Delicious recipe for soaked Antonovka apples. Soaked apples at home: simple recipes

Engineering systems 21.10.2019
Engineering systems

Once upon a time, every family had its own recipe. pickled apples. The mistresses fermented and soaked them, and kept them in cellars until spring. Quite often this sweet and sour spicy delicacy was served at the table. Soaked apples enrich the body with vitamins and calcium, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

Peeling or fermenting apples is the process of converting starch into alcohol and lactic acid, so apples must not only fully ripen, but still lie down after harvesting in a warm room so that starch forms. Not everyone knows how to make pickled apples at home, but it's very simple, you just need to choose the right raw materials, containers, spices.

Fruits are taken of medium size, preferably the same, without damage. Late - autumn or winter varieties are best suited, less often take summer ones. Anis, Pepin, Antonovka with a dense skin and firm pulp without chemical treatment will be an excellent choice. It is better to ferment whole fruits, cut ones will look less aesthetically pleasing, the pulp will spread, but they will cook much faster. Fruit sorted, washed thoroughly. Fallen, crushed, wormy ones are discarded immediately.

The old method of sourdough involves the use of a barrel, preferably oak, but other types of wood can also be used. It is first soaked, then washed hot water, rinse with a solution of soda, then with clean boiling water, after all this, dry. But at home in a city apartment, it is possible to cook pickled apples in a saucepan, bucket, jar. The main thing is that the dishes are made of glass, ceramics or enameled. It is thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed with boiling water.

If leaves, herbs or straw are used, they must also be washed, doused with boiling water, and dried before use.

Video "A simple recipe for pickled apples"

In this video, you will learn how to quickly prepare delicious pickled apples at home.

Traditional recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

Soaked Antonovka apples, cooked at home, can not only delight with their taste all winter, but also strengthen the body with vitamins, since their amount (especially vitamin C) will even increase if the fruit is soaked correctly.

The simplest recipes require the presence of salt and sugar in the brine, and you can decorate the taste and aroma with a variety of additives: spices, herbs, leaves, berries, vegetables.

Sour with cabbage

The sour version of apples turns out great if they are fermented with white cabbage. To do this, take:

  • 2 kg of cabbage;
  • 1.5 kg of apples;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara.

Cabbage is cut into thin strips, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and salt, kneaded well - everything happens as if it were simply cooked sauerkraut. Then cabbage is laid on the bottom of the dish, tightly crushing, apples on top (tails up), then again a layer of cabbage, then a layer of apples, and so on to the very top.

A wooden circle or plate is placed on the last layer of cabbage, oppression is set. This semi-finished product is kept at room temperature for a couple of days, and then cleaned in the cold. It will be possible to spread on a dish and serve at the table in a month.

Sweet with honey

The sweet version is distinguished by a large amount of sugar, but it is better to do it with honey - it is tastier and healthier. Antonovka or fruits of another variety with sourness are placed in a bowl with the stalks up, each layer is interspersed with blackcurrant, cherry, raspberry leaves (the bottom is necessarily covered with leaves). poured from above the right amount brine, put oppression.

For brine, water must be boiled, then salt, honey, rye flour (or malt) should be dissolved. For 5 liters of water, take 70-80 g of salt, 75 g of rye flour, 150 g of honey. Dissolve, then cool before pouring. If you keep the fruit at a temperature not higher than +17 ° C, then in a month and a half the dish will be ready.

How to soak apples in jars for the winter

To make a vitamin apple stock for the winter, you need to prepare large glass jars (three-liter ones are quite suitable). When they dry after treatment with boiling water, currant, raspberry or cherry leaves are placed on the bottom, apples are laid tightly in layers on top, poured with brine, closed tightly with a lid (possibly plastic). In a month and a half it will turn out very delicious apples. Keep them all this time at a temperature of +15 to +18 ° C, and ready-made can be removed in the cold.

Salted fruits can be preserved if it is not possible to keep them in the cellar. They are treated like pickles (by the way, some people like to pickle them together): when the apples are ready, the brine is drained, brought to a boil, the fruits are poured over them again, rolled up with lids, turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket until completely cool.

Variant of pickled apples in a bucket

An enameled bucket can be used instead of a barrel. It is thoroughly washed, the bottom is covered with leaves, grass or straw, apples are tightly laid on top, poured with brine, covered with a clean cotton cloth or a piece of gauze. A wooden circle or plate is placed on top, oppression is set - it can just be a jar of water.

To accurately find out the amount of liquid, you need to fill the apples with clean cold water, and then drain it, cook brine on it.

After 4-6 weeks, when the dish is cooked (the process is not very fast), the bucket can be transferred to the cold or put the apples in jars and put in the refrigerator.

Original recipes for pickled apples

If there is a successful experience of pickles, then you can experiment yourself, but for now - a few successful original recipes.

Pickled apples with straw and rosemary


  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • 5 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 300 g of wheat straw.

The bottom of the dishes is covered with straw, apples are placed on top in layers, interspersed with straw, rosemary, lava leaves, there should also be straw on top. Oppression is set on top, poured with cooled brine prepared from water, salt, sugar. Take out to a cool room.

Fruits cooked with straw have a delicate aroma, a pleasant golden color.

Soaked Antonovka with cinnamon, mint and cloves

Strong Antonovka turns out very tasty if you soak it with cinnamon, cloves and mint.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 2.5-3 liters of water;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2 tbsp. l. malt;
  • 6 carnations;
  • 2 sprigs of mint;
  • 5 st. l. honey;
  • 2 full tsp salt.

Apples are tightly placed in the dishes, placing mint, cinnamon, and cloves between them. If the dishes allow, they set oppression, pour brine, the jars are simply closed with lids.

For brine, water is boiled for 10 minutes with malt, then salt is dissolved in it, cooled to +60 ° C, honey is dissolved. Fruits are poured with completely cooled liquid.

Starter culture of apples in kefir

Highly interesting way sourdough without salt and sugar. For 5 kg of apples, you need 3 liters of water, 0.5 tbsp. l. dry mustard, 300 ml of kefir.

Tightly packed fruits are poured with cold water with kefir and mustard, it should completely cover the fruits. Marlechka is placed on top, oppression is established. The dishes are left in a cool place.

Soaked apples are cooked at a temperature of + 14 to +20 ° C, if it gets colder, the process slows down, if it gets warmer, there is a danger of bacterial growth. This needs to be watched closely. Foam and mold should be regularly removed from the brine, the cloth should be washed daily with soap and water, and the circle (or plate) and oppression should be washed weekly.

Fruit absorbs water so the brine will have to be topped up if they are on top, so it's best to save the excess.

It will turn out delicious, even if you use only salt and sugar, but it is useful to add other ingredients - the dish will only benefit from this.

The process of making pickled apples is very similar to salting and urinating.. In all three methods of preservation, the safety of products is ensured by the lactic acid contained in vegetables and fruits, which is released as a result of fermentation.

There is no significant difference between the methods of salting. They distinguish urination, salting and salting, according to those products that are harvested for the winter. If these are vegetables, then the process is usually called salting, the cabbage is fermented, and the apples are soaked.

Reference! For pickling vegetables and fruits, brines with the addition of vinegar are used.

The benefits and harms of this snack

The calorie content of pickled apples depends on the ingredients that make up the brine, and on average it ranges from 40 to 70 kcal per 100 grams. Eating pickled apples is of great benefit, as they vitamin composition does not change during cooking.

Soaked apples saturate the human body:

In addition, they contain a large number of various minerals.

Exclude pickled apples from your menu only for those persons to whom the attending physician prescribed diet food. For people suffering various diseases gastrointestinal tract, acidic foods can be harmful.

Differences in fruit varieties

Main the difference in fermentation of different varieties of apples is only in the duration of soaking. For example, for autumn and winter varieties (Antonovka ordinary, Bogatyr, Orlovskoye striped), the fermentation time is from 1 to 1.5 months. Fermentation of summer apples (Melba, White filling) takes much less time, from several days to 3 weeks.

How to sour for the winter - step by step instructions

To date, allocate great amount recipes aimed at sourdough apples, both separately and together with other ingredients. In addition, sourdough began to enjoy great popularity not only in a jar, but also in a barrel.

in a barrel

Any autumn varieties of apples are suitable for the recipe, especially those that have a sour taste. Unripe fruits can be left warm for several days, and then try to ferment them in a wooden barrel, as our great-grandfathers did. To prepare a winter harvest, you need to take such products:

  1. First of all, you need to boil 10 liters of water in a large saucepan. Sugar, salt, flour and spices are poured into boiling water.
  2. The finished marinade is removed from the stove and allowed to cool to about 35 degrees.
  3. At the bottom of the container you need to put leaves and berries, after which they are covered with two layers of apples. Rows of fruits and leaves with berries alternate until the barrel is completely filled.
  4. After the container is completely filled, apples can be poured with marinade. In this case, the fruit must be completely covered with liquid.
  5. A load is laid on top of the apples and left warm for 14-15 days. The foam that forms during the fermentation process must be removed daily. After this period, the barrel is lowered into the basement, where it is stored until spring.

You can eat pickled apples prepared according to this recipe after 40 days.

Next is a visual video with a recipe for making pickled apples in a 10 liter saucepan:

In the bank

For a hostess living in big city, the most convenient container for making pickled apples can be three-liter jars. For three three-liter jars you will need the following ingredients:

Having picked up the ingredients, you can start cooking:

  1. Bread is cut into small cubes and slightly dried in the oven.
  2. Crackers, sugar, salt and cinnamon are poured with boiling water. The resulting marinade is set aside.
  3. Apples and leaves are laid out in jars in layers. There should not be too many leaves, otherwise the brine may turn sour.
  4. After laying, apples need to be poured with warm brine.
  5. Banks are covered with gauze and put in a warm place for two to three days. After the fermentation process begins, they can be transferred to a cool place. After 45 days, the apples are ready to eat.

Next is a visual video with another popular recipe for pickled apples in a 3-liter jar:

Antonovka with cabbage

Sauerkraut apples can be made using modern plastic containers. A bucket or any other container must be scalded with boiling water before use. For this homemade preparation you will need the following ingredients:

Having picked up the ingredients, you can proceed to cooking:

  1. For salting, the cabbage is finely chopped, and the carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Then salt and sugar are added to them and the juice is set aside. Apples can be cut into quarters or used whole.
  2. The bottom of the container in which the salting will be stored is laid with a layer of cabbage with carrots, which is then alternated with a row of apples. All the gaps between the apples are filled with cabbage and carrots. This operation is continued until the container is completely filled.
  3. Juice, which is a stack from cabbage and carrots, pour on top of the apples. If there is not enough liquid to cover upper layer blanks, take a small amount of boiled water, add a little sugar and salt to it and pour it into a container with a blank.
  4. Apples are covered with gauze and oppression is placed on top of them. The blank is kept in a warm room for about 14-15 days and then taken to the basement.

With other vegetables

Apples can be pickled with cabbage, carrots and other vegetables. To get a delicious delicacy product, you can use pumpkin. Sometimes garlic is added to the container along with apples. To prepare homemade pumpkin preparations, you will need:

Antonovka apples are well suited for this recipe. Ripe intact fruits are thoroughly washed and the fermentation process begins.:

  1. At the bottom of the container in which the salting will be stored, you need to place cherry leaves. Then apples and a pumpkin are laid on top of them in two rows. The process is repeated several times until the entire container is filled.
  2. Now you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, put sugar, salt and spices in a pot of boiling water. Then, the resulting composition is removed from the fire and allowed to cool to 35 degrees. Pour apples and pumpkin with warm marinade so that they are completely covered with liquid.
  3. capacity with homemade you need to put for two days in a warm place to ensure the start of the fermentation process. Then the apples are transferred to a cold place.

After about 45-60 days or a little earlier, the workpiece will be ready for use.

Recipe for quick cooking

If you don’t have time for a long sourdough, but you really like pickled apples, then you can opt for a recipe with rowan. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

If necessary, the number of products can be reduced. Preparation is carried out according to this plan:

  1. Ripe rowan and apples are thoroughly washed and placed in a selected container.
  2. Water is heated and honey or sugar and salt dissolve in it.
  3. The water is left to cool completely, and then poured into a container with apples and mountain ash, a wooden load is placed on top.

The containers are taken out for several weeks in a cold room. You can also speed up the fermentation of any apple simply by using softer varieties.

Next is a video with a recipe for making soaked apples with mountain ash:

How to store at home?

It is best to store homemade preparations in a cool place.. A basement or storage room is ideal for this purpose. The temperature in such a room should not fall below 0 degrees to avoid freezing of the liquid.

Alternative ways to save

Home salting is left in the same container in which it was cooked. It is not necessary to specially transfer pickled vegetables to different containers for long-term storage.

Attention! A small amount of pickled blanks taken from the barrel can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, brine must be poured into a container with vegetables and fruits.

Pickled apples can be served on the table either simply in a separate dish or used in various salads.. Forgotten homemade recipes used by our ancestors can not only diversify the daily menu, but also enrich the human diet with vitamins and minerals. Home-made preparations are much more useful because only natural products are used for their manufacture.

Pickled apple recipes.

Soaked apples are a rather specific dish that not everyone loves. But this is a great snack for strong alcoholic drinks. Previously, in stores, such pickles were sold in large quantities. Now it is rare in any supermarket to find pickled apples. We advise you to cook them yourself.

Not all varieties are suitable for urination. Most often, apples with a dense peel and elastic pulp are chosen. Accordingly, autumn and winter varieties are suitable for urination. Antonovka, Kamenichka, Babushkino are perfect. These varieties differ significantly from summer ones in their structure and taste. The flesh of summer varieties is loose, so when urinating they fall apart. At the same time, autumn varieties with sourness, which, by the way, emphasizes the piquancy of the dish.

it classic recipe, which can change depending on your desire.


  • 5000 ml water
  • 205 g sugar
  • 20 g salt
  • Cherry and currant leaves
  • 10 kg apples


  • glass jars wash and sterilize. After that, lay the washed leaves on the bottom
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water and strain through cheesecloth
  • Pour apples with hot solution and cover with a nylon lid
  • Apples should stand like this until foam appears. This usually happens after 4 days
  • After that, if necessary, top up the marinade and transfer to a cold place for another 60 days

It is best to do the workpiece in wooden barrels. They are prewashed with soda ash and doused with boiling water. After that, you need to deal with the fruits.


  • 10 kg apples
  • 210 g granulated sugar
  • 100 g salt
  • 50 g malt
  • currant leaves
  • cherry leaves
  • mustard powder


  • Prepare a solution of salt, sugar and water. Pour the malt 100 g of boiling water
  • Enter the malt into the prepared marinade. Put currant leaves and mustard powder on the bottom of the barrels
  • Lay the apples in rows and fill them with the solution. It is necessary that the marinade covers the fruit 3-5 cm higher
  • Put oppression on top and leave for a week at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. The apples will soak up water, so top it up.
  • Transfer the blanks to the basement and leave for 60 days. It is through this time that apples can be eaten.

Apples and cabbage are a great snack or addition to fried potatoes.


  • 3 kg apples
  • 4 kg cabbage
  • 3 spoons of sugar
  • 25 g salt
  • 2 carrots


  • Remove skin from carrots and grate. Shred the cabbage with a shredder
  • Mix cabbage with carrots and salt with sugar. Remember with your hands so that the cabbage starts up the juice
  • Wash the apples and put them in a jar. Top with cabbage so that there are no voids
  • Pour the cabbage juice into the container. Top with cabbage leaves and leave for 2 weeks
  • After that, move the workpiece to the cellar. You can eat it in a month

Pumpkin is used instead of must. To do this, choose a large fruit.


  • 10 kg apples
  • 1 large pumpkin
  • Cherry and currant leaves


  • Clean the pumpkin from peels and seeds. Ideal pumpkin, which is suitable for making porridge
  • Cut it into small pieces and fill with water. Put on a small fire
  • You need to simmer until the pumpkin becomes soft. With the help of a crush, it is turned into a puree
  • Leaves and apples are placed at the bottom of the barrel. After that, the fruits are poured with pumpkin puree.
  • Load is placed on top and left for a month

This is a spicy Polish recipe.


  • 155 g rye flour
  • 155 sugar
  • 155 g salt
  • 11 kg apples
  • 5 liters of water
  • Cherry and currant leaves


  • Wash the apples along with the leaves. Put the leaves on the bottom of the bowl
  • Mix all dry ingredients and fill with water. It is necessary to get a uniform filling
  • Lay out a layer of apples and lay currant leaves on them. Fill with prepared solution
  • Put oppression on top and let stand for a couple of weeks. Move to the cellar

Soaked apples are excellent without the use of barrels. You can use glass jars for this.


  • 2 kg apples
  • Cherry and currant leaves
  • 25 g sugar
  • 25 g salt


  • Wash the fruits and set them aside. For harvesting, it is better to take ripe fruits that have lain for 1 week
  • Place currant leaves on the bottom of the jars, and apples on top
  • In a separate bowl, dissolve salt and sugar in water and pour apples with a chilled solution.
  • Close with gauze and leave to ferment for 4 days. Remove foam
  • cork plastic lids and put in the cellar for 45 days

Quite popular now plastic tableware. It washes well and does not corrode. At the same time, the cost of such dishes is very low.


  • 5 kg apples
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 100 salt
  • 110 g sugar
  • Cherry and currant leaves


  • Plastic dishes are washed and doused with boiling water. Currant and cherry leaves are laid at the bottom
  • After that, lay out a layer of apples and again leaves
  • Thus, the entire bucket is completely filled
  • Pour the prepared solution of salt, sugar and water
  • Put a plate on top of the apples, and a jar of water on it
  • Under such oppression, apples are left for 4 days
  • The foam is removed and the bucket or barrel is covered with a lid.
  • Send the workpiece to the cellar for 40-60 days

How to soak apples in a bucket: a recipe for the winter

How to wet apples in a bucket, you can see in the video.

VIDEO: Soaked apples in a bucket

Yes, you can also soak chopped apples. This is enough unusual recipe with honey, basil and spices. The taste is spicy.


  • 5 kg apples
  • bunch of basil
  • currant leaves
  • 250 ml chalk
  • 100 g salt
  • 2.5 liters of water


  • The apples are washed and the core is removed. Then cut into 4 pieces
  • After that, leaves are laid on the bottom, and chopped fruits are on them.
  • Honey, salt and flour are dissolved in warm water. Should be a cloudy solution.
  • After that, fruits are poured with a solution, and oppression with a load is laid on top of them.
  • This mixture is left warm for 5 days, and then closed with a lid and transferred to the cellar.

Soaked apples - very tasty and savory snack. You can treat it to guests who unexpectedly dropped in on you.

VIDEO: Pickled apples

Soaked apples were also prepared by our grandmothers; this dish has not lost its relevance to this day. Absence heat treatment allows you to save most vitamins in fruits. It is best to use late autumn or winter varieties, firm and ripe fruits. How to soak Antonovka apples for the winter will help simple recipes.

Soaking apples at home is not a laborious process. It is important to pre-hold the fruits at room temperature in order to get juicy blanks. The number of ingredients can be changed at will.


  • antonovka - 8 - 10 kilograms;
  • table salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • currant leaves - to taste;
  • purified water - 5 liters.

Wash and sort apples, it is better to postpone rotten or fallen fruits from a tree. Fruits should be approximately the same size.

The container for soaking must be sterile. We use three-liter glass jars, they must be boiled. Put tightly clean apples in a container.

Preparation of soaked Antonovka will take about 2 weeks, on average it is 10 - 15 days. Then the apples must be placed in a cool place. If the fruits have absorbed a lot of water during the fermentation process, add the marinade.

After a couple of weeks, the finished dish can be served as a dessert or snack.

in a barrel

Initially, soaked apples were harvested in barrels. If there is a wooden container in stock, then step by step recipe help soak delicious fruit for the winter. To add spice, apple fruits are combined with blackcurrant, cherry or grape leaves.


  • apples - 5 kilograms;
  • table salt - 50 grams;
  • crystalline sugar - 1 cup or 250 grams;
  • leaves of garden cherries and currants - 30 - 40 pieces;
  • filtered water - 5 liters.

Rinse wooden tubs or barrels, scald with boiling water. The fermentation process of apples should take place in a sterile container.

Then wash the currant and cherry leaves, put them on the bottom of a sterile barrel. Approximately 8 - 10 pieces. Sprinkle a layer of apples on top. Layers should be evenly spaced.

Boil approximately 5 liters of water, less liquid may be required. Focus on the volume of the barrel. Dissolve sugar and salt in warm water. Pour Antonovka with cooled brine.

Cover the surface of the barrel with currant leaves so that the top layer of apples is covered. After 5 - 7 days, the contents will begin to ferment, so transfer the container to a dark, cool place. A month later, soaked apples will be ready.

A simple recipe for harvesting

Not every housewife has an oak barrel, so pickled apples can be made in jars or a saucepan. Even if the process of soaking fruits is done for the first time, then following a simple recipe, harvesting for the winter will certainly be delicious.


  • antonovka - 2 kilograms;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 350 grams;
  • coarse salt - 100 grams;
  • water - 4.5 liters.

First of all, prepare a container for fruits. Rinse glass jars with soda solution, then sterilize.

Antonovka is good to sort out, wormy and spoiled fruits are not good. My apples running water and placed in sterile dry jars.

Filling for apples is prepared from a mixture of the specified amount of salt and sugar. Water does not need to boil, dissolve the components in cool water.

Pour the fruit with the resulting syrup, the liquid should completely cover the apples. Close the blanks with lids, leave for 5 days at room temperature. Then put the cans with Antonovka in the cellar.

During the fermentation process, the blanks can become cloudy and absorb a lot of marinade. In this case, it is worth pouring the fill into the jars. After a month and a half in a cool place tasty snack from soaked apples is ready.

With rye

Soaked apples in rye brine are traditionally considered a Russian dish. Properly soaking the fruit will help detailed recipe. Ideally, oak tubs are used, the bases of which are covered with straw.


  • antonovka -2 kilograms;
  • Rye flour- 2 glasses;
  • coarse salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • spices - to taste;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Dry in the oven 2 cups of rye flour. It should acquire a pleasant color of baked milk. Next, pour the calcined flour into a saucepan, such dishes will not allow the flour to cool quickly.

To get a rye brine, part of the boiling water should be gradually poured into the flour. The consistency should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Rinse antonovka, put in a pan 1-2 rows up with the stalks. For flavor, put a layer of currant leaves and dill umbrellas. Fill the container in layers to the base. Pour cold brine over contents. Deliver cargo.

To prevent dust and dirt from getting into the workpiece, cover the pan with gauze. Soak apples for 4 days at room temperature, then put the fruit in the cellar. After 2 months, the apples are ready to eat.

With honey

Properly harvested apples for the winter have tender juicy pulp. honey in this case gives sweetness to soaked apples, and the brine after antonovka can be drunk as compote. There are no difficulties in cooking; in the absence of Antonovka, autumn-winter varieties of apples are chosen.


  • honey - 550 grams;
  • Antonovka apples - 2.5 kilograms;
  • table salt - 200 grams;
  • spices - to taste;
  • cherry leaves - to taste.

Rinse the indicated number of apples with running water on a special mesh for fruits and vegetables. Cut the stalks if desired, but not too long can be left. Wash cherry leaves thoroughly.

You can choose any container for soaking. If the house has a deep plastic container, then we use it. Rinse and scald the container with boiling water, put on the bottom clean leaves cherries. Place the washed Antonovka in a container for soaking, cover with cherry sprigs on top.

Pour the contents of the container with the resulting filling. The liquid should cover the fruits well. Add your favorite spices to taste, goes well with cinnamon or cloves. Seal with lids and let stand 3-4 days at room temperature.

After the specified time, put containers with soaked antonovka in a basement or cellar. Fruits need to infuse for about 2 more weeks. Usually, after 10 - 13 days, soaked apples with honey are ready.

A sweet snack is used as an independent dish, or as an ingredient in a fruit salad. Store open soaked apples with honey in the refrigerator.

Usually, the ripest fruits are chosen for urination. If the apples are not quite ripe, they can be kept warm before urinating: for apples of autumn varieties, several days are enough, and winter varieties should be kept for two to three weeks.

It is best to soak apples in wooden barrels or tubs, with a volume of 10-20 liters. In the absence of wooden containers, you can use a glass bottle with thick walls of the same volume. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

The tub or barrel must be soaked in water, then thoroughly rinsed with cold water, and then scalded with boiling water to eliminate all possible contamination and prepare for long-term storage. Only after that, the barrel is lined with scalded straw, rye or wheat. Straw not only prevents apples from damage, but also gives them an amber color and an incomparable aroma. Straw can be replaced with fresh cherry or currant leaves.

For a tub of 15-20 liters you will need 5 kg Antonov apples, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup rye flour, 3 tbsp. l. salt with a slide and 15 leaves of cherries and currants. Instead of sugar, you can take 600 g of honey, and add a little cranberries to apples, about a handful. She will give them a pinkish color and a delicate aroma.

Before cooking, wash the wooden tub well with soda and scald with boiling water. Wash apples thoroughly. Place a piece of cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the tub. They are dense - a row of apples, and then again a layer of leaves. Fill the entire tub to the top in this way, covering the top layer of apples with leaves.

Boil 10 liters of water in a saucepan, let it cool slightly, add sugar (or honey), salt, stir so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the rye flour, stir until there are no lumps, then set aside.

Pour the apples with brine, put a wooden circle on top, and a heavy stone (previously washed) oppresses it. Place the tub of apples in warm room(15-18°C) and leave for 12 - 14 days. Skim the foam daily and add fresh brine as needed. Make sure the apples are completely covered in liquid. This should be done in the first 5 - 6 days, apples absorb water well and the top layer may become bare. If fermentation is going well, after 2 weeks, rearrange the apples in a cellar or a cold basement. The room temperature should not rise above 4 - 6°C. At this time, apples will ferment and saturate with carbon dioxide.

In general, the urination process takes 30-40 days. Soaked apples are stored for quite a long time: in the basement at a temperature of 4-6 ° C, this period can last from autumn to spring. At home, in the absence basement Apples are best stored in the refrigerator. Remember, the higher the storage temperature, the faster apples peroxide, become flabby and tasteless.


For 2 buckets of apples: 1 bucket of water 1 cup of sugar 1 tbsp. salt Dissolve sugar and salt in a bucket of cold clean water, no need to boil anything. Prepare apples - wash, put in any suitable container, on the bottom of which it is better, of course, to lay rye straw. In the absence of such, you can do without, but this is an old Russian recipe, so it's up to you ... Straw and leaves must be clean, so they are scalded with hot water before laying. So, lay the apples on top, sprinkling with washed currant leaves. Fill with prepared filling, apples will be ready in 3 weeks if ripe.

Soaked apples antonovka - recipe


apples (Antonovka variety) - 1 bucket;

sugar - 300-400 g;

salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

leaves and sprigs of raspberries, currants, lemon balm and cherries.


For making pickled apples at home, it is best to use enamelware. Pour boiling water over it, put half of the leaves and branches on the bottom, washed apples on top, and then the second half of the leaves and branches.

To prepare the marinade, put some water on the fire, pour sugar, salt into it and bring to a boil. Let it cool, dilute with cold boiled water and pour over the apples so that the marinade completely covers them. Place a load on top and within next week Add the marinade little by little as the apples will soak it up.

Then put the dish with apples in a cold place and keep it there for at least 1.5 months. Ready-made soaked apples can be an independent dish, or they can be an excellent filler for stuffed poultry or meat.

Recipe for pickled apples

In this recipe, we will share a way to make pickled apples in a marinade with mint, which gives the finished dish a special piquancy.


apples - 5 kg;

cherry and black currant leaves;

sprigs of mint;

water - 10 l;

honey - 250-300 g;

salt - 150 g;

malt or rye flour - 100 g.


At the bottom of the dish in which you will cook apples, lay out some blackcurrant leaves, after washing them. Lay apples on top in two layers, cherry leaves on them, and then apples again. The next layer is mint leaves (there should be very few of them) and again apples. Last layer you can lay out a mixture of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, adding a couple of mint leaves to them. Cover all this, for example, with a plate, and put a load on top.

Dissolve honey, salt and malt in warm boiled water. Let it cool and pour over the apples. Keep the container in a cool room for 6-7 days and make sure that the brine completely covers the fruit, top it up if necessary. After that, send the soaked apples to infuse in the cold for 4-6 weeks.

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