How to connect to WiFi without knowing the password? From the phone Please tell me, you really need it. How to connect to Wi-Fi if you don't know the password

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Today, almost every second person uses the Internet. This can be either a home network or an unsecured or secure wireless network. Often users are interested in a completely logical question about how to connect to WiFi without knowing the password? Many can say with certainty that this is impossible, but the thing is that everything is not so simple here. In fact, nothing is impossible, so we will tell you how to do it.

Some general information

As practice shows, not everyone sets a password on their Internet. In this case, you do not need to invent anything, and you can freely use it without worrying that they will find out about it and password-protect the connection. Please note that, for example, in large companies they almost never install protection, it is clear why, this is not very convenient, and data entry takes time. But we have a different situation: an evil neighbor has set a password, and we want to go online. First of all, make sure the password is worth it. To do this, just enter any combination, if the connection is interrupted, then we need a sniffer. That's exactly what we're going to talk about.

How to connect to WiFi without knowing the password

To do this, you need to download special software. As noted above, we will use a sniffer - a program whose main purpose is to catch information packets. Today, there are a whole bunch of similar utilities freely available on the Internet, for example, Shark. Dealing with this software is not difficult. When you make the first run, you will realize that you can intercept a lot of useful information. Here you can find out the IP address of the recipient of the data and, in fact, the sender. Based on this, it will be possible to set up your computer for a successful connection. In principle, in the near future we will work with IP addresses. But it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. First, the wireless internet we are about to hack needs to work. Secondly, it will be good if it is actively used, this is due to the fact that at this time just a huge number of information packets are transmitted, and this is all we need.

WiFi router: password is not a problem

So, let's try to change the network address of our computer. This is done in order to make it "native" for the router. A lot depends on what operating system you are using. Although the principle is the same. It lies in the fact that the network address of the computer or laptop is exactly the same as that of the router. However, the last digit must be left unchanged, because we are talking about a unique network address. The subnet mask can be left unchanged. As an illustrative example, we present the following information. With the help of a sniffer, you received the following address, in addition to this, you also have a subnet mask of 255.255. 255.0. You make your address exactly the same, but the last digit remains the same, and you leave the mask the same, although it usually matches. In principle, we have almost managed to connect to WiFi. This cannot be done without a password, so it must be cracked.

The final step of removing protection

So, we figured out the addresses. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. We have very little to do, and then we can rejoice. First, you need to find a decent password cracker. Since connecting to WiFi without knowing the password and without hacking it is unlikely to work. There are many such programs. Most of them are not specifically aimed at breaking the protection of wireless Internet, but account passwords in games, social networks, etc. But we are better off using software such as Comm Viev for Wi-Fi. The utility is completely free and extremely easy to use. Intuitive interface will help you quickly figure it out. But the thing is that we already have all the necessary data. This is the network address and information packet of the router. Then the program will do everything for you. For a WiFi password, they come up with different combinations of letters and numbers, but the degree of protection depends on the chosen encryption method.


As noted above, much depends on the degree of protection, that is, the chosen encryption option. There are three in total. If something like WPA or WPA-2 is used, then you are unlikely to succeed, if only because you will not be able to see the network, even if you know for sure that it is. In this case, dancing with a tambourine will not help you, here you need the participation of a professional hacker, and such services cost decently, so it makes sense to think about the advisability of such an activity. If we are not talking about intensive consumption of traffic, then it is likely that it is easier to ask the owner for a password. There is a good chance that there will be no problems, especially if you need access for work or study, and not downloading 20 gigabytes of movies a day. Well, that's all that can be said about how to connect to WiFi without knowing the password. There is nothing complicated here, but sometimes it does not make sense, and modern routers are protected quite reliably, so it is very difficult to “open” them. But if you really need it, you can try.

Unlike corporate access points, neighboring routers are much more vulnerable. With the help of special programs (Wifite, etc.), Wi-Fi is hacked even without hacker skills. Surely even your neighbors have problems in the router configuration, or passwords are not set. This article will be useful for those who want to learn how to connect to a neighbor's wifi, and for those who want to protect themselves from freebie lovers.

The method of hacking depends on the configuration of the neighbor's WiFi network. Any security standard has vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit for their own purposes.

Open access

An open hotspot is rare, but it does exist. In them, packets are not encrypted, any user can intercept traffic using the Airodump-ng utility. The captured data is analyzed in Wireshark.

Now this is unlikely, because sites that work with personal data use a secure connection (https).
Security method: put a complex WPA-2 key on the router. If you work through open Wi-Fi, use the HTTPS Everywhere browser extension, which encrypts traffic.

To find the nearest open Wi-Fi, you can use the Free Zone application on Android. In addition, there are some passwords for closed access points (which users of the program have given access to).

IV Collisions in WEP

WEP is an obsolete security standard that is vulnerable to static attacks due to IV collisions. After the advent of WPA2 network authentication, few people use WEP, in new firmware versions it is not even in the settings.
The Tevs-Weinman-Pyshkin attack, proposed in 2007, is the most effective. For hacking, you need to intercept several tens of thousands of packets.

How to protect yourself: Change the network authentication method in the router settings to AES or WPA2.

Selection of WPS PIN

WPS PIN - 8-digit number, individual for each router. It is hacked by brute force through a dictionary. The user sets a complex WPA password combination, and in order not to remember it, activates the WPS pin. Sending the correct pin code to the router means the subsequent transfer of information about the settings to the client, including the WPA password of any complexity.

The main problem with WPS is that the last digit of the PIN code is the checksum. This reduces the effective length of the pin code from 8 to 7 characters. In addition, the router checks the code, breaking it in half, that is, to guess a password, you will need to check about 11,000 combinations.

Security: update the firmware of the router. The updated version should have a blocking function activated after several unsuccessful code entries. If the function is not provided, turn off WPS.

Other ways to get WPS PIN

Connection to Wi-Fi using a PIN code is also possible through direct access to the equipment. The PIN can be obtained from the backing of the router during a "friendly visit".
In addition, the router may remain open during a firmware update or a factory reset. In this case, the neighbor will be able to enter the router interface using the standard login and password and find out the PIN. After that, the WPA password is obtained in a couple of seconds.

Protection method: remove the password sticker and do not leave the hotspot open even for a second. Change the WPS PIN periodically through the router interface.

Dictionary password search

By intercepting the WPA 4-way handshake between the victim and the access point, you can extract the dictionary code from the WPA handshake.

Security: Use complex WPA passwords with mixed case numbers, symbols, and letters.

Phishing over Wi-Fi

If programs fail to hack WiFi, they use the human factor, tricking the user into giving out a password to the access point.

Phishing attacks are most often carried out through email, but few people will write their Wi-Fi password in an email. To confuse a neighbor, it's easier to force him to connect to another access point. This is done using the WiFiPhisher utility, written in python.
The hacking process occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • The utility prepares the attacker's computer: configures HTTP and HTTPS servers, searches for the wlan0 and wlan1 wireless interfaces. Starts monitoring one of the found interfaces and obtains additional IPs via DHCP services.

  • The console displays a list of access points available for attack.

  • The utility clones the name of the selected point and tries to disable the existing original network.
  • The victim's Internet drops and she connects to a cloned access point.
  • During the connection, the attacker receives information about the new connection in the console.
  • The victim tries to open any site, but a phishing page is shown instead. For example, instead of, a connection error will be displayed asking you to re-enter your password. The page can be very similar to a standard provider page or router interface.

  • If the victim does not suspect anything and enters the password, the Internet will work, and the attacker will receive the password in his console.

Protection method: carefully check the pages before entering a password, even if you are visiting an authoritative site.

Consequences of hacking

Access to Wi-Fi opens access to the settings of the router. And given that rarely does anyone change the standard password for the router interface, information about which is posted on the Internet, the task is greatly simplified. Settings management is network management.

Gaining access to WiFi through hacking will allow you to first change the WPS PIN, and then gain access to other information for authorization on sites.

Gaining access to Wi-Fi will allow, through the use of appropriate utilities, to reconfigure DNS, which will redirect users of banking services to fictitious pages.

If the network is hacked, then even changing passwords after a while will not help: the attacker will save the WPS PIN or install a Trojan program in the firmware.


This article is not intended to encourage you to hack a neighbor's Wi-Fi, but to talk about popular vulnerabilities that can cause losses, including material ones.
Some kind people do not mind distributing unlimited Internet, or they do not know how to put a password on an access point. Of course, if the neighbors just use your unlimited Internet for free, nothing bad will happen to you. But this is how you open access to your passwords. There were cases when they tried to set people up by browsing illegal sites from someone else's IP.
Modern firmware for routers is made as simple and convenient as possible, so even people with no experience can set up the security of their Internet through the interface. Use the security methods described in this article to the maximum, set complex and unique passwords for each resource.

Modern people face the need to connect to Wi-Fi everywhere: wireless networks are much more practical and more convenient than their cable counterparts.

It’s just that such WiFi privileges are mainly “used” by all kinds of mobile gadgets: phones, tablets, smartphones and most modern laptops. Accordingly, the question arises: why is a “classic” personal computer worse? After all, working on a stationary computer is much more convenient, and connecting cable Internet often causes a lot of trouble.

And in this article we will analyze how to connect a stationary computer to wifi, and what needs to be done so that the computer "catch" invisible wi-fi.

By the way, the age of the device is not directly related to the creation of a wireless network, and you can even connect WiFi to a relatively old computer.

Can a regular computer be connected to wifi?

Some of the difficulties with connecting Wi-Fi on a personal computer are by no means connected with the "prejudices" of the developers or the unfortunate fate of this device.

The fact is that mobile devices and modern laptops are initially equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to a wireless network (which is not available on a desktop computer). However, such devices are mostly designed for short-term access to the network, and have a rather meager set of functionality.

While a desktop computer is designed for long-term work both with serious offline software and with any resources of the global information network. Accordingly, the connection with all peripheral devices and external networks (Internet, power supply, etc.) is carried out here in a more reliable cable way.

A cable Internet connection for a desktop computer is more stable than a wireless Wi-Fi connection. So, with a WiFi connection, the reliability and speed of the network directly depend on the number of active connections, channel congestion, room architecture, and many other third-party factors.

Therefore, deciding to connect your home computer to wifi solely for aesthetic reasons is still not worth it. "Standard" cable connection is more reliable, more efficient ( not), and the damage to the health of the Internet user is much less.

However, if a hard connection to the Internet source is not available for some reason, then you can connect Wi-Fi on your home computer in a matter of minutes.

How to connect your home computer to wifi?

To connect wifi to a stationary PC, first of all, you need to purchase a special removable Wi-Fi adapter - a miniature antenna that will “catch” the Internet signal transmitted by the router and return user-processed data to the router.

The most popular and inexpensive solution here would be to choose a removable USB adapter for the computer.

In order not to get a “pig in a poke”, it is better to buy a device from well-known and time-tested manufacturers: TP-Link, D-Link, etc.

If you purchased the adapter from an official distributor, then the device comes with a disk with a special program for installing drivers.

How to install Wi-Fi on a computer with Windows 7?

1. Connect your adapter to any USB port on your computer.

2. Insert the disc into the drive, run the autotuning utility and click the "Next" button when prompted by the program.

3. After installing the driver, in the "Network and Sharing Center" folder for Windows 7 (or "Network Connections" for Windows XP) you will see a new shortcut (in addition to the usual "Local Area Connection"). The name of the label will contain the brand of the manufacturer of your adapter.

4. Now you can connect your desktop computer to wifi. To do this, right-click on the shortcut -> "Connection" -> Select the name of your Wi-Fi network and enter the password.

How to set up Wi-Fi if there is no installation disk?

In addition to the “classic” purchase of a brand new licensed adapter, there are times when a user needs Wi-Fi on a computer “here and now”, and he borrowed from friends / purchased an old used WiFi adapter.

The disk with the driver for such an adapter, of course, has long been lost.

In such a situation, you need to download the archive with the driver from the Internet.

But there is no internet! - you say - "What to do?"

Here to connect a desktop computer to wifi you should:


Connect the computer to be configured to the router using a cable (if possible).

Go to the official website of the manufacturer of this adapter (or the profile resource, find the driver you need by the name of the USB-Wi-Fi adapter and download the software to your computer.

If a cable connection to the router is not possible, download the driver you need on any computer connected to the Internet, and use removable media (flash drive) to copy the archive to your wired computer.

2. Next, right-click once on the "My Computer" shortcut, then "Manage" and select "Device Manager" here. In the "Network adapters" section, find the name of our USB adapter, right-click on it and select the "Update driver" menu item. Next, specify the folder to which the archive with the necessary drivers was copied and click "OK".

3. Upon completion of the installation, you will be able to connect your desktop computer to wifi. To do this, in "Network Connections":

Choose a new label;

Click on it with the right mouse button;

Select the "Connection" menu item;

Select the name of your Wi-Fi network (which you specified in the SSID when setting up the router);

Enter the password and you can use the Internet.

When connected via wi-fi, you can access the Internet from several devices using just one router. Access points can be of two types: with a password and without protection. There is free access in many public places: shopping centers, cafes, airports. Some cities have spaces completely covered by Wi-Fi. All you need to connect to the network is a gadget with a wi-fi adapter.

Turn on the computer, wait for it to fully boot. If you're lucky, then Windows will detect a new device, perform the settings automatically. Open a browser, type in the address of your favorite site. This type of connection is unlikely. More often, the system detects a distributing wi-fi device, but nothing works. Make sure you have the wi-fi driver installed on your computer. If not, then install, then restart the system. Now start setting up your Wi-Fi connection. At the bottom right, find the network icon (vertical stripes), left-click on it. A list of wireless network connections will open. Select the name (SSID) in it with the left mouse button. If this network is protected by a password, then without knowing it, you will not be able to enter. You need to enter a security key to join wi-fi. It didn’t work to connect to an unsecured wi-fi, as described above, which means you need to make settings. Go to the "Control Panel" through the "Start" button. Select the “Category” settings view mode, you need the “Network and Internet” tab in it. Go into it, on the left side of the menu, select the inscription "Network and Sharing Center". In the new window on the left, find the list of functions, click on the line "Change adapter settings". Now you have a list of all available connections. Look for "Wireless Network Connection" among them. If there is no signal, the icon is crossed out; if it is, there are vertical stripes on the green icon. Right-click on the green icon and go to the "Properties" menu. If the icon is with a red cross, then select "Enable", then "Properties". A window opens with a Network tab. We are interested in the item "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)". Open its "Properties" with the left mouse button. If the wi-fi router distributes automatically, then put dots in the first subparagraphs (as in the photo). Another case is that the router does not automatically distribute IP addresses. You will have to enter them manually. The fastest way to find out your IP address is to look at this data in your computer settings. But usually the router is configured in such a way that it assigns addresses when the device is connected to wi-fi. Finish all changes by clicking the OK button. Do not close the "Control Panel", but go to the item "Wireless Network Management". Again, as described above, select the desired connection, open its "Properties". Make sure that the line "Connect automatically if the network is in range" is checked, otherwise check it. Save changes - "OK". After all the manipulations, the connection should occur, but it is better to restart the computer. Yet there is no Internet, although the signal appeared? Call your provider, make sure that there is no accident on the line, that the signal is coming to the apartment. Then make a call to tech support. Find out and write down on paper the data indicated in the photo (or open the contract, they are there). Return to point 6 and instead of automatic settings, enter your values ​​in the appropriate fields.

One of the described connection methods will definitely help you. But no one is immune from problems. In case of failure, call the provider, let them check the router settings. Its IP address is on the bottom or side.

Today, you can use wireless Internet from completely different devices. It can be not only a laptop and a computer, but also a phone, tablet and even a TV. But these devices must support WIFI technology. Virtually all modern laptops have Wi-Fi. This also applies to smartphones and tablets. And on computers, a wireless connection can be created by purchasing a special adapter.

I will tell you about this and much more right now.

So, after we have turned on WI-FI, you can already try to connect to it. Let's start with a laptop.

1. Connecting to WI-FI on a laptop

Every modern laptop has WI-FI. It is enough to turn it on, then find our wireless network and connect to it. Let's take care of this.

We open:

Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings.

Here we see the icon Wireless network connection. Right click on it and select Turn on.

At the bottom of the screen (where the clock is) a window will appear with the found wireless networks. We find our WI-FI and connect to it.

Confirm by entering a password.

Now we can open any other browser and try to download sites.

2. Connect to WI-FI on the computer

With desktop computers, it's a little more difficult. They most often do not have wireless technology. But this problem is easily solved by purchasing a special board, or a small adapter.

This is what I had on my old computer:

By inserting it into a standard USB port, WI-FI appears on the computer.

On my new PC I have Network adapter as a fee:

The price is almost the same ($10), but it has a better signal, which has a positive effect on the speed of the Internet.

After installing any of these adapters and installing drivers for it (the disk is included), exactly the same connection to WI-FI, as in the laptop example. We act by analogy with a laptop.

3. Connect to Wi-Fi on your phone and tablet

On the phone, just go to the settings, enable WI-FI and find your network. Here is an example from iPhone:

On other phones, everything is similar, including on Android smartphones. It's the same on tablets :)

4. Connection on other devices

On other devices, for example, TVs that support WI-FI or even printers, everything is done the same way: it turns on, the network is found and the connection is made.

I hope you managed to connect to WI-FI.

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