Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Very beautiful Irises: photo, description, the best varieties of flowers

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
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The first in the list of garden favorites can be safely put bearded irises, their main distinguishing feature is a fluffy strip located along the central vein of the outer and sometimes inner flower petals.

Intensive breeding work with bearded irises began in early XIX century in Europe. Garden varieties of bearded irises are obtained by crossing eight types of iris: German iris (Iris germanica), motley (Iris variegata), pale (Iris pallida), leafless, Cypriot, Mesopotamian, Kashmir, Trojan. Therefore, bearded irises are still often called Germanic irises in commercial labeling. This outdated name has now been replaced by another, which very accurately reflects the essence - hybrid iris (Iris hybrida hort.), After all, all varieties of bearded irises are hybrids obtained as a result of multiple crosses (artificial pollination). This is truly a flower self made”, a masterpiece created by man in union with nature.

In addition to the border, patterns of strokes of different colors, complex combinations of different colors that turn into each other, many modern varieties have a specific texture of the petals. It creates special visual effects, giving pastels an alabaster haze or waxy translucency, and dark ones a velvety depth. Irises, like daylilies, have varieties with a "diamond coating" that sparkle in the sun or shimmer in the summer twilight.
In bearded irises, a thick perennial rhizome is located horizontally flush with the soil, long cord-like roots extend from it, forming a fibrous root system. The xiphoid leaves, covered with a bluish wax coating, are folded like a fan. An iris flower has three perianth lobes: those that look up are called "standards", those that look down are called "fouls".

In ancient varieties of irises, the fouls are narrow, similar to the protruding tongue of a dog. Modern varieties have wide, rounded falls, domed or crowned standards, and variously shaped corrugations. Distinctive feature irises of recent decades are wide fluffy beards, turning in a group of varieties into colored "horns", "spoons" or "frills".

The color of the flowers has also reached an amazing variety. But, despite the deliberate efforts of hybridizers, until the iris is uniquely red, numerous attempts to get it led to the creation of a large number of red-burgundy varieties. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the modern range of irises covers the entire range of colors, including black.

According to the American Iris Society, the leader and legislator of modern bearded iris breeding, there are over 80,000 varieties today. In the AIS classification, irises are divided into six garden groups, which differ in the height of the peduncle, flower size and flowering time. To choose the right plants for your garden, you should get to know them better.


To describe the color features of bearded irises, a number of terms have been adopted:
plikata - on a light background, a pattern of dark dots and strokes, merging along the edge into a border;
luminata - patterned highlights on a dark background, standards are lighter;
blend (iridescent) - two or more colors smoothly transition into each other;
amena - white or lighter standards in a two-color flower, modern varieties have "reverse amena" when the standards are darker than the lower falls;
splash ("torn color") - against the background of the main color, numerous strokes and strokes of other colors.


Originators - this is the name of the creators of new varieties - in the process of working with the plant endow the flower with new properties. This is a special kind of creativity, aimed at finding a new visual image: in color, proportions and form. Therefore, figuratively speaking, all garden irises are works of art.

The most hardy and winter-hardy

The lower the iris, the faster it blooms, and therefore you will be the first to be greeted dwarf irises. Yes, they are not so small, 40 cm is an excellent growth for flowering in the first decade of May. "Dwarfs" (SDB) are higher than ground cover, small bulbs and perennials that are just getting out of the ground, but on a par with or slightly lower than daffodils and tulips. They hibernate without shelter, they are undemanding to the soil, they do not need watering, the heat of our summer is enough for them to multiply and bloom profusely. That is why, despite their low growth, dwarf irises have become one of the most fashionable and in demand for cultivation in temperate climates.

Low flowers in single and group planting organically look among the stones and ground cover plants on an alpine hill, bringing color accents to the composition. The fantastic variety of colors of "dwarfs" allows you to create amazing combinations both on the basis of contrast and within the same color range. Plant dwarf irises along with tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, miniature primroses, and the eternal problem - the bare ground under the bulbs - will be forgotten forever.

Abundant and early flowering, unpretentiousness and fertility put dwarf irises out of competition when creating extended borders and flowering arrays of a large area, on lawns, in near-trunk circles of trees, on sunny slopes. In the May garden, barely covered with the first greenery, a bright carpet of blooming irises will attract everyone's attention, and at the end of flowering it will become almost invisible. Iris leaves, pointed with a bluish bloom, retain their decorative effect throughout the season, but they are small in height, so they do not block other plants, being content with the role of a tactful background. It is possible to divide and transplant dwarf irises even during flowering; after a warm summer, they often bloom again in August - September. "Dwarfs" can be grown in container culture, on balconies and loggias, they feel good in pots and are easy to force out in the cold season.

The most friendly

In early June, the flowering relay passes to medium-sized bearded irises up to 70 cm high, this group consists of Intermedia (IB), Table (MTB) and Border (BB) irises. The flowers of the irises of this group can be very large and numerous, but due to the lower height of the peduncles, they are resistant to the wind. Table irises, as their name suggests, will decorate not only the garden, but also the house. Their graceful flowers on strong peduncles are ideal for making bouquets. A cut flower opens all the buds, which allows it to retain its decorative effect in a vase for a long time. Moreover, such a bouquet can bloom for you by the New Year or March 8 - medium-sized irises lend themselves perfectly to distillation and are able to fully bloom indoors in winter.
The flowering of the newest varieties of foreign selection is simply amazing by the size, shape of the flowers, and the amazing play of shades. However, being plants of southern origin, they may require additional attention during the period of adaptation to new climatic conditions. This is especially true for peach-pink colors, they are most vulnerable to frost.
In early June, in the off-season, when the primroses have already departed, and the annuals and perennials are still preparing to bloom, it is the medium-sized irises that will add the missing colors to the garden palette. Medium-sized irises winter stably, grow rapidly, forming lush bushes with many peduncles.

This is the most versatile class of irises, excellent both in a single planting and in all forms of a group.

In addition to creating borders and large arrays, medium-sized irises are best suited for planting on slopes, their powerful root system will hold the soil layer and prevent terrain deformation.

"High genre"

Tall Irises (TV)- born soloists. By growing such a meter-long handsome man near a house or a path, you will give yourself the incomparable pleasure of watching the birth of a flower, changing its outlines and shades as it grows. An iris bush can produce 10-15 peduncles, each of which can open up to 25 flowers at the same time. Of particular interest is the collection of irises for connoisseurs of aromas, because the variety of smells in different varieties of bearded irises is no less than the range of colors and shapes.

Jasmine, peonies, foxglove, daylily, geyhera and onions blooming at the same time will serve as an excellent backdrop for irises. The outstanding decorative qualities of many modern varieties with massive peduncles, large corrugated flowers will be emphasized by the discreet "accompaniment" of decorative leaf crops (chistetsa, sage, hosts, bergenia, wormwood, cuffs, stonecrops and young).
In all classes of bearded irises, there are varieties capable of re-blooming, this property is called remontant and is indicated by the abbreviation (RE). But in the middle lane, this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. In our climate, re-blooming in autumn is very irregular and occurs in dwarf and medium-sized irises after a very warm summer. All remontant varieties continue to grow actively in autumn, not having time to enter a state of dormancy before the onset of frost, which is necessary for a successful wintering. Therefore, re-blooming irises are the least cold-resistant and difficult to grow group of varieties.
In a group planting, varieties of pastel colors or just similar in color look harmonious. Be especially attentive to two-color irises, they rarely “go” to plant in a single array. In the field of contrasting combinations, a non-linear arrangement of curtains of a sufficiently large area opens up a lot of opportunities; it is desirable to arrange groups from an odd number of varieties.

The June bloom of tall bearded irises is truly magnificent! Their advantages are obvious, and the variety of varieties will satisfy the most demanding connoisseur. The choice depends entirely on your tastes and the location of the garden. I will only note that high (TV) is the most demanding class of irises in terms of growing conditions.

The most unpretentious and resistant to cold, pests and diseases are the irises of the old classic varieties, bred in the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, for all their endurance, they are significantly inferior modern varieties for decorative qualities. Beginning flower growers should pay attention first of all to the varieties of domestic selection, one of the main priorities of which was the breeding of varieties that are most resistant to cold and disease.


The planting unit of the bearded iris, the so-called "delepka", is a segment of a thick rhizome with roots extending from it and a fan of leaves, which are shortened to a length of 10-15 cm. High-quality delenki have clearly visible buds on the sides. You can plant irises from May to September, so planting material goes on mass sale in early spring. Wherever you buy irises, be sure to take the delenka in your hands and carefully inspect the plant. pair yellowing outer leaves it is quite acceptable, but if softened areas of the rhizome, mold or stains are found, you should refrain from acquiring.

Bearded irises are very sensitive to excess moisture. Humidity, especially in combination with heat, is detrimental to planting material. Mature rhizomes are not afraid of drying and can be stored in a dry and cool place for up to 2 months. This feature contributed to the widespread culture of bearded irises, because delenki perfectly tolerates mailing. Therefore, the most rational way to purchase planting material that is healthy and appropriate for the variety is to contact collectors.

The largest association of iris lovers, as well as breeders and competent producers of planting material is Russian society iris. Within the framework of this non-profit association of flower growers, exhibitions, training seminars, official registration of new varieties are held, and the purchase of planting material of Russian and foreign selection is coordinated. Anyone can become a member of the ROI, the association maintains an official website (http//rusiris.narod.ru) and annually publishes the bulletin "Irises of Russia" with an overview of the most significant events in the modern world of irises, articles on agricultural technology and selection of these plants. Company address: 129110 Moscow, st. Gilyarovsky, 36-23.

What is important to take into account when purchasing planting material from private collections?

The level of collection management is largely evidenced by the catalog - a list of proposed varieties with a description that informs you as much as possible about the properties of the variety. Be sure to indicate the class of the variety according to the height of the peduncle. The name is followed by the name of the breeder, the year of registration of the variety, a description of the color, features and awards received.
The times when you could basically dream of new selections are over. Now we recklessly flip through catalogs, jumping from site to site in search of interesting varieties. But the greater the choice, the more difficult it is to make it. Lay and maintain a solid foundation iris garden one "golden" rule will allow - first of all, choose varieties that have been awarded awards.
Collectors who value their reputation and circle of customers offer a system of discounts, bonuses, guarantees and order approvals, following the world practice of offering planting material. Including its unwritten law: the older the variety, the lower its price. The high cost of the latest varieties is explained not only by their outstanding decorative qualities, but also by the number of plants themselves. In irises, the new variety reproduces only vegetatively, that is, by dividing one "original" plant obtained from the seed, therefore, by the time the variety is officially registered, the number of plants - its carriers is small, and it is customary to set the highest price for the right to own them. For reference: the price of varieties of the current year among the luminaries of the American selection ranges from 30 to 50 dollars.


Selecting a landing site

In order for the flowering to be regular and plentiful, the site for planting bearded irises should be as warm, light as possible, and when planting tall irises, be sure to be protected from the wind. Bearded irises do not tolerate excessive moisture, so flooded lowlands are not for them; in areas with high groundwater, planting is possible on raised ridges.

Soil preparation

The best soil for irises is light loam. Clay soils can be improved by adding sand and peat, acidic soils can be neutralized with dolomite flour, clay and well-rotted compost can be added to sandy soils. The soil under the irises should pass water and air well. In the fight for porosity, all means are good - coarse sand, crushed brick, fine limestone, and charcoal will do.

Excess nitrogen reduces winter hardiness and increases the risk of bacterial infections, so organic additives (completely rotted compost or manure humus) can be applied in small quantities to the lower soil layer, to the depth of thin roots, avoiding contact with a thick rhizome.

For getting large plants exhibition quality (especially high irises) practice landing on two-layer raised ridges. The bottom layer of the soil consists of compost with the addition of dolomite flour, long-acting mineral fertilizers or a phosphorus-potassium complex, the top layer of the ridge (10-15 cm) is sand.


You can plant irises and replant with a clod of earth from May to September, the best time is July, since at this time the active growth of new roots begins. Planting young delenok should begin with disinfection. To do this, it is enough to withstand them for 15-30 minutes. in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If the weather is sunny, put the delenki in the sun for several days so that the rhizome is illuminated from all sides. Such a "tan" destroys pathogenic bacteria and contributes to better survival and the formation of flower buds.

The perennial rhizome should remain on the soil surface when planted. Make a hole with a scoop, fill the bottom with a mound of earth (and best of all a mixture of sand and wood ash). Keep the rhizome flush with the soil surface, spread the roots along the sides of the mound, as if planting a delenka astride the mound. Backfill the hole, pressing the soil tightly around the roots with your hands. Water generously to make sure the delenka does not fall. It is not necessary to water the plantings anymore, it is important that all planted plants maintain an upright position, and the rhizome is not buried. Planted delenki can be supported from the side of the leaves with sticks or stones, after 2-3 weeks, new growing roots will provide the plant with proper contact with the soil.

And the last step, optional, but very far-sighted, is the installation of a label with the name of the variety. A disposable plastic knife will serve as such a label. Write the name of the variety with an indelible marker and stick it next to the plant.

The higher the iris, the more space he needs. And the more often you plant irises, the sooner you will have to plant the plants. When planting irises in groups, it is desirable to place plants at a distance from each other: for tall irises 30-40 cm, for medium-sized ones - 15-20, for dwarf ones - 10-15 cm. In the process of growth, bearded irises move, the rhizome moves forward along the soil surface, therefore, during curb planting, all divisions should look in one direction, it is better to orient the cut on the rhizome to the southeastern sector, so the rhizome will be better illuminated and warmed up. When nesting, delenki are placed with slices towards the center.


In the spring, after the snow melts, it may seem that the irises have died, but do not rush to conclusions. If the rhizome is hard, after 1-2 weeks the iris will turn lush green. Treat the iris and the surrounding soil with ash or one of the fungicides. Wood ash for irises is both a hygiene product and a fertilizer; it is applied several times a season.

Most often, the upper part of the rhizome with a flower bud freezes out. Cut the damaged area to a solid healthy tissue as soon as possible. Iris renewal buds are laid on the sides of the rhizomes, so even a radically “operated” iris has a chance of survival. Fresh cuts on the rhizome should always be disinfected. Here are the remedies from the vast experience of practitioners; a mixture of sulfur and charcoal, brilliant green, fukortsin, potassium permanganate, metronidazole powder. Try to provide the rhizomes with maximum illumination, solar ultraviolet is the best way to combat bacteriosis.

The need for bearded irises in moisture is covered by the amount of natural precipitation, they do not need regular watering, watering is desirable in dry summers for tall irises during the flowering period. In the non-chernozem zone, the development and winter hardiness of plants can be stimulated by fertilizing. In spring, nitrogen-phosphorus (3:1), during budding - nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (1:1:1), 2-3 weeks after flowering - phosphorus-potassium (1:1). Fertilizers are applied to moist soil, preventing granules from getting on the rhizome.
Disease prevention and protection

The main care for irises comes down to disease prevention. The occurrence of rot caused by various types bacteria, contribute to dampness, excess organic matter, thickened plantings and long-term cultivation in one place. When a disease is detected, there is only one way to fight: the affected part of the plant is cut out, the rest is treated with fungicidal agents (see above).

An effective measure for the prevention and control of rots of various origins is the introduction of preparations of live bacteria into the soil under irises (Trichodermin, Gliocladin), which suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Spring sowing in areas intended for summer planting of irises, annual green manure crops (white mustard, phacelia), followed by planting them to a depth of about 20 cm, will improve the soil and provide irises with optimal nutrition.

In the second half of summer, brown spots and yellowing ends can be seen on the foliage of irises. Spotting caused by various pathogens does not directly threaten the life of the plant, but spoil the appearance and can affect winter hardiness. To keep the foliage healthy will help: regular preventive spraying of foliage with fungicides (foundazol, "Maxim",

0.2% copper oxychloride), spacious planting, pre-winter leaf pruning (and even subsequent whitewashing with lime).


Irises of domestic selection and time-tested foreign varieties that have been grown in the middle lane for a long time are distinguished by the greatest winter hardiness. For most irises, 30 cm of snow is sufficient frost protection. The most vulnerable are the novelties of the world selection of tall irises. The potential of their winter hardiness and methods of shelter have to be established empirically.

Most of the dwarf and medium-sized irises in the garden near Moscow can winter without shelter. In high irises in November, before the cold weather, the rhizomes are covered with earth by 8-10 cm, and when the soil is seized with frost, they are covered with spruce branches or any breathable material on top.

The most reliable way to shelter bearded irises is "dry wintering".

AT rainy autumn a low rigid canopy is installed above the irises so that the soil remains dry and the shelter is blown through. With the onset of the first frost, the foliage is cut off at a height of 10 cm, the plants are sprayed with a fungicide and covered with lutrasil over the canopy.

A small number of plants can be covered with mesh plastic boxes and lutrasil or caps from plastic containers with holes at the bottom. Any method that allows you to keep the air circulation under the shelter is good.

Many consider them rustic, but in fact the bearded iris flower is very multifaceted - a magnificent collection of bearded irises will simply transform a summer flower garden in any area, make it unique and colorful. Thanks to the huge number of garden varieties of this plant, everyone will be able to choose for themselves the flower that will perfectly suit the purpose.

In this article, we will consider the features of growing bearded iris - the most popular species among gardeners, give a description of the varieties of this flower, and also note the basic rules of how to plant bearded iris and how to care for it.

Botanical description and features of bearded iris

Bearded iris is a perennial rhizomatous plant that belongs to the Kasatikovye or Iris family. These bright and unusual flowers can be found on almost all continents, therefore, without false modesty, the bearded iris should be called an international flower. These are such unique flowers that it is difficult to even convey their beauty and main features. Bearded irises in nature can easily interbreed and thus create new bright varieties. It was this feature that attracted breeders from all over the world and made it possible to breed several tens of thousands of different varieties of bearded iris.

There are a large number of legends associated with the appearance of this flower on earth, with the origin of its name. Iris is translated from Latin as "rainbow". That was the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow Irida, who was the link between the gods and people. She personified a beautiful and fragile girl with two delicate wings behind her back, ready to fly into the sky at the slightest call, sparkling with all the shades of the rainbow. In honor of this goddess, irises flowers were named, which, like the smallest fragments of a rainbow, adorn fields and meadows. There is another legend about the appearance of this beautiful flower. She refers us to the times of the reign of the gods and the appearance of Prometheus in the world. At the moment when Prometheus gave fire to people, a rainbow flashed in the sky, which gave people light and joy all day, all evening and all night. This is how nature expressed its jubilation. And when the sun rose in the morning, there was no rainbow in the sky, but the whole earth was strewn with bright colors of irises, which resembled fragments of a multi-colored rainbow.

The first mention of iris flowers was recorded 2000 years ago. The painted flower was discovered by archaeologists in the palace of Minos, and many years later the iris became a sacred and revered flower on the island of Cyprus. Now the bearded iris flower is a favorite flower not only of numerous breeders for whom working with it is a pleasure, but also of millions of gardeners who have appreciated its beauty and unpretentiousness.

Description of bearded iris:

  • Bearded iris is a perennial rhizomatous plant that has become widespread throughout the world.
  • Today there is a rather complicated classification of iris species, which is difficult for an ordinary gardener to understand. So the fans of this extraordinary flower group all varieties very simply: bearded and not bearded. Bearded irises are the most popular variety, which attracts gardeners with bright colors and an interesting form of inflorescences.
  • The root system of bearded irises is superficial, sometimes showing up from the ground. It has many small thread-like roots. By appearance has several annual seals that spread and allow the plant to grow.
  • Every spring, an annual peduncle grows from the rhizome, on which flowers subsequently bloom.
  • The leaves of the iris are bearded long and flat, they can be xiphoid or linear in shape, very thin, covered with a wax coating.
  • The leaves are arranged in two-row fan beams at the very base of the peduncle. These are root leaves. Stem leaves are small, there are very few of them.
  • The color of the leaves is light green.
  • By height, bearded plants are divided into several groups: dwarf - up to 35 cm high, intermedia - 40-75 cm high and high bearded irises - up to 2 m high.
  • The main decoration of the bearded iris is its flowers, which amaze with a variety of shades and intricate shapes.
  • The flower consists of 6 petals, which are arranged in two tiers. Three of them rise with a dome upwards, and the remaining three are slightly lowered and bent down. The colors of the petals are often multi-colored: red-orange-yellow, blue-blue, purple-blue with white. Among the variety of shades, there is not only pure red.
  • The name of the bearded iris variety comes from a small beard on bent petals, which consists of small woolly hairs, often of a contrasting shade. Hence the name of this variety.
  • The flowers of the bearded iris can be single or collected in small inflorescences. A large bush can have about 10 flowers on one peduncle.
  • Flowering begins around the end of May or early June. One flower can bloom 3-5 days.
  • Some varieties have a pleasant aroma, so they are often grown for industrial purposes to obtain essences for cosmetology.
  • After the flowers have faded, the fruits appear on the plant in the form of a three-celled box.

A variety of varieties of bearded iris

Irises have long been considered one of the most popular garden flowers, the variety of colors and shapes of which is simply amazing. The most popular are bearded irises, which group includes approximately 35,000 different varieties that differ in height, shape and size of inflorescences, color. Today there is a very complex classification of species and varieties of irises, which is quite difficult for ordinary gardeners to understand. Many still distribute according to the beard on the petals. Consider the description of the best bearded irises.

  • Variety "Beverly Hills". This is a tall bearded iris, the peduncle can reach a height of about 90 cm. The leaves of this flower are long and narrow, have a bright green tint. Bush bearded iris grows rapidly. The flower is medium in size, its shade is coral pink with a lacy reddish beard. Flowering variety Beverly Hills begins in early July.

  • Variety of bearded iris "Burgomaster". Another tall variety, the peduncle of which can reach a height of about 80 cm. The flower is medium in size, the petals are orange-purple on the edge, dark purple inside. Inside the flower, the petals are slightly yellowish with a pinkish tinge.
  • Sort "Batik". This variety of bearded iris can reach a height of about 70-80 cm. The leaves are narrow, they do not lose their bright green color until the end of summer. The flowers are quite large, up to 16-16 cm each. By the name of the variety, it is clear that the color of the petals will be in the well-known artistic technique of batik. Flower purple hue With large quantity white veins.

  • Variety "Summer Night". A beautiful, tall variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of 80-90 cm. Medium-sized flowers of a bright purple hue with a yellow core. The flowering of this variety of iris begins in early or mid-July. Flowers have a pronounced fragrance.
  • Variety of bearded iris "Starfall". A tall variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of 75-80 cm. The flowers are medium in size, their shade is light yellow with a bright orange beard.
  • Variety of bearded iris "Arkady Raikin". Tall iris, which has a bright beautiful shade. The flowers are medium in size, the petals of which are pink-red in color with a contrasting orange beard. The flowers have a strong fragrance.

  • Variety of bearded iris "Abkhazia". These are medium-sized flowers that are distinguished by a late flowering period. Flowers are large, purple-brown. Petals along the edge are strongly wavy, have many folds, due to which the flower seems to be fringed.
  • Variety of bearded iris "Guards". This variety of bearded iris is considered one of the tallest and most fragrant, which will be an excellent decoration for any site. The flowers are large, reach a diameter of about 15 cm, consist of bright yellow petals.
  • Variety of bearded iris "Elbrus Diamond". This variety of iris is also very popular among gardeners. A tall plant that can reach about 80-90 cm. The flowers are massive, white in color with a bright orange-yellow core and veins on the petals.
  • Variety "Caribbean Dream". A medium-sized variety of bearded iris, which is distinguished by a delicate vanilla aroma. The flowers are large, have a bright blue hue of the petals.

  • A variety of bearded iris "Crowd Heads". This variety of iris is a real miracle of selection. Plants of medium height, the middle of the flowers has a bright purple-blue hue, the extreme petals are silver-blue. The flower has a wonderful fragrance.
  • Sort "Noon in Rio". Beautiful variety bearded iris in bright purple tones. The petals of the flower are bright purple with a lacy wavy edge. The beard has a golden color.
  • Variety "Nain Lives". A dwarf variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of about 25-35 cm. The central petals are creamy, the outer petals are dark red-burgundy with a wide light pink border and a central golden spot.

Reproduction of bearded iris: common methods

Most often, planting material for bearded irises is purchased from specialized stores. However, if a beautiful bush of this bright flower, you can try to breed an additional lot of young plants. There are several ways to do this: seed propagation, vegetative reproduction - division of the rhizome, bud method. Let us consider in more detail the main nuances of each method of reproduction.

Seed propagation of bearded iris

  • Seed propagation is used extremely rarely, since in its process the plant completely loses its maternal characteristics.
  • First of all, it is necessary to collect seeds in the fall, then decide on the time of sowing.
  • To do this, seeds can be sown in autumn or spring. However, when planting in the spring, the seeds must go through a process of stratification.
  • Seeds must first be soaked and then dried. Then they are mixed with clean coarse sand and placed in a container, after which they are put in the refrigerator.
  • If you decide to sow immediately after collecting the seeds, then be sure to prepare the soil in advance, dig it up and loosen it.
  • After that, place the seeds in the soil to a depth of about 1.5-2 cm.
  • Seedlings will appear in the spring, but most of them germinate only in the second year after planting.

Reproduction of bearded iris by dividing the rhizome

  • This method of reproduction is considered the most popular and frequently used, since every three years the bearded iris bushes still need to be planted due to the loss of decorativeness.
  • You can start the propagation method by dividing the rhizome at the end of the summer dormancy of the iris.
  • To do this, the bush can be completely dug up or the delenki can be separated immediately from the bush growing in the flower bed.
  • The excavated rhizome must be washed under water, and then divided into the required number of divisions so that each side has several healthy buds, a sufficient number of roots and a leaf fan consisting of 5-7 leaves.
  • The fan of leaves is shortened to about 15 cm, the roots also need to be cut to 10-15 cm.
  • After that, the delenki are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which they must be allowed to dry in the sun.
  • Delenki landed in a permanent place.
  • Irises planted with cuttings may bloom as early as next year.

Reproduction of bearded iris by bud method

  • Sometimes gardeners resort to the bud method of breeding bearded irises. This is especially true in cases where it is urgently necessary to breed rare varieties of bearded iris.
  • Each rhizome has axillary buds in the form of small tubercles.
  • It is necessary to cut the rhizome into several links with buds or cut a bud with a knife.
  • After that, the resulting kidneys must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or another disinfectant and planted in containers or boxes for growing.
  • In this way, you can get a large number of young plants at once.

Preparation before planting bearded iris

Bearded iris is one of the most popular flowers among flower growers, as this beautiful plant contains the beauty and brightness of inflorescences and unpretentiousness in cultivation. However, like any other culture, bearded iris requires careful planting before planting. preparatory work, which consists in acquiring high-quality and healthy planting material and choosing on your site perfect place for landing. Only after that you will get a beautiful and abundantly flowering plant.

Stage 1. Selection of varieties and seedlings of bearded iris

  • First of all, you need to decide on the choice of a particular variety of bearded iris. This is not easy to do, since today there are more than 35,000 varieties of this beautiful view plants.
  • Choose a bearded iris variety depending on the planting site. Taller varieties can be purchased for the central part of the flower bed, and undersized ones will look perfect as a border plant.
  • You need to buy iris delenki only in a specialized store or garden center, this is the only way you can be sure of the quality of the purchased material. You can also take iris delenki from friends at the moment when the bearded iris is transplanted.
  • In stores, delenki are most often sold in transparent bags with a filler, for example, with sawdust.
  • Carefully inspect the division, it is better to choose large and healthy divisions that take root and bloom faster.
  • The purchased delenka must have at least one link with buds and roots. The rhizome itself should be dense and resilient, without traces of decay and softening. Yellowish spots should be clearly visible on it - signs of the appearance of future roots.
  • Delenka can be bought at any time of the year, as this planting material is not afraid of drying out. Most importantly, you can not store it in a package.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for planting bearded iris

  • Bearded iris is considered unpretentious culture and does not require the creation of special conditions for growing, however, in order to obtain a brightly flowering flower, it is important to choose the right place.
  • Bearded iris will grow well only in a sunny area, only slight shading is allowed in the afternoon.
  • You should not plant irises in the shade of trees or shrubs, as the rhizome of this plant does not tolerate any shading.
  • The place you have chosen should be protected from drafts and strong winds, as a strong gust can simply break the delicate flowers of bearded iris.
  • It is best to plant irises on an inclined plane, as these flowers do not like stagnant moisture at the rhizome.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for bearded iris

  • For planting irises, it is important to find a site with a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. If there is none, then lime can be added with a strong soil acid, and peat and sand can be added with a heavy one.
  • The soil should be light and breathable, even rocky soil will do.
  • Bearded irises should not be planted on clay soils that retain moisture.
  • The soil should not have a large number of weeds that can become a carrier of diseases. A large number of organics are also very bad for flowers.
  • Before planting, carefully dig the selected area and loosen the place well.

Planting bearded iris - instructions

  • Bearded iris is planted in autumn, when the roots of the plant become hard and dense and will not break.
  • Next, in a place prepared in advance, dig right amount planting holes, the size of which will depend on the size of the divisions.
  • At the bottom of each, it is important to pour a good layer of drainage, as this plant does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of moisture at the roots. Small stones, expanded clay or large and clean sand can be used as drainage.
  • Next, in the center of the hole, you need to pour a small mound of soil and place a division of the bearded iris on it, and distribute all the roots around it.
  • After that, you need to sprinkle the roots of the iris with soil, and the rhizome itself is slightly covered with clean sand with a layer of about 1-2 cm.
  • If you plant delenki in the fall, be sure to cover them with mulch so that they do not freeze out. When planted in summer, the plants will have time to take root.
  • Plants need to be watered after planting.

Agrotechnics of growing bearded iris: secrets and nuances of care

Bearded irises are rather unpretentious plants, however, despite this, they constantly need regular and close care, which should consist of elementary actions familiar to every gardener. Proper care of bearded irises will ensure beautiful and brightly flowering plants.

  • Watering. Bearded irises have the ability to accumulate moisture in their rhizome, so they can do without watering for a long time. It is necessary to bring water under the root of these plants only during extreme heat and obvious drying of the soil. Young delenki also need abundant soil moisture.
  • Loosening and weeding. Irises also need regular loosening. however, it is important to remember here that the root system of this plant is superficial, and the tuber can generally be located on the surface. Therefore, you need to loosen very carefully, trying not to damage the tuber, which will be hard to recover. It is important to constantly remove weeds that can become a source of disease.
  • Top dressing. Bearded irises respond well to top dressing, however, it is necessary to choose fertilizers with a minimum nitrogen content, as well as to add less organic matter. Usually feed the plant three times per season. The first feeding is done in the spring before flowering - around the end of April. In this case, sodium nitrate can be used. The second top dressing is carried out during the budding period, when ammonium sulfate can be used as a fertilizer. The third feeding is recommended two weeks after flowering. At this time, you can feed the irises with phosphate and potash fertilizers.
  • Iris transplant. A few years after planting, the rhizome of the plant begins to grow, and the central part becomes lifeless. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the bearded iris, as the flower loses its decorative effect, the peduncles become shorter, and the flowers are smaller. It is recommended to repot irises every 3-4 years. Dwarf forms of bearded iris can be transplanted less frequently, as they can grow in one place for up to 10 years.
  • Pruning. After the flowering of the iris, its flower stalks must be cut off, and before the onset of winter, the leaves of the plant are also cut off at a height of 10-15 cm.
  • Shelter for the winter. Russian varieties of bearded iris can winter without shelter. however, more delicate imported varieties should still be covered. To do this, the soil is spudded with peat and covered with fallen leaves, preferably oak, since rodents do not live in it. After that, the plants are covered with spruce branches.

Bearded irises - photo

Bearded irises are the most popular representatives of their family, which have long been the favorites of many gardeners. These luxurious flowers with their bright colors can replace a whole flower bed of other flowering plants, while not requiring any additional effort or expense from you.

For a century and a half of growing irises, many of their varieties have been bred, one of which is the bearded iris. They got their name because of the so-called beards located on the outer parts of the perianth.

On the basis of plants belonging to this species, many hybrids have been bred and they are used for decorative purposes. This variety includes many large-flowered irises. Depending on the height of the peduncle itself, these plants are divided into several subgroups: undersized, reaching a height of 25 to 37 cm; medium-sized - from 37 to 70 cm and tall - from 70 cm and above.

Bearded irises: varieties and varieties

Flower growers usually grow such varieties of bearded irises as:

  • Iris Alberta. In this variety, the peduncle is branched, it reaches a height of 60 cm. On 1 plant, 3-5 or less often only 7 flowers can bloom, which have a purple color and are odorless. Rarely the flowers are white. The leaves are wide and have a purple-violet hue at the base. This plant variety begins to bloom in late May - early June. This iris tolerates winter well and is resistant to bacteriosis. True, it is also not without its shortcomings - the ends of its leaves often dry out, and their wrapper swells. This flower looks great in front gardens or on rocky hills.
  • Iris is leafless. It reaches a height of 50 cm, 3-5 bright purple flowers bloom on it, with a slight smell. The leaves are sickle-shaped, which die off with the approach of winter and grow again in the spring, after the peduncles, which is why this type of plant got its name. Often used to breed medium-sized varieties. It begins to bloom in mid-May, it is not afraid of winter. In many regions in nature in our time begins to disappear.

  • Iris is pale. This species belongs to tall and reaches a length of up to 80 cm. Its flowers are pale blue in color, with a pleasant strong aroma, on very short pedicels. The leaves are thin, dry and rustling, have a gray color with a waxy coating. This variety blooms in early June, often used to produce iron, that is, flower oil. This variety is afraid of waterlogging, it is necessary to observe the measure when watering.
  • Iris dwarf. Most often found in the south of Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Its peduncle is only 3 to 5 cm high. The flowers are light yellow, blue-violet or very rarely white, they have no aroma. The leaves reach a length of 10 cm. This type of plant blooms in early May and is the ancestor of dwarf irises.

  • Iris motley. It reaches a height of 45 to 55 cm. It blooms on it from 3 to 6 two-color red-brown flowers closer to the edge and yellowish inside the flowers. The leaves are wide, sometimes curved in the form of a sickle. Blooms in late May-early June. It perfectly transmits its species characteristics to offspring.
  • Iris horned. Similar to the leafless iris, it has a thin branched peduncle, on which small dark purple flowers form. The leaves are straight and narrow, blooms in late May - early June.
  • Iris Florentine. It has a high branched peduncle, it reaches a length of 70 cm, on which from 5 to 8 flowers are formed, pale blue in color, with a pleasant aroma. The leaves are gray and large. It blooms in late May, reproduces only vegetatively. It needs to be covered for the winter.

Bearded irises: photo

Read also:

  • Flowerbed of continuous flowering
  • Unpretentious flowers for giving
  • Why don't irises bloom?

Bearded irises: planting and care

You need to plant this variety of irises in a sunny place that is protected from the wind. The soil they like is heavy, sour and damp, the best option- alkaline or slightly acidic earth. If the soil is very waterlogged, then it is necessary to carry out drainage. These plant varieties also grow well on stony soils and high beds.

It is impossible to fertilize the soil abundantly with organic fertilizers, this can cause various diseases. In the process of planting, you can not bury the roots deep into the ground, otherwise the iris will not bloom, because it will take a lot of strength to push its rhizomes to the surface, and in the worst case, it will rot and die. Before planting, you need to dig a small hole, and in the center pour a small mound, on which the roots will be located. After the rhizome, you need to sprinkle 1-2 cm with sand, and the hole itself - with soil and lightly compact. The best orientation of rhizomes during planting is south, so the roots warm up better, which is the prevention of various diseases.

If the garden area is small, then you do not need to plant plants too closely. Crowding will weaken the plants, leading to the development of diseases and the rapid closing of the leaves.

High varieties of bearded irises should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and dwarf ones - 30 cm. If irises grow in one place for a long time, then regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers should be carried out. In early spring you can apply nitroammophoska, and then - only phosphorus - potash fertilizers (2 top dressing should be carried out before the appearance of buds, and 3 - at the end of flowering). An excess of nitrogen activates the growth of roots, which makes them vulnerable to winter and severe frosts.

Bearded irises should be weeded regularly, but not deep, because their roots are located almost on the surface. From the 2nd half of August, it is better to weed these flowers with your hands. Irises do not need abundant watering, it is better to water them altogether only as the soil dries out. Watering is required when transplanting or during a too dry period.

One of important points in the cultivation of bearded irises is their rejuvenation, namely, transplantation and thinning of the roots. So they will gain additional resistance to diseases.

Diseases of bearded irises and their treatment

The most dangerous disease for plants is bacteriosis or soft root rot. First of all, the leaves change their color, then their ends dry and turn brown. In the part of the stem from where they grow, rot is formed, which subsequently passes to the rhizomes. The leaf fan rots and falls off, comes from the roots bad smell and they turn into a mushy mass.

In order to avoid the appearance of this disease, when transplanting, it is necessary to inspect all the material, and treat the sections of the plant with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to dry the roots of transplanted plants in the sun during the day, because this bacterium is afraid of sunlight.

If the disease is found in a growing iris, then with a clean sharp knife you need to cut off the affected area, moisten the cut itself and sprinkle on top of the Comet powder, which is used for household purposes. Shallow burying of the roots during planting and the introduction of potash and phosphorus fertilizers into the soil with trace elements will increase the resistance of these plants to diseases.

Another disease of bearded irises is leaf spot. It may be due to excessive wet soil. The outer leaves are affected first. Spots form on them, which gradually fill the entire surface. Such leaves should be removed immediately, but only if they are easily separated from the roots. It is not recommended to touch strong leaves, in order to avoid the appearance of wounds through which pathogens of bacteriosis penetrate.

A good protection against this disease is spraying irises with a solution of "Arceride" or "Polychoma" 2-3 times before the development of the disease.

A relatively rare and relatively new disease of bearded irises is scorch. In the middle of the growing season, the leaves turn brown, dry and bend, and the roots become hard and dry. The cause of this disease has not yet been identified, as well as measures to combat it. Sick plants must be dug out with a clod of earth and burned, and the place of growth should be treated with formalin or lime.

Preparing bearded irises for winter

Bearded irises tolerate severe frosts well with stable snow cover. But sudden changes in temperature, both in winter and in autumn-winter periods, adversely affect plants. Spring frosts are especially dangerous after warm days, at a time when the flowers have already departed from hibernation. Prolonged autumn rains also have a negative effect on irises, because they must enter the wintering dry.

If the plants are provided with proper care, they will develop and grow well. At this time, free space in the flower bed can be planted with small-bulbous summer plants that do not self-sow. This will be a great addition to flowers, but even without this, blooming irises https://site/dom-i-xobbi/czvetovodstvo/sadovye-tsvety/pochemu-ne-tsvetut-irisy is a fantastic sight. The main plus is that they do not need to be planted every year, you can just cover them well for the winter.

Iris is a plant of the iris (iris) family, belonging to the perennial genus of rhizomatous flowers. They are distributed on all continents and are very popular. This plant is a distant relative of the gladiolus. In total, about 800 species are distinguished, differing in a variety of shades and shapes. According to legend, this flower was named after the goddess Irida, and in ancient Greek means "rainbow". Among the Slavic peoples, the name iris (Russia) was common, that is, desired, dear, dear; cockerel and even perunik (Ukraine).

White irises have extraordinary beauty. They are so perfect, beautiful and filled with meaning that it is difficult to find a person who would not admire them. The fouls falling down and the lines of standards harmoniously directed upwards give a special royal majesty to the flower. Of the huge variety of flowers, it is irises that have a rich color scheme. However, pure whites are a very rare variety and are therefore highly valued.

Historical and cultural significance of iris flowers

The white flower of this plant, pure as the wings of an angel, was endowed with various meanings in world cultures: an expression of grief for the deceased, a hallmark of a noble family, a noble person. Drawings of inflorescences were decorated with flags and coats of arms. personified only positive traits. As a garden culture, irises are a symbol of aristocracy and power. Archaeologists often find images of this flower on sceptres that belonged to the Egyptian pharaohs. Iris was repeatedly mentioned in the philosophical writings of Hippocrates. This flower among the ancient Greeks was a symbol of courage and was widely used in various rituals. White is traditionally considered a symbol of the Virgin Mary, so their cultivation in all monasteries was mandatory.

flower structure

Depending on the species, the plant may have various rods, thin or fleshy, branching rather weakly. Iris leaves are wide, xiphoid, bright or dark green. The condition of the plant can be determined by the wax coating: if it is even, then it is healthy. It is noted that the foliage until late autumn retains decorative look. Peduncles can reach a length of 90 cm. Depending on the variety, tall (more than 70 cm), medium-sized (35-70 cm) and undersized (25-35 cm) plants are distinguished.

Irises are famous for their unusual form of inflorescence. A description of the plant can be found in specialized literature: iris petals raised up and forming a dome are called a standard (standard), and three petals lowered down are called fouls. On the lower lobes of the flower there are thick bristly outgrowths - a beard.

Preparing for landing

Novice gardeners are often worried about how to plant irises. According to professional plant growers, the growth and flowering of this crop depends on the thoroughness of observing all the rules. The most protected from cold winds, but at the same time, ventilated and well-lit place is suitable for landing. If you can't find something like that, you can choose penumbra. The soil should be drained, light, slightly acidic. To do this, you can add a little wood ash or lime to it. It is important to prevent the appearance of stagnant moisture, as it is a detrimental environment for irises. In addition, they do not tolerate the introduction organic fertilizers, because of which they first cease to bloom, and then rot. White irises do not tolerate the presence of weeds, especially those with a strong rhizome, so they should be planted in clean and well-groomed areas.

Before this, the long leaves and roots of the plant should be cut at an angle. The leaf part should be no more than 15 cm. When the seedlings are healthy, you can not process them. If the plant has signs of fungus or diseases, it should be cleaned, washed and kept for 20 minutes in a solution of foundationazole or pink potassium permanganate. Purchased or dug up iris bushes should be planted in the ground as soon as possible, as their roots may become weathered. For temporary storage, but not more than 2 days, you will need a wet one, which, when planting, should be laid out to create drainage at the bottom of the hole.

The best way to transfer to the soil is on the ridges after flowering. Such cultivation will ensure the survival of seedlings. For each flower in the flower bed, it is important to make a slight elevation: over time, the earth will sag, so at the time of rooting, the seedling will be reliably protected from the formation of stagnant water. This method of planting will protect the plant in winter frosts and thaw.

Making combs for white irises

On the flower bed, it is necessary to make several ridges, the distance between which should be at least 80-90 cm. With the help of a rake, two parallel rollers with hollows in the middle are formed. They should be filled with water, allowed to soak into the ground, and then form ridges. You can not plant very densely planted plants. If it is planned to place irises on the ridges for no more than 1 year, then it is permissible to make the distance between seedlings 20-25 cm. With a permanent deployment (3-4 years), the bushes should be located at least 40 cm apart, since irises grow strongly .

Rules for planting irises

So, how to plant irises and when is the best time to do it? The best time is from April to March. August is also a favorable month for planting white iris bushes, the best time of day is evening, after sunset. Under such conditions, plants will take root faster. You can not deepen them too deep, however, planting too high is also not recommended. It would be optimal to make a wide hole, where to pour a handful of sand, on which to place the rhizome, and place the roots evenly inside the recess. After that, everything should be sprinkled with earth and compacted. The placement of the iris must be done so that the cut leaf part is at an angle of about 45 degrees relative to the windy side. This arrangement of the seedling will prevent the eversion of the roots when strong wind, the leaves will spring back and will not be able to break.

If necessary, plants can be transplanted. This is permissible immediately after flowering (June - September). It is strictly not recommended to do this during flowering, since during this period their roots become weak and are not able to hold the blade of leaves in the wind.

Rules for the care of irises

As a rule, plants take root in the new soil after a month, after which new leaves begin to grow. There are differences in the care of irises, which were planted in late summer - early autumn or after flowering.

The need for moisture also depends on the growing conditions and on the variety. Watering the seedlings should be done on hot summer days, and in the conditions of the southern regions, the ridges at the roots should be sprinkled with light sand to reflect the sun's rays. For irises planted in late summer or autumn, it is much easier to care for, as the earth dries out less, watering is less often required. If excess water accumulates, it is recommended to make a ditch for drainage.

In wet summers, periodic treatment with fungicides will be required, to which an insecticide should be added to the solution, which rids the plants of voracious insects. According to the rules, processing is done in the morning, in the daytime, when the heat subsides, or at sunset. The temperature of the solution should be about 20 degrees.

White irises bloom mainly in May-June, but there are a number of later varieties that delight with beauty from late June to July. However, if the summer is cold, then the buds will not form, respectively, the iris will bloom only next year.

The soil should be loosened and fed, but using only mineral fertilizers. It is permissible that they include phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, since these flowers (white iris) accept only mineral elements. In equal shares in three periods, fertilizer is applied to the soil. The first top dressing should be carried out when the first sprouts just appear above the ground. The second time fertilizers are applied in a month. It is necessary to complete top dressing after flowering. Another option for fertilizing irises is also possible. Phosphorus and nitrogen are used during the first feeding, during the second feeding all useful elements are introduced, and during the third - only phosphorus and potassium. During the growing season, 9 g of minerals per 1 m 2 of soil will be required. The following must be remembered: since the rhizomes of the plant are on the surface, top dressing can only be applied in dissolved and liquid form.

At the end of the summer season, irises are often attacked by an insect called the winter cutworm. To prevent the plants from dying, periodic inspection of the leaves and root system should be carried out to detect insects and egg-laying, as they are behind a short time turn into caterpillars that can quickly destroy seedlings. The caterpillars must not be allowed to overwinter in the soil, otherwise, with the onset of spring, they will finally bring the irises to death.

Saving irises in winter

White irises must be carefully prepared for winter. At the end of autumn, before the onset of frost and before the first snow falls, the leaves should be cut in half, inspected, if necessary, treated with pesticides, loosen the soil with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers. You can cover irises in dry weather. First of all, you need to sprinkle the back of the root with clean sand, and then with peat to a height of up to 7 cm. The result will be a mound along which water will drain well. In some cold regions, dry leaves are used to shelter white irises.

As a rule, this horticultural crop is resistant to frost, however, a thaw for green pets can be fatal, as water collects at the roots. But nothing threatens the plant if it is planted on a hill and well covered.

With the onset of spring, the shelter must be removed early, in two approaches. The peat is removed first, and after a few days it will be possible to rake off the sand - so as not to harm the tender and young sprouts. For better growth and giving the plant an aesthetic appearance, it is worth removing dead, dried leaves, freeing the backs of rhizomes, airing and cleaning them, treating them with a pesticide and sprinkle with new, clean sand.

As a rule, irises do not need abundant watering in spring. Repeated exposure chemicals should be carried out shortly before flowering, the duration of which is more than a month. The faded arrows of the plant are supposed to be cut or broken out. After that, the irises need to be fed and processed, because it is during this period that young flower buds are formed. Bushes must be grown in one place for no more than 3-4 years, then dug up, divided into several parts and transplanted to a new place, otherwise the plant will stop blooming regularly.

Popular varieties of white iris

As already mentioned, several hundred varieties have irises. White varieties are always in demand: flowers are used to create bouquets, decorate flower beds and garden plots, and interiors.

There are many German varieties of white iris. For example, Immortality has a delicate white color, with a lemon yellow center. Bushes reach a height of 75 cm, the flowering period falls on May-June. Iris Immortality - perennial, its petals are even, the peduncles are erect, not requiring a garter.

Variety Bianca reaches a height of 90 cm. This photophilous plant which does not tolerate excess moisture, therefore, it is planted in a lighted, protected from excess moisture and warm area. Flowering occurs in May-June.

The inflorescence of the Dawn Waltz variety is very similar to an orchid. Up to two months, the plant can delight with its pale pink flowers with pearl pink styles.

Irises Esther C.D.M. gained popularity in the 1980s. They have very powerful stems, large green leaves and huge snow-white, like the first snow, flowers that appear only at the end of June.

The name of the variety Mesmerizer from the Hungarian language is translated as "hypnotize", "bewitch". It should be recognized that the beauty of the plant is really capable of captivating.

Name bearded variety Lacy Snowflake in Russian sounds like Lacy Snowflake. No comment.

Iris White Nights evokes several associations: with the nights in St. Petersburg and the famous South Park "White Nights" in the vicinity of Sochi. It has a medium-sized inflorescence, height up to 70-90 cm, blooms for a long time in June-July. Able to endure winter without much shelter.

Smiling Angel (or Smiling Angel) is exquisite variety. Their delicate shade will be in harmony with any gamut of colors. White irises are excellently combined with other types of flowers, they look self-sufficient both in group and in a separate planting.

Iris breeding

Reproduction of the plant occurs by dividing the rhizome into several parts or its lobes with buds. A favorable period for this is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, and only after 4-5 years of growth of the bush in one place. If you do otherwise, the iris simply stops blooming, because over time, flower buds stop forming on the rhizome. Every year, the plant forms new root links with a bunch of leaves resembling a fan. The simplest breeding method is to divide the annual link into pieces. For two days they will need to be left indoors so that a protective wound tissue forms on the sections. They can also be sprinkled with crushed coal.

If waiting 4-5 years is not possible, many gardeners recommend seed breeding. Each variety has its own characteristics during reproduction. For example, white Siberian or can be grown from seeds without much difficulty, and bearded ones, on the contrary, are more difficult to reproduce, since seedlings appear only 2-3 years after sowing.

Irises in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and cooking

But these beauties perform not only a decorative function. Irises are widely used in medicine in the fight against tuberculosis. Made from their roots essential oil, used in cosmetology, and starch, which is used in the confectionery industry. As you can see, delicate, exquisite flowers not only delight the eye, but also bring practical benefits!


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