Which sprouts are the most beneficial for the body. How to germinate sprouts and eat them? Cooking Recipes for Sprouted Grains

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The most useful properties of seeds - especially wheat seeds - are revealed at the stage of their germination. High-quality sprouts can enrich the body with many useful vitamins - B, D, E, P, as well as calcium, iodine, selenium (the whole list will not fit here). But this is just the tip of the iceberg, and the question can be analyzed in much more detail.

The grain itself is better to buy in a pharmacy or in a specialized seed store than in the market. It is important that it does not contain any chemicals. In the list below, we provide information about different grains: it will be easier to determine which seedlings are the most useful. Let's talk about their biological value and about the cases in which it is worth using one or another type of seedlings.

The benefits of buckwheat sprouts

The value of buckwheat sprouts lies not only in the abundance of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, P. In addition, they are rich in easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. Buckwheat is unique in that it is 3-5 times richer in minerals than other cereals.

The use of buckwheat sprouts strengthens the walls of blood vessels well. In addition, they increase immunity and help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Sprouted buckwheat is a kind of panacea for all possible troubles: reduced immunity, accumulation of stress, and the harmful effects of the environment. This is especially true for those who live in a metropolitan area.

Their other benefit is in amino acids - such as valine, lysine, leucine, tryptophan, histidine. The body itself does not produce these substances - they are obtained only with the intake of food. The most important function of these amino acids is protein synthesis, that is, in fact, the construction of the whole organism as a whole: from DNA to tissues and organs.

The only caveat: try to avoid overeating buckwheat. The product is saturated with protein, and not all of it can be absorbed by the body. The diet should be diversified - we do not recommend going to extremes. Otherwise, buckwheat is one of the healthiest plant foods.

Did you know that you can germinate grains in a fairly simple way - with the help of? Such a device independently waters the seeds, turns on and off the lighting at the right time. All that is required of you is to periodically change the water in the device. Within 1-2 days after sowing, you will receive seedlings, and after 5-7 days - sprouts 10-15 cm high, which can, for example, be squeezed into and get a valuable wheatgrass drink.

Benefits of broccoli sprouts

Such seedlings contain indoles and other useful photochemical compounds. They prevent carcinogens from destroying DNA, which reduces the risk of cancer. The presence of sulforaphane is also important: this is a substance that can kill bacteria that cause ulcers. In addition, the use of broccoli sprouts can eliminate the effects of ultraviolet radiation and various types of inflammation.

Due to the presence of lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, broccoli can improve eye health. Substances contained in broccoli remove bile acids from the body, thereby reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Benefits of sesame sprouts

Regular use of sesame seedlings restores tooth enamel, strengthens the skeleton, and normalizes the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Sesame seedlings are an effective remedy for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis of the spine.

Sprouted sesame contains a lot of calcium - about 1500 mg per 100 g. Therefore, it is often used in the treatment of fractures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors recommend using sprouted sesame seeds for children during the period of intensive tooth growth, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation. And black sesame sprouts also have antioxidant properties.

Finally, sesame seeds are used to quickly restore strength after a protracted illness, experienced stress, and even with certain forms of depression. The taste properties of sesame seeds are highly dependent on the duration of germination. With a length of sprouts of 3-5 mm, they can already be removed in the refrigerator, since in the future they will become more bitter.

During the germination period, the composition of wheat changes greatly. Fats become useful fatty acids, starch turns into maltose. The product contains a large amount of magnesium, which allows you to lower blood pressure and remove excess cholesterol. Wheat sprouts are also used as a preventive measure for the development of cancer. Also, sprouts have substances that increase metabolism. Due to the abundance of dietary fiber, wheat germ allows you to get rid of hunger for a long time.

Daily consumption of germinated wheat has a positive effect on vision, skin health, and complexion. Unique restorative and cleansing properties make sprouted wheat a real complex for rejuvenation of the whole organism as a whole. The main thing is to choose only ripe grains, without impurities.

Let us visually consider what vitamins and other microelements are contained in the sprouts of various grain crops:

culture The content of nutrients per 100 gr
Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Potassium Calcium Magnesium Iron B1 B2 B6
Wheat 26g 10g 34g 850mg 70mg 400mg 10mg 2mg 0.7mg 3mg
Rye 13g 2g 69g 425mg 58mg 120mg 4.2mg 0.45mg 0.26mg 0.41mg
Buckwheat 10-18g 2.4-3g 59-82g 380mg up to 200mg up to 200mg 6.7 mg up to 0.58 mg 4.19mg 0.4 mg
Lentils 9g 0g 20g 1500mg 83mg up to 380mg 7mg 0.5mg 0.2mg 0.6mg
Pumpkin up to 28g up to 46.7g up to 50g 340mg 21mg 535mg 14.9mg up to 0.2 mg 0.056mg 0.12mg
Sunflower 12g 43.8g 0.9g 647mg 533mg 420mg 7.1mg 2.2mg 0.25mg 1.1mg
Sesame up to 40g up to 60g 23g 497mg 975mg 540mg up to 10.5 mg 0.98mg 0.25mg 0.8mg
Linen 22.3g 64.9g 22.5g 813mg 255mg 392mg 7.7 mg 1.64mg 0.16mg 0.47mg


Each type of germinated grains has its own set of useful properties. It is not for us to judge which sprouts are the most useful - you should choose based on the individual properties of your body. But don't forget about taste. If you don't like a certain kind of grain, you can almost always find an alternative (depending on what exactly you want to get from this grain).

Many people pass by sprouted grains, although they bring many benefits to the body:

  1. Strengthen immunity.
  2. Normalize metabolism.
  3. Calm the nervous system.
  4. Cleanse the body.
  5. Activate digestive activity.
  6. Helps with gastrointestinal ulcers.
  7. Improve blood quality.
  8. Reduce pressure.
  9. Reduce cholesterol.
  10. They have a positive effect on the heart, reducing the risk of seizures.
  11. Prolong the youth of the body.
  12. Promote active cell renewal.
  13. Charged with energy.
  14. Reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.
  15. Positive effect on potency.


  • IN 1. It is characterized by calming qualities, improves digestion and assimilation of food.
  • IN 2. Positively affects the central nervous system. Important for the liver, protecting it from various ailments.
  • IN 3. It is a participant in various metabolic processes, is part of many enzymes. It is required for the normal functioning of the brain and the circulatory system.
  • AT 5. Important for hormone production and hair health.
  • AT 6. Supports metabolism and hormone production. It removes cholesterol, helps in the work of the liver.
  • AT 9. It has a positive effect on reproductive function. Participates in the construction of nerve cells. Necessary for the production of serotonin and red blood cells.
  • E. Helps to normalize hormonal levels, has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is considered a vitamin of beauty, since the condition of the epidermis, nails and hair largely depends on it.
  • F. Helps fight inflammation, participates in the construction of fats.

    Micro, macro elements:

  • Vanadium. One of the most useful elements for the heart and blood vessels. It prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and is the prevention of heart attacks.
  • Iron. Without it, hemoglobin is not produced. The element is required by the heart, nervous system and immunity.
  • Potassium. Normalizes blood pressure and pulse. Increases efficiency and promotes faster recovery of the body after serious stress.
  • Calcium. Important for bone tissue. Has antihistamine properties. Helps remove "bad" cholesterol. Activates metabolic processes.
  • Magnesium. Calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, calms the heartbeat. Required for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Required by the reproductive system.
  • Manganese. Involved in the work of most organs and systems of the body. It has the highest significance for the heart, digestive system and nervous system.
  • Copper. Helps the liver and spleen to work, helps to preserve memory.
  • Phosphorus. Present in bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Selenium. Helps cleanse the body of free radicals. Participates in metabolic processes.
  • Zinc. Activates the production of hormones. Strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on brain processes.

Roasted buckwheat, available in every store, is devoid of many useful components due to heat treatment. Green buckwheat is much healthier and can be used for sprouting. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3. The mineral complex includes iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper, phosphorus. In addition, buckwheat contains:

  • Vitamin P Activates the properties of other elements. Strengthens blood vessels, enhances immunity. Protects the body from free radicals.
  • Bor. Without it, vitamin D does not work, so the mineral plays an important role in maintaining the skeletal system. Reduces susceptibility to joint diseases. Normalizes and maintains hormonal balance.
  • Iodine. Important for the health and normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency worsens health, leads to obesity and other diseases.
  • Cobalt. Provides an exchange of acids. Has calming properties. Required by the pancreas and vascular system.
  • Nickel. In combination with other minerals, it positively affects the composition of the blood and the production of red blood cells. Helps increase hemoglobin levels. Saturates the cells with oxygen. Promotes the development of the muscular system.

Green buckwheat sprouts are good for the eyes, as they can reduce intraocular pressure. They are recommended for diabetes, constant stress, a tendency to hypertension. Buckwheat strengthens the heart and vascular walls. Helps with bleeding gums.

Green buckwheat lowers cholesterol and takes care of the cleanliness of blood vessels. It is recommended for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Lentil composition

Lentil sprouts contain protein, fiber, B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B9). The mineral composition is no less diverse: iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium.

Lentil sprouts have a positive effect on blood quality and help in the work of hematopoietic systems.

Milk thistle composition

Sprouts have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. They are good for the liver and gallbladder. They have a therapeutic effect in colitis and gallstone disease. Milk thistle sprouts are recommended for people suffering from allergies.

These seeds take longer to germinate than wheat seeds. They have maximum value when the first 2 leaves appear.

Sprouted sunflower seeds contain a large amount of fatty acids and protein. They contain vitamins of groups B, E, F, P, D (a vitamin required for the absorption of calcium). The mineral composition is no less saturated: iron, calcium, copper, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, cobalt.

Sprouted sunflower seeds should be used for thickened blood, heart disease and disorders in the vascular system. Sunflower sprouts help restore damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. They are useful for women during menopause. In addition, essential for skin and hair. The product has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Oats for sprouting

For germination, only naked varieties without a hard shell can be used. Oats increase immunity, have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

Oat sprouts are good for the digestive tract. They eliminate inflammation, remove toxins and toxins. Sprouted oat seeds are indicated for dysbacteriosis, as they help to improve the microflora.

The product is useful for kidney problems, thyroid dysfunction. It enhances the effectiveness of hepatitis therapy.


Flax seedlings contain fatty acids, mucus, carotenes. They are good for health, so they help strengthen bone tissue, normalize the tone of the vascular walls.

Flax energizes, improves memory and immunity. Sprouts have laxative properties, remove toxins. They restore the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, help with hemorrhoids.

It is one of the most convenient plants for sprouting. Sprouts are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. They contain inulin, which helps lower blood glucose.

Sprouted peas rid the body of toxins, improve bowel function due to the presence of fiber. It strengthens the immune system, allows you to rejuvenate the body.

Amaranth for sprouting

Sprouts contain a high concentration of squalene, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Due to this, the use of amaranth reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. It is effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Sprouted amaranth seeds should be present in the diet of people after chemotherapy. As well as those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. The product is good for the heart, and also reduces the risk of diabetes. Amaranth sprouts contribute to the healing of ulcers of internal organs.

Amaranth normalizes the hormonal system. In addition, its sprouts are recommended for men to maintain sexual activity even in old age.


Pumpkin seed sprouts are distinguished by anthelmintic action. They allow you to normalize the water-salt balance, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. Pumpkin helps men reduce the risk of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Germinated pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the brain and nervous system. They improve thought processes and allow you to treat insomnia. They help the body recover faster after increased stress (physical, mental, nervous).

Sprouts are an inexpensive dietary supplement that is very beneficial for health at any age. But so that the benefits do not turn into harm, they should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

How to germinate grains video instruction

Perhaps the most famous raw material for microgreens is wheat, the benefits of its germinated have been known to many for a long time. According to a similar scheme, it is proposed to germinate other greens, tops, cereals. This is a unique source of fiber and vitamins that are synthesized in newly born seedlings. This is an indescribable, very interesting taste, and of course the widest range of benefits. Why should microgreens be a regular at your table?

The benefits of sprouts

Beautiful in appearance and pleasant in taste, sprouts are extremely beneficial for health. Each of them contains the nascent potential of a future vegetable or cereal. Microgreen is always a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, as well as the most delicate fiber. Since the plant is at the very beginning of its growth and development, the concentration of nutrients in it is the highest, since nature actively saturates it with forces. Microgreens are useful because:

  • participates in the detoxification of the body - this is one of the main functions,
  • rejuvenates cells and promotes skin rejuvenation - due to the high content of antioxidants, rutin, vitamins, and all of them are literally "sources of life";
  • promotes the growth of hair and nails, has regenerating qualities;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood counts - again, one of the functions of fiber is to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalize blood pressure;
  • provides strong immunity and overall body tone.

sprouts- this is the benefit of each plant culture, but multiplied at times. There are several reasons for this. First, a plant that has just erupted from a seed accumulates a maximum of natural potential that allows it to develop. Secondly, due to its “youth”, the plant does not accumulate even a fraction of harmful substances from the environment. Unless of course you did not fertilize it with something synthetic in the process of cultivation. Since microgreens are usually sprouted at home from seeds and grains purchased from organic stores, it is logical to assume that they will not contain any chemicals in themselves. Therefore, it is an excellent replacement, for example, in autumn or winter.

Types of seedlings

A great variety of seeds and grains are suitable for growing microgreens. It is most convenient to buy specially designed for this, they are sold in raw food, for example, stores or on the shelves of large supermarkets. There are many seeds from oriental cuisine among them, because it beats this ingredient more than ours. What sprouts can you diversify your diet? Here, for example, such!

  • P wheat and rye sprouts - sources of proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, F, biotinv. This whole range of vitamins ensures the normal functioning of the brain and heart, alleviates the effects of stress, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and slows down the aging process.
  • P buckwheat sprouts - also sources of magnesium and phosphorus, and with them cobalt, boron, iodine, nickel, rutin. Multiple servings seedlings buckwheat is the key to a stable level of hemoglobin and strong walls of blood vessels. These sprouts are very appropriate for coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as for diabetes, anemia and chronic stress. They strengthen the immune system and should be included in the diet of people with chronic forms of bronchitis, tonsillitis.
  • Sunflower seedlings contain high-quality proteins and fats, lecithin, cobalt, biotin, carotene. They differ in that they contribute to the normalization of the acid-base balance of the body, strengthen the nervous system and help maintain good vision. At the same time, they improve the condition of the skin, slow down the aging process.
  • Sesame sprouts rich not only in high-quality proteins, but also. It contains a lot of calcium, as well as a moderate amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, carotene. The use of these seedlings positively affects the health of the skeleton, teeth and nails. Sesame sprouts are shown both in case of vision loss and fractures, they are useful for children during the period of tooth change and intensive growth, as well as for women after 45 years of age for the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • lentil sprouts contribute to hematopoiesis, are useful for weakened and often ill children and adults, as they form immunity and contribute to recovery. They should be included in the diet for anemia and blood loss, as they contain a lot of iron.
  • soybean sprouts contain a large number of amino acids, some of which are indispensable for the human body. Sprouted soy normalizes metabolism and cholesterol concentration in the blood, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and normalizes the functioning of the liver. If you use soy and its germinated sprouts regularly, the functioning of the brain will improve, the aging of the pancreas will slow down, and there will be no trace of irritability.
  • beet sprouts. They have a tonic effect, because they contain many trace elements and a whole complex of vitamins. Strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Arugula sprouts. It's almost like fresh arugula, but not quite. Arugula is valued for its unique combination of essential oils, vitamins, carotene and minerals. And arugula sprouts are also a natural source of iodine, as well as vitamin C. Consumption of just such seedlings will intensively affect the metabolism in the body, ensure the excretion of cholesterol and increase the level of hemoglobin. Arugula sprouts have a pleasant aroma and a delicate nut-mustard taste.
  • sprouted watercress. Watercress is always a source of B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, rutin and mineral salts. It has a tonic effect, improves digestion, sleep and well-being, lowers blood pressure. Both juicy greens and cress sprouts with a pleasant delicate spicy flavor are widely used in cooking.
  • sprouted radish. Very young radish leaves have a pleasantly burning taste, but they are also valued for the content of a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, thiamine, riboflavin and essential oils. Their positive effect on the digestive processes is noted, they have moderate choleretic and decongestant properties.
  • seedlings m itsuna . This is a leafy Japanese mustard. Its sprouts, of course, are distinguished by spice, taste and aroma resemble pepper. Contribute to the regulation of water metabolism in the body, cleanse the walls of blood vessels from plaques.
    Young leaves of Mitsuna are good in combination with other varieties of microgreens, as well as on their own. They will add a pleasant spiciness to sandwiches, enhance the brightness, flavor and nutritional value of the salad.
  • mustard sprouts. Mustard sprouts are dominated by ascorbic acid and rutin (a substance containing vitamins C and P), which means that the sprouts have an antiscorbutic effect and prevent the aging of blood vessel walls. Such a savory food supplement stimulates appetite and blood circulation.
  • basil sprouts. Basil sprouts with a pleasant aroma and slightly pungent taste are appropriate both in salads, fish and meat dishes, and in soups, they go well with cottage cheese, omelettes. Valued by gourmets and nutritionists for the content of sugars, carotene, vitamins C, B2, PP, essential oils. Great for stimulating digestion.
  • Germinated daikon. Young daikon leaves contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP and a number of minerals. A portion seedlings daikon will provide the body with protective forces, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and improve digestion. If daikon sprouts are steamed or boiled, they can be used in soup, and fresh sprouts can be added to vegetable salads and meat dishes.
  • cabbage sprouts, for example red. They are characterized by a high concentration of vitamins, carbohydrates, enzymes, phytoncides, minerals and other useful substances. In red cabbage, the amount of vitamin C is twice as high as in white cabbage, and the concentration of carotene is four times higher. Therefore, it provides invaluable benefits to general immunity, stimulates digestion and ensures the tone of the digestive system. It has a general pronounced tonic effect. Red cabbage microgreens are best used fresh.

How to germinate microgreens at home?

For seed germination, they need to provide a special microclimate. Although it sounds intricate, it is actually quite simple. As a container, either a simple glass jar, a saucepan, a baking dish in an oven cafe are suitable, and you need to supplement the design with a strainer or gauze. Or use a special container for germinating microgreens - it already has a twist-strainer, which makes it easier to wash the seeds.

As for the choice of grains and seeds, among them there should not be green, unripe specimens, they must certainly be whole, without black spots, not infected with fungi and other pests, not rotten, not overdried. It is better to give preference to the grain of a year's storage, it will germinate better than a two-year one.

So your next steps are:

  • In the evening, pour the seeds for germination into a container, pour water (approximately by eye, but the seeds should be completely covered with water) and leave overnight in a dark place. To prevent microgreens from becoming moldy or spoiled, you can add a teaspoon of citric acid to the water, soak it in activated silicon or silver water, but this is not at all necessary.
  • For the next three days, the seeds should be washed with cold running water in the morning and evening, and stored in the same place in a dark place. Washing seeds is extremely important as it is the only and natural way to get rid of mold spores and enzymatic poisons, which are bound to form during seed cultivation.
  • The capacity must be chosen such that on the third day seedlings opportunity to grow in width. If this is a tall bank, then you need to place it horizontally.
  • On the fourth day, a container with seedlings you need to get it out of a dark place and put it in the sun so that the leaves develop chlorophyll and turn a little green. It is important to understand that sunlight is not necessarily direct sunlight, but simply daylight, including in cloudy weather.
  • When microgreens have taken the form of leaves, tops, sprouts, it is all usable. Sprouts should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. It is good that air penetrates into the container during all this time, and therefore either the same strainer or a loosely covered lid is used.

Growing microgreens is not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. A few tablespoons of seeds grow into a healthy serving of fresh herbs. It is not worth sprouting too many microgreens at a time, because the fresher it is, the more it is valued, and over time it can completely wilt. In limp seedlings, of course, many times less vitamins and minerals than fresh, juicy, freshly grown.

Microgreens are served with salads and second courses. This is a wonderful, sometimes very spicy side dish for meat, fish dishes, as an addition to sandwiches and salads from vegetables, fruits, cheese, seafood. sprouts very decorate the dish - both externally and in terms of taste.

Microgreens are great to add to shakes and smoothies.

From it, ground, you can make excellent face masks. The rejuvenating power of sprouts can be used not only from within the body, but also applied externally. Microgreens need to be thoroughly mashed with a wooden spatula or in a mortar so that the juice stands out from it. Then mix the resulting slurry with any other useful ingredients or use it in its pure form - apply on the face and cover with a gauze patch on top to hold the shape. After 15-20 minutes, the mask can be removed, but do not wash, so that the seedling juice continues its action. Over time (up to half an hour), you should wash yourself with warm running water.

Every person striving for health and longevity pays great attention to proper nutrition. A simple solution is to include in the diet a 100% natural and healthy product available to everyone - sprouts. Growing them at home is not difficult at all. All you need is seeds, water, heat and light.

Perhaps the only obstacle to the wide distribution of seedlings in Russia was the lack of quality seeds and devices for their germination on sale. But the situation has changed for the better - now the necessary devices can be found in online stores, and seeds can be found even in pharmacies.

What are sprouts

Seedlings are seeds that have already awakened to life, began to develop and gave the first sprout. The sprouting process triggers the natural mechanism for the synthesis of all the necessary nutrients. For example, the amount of vitamin C in lentil sprouts increases 16 times, and the content of antioxidants in wheat sprouts - 11 times. Minerals and trace elements pass into a colloidal state, in which they are completely absorbed by the body.
In addition, green sprouts contain plant fiber, enzymes and antioxidants. Living chlorophyll is actively involved in the formation of hemoglobin and enhances immunity. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that cause damage to healthy cells, disease and premature aging. Thanks to all this, including sprouts in your diet, a person is energized and gets the maximum benefit.

What to germinate

Seeds of vegetables, legumes, cereals are suitable for germination. What to use, practice will tell you better - your individual preferences and physiological characteristics (for example, not everyone immediately digests the vegetable protein of legume sprouts). You can experiment by trying different sprouts at different stages of germination: your body will let you know what it needs right now.

Wheat germ, 4th day

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of seeds. Main criteria
in this matter are their origin (where and how they were grown), purity (lack of chemical treatment) and sowing properties (germination, energy). The manufacturer, the availability of documents confirming the quality of products, and packaging also matter. Now special seeds for germination, including organic ones, have begun to be sold.

How to germinate

To do this is quite simple. Marlechki and jars are a thing of the past. Today, there are many different devices to simplify the process. They are called "sprouters" (from the English sprout - seedling) or in Russian - germinators. They are automatic and manual. Automatic ones are equipped with an irrigation timer, have a water heating system - they are indispensable for obtaining sprouts from large seeds (wheat, sunflower, mung bean). Manual ones are ideal for germinating small seeds (amaranth, arugula, etc.), which often require more attention and thorough moistening.

Where to begin

First, the seeds must be washed with running water. After that, they should be soaked at room temperature. Soaking time depends on the type of seed. For example, it takes 30 minutes for green buckwheat seeds to gain the right amount of moisture, and for harder wheat seeds, this period will be 6-8 hours. Then the seeds are washed again and left wet in the germinator.

Mung bean sprouts, 3rd day

It is important that at this stage the ambient temperature is
within 18–25 °C. If it is lower, growth is slower, if it is higher, souring may begin. Now it remains only to wait for the sprout to hatch. The growth phase begins.

When to eat

Here it is! It's done! It's true - they are growing! At this stage, the seeds hatch and begin to grow, and if you don’t eat everything at once (just like that or by adding it to a salad), then they can be stored in the refrigerator. At this temperature (4–8 °C), growth practically stops, and seedlings can be safely stored for up to 5 days. This is probably the only product that only gets better in the refrigerator, because the process of plant development still continues.

Radish sprouts, 4th day

If you decide to get green sprouts from seedlings, then every 4-8 hours, depending on the type of seeds, you need to moisten them (remove the mesh on which the seeds lie from the germinator and rinse it under running water).
Further germination time depends on what you want to get in the end. For example, sprouts of mung bean, radish or mustard, when they reach 3-4 cm, have a juicy taste and are an excellent addition to salads. You will have to wait about five days for this. Wheat sprouts in an automatic germinator grow up to 12–14 cm in 6–8 days.

You should start eating sprouts in small portions and it is better in the morning - this is an active food. It is especially useful to grow and use them in the spring, when the supply of vitamins in the body is already running out, and fresh vegetables and fruits have not yet ripened.
Over time, you will have favorites among the seedlings. The main thing is to act and not be afraid to experiment. For example, sprouting a mixture of hullless oats, green buckwheat and flax, we get an almost ready-made dish. Add spices or soy sauce, vegetable oil - and you get a great side dish!
By mixing sprouts with raisins, cinnamon and honey, you can get an excellent delicacy for tea.
From sprouted wheat, banana, persimmon, cloves, frozen wild berries and water in a powerful blender, you can prepare an energy cocktail that will give you incredible vigor for the whole day.
Sunflower seedlings grown up to 15 cm amaze with their taste and juiciness, not to mention the benefits.
Fresh radish seedlings are far ahead of their underground sister in value.
Sprouts are a unique product that completely refutes the conventional wisdom that healthy means tasteless. And believe me: it takes much less time to create dishes with their "participation" than to prepare traditional food. Just take some seeds, add water, and in a few days you will have your first tasty and healthy harvest!
We thank Artyom Zakharov and the Green Vitamin online store for their help in preparing the material and for the photos provided.

sprouts- very special food. This is the only case when we use a whole living organism, which is at the stage of maximum vital activity, as food. They are not damaged or altered by any processing, they are a natural product. All useful substances are built into the living tissue of a young plant.

Sprouts are suppliers of enzymes.

These substances are destroyed when heated, so there are no enzymes in our usual food (boiled, fried, stewed, baked). Without getting enzymes from food, our gastrointestinal tract throughout our lives (except for the period of breastfeeding) works with overload, due to which nutrients, vitamins and microelements are absorbed worse with age, immunity decreases, we get sick more often, we age faster.

Sprouts are the most enzyme-rich food on the planet.

Sprouts are free radical protectors.

The accumulation of these aggressive particles in the body is a consequence of unfavorable ecology, malnutrition, stress, and smoking. They are neutralized by antioxidants - a large group of natural compounds that are synthesized mainly by plants.

It is precisely at the initial stages of life, when germinating seeds are most sensitive to negative external influences (the threat of infection by pathogenic organisms living in the soil, water and air pollution), that a sharp increase in the amount of antioxidants occurs in them. This helps the plant to survive, and we get a product whose healing properties are invaluable.
Sprouts can save us from dysbacteriosis
They are an excellent source of nutrients for the beneficial microbes that live in our intestines. The best food for microflora is pectins, there are many of them in sprouts, berries and fruits.
The best way to restore and maintain the intestinal microflora is cereal seedlings.

Sprouts for beginners.

At home, wheat, rye, lentil, chickpea sprouts are usually obtained - they are the most unpretentious. In addition to the general positive effect on our condition, the sprouts of each culture have a specific healing effect.

How to eat sprouts?

Sprouts are best used in the morning (although you can also in the afternoon), on an empty stomach or mixed with any cold food, drink juice or tea. You can’t eat sprouts at night - their stimulating effect will not let you fall asleep.
You need to get used to this food gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons a day.

Within 2-3 months, you can increase the daily portion to 60-70 g (this is the maximum dose). Sprouts should be chewed well, if you have problems with your teeth, it is recommended to use a blender - add some water and fruit to the sprouts.

Myths about seedlings.

It is widely believed that after the seed has hatched and the length of the root has reached 2-3 mm, the seedlings cannot be used. This opinion is erroneous.

Types of seedlings.

The sprouts of individual crops usually do not have a pronounced taste; the slight bitterness of black sesame and amaranth sprouts can be easily eliminated by adding a little honey to them.

Oat sprouts help to avoid problems associated with dysbacteriosis.

Buckwheat sprouts (contain rutin) strengthen the walls of blood vessels, are recommended for diabetes, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, and obesity. Buckwheat seedlings normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized by the regular intake of seedlings of hullless oats, hullless barley, wheat, rye.

Allergy manifestations are reduced by flax sprouts, they are also an excellent supplier of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are necessary primarily for brain tissue.

Black sesame sprouts are the best source of calcium, they are needed by children during the period of intensive growth and tooth change, as well as by the elderly.

Amaranth sprouts contain squalene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Milk thistle sprouts (ten-day plants, taken individually) are an effective remedy for cleansing and healing the liver.

Sprouts for pregnant women.

Reception of sprouts of various cultures, including sesame, flax, lentils, buckwheat, is necessary for pregnant women and nursing mothers. At the same time, the manifestations of toxicosis are removed, the pregnancy passes without complications, and the delivery is timely.

How to germinate grain?

Better by yourself, at home. Quality seeds can be purchased at health food stores.

Pour the washed seeds with water up to 2/3 of the volume of the jar and leave them at room temperature, but not in direct sunlight. Use water either passed through a filter or spring water.
After 10-12 hours, when the seeds swell, repeat the washing procedure, drain the last water, cover the jar with a lid so that there is no active evaporation.

After 10-12 hours, when the seeds peck, rinse them again, carefully drain the last water. The sprouts are ready to eat. I recommend using them within 5 days, store at a temperature of 2-5 ° C. The container in which they are stored should not be closed too tightly (the seedlings must breathe). Sprouts will grow in the refrigerator, but their quality will improve.

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