The main classes of Russian society. Estates of the XVII century the top of society

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1. Nobility.

The ruling class - feudal lords . First of all, this boyars who had their own ancestral land holdings - estates. In the 17th century, as the Russian autocracy was asserted, the positions of nobility, which gradually turned into a new estate.

IN 1 649 Zemsky Sobor adopted a new Code, according to which the eternal right of feudal lords to dependent peasants was fixed and the transfer from one owner to another was forbidden(serfdom).

By the end of the century, up to 10% of peasant households in the country belonged to the tsar, 10% to the boyars, 15% to the church, and about 60% to the nobles.

The former system of filling the highest positions in the state by birthright (the system localism ) in 1682 year was finally cancelled. All categories of feudal lords were equalized in rights.

2. Peasants.

The situation of the peasants in the 17th century deteriorated significantly. The peasantry was divided into two main groups: possessory and black-mallowed. The first is the property of the feudal lords. They could be sold, exchanged, donated. The second owned vast lands (mainly in Pomorye and Siberia) and carried state duties.

The peasants worked for the feudal lords corvée (2-4 days a week), paid natural and monetary quitrent . The taxation system has changed. Instead of land tribute was introduced by courtyard.

By the end of the century serfs from semi-slaves they became clerks, messengers, grooms, tailors, falconers, etc.

The average size of peasant plots was 1-2 hectares of land. Prosperous peasants, whose allotments reached several tens of hectares, became entrepreneurs, merchants, and merchants.

3. Urban population.

In the 17th century, the urban population grew. In new cities, after the fortresses appeared tenements. Not only Russians lived in them, but also representatives of other peoples of Russia. Crafts and trade flourished there.

Dominant positions in urban life were occupied wealthy artisans and merchants . The position of the boyars, nobles and monasteries was also privileged. servants and servants, which in free time traded and traded.

Wage labor is beginning to be used, but still on a small scale.

4. Clergy.

By the end of the 17th century, the number of Russian clergy increased (110,000 people in 15,000 churches). A new church hierarchy was formed. The closest to the believers and the most numerous in composition were parish priests . The top layer was bishops, archbishops and metropolitans. Headed the church hierarchy patriarch Moscow and all Russia.

In 1649 Cathedral code forbade the church to increase its land holdings and eliminated the rights of white settlements.

5. Cossacks.

The Cossacks became a new estate for Russia, military class , which included the population of a number of outlying areas of Russia (Don, Yaik, Urals, Terek, Left-bank Ukraine). It enjoyed special rights and benefits on the terms of compulsory and general military service.

The basis of the economic life of the Cossacks was trades- hunting, fishing, cattle breeding and agriculture. The main part of the income was received in the form of state salaries and military booty.

The most important issues in the life of the Cossacks were discussed at a general gathering ("circle"). Elected leaders chieftains and petty officers s. The ownership of the land belonged to the entire community.

History lesson grade 7.

Theme: Basic Estates Russian society.


    To form an idea of ​​the class structure of Russian society ingiven period, the hierarchy of estates, the features of each of them.

    Show the changes that took place both in the feudal and in the peasant environment.

    To continue the formation of the skills to think logically, analyze, independently acquire knowledge.

    Raise respect for your country.

Basic concepts:

New concepts: landowning peasants, black-eared peasants.

Lesson equipment: multimedia projector, pointer, handout (drawing "The Royal Feast in the Faceted Chamber" on a desk, diagrams, text, dictionary with concepts).

Lesson form: learning new material.


Hierarchy - arrangement of parts in order from highest to lowest.

Capitalism - a type of society based on private property.

Estates - large group people who have rights and duties that are inherited.

Society These are the people of one country and the relationship between them.

Lounge hundred, cloth hundred - a privileged category of merchants.

ordered people - Employees in public institutions.

"Instrument" service people - archers, gunners - elected service people from peasants, townspeople. They received state salaries and land.

Yasak - fur tax from the peoples of the North and Siberia.

tax - monetary and in-kind duties of peasants and townspeople.

Corvee - the duties of the owner's peasants, work in the master's economy, primarily on the land.

quitrent - the duty of the possessing peasants, payments by products of labor or money.

White settlements - urban areas exempted from state duties.

Kravchy - court rank of the Muscovite statethe post of kravchey was the highest level for the stolnik, it was not connected with the highest official positions - the butler, okolnichi, boyar. In the 17th century, the kravchem was entrusted with the leadership of individual orders.Initially subordinate to the butler, but by the end of the 17th century, he took his place in the court hierarchy. He was responsible for arranging the monarch's meals, holding official feasts and dinners, he was subordinate to the stewards and chasers, who directly served at the royal table, and a large staff of subordinates

servants who were responsible for cooking, table setting, serving dishes, etc. During the feast, he presented food and wine from the royal table to the awarded

organized the delivery of such gifts to the recipients at home, if for some reason they

reason were not present at the feast.

Stolnik - a court rank in the Russian state of the 13th-17th centuries. In the 16-17 centuries, the stolniki served during solemn meals ("tables") at the grand dukes and kings, accompanied them on trips. Stolniki were also appointed to voivodship, embassy, ​​clerk and positions. In the 17th century, stolniks especially close to the tsar were called “neighbors” or “room”. According to the list of ranks of the 17th century, the stolniki took fifth place after the boyars, okolnichy, duma nobles and duma clerks.

Black-nose peasants retained personal freedom, ran a household on state lands and had the right to sell, mortgage, transfer their land allotments by inheritance. The black-eared peasants lived in communities and elected village elders and sots at secular gatherings. Being independent and not incurring obligations in favor of the feudal lords, the black-haired peasants paid a high price for their freedom.

Owning peasants were a feudal-dependent population, lived in estates and estates under the rule of a landowner - a nobleman-landowner - paying him an annuity, and duties to the state.

parochial system - the system of filling the highest positions in the state according to the pedigree of origin.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Learning new material

Hello guys, my name is Svetlana Valerievna, I am very glad that we will work with you.

You have evaluation sheets on your desks, look and listen how you need to fill out. During the lesson, you will have to evaluate yourself. Each type of work is estimated at 1 point.

slide (1)

Tell me guys, who do you see here, who is shown on the slide? (see people, certain groups that make up one society). What is a society? (after answers - slide 2)Society these are the people of one country and the relationship between them.

Society is divided into areas:




In each of these areas there are special groups of people. In Russia, these groups of people were called estates.

What is an estate? (after answers - slide number 3) A large group of people with rights and duties that are inherited.

For feudal period was characterized by the division of society into estates.

Skomorokhova Svetlana Valerievna Orekhovo village

(slide 4) Thus, we will considerestate system Russian state, determine the changes that occurredin the social environment.(slide 5) and the topic of the lesson is called: “The main estates of Russian society”, write it down in your notebooks.

In the West inXVIIcentury, capitalism is developing, modernization is underway (a type of society based on private property). What happens to society during the development of capitalism? It is changing, new strata, classes appear, society becomes more homogeneous, estates are preserved, divided, new ones appear: the Cossacks, the landowning and black-tailed peasants. With the development of capitalism social structure usually simplified, but in RussiaXVIIin. almost does not change, even becomes more complicated. Is it so.

Problematic question: What is happening with the estate structure of Russia inXVIIcentury? The social structure becomes more complicated or simplified in

Russian society?

slide number 6

Consider hierarchy of estates on the slide (7). Whom do we see on the lowest rung i.e. on the 5th - peasants (divided into owner and black-skinned), on the 4th Cossacks (military estate), on the 3rd urban population (posad), on the 2nd clergy (divided into black and white, and on 1- and the feudal estate (which included boyars and nobles).

(Students on their desks have two schemes in a set: the estate system and the social structure, and they are displayed alternately on the slide of the scheme of the social structure of society).

You have two schemes on your desks included: class system and social structure Ancient Russia and Russian society in the 17th century.

Guys, pay attention to the schemes of estate groups and "The social structure of the population of Ancient Russia" and to the schemes of estate groups and "The social structure of Russian society in the 17th century." When comparing the schemes of Ancient Russia with the schemes of Russian society in the 17th century, at first glance, what can be said about the estate system of Ancient Russia: a simplified or more complex estate system than in the schemes of the 17th century?

(Student answers: if simplified, then by the fact that the upper and lower classes are represented here; if more complex, then by the fact that the upper class included 5 categories of the population, and in the 17th century only two categories were in the first class: boyars and nobles.)

Thus, using the example of the first estates, we see where the estate structure is simplified, in what scheme? (in the second). Thus, in the 17th century. the previously complex social structure of Russian society is significantly


Skomorokhova Svetlana Valerievna Orekhovo village

What is changing in the position of the first estate, the feudal lords?

Two students leave:

Scene 1: "Nobles' Promotion System

in the army, at court, in government"

In Moscow on the streetXVIIcentury, two people met.

1st nobleman: Hello, Vasily!

2nd nobleman: Hello, Alexei! We haven't seen you for a long time!

1st: No wonder! A year ago I was sent to the lower Volga to look for places for new cities, to get along with the security lines, and to fight off the infidels! Only recently was summoned to Moscow.

2nd: Well, how is it there, on the lower reaches?

1st: It is difficult for us, the ignorant. Service day and night, no rest. The nomads are disturbing, our villages are raided, burned. That and look, you will catch an arrow. In rank, I still go to centurions. And as a reward they gave me 30 acres of land with peasants. In a week I go back to the service, now to

Don, look for fugitives. One joy, we do not pay taxes, we do not bear taxes! And how are you?

2nd: And I have been serving at the court for a long time, kravchim,I serve dishes to the king himself at great feasts. You know, we, the Speshnevs, are old Moscow nobles. My ancestors began to serve as Romanovs under Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible! My grandfather served at court, my father was a steward, and I was a kravchim! The tsar father does not offend us with favors: he sends dishes from his table, he granted a fur coat from his shoulder, land with little people too. We have these tithes - do not count!

How did you understand which class representatives met in Moscow? (Feudal). What did promotion and awards depend on? (On nobility of origin, on proximity to the court). This system of promotion was called localism.

In what position was the land transferred to the nobles? (together with the peasants).

We continue to listen.

1st: They rewarded me for my service with 30 acres of land, but it was of little use. I have to arm myself from this land, fix my armor, buy a horse, and even arm 10 of my people! I take dues from the peasants in money, and they run away from the tax! Yes, how far they run, ten years is not enough to find them, yes! I heard that they increased the period of search for peasants to 15 years? return

2nd: And not only! This year, the Zemsky Sobor adopted a new Code, everything about the owner-owning peasants is said there correctly and clearly. Now it will be easier to collect taxes from them to the treasury, because they will sit still, they will not go anywhere!


And the peasants fled to the Don to the Cossacks. Why did the peasants flee? (From the tax -

Skomorokhova Svetlana Valerievna Orekhovo village

tax: quitrent, corvée). Open with. 117(43) and tell me what document was it? When was it accepted? Why is the nobleman sure that the peasants will sit still? Slide No. 7 (answers: because, according to the code, the peasants fell into complete personal dependence, it was forbidden to transfer from one owner to another, they fled from paying taxes, violence, the Cathedral Code of 1649)

Over time, the noble estates begin to prevail over the position of the boyars, who, in turn, weakened.

In 1682, the system of parochialism was finally abolished, pay attention to the dictionary (the system for filling the highest positions in the state by birthright).

Slide number 8 (Working with a document - drawing "Feast in the Pomegranate Chamber"). Teacher: Pay attention to the drawing on your desk, to the slide and to

dictionary in the handout. What event is shown in the picture? Find and show the stewards, and how you determined. Students go to

slide and show. (stolniks served during solemn meals ("tables") at the grand dukes and kings).

What does it mean to "sit lower" if the table and benches are horizontal?("sit lower" - sit further from the king).


1 Assignment to the drawing: To the right of the drawing is a table at which men in black hats are sitting. How do you explain this breach of etiquette? (Representatives of church authorities did not take off their hats either in church, or in the presence of the king, or when talking with him).

Make a conclusion about the changes in the position of the first estate. (The feudal lords did not remain a homogeneous estate, the first estate changed, well-born boyars gave way to less well-born nobles).


Someone came to visit us, do you recognize him?


Scene 2. "Coming to the Cossacks"

Hello, good people! (Bows, taking off his hat) Finally, I got to you! From under Vladimir himself he made his way, for four weeks he was buried in ravines, and through forests, hiding from the guards.

I ran away from my master Alexei. Tortured by corvee - 5 days a week on his land you have to work, and even pay quitrent with money, but the sovereign's tax is to be fulfilled. He sold my wife, she is a noble lace-maker, took the children into the yard, took the cow away for arrears. There was no more urine to endure ... I abandoned my yard, but leaned towards you on the Don. Accept me into your brotherhood! I really like your orders ... (Bows)

Teacher: What category of the population are we talking about? (peasants) To whom

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did the peasant move? (to the Cossacks).

Slide number 9 Task:

( I distribute multi-colored chips of 5 colors of the rainbow ). Let's remember how the colors of the rainbow are remembered (every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting). Based on the knowledge gained, you need to go to the board and build a hierarchy according to the colors of the rainbow (arrangement of parts in order from highest to lowest) Russian estatesXVIIcentury? We line up in the order of colors: who has red in one group, etc. (feudal lords, clergy, townspeople, Cossacks, peasants).

Now we will create a tree of wisdom with our own hands. Please read the text carefully first.

(Students are given time to read the text.)

Among all classes and estates, the dominant place undoubtedly belonged to the feudal lords. For their benefit government carried out measures to strengthen the ownership of the boyars and nobles on land and peasants, to rally the strata of the feudal class. Service people took shape in XVII

century into a complex and clear hierarchy of ranks obliged to the state by service

military, civil, court departments in exchange for the right to own land and peasants. They were divided into duma ranks (boyars, okolnichie, duma nobles and duma clerks), Moscow (stewards, solicitors, Moscow nobles and residents) and city (elected nobles, nobles and children of boyars yards). By merit, service and nobility of origin, the feudal lords passed from one rank to another. The nobility turned into a closed class - estate.

Now each of you should ask one question about this text. Please take a pen, a sheet of paper, come up with and write down your question on the pieces of paper. To do this, you need to read the text again. Sign your name under the question so that we understand who its author is.

(Students come up with a question and write it down on a separate piece of paper.)

Then attach it with a paper clip to the "tree".

Now everyone in turn will come up to the tree, pick off a leaf, read the question aloud and try to give the fullest possible answer to the question. The rest evaluate both the question and the answer. In order to correctly evaluate all the answers and choose the winner, you need to watch all this very carefully. So be careful and choose the winner.

Children approach the "tree", tear off the leaves, answer questions.

At the end of the game, the teacher, together with the children, chooses the winner during the discussion.

Slide 10

Skomorokhova Svetlana Valerievna Orekhovo village

And now let's calculate the number of points scored and rate according to the proposed criteria

28-31 b. - "5"

22-27 b. - "four"

14-21 b. - "3"

0-13 b. - "2"

4. Summary of the lesson

5. Homework- §10, draw up a table “The main estates of Russian societyXVIIcentury».


Skomorokhova Svetlana Valerievna Orekhovo village

Society is the people of one country and the relationship between them. Why do people unite in society? What are the challenges facing society?

The society is divided into spheres: Politics Economy Culture In each of these spheres there are special groups of people. In Russia, these groups of people were called estates.

Objectives of society Spheres of public life Estate Order and politics Security Feudal lords Provision of material goods Taxable population (peasants and townspeople) Economy Explanation Culture of the meaning of life Clergy

The boyars included * service princes (from among the descendants of the Rurikoviches) * Tatar Horde princes and nobles from Moldavia and Wallachia who transferred to the Russian service * representatives of the old Moscow boyars * boyars of the specific principalities and lands annexed to Moscow.

Boyars Duties: Carried public service Rights Ownership of land with peasants (patrimonies) on the basis of private property. The patrimony can be sold, bequeathed, donated.

The nobility was formed from the servants of the princely and boyar courts: Land-poor "Ranks" of the sovereign noble-landlords of the court: ("children of the boyars" and * "Duma ranks" "city nobles") boyars, okolnichie, and duma nobles; * "Moscow ranks" stewards, solicitors, Moscow nobles

Nobles: Responsibilities: Carried public service Rights: - owned the estate for life, while he could carry out military service; - the estate was inherited if the son reached the age of 15 at the time of his father's death and could serve the state.

Service people according to the instrument (by recruitment) The state hired them to carry out military and guard service: Moscow and city archers Pushkari State blacksmiths City Cossacks who lived in cities and border areas

Cathedral Code of 1649. It contained a special chapter that fixed all the most important changes in legal status landownership, (for example: the owners of estates could be both boyars and nobles)

The peasantry is the most numerous class. Palace Landowners Church Chernososhnye (state) (personally free)

The main duties of the peasants: Corvee quitrent (cash and natural), as well as "land" and "household tax" (submit)

Cathedral Code of 1649 Chapter 11 of the Council Code - "The Court of the Peasants" - introduced an indefinite search for fugitive peasants. Outcome: Establishment of full serfdom.

Posad (city) people Gosti (Merchants) (in the 17th century more than 30 people) - the largest entrepreneurs, were close to the king, did not pay taxes, occupied financial positions. had the right to buy estates in their possessions; Members of the living room and cloth hundred (about 400 people) - occupied a place in the financial hierarchy, but were inferior to the guests in "honor". They had self-government, their common affairs were managed by elected heads and foremen.

Duty merchants pay taxes and customs duties to the state Entrepreneurship rights - trade, organization of manufactories

Black townspeople The main taxable population of the city (paid taxes and carried duties). The population of the city was divided into: white settlements black settlements

First estate
The feudal lords remained the dominant class in society. Previously, only the boyars, who had their own ancestral land holdings - estates, were referred to them. In the 17th century, within the framework of the feudal estate, the foundations of the nobility were born. As the Russian autocracy consolidated, the positions of the nobility, the main pillar of tsarist power, strengthened. During the 17th century, the a complex system official promotion of nobles in the army, at court and in the system of government. Depending on the nobility of origin and success in the service, they were transferred from one rank to another. Depending on the position held, servicemen received the right to own larger or smaller lands with the peasants who lived on them. All this testified to the fact that in the 17th century the nobility gradually turned into a new estate.
The tsarist authorities sought to strengthen the rights of both the nobles and the boyars to the land and the peasants subject to them. To this end, the period of search for fugitive peasants was increased, first to 10, and then to 15 years. However, this did little to help. The boyars and nobles demanded the full assignment of the peasants to their masters. In 1649, the Zemsky Sobor adopted a new Code, which secured the eternal right of feudal lords to dependent peasants and prohibited the transfer from one owner to another.
By the end of the century, up to 10% of peasant households in the country belonged to the tsar, the same number belonged to the boyars, about 15% to the church, and most of all (about 60%) to the nobles.
Thus, by the end of the century, the positions of the main landowners - the boyars - were seriously undermined. The nobility became the main owner of the land and serfs. It pressed the boyar tribal nobility in the sphere government controlled. The former system of filling the highest positions in the state according to the generosity of origin (the locality system) was finally abolished in 1682. All categories of feudal lords were equalized in rights. This meant a serious victory for the nobility in a long-standing rivalry with the old tribal nobility.

The bulk of the population was still peasants. Their position in the 17th century deteriorated significantly. It was on the peasant shoulders that the heavy burden of the Time of Troubles and numerous wars of this century, the restoration of the destroyed economy, fell. The peasantry was divided into two main groups: the proprietors and the blacks. The first were the full property of the boyars, nobles, royal family and clergy. The latter retained personal freedom, owned vast lands (mainly in Pomorye and Siberia) and carried state duties. The peasants who lived on the lands of the boyars and nobles belonged to only one owner and were completely dependent on his arbitrariness. They could be sold, exchanged, donated. The property of the serfs belonged to the feudal lord. The most severe and difficult was the situation of the peasants, who were owned by petty feudal lords.
The peasants worked for the feudal lords on corvée, paid tribute in kind and money. As we already know, with the development of market relations, the role of cash rent has constantly grown. The average length of the corvée was 2-4 days a week. In the second half of the century, the work of serfs in the first manufactories owned by their owners began to be equated with corvée work. At the same time, dependent peasants bore duties in favor of the state.
By the end of the century, the role of serfs had changed. If before they were powerless half-slaves of their masters, now they became clerks, messengers, grooms, tailors, falconers, etc. By the end of the century, this category of dependent population gradually merged with serfs.
The taxation system has changed. If in early XVII century, the tax (“tax”) was calculated from the “plowed land” and this led to a significant reduction in cultivated land, then by the end of the century, instead of the land tax, a household tax was introduced.
The average size of peasant plots was 1-2 acres (1-2 hectares) of land. There were also prosperous peasants, whose allotments reached several tens of hectares. Well-known entrepreneurs, merchants, merchants came out of such clans.

Urban population

In the 17th century, the urban population grew. In every big city there were at least 500 households. In new cities, primarily in the southern and eastern outskirts of the country, after the fortresses, settlements appeared. Not only Russians lived in them, but also representatives of other peoples of Russia. The townspeople included artisans and merchants, archers, merchants, clergy, nobles and boyars (with their numerous servants).
The dominant positions in urban life were occupied by wealthy artisans and merchants who controlled the township communities. They tried to shift the entire burden of the tax burden on the poorest part of the population - small artisans and merchants. The position of boyar, noble and monastic servants and serfs was also privileged, who, in their free time from service, traded and traded. Like their owners, they were residents of white settlements inhabited by feudal lords and clergy, and did not bear duties in favor of the state. This, in turn, caused constant complaints from the majority of the townspeople.
A feature of the 17th century was the fact that, as handicraft production grew, hired labor began to be used in it (still on a small scale). The artisans, who quickly grew rich and did not want to do the rough work, hired not only the poor peasants, but also peasants, bobyls, serfs.

By the end of the 17th century, the number of Russian clergy increased significantly. Church service in almost 15 thousand churches of the country carried up to 110 thousand people. And up to 8 thousand monks lived in the monasteries. With the adoption at the end of the 16th century of the patriarchate, Russian Orthodox Church became completely independent. At the same time, a new church hierarchy was formed. The closest to the believers and the most numerous layer of the clergy were the parish priests. The highest stratum were bishops, archbishops and metropolitans. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia headed the church hierarchy with his court.
The church was the largest owner of the land. This aroused the concern of the secular authorities and the envy of many boyars and nobles. In 1649, the Council Code forbade the church to increase its land holdings and eliminated the rights of white settlements (including church possessions) in cities. At the same time, church leaders were deprived of some of the judicial privileges that had previously belonged to them.
Nevertheless, the church was one of the largest landowners in the country, it owned up to 15% of the land.

The Cossacks became a new estate for Russia. It was a military estate, which included the population of a number of outlying areas of Russia (Don, Yaik, Urals, Terek, Left-bank Ukraine). It enjoyed special rights and benefits on the terms of compulsory and general military service.
The basis of the economic life of the Cossacks was crafts - hunting, fishing, beekeeping, and later - also cattle breeding and agriculture. As in the 16th century, the Cossacks received the bulk of their income in the form of state salaries and military booty.
The Cossacks succeeded in short term to develop the vast outlying regions of the country, primarily the Don and Yaik lands.
The most important issues in the life of the Cossacks were discussed at their general gathering ("circle"). At the head of the Cossack communities were elected atamans and foremen. Own- Ataman of the DON Cossacks. The ownership of the land belonged to the entire community. Atamans and foremen were elected through elections, in which each Cossack enjoyed an equal right to vote.
These orders of people's government favorably differed from the autocratic ones, which were gaining strength in the country. In 1671, the Don Cossacks were sworn in to the Russian Tsar.

Thus, in the 17th century, the previously complex social structure of Russian society was greatly simplified.

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