Bull heart treatment. Bull's Heart Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

garden equipment 16.06.2019
garden equipment

Learn by appearance tomato variety Bull's heart is not difficult: the fruits are large in size and similar in shape to a real heart. Gardeners love this variety, because in addition to large juicy and fleshy fruits, they also have a wonderful taste and exquisite aroma.

When selecting tomato varieties on the site, be sure to include the Bull's Heart variety. Growing such tomatoes is not easy, so first find out as much as possible about the Bull's Heart tomato, the characteristics and description of the variety of which can be found in various sources.

The variety belongs to the determinant type. The bush is powerful, sprawling, height - from one to 1.8 meters.

The variety is distinguished by large, tasty, sweet fruits with a slight sourness. Average weight fruit is 500 g on the lower brushes of the bush and 100 - 200 g - on the upper tiers.

The first fruit grows over 8 - 9 leaves, subsequent fruits are tied through one or two leaves. Each brush can withstand up to five fruits. On one bush, the fruits can be different sizes and forms.

Having studied the description of the Bull's Heart tomato, it becomes clear what it has great importance place of cultivation. In a greenhouse, growing tomatoes Bull's heart allows you to get up to 12 kg of fruit from each bush, and in open ground - up to 5 kg.

Pros and cons of tomatoes Bull's heart

Based on reviews of the Bull's Heart tomato, we can highlight the main positive qualities of this variety. They are:

This variety also has disadvantages, although in comparison with the advantages there are not very many of them. The disadvantages include:

  • Predisposition of plants to certain diseases.
  • They require frequent fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  • It is necessary to form and tie bushes.

Varieties and subspecies varieties

Thanks to the work of domestic and Dutch breeders, several different subspecies of the Bull's Heart variety have now been created, differing not only in color, but also in their characteristics.

Growing tomatoes Bull's heart

Tomatoes of this variety are demanding on the soil. It should be: highly fertile, loose, not heavy, warm up well.

To achieve high yield, the soil must also be fertilized with manure, peat or compost.

The soil for tomatoes is prepared in the fall. To do this, the bed intended for tomatoes is deeply dug up and fertilizers are applied.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Seeds of the Bull's Heart variety are washed, disinfected and sown in early March.

It is recommended to harden the seeds 10 days before planting so that the sprouts grow strong and healthy.

Seeds are planted in well-heated and fertilized soil to a depth of no more than three centimeters.

Dive seedlings after the appearance of the first pair of full-fledged leaves.

Cardiovascular pathologies are today the most common cause of high mortality in people around the world. Cardiomegaly, which is commonly called "bull's heart", is one of the urgent problems of modern society. With this disease, the muscle significantly exceeds normal values, which leads to impaired blood circulation.

The disorder has no age restrictions and can be either genetically determined or secondary, that is, acquired during life. Cardiomegaly has symptoms similar to many pathologies of the heart, especially with hypertrophy.

However, these diseases have a significant difference, since hypertrophy is characterized by thickening and expansion of only one atrium or ventricle, while a bull's heart is an increase in the volume and mass of the entire heart.

Fact! Every third child with such a congenital pathology dies before reaching 3 months of age.

The disease can be diagnosed in both adults and children. Depending on the age category, the following features of the course of pathology are distinguished:

  1. For children, the diagnosis is made if the volume of the myocardium exceeds 3 x 4 x 1.8 (cm). In children this pathology is rarely detected and most often has an unfavorable prognosis. The survival rate of children with congenital cardiomegaly is 50%, and a quarter of the survivors will have left ventricular failure. In a severe form of the disorder, the size of the heart can double or even more.
  2. In adults, the disorder is diagnosed if the size of the heart exceeded 11 × 11 × and 8.5 (cm). In this case, the pathology is acquired during life. In this case, it is not an independent disease, and develops under the influence of other pathologies. of cardio-vascular system.

However, the heart muscle can increase not only for pathological reasons. A larger heart size is noted in athletes who subject the body to serious stress. As muscle mass increases, muscle mass also increases. The mass of the heart can change during life, which is a normal indicator.

Why does a violation occur?

Cardiomegaly is not an independent pathology, and progresses only under the influence of other cardiovascular diseases or physiological changes in the body. The main factors influencing the development of the disorder are given below (Table 1).

Table 1 - Provocative factors of cardiomegaly

Congenital Acquired
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • Ebstein's anomaly (altered valve attachment site).

A very important role is played by the behavior of the mother during the bearing of the child:

  • poor nutrition;
  • the use of certain medicines;
  • alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse;
  • infectious diseases during childbearing;
  • received injuries;
  • environmental influence.
  • atherosclerotic processes;
  • tumor formations that change the structure of the heart muscle and increase its mass;
  • hypertension - provokes circulatory disorders due to increased vascular tone;
  • heart valve defects leading to impaired blood flow;
  • viral myocarditis, which is characterized by thickening of the heart muscle;
  • cardiomyopathy, manifested by thickening of the heart due to hormonal imbalance;
  • "cor pulmonale", resulting from increased blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation;
  • ischemia, manifested in the form of a bovine heart due to compensation for insufficient blood supplies to the tissues;
  • arrhythmia. Heart rate failure leads to rapid wear of the walls and disruption of the conduction of electrical impulses;
  • diabetes. It develops due to a violation of the production of hormones;
  • iron deficiency;
  • cardiomyodystrophy progressing due to malnutrition, overweight;
  • thyroid pathologies that disrupt hormonal metabolism.

In addition, cardiomegaly can progress with prolonged use of certain drugs:

  1. Adriamycin.
  2. Idarubicin.
  3. Methyldopa.
  4. Novocainamide.

Note! The process of development of the disease is long, which rarely allows you to determine the pathology in the initial stages.


Pathological manifestations are absent in professional athletes or people with a dense physique. Myocardial enlargement in them is due to physiological parameters and is not a pathology.

If the disease is provoked by other factors, then the symptoms below may appear (Table 2).

Table 2 - Manifestations of cardiomegaly

Signs of congenital abnormality Signs of a disease that has arisen under the influence of other factors
It is difficult to determine the symptoms in a newborn, since the baby cannot tell what exactly worries him. Parents should be aware of the following:
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased appetite;
  • puffiness;
  • pale skin;
  • blue discoloration of the skin around the mouth;
  • rapid heart rate and breathing.
Adults themselves can control their state of health, paying attention to the following symptoms:
  • constant fatigue;
  • low endurance;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath even with the simplest physical activities and at night;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of heaviness behind the sternum on the right;
  • swelling of the veins of the cervical region;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

Note! Signs of cardiomegaly are very similar to those of heart failure. Only hardware studies will help to accurately determine the pathology.


The symptoms that occur with this disease, especially at the initial stage, are very similar to a number of other cardiovascular pathologies. Accurate differential diagnosis is possible only when contacting a doctor who can prescribe one of the studies listed below (Table 3).

Table 3 - Diagnostic measures for bovine heart

Name Description

On the radiograph, you can see congestion in the lower sections of the pulmonary vessels, as well as determine the pathology of the aorta and arteries of the respiratory system.

However, fluorography, which began to be used instead of x-rays, can also reveal an increase in the size of the heart, as well as calculate the ratio of the width of the heart shadow to the width of the chest (in healthy people indicator does not exceed 50%).

Electrocardiography (ECG) It is used as an additional study, which more accurately helps to determine the pathology. According to the results of the ECG, an increase in the ventricles and atria, thinning of the heart muscle, ischemic disease, post-infarction scars.
Echocardiography (EchoCG) Helps to study the exact anatomical structure of the main muscle of the patient and determine its functionality. Most often, along with such an examination, coronary angiography is performed.
Cardiac catheterization This method is used at the stage of preparing the patient for surgery to assess hemodynamics and the degree of reverse ejection of the blood flow.
Laboratory research In some cases, for accurate differential diagnosis you will need to pass some tests:
  • clinic and blood biochemistry;
  • lipid profile;
  • rheumatoid factor;
  • hormonal studies;
  • bakposev, which allows to identify infectious diseases.

Therapeutic measures

First of all, you need to be aware that it is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology. But with timely seeking help, it can be controlled with the help of drug treatment, but if the stage is neglected, then only radical treatment will save the patient.


The first thing to change is the way of life. Everyone affected by cardiomegaly will need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid physical activity;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • drink no more than 2 liters of liquids per day;
  • establish a daily routine, giving the body a good sleep and rest;
  • do not drink alcohol and nicotine;
  • practice a healthy diet, which consists in reducing the amount of animal fats consumed, replacing them with polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • eliminate salt from the diet.

The course of drug therapy is chosen individually by the attending physician. It is selected taking into account the stage of the disease, the presence of additional pathologies and a number of other factors. The main purpose of the drugs is to prevent heart failure. The most commonly used medicines from the following drug groups:

  • anticoagulants - help prevent the formation of blood clots: Heparin, Warfarin, Antithrombin;
  • diuretics - stimulate the body to increase the excretion of water from the body, which relieves swelling: Furosemide, Veroshpiron;
  • beta blockers - effective treatment high blood pressure and violations of the frequency of contractions: Concor, Bisoprolol;
  • ACE inhibitors - dilate blood vessels and stimulate healthy blood circulation:,.


As an addition to drug treatment the patient can use home remedies. With cardiomegaly, the following methods are used:


Depending on the form of the disease, the forecasts and how long patients with such a disease live will differ:

In order to avoid complications or even a threat to life, it is required to be regularly examined by a cardiologist and take appropriate tests. Since this pathology of the heart is not independent and develops against the background of other diseases or factors, it is recommended to pay attention to prevention and monitor the manifestation of any negative symptoms.

"Bull's Heart" is a variety of fleshy tomato, which is most suited to the taste of Mediterranean tomato varieties. Moreover, all fruits usually have irregular shape, contain less liquid than other varieties and therefore have a sweetish taste.

Characteristics of tomato varieties bull's heart

The plant of this variety is a determinate, spreading, vigorous bush, the height of which is from 150 to 170 cm. The average yield is 3.5-5 kg ​​per bush when grown in open ground and 8-12 kg per bush - in a protected ). Recommended for cultivation in open ground in the south of the country and in film greenhouses in middle lane Russia.

What is the treatment for gas embolism?

The only effective therapy for gas embolism is immediate recompression in a hyperbaric chamber. This reduces the size of air bubbles inside the body and restores normal blood flow and oxygen to the tissues.

Symptoms of a gas embolism

The symptoms of a gas embolism depend on where the air bubble is located.

Causes of gas embolism

A gas embolism can occur if a diver dries out and exhales on the surface. This can cause damage to the lungs, called pulmonary barotrauma, which allows air bubbles to enter the bloodstream. Gas embolism can also occur when a diver ascends too quickly to the surface. This is commonly known as turns or decompression sickness.

The variety is a mid-ripening tomato, that is, fruit ripening occurs on the 124-132th day after germination. The peculiarities of the variety include the presence of tomatoes of different weights and shapes on one bush: up to 3 largest fruits and a flatter shape are formed on the lower inflorescences, and on the following inflorescences smaller fruits weighing up to 100 g of oval shape. The variety belongs to the fleshy varieties with a dark crimson color.

This is explained in more detail below. Pulmonary barotrauma is lung injury caused by pressure changes. This occurs when divers run out of the air and, in a panic, hold their breath as they quickly swim to the surface. As they swim under pressure that decreases, the air in their lungs develops. Air causes the lungs to expand with a tendency to overinflate, which can lead to rupture of the alveoli. Air can escape from the lungs and enter the blood vessels, which can cause a gas embolism.

Reasons for an enlarged heart

Gas embolism can also occur with one meter of water if the diver is breathing compressed air and holds his breath during a rapid ascent. Decompression sickness occurs when nitrogen dissolves into the blood in the form of high pressure bubbles when the diver comes to the surface. When deep underwater, divers breathe compressed air that contains nitrogen gas. This accumulates in the blood and tissues of the diver. When the diver is in position and the pressure is reduced from the sea, nitrogen bubbles form in the tissues and blood as they cannot breathe immediately.

At present, breeders have bred a large number of subspecies of the bull's heart, in addition to the red color, there are varieties with:

  • black - Brad's Black Heart;
  • pink - Abakan pink, King London;
  • yellow - Brown's Yellow Giant;
  • white fruits - White Oxheart.

Features of this variety of tomatoes

This variety is adored by many tomato lovers. It has probably the largest fruits and is incredibly tasty compared to others. Sometimes the "bull's heart" can reach half a kilogram of weight. You can’t pickle such tomatoes, because this treasure will not fit into a jar. Therefore, it is used primarily for eating.

Other causes of gas embolism

These bubbles can lead to gas embolism. The following factors increase the risk of decompression sickness. Some of the heart defects cold water dehydration fatigue increase in water depth increase in time spent in deep water obesity more advanced age come to the surface quickly re-dive the same day fly immediately after diving. Other causes are very rare. Sometimes this can happen in the following situations.

Diagnosis of a gas embolism

Divers should always be closely supervised by their peers and supervisors so that when a gas embolism occurs, it can be immediately identified and dealt with. Symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision usually appear within minutes of the surface. A physical exam and tests, such as chest x-rays, may be done by a doctor to check that the symptoms are not caused by some other condition. If a diver loses consciousness within 10 minutes of surfacing, they probably have an air embolism and should be treated immediately.

AT summer period when the heat makes people hide in the shade of trees, in the garden at the cottage, a large juicy tomato with salt is the most delicious dish. From the "heart" you can do very good salads. Seasoning it with herbs, vegetable oil or sour cream, you will get a lot of pleasure and useful vitamins.

Monitoring the patient during surgery

There are several ways to monitor a person during surgery if they are considered at risk of developing a gas embolism. Transesophageal echocardiography A small scanner at the end of a thin tube is inserted into the body through the mouth and airways to monitor the heart with ultrasound. This can detect relatively small air bubbles. However, it is invasive and cannot find where the bladder is in the body.

Doppler ultrasound scanner is placed on the right side of the heart to measure blood flow velocity and changes in blood density. It is very sensitive and is commonly used during surgical procedures on the nervous system. However, he cannot determine the size of the embolism or the difference between life-threatening and non-life-threatening air bubbles. It can sometimes be difficult to accommodate a person's equipment, especially if they are obese.

Growing tomatoes in your area is a very responsible business. They need a caring hand of the owner. It is very important to choose good seedlings- sometimes beautiful green sprouts from the market give a very meager harvest. This can happen if the one who grew them went too far with fertilizers. In general, tomatoes need top dressing. But in moderation and on time. If you have gone over with phosphorus and potassium, add ashes for a moderate nitrogen background.

Pulmonary artery catheter A small tube is inserted into the artery that connects the heart to the lungs and blood pressure is monitored. A change in blood pressure indicates that a gas embolism may be present. However, the change in blood pressure may have a different cause, so this is not a common method of monitoring.

Too much pressure on the lungs

The pleura is a thin, two-layer membrane that lines the chest wall and wraps around the lungs. Pneumothorax refers to a condition of the pleura with more or less pressure on the lungs and can reduce lung ventilation. In the case of pneumothorax, an air pocket forms between the lung and the pleura, which presses on the lungs. This bubble usually resolves spontaneously. But sometimes pulmonary ventilation is affected, and the lung can collapse. Depending on the severity of the pneumothorax, this may be a real emergency, since lung compression can also be complicated by cardiovascular distress leading to a state of shock.

Due to the presence of fairly high stems, the bull's heart must be tied up for stability. This late-ripening variety quite resistant to diseases and pests, but sometimes it is overcome by enemies. The main one is phytophthora, which appears as a result of stagnation of cool moisture. To avoid this, you need to ventilate the greenhouses.

When this condition occurs without apparent reason, it is called primary pneumothorax. This most often affects young man, who is usually tall and thin, but not young, but it is not known why, and smokers or ex-smokers are also at risk.

How to treat an enlarged heart?

Some infectious diseases can also cause pneumothorax or even the presence of a tumor in the lung. This is a consequence of chest trauma: severe shock, accident, etc. for example, a rib fracture can damage the lung, allowing air to pass into the pleura. If air is trapped, it presses on the lung, which can collapse.

If you are growing tomatoes in open conditions- water them mainly on sunny days in the afternoon, keeping moisture in the soil (for example, using cardboard), but not allowing it to spread to the fruit ovaries.

Agrotechnics for growing tomatoes

Tomatoes of this variety require light, highly fertile soils.

Seeds for seedlings begin to be sown in early March to a depth of 3 cm, while before sowing the seeds must be treated with potassium permanganate and washed with clean water. It is necessary to dive the plant in the germination phase of 2 true leaves. Also, in order to obtain more powerful and strong seedlings, the plant must be fed 2-3 times with a complex of fertilizers, and a week before planting, it is necessary to start hardening.

Symptoms of pneumothorax

Very rarely, acupuncture or a complication of a medical procedure can lead to lung injury. Fatigue.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pneumothorax

  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Difficulty in coughing.
  • Pressure in the joints.
  • characteristic pain.
  • Elevated heart rate.
Diagnosis and treatment of pneumothorax.

An urgent consultation is required to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of pneumothorax. In the case of mild attachment with little dyspnea, monitoring is done until the air in the pleura resolves spontaneously. In the case of a more severe pneumothorax, treatment depends on the symptoms, the underlying cause, and the risk of recurrence: oxygenation, aspiration of the air present in the pleura, thoracic drainage, joining the two folds of the pleura, even surgery.

It is possible to plant seedlings in heated greenhouses from the beginning of April, and in unheated greenhouses - in early May or at the age of 60 days. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the planting pattern, which is 40-50 cm or 4 plants per square meter.

Bull's heart is a tall tomato variety, during the formation of which 2 stems can be formed: the main and the second, which is formed from the first stepson.

It is estimated that half of patients with pneumothorax will have another one within two years. Not smoking and avoiding pressure changes are some of the main preventive recommendations. Food and astrology Medical zodiac sign, plantation and health. Astrology and food "We are what we eat."

If we eat with unsuitable foods, whether in quality or quantity, there is a risk of damage or accumulation of toxins in the body, which ultimately cannot be handled by the body. Foods and signs of the zodiac and planets Signs of the zodiac and their houses indicate what constitutes the psychophysical constitution of a person, and a predisposition to certain events and diseases. The theme of the Christmas theme, which sets the situation at birth, represents the basis of the life of this person, constantly changing through planetary transits.

The rest of the stepchildren and lower leaves must be removed, as the development of the plant will slow down, and the fruits will begin to ripen much later and will be less than the declared characteristics. To obtain ideal fruits, it is necessary to limit the growth of the plant - leave no more than 8 brushes with fruits on the bush.

Further care of tomatoes consists in regular watering using warm water and carrying out 2-3 plant feedings during the growing season. It is advisable to use special complex mineral fertilizers for top dressing, which would contain a full range of NPK, trace elements necessary for the nutrition of vegetable crops.

Why is the heart enlarged

Both of them were born under the sign of Aries, that those who have planets in Aries tend to be hyperactive and hyperthyroid, quickly burn calories and quickly and hastily try to reintegrate them. Never chew enough and this nasty habit puts them in stomach pain, duodenitis, ulcers and difficult digestion. Aries women are usually bad cooks, they can't heal the presentation of the foods they serve without some sort of garnish. Since the tendency of the sign is to overload and damage the brain, it is better to avoid foods that are too tasty and spicy, alcoholic beverages and meat in general.

Bull's heart tomato is reliable, time-tested high yielding variety, which guarantees a high-quality crop when planted throughout Russia.


Tomato "Bull's heart"

If asked to recall any of the varieties of tomatoes, there is no doubt that almost everyone will name "Bull's Heart". Tomato variety "Bull's Heart" is characterized by a special fleshiness, pleasant aroma and wonderful taste. Large fruits of the "Bull's Heart" are used for making summer salads and juice, small ones are used for canning.

It's best to navigate a vegetable-based diet full of pasta with two-week fish nipples. Avoid alcohol, too fatty foods, avoid tobacco, which is a coniferous vessel. The mineral you need is potassium phosphate, which facilitates the repair of brain cells that Aries consumes in large quantities ah, usually the symptoms of this mineral deficiency are headache, feeling tired, exhaustion. Nervous To strengthen the muscles, it is necessary that legumes and soybeans, due to their organic iron content, can also undergo hyperthyroidism, cerebral stroke due to cerebrovascular contraction, intellectually alive and tend to dissipate their mental energy and suffer from migraines, have to adapt to a slightly spicy low-fat diet, eat slowly and chew well. aromatic herbs associated with the sign, aloe, basil, bay leaf, pepper, capers, horseradish, mint, pepper, sage, olives, thistle, bardana, nettle, onion, rhubarb.

Growing tomatoes "Bull's heart"

Growing tomatoes "Bull's Heart" is a very laborious task. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first half of March to a depth of approximately 3 cm, pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and washed thoroughly. After the germination of two true leaves, the sprouts dive. A two-time top dressing with complex fertilizers is recommended. Experienced gardeners 10 days before planting are advised to start hardening. Seedlings are planted in unheated greenhouses in early May, in open ground - with the onset of stable warm weather - from late May to early June. In the northern and northwestern parts of Russia, only varieties with medium ripening periods can be planted without a film, late-ripening ones simply do not have time to ripen. At the same time, when growing a crop in a greenhouse, regular ventilation should be carried out so that the plant does not destroy late blight.

Potassium phosphate is integral part brain and nerve cells and helps to restore mental fitness if the person is physically and mentally rested, also indicated in cases of insomnia, nervous disorders, skin irritation. If with and deficiency of this salt, accused of feeling anxious, irritable, racing at the slightest noise, have exaggerated hunger despite eating, suffering from urinary incontinence, forgetfulness, insomnia, nervous disorders, hiccups, dizziness, Colon blocking constipation, dry tongue in the morning , thirst for frozen drinks.

Planting scheme: 4-5 plants per 1m². "Bull's heart" refers to tall varieties, so the bushes are subject to mandatory garter. When forming a bush, two stems are left: the main one and the one formed from the first stepson, the other stepsons must be removed. By the end of July, pinching the growing point is done. To get large fruits, it is advisable to leave no more than 8 fruiting brushes on the plant. Harvesting occurs as the fruit ripens. Maturity depends on natural area and varieties of "Bull's Heart".

He takes care of the harmony of the table, follows the line and eats everything. It tends to be obese, circulatory disorders and water retention. This should reduce the intake of starches. Avoid sweets because they can cause cardiovascular disorders, avoid eating stress, avoid problems with the psychosomatic order. In order to avoid problems with goiter and "it is good to consume iodine, and then seaweed and sea ​​salt". And it's also good to avoid intinula, eat more vegetables. His preference delicious meals leads to obesity, being a very nervous person, usually suffering from psychosomatic illnesses, Toro people prefer delicious and gourmet food.

Subspecies of tomato variety "Bull's Heart"

Valuable nutritional and dietary properties of "Bull's Heart" tomatoes make it extremely beneficial for health. Fruits contain vitamins B, C, K; valuable minerals, pectin, folic and nicotinic acids.

Bull's heart tomato

What summer without juicy and fragrant tomatoes! Say, is it not a problem to buy imported or greenhouse tomatoes in the markets and supermarkets all year round? True, but each of us is still looking forward to the time when fragrant summer tomatoes begin to ripen, with a thin skin, unusually tasty pulp and an unusual oblong shape, red or Pink colour grown in open field. Guess what kind will be discussed? Of course, about the well-known and beloved variety "bull's heart".

A tomato bovine heart resembles not only in shape, there are specimens that are in no way inferior in size to the heart of an adult calf!

Before talking in more detail about this variety of tomatoes, I will allow myself a small lyrical digression, a memory from childhood. My grandmother was very fond of gardening, and she especially planted tomatoes a lot. From February, she carefully sowed the seeds, placing boxes of earth on the windowsill, transferred the grown seedlings to the greenhouse, and only then planted the roots in open ground in the garden, without fail tied up the stems. And in the middle of summer, literally in buckets, she collected huge tomatoes, which she distributed to relatives and neighbors, and everyone invariably praised them. And no wonder, because one such giant could make a whole bowl of delicious salad, feed the whole family with it! True, I didn’t really like tomatoes as a child.

And when I was 6.5 years old (just before school), I was admitted to the hospital for an examination, and my mother, bringing me packages, invariably put a large pink or red tomato in the bag. I, being a very shy child, for some reason terribly shy of these huge tomatoes, hid them in a locker with things, and I already had a decent amount of them accumulated there in a few days. And then one day the nanny, who was cleaning up in the ward, saw how I was hiding something, and asked what I was putting there. Realizing that now they would start scolding me, blushing like that tomato, I confessed almost crying that I didn’t know what to do with these hated vegetables. But a kind elderly woman, clasping her hands and asking where I got such wealth from (and it turned out to be a "bull's heart pink" tomato), asked me to take one for myself for seeds and be sure to thank my grandmother for such beauty. The rest, cut into 4 parts each, distributed to the kids, who, to my surprise, were extremely happy that they were given not a tomato, but an orange, so coveted in those distant times. It was then, for the company, that I finally tasted what a really tasty tomato "bull's heart" is! Such is the case.

Tomato "bull heart pink", due to its nutritional and dietary qualities, is very beneficial for health. Ripe fruits are rich in vitamins C, B, K, sugars, contain fiber, folic and nicotinic acids, pectin and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, iodine. I can’t even believe that for a long time tomatoes were considered poisonous, and they were bred only as an ornamental exotic plant. This plant is tall (150-170 cm), the average yield is up to 5 kilograms per bush in open ground and up to 10-12 kg in greenhouses. In terms of maturation, it belongs to mid-ripening - maturation after the emergence of seedlings occurs within 125-132 days. There are fruits on the bush different shapes, size and, accordingly, different weights. The largest 2-3 fruits have a round shape weighing up to 400 g and grow on the lowest inflorescences. On subsequent ones, smaller oval-shaped fruits are formed, their weight is 50-100 g. The variety is moderately resistant to diseases. Large fruits are for fresh consumption, medium ones are good for cooking various dishes, small ones are suitable for canning.

The tomato variety "bull heart red" is also grown in plastic film greenhouses and in the open field. Its fruits are heart-shaped, very large, at the first harvest they reach a weight of 400 g, with further - up to 200 g. The variety is mainly salad and dessert, can be used for canning in pieces. tie the stem to the trellis as the bush grows and develops. If this is not done, then the bushes simply cannot withstand the heavy weight of the lower fruits, they break off and, once on the ground, begin to quickly rot.

"Bull's Heart" is a reliable and time-tested variety. If you are interested in a guaranteed rich harvest, then choose the Oxheart tomato variety - you will not regret it!

Oxheart tomato - delicious tomato

No need to convince vegetable growers that good choice varieties of tomato more than half guarantees a good harvest. Complex weather require gardeners to choose adapted for a particular climate zone varieties of tomatoes. When choosing amateur vegetable growers, they emphasize the attractiveness and taste of fruits, their resistance to diseases and adverse conditions. Bull's Heart Tomato is one of the most famous varieties of tomato, we can safely assume that he knows about it most of population.

It is generally accepted that with this well-known variety, beginner vegetable growers take their first steps in this industry. This is not surprising, the Bull's Heart tomato variety belongs to large-fruited, indeterminate and tall plants. The tomato belongs to the late-ripening, it is grown in a greenhouse (film or glazed) or open ground. Propagated mainly by seedlings, incl. and for the earliest harvest. The time of plant development before the appearance of the first fruits is about 130 days, the variety has a good yield.

The fruits are large, heart-shaped, contain few seeds, juicy and fleshy. It has excellent taste qualities with a characteristic sourness. Tomato Bull's heart is rightfully considered the leader in palatability, the mass of fruits reaches 500 gr. Fruits can have color from pink to raspberry color. A popular variety of tomato, Ox's Heart, is considered mainly salad for its intended purpose; a variety of dishes can be prepared from it. However, such tomatoes may be suitable for processing and preservation in pieces or small fruits.

The main stem can be up to 2 meters high, a garter is required to form a bush. Agrotechnology consists in sowing seeds for seedlings in the first spring month (March), the sprouted seedlings must be fed several times with fertilizer. It is important to treat the seeds in potassium permanganate before sowing. A decade before planting, tomato seedlings need to be hardened off. Tomato Bull's heart refers to plants that have certain requirements for the soil, highly fertile, light soils are suitable for them.

In a crop rotation system, legumes, annual grasses, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and onions can be favorable for tomato predecessors. In April, seedlings are planted in a heated greenhouse, and in May in unheated ones, i.e. when there is no threat of frost. Tall bushes are tied to vertical or horizontal fixtures. During this period, before sunset, the plants must be watered with warm water, while the humidity must be kept low. In addition, fertilizing and loosening the soil should be carried out regularly throughout the growing season.

For top dressing, a complex mineral fertilizer is used, which is highly soluble in water and provides the necessary nutrition to tomato seedlings. The plant has green leaf medium sizes. A simple inflorescence allows you to lay about 9 sheets at the beginning, and later on no more than 2 leaves. characteristic feature variety is considered the ability of a plant to have fruits not only of different weights, but also of different shapes. Despite the fact that the Bull's Heart tomato is considered late-ripening, tomatoes can also ripen in the open field, this allows you to save the plant variety in the seeds.

In the process of caring for the plant, it is necessary to form two stems and, at the end of July, pinch the growing point of the tomato. Harvesting usually starts at the same time and continues as the fruits ripen until mid-September (depending on the climate zone). Tomato Bull's Heart is a reliable and time-tested variety; the harvest of such tomatoes, subject to elementary agricultural technology, is almost always guaranteed.

bull heart- a variety of tomatoes is considered one of the tasty, the color of its fruits can be pink or yellow. This variety is very tall and the fruits are really huge, from three hundred grams to a kilogram. The shape of the fruits of these tomatoes outwardly resembles a heart. Main value varieties of this tomato lies in its taste, its fruits are sugary, fleshy. The fruits themselves very rarely rot and burst. Of course, such tomatoes are not suitable for spinning, because there is no way to push them into jars, but excellent tomato juice it will come out of it.

Growing tomatoes - Bull's heart.

Now, in order about the cultivation of this variety of tomato.

Place for landing.

The site for planting this variety of tomato should be well lit by the sun for at least 6-7 hours.

The soil.

The soil before planting should be well fertilized, for this it is necessary to add peat or compost, manure and mineral fertilizers to the ground.

How to plant.

Plants grown by seedlings (up to 25 centimeters) when planting should be buried in such a way that the top pair of leaves is visible above the ground. This is done so that additional roots can form, which will help supply the plant with useful substances. Plants are quite tall and therefore should be planted from each other within a meter, then air circulation will be good and the plants will be less susceptible to diseases. Pegs for these tomatoes should be strong and high.


It is desirable to water the plants abundantly so that the soil is moist for a week at a depth of up to twenty-five centimeters. If watering is insufficient, then the roots of the plant will be weak and thin. In order to maintain the temperature and humidity of the air, it is necessary to cover the soil from straw with mulch, which also will not allow weeds to grow. Until the fruit ripens, tomatoes should be fed once a week. But when the tomatoes begin to ripen, you need to stop feeding. Get the biggest yields from your vegetables. More articles in the section >growing tomatoes.

Tomatoes "Bull's heart" and "Ox's heart" what is the difference? What are the reviews?


Every tomato is good. But of course there is a difference in these tomatoes, otherwise they would not be called differently, you see. You have already given a good description, but I would like to add one more thing.

Tomatoes differ in taste. Not everyone can understand this, because fresh tomato juice is not too different, but professionals say that Ox's Heart is more juicy and dense juice. And the taste of this juice is more saturated in aroma.


That year I planted tomatoes "Bull's Heart" and "Ox's Heart", I plant 5-6 varieties of tomatoes every year, some for salads for the winter, some for conservation, some we eat all summer.

The bull’s heart is a tall plant and had to be tied up that year, planted seedlings in open ground, but there were few tomatoes on the bush, maybe I did something wrong, but the tomatoes were large, one tomato pulled 800-900 grams, the taste is sweet , meaty.

I liked the Cow's Heart to taste more than the Bull's Heart, and the fruits are about 250 grams, raspberry color, although the plant is not tall, but also tied up, because our summer is rainy, I was afraid that the stems would fall on the ground and the fruits would begin to rot , there were more fruits than the Bull's heart.

By the way, Ox's heart and Ox's heart did not have any diseases, which I was very glad about.

This year I also purchased tomato seeds of these two varieties and will definitely plant them.


I like both varieties - both "hearts"). And "Ox", and "Bull". Of course, they are similar in several qualities. For example, they have a slightly elongated shape, vaguely resembling a heart, both are ribbed (although the ribs are slightly pronounced).

Both varieties grow very well in open ground, as well as in greenhouses and greenhouses.



Tomato varieties bull heart some of my favorites, large, fleshy, on the break "sugar", the aroma from them is special, real tomato. On a heart-shaped fruit, reaching a weight of up to 700 grams, protruding ribs are clearly visible, usually there are three of them. Tomatoes of this size are difficult to put into a jar for pickling, but in the summer you can heartily eat their fragrant pulp. By color, the Bull's heart is red, yellow and black. The variety is medium or late ripening, little susceptible to fruit cracking.


In their form, they are no different. But Bull's Heart is an old and unproductive variety. He can tie one or two tomatoes and, having grown them safely, wither. Cow's heart is an updated variety, about 10 tomatoes ripen on it, they are sweet, tasty and even.

If the bush has been in the apartment since the winter, then it is capable of producing several crops over the summer. That's the difference. Now in vegetable growing there is a struggle for productivity, this especially affects tomatoes. New varieties are simply strewn with fruits, ripening early.


I live in tomato heaven. My area specializes in growing tomatoes and they are considered delicious.

Both of the varieties you listed are salad tomatoes. But this does not prevent them from being rolled up, more often in the form of thick juice. The varieties are similar, but as they said before me, Oxheart is considered more modern, and therefore more productive.

My dad was an agronomist by first education, and he loved these two "hearts" very much.

By the way, I have arthritis. knee joint, and my trauma doctor forbade eating red tomatoes raw. But in juice or marinade you can. Therefore, it is good that the "Bull's Heart" can have a color different from red, that is, everyone can eat it raw.

The difference between varieties is that they different term ripening, therefore, during almost the entire "tomato" season, you can enjoy the "hearts".


Variety of tomatoes "Bull's heart", as well as "Ox's heart" - a variety of salad tomatoes. "Ox's Heart" is a newer, improved variety. I like both varieties, I love tomatoes very much. They have a lot of pulp, they are not sour, they belong to the sweet varieties. Of these, tomato pastes and juices are perfectly cooked.


They are exactly the same in shape, but the second option - Cow's heart is an improved variety of the first tomato.

Giant fruits, we achieved a fruit weight of 1 kg! Delicious sweet meaty.

But all the tomatoes are not for everyone, by the way, I love pepper-shaped and ladies' fingers.

For the normal functioning of the heart, it is important that its dimensions are normal. Only in this case, the body can correctly perform its main function - to pump blood. If one or all of its chambers increase in size, the activity of this most important organ is hindered.

One of the ailments that is accompanied by its increase is a bull's heart, and the causes of this disease in humans can be hidden in various factors. At the same time, the volume of muscle tissue, which provides contractions of the organ, decreases, as a result of which it begins to release a smaller amount of blood into the bloodstream.

In medicine, this disease is known as cardiomegaly.

Provoking factors

Often this disease is concomitant with other diseases, including cardiological.

But there are other reasons that can cause the disease.

  • Athletes often suffer from this disease. Under conditions of enhanced training, the body works more intensively, which increases blood flow and increases the volume of blood in it. The muscle mass of the heart also increases. In this case, doctors say that a person has an athlete's heart. During the time that a person continues to actively engage in sports, he does not have any cardiological problems, but with a sharp refusal from intensive activities, stress and various diseases can provoke a disease such as a bull's heart;
  • Excessive consumption of beer can also cause a problem. At first, a person may not notice the negative effects of large amounts of the drink (from 3 l / day) on the organ. Due to the excessive consumption of beer, the heart muscle experiences an additional load, it becomes necessary to pump almost twice as much blood. To cope with this function, the body is forced to resort to compensatory mechanisms.

Thanks to this, at first a person does not feel any difficulties in the work of the organ, but over time he wears out, gets tired, the muscles stretch, become decrepit. At the same time, the muscles in the heart are replaced by adipose and connective tissue, and later the organ becomes completely unable to cope with its functions.

In addition, people who abuse beer quickly gain weight, which puts the body under even greater stress. Due to all these factors, heart failure occurs in a person, and its treatment causes serious difficulties. In medicine, the disease has another name - beer heart.

But not only these factors can provoke a problem.

Often it is caused by such ailments as:

  • Hypertension;
  • Ischemia;
  • Viral diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • Incorrect development of the organ valve.

A provocateur of a bovine heart can also be emphysema, hypertension. The causes of the disease may also lie in the presence of inflammatory processes in the organ caused by rheumatic heart disease, rheumatism, scarlet fever, tonsillitis. Cardiomegaly can be caused by acute pericarditis, alcohol poisoning.

In addition, the disease can be genetic in nature. Cardiomegaly can be either congenital or acquired. The latter, as a rule, is provoked by other diseases.


This ailment is insidious, and this lies in the fact that it does not have pronounced signs by which it can be determined without examination.

Nevertheless, the disease is able to manifest itself, but usually its symptoms are similar to signs of other cardiac problems:

  • swelling;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Shortness of breath, increased heart rate during physical exertion;
  • Pain in the chest region;
  • Excessive sweating.

All these signs can signal other cardiac diseases. Often people explain such manifestations by lack of physical activity, smoking, fatigue. But you need to pay attention to these symptoms in order to timely identify a disease such as a bull's heart or other diseases that they may indicate, and begin treatment.

Palpation allows a specialist to identify cardiomegaly, in which he can notice a protrusion in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ. An electrocardiogram and radiography can clarify the picture. The most accurate data is given by ultrasound of the organ, as well as echocardiography.


Finding an effective strategy to deal with the problem is not easy. However, treatment today is much simpler than it used to be, and it is more effective.

The first step in the fight against an acquired disease is getting rid of its root causes - diseases that provoked cardiomegaly.

When a diagnosis is made, both drug therapy and surgery can be used for treatment, depending on the stage of the disease and its accompanying ailments.

In the fight against cardiomegaly, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that can aggravate its course.

The patient may have problems with blood pressure, which must be controlled. In some cases, the patient is prescribed medications that reduce it. Drugs that normalize the heart rhythm may also be prescribed.

During the examination, you need to find out if the patient has lung diseases, ischemia. If they are present, these ailments must also be treated in parallel.

In the presence of inflammatory processes, the use of antibiotic therapy is mandatory.

During the fight against the disease, beer and other alcoholic beverages, as well as drinks containing caffeine, should be excluded. Stop smoking and taking drugs.

To get rid of the disease as soon as possible, you need to arrange a weekly fasting day for yourself - therapeutic starvation, in which you can use only freshly squeezed juices and water. This will cleanse the body.

Speaking about how to treat such a disease as a bull's heart, it is worth mentioning the benefits of sports and hardening, which helps to increase immunity.


Proper nutrition is of great importance in the fight against cardiomegaly. The Mediterranean diet is preferred for this. Thanks to him, you can not only saturate the body with useful elements, but also normalize, and if there is no need for this, just maintain a normal body weight.

The use of such a diet is indicated in the treatment and prevention of such an ailment as a bull's heart.

Here are the basic principles of such nutrition:

  • For breakfast, you need to eat dishes from cereals, and for dessert you need to eat fruits. The carbohydrates obtained from these products do not turn into excess weight. At the same time, such food allows you to get for the whole day necessary elements for the normal functioning of the body;
  • At lunch, you need to eat meals containing protein, plant foods. As a rule, these are vegetables, fruits, fish, meat dishes, low-fat dairy products, hard cheese. Meat and fish should be dietary. The Mediterranean diet in the treatment of such a syndrome as a bull's heart also involves the use of seafood, you should not refuse the first courses;
  • Dinner should be low-calorie foods. As a rule, these are freshly squeezed juices, low-fat yogurt, kefir, vegetables, fruits.

Not prohibited with this diet, used in the treatment of such an ailment as bovine heart syndrome, and snacks, but they can consist of low-fat yogurts, vegetables, fruits.

But from conservation, sugar, fats of animal origin should be abandoned. As fats, you can use sesame, olive, soybean, peanut oil. You need to take food in small portions.


To reduce the risk of illness, you should follow a few rules.

  • You need to play sports. So that such a problem as an enlarged heart does not touch you, it is not necessary to be a professional athlete - it is enough to lead an active lifestyle, regularly go to the gym;
  • You should refuse or minimize the intake of alcoholic beverages, and especially beer;
  • It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - it should be balanced, saturated with useful elements and poor in fats, canned goods, fried, flour foods.

Knowing what a bull’s heart is, how this diagnosis is made, how this disease is treated, with its development you can immediately suspect it, and knowing about preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor at the first sign of illness.

It is one thing to grow regular-sized tomatoes, and quite another to grow large-fruited ones. Weight champions can be seen from afar in the garden, and on the table they leave no one indifferent. And if the fruits still have the shape of a heart, then this is always the subject of delight of others and the pride of the master gardener.

"Heartbreaker" from the garden

From the huge variety of tomato seeds that are now on sale, just your eyes run wide. But if you ask a gardener to name their favorite variety, most will no doubt answer: Bull's heart. Why is he so good? And the thing is that one has only to cut its ripe fruit, as soon as you feel the aroma - the same, real, tomato! Do not confuse with anything else and the special taste of its heart-shaped fruits. Sugar on the fault, they compare favorably with the flat-round giants by the increased meatiness of the central part.

Fans of the Bull's Heart are not embarrassed either by the fact that the variety is demanding on growing conditions, or by the fact that a "treasure" the size of a fist does not fit into jars for salting. They plant it in order to eat plenty of tomatoes over the summer. Agree that you can not get such a feeling from every variety.

Find the correct Oxheart Seeds

However, among the gardeners there are many who are disappointed in the Bull's heart. Many complain that the variety sets very few fruits and is one of the first to be affected by phytophthora.

Well, firstly, everything that is unpretentious, then for the most part, is so tasty. And secondly, this is a variety of folk selection. And for a long time no one was involved in maintaining it. On the other hand, taking advantage of the increased interest in these tomatoes, the sale of their seeds was briskly launched by “amateur seed growers”, which in itself is not bad if most of these amateurs, in pursuit of profit, did not harvest seeds in a row from everything that grows in the garden. Usually such “seed-growing” leads to the degeneration of the variety.

I, too, could not grow the correct Bull's Heart in my greenhouse for a long time, until I bought seeds from the Aelita company. Bushes, if formed into one stem, tie at least 8-10 brushes. At the same time, plants give little stepchildren. The fruits are of a beautiful even shape, the average size is 200-300 g, on the first and second brushes they reach 350-500 g. There are very few seeds. Unlike those that I previously grew from seeds of the same variety from other companies, they are practically no different in appearance and taste from my grandmother's tomatoes from my childhood. Of the minuses of this Bull's heart - the average stability

Culinary advice

Don't serve tomatoes cold, it kills their flavor. Before you put them on the table, cut and arrange on a dish, lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar and only then salt and pepper - this will emphasize the tomato flavor.

to phytophthora, but I manage to cope with it with one agricultural technique without the use of fungicides: removing diseased leaves, spraying twice with microelements and a constant draft.

But even if the resulting crop suits me, I still buy new seeds in 3-4 years to update the variety. At the same time, I procure them myself every year, since a new purchase does not always live up to expectations. To do this, I select the largest fruits from the second brush. They should ripen on the bushes so that there is no green spot near the stem. If you ripen on the window, then the seeds may lose their germination and germination energy. At home, before removing the seeds, the fruits lie for only 3-4 days until they become soft.

How to grow a noble crop of the Bull's Heart variety

I grow Bull's heart in a greenhouse through seedlings. I sow the seeds at the end of February, then I begin to shoot the first fruits in mid-July. The variety is tall, medium-late, in a greenhouse it grows up to 1.5-1.8 m high. The first inflorescence is laid over 8-9 leaves, the next - after 1-2 leaves. The bush at the Bull's heart is slightly leafy. With a heavy load of fruits, the top can become thin, or even stop its growth, and the fruits on the upper brushes become smaller and lose their shape. nice shape. To prevent this from happening, plants need to be regularly fed and properly shaped.

I spend at least 5-7 dressings per season:

the first two (with an interval of 10 days) I give during the flowering of the first brushes with mineral fertilizers that contain more phosphorus: N: P: K - 1: 5: 1;

I spend the third and fourth during the formation and filling of fruits on the first brushes, tomatoes during this period have increased requirements for nitrogen and potassium (N: P: K -1: 0.8: 1);

I give the fifth during flowering 5-6 brushes, during this period the bushes again need more phosphorus (N; P: K - 1: 5: 1);

It is very important for all large-fruited tomatoes to help pollinate in the heat. In addition to making a draft in the greenhouse, in the morning I manually spray large drops of water over the tops of my head. And also 2-3 times a day I hit the trellis with a stick. And be sure to give foliar top dressing with microelements.

I plant no more than 2.5 plants per square meter. I form into one trunk and after 2-4 inflorescences I turn the tomatoes over. Each time, I choose the strongest stepson as an escape to continue. I pinch the top of the old shoot for the first time after the formation of 3-4 brushes on it (depending on the load), and then 2-3 brushes. I leave one or two leaves above the last inflorescence.

I am in no hurry to remove the leaves from the Bull's heart bushes. On the contrary, I increase their number on the plant by leaving an additional shoot (without an inflorescence) with a pinch on one or two leaves.

Currently, breeders have bred a large number of subspecies of the Bull's heart. In addition to red color, there are varieties with pink, raspberry, white, black and yellow. When you collect a multi-colored crop, you will not be overjoyed.

My favorite is bright orange Honey Spas ("Biotechnics"). Always perfectly shaped and one slightly above average size. It ties 5-6 fruits in the brush, one gains a mass of 400-500 g, the rest are slightly smaller - 200-300 g. Fleshy, moderately juicy and sweet, cut in half like exotic fruits.

Every year I plant and lemon heart(seeds brought from the south). The shape of the fruit is slightly different from that of Bullish heart. They are rich yellow in color, in full ripeness they acquire a slightly pinkish tint inside.

Multichambered, running down to the top, but larger (weighing 500-800 g) and not oval, but rather triangular. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, dense, sweet, tasting more fruity than tomato. The plant is tall, the first brush is laid over 4-5 leaves, the next - after 3-4 leaves. Stepchildren are easy, they formed both in one and in two stems. Harvest.

Growing for the first time this year Morning Dew ("Search"). A tall early ripe tomato (the period from germination to the start of fruiting is 100-105 days) with ripe tomatoes in the group a la Bull's Heart pleased the very first. The fruits are heart-shaped, slightly ribbed, dark crimson, the largest - weighing 200-250 g, very tasty. They tied well even in the heat. Do not crack, can hang on the bushes for a very long time. The variety is fruitful, fruiting until frost.

Very handsome variety Budenovka ("Agros"). This year I grew it for the first time. Indeterminate, formed into one stem. Productive, not prone to cracking, in a brush from 3 to 7 pieces. The fruits are dense, fleshy, heart-shaped, ribbed, with a pointed tip, mostly all 200-300 g each. The last tomatoes, unripe, milky in color, were removed in October. Then they turn red, lie well. When you preserve slices, they do not spread, they keep their shape. Of the entire group a la Bull’s Heart, this variety turned out to be the most resistant to late blight, but it is inferior in taste to all the varieties listed above.

Tomato "bull's heart" - I grow only these tomatoes!

Canned Giant Tomatoes in the Microwave

Large-fruited tomatoes make excellent salads, juices, ketchups. But what if you want pickled? I found this recipe on the Internet, I tried it, I liked it very much. The main thing is that it needs very large and fleshy tomatoes.

Wash the fruits and cut into 2-4 parts so that they pass into the neck. For a 1.5-liter jar you will need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of 70% vinegar, 5 bitter peas, 3 allspice, 3 bay leaves.

Place pepper in the bottom of the jar Bay leaf. Then tightly, but so as not to crush the slices, lay the chopped tomatoes. Add sugar and salt (it is better to dissolve them in advance in a small amount of warm water). Add boiling water, it should only slightly cover (0.5 cm higher) tomatoes, put in the microwave (it usually includes two cans) and turn it on maximum power.

First, it is better to set the heating time to no more than 2 minutes, and then follow the first filling. If during this time I it does not boil, add another 1 min. etc.

You need to follow the process. As soon as the filling boils (it took me 5 minutes), the jar needs to be removed from the microwave, add another raw tomato slice on top, pour boiling water over it, add vinegar. The liquid should come just to the top.

Roll up the jar, turn it upside down, wrap and leave to cool.

Before canning, check the jars. They must be free of cracks and chips, otherwise they may crack in the microwave.

Cultivation of the "Bull's Heart" variety - reviews, recommendations and tips

Seedlings rubble is not a hindrance

My favorite tomato variety is also Bull's Heart.

I know that many gardeners also do not have a soul in it. So, if you want his fruits to be as large as possible, when the first flowers appear on the bushes, be sure to cut them off! Then you will be surprised by the result. In this case, the fruits will also be of the correct shape, even, without cracks. But I don’t cut the stepchildren of all varieties, but I always cut them with scissors, leaving small stumps. Only in this case new stepchildren will not grow.

And I never plant hybrids and varietal tomatoes next to each other, otherwise the fruits grow tasteless and not fragrant. True, the opposite is true with cucumbers: I definitely place hybrids and varietals together, and from this they have so many ovaries that words cannot describe! But away from them, you need to plant currants (otherwise they will definitely pick up powdery mildew) and hot peppers (they will not taste good).

To get early seedlings (I do not have a heated greenhouse), I do this. I take 5-liter bottles, cut off their bottoms and cut the resulting cylinders across into two identical parts. I put the lower halves on the beds, slightly deepen them, pour grass or humus inside, then I throw rotted manure, and garden soil on top. And I plant seeds there: undersized varieties - three each, and tall ones - two each. I close everything upper parts bottles with necks (depending on the weather, I screw or remove the caps from them).

The disease, popularly called a bull's heart, has a medical analogue of the term - cardiomegaly. This is a pathological process that occurs in the heart, which is characterized by an increase in the chambers of the organ. In some cases, slightly oversized sizes may be within the normal range for people who constantly experience increased stress, for example, athletes, military personnel.

With early diagnosis and early proper treatment there is every chance to normalize the work of the body, improve the condition of a person, improve the quality of his life.

The reasons

If a person is diagnosed with a bovine heart, this means that the muscle fibers of the organ do not stretch, the myocardium does not have enough strength to carry out normal blood pumping.

As a result, the heart is depleted, worn out, the patient develops heart failure:

  1. If only one chamber is enlarged, the diagnosis is partial cardiomegaly.
  2. If everything is total.

Cardiomegaly (bovine heart syndrome) can be congenital or acquired.

In the first case, the prognosis is very unfavorable. So, 30% of children die within a few months after birth, a quarter of newborns survive, but they develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system, almost half recover.

The disease develops in a child for two reasons:

  • genetic factor
  • violation of intrauterine development.

There is a high risk of giving birth to a baby with a diagnosis of "bovine heart" in women who during pregnancy suffered infections, smoked, used drugs or alcohol.

There are many reasons why acquired cardiomegaly can develop.

The most common include the following:

  • IHD, myocarditis, heart defects;
  • hypertension, cardiosclerosis;
  • pericarditis;
  • anemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

The disease also occurs as a result of the use of medicines that are prescribed for the treatment of cancer and pathologies of the circulatory system. Cardiomegaly, which develops against the background of prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages, is considered very dangerous.


The disease is asymptomatic in the early stages. The doctor can make such a diagnosis in the course of diagnosing other diseases. If the syndrome is diagnosed in time, it can be successfully cured. The effectiveness of treatment depends directly on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, how far the pathological process has gone.

The disease "bovine heart" does not manifest itself with specific signs, however, there are a number of manifestations that should alert a person and make him seek help from a specialist.

Characteristic signs of cardiomegaly:

  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • increased fatigue;
  • swollen, bulging vessels;
  • puffiness;
  • pain in the chest area.

Your child may also have other symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • poor appetite;
  • severe sweating;
  • pale nasolabial triangle.

If treatment is started on time, the chances of recovery are significantly increased.

Advanced forms of pathology cause the development of complications such as heart failure, myocarditis.

The most informative method for diagnosing this disease is the ECG. Echocardiography allows you to determine the size of the heart, wall thickness, chamber parameters. To get a more detailed picture of the disease, a number of other research methods are prescribed.

How to treat

In most cases, bovine heart is a complication of some other systemic disease. Treatment of cardiomegaly includes a number of measures aimed at curing the underlying pathology.

Cardiomegaly is a disease that is quite dangerous to life and health, when irreversible changes occur in the heart.

No operations and medicines can lead to a complete recovery, but only to slow down the deformation processes.

For bull's heart disease, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • ACE inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • beta-blockers;
  • anticoagulants.

If drug therapy does not work, resort to a prompt solution to the problem.

In this case, you can help the patient using the following methods:

  • coronary bypass;
  • installation of a pacemaker;
  • implanting valves or devices that improve blood circulation can greatly reduce the workload on the heart.

Treatment of the disease will be effective only if the patient leads a normal lifestyle, does not smoke or abuse alcohol. It is also important to normalize the daily diet: limit the intake of fluid into the body, refuse fatty, salty, fried foods. Useful for the patient will be moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air. It is recommended to periodically undergo an examination of the body, monitor your health. This will help prevent not only the bull's heart, but also other diseases and disorders.

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