recognized programs of this direction, which has large quantity useful tools, although the functionality is slightly inferior to the previous one. Main qualities:

  • Compact, light weight, no installation required.
  • Work on all operating systems.
  • Ability to recover all types of keys wireless devices.
  • The ability to independently save passwords in any format, send them to the clipboard.

In order to download the program, you must first download the archive, unzip it and save it in a folder or on a USB flash drive, but you can also install it if you wish. In this case, it is worth unchecking all the checkboxes except for the agreement. The program is in English, but it is quite easy to understand it. To recover the password, open by clicking on the shortcut, click "Start Recovery", find the desired network and see the "Password Key".

Comfortable and free utility with great potential in finding and recovering lost and forgotten keys used for wireless devices, but with limited functionality. Positive characteristics:

  • Instantly scans, displays data of networks available for connection.
  • Automatically saves passwords in text format, sends to the clipboard.
  • Represents the encryption methods and vulnerability of the connected network.
  • Has the ability to reset passwords and replace them with new ones.

After downloading, run the "WiFi Password Revealer Installer" file, select the language and install the utility. Launch it by clicking on the icon, select the desired network in the list that opens, click on the plus sign next to the name. Where Password is the network key.

Other recovery methods

It is easier to recover a lost password using applications, the same on a computer and router, more difficult - on a laptop and phone, but there are other ways. These are special devices and applications, such as Wi-Fi Box Network Unlocker. They automatically find wireless networks available for connection, read information from them, select a key, regardless of where and how the password is written. This method is reliable, productive, but devices work on the principle of hacking, on an illegal basis, and therefore their use is illegal.

Resetting and setting a new password

It happens that none of these methods brings positive results, and the question of how to find out a forgotten password on wi fi, on a computer and, accordingly, how to connect the device to the network remains open. This happens due to user actions. For example, I changed my login and password to access the router settings, but I forgot the data. It is clear that without access it is impossible to change, in this case it is necessary to change the password or reset the settings. To do this on the back
press the "Hard reset" button, after which the device will return to the factory settings. Next, set it up in a new way, for this:

  • Go to the "System" section.
  • Select "Administrator Password".
  • Click on it, in the line that opens, type a new password for accessing the settings twice.

Set a password for accessing the wifi network:

  • Follow the links "Password" - "Security settings".
  • In the window that opens, enter a new password, save and preferably write it down.


There are many ways to recover long-lost personal data. You can’t call them complicated, and therefore there is no need to turn to someone for help, everything is done independently. And it's not a problem if you forgot wifi password, it can be restored or changed at any time and without effort.

With the advent of new gadgets, tablets, mobile phones, laptops, there was a need for a remote connection to the Internet without wires. A real salvation was a Wi-Fi router, through which it is possible to connect an unlimited number of gadgets without losing the quality of communication. Sometimes there are cases when it is urgently necessary to connect to the Internet, and access is closed by a secret code and a dilemma immediately arises: how to find out the wifi password. There are several options for obtaining an Internet access code, the choice of which depends on various factors.

How to find out the password from your wifi on a computer

Wanting to protect themselves and limit third-party connections to their Wi-Fi, users set a password. Relying on his impeccable memory, the secret code is not fixed anywhere, and if you do not use it for a long time, then it is completely forgotten. When it becomes necessary to connect a new gadget or change the settings of the router, users in a panic begin to guess passwords at random, losing a lot of time, effort and nerves. There are several ways to find out the secret combination from Wi-Fi on your computer if at least one device is already connected to the network:

  • Through the settings of the Wi-Fi modem.
  • Through the wireless connection settings on a computer with Windows installed.

In Windows, through the wireless connection settings

If you have at least one device that has a Wi-Fi connection, it is not difficult to find out the password. Only the administrator user can receive the encrypted code. Consider how to find out the wifi password through a Windows computer of the seventh version (in a similar way it is possible to find out the access code on other versions of the operating system):

  • You need to open the "Network and Sharing Center", and this can be done in two ways:
  1. Through the "start" menu, enter the "Toolbar" and find the necessary tab.
  2. By right-clicking on the Wi-Fi icon or local network. After opening the context menu, select the required item.
  • In the window that opens, after the first manipulations, you need to find the "Wireless Network Management" tab. Some versions of the Windows operating system do not have this item, so to open the necessary menu tab, do the following:
  1. Open list of available wifi connections in tray.
  2. Find the Wi-Fi you want to connect to (opposite the active connection there will be an inscription "Connected").
  3. Call the context menu with the right mouse button and select "Properties" to find out the password.
  • In a new window, we find the wifi network icon to which you want to connect, right-click, calling the context menu. From the list that opens, select the "Properties" item.
  • A new window should open, in which there are two tabs, you need to open the “Security” item. On the same page, check the box next to the item "Display entered characters."
  • In the "Network Security Key" line, the password that is required to connect to Wi-Fi will open.

Via router settings

It is possible to find out the forgotten wifi code if no device is connected to the network. This can be done using the settings of the router or distribution point. In addition to the case when the combination is forgotten, code recovery can also come in handy if the device that distributes Wi-Fi has been reconfigured. Consider the instructions on how to find out the security combination through the router settings:

  • Connect a modem to a computer or laptop.
  • You need to open the browser that is installed on the PC and enter the address of the router that distributes Wi-Fi in the address bar.
  • In order to connect to the router interface, you must enter your login and password in the newly opened window. Classic admin/admin data.
  • In the window that opens, you need to go through one by one open - "Wireless Mode", "Wireless Security".
  • A password will appear in the PSK Password line, through which it is possible to connect to a wifi network.

Depending on the router, the setup process may be slightly different. So, on Wi-Fi devices, Asus, the password is on home page interface. And in some models, encryption is not displayed. In such cases best option- change the password to a new one and in order not to forget, you should write it down in safe place. Sometimes, it is not possible to find out the code, so the only right decision the router will be reset, after which you need to reconfigure everything and create a new combination.

How to find out the password from someone else's wifi network

Sometimes it becomes necessary to connect to a password-protected Wi-Fi, for example, a neighbor's or in a public place to a specific device. Sometimes it is impossible to connect to someone else's wifi, especially if the network is protected by WPA or TKIP encryption, since this protection option is very reliable and of high quality. If necessary, it is possible to try to find out the code, for this one of several methods can be used:

  • Password selection.
  • Specialized hacking hacking programs that help detect and capture a data transmission packet.

Wifi password guessing (primitive combinations)

Some users use to secure wifi simple ways encryption, primitive passwords, so hacking the system is quite simple. If you need to connect to a specific device that distributes Wi-Fi, you can find out the code by selecting it. To begin with, it is worth trying the simplest variations, which are surprisingly very common. Popular passwords are:

  • 123456789;
  • 87654321;
  • password;
  • qwerty;
  • WiFi;
  • 1234abcd;
  • Apartment number or company name and other options.

Special applications for hacking

Picking up wifi encryption is possible by using special programs designed to break the protection. Popular ways to find out the access code to wireless internet are:

  • Brute force - selection or search of a password using dictionaries. To search for the desired secret combination, you need several mandatory attributes: a laptop or computer, a Wi-Fi adapter and a specialized software, for example, Linux Back Track 5. How this technique works: the dictionary stores possible options passwords, the device, trying to connect, picks up the keys. There is a high probability that it will be possible to connect to the router this way, especially if the code is not complicated.
  • Programs WiCrack, AirSlax.

how to find wifi password on phone

It is also possible to find out the wifi password using a mobile device with any type of OS, be it android or iphone. It is difficult to do this, therefore, in some cases, only experienced hackers and craftsmen can do such manipulations. possible way hack protection is the launch of special applications that are designed to search for open access points to Wi-Fi or crack secret codes. It is important to monitor the quality of downloaded applications, because in some cases this may lead not to hacking the Internet, but to infection of the gadget with a virus.

How to set or change a password for Wi-Fi

When installing a router, it is important to immediately set up protection so that unauthorized users cannot use the Internet for free. This is especially true if it is issued in a limited amount or when connected. a large number devices, the quality of communication deteriorates sharply. How is it possible to set or change the wifi password:

  • When setting a password, it is important to choose a certificate and encryption type. The highest quality are: security certificate - WPA2-PSK, type - TKIP or AES.
  • In order to secure access as much as possible, it is necessary to choose the strongest possible password, and it is important to consider several factors:
  1. The length is at least 8 characters.
  2. The secret code must contain letters and numbers.
  3. Do not use primitive combinations, date of birth, surnames or classic names.
  4. If there are difficulties in creating passwords, it is possible to use a special generator.
  • To change the password, you need to use the router settings. For tp-link, you need to open “Wireless Mode” in the router interface, then “Wireless Security”. On the last tab, enter a new password.
  • For updated D-link routers, Dir routers, the secret code is changed in the "Security Settings" section.
  • For Yota (Iota) routers, you need to open the "Protection Type" tab and select the "Secure WPA2" option, and then set your password.
  • On classic Rostelecom modems, to install or change protection, you need to go through WLAN, then "Security" and set your parameters and secret code.

Video how to see your WiFi password

Forgetting the wifi password, many despair. They immediately try to restart the modem by resetting the settings to factory settings. Either they turn to specialists for help, whose cost of services is sometimes too high, or resort to the help of online consultants. Resetting the settings requires full customization router from the very beginning, which leads to all sorts of difficulties. Finding out the secret combination or changing it is easy if the computer or other gadget is connected to the Internet via wifi. Watch the video to find out how to find out the passcode without resetting the modem:


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