How to make delicious apple jam. How to make apple jam: recipes

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems

Transparent apple jam in slices - delicious treat, which can be prepared for the winter quickly and easily. You can cook it at home different ways- that's five minutes a quick fix, and the usual simple recipe, and options with other fruits - oranges, lemons, and berries, and with unusual ingredients - cinnamon, vanilla, walnuts.

Apple jam is not only a delicious ready-made dessert, but also an excellent preparation for pies and buns. They serve pancakes, pancakes, and casseroles with it. Transparent, amber slices They look like candy that is impossible to resist. Both adults and children will be tempted by this delicacy.

Let's try to make apple jam in slices different recipes. And in winter we will enjoy the wonderful summer aroma, unique taste and compare which option is better. :))

Let's see how to do it clear jam in slices - in great detail, with a description of each step. So that even a novice housewife can cope with the preparation, we will use photographs and videos. What fruits should I use and how to make delicious apple jam? How to make the slices transparent and amber? How long should we cook our delicacy? Let's try to understand these questions in today's article.

Transparent apple jam in slices for the winter - quick and easy

Transparent apple jam in slices - traditional recipe for the winter, this is the most beautiful and tasty option apple delicacy. Such a dessert will not only delight us with its taste, but will also preserve all the benefits of fruit. It can be cooked simply and quickly.


  • Peeled apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg

How to make apple jam in slices:

1. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into 5-8 mm slices. There is no need to peel the peel, it gives the jam beauty and deliciousness :)) If, for example, the fruit is red or pink, they give our dessert an interesting bright shade.

2. Add ours apple slices into a basin or pan (enamel or stainless steel). Only aluminum cookware is not suitable for cooking, since when it comes into contact with acid, harmful substances are formed.

3. Pour sugar into a container and put it in a cool place for 8 hours (overnight is possible).

The most delicious apple jam is made from sweet and sour fruits. If we use sweet or sour fruits, the amount of sugar must be reduced or increased accordingly.

4. After the specified time, the apples will give juice. Place our pan (or basin) on low heat. Can add citric acid. Bring to a boil.

5. Boil for 5 minutes, carefully stirring the jam.

To make the apple slices transparent and amber, you need to help the fruit “have time” to soak in the sugar syrup. To do this, cook them in several batches: boil for several minutes and cool (2-3 times)

6. Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize them.

7. Also boil the lids.

You can add citric acid (to prevent sugaring) and vanillin (for aroma) to apple jam.

8. How to make apple slices transparent? To do this, cook them in several batches. Boil for a few minutes, leave until completely cooled, do this 2-3 times. This must be done so that the fruit has time to be thoroughly saturated with sugar syrup.

9. Pour the finished boiling jam into jars. If they have cooled down after sterilization, then pour in gradually, shaking the fruit in a circle so that the jar has time to warm up.

10. We close the filled jar for the winter, using ordinary canning lids and a seaming key that is convenient for us; you can use screw lids. With 5-5.5 kg of unpeeled apples I got 3 liter jars jam.

Apple jam will be well preserved for the winter and will last for a long time without refrigeration if it is placed in sterilized jars. We roll up metal lids that ensure the sealing of the preservation - they also need to be sterilized (boiled).

The apple jam turned out transparent, aromatic and incredibly tasty!

Serve with pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, or just with bread - very tasty!

Apple jam in slices - a quick recipe (five minutes) without seaming

Let's make clear apple jam in slices - quickly and easily, in 5 minutes :)). Since the recipe does not require long-term cooking, this allows you to preserve the maximum of vitamins contained in the fruit. Any number of apples and sugar in a one to one ratio is suitable for preparation. Weigh the already peeled and chopped fruits.

For apple jam we will need:

  • Apples – 1-2 kg
  • Sugar – 1-2 kg

Preparing jam:

1. Apples can be peeled or not. Cut them in half, then into quarters. Remove the core. Divide each quarter in half and cut into small pieces (slices), they should be thin enough for the jam to be transparent and beautiful.

The thinner we cut the apples, the less time it takes to cook.

2. Weigh the chopped apples and measure out the same amount of sugar - one to one (1:1).

3. Place the fruit in a comfortable deep bowl and pour sugar on top.

4. Gently mix apples with sugar. Leave it like this for a while until the fruit gives juice. You can, for example, leave it overnight, putting the bowl in the refrigerator.

5. If the cooking process is divided into several stages, then making apple jam will turn out to be simple and not so energy-intensive. To do this, cut the fruit into slices in advance and cover with sugar overnight. And the next day we cook our dessert.

6. The apples gave juice. Transfer them together with the sugar syrup into a stainless steel pan.

7. Place them on low heat.

8. At first, the apples rise, but during the cooking process they are gradually saturated with syrup and settle. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. The jam becomes transparent and amber. We determine readiness by the condition of our fruits: when most of the slices become transparent and are evenly distributed in the syrup, our delicacy is ready!

9. At the end of cooking, you can add ground cinnamon.

The cooking time for the jam depends on the type of apples, as well as on the thickness of their slices.

The apple jam turned out transparent and amber-golden!

Let's taste it!

Delicious apple jam in clear amber syrup with lemon

Apple jam in slices with lemon is prepared quickly and turns out transparent and amber. Lemon adds a subtle citrus aroma and light sourness to the traditional taste.


  • Apples (unpeeled) – 1.5 kg
  • Lemon – 2-3 pcs (to taste)
  • Sugar – 1-1.5 kg (to taste)
  • Water – 1-1.5 glasses

How to make amber transparent jam from apples with lemon:

1. Let’s start preparing aromatic and delicious jam with sugar syrup:

  • Pour 1 glass of water into the pan.
  • Add 1 kg of sugar.
  • Bring the syrup to a boil over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Sugar can be replaced with honey; this apple jam will be incredibly aromatic and rich.

2. Then cut the lemon into thin slices. Be sure to remove the seeds so that the jam does not become bitter.

3. Dip the prepared lemons into sugar syrup and cook for 20-30 minutes. Leave until completely cool.

4. Remove the core from the apples and cut them into slices.

5. Add chopped apples to sugar syrup and boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Leave the jam until it cools so that the fruit is soaked in syrup. You can leave it overnight.

6. Heat the cooled fruit mixture and boil for 20 minutes until thickened. The time depends on the hardness of our apples. If we are preparing jam for the winter: put it boiling in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids.

To ensure that apples retain their original color, they must be blanched in salted water for 3 minutes before processing.

The jam turned out very beautiful and fragrant.

Let's taste it!
Enjoy your tea!

How to make apple jam at home - a simple recipe

Any apple jam for the winter is an opportunity to enjoy the taste and aroma of ripe fruit in the cold winter time of the year. There are a lot of recipes, but the cooking principle is almost the same. Wash the apples, cut them into several parts, remove the core and seeds. If the peel is thick, peel it. Next, add sugar (so that the juice appears), or fill it with sugar syrup. Cook until done in several batches :)).

Let's consider one of the most simple recipes apple jam with the addition of vanillin and citric acid.


  • Apples (peeled) – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Citric acid – 1 g
  • Vanillin – 1 g (optional)

How to make apple jam at home:

1. Wash the apples and dry them. Place on a towel. We remove the cores and stalks, cut our fruits into slices.

Before cooking, you need to sort the apples and get rid of any spoiled ones. If the damage is minor, the fruit can be trimmed.

2. Place the prepared apples in a deep bowl, add sugar and mix gently.

To peel apples or not? Peeled ones boil better, and the jam made from them turns out more tender. From unpeeled fruits, our delicacy is thick and aromatic, but with a coarser consistency.

3. We leave our fruits to brew for 4-5 hours so that they give juice.

If different varieties are used to prepare apple jam, they should be the same in hardness.

4. Place the pan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring the jam to a boil.

5. Add vanillin and citric acid and mix well. Cook in 2-3 batches: boil, cook for a few minutes and cool.

6. Pour the boiling jam into sterilized jars and close for the winter.

Apple jam is often supplemented with spices (vanilla, orange zest, cinnamon).

7. Turn over and wrap in a warm towel, leave until completely cool.

Store the finished apple jam without refrigeration, at room temperature.

Transparent jam from apple slices with orange - quick and tasty

Apple and orange jam is a delicious aromatic dessert. You can prepare it just as quickly and easily as you classic recipe. We cut fruits into slices, oranges - along or across the grain. You can also use a meat grinder or blender to grind oranges.

We will need:

  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Oranges – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 2 kg

How to make clear apple jam at home:

1. Cut apples and oranges into slices.

2. Place the fruit in the pan.

3. Add sugar. If the oranges have a hard peel, add sugar to them separately from the apples and cook for longer.

4. Leave overnight so that the fruits release juice.

5. Cook apple jam with oranges. To do this, boil for 5-7 minutes and cool. Boil the fruit again, boil for 5-7 minutes and cool. Let's repeat the procedure again. That is, we cook in two or three batches.

If you think that the oranges for apple jam have a harsh structure, then it is better to grind them in a meat grinder (in advance).

6. Pour the finished jam into pre-sterilized jars.

7. Cover with sterilized lids and roll up for the winter.

Let's try our delicious apple and orange jam.

It turned out incredibly beautiful, tasty and aromatic!

How to make clear apple jam from white filling

White filling is a very tasty and tender variety of apples. How to properly cook it transparent amber jam? There are subtleties to its preparation. Let's look at the recipe step by step, with detailed description and photographs.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Soda – 1 tbsp. l. for 2 liters of water

How to make clear amber jam from white filling:

1. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into pieces. Prepare a soda solution (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water) and place the chopped fruit in it for 5 minutes. Soda prevents overcooking - the slices remain strong and elastic until the end of cooking. This procedure also allows us to preserve the color of our jam - the apples will not darken after cooking and will remain transparent amber.

2. Then we put it in a colander and wash our apples, add sugar. We leave it overnight so that they release juice.

3. The next morning the fruit will give juice, pour it into a convenient container.

4. Bring the juice to a boil.

5 . Pour boiling juice over chopped apples. (1st time). Leave until evening.

6. In the evening, drain the juice, boil it and again pour in our white liquid.

7. In the morning we will repeat the previous step. As a result, we boil the juice 3 times and pour it over the apples.

8. In the evening, cook the fruit for about 25-30 minutes. In some recipes they are boiled for about an hour, but I didn’t risk it :)).

9. Seal the hot jam into sterilized dry jars.

Let's taste it!

You can store this jam not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature.

Amber boil in slices with cinnamon - the best recipe

Apple jam with cinnamon turns out amber and amazingly tasty! Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the aroma of fruits, making our delicacy very appetizing and homemade.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 piece

How to make clear apple jam with cinnamon:

1. For this jam we take sweet and sour apples without damage. We remove the core from them; there is no need to clean them. Cut into 12 slices and weigh.

2. Place apple slices in a thick-bottomed pan, add sugar and a cinnamon stick. We leave our mixture for 5-6 hours (overnight is possible) so that the fruit gives juice. Shake the pan 2-3 times so that the sugar dissolves quickly.

Mix the fruit mixture carefully so that it does not turn into porridge.

3. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. After cooking, apples must be cooled. We repeat this procedure. Usually 3-4 boils are enough.

So that the apples do not burn during cooking and are better saturated with sugar syrup, they are first covered with sugar and left for several hours so that they give juice.

4. If the consistency is runny, then remove the apples using a slotted spoon. Boil the remaining syrup for 5-7 minutes. Add fruit, boil for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, roll up with sterilized lids and put away the jam for the winter.

This jam is perfectly stored without refrigeration. Let's taste it! Thanks to cinnamon, we got a delicious, aromatic treat!

Delicious Moscow pear jam

Apple delicacy can be prepared from almost all varieties. And each one gives its own unique taste and aroma. You can mix different varieties, as long as they are of the same hardness. Let's consider preparing jam from Moscow pear. True, I couldn’t resist and added a few red apples to highlight the beauty of our dessert.


Apples – 1 kg

Sugar – 1 kg

How to make apple jam from Moscow pear:

1. Slice the prepared apples.

2. Cover them with sugar overnight.

It is very important to maintain the proportions of apples and sugar, our preservative. If there is little sugar, then the jam will spoil; if there is too much, then we will not feel the taste of our fruits.

3. Our apples gave juice.

4. Place the Moscow pear with sugar syrup in a saucepan. We put it on fire.

5. Boil and cool our jam: 2-3 times. If we are preparing it for the winter, then we put it in sterilized jars and roll it up with sterilized lids.

The jam turned out very beautiful and bright! The slices, as you can see, are transparent and amber.

Let's try! The jam is very tasty and looks like sweet marmalades! And the thick syrup resembles apple jelly!

How to make clear jam from Antonovka (video)

Antonovka jam turns out to be very tasty and transparent due to the fact that these apples are hard and sour varieties. It's very quick and easy to prepare. Eats even faster! :))

How to make dry apple jam at home

Let's prepare quickly, easily and simply an excellent fruit treat - dry apple jam. This low-sugar dessert is healthy for both adults and children. It can be prepared at home at any time of the year and is an excellent substitute for gummy candies. I think this is much more beneficial for our health! :))


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 300 g
  • Cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l (to taste)
  • Citric acid – 1 tsp

Preparation of dry apple jam:

1. Take sweet and sour or sweet fruits. We prepare the apples - wash them, remove the core, cut them into thin slices.

2. Place fruit on a baking sheet. Sprinkle a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and citric acid on top.

3. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. We keep an eye on the apples so they don't burn.

4. Place on parchment paper lightly sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar. Leave the fruit to dry for 2-3 days.

Ready-made fragrant amber slices can be stored at room temperature, in a dry place. For winter storage, you can use candy boxes, plastic trays or jars. This jam is very tasty and can be stored for a very long time. Unless, of course, you eat it first :)).

Transparent apple jam slices look like marmalade candies.

Recipe for apple jam in a slow cooker (video)

Let's look at one more interesting recipe clear jam in slices. It contains unusual ingredients. But you can add others to your taste. Happy creativity!

We have reviewed best recipes transparent apple jam in slices! One tastes better than the other! And, of course, you can add your favorite ingredients to them and experiment. I would be glad if you share your cooking secrets in the comments!

Happy creativity!

To those housewives who have their own home, country cottage area, vegetable garden, garden, the issue of preserving a generous harvest becomes urgent. After all, for example, fresh apples barely “survive” until the end of winter (meaning hard varieties), and even then only under the condition of proper storage. Besides, you can’t eat too many fresh apples. That’s why all kinds of canned food is prepared from them: juices, preserves, jams. Dried fruits are also popular. And such aromatic, sparkling with the sun, delicious apple jam is an excellent raw material for pies, compotes, desserts and other dishes. In addition, it can simply be consumed with tea, milk or cocoa.

From the history

In former times, apple jam for the winter was cooked no earlier than the nineteenth of August (during Yablochnogo Savior when we were spending the summer). It was believed that before this time the apples were not yet fully ripened, and ahead of schedule our ancestors did not eat them. That's how it was from time immemorial. In addition, jam, pies with these fruits and other dishes on holidays were supposed to be blessed in church, and only then eaten. Every girl in any village had to know how to make apple jam. Recipes were passed down orally from grandmothers to mothers, from mothers to daughters - from generation to generation.

Preparatory work

How to make apple jam in modern home conditions to make a beautiful, healthy, and tasty dessert? Cooking recipes Jams and preserves are quite simple and do not require high qualifications from the cook. The main thing is to follow simple recommendations, and this dish will become one of your favorites.
First you need to prepare the raw material - apples. Fruits of various sweet and sour varieties are suitable. The fruits must be thoroughly washed, sorted, inspected for rot, and peeled and cored. Then cut them into slices or cubes. You also need to prepare sugar and water (it is best to take spring or purified water).

What to cook in?

How to make apple jam and, most importantly, what to use? A canned product should ideally retain not only the taste and smell of the fruit, but also beneficial features(for example, vitamins). In the past, jam was traditionally made in copper basins with wooden handles. It was considered special chic to have such cooking utensils. But what happens to the vitamins in the copper basin? It turned out that even a small amount of copper ions “kills”, for example, ascorbic acid. And copper oxides, dissolved by fruit acids, end up in the prepared product!

Aluminum cookware is also not suitable: the jam is acidic enough to destroy the oxide film on the surface of the cookware. In this case, some amount of aluminum will inevitably end up in the dish itself. This can even cause poisoning with your favorite product.

Will do enamel cookware, however, remember that at high temperatures the enamel can break off and get into the cooked food. Bottom line: the best for making jam is considered (according to modern data) to be dishes made from of stainless steel. If you are going to prepare more than one jar of delicacy, you will have to take a large saucepan with a lid of about ten liters or a basin.

Classic recipe

If you decide to make apple jam, recipes for the delicacy can be found in abundance in culinary reference books. The most traditional, classic (as our grandmothers cooked): per kilogram of apples - a kilogram of sugar and a couple of glasses of water.
Pour the sugar into a cooking bowl, add water, bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely. Pour the prepared apples into slices into the resulting syrup. The jam must be cooked in several batches, stirring carefully so as not to damage the structure, until the slices reach transparency. Just before the jam is ready, you can add the zest of one lemon to taste, cinnamon, and vanillin.

Signs of readiness

A drop of syrup poured onto a plate does not spread and retains its shape.

Pieces of fruit are distributed evenly inside the syrup without floating to the top.

The syrup has a clear and uniform consistency.

Apple jam "Pyatiminutka"

This cooking option will require much less sugar: for one kilogram of apples - three hundred grams of sand. Wash, peel and core the apples. Cut into strips or coarsely grate. Sprinkle with sugar, let stand until the juice releases, put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Stirring lightly, cook for fifteen minutes. After this, such “Five Minute” jam can be packaged in jars and rolled up with lids, having previously sterilized the dishes. Advantages: as a result of short preparation, this delicacy retains a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

Apple jam slices

Ingredients: per kilogram of apples - a kilogram of sugar and one and a half to two glasses of water, cinnamon and vanilla to taste, a pinch of soda.

We prepare the apples: peel the cores, remove the peel, wash them, and cut them into beautiful slices. To prevent them from falling apart during the cooking process, you now need to soak them in water with the addition of baking soda overnight (a pinch of soda per liter of water), pressing something heavy on top.

Prepare the syrup: boil water, pouring sugar into it (if the apples are sweet varieties, reduce the amount of the ingredient). It must be completely dissolved.

We rinse the apple slices from soda and place them in syrup. Cook in a wide bowl, periodically removing the foam and without stirring for about half an hour from the moment of boiling.

We prepare the dishes: sterilize the jars and lids. By the way, this can also be done in the microwave. Pour some water into a clean half-liter jar and turn on the device at full power for two minutes.

Pour the hot product into a bowl and close it. An interesting observation: you usually get as much jam as you used the sugar you used to prepare it (plus a little left over for testing, of course). It's so easy to calculate that if you used three kilograms of sugar, then you will need six half-liter jars.

Now you know, at home using traditional simple recipes. Let the sunny delicacy remind you of the past summer!


Early autumn has the scent of apples. It is sweet, piercing and fresh, like first love. The rays of the sun gild the apples.Gusts of wind raise the first fallen leaves in a whirlwind of intricate dance.At such a time, you definitely want to make clear Amber apple jam in slices.

There has been an incredible increase in apple production this year. The branches not only bend, but even break under the enormous weight of countless fruits. Most often, I simply freeze apples, cut into slices, for the winter. They make excellent ones. I make jam in small quantities. My husband and I eat it as a rare delicacy.

Any apples will do to make amber jam. Early and late, white and brown, green and red. The main thing is that they are juicy, not wrinkled, not broken. Even from carrion it is possible to make apple jam of excellent quality. You just need to cut out all the unsuitable places from the fruit.

How to make clear amber jam from apples in slices

Food preparation

To make amber transparent jam from apples in slices for the winter, you need to take fruits of suitable quality and wash them thoroughly under running clean water.

Cut in half, remove the centers. Seed nests can be removed using special device. If you have this kitchen gadget, then feel free to put it to use. If not, then use an ordinary small knife.

Cut into slices of small thickness. Here you need to guess. If you cut them too thin, they will be damaged during cooking. If you chop it too thickly, you won’t achieve the desired transparency. Three millimeters is quite an appropriate thickness in my humble opinion.

In a separate bowl, dissolve baking soda in cool water, pour the baking soda solution over the prepared apple slices for three to four hours. The soda solution will help ensure that the pieces do not become overcooked during cooking and become transparent. You can also put a lid on top of the apples that is smaller in diameter than the pan. This will prevent the slices from floating.

Drain the soda solution, rinse the slices thoroughly under running water. At the same time, shake them carefully to thoroughly rinse the solution from all the pieces.

On a note

Don't mix the mixture! Otherwise we will break all the pieces.

We calmly go about our business or go to bed. We need to wait for a lot of juice to form in which the apple slices will float. This will take six to eight hours. The duration of the process will depend on the juiciness of the apples, the thickness of the slices, room temperature, variety and other factors. All other things being equal, the process will go faster in a warm room.

How to cook

Place the apples that have released their juice on gas stove. Turn on the highest heat. Warm up without stirring. When the mixture boils, carefully drown the floating specimens with a wooden spoon.

Be sure to cook over high heat without stirring. Periodically, carefully shake the container to the left and then to the right. Otherwise, the slices will become soggy and you will end up with apple jam, not amber jam. Five minutes after the start of boiling, turn off the heat. The photo shows the future jam after the first cooking.

The exposure must last at least six hours. Or better yet, eight to ten hours. During the “rest”, the slices energetically absorb sugar syrup with their entire body, gradually increasing their number “drowning” in it.

We must repeat the process of cooking for five minutes and holding it another three to four times. If it seems to you that the jam is already quite transparent and its color is amber, then the cooking is finished. During the last boiling, bring the syrup to a drop that holds its shape.

Place the boiling mass into sterile jars, roll up the lids, turn over, and cool. Then we put the jars on shelves in the pantry and admire the fruits of our labor.

Amber miracle jam before serving for tea in an antique glass rosette.

Transparent amber apple slices jam with soda - recipe


  • A kilo of juicy sweet and sour apples of any color;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • two liters of water;
  • four teaspoons of soda.

Brief description of the technological process

  1. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices three millimeters thick.
  2. Dissolve soda in water.
  3. Pour in soda solution for 3 - 4 hours.
  4. Rinse under running water.
  5. Cover with sugar in layers.
  6. Let sit until sugar dissolves and large quantity juice (6 - 8 hours).
  7. Cook over high heat for 5 minutes after the syrup boils.
  8. Leave for at least 6 hours.
  9. Repeat the process 3 - 4 times.
  10. Pour the prepared jam and seal tightly with lids.
  11. Turn over and cool.
  12. Eat and enjoy the process.

My comments

Apple jam in slices turns out to be a beautiful amber color, with transparent slices. But it's not fragrant enough. Only the sweet delicacy from Antonovka has an intense, pleasant aroma. For flavoring, you can add cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon, orange. A cinnamon stick, a couple of cardamom grains, and a star anise should be placed along with sugar. You can remove spices before packing the products into jars.

Lemon or orange should be thoroughly washed with a brush and soda. Then cut into thin slices along with the skin. For one kilogram of prepared apples, usually take one large orange or one medium lemon.

Jam of the same amber color is made from apples and strong, hard pears in any ratio.

Those who like to cook quickly should be disappointed. It takes a lot of time to get the result we need. Although, the active cooking time is quite short.

An amber hue, a stunning aroma, an addition or a dessert on its own - this is all about delicious apple jam. In ancient times, housewives began to eat apples and make sweets from them only after the Apple Savior, at the end of summer. Now you can prepare a delicacy at any time of the year, the main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

How to make homemade apple jam

Any apple jam for the winter is an opportunity to enjoy the taste and aroma of ripe fruit during the cold season. The sweetness is very useful; when cooked, many vitamins are preserved. What fruits should I use and how to make apple jam? You need to choose any domestic apples, but not foreign ones grown in greenhouse conditions. The delicate taste, aroma and density of the dish depend on this. How long to cook apple jam? Depending on the recipe and apple variety, the process can take from 5 minutes to several days.

Apple jam - recipe

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The classic recipe for apple jam consists of the apples themselves, water, and a sweetener (sugar). A stick of cinnamon will give the dessert a pleasant aroma and playful taste; this spice goes well with fruit. The finished dessert can be stored tightly closed in the refrigerator or rolled up with spices in transparent jars for the winter to enjoy summer flavors in winter.


  • apples (any variety) – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 850 g;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the washed fruits from seeds, stems, and, if desired, peel. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the fruit in a container for preparation and fill it with water (boiling water is possible). You need to add a small portion of granulated sugar and put a cinnamon stick.
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat, simmer for 5 minutes, then reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  4. When the mixture has cooled completely, add the rest of the specified sugar and leave to simmer until the dish is cooked. After this, the product is ready to be rolled into jars.

How to cook apple jam in slices

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

You will have to tinker with this dessert, although the total preparation time does not take more than two hours. As a result, you will have amazing sliced ​​apple jam on your table, which can serve as a dessert or snack. How to make apple jam that will not only be healthy, but also very tasty? The recipe will be useful for housewives who want to experiment a little with a familiar dish. For dessert, only fruits that have been recently picked and not too soft are suitable.


  • apples – 2.5 kg;
  • sugar – 2.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and clean the fruits from seeds, cores and tails. Cut into slices that are not too thick.
  2. Place apple slices in a stewing container, sprinkling them with sugar. Leave to stand for 8-10 hours.
  3. After the fruits have released their juice, place them on the stove over medium heat. When the syrup boils (this is indicated by the appearance of foam), keep the mixture on the fire for another 5 minutes and remove.
  4. Drown gently with a spoon upper layer cloves in syrup, but do not stir them.
  5. After 10 hours, repeat the cooking procedure (5 minutes after the liquid boils), stir gently, leave for another 8-10 hours. After this, cook again for 15 minutes until the dish is completely cooked.

Five minutes

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 265 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for five-minute apple jam is very simple, it will be useful for a young housewife, because the preparation of ingredients is minimal, and the delicacy is cooked quickly. If you choose sour fruits, then the amount of sugar specified in the recipe can be increased, and your favorite spices can be used as additives. The delicacy can be ordered in jars, hidden in the cellar, and stored for a long time. If desired, you can put the product in the refrigerator. A suitable option for dessert or breakfast.


  • apples – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 350 g;
  • favorite spices (vanilla sugar, cinnamon powder or sticks) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits and remove seeds, remove the skin. Prepare the jars: they need to be washed and sterilized.
  2. Grate the fruits on a coarse grater, sprinkle generously with sugar and leave for 2 hours so that the fruits release their juice.
  3. Add dessert spices and leave on low heat. When the mixture boils, hold for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, remove and roll into jars.

How to make apple jam - secrets

Find out how to prepare apple jam so that your friends dream of coming to your house for tea and tasting a delicious dessert with a subtle aroma:

  1. Careful processing of fruits is required - the entire appetizing and beneficial nature of the delicacy depends on this. You need to rinse the fruits only under running water, allowing the water to drain in a colander. Cut out the cores, remove the seeds and tails so that nothing unnecessary comes across in the dish.
  2. If you want to preserve the fruit light color, you need to blanch them in salted soda for 3 minutes before processing.
  3. As additional ingredients, in addition to apples and sweetener, all kinds of spices (cinnamon, ginger, vanilla), fruits and berries (orange, plums, lemon, raspberries) are used. All ingredients must be selected, without rot or spoiled areas.
  4. It is better to take refined sugar.
  5. The dish is ready if the syrup becomes golden, uniform in color and structure. Check the readiness of the syrup, drop by drop on a clean plate: if it drains too quickly, the dish is not ready yet.
  6. The mixture must be constantly stirred and the foam removed. If these are slices, then carefully transfer them with a spoon so that the top layer sinks into the liquid. You need to lower the fruit periodically so that the top does not remain soggy.
  7. The cooling process in jars should be gradual. You need to follow the instructions: immediately rinse, sterilize, and dry the jars. Then spread the jam after heat treatment in a saucepan (basin, multicooker), roll up the lids of the workpieces, leave until completely cooled under a blanket or jacket. You cannot pour it into jars above the main container, otherwise the glass may burst and the fragments will ruin the dessert.
  8. You can deviate from the recipe, bring the dish to the desired consistency: pour boiled drinking water(this may be necessary if the mass is too thick), prepare your favorite spices and their mixtures, and adjust the amount of sugar.


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