Why does gout happen? Gout symptoms and treatment at home

landscaping 03.07.2020

Gout is a disease caused by a metabolic disorder. It develops due to the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints.

This pathology is described by ancient physicians. It was once called the "disease of kings". This is explained by the fact that predominantly very wealthy people suffered from gout, whose daily diet included a large amount of animal protein (“red meat”), as well as alcoholic beverages.

Table of contents:

Features of the disease

Currently, gout is diagnosed relatively rarely; it is found in only 3% of the population. Men who have reached the age of 40 are more susceptible to it.

The fair sex usually gets gout during the period (more often - after 55 years), when the synthesis of female sex hormones - estrogens - sharply decreases in their body.

Children and young people almost never get gout. In the rarest cases, the disease can affect a young body if there are congenital disorders of uric acid metabolism.

As a rule, gout is characterized by a chronic paroxysmal course. During an attack, the patient suffers from pain and limited mobility in problem joints.

The main factor predisposing to the development of the disease is a sustained high level of uric acid in the patient's blood. Its derivatives (urates) are deposited in the form of crystals in the joints, as well as in some other organs (in particular, the kidneys), which causes the development of gout. A compound such as sodium urate tends to be deposited in the articular tissue, leading to its destruction over time.

A high level of uric acid in gout may be due to its large intake into the body, when even completely healthy kidneys cannot cope with excretion. Another situation is also possible, when the body receives a normal amount of this compound in the alimentary way, but the functional activity of the kidneys is reduced for one reason or another.

Important:The main source of uric acid is foods rich in purines, mainly animal meat and fatty fish.

Purine compounds enter the body not only through the alimentary route (with protein food), but are also synthesized endogenously. In the process of metabolism, they are broken down to uric acid, which is then excreted by the kidneys, i.e. excreted in the urine. With an excess of acid, it and its derivatives are deposited in the form of crystals in tissues that are minimally permeated with blood vessels, which are cartilage and tendons, which leads to the symptoms of gout.

Note:uric acid in normal amounts is necessary for the human body. It protects blood vessels by acting as a powerful antioxidant.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • consumption of a large amount of protein foods of animal origin;
  • binge eating;
  • hypodynamia;
  • (including on the background of endocrine disorders).

As a rule, the disease begins with an attack of the so-called. gouty arthritis. Initially, the inflammatory process affects only one joint. Usually, the big toe is affected first (less often, the ankle or knee joint). The attack most often begins at night or in the morning. The pain comes on suddenly; it has a pressing character and is characterized by high intensity. The affected joint quickly swells, and in its projection there is hyperemia of the skin and a local increase in temperature.

Important:in some cases (with severe attacks), a general increase in body temperature (up to 39 °) is also possible.

The skin often takes on a "glossy" appearance. During the day, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases somewhat, but increases again at night. The total duration of an attack of gouty arthritis can range from 2-3 days to 1-1.5 weeks. With the progression of the process, other joints are also affected, the tissue of which undergoes partial destruction over time.

Typical clinical signs of gout:

  • intense periodic paroxysmal pain in one or more joints;
  • other symptoms of inflammation (local hyperemia, fever and swelling);
  • severe limitation of mobility in the affected joint;
  • the formation of tophi (growths) on the limbs and other parts of the body.

Note:with a breakthrough of characteristic gouty growths, white crystals can be seen. These are deposits of conglomerates of uric acid salts.

The most common complications of the disease develop:

  • gouty arthritis (damage to the joints of inflammatory etiology);
  • the formation of gouty nodes;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Gouty arthritis is a consequence of the body's immune response, which recognizes crystalline deposits as a foreign object. Inflammation develops as a result of the migration of a large number of leukocytes to the pathological focus.

Urolithiasis is another of the most serious complications of gout. Its outcome is often renal failure, which in turn can cause death.

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It is almost impossible to completely get rid of this chronic pathology. After the first attack, the disease may not make itself felt for up to a year or more, but this does not mean that the disease has passed on its own. As the disease progresses, the intervals between attacks will inevitably shorten.

Important:if you follow a strict diet and other prescriptions of the attending physician, you can ensure that gout goes into a "dormant state", and attacks will be relatively rare.

Gout is treated at home. An acute attack is an indication for strict bed rest. It is advisable to keep the limb, the joints of which are affected by the inflammatory process, in an elevated position, placing something soft under them (a folded blanket or pillow).

The disease primarily affects small joints, and therefore, it is necessary to pay increased attention to improving their mobility. It is recommended to make it a rule to do gymnastics for the joints daily, while avoiding excessive stress. Patients should take more walks in the fresh air, preferably outside the city limits, where the air is less polluted. If the joints of the foot are affected, you should stop wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes.

Drinking regime

A patient in the acute phase of the disease needs to drink as much as possible (at least 3 liters per day). Drinks with an alkaline reaction are best suited - mineral water or milk. Water with lemon juice helps. It has been experimentally proven that citric acid dissolves urate deposits.

Important:consuming a lot of fluid, you need to control daily diuresis (the volume of urine output).

Food intake before stopping the attack is better to reduce somewhat. Preference should be given to semi-liquid products - cereals and pureed soups.

Pain can be relieved by applying an ice pack to the affected joint. A good effect can be achieved by compresses with Dimexide or Vishnevsky's liniment.

Of the pharmacological agents, the most effective for stopping an attack or reducing the intensity of pain in gout are NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often, doctors recommend Diclofenac. The solution should be administered intramuscularly, 1 ampoule (3 ml) per day. A course treatment of gout for 5 days is indicated. Between injections, it is imperative to maintain a time interval of at least 12 hours.

Other drugs in this pharmacological group include Naproxen, Butadione, Indomethacin and Metindol - they can also be prescribed for gout.

Colchicine is very effective for emergency care. Alkaloid of plant origin prevents the crystallization of urates; it must be administered within the first 12 hours of the onset of a gout attack.

Important:conventional painkillers (Analgin, etc.) with a gout attack are practically ineffective.

In order to quickly lower the level of uric acid and its metabolites, Febuxostat, Thiopurinol, Allopurinol, Milurit and Hepatocatazal are used. During gout remission, Probenecid may be indicated for treatment. Medicines that reduce the content of uric acid in the blood should only be prescribed by an experienced rheumatologist. Self-medication often leads to a worsening of the condition!

Important:In patients with severe disease, intravenous injections of the enzymatic preparation Pegloticase, which is able to dissolve urate crystals, may be indicated. The drug is administered 2 times a month in stationary conditions, due to the real risk of developing anaphylactic shock. The disadvantage of this drug is its high cost.

To quickly reduce inflammation, in some cases, hormonal drugs from the group of glucocorticoids are used - Prednisolone, Cortisone, Hydrocortisone. These funds suppress the immune system, so their appointment is justified when the intended benefit outweighs the possible risk to the patient.

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In order to reduce the frequency of seizures, you need to reconsider your taste preferences and make your diet more balanced. Patients are shown therapeutic diet No. 6, which involves reducing the consumption of meat products, fatty fish, mushrooms, marinades, smoked meats, sorrel, cauliflower, legumes and chocolate and introducing a large amount of milk, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and cereals into the diet.

Important:Animal protein patients with gout can consume no more than 120 grams per day!

The excretion of excess uric acid in the urine in people suffering from nicotine addiction and consuming alcohol proceeds much more slowly, so cigarettes and alcohol (especially beer) will have to be abandoned.

It is also advisable to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of drinks such as “powdered” (reconstituted) juices with fructose, strong tea, coffee, cocoa and soda with sodium benzoate.

At least once a week, you need to arrange "fasting days", during which you need to adhere to the "mono-diet" with the consumption of one product. Completely hungry days are categorically excluded!

Treatment of gout with folk remedies

For external use, traditional medicine recommends an ointment based on homemade unsalted butter. Melt the butter over low heat until foam appears and pour the same amount of ethanol into it. The resulting mixture must be set on fire and wait until all the alcohol burns out. The finished product is poured into a clean container and stored in the refrigerator. When the next attack begins, the ointment should be rubbed into the affected joint, being in front of a heat source.

Onion decoction is also considered an effective folk remedy in the treatment of gout. For 3 onions, you need to take 1 liter of water and cook over low heat until the onion is completely boiled. The broth should be cooled, filtered and taken orally 200 ml 3 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

Useful for gout and foot baths with iodine. To 3 liters of warm water add 3 tsp. sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and 9 drops of iodine. Regular procedures with this type of treatment help to reduce the amount of salt deposits.

Another recipe for a folk remedy for the treatment of gout: for 5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), take 10 ml of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. After mixing, an absolutely transparent liquid should be obtained, which must be rubbed into sore joints in the evening before going to bed. On hands or feet after rubbing, you need to wear warm mittens or socks.

Gouty arthritis is a very dangerous disease. Its absolute treatment is impossible. The disease causes severe attacks of pain and swelling of the joints. If you do not treat it and do not follow the appropriate diet, the articular structure may completely lose the ability to move and deform.

What is gout and how does it manifest itself in women

Gout disease occurs due to metabolic problems in the body. However, the causes of its development may be idiopathic. The disease is expressed in the accumulation of large volumes of uric acid crystals in the tissues of the joints. Articular cartilage and tendons are susceptible to pathology. Gout extends from fingers to elbows and knees. Leukocytes, having found foreign bodies, begin to fight with them. It is difficult for white blood cells to cope with urates, resulting in inflammation. The chronic form of gout leads to a change in the shape of the joints.

In women, the disease affects only one joint. The disease passes to neighboring ones, provided there is no treatment. In addition to typical signs, specific ones can also be traced:

  • reduction or complete lack of mobility of the injured limb;
  • nervousness;
  • death and peeling of the epithelium in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • general ill health.

What is dangerous exacerbation of gout in women

If treatment is ignored, the symptoms of gout in women can become more dangerous. The disease can lead to complications:

  • development into a chronic form;
  • change in the shape of the joint;
  • destruction of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • the joint may be immobilized;
  • having difficulty walking;
  • constant pain;
  • the acquisition of disability due to the growth of tophi;
  • possible occurrence of kidney disease, the appearance of stones;
  • women have a rougher voice;
  • hypertension develops, blood pressure rises;
  • cataracts, diabetes mellitus may appear;
  • in rare cases, uric acid crystals penetrate the tissues of the lungs.

Symptoms of gout on the legs

The lower limbs are more likely than all other parts of the skeleton to be affected by gout. The most vulnerable area is the joint of the thumb and knee. To avoid complete immobilization of this element of the foot, you need to know what clinical symptoms characterize female gout. The reaction of the body of the fair sex is slightly different from the male.

Women are more likely to be affected by the disease during menopause and menopause, when the concentration of estrogen in the body decreases. This hormone creates obstacles so that uric acid salts do not begin to be deposited. Obesity can also provoke gouty arthritis. The peculiarity of the symptoms of gout in women is that the disease can proceed without causing such sharp signs as in men.

Inflammation of the big toe joint

There are clinical signs of gout on the legs, expressed in the inflammatory process of the big toe:

  • pain sensations;
  • swelling of the joint area;
  • an increase in temperature and redness of the skin over the diseased joint.

Inflammation that goes untreated can cause the joint to stop moving. To restore this function, you will have to do an operation. If gouty arthritis manifests itself in an acute form, pain sensations are characterized by frequency and strength; in a chronic course, they occur periodically. During an exacerbation of the disease, inflammation occurs in the joint of the big toe, which is expressed in a sharp, throbbing and burning pain in it. Increased discomfort is observed at night. There is redness and swelling of the affected area.

Attack of gouty arthritis

Changes characteristic of gouty arthritis occur when an attack occurs in a matter of hours. The inflamed joint swells, the skin at its location noticeably reddens, stretches and becomes shiny. The surface temperature of the epidermis increases. This period is characterized by severe pain that is not amenable to analgesics, an increase in the syndrome is possible even with light pressure on the diseased area. The articular apparatus becomes practically immobile. Symptoms of gout on the leg in women weaken with the onset of the morning.

Symptoms of an exacerbation last on average about 2 days, with more severe cases lasting up to 1 week. The appearance of a new attack occurs after about a year. If the disease is not treated, the frequency of attacks will increase. Alcohol, excessive meat consumption, colds, nervous or physical stress, injuries, and certain medications can be provoking factors for a new exacerbation.

Elevated temperature

One of the main symptoms of gout in women is an increase in the temperature of the skin over the joint that hurts. This happens due to inflammation, which is localized in the articular tissue. The cells of the body begin to fight against the damaging factors of the disease. As a result of this process, swelling, heating and redness of the skin over the joint occurs. The temperature index in gouty arthritis can rise up to 40 ° C.

Gouty tophus

Places where uric acid granules accumulate in gout are called tophi. They can form inside the articular structures of the feet, hips, and knees. The main features of tophi are:

  • roughness of the skin over the site of inflammation;
  • tophi with gout have clear contours;
  • the tumor has a greater density than the tissues that surround it;
  • education to the touch resembles cartilage;
  • with a shallow occurrence of tophi, its contents can be seen, which has a white or yellowish tint.

How does gout appear on the hands of women

On the hands of the lower extremities, the symptoms of gout in women appear, as well as on the legs. The female hormonal system is arranged in such a way that most urates are excreted from the body on their own, so they suffer from the disease less often than men, and the symptoms are not so pronounced. Gout on the hands mainly affects the articular structure of the thumb. Inflammation forms inside the focus, which leads to pain, decreased mobility, swelling and redness of the joint. For the fair sex, mood swings and general depression are characteristic.

Early diagnosis of gout

There are several symptoms that serve as a primary diagnosis of the disease:

  • more than one attack of arthritis;
  • maximum joint inflammation occurs on day 1 of the disease;
  • arthritis is monoarticular in nature;

Gout is a disease of the joints, the etiology of which is a metabolic disorder, an imbalance in the metabolism of purine compounds and the accumulation of uric acid in the body.
The first scientific description of the symptoms of chronic gout dates back to 1865. Thomas Sindeham, who suffered from this disease for 30 years, wrote a "Treatise on Gout", which included descriptions of what gout is, the clinical signs of the chronic stage of the disease and acute attacks of gout.

Gout mainly affects adults. According to statistics, 0.1% of the adult population of the planet suffers from gout on average, and in developed countries (Western European region, USA), the number of people suffering from gout is approaching 2%. At the same time, experts suggest that the actual incidence pattern differs from the study data, since a full-fledged study of statistics is complicated by the late diagnosis of patients.
Medical researchers also point out that gout, until the 20th century considered a predominantly male disease with rare exceptions, now affects both sexes, although the ratio of male and female patients is still far from uniform: for every 20 cases of this diagnosis in a male, one disease is detected in women. The reason for the increase in the frequency of diagnosing female gout is considered to be an improvement in the quality of life of the population, an abundance of purine-rich foods, and an increase in alcohol consumption in the general population.
Also, a trend of "rejuvenation" of the diagnosis of gout was revealed: if earlier the disease manifested as an acute gouty attack in men aged 35-45, now the lower limit is 30 years.

Gout in men

The incidence of gout in the male population compared to the female population is explained by two factors: the hereditary nature of some of the diseases, the predisposition to which is transmitted through the X chromosome, which means that there are no variants in men who have only one chromosome of this type; as well as the development of gout due to unhealthy diet and alcohol consumption, which is more typical for men.
Late diagnosis is considered a feature of male gout due to the tendency of this part of the population to seek medical help at the stage of a developed disease with acute gouty attacks or at the stage of external manifestations of gout in the form of joint deformity and the formation of tophi.

Features of gout in women

In women, the process, accompanied by an increase in the level of uric acid and the deposition of urates, salt crystals, in soft tissues is characteristic of the menopause period. During this period, the risks of gout increase significantly, especially in the presence of a hereditary predisposition, so most often female gout is diagnosed at the age of 50-55 years.
However, the genetic inheritance of gout for women only suggests the likelihood of developing the disease, unlike the male. The gene responsible for the production of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of purine compounds is located on the X chromosome, and women have two such chromosomes. Therefore, when a gene is damaged on one chromosome, its dysfunction is compensated by the intensive work of the preserved gene on the other.
In the presence of two damaged genes in the genome, the probability of developing gout in women is the same as in men (almost one hundred percent), and the age of onset of the disease is also significantly reduced.

Gout: signs and treatment in children 10 years old

An increase in the level of uric acid in the body, or hyperuricemia in childhood, is a secondary dysfunction on the background of a primary disease or condition and is not due to a hereditary predisposition.
The causes of gout in children aged 10 years include active cell death, which provokes an increased production of purines and is noted with dehydration, starvation, kidney failure and other pathologies of kidney function, the presence of malignant tumors, etc.
Also in the etiology of gout in childhood, there may be a complete or partial absence of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, as well as increased activity of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase.

Causes of gout

A steady increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood, leading to the formation of salt crystals and their deposition in the soft tissues of the body, is the only reason for the development of gout. The initial stage of hyperuricemia, the accumulation of uric acid, does not lead to the formation and deposition of crystals, however, it signals metabolic disorders, the first manifestations of the disease.
Several factors can contribute to the rise in uric acid levels. The main ones are hereditary predisposition, excessive intake of purine compounds into the body with food and liquid, an increase in purine catabolism, as well as an age-related or dysfunctional slowdown in the process of removing uric acid from the body during urination.

The relationship between the development of gout and an increase in the concentration of uric acid

In the process of processing purine bases that enter the body with food or are formed as a result of the decay of one's own cells, uric acid is produced. This compound is filtered out by the glomerulus and is normally excreted from the body in the urine. If at any stage there are violations (increased production of uric acid, lack of concentration, withdrawal), conditions are formed for the development of hyperuricemia. It is worth remembering that the diagnosis of "hyperuricemia" is not tantamount to the presence of gout, since an increased concentration of uric acid may be a sign of other diseases. But hyperuricemia itself can provoke the development of gouty processes.
With gout, uric acid, which enters into chemical reactions with calcium, sodium, potassium and other elements, is converted into crystalline compounds or urates. Urate accumulates in the tissues of mainly two types of localization: organs of the urinary system (urate stones in the kidneys, in the bladder) and soft tissues of the joints, periarticular tissues - urates enter and settle there due to the peculiarities of blood flow in these parts of the body.

The rate of synthesis of purine nucleotides as a factor in the development of gout

The breakdown of purine bases, leading to the formation of uric acid, normally has a stable rate, determined by the amount of enzymes. With an increased amount of purines in the body due to their increased intake from food, significant decay of one's own cells or other pathological processes and interventions, the rate of synthesis increases, forming an excess of uric acid in the blood, which creates conditions for the development of gout.
This process can be temporary, easily reversible, or be long-term due to chronic diseases, constant violation of a balanced diet. Enhanced synthesis of nucleic bases is also provoked by long courses of cytostatic drugs, radio- and chemotherapy, hemolysis method, and some types of surgical interventions.

The rate of excretion of uric acid from the body

Gout as a secondary disease develops against the background of impaired renal function. After being processed and filtered by the glomerulus, uric acid normally leaves the body with urine. In chronic kidney disease, the process of excretion of purine base breakdown products can be impaired, which leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood.
The main factors preventing the excretion of uric acid are partial blockage of the lumen of the ducts due to inflammatory processes or proliferation of connective tissue.

Excess intake of purines

Although excessive consumption of purine-rich foods in itself is not the cause of gout, it creates optimal conditions in the presence of a violation of the functions of their processing or removal of their decay products. And a specific diet is both part of therapy for gout and a method of preventing the onset or exacerbation of this disease, especially in the presence of a hereditary predisposition or other provocative conditions for the development of gout inflammation.

Genetic predisposition as a cause of gout

A group of enzymes, proteins that provide the process of processing purines, is determined by the presence of certain genes in the human genome. With fermentopathy, the body is not able to produce enzymes in sufficient quantities to support the synthesis process, the processing of various compounds. With a deficiency of specific proteins that regulate the processing of purines and the excretion of uric acid, the concentration of toxic compounds in the blood plasma increases, which causes the development of gout. This pathology is hereditary and is transmitted from parents to children.
Often, enzyme deficiency, which is a provocative factor of gout, is included in the general genetic metabolic syndrome, which also causes a tendency to overweight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia.

Symptoms of gout, stages of development and forms of the disease

As a rule, this disease is characterized by a clear clinical picture, severe symptoms and a sequence of changes in the stages of the development of the disease. However, in some cases, symptomatic manifestations may be insufficiently expressed or hidden behind manifestations of other diseases.
Only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis, and the first characteristic signs of gout should be addressed to him. In the absence of therapy, restriction of the diet, untimely diagnosis, pain attacks become more frequent, inflammation increases, joint deformity develops, conditions develop for urolithiasis, systemic damage to the body, significant health problems, and disability of the patient.

Stages of gout

The stages of gout are distinguished by the following indicators:

  • clinical picture of the disease with manifestations characteristic of individual stages;
  • the level of concentration of uric acid in the blood;
  • the presence of solid urates, crystalline formations.

Based on these signs, one of three stages of gout is determined:

  • the initial premorbid stage is characterized by hyperuricemia, which is determined by a blood test using a biochemical study. There are no signs of damage to the articular tissues and urinary system, however, a general picture of non-specific symptoms can be observed: a tendency to overweight, disorders in the digestive system (frequent constipation, difficult defecation), skin itching, etc.;
  • intermittent or interval stage, the beginning of the formation of salt crystals in the periarticular tissues, occasionally in the tissues of the kidneys. This stage is characterized by the onset of a pain symptom, acute inflammation of the joints, gouty attacks. Acute pain, attacks last from 3 to 7 days, ending in self-remission. The duration and frequency of occurrence depends on several factors. An attack of gout can be provoked by a violation of the diet, the use of alcoholic beverages, dehydration, starvation, hypothermia, acute infectious diseases, surgical interventions, and so on;
  • the chronic stage of gout is accompanied by a change of attacks and periods of remission. It differs from the interval formation of tophi, compounds of small salt crystals. Depending on the neglect of the disease, tophi can be quite significant in size and cause severe pain. This stage is also accompanied by reddening of the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint, limitation of its mobility, hyperthermia and inflammation in local tissues. At the stage of chronic gout, urolithiasis often also develops.

Localization and features of pain in gout

Intermittent and chronic stages are accompanied by acute pain attacks. Most often, pain begins in the evening and at night, while localization can spread from the affected joint to the entire limb. Solid urates, crystals accumulating in soft tissues, injure joints, cartilaginous joints, causing acute pain, to which pain from the inflammatory process in the periarticular bag is added.
Pain medications are usually not effective for an attack. The pain intensifies even with slight pressure on the joint area.
Most often, the joints of the base of the big toes, the first metatarsophalangeal joint are affected, which is associated with the peculiarities of the blood supply to this area. This localization of urates is observed in more than 50% of patients suffering from gout. The joints of the phalanges of the fingers, wrist, elbow, ankle, knee, hip and others can also be affected.

Forms of gout

From 60 to 80% of gout patients suffer from classic acute attacks with severe clinical symptoms. Against the background of remission of a chronic disease, severe pain begins, after the attack, a period of remission begins again.
The duration of the attacks depends on the general condition of the patient, the types of therapy and the stage of the disease. In addition to acute pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, there may be a general deterioration in well-being, weakness, headache, subfebrile hyperthermia, swelling, redness, and then cyanosis of the skin around the joint / joints.
There are also the following forms of gout:

  • the subacute form is characterized by less pronounced symptoms, affecting the area of ​​only one joint, without severe pain, swelling, and nonspecific manifestations of the disease;
  • the pseudophlegmonous form differs from the typical clinical picture of a gout attack: there is acute inflammation of the periarticular tissues, high body temperature (39 ° C and above), a significant deterioration in well-being, chills, general symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • with a rheumatoid-like form of gout, the clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of rheumatological diseases, for example, chronic arthritis. As a rule, with this form, symptoms appear most often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the fingers and wrists. Gout of this form is distinguished by the duration of attacks of exacerbations lasting from several weeks to months;
  • a separate form of gout is accompanied by symptoms similar to those of infectious-allergic polyarthritis. In 5% of patients, a clinical picture of migratory polyarthritis is observed, which, when differentiating the diagnosis, is defined as specific gout;
  • with oligosymptomatic gout, there is an erased clinical picture of the manifestations of the disease with mild symptoms during exacerbations, moderate pain, slight swelling, redness of the skin of the tissues near the affected joint.

The above forms are typical for the initial stages of gout development,

Articular manifestations of gout

Gouty arthritis or gout of the joints in the more common name is manifested by various external symptoms. In an acute attack of the disease, hyperemia is noted, redness of the skin area around the inflamed joint, which increases as pain increases due to the peculiarities of the blood circulation of the inflamed joint.
There are other symptoms of gouty arthritis:

  • bursitis, tendonitis, tendovaginitis of secondary etiology due to the inflammatory process in the soft tissues around the joint;
  • limited mobility of the affected joint, mainly manifested during acute attacks, although in the period of remission, some patients note this symptom;
  • local hyperthermia of the inflamed area, an increase in local temperature by 1-2 ° C.

A specific articular manifestation of gout in the later stages of the development of the disease is the formation of tophi, subcutaneous and intradermal formations, consisting of solid crystalline compounds of uric acid. The average time for the formation of tofus is from 3 to 5 years after the onset of the progression of gout, however, in some cases, accelerated formation of hard inclusions is observed.
The development of the disease leads to an increase in tophi in size, up to several centimeters in diameter. Circulatory disorders caused by crystalline neoplasms can provoke the appearance of fistulas with the release of a thick white mass or powder from the hole.
The most common localization of tophi is the ankle, elbow, knee, phalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints, as well as the auricles and superciliary arches. With gout of the fingers and other joints that are not among the most common lesions, the formation of tophi can progress faster and the onset of the process starts earlier than the average time for the deposition of salt crystals.

Diagnostic methods for gout

Since the main symptom noted by patients suffering from gout is the occurrence of painful sensations in the joints of various localization, this fact can significantly complicate diagnostic measures due to the need to differentiate gout from a variety of rheumatological diseases, the consequences of injuries and other joint pathologies.
For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, the specialist relies on the data of the collected anamnesis, as well as on the paraclinical studies and analyzes carried out in this case (biochemical, general blood and urine tests). The timing and accuracy of the diagnosis also depend on the severity of symptoms, the degree of development of the disease, general well-being, the health of the patient, the presence of concomitant dysfunctions and abnormalities. Only urine analysis by any method is ineffective, since its indicators largely correlate with the presence or absence of diseases of the urinary system.
With the help of additional studies to diagnose gout, the presence of the following manifestations is checked:

  • hyperuricemia, a stably elevated concentration of uric acid in venous blood, determined by the method of biochemical research;
  • the presence in the body and the stage of the process of accumulation of urates;
  • deposits of these crystals in the area of ​​periarticular tissues;
  • the presence of periods of acute inflammatory processes, the degree of joint mobility.

With the progression of the disease with a high frequency, violations of kidney function, the occurrence of urolithiasis are noted, therefore, when diagnosing gout, a regular check of the condition and functioning of this organ is necessary.

Instrumental methods for diagnosing a disease

The etiology of painful manifestations in the articular and periarticular tissues is subject to examination using diagnostic equipment. Affected joints are examined using ultrasound, computed tomography, radiography, and scintigraphy using intravenous technetium pyrophosphate. The latter method is effective both in the late and early stages of the development of the disease.
At the initial stage of gout, other, most common instrumental examination techniques are not entirely informative, since in gout in the primary stage of the onset of the disease, the destructive signs of damage to the articular and periarticular tissues are still insignificant and cannot be detected by most instrumental diagnostic methods. However, their use allows to differentiate with high accuracy the development of gouty arthritis from other types of rheumatic diseases.

Methods of treatment and prevention of gout

The process of decomposition of purine bases, supplied or produced by the body, is quite complex and has several stages. Violations of each of the stages lead to the accumulation of uric acid, depending on the type of violation, there is a rapid or gradual development of gout. Severe symptoms appear only during an acute attack of the disease, therefore, until the moment of its onset, the patient may not be aware of dysfunctions, disorders, and the onset of the disease.
The etiology of gout determines the principles of therapy. Gout of secondary etiology, caused by the presence of other diseases and abnormalities, is subject to treatment only if the primary source of the disorder is eliminated. With hereditary gout with fermentopathy, insufficiency of enzymes for the processing of purine bases, drug therapy is aimed at symptomatic treatment.

Medicines used for gout

The choice of medications for gout is carried out by a specialist based on data on the form, stage and cause of the disease. Independent attempts to treat gout can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being, the rapid progress of the disease, and other health disorders.
The groups of drugs of first choice for gout are anti-gout and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Antigout drugs (uricosuppressive and uricosuric) are aimed at accelerating specific metabolism, purine processing, and the production and elimination of purine base breakdown products. In some cases, according to the prescription of a specialist, mixed-action medications are also used, for example, injections of colchicine at the onset of an acute gouty attack.
Both in acute periods and during remission, it is advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs, systemically or locally in the form of compresses and applications. Among the most commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs for gout, there is a group of non-steroidal drugs (Indametacin, Butadione and others) and glucocorticoids (mainly Prednisolone). The use of these drugs can reduce inflammation, soreness, swelling of tissues at the site of injury.
Depending on the form and stage of gout, physiotherapeutic agents can be prescribed: UV irradiation, electrophoresis, heating with paraffin, ozocerite, and so on.

Nutrition for gout

The dietary principles of nutrition for gout are effective in the case of the primary etiology of the disease so much that they also serve as a method for diagnosing gout. A biochemical blood test, which allows you to determine the concentration of uric acid, is carried out at the beginning when the patient contacts a specialist and after a week of strictly observing the rules of nutrition. With gout of primary etiology, the level of uric acid in such cases decreases, which makes it possible to more accurately diagnose the cause of the disease and develop tactics for the effective treatment of gout.

Diet number 6 for gout

Diet nutrition according to Pivsner, with slight variations depending on individual characteristics, is prescribed for everyone suffering from gout. Adhering to this diet, you can effectively influence the metabolism of purines and reduce the level of uric acid, thereby preventing the formation of salt deposits in periarticular and other tissues. With a properly composed diet in patients with gout of primary etiology, long periods of remission are observed up to clinical recovery in the early stages of the development of the disease. Frequent exacerbations of primary gout, as a rule, are a sign of a violation of the diet, the use of foods from a non-recommended list, non-compliance with the rules of the drinking regimen, calorie content, and the inclusion of alcoholic beverages.
The presence of frequent exacerbations while following diet No. 6 and the doctor's recommendations indicates the addition of other factors provoking gout attacks, or an incorrect diagnosis of the cause of gouty changes.
The basic rules of diet number 6 include:

  • crushing the total diet of the day into 4-6 meals;
  • Meat, fish, poultry must be boiled before further processing or serving to release the maximum amount of purines. The broth for patients with gout, especially its strong variations, is forbidden to eat;
  • the average portion of a meat or fish dish is no more than 150 g with a frequency of consumption 2-3 times a week;
  • fasting days should be organized weekly on fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen, drinking at least 2.5 liters of liquid daily, optimally - clean water.

With exacerbations of gout, they switch to diet No. 6e, which excludes all products of animal origin, with the exception of the sour-milk group. The diet includes vegetable soups, cereals, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, juices. This diet must be followed until the onset of remission.

Food choices for gout

In order to facilitate the choice of foods for gout patients, the specialist will recommend referring to the list, dividing the main foods into groups with high, medium and low purine content.
The first group with a high content of purines, categorically not recommended in any period of the disease, includes beef liver, legumes of all kinds, sardines, mackerel, shrimp.
The second group with an average level of purines includes all types of meat, poultry, fish, crustaceans (with the exception of shrimp). When choosing meat, it is recommended to give preference to adult animals, since the concentration of purine bases in the meat of young animals is much higher.
In the group of products suitable for consumption with gout at any time due to the low content of purine nucleotides, there are milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts, honey, caviar.

Prevention of gout

Prevention of gout is especially relevant for people who have a hereditary or individual predisposition to the occurrence and development of this disease. Primary gout occurs against the background of an increase in the concentration of purine bases, therefore, compliance with restrictions on the use of certain foods serves not only as a basis for preventing frequent exacerbations, but is also recommended for people who are predisposed to gout and do not have signs of the disease.
A healthy lifestyle and regular preventive visits to specialists are also measures for the prevention and control of gout. Risk factors for the development of gout include regular fasting, including for recreational purposes, rapid weight loss, leading to an increase in the breakdown of one's own tissues, taking certain groups of drugs (cytostatics, diuretics both in tablet form and in the form of teas, medicinal herbal preparations). etc.), abuse of alcohol, foods and liquids with a diuretic effect that causes dehydration, non-compliance with the drinking regime, injuries, stress, acute infectious diseases, etc.
With the existing diagnosis of gout, all preventive measures will help reduce the frequency of exacerbations, slow down or stop the development of the disease, and restore health.

Gout is a rheumatic disease caused by the formation of uric acid salts in the joints. The signs and treatment of this disease are described in great detail in our material. The disease is one of the most common types of arthritis and occurs more often in middle-aged men.

What is this disease? Gout is a chronic disease associated with impaired uric acid metabolism, in which uric acid salts, also known as urates, are deposited in the joints.

Pathology is otherwise called the “disease of kings”, this is an old disease that was already known in the time of Hippocrates. Gout in the past was considered a sign of genius. It suffered such famous people as Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, many members of the Medici family from Florence, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin.

In our time, according to epidemiological studies conducted in Europe and the USA in recent years, up to 2% of the adult population fell ill with gout, and among men aged 55-64 years, the frequency of the disease is 4.3-6.1%.

The first signs of gout are characterized by an acute onset with the appearance of severe soreness, redness and stiffness in the joints. Most often, gout occurs on the big toe, which should be treated immediately. The main recommendations for reducing the symptoms of chronic gout are adherence to the treatment regimen and lifestyle. Danae article about gout, the symptoms and treatment of this disease, we will try to consider in detail today.


What it is? Gout is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals (urates) in the cartilage of the joint. Their accumulation leads to inflammation, accompanied by severe pain. Sodium urate crystallizes and is deposited in the joints in small particles, which ultimately leads to complete or partial destruction of the joints.

Risk factors :

  1. Abuse of certain pharmaceutical drugs: aspirin, diuretic diuretics, cyclosporines.
  2. The presence of conditions and diseases in the form of coronary heart disease, obesity.
  3. The use of fatty meats, seafood, carbonated and alcoholic beverages to a large extent contribute to the accumulation of purines in the body.
  4. The disease is more susceptible to men aged 30-50 years.

Gout attacks can be triggered by stress reactions to alcohol, citrus fruits, viral infections, physical or mental stress, trauma and hypothermia, bruises, pressure fluctuations, and taking medications. At the first attack of gout, the signs are very distinct, and treatment should be started as soon as possible to relieve pain.


There are three types of the disease: metabolic, renal and mixed.

  1. Metabolic form with the highest amount of uric acid.
  2. Renal form, a moderate amount of uric acid with an increase in salts,
  3. With a mixed type, reduced or normal uraturia and normal clearance are possible.

The diagnosis is established by a rheumatologist during examination and questioning of the patient. Laboratory diagnostics is also used: a high content of uric acid is detected in a biochemical blood test.

gout symptoms

Arthritis of the joints of the lower extremities is usually observed. Often the inflammatory process covers the big toe, then in frequency - the ankle and knee joints. Less common is arthritis of the small joints of the hands and elbows.

With gout, the symptoms develop during an attack - this is pain that develops quite quickly, and reaches its highest sensation in just a couple of hours. Seizures occur more at night or in the early morning.

A person is not only unable to move his leg, but even a light touch of a sheet on the affected joint causes unbearable torment. The joint swells rapidly, the skin becomes hot to the touch, there is reddening of the skin at the site of the joint. Probably an increase in body temperature.

After 3-10 days, the gout attack subsides with the disappearance of all signs and normalization of functions. A second attack occurs, as a rule, three months after the first one, or the disease does not manifest itself in any way for two decades.

Chronic gout is characterized by the fact that the attacks become more frequent, and the intervals without symptoms are shorter.


Hyperuricemia and the accumulation of urate salts in gout leads to their deposition in the kidneys with the development of:

  • nephropathy;
  • gouty nephritis;
  • arterial hypertension with subsequent transition to chronic renal failure.

In 40% of adults, development is noted with renal colic at the height of a gout attack, complications in the form. To avoid the consequences of gout on the legs, how to treat the disease should be puzzled immediately.

Acute attack treatment

Treatment of gout involves the gradual implementation of several stages of therapy. First of all, it is very important to remove the acute symptoms of the disease. Further treatment is aimed at preventing the exacerbation of gout symptoms in the future.

During an attack of gout, it is necessary to ensure sufficient rest for the affected joints and try to injure the joint as little as possible with clothes or shoes. In case of unbearable pain, ice can be applied. After that, it is desirable to make a compress on the sore spot with Vishnevsky ointment or dimexide.

To stop acute signs of gout, doctors recommend taking colchicine or nimesil, as well as diclofenac, butadione, indomethacin, naproxen. How to treat gout on the legs should be decided by a specialist, he will prescribe the necessary drugs, suggest a regimen of administration and warn of side effects.

It is better to limit yourself to eating food, you can eat liquid cereals and vegetable broths. It is recommended to drink enough water, green tea, you can also kissel, milk, mineral or plain water, but with the addition of lemon juice.

Treatment of gout

With gout, treatment is prescribed individually and includes medications, physiotherapy methods and diet. It is necessary to take into account all the side effects of drugs in the presence of other diseases, so constant medical supervision is necessary.

The basis of therapy is a special diet aimed at reducing purine-saturated foods in the patient's diet. If the patient can adhere to the prescribed diet therapy, then the resulting bumps on the joints will begin to disappear, and the body will recover.

The diet should include dishes boiled in water or steamed. Salt should be almost eliminated. Fish and meat broths, jelly are also contraindicated. It is recommended to consume a large number of vegetables. They should be taken raw, for a variety of menus, you can sometimes bake them or boil them.

To reduce the level of uric acid, anti-gout drugs (sulfinperazone, alopurinol, uralit, and others) are used. In combination with physiotherapy and medicines, phytotherapy is also used. Gout should be treated by a doctor, he will definitely say what can be used at home to get rid of the disease.


To cure gout at home, and reduce the number of attacks, you should limit to a minimum the consumption of food, the breakdown of which produces a significant amount of uric acid: liver, beef tongue, mushrooms, sardines, fish roe, beans, peas, beer. You need to drink plenty of fluids - up to three liters a day.

Diet for gout

Patients with a similar diagnosis should take a closer look at their diet, in particular, exclude purine-rich foods from the diet. It is important to note here that it is necessary to exclude both overeating and starvation, in addition, a sharp weight loss should not be allowed, this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

How to treat gout at home? The most correct diet for gout involves the transition to a vegetarian diet or diet number 6.

It is advisable to eat:

  • Vegetables, preferably boiled, steamed, baked in the oven with a little salt;
  • dairy products;
  • berries, mainly currants of different varieties, watermelons;
  • bran, bran bread;
  • nuts, fruits and dried fruits;
  • mineral water.

It is undesirable to eat:

  • fat meat;
  • by-products (kidneys, liver, tongue of farm animals);
  • red fish;
  • it is important to minimize salt intake;
  • alcohol, coffee;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

It has been proven that strawberries, cherries, currants and other dark red and blue berries cause a decrease in the concentration of uric acid in the blood, so gout patients can eat them in any form and quantity.

How to treat gout with folk remedies

Since many are interested in the question of how to treat gout with folk remedies, we will dwell on this point in more detail.

  1. Fish compresses. Divide the fillet of any fish into 10 parts, put them in bags, and refrigerate. Before going to bed, pull out one bag, defrost, put the resulting piece of fish on the affected joint and wrap it with polyethylene, then pull on thick socks. Stay like this until morning.
  2. Activated carbon. A handful of tablets must be ground in a coffee maker, bringing the amount of the mixture to less than half a glass. A small amount of water and one tablespoon of flax seeds are added to the powder. Everything is mixed to a paste. This mixture lubricates the affected skin at night.
  3. Buy ordinary lard and cut it so that you can put small pieces of lard on each finger. And now rub each piece into the skin until these pieces become very small.
  4. Prepare the mixture: melt 250 g of unsalted butter, after it boils, remove all the foam and add 250 g of wine alcohol to the butter. Ignite the resulting mixture immediately until the alcohol burns out. Lubricate sore spots with warm ointment.

This treatment at home will not get rid of gout, but it will take away its painful manifestation for some time.

Some diseases date back to ancient times, and even then were diagnosed by doctors.

For example, which has been known since the time of Michelangelo already then caused problems, and for the most part the nobility.

Gout is the accumulation of salts on the joints and the presence of a large amount of uric acid. It affects the knees, hands, and especially loves the bones of the big toes. It arises as a result of the exorbitant enthusiasm of patients for meat products, fatty fish and, of course, alcoholic beverages. No wonder gout was previously considered a disease of kings and nobility, because only they could afford excesses and feasts at the table.

What symptoms of gout indicate that this disease exists?

  • Inflammation of the joint (leg, ankle, thumb);
  • swelling, redness of the skin;
  • Glossy look;
  • Temperature in the area of ​​pain, or temperature of the whole body;
  • Sharp pain that usually occurs at night.

Gout, or arthritis, worries the patient for 2-3 days, sometimes a week, then passes, and the development phase of the disease can take a chronic form, gradually capturing new joints.

Constant inflammation can lead to the destruction of joint tissues, making it difficult for a person to walk.

  • Urolithiasis of the kidneys;
  • Gouty tophi (nodes);
  • Kidney failure (may lead to death).

Urates, namely they are the cause of all troubles, are quite difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to observe not only a diet, but also to consume a large amount of clean water.

Varieties of gout:

  1. Acute arthritis;
  2. Chronic (tofus);
  3. Atypical forms (asthenic form, rheumatoid-like, pseudophlegmonous).

A large amount of uric acid can be influenced by various factors: These are heredity and kidney failure, or eating meat products, legumes, as well as beer or spicy foods.

How is gout diagnosed and treated?

Diagnosis is made naturally by a doctor. In this case, it is a rheumatologist. He bases his diagnosis on an external examination, as well as the symptoms that the patient calls him.

In addition, tests are given to determine uric acid, leukocytes and creatinine.

Studies such as: ultrasound of the kidneys and x-rays can be prescribed if the disease bothers you for a long time. Since tophi destroy the joint, the doctor needs to know the degree of damage to the limbs.

The treatment of gout is that the patient's diet is completely adjusted.


In this case, the doctor may suggest limiting the intake of foods such as:

  • Meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • Spinach;
  • Sorrel;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Tea coffee;
  • Alcohol.

You need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably up to 2 liters per day. Alkaline mineral waters can also be used.

  1. Immobilize the joint;
  2. Place it in an elevated position;
  3. Apply cold to it.

How is gout medication treated?

It is necessary to reduce the level of uric acid, therefore, in addition to adjusting the diet, the doctor will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Alopurinol;
  • Sulfinperazone;
  • Uralit;
  • Colchicine;
  • Fullflex (it happens both in capsules and in the form of an ointment).

These drugs are often taken by patients for life. They must be selected by a specialist. Self-treatment for this disease is not welcome, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

In addition, you can use ointments:

  • Butadion;
  • Metindol;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin.

All of them will relieve inflammation and pain. In addition, the doctor decides on the appointment of additional painkillers and possibly corticosteroids. In addition, the doctor may prescribe other medicines.

Uricosuric drugs for the treatment of gout:

  • Etamide;
  • Ketazon;
  • Anturan;
  • Benemides.

With a lull in the disease, physiotherapy can be used. Applications with ozocerite, therapeutic mud and paraffins allow you to increase the mobility of the joint and make it possible to make you feel better.

Risk factors for this disease are considered not only heredity and the abuse of certain types of foods and alcohol, but also a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes and other problems.

What to do if there are no symptoms

Uric acid accumulates in the joints gradually, and if the disease is not treated, it affects not only one joint, but can gradually spread to all. The disease begins asymptomatically, and only a sharp attack of pain and redness of the inflamed area can tell that there are serious problems that require an immediate solution.

Some people ask, gout, what kind of disease? Is it inflammation of the joints or kidneys?

In this case, both suffer. This is the accumulation of urates (salts of uric acid) in the body.

For example, in Tibetan medicine, it is believed that this disease is perfectly treated not only with diet, but also with acupuncture. In addition, the liver, pancreas, and not just the kidneys are treated.

To do this, use herbal remedies, acupressure and acupuncture.

Also, the symptoms of this disease may include not only pain and inflammation of the joint, but also other symptoms associated with the development of the disease:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • Nausea, heartburn;
  • Increased excitability;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Loss of taste.

Since the course of the disease can be complicated by excess weight, then, first of all, doctors recommend getting rid of it. There is a special diet in which certain foods are excluded:

  • Spicy food and smoked meats;
  • Fish and meat canned food;
  • by-products;
  • Coffee and chocolate.
  • fruit juices;
  • Steamed vegetables and meat.

Of course, the patient should not drink alcohol and soda.

Usually, the signs of gout allow the patient to independently draw conclusions about the need to change the diet and lifestyle, because it not only restricts movement, but also causes severe pain.

Do not confuse this disease with problems of orthopedics, because in this case there is a violation of metabolism and kidney function.

Sometimes patients confuse this problem with valgus (bulging of the bone) or subluxation, but in fact this is a problem of a completely different nature.

Most often, gout occurs in men over 40, and very rarely in women.

Known myths with this disease:

  1. Deformation and inflammation of the thumb bone is a sign of gout. It may be another disease, so it is very important to take tests and go for an x-ray.
  2. Wash the kidneys well with beer. In fact, beer, like other alcohol, should not be consumed, it is better to eat watermelon. Beer contains purine, which, on the contrary, contributes to the development and progression of gout.
  3. Gout is the cause of alcoholism. In fact, this is not always the case. An important role is played by the hereditary factor and metabolic disorders.
  4. Some believe that gout contributes to genius. Although in fact the fact has not been proven, but this may well be. So many scientists, writers and politicians suffered from gout. Scientists believe that uric acid salts have a stimulating effect on the brain and are similar to caffeine or theobromine, which are considered powerful stimulants of activity;
  5. And the last myth says that gout is not treated. However, it is not. Although it has existed for hundreds of years, doctors are finding more and more effective ways to deal with this disease, and in any case, if you continue treatment, then recovery will come, or an improvement in the patient's condition. The most important thing here is self-discipline and taking the right drugs.

So what is gout and how does it manifest itself? You may have to self-examine if the disease is not seen by a doctor. In the absence of visible factors, such as: inflammation, fever, and others, you can visit an x-ray room and take a picture of the joint, or go for an ultrasound of the kidneys, which is available to everyone. If you do not start the disease, then it will be much easier to treat it.

Recurrent attacks within 6-12 months become chronic. Therefore, it is very important not to start the appearance of symptoms and start treatment on time.

The last stage of the disease is characterized by very strong degenerative changes in the joints and even tendons, so any treatment and diet will delay the transition to the worse.

Since the disease most often captures the bone of the thumb, it is quite natural that the treatment of gout on the leg will be complicated by the large weight of the patient.

Therefore, the first step, along with taking drugs, is a diet. It should not be temporary, but permanent, so you will have to radically change your lifestyle.

In order to less injure the inflamed joint, doctors advise less load on it with work and even change or remove clothes. It is better to take sick leave and lie down, if possible.

The weight loss program must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease by a sharp weight loss.

Usually, foot gout requires not only rest, but also comfortable shoes, so you will have to forget about squeezing shoes and boots for a while. You should also not take medicines without consulting your doctor, as they can interfere with the action of those prescribed.

It is very important to control the pressure, choose compatible drugs with the prescribed treatment.

The most frequent patients are men after 40-50 years. For women, such a disease threatens only after 55, when the level of estrogen hormones decreases. Young people and children can get sick if there were cases of this disease in their relatives, and they were inherited or there was a violation of the metabolism of uric acid.

What types of treatment are

  • Diet;
  • Medical;
  • Folk ways at home.

What is the treatment of gout with folk remedies, and what healers offer

One of the rather strange ways with the help of fish fillets. They are offered to treat both gout and heel blinders. It is necessary to take the fish out of the freezer and attach it to the leg for the night, in the morning remove the compress and wash the leg. Such actions are proposed to be done within 10 days.

The next, too, original method is to use activated charcoal.

Grind coal in a coffee grinder in the amount of half a glass. Dilute with water and a spoonful of flaxseed. The paste is applied to the affected area, after which a compress is made using polyethylene and a bandage. Those who have tried this method claim that it relieves inflammation quickly. Such treatment of gout at home is not expensive and easy to do.

An ointment is often used to relieve pain during an attack. To do this, you need to take unsalted butter, which is heated in a pan to a foam state, and pour the same amount of alcohol into it. The alcohol is set on fire, after which the resulting mixture is collected in a jar. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, and during an attack it is rubbed into the sore spot until the pain subsides.

Quite an interesting treatment is offered with the help of iodine. You need 10 ml and 5 aspirin tablets. Mix all the ingredients together and get a colorless liquid. It must be applied to the affected area.

Honey-salt compresses are also used, the ingredients for which are taken in equal amounts and applied to gauze, after which they are bandaged to the site of inflammation.

Wine vinegar and red clay compresses. Chamomile and black elderberry compresses.

In addition to lotions and ointments, oral medications such as:

  • A decoction of cranberries;
  • Lilac tincture;
  • Decoction of a series;
  • Decoction according to the method of Professor Sokolov;
  • onion broth;
  • Herbal tea (wheatgrass, violet, burdock, Veronica officinalis).

They need to be drunk almost constantly until the desired effect is obtained. Lingonberries have always been considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis and its derivatives.

It perfectly relieves swelling, removes excess fluid, and with it toxins from the body.

If there is gout, treatment with folk methods often gives a good effect, the main thing is to find the remedy that will help in a particular case.

Since gout is most often localized on the legs, it is very important to follow a number of mandatory rules in order for the treatment to be effective:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes;
  2. Reduce weight, since the more weight, the more difficult it is for a person to move around with inflamed joints. The load, like the pain, increases;
  3. During an attack, ensure complete rest for the legs, trying to give the feet an elevated position and provide high-quality treatment with compresses, ointments;
  4. In the remission stage, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, walk more. Gout likes to be localized by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, so to improve well-being, you need to move.

Usually, in order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor may order an x-ray. In this case, gout photo on the legs will be officially confirmed. The photo shows the destruction of the bone, if any, which will make it possible to prescribe the correct treatment. Do not endure pain, if it appears, it is best to immediately consult a doctor.

Some patients consider a finger bone to be a problem, and they start the disease to a significant stage. The appearance of peculiar growths with gout is confusing, and it seems that this is just a bruise, a bone on the leg. And only an increase in temperature at the site of pain and redness with a shiny skin tone can prove that this is not so. Naturally, apart from this, the hardware examination also confirms.

If the tofus burst, then you can see the white contents inside. These are uric acid salts.

If the salts are located in the articular bags or the joints themselves, then inflammation occurs, since the immune system reacts to them, considering them to be a foreign body. If the doctor puts gout, it means that there are also kidney stones, or the person has a predisposition to them.

The disease itself at first worries occasionally, once every six months, but with the development of the disease it worries more and more often.

This gout disease is characterized by sharp attacks, so you need to be able to stop them at the very beginning.

So what needs to be done:

  • It is best to lie down with your feet on a hill, you can use a pillow;
  • We apply ice or a compress with Vishnevsky ointment or dimexide to the site of inflammation;
  • The drinking regimen is not organic. It is best to drink water with lemon juice. It dissolves salts. You can drink water up to 3 liters. per day;
  • Food is better than cereals and vegetable broths. Allowed milk, eggs, cheese, vegetables, fruits;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol during the period of exacerbation is impossible, they inhibit the withdrawal of salts;
  • Once a week it is best to spend a fasting day on one permitted product.
  • The doctor usually prescribes colchicine according to the scheme. On the first day, it is taken 3 tablets a day, on the second day, 2 in the morning and evening, then 1 at night until the pain is completely relieved.
  • In addition, you can use the ointments that were used and prescribed earlier: indomethacin and others.
  • Reception and anti-inflammatory drugs are shown: movalis, nimesulide, diclofenac.

Most often there is gout on the toe, but tophi can also find other localizations, for example: on the hands, feet, auricles, cusps of the heart valve, scrotum, sclera and Achilles tendon. It is difficult to predict their appearance, but one thing can be said, salt is most often located in places where there is less blood supply, or it is disturbed there. The size of deposits can be only a few millimeters or quite large.

Disease prevention

In recent years, gout affects an increasing number of people, it manifests itself in women and young people, which is associated not only with malnutrition, but also with a sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, gout on the leg is now not uncommon, and it is characterized by a sudden onset and sharp pains. Someone writes off all this for injuries, others consider shoes to be the cause, but in fact it is sick kidneys, salt deposits, and, of course, a lot of weight.

If the pain began to bother, then you should consult a doctor, and do not delay the treatment of the disease, as it quickly passes into the chronic stage.

How to prevent the onset of the disease:

  • We do not allow kidney disease;
  • When switching from an active lifestyle to a sedentary job, you need to play sports or gymnastics;
  • We try to eat right;
  • We do not start the weight;
  • We try to avoid heavy physical exertion;
  • We do not abuse diuretic drugs;
  • Do not wear too high heels;
  • We are trying to reduce alcohol consumption.

In this case, there is a greater chance that the disease will bypass.

Best of all, if there is gout on the legs, the doctor will tell you how to treat it. Do not rely only on traditional medicine. The development of the disease can lead to kidney failure, and this is already serious.

With such a disease, responsibility and self-discipline are required, as well as cooperation with doctors. Do not start the slightest symptoms, do prevention, visit your doctor.

Which doctors can help with this disease:

  1. Therapist;
  2. Nephropathologist;
  3. Urologist;
  4. Rheumatologist.

If there is no narrow specialist, then the therapist or urologist is almost everywhere.

With competent and proper treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in disability.

Gout can be accompanied by diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, so prevention and treatment must be carried out in combination.

Almost any disease can be cured if you start it on time and follow the doctor's recommendations.

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