Iris flowers are tall bearded. Amazing monochromatic irises: discovering the secret of each color

Engineering systems 07.06.2019
Engineering systems


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  • The variety of shapes and colors, the bizarre beauty of the flower give the iris the full right to be called the "northern orchid". Neither drawings nor photographs can fully convey the graceful lines of these exquisite flowers, the play of color and light, the varied texture of the flower.
  • Irises may look velvety, and can shimmer with a silky or satin sheen, play with small sparkles, like snow in the sun.

    Aroma of irises will not yield to the aromas of oriental spices: they can smell of vanilla and allspice, wisteria and lilac, valerian and even seaweed.

    Iris belongs to the Iris family, or Kasatikovyh (Iridaceae Juss). This family includes more than a hundred genera and 1700 species found on all continents. Many decorative bulbous, bulbous and rhizomatous perennials are included in this family: iris, gladiolus, crocus, tigridia, freesia, montbrecia, ixia and a number of other lesser known, but very ornamental plants.

    The genus Iris is the most extensive. Its flowers are very peculiar: they do not have sepals and petals. The beauty of the flower is made up of six petaloid perianth lobes - three upper (internal) and three lower (external).

    Master Touch - Champion of the USA, Canada, Italy, Australia and Russia

    Elizabeth Noble (Elizabeth Noble). Smith, 1953

    Tiburon (Taiburon). Gauter, 1971

    Latin Lover (Latin Laver). Snoop, 1969

    Winner's Circle (Winners Sekl). Plough, 1972

    Dutch Chocolate (Dach Choklet). Schreiner's, 1970

    Navaho Blanket (Navajo Blenkit). Schreiner's, 1978

    Starburst (Starburst). Tompkins, 1967

    stepping out (Stepping Out). Schreiner's, 1964

    The basis of the variety of irises is the class of high bearded irises. According to the American classification, it is divided into six groups:

    - MDB- the earliest flowering, the so-called miniature dwarf bearded irises with a peduncle up to 25 cm high;

    - SDB- standard dwarf bearded irises with a peduncle 25-36 cm high;

    - IB- early varieties with a peduncle 37-69 cm high and flowers with a diameter of 7.5-12.5 cm;

    - MTV- the so-called miniature bearded irises, with a peduncle 37-69 cm high and a flower diameter of 5-7.5 cm;

    - BB- border bearded late-flowering irises with a peduncle 37-69 cm high and a flower with a diameter of 7.5 cm or more;

    - TV- all tall varieties with a peduncle above 70 cm and unlimited flower sizes.

    In many European countries, America, Japan and Australia, iris is one of the most common and beloved perennials. In our country, unfortunately, this culture is not yet so popular, although the relative unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities should provide the iris with a worthy place in the design of gardens and parks.

    When landscaping it is necessary pay attention to the selection of varieties not only in terms of decorative qualities, but also in terms of flowering time, which will allow long term from June to mid-July, admire the flowers of this beautiful perennial. Irises can be planted in borders, ridges, single plantings, as well as in groups on lawns.

    It is good to supplement planting with small bulbous crops, various types sedum and saxifrage, interspersed with daffodils, lilies, colchicum. Irises are very harmoniously combined with stones. various forms and size, because in nature many species grow precisely on scree, among boulders.

    Selection and preparation of a site for planting irises

    Iris grows best in full sun., protected from the winds, on light loamy soils of neutral, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline reaction. They can grow even on clean sands, subject to regular top dressing. In heavy clay soils sand and peat should be added.

    Bearded irises do not tolerate stagnant moisture especially on heavy soils. In this case, it is necessary to plant them in high beds and ridges, or arrange drainage. Before planting, the site must be dug up to the depth of the bayonet of a garden shovel. When preparing the soil Special attention devote to cleansing it from perennial rhizomatous weeds. Especially dangerous; gout, sow thistle, couch grass.

    Reproduction of irises, dividing and transplanting irises

    Varietal irises, like many other perennials, propagate only vegetatively. Seeds are used exclusively for breeding purposes and for the propagation of species. The branched rhizome of the bearded iris consists of separate thickened links - shortened annual shoots.

    The landing division may consist of one or two fused annual links. The rhizome is broken or cut. Cutting tool be sure to disinfect with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

    Old delenki they are usually not used without leaves and living roots, but with a lack of planting material, even them can be planted. Old rhizomes and even cuttings of rhizomes germinate, increasing the multiplication rate. Before planting in delenki, the leaves are shortened by two-thirds, young roots - by half, old roots are completely removed.

    Divide and transplant bushes recommended after three to four years. Otherwise, in the fifth or sixth year, flowering weakens and thickening leads to rotting of the rhizomes. It is possible, without digging the entire bush out of the ground, to use part of it for reproduction. At the same time, it is advisable to cut out those branches of rhizomes that are intertwined with each other. A bush rejuvenated with the help of such an operation will bloom profusely for another one or two years. Using this technique, you can cultivate irises in one place for up to six years.

    Method of bud propagation of irises

    With a lack planting material using the method of bud reproduction. At the base of each leaf of the rhizome are the rudiments of the kidneys. On separate links they become large. Then the leaf fan should be cut by two-thirds, old roots should be removed, young ones should be cut, leaving them 2-3 cm long, and part of the rhizome with the leaf fan should be cut off.

    Then it is necessary to cut the rhizome lengthwise into two parts and across into cuttings 1.5-2 cm long. Disinfected for 15 minutes in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate and dried, the cuttings are planted in rows to a depth of 2-3 cm in washed or calcined sand.

    Method of bud cuttings justifies itself when the shortest time you need to get the largest number of plants from a small number of mother bushes. In all other cases, varieties of irises are easier to propagate by dividing the bushes.

    Planting, planting time for irises

    The best time for planting irises is in July-August. In July, the second wave of growth begins in irises, the roots grow intensively, so they take root very well. By August, the formation of young rhizomes is completed, which will bloom next year. Therefore, irises are sold in nurseries in August.

    Before the end of the growing season, they have time to take root well, and next year one link of the rhizome forms a strong bush, if not allowed to bloom.
    With late autumn plantings plants do not have time to take root, and late autumn or early spring frosts squeeze them out of the soil.

    Transshipment of bushes, when root system taken with a clod of earth, performed if necessary at any time of the growing season.

    It is very important to comply correct depth landings: top part rhizomes should be located at the level of the soil surface. When planted deep, the rhizomes either rot or stagnate and form stolons to reach the soil surface. For group planting, irises are recommended to be planted according to the scheme 30x30 cm, for row planting - 30x60 or 30x100 cm.

    Iris care, how to fertilize

    On poor soils per season vegetation must be carried out at least three dressings mineral fertilizers:

    - When plants begin to grow, they are fed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in a ratio of 3: 1.

    - Then after two or three weeks- nitrogen-potassium (1:1).

    - After two or three weeks after flowering, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied (3: 1: 3).
    This is very important for the irises to bloom next year.

    Late fertilization, especially nitrogen, is not recommended. so as not to increase the green mass of the plant. This may interfere with the full preparation of rhizomes for wintering. For the same reason, it is not recommended to water irises from mid-August. Irises need watering only during drought. However, when planting, during the budding period and when fertilizing, watering is required.

    - After flowering, flower stalks must be removed, since in rainy weather they can rot. In October, iris leaves are cut at a height of 10-15 cm.

    Now many frost-resistant varieties have been bred, which in temperate zone shelter is not required - they almost do not freeze slightly. More heat-loving varieties are sprinkled with a layer of earth or peat 5 cm thick, and spruce branches are placed on top.

    Severe frosts are not afraid of irises, if the height of the snow cover is at least 20 cm. They suffer much more from autumn and early spring snowless frosts.

    Helen Collingwood (Helen Collingwood). Smith, 1949. Bicolor, upper perianth lobes (VDO) - white, sparkling, lower perianth lobes (NDO) - velvety, dark purple, yellow beard. Height 90 cm. Middle late, late. Disease resistant, grows very fast.

    Elizabeth Noble (Elizabeth Noble). Smith, 1953. Bicolor, VDO - white, sparkling, NDO - velvety, dark purple, light yellow beard. Medium flowering time. Height 90 cm. Resistant to diseases, grows very quickly.

    Tiburon (Tayburon). Gauther, 1971. One-color, deep lilac, ruffled, lacy, sparkling. The beard is bright red. Height 90 cm. Medium flowering period.

    Latin Lover (Latin Laver). Snoop, 1969. Two-tone, VDO - sparkling, pink, slightly corrugated, NDO - velvety, bright purple, dense. Height 90 cm. Medium flowering period.

    Winner's Circle (Winners Circle). Plough, 1972. Single color dark purple, with a spectacular white stroke on the NDO near the beard. Perianth segments - wide, dense, velvety, slightly corrugated. Height 85 cm. Starts flowering from early varieties and ends with the late ones.

    Dutch Chocolate (Duch Choklet). Schreiner's, 1970. One-color dark chocolate with a cherry sheen, perianth segments are dense, silky, slightly corrugated. Height 90 cm. Medium early.

    Margarita (Margarita). Schreiner's, 1968. Bicolor, VDO - sparkling, lilac-white, NDO - velvety, wide, light purple with a melting light lilac border. Perianth segments dense, slightly corrugated. Height 95 cm. Medium late.

    Navaho Blanket (Navajo Blenkit). Schreiner's, 1978. Bicolor, VDO - light lilac with a golden edge, sparkling, NDO - velvety, dark purple, almost horizontal, very dense, wide. Height 85 cm. Early - mid-early.

    Starburst (Starburst). Tompkins, 1967. Single color copper-red, silky, slightly ruffled. PO height, see Middle Late.

    Dotted Swiss (Dottid Suiss). Sass, 1956. Plicata (dashed or speckled border) blue on a white background. Perianth segments dense, sparkling, slightly corrugated. Height 90 cm. Medium early.

    Stepping Out (Step Pint Out). Schreiner's, 1964. Ink purple tile on a white background. Perianth segments dense, sparkling, slightly corrugated. Height 95 cm. Medium late.

    All these varieties grow well, do not require shelter for the winter, are quite resistant to pests and diseases.

    Iris is a plant of the iris (iris) family, belonging to the perennial genus of rhizomatous flowers. They are distributed on all continents and are very popular. This plant is a distant relative of the gladiolus. In total, about 800 species are distinguished, differing in a variety of shades and shapes. According to legend, this flower was named after the goddess Irida, and in ancient Greek means "rainbow". Among the Slavic peoples, the name iris (Russia) was common, that is, desired, dear, dear; cockerel and even perunik (Ukraine).

    White irises have extraordinary beauty. They are so perfect, beautiful and filled with meaning that it is difficult to find a person who would not admire them. The fouls falling down and the lines of standards harmoniously directed upwards give a special royal majesty to the flower. Of the huge variety of flowers, it is irises that have a rich color scheme. However, pure whites are a very rare variety and are therefore highly valued.

    Historical and cultural significance of iris flowers

    The white flower of this plant, pure as the wings of an angel, was endowed with various meanings in world cultures: an expression of grief for the deceased, hallmark a noble family, a noble person. Drawings of inflorescences were decorated with flags and coats of arms. personified only positive traits. How garden culture, irises are a symbol of aristocracy and power. Archaeologists often find images of this flower on sceptres that belonged to the Egyptian pharaohs. Iris was repeatedly mentioned in the philosophical writings of Hippocrates. This flower among the ancient Greeks was a symbol of courage and was widely used in various rituals. White is traditionally considered a symbol of the Virgin Mary, so their cultivation in all monasteries was mandatory.

    flower structure

    Depending on the species, the plant may have various rods, thin or fleshy, branching rather weakly. Iris leaves are wide, xiphoid, bright or dark green. The condition of the plant can be determined by the wax coating: if it is even, then it is healthy. It is noted that the foliage until late autumn retains decorative look. Peduncles can reach a length of 90 cm. Depending on the variety, tall (more than 70 cm), medium-sized (35-70 cm) and undersized (25-35 cm) plants are distinguished.

    Irises are famous for their unusual form of inflorescence. A description of the plant can be found in specialized literature: iris petals raised up and forming a dome are called a standard (standard), and three petals lowered down are called fouls. On the lower lobes of the flower there are thick bristly outgrowths - a beard.

    Preparing for landing

    Novice gardeners are often worried about how to plant irises. According to professional plant growers, the growth and flowering of this crop depends on the thoroughness of observing all the rules. The most protected from cold winds, but at the same time, ventilated and well-lit place is suitable for landing. If you can't find something like that, you can choose penumbra. The soil should be drained, light, slightly acidic. To do this, you can add a little wood ash or lime to it. It is important to prevent the appearance of stagnant moisture, as it is a detrimental environment for irises. In addition, they do not tolerate the introduction organic fertilizers, because of which they first cease to bloom, and then rot. White irises do not tolerate the presence of weeds, especially those with a strong rhizome, so they should be planted in clean and well-groomed areas.

    Before this, the long leaves and roots of the plant should be cut at an angle. The leaf part should be no more than 15 cm. When the seedlings are healthy, you can not process them. If the plant has signs of fungus or diseases, it should be cleaned, washed and kept for 20 minutes in a solution of foundationazole or pink potassium permanganate. Purchased or dug up iris bushes should be planted in the ground as soon as possible, as their roots may become weathered. For temporary storage, but not more than 2 days, you will need a wet one, which, when planting, should be laid out to create drainage at the bottom of the hole.

    The best way to transfer to the soil is on the ridges after flowering. Such cultivation will ensure the survival of seedlings. For each flower in the flower bed, it is important to make a slight elevation: over time, the earth will sag, so at the time of rooting, the seedling will be reliably protected from the formation of stagnant water. This method of planting will protect the plant in winter frosts and thaw.

    Making combs for white irises

    On the flower bed, it is necessary to make several ridges, the distance between which should be at least 80-90 cm. With the help of a rake, two parallel rollers with hollows in the middle are formed. They should be filled with water, allowed to soak into the ground, and then form ridges. You can not plant very densely planted plants. If it is planned to place irises on the ridges for no more than 1 year, then it is permissible to make the distance between seedlings 20-25 cm. With a permanent deployment (3-4 years), the bushes should be located at least 40 cm apart, since irises grow strongly .

    Rules for planting irises

    So, how to plant irises and when is the best time to do it? The best time is from April to March. Also a favorable month for planting bushes white iris is August, the appropriate time of day is the evening, after sunset. Under such conditions, plants will take root faster. You can not deepen them too deep, however, planting too high is also not recommended. It would be optimal to make a wide hole, where to pour a handful of sand, on which to place the rhizome, and place the roots evenly inside the recess. After that, everything should be sprinkled with earth and compacted. The placement of the iris must be done so that the cut leaf part is at an angle of about 45 degrees relative to the windy side. This arrangement of the seedling will prevent the eversion of the roots when strong wind, the leaves will spring back and will not be able to break.

    If necessary, plants can be transplanted. This is permissible immediately after flowering (June - September). It is strictly not recommended to do this during flowering, since during this period their roots become weak and are not able to hold the blade of leaves in the wind.

    Rules for the care of irises

    As a rule, plants take root in the new soil after a month, after which new leaves begin to grow. There are differences in the care of irises, which were planted in late summer - early autumn or after flowering.

    The need for moisture also depends on the growing conditions and on the variety. Watering seedlings should be done on hot summer days, and in the conditions of the southern regions, ridges at the roots should be sprinkled with light sand to reflect sun rays. For irises planted in late summer or autumn, it is much easier to care for, as the earth dries out less, watering is less often required. If excess water accumulates, it is recommended to make a ditch for drainage.

    In wet summers, periodic treatment with fungicides will be required, to which an insecticide should be added to the solution, which rids the plants of voracious insects. According to the rules, processing is done in the morning, in the daytime, when the heat subsides, or at sunset. The temperature of the solution should be about 20 degrees.

    White irises bloom mainly in May-June, but there are a number of later varieties that delight with beauty from late June to July. However, if the summer is cold, then the buds will not form, respectively, the iris will bloom only next year.

    The soil should be loosened and fed, but using only mineral fertilizers. It is permissible that they include phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, since these flowers (white iris) accept only mineral elements. In equal shares in three periods, fertilizer is applied to the soil. The first top dressing should be carried out when the first sprouts just appear above the ground. The second time fertilizers are applied in a month. It is necessary to complete top dressing after flowering. Another option for fertilizing irises is also possible. Phosphorus and nitrogen are used during the first feeding, during the second feeding all useful elements are introduced, and during the third - only phosphorus and potassium. During the growing season, 9 g will be required minerals per 1 m 2 of soil. The following must be remembered: since the rhizomes of the plant are on the surface, top dressing can only be applied in dissolved and liquid form.

    At the end of the summer season, irises are often attacked by an insect called the winter cutworm. To prevent the plants from dying, periodic inspection of the leaves and root system should be carried out to detect insects and egg-laying, as they are behind a short time turn into caterpillars that can quickly destroy seedlings. The caterpillars must not be allowed to overwinter in the soil, otherwise, with the onset of spring, they will finally bring the irises to death.

    Saving irises in winter

    White irises must be carefully prepared for winter. At the end of autumn, before the onset of frost and before the first snow falls, the leaves should be cut in half, inspected, if necessary, treated with pesticides, loosen the soil with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers. You can cover irises in dry weather. First of all, you need to sprinkle the back of the root with clean sand, and then with peat to a height of up to 7 cm. The result will be a mound along which water will drain well. In some cold regions, dry leaves are used to shelter white irises.

    As a rule, this horticultural crop is resistant to frost, however, a thaw for green pets can be fatal, as water collects at the roots. But nothing threatens the plant if it is planted on a hill and well covered.

    With the onset of spring, the shelter must be removed early, in two approaches. The peat is removed first, and after a few days it will be possible to rake off the sand - so as not to harm the tender and young sprouts. For better growth and giving the plant an aesthetic appearance, it is worth removing dead, dried leaves, freeing the backs of rhizomes, airing and cleaning them, treating them with a pesticide and sprinkle with new, clean sand.

    As a rule, irises do not need abundant watering in spring. Repeated exposure chemicals should be carried out shortly before flowering, the duration of which is more than a month. The faded arrows of the plant are supposed to be cut or broken out. After that, the irises need to be fed and processed, because it is during this period that young flower buds are formed. Bushes must be grown in one place for no more than 3-4 years, then dug up, divided into several parts and transplanted to a new place, otherwise the plant will stop blooming regularly.

    Popular varieties of white iris

    As already mentioned, several hundred varieties have irises. White varieties are always in demand: flowers are used to create bouquets, decorate flower beds and garden plots, and interiors.

    There are many German varieties of white iris. For example, Immortality has a gentle White color, with a lemon yellow center. Bushes reach a height of 75 cm, the flowering period falls on May-June. Iris Immortality - perennial, its petals are even, the peduncles are erect, not requiring a garter.

    Variety Bianca reaches a height of 90 cm. This photophilous plant which does not tolerate excess moisture, therefore, it is planted in a lighted, protected from excess moisture and warm area. Flowering occurs in May-June.

    The inflorescence of the Dawn Waltz variety is very similar to an orchid. Up to two months, the plant can delight with its pale pink flowers with pearl pink styles.

    Irises Esther C.D.M. gained popularity in the 1980s. They have very powerful stems, large green leaves and huge snow-white, like the first snow, flowers that appear only at the end of June.

    The name of the variety Mesmerizer from the Hungarian language is translated as "hypnotize", "bewitch". It should be recognized that the beauty of the plant is really capable of captivating.

    Name bearded variety Lacy Snowflake in Russian sounds like Lacy Snowflake. No comment.

    Iris White Nights evokes several associations: with the nights in St. Petersburg and the famous South Park "White Nights" in the vicinity of Sochi. It has a medium-sized inflorescence, height up to 70-90 cm, blooms for a long time in June-July. Able to endure winter without much shelter.

    Smiling Angel (or Smiling Angel) is exquisite variety. Their delicate shade will be in harmony with any gamut of colors. White irises are excellently combined with other types of flowers, they look self-sufficient both in group and in a separate planting.

    Iris breeding

    Reproduction of the plant occurs by dividing the rhizome into several parts or its lobes with buds. A favorable period for this is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, and only after 4-5 years of growth of the bush in one place. If you do otherwise, the iris simply stops blooming, because over time, flower buds stop forming on the rhizome. Every year, the plant forms new root links with a bunch of leaves resembling a fan. The simplest breeding method is to divide the annual link into pieces. For two days they will need to be left indoors so that a protective wound tissue forms on the sections. They can also be sprinkled with crushed coal.

    If waiting 4-5 years is not possible, many gardeners recommend seed breeding. Each variety has its own characteristics during reproduction. For example, white Siberian or can be grown from seeds without much difficulty, and bearded ones, on the contrary, are more difficult to reproduce, since seedlings appear only 2-3 years after sowing.

    Irises in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and cooking

    But these beauties perform not only a decorative function. Irises found wide application in medicine in the fight against tuberculosis. Made from their roots essential oil, used in cosmetology, and starch, which is used in the confectionery industry. As you can see, delicate, exquisite flowers not only delight the eye, but also bring practical benefits!

    Tall bearded iris. In the description of this variety, they usually write: "royally rich."

    Standards (upper petals) - red, falls (lower petals) deep burgundy, each stem has 8-10 flowers, and sometimes up to 14. Long flowering. Winter-hardy variety iris.

    2. Iris Torero

    Belongs to the group of tall bearded irises. Standards are apricot orange, falls are strawberry red with orange beards.

    3. Iris Magical Glow

    The height of the peduncles of this iris reaches 100 cm. Each has 7-9 buds.

    The flowers are very bright, downright glowing, bright orange with red beards. Iris mid-bloom.

    4. Iris Cherry Blossom Song

    Bright, spectacular variety of iris 90 cm high - it belongs to the group of tall irises.

    Standards are pink, falls are cherry-purple with pink center rays and a pink border. Beard tangerine. Peduncles usually have 7-9 buds. Blooms very profusely. Flowering time is medium.

    5. Iris Vienna Waltz

    Extraordinarily beautiful iris 90 cm high. The petals are corrugated, at the base they have a light milky pink hue, turning to the edge into a rich orchid pink color. The lower petals are lighter than the upper ones. Flowering time is late.

    6. Iris Daring Deception

    The height of the peduncle of this iris reaches 90 cm. The flower is huge, wide, highly corrugated. The standards are white with light purple bases and a wide white border on plush dark purple falls. Medium flowering time.

    7. Iris One of a Kind

    Iris 90 cm high. The standards are pale lilac, with dark red thin veins and wide border from the same veins. The falls are velvet, the color of ripe cherries. From the golden beard there are thin white rays. Ruffled, super lacy iris variety. During flowering, it emits a faint musky aroma. Mid-late flowering period.

    8. Iris midnight treat

    It belongs to tall varieties - its flower stalks reach 90 cm.
    The standards are purplish-violet, the falls are almost black with purple edging and wonderful shirring. The beard is dark purple. The flowers are large. Iris mid-early flowering.

    9. Iris Celestial Explosion

    This variety of iris has a very interesting flower color. Violet standards and white falls covered with a marvelous purple mottling with darker purple edges. Beards are bronze-yellow. The flower is corrugated. On one peduncle - up to 12 buds! early term flowering.

    10. Iris Swingtown

    Tall (90 cm) iris. The flowers are super corrugated, dark crimson with a purple beard. The bush is powerful. Flowering time is average.

    11. Iris Mere du Sud

    The iris is 90 cm high. The falls and standards are clear blue, the beard is blue. The petals are heavily corrugated.

    12. Iris Barbara Rider

    The iris is 97 cm high. It is amazingly beautiful - bright yellow standards turn into a yellow base of lavender-blue falls with a mustard-colored koyma. Late flowering.

    13. Iris Who Need a Prince

    The name of this variety in translation is “Who needs a prince”. This one is for everyone! It is tall - more than 100 cm. And its flowers have an unusual combination of colors - lemon yellow standards and plum purple falls. The beard is yellow. Medium flowering variety.

    Iris with a strong pleasant aroma!

    14. Iris Slew O'Gold

    Iris height 94 cm. Yellow with white veins around a salmon-orange beard.

    15. Iris Rodeo Girl

    This variety is the result of the most complex crossbreeding scheme. Height 107 cm. Standards burgundy red, falls bright yellow with burgundy red piping around the edge. Beards are yellow. Medium flowering time.

    16. Iris County Cork

    Iris 97 cm high. Its color is described in different ways - lemon yellow, green-yellow. But there is definitely no dispute about one thing - it is very gentle. Straw-coloured beard.

    17. Iris Action Packed

    The height of the iris peduncle is 91 cm. The standards are all literally dotted with wine veins emanating from the center to the edges. The falls are velor, black and purple with showy white streaks, surrounding orange-gold beards. Corrugated petals!

    18. Iris Tango Amigo

    Peduncle - 91 cm. Flowers of a very unusual color: pale white standards with a pink infusion along the main vein, coffee-and-cream-colored falls with pale brown veins. The beard is orange. Ruffled and slightly lacy iris.

    19. Iris Johnny Reb

    Very showy tall variety of iris. Its petals shimmer in pink and purple. The flowers are very bright and large.

    20. Iris brazilian art

    Height 81 cm. Very beautiful iris with 7-8 flowers on one peduncle. Apricot Standards transition to the same fouls but with a wide red-purple border and a distinct light edging. The beard is orange.

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