Azalea dries up how to save. If the azalea has dried up: how to reanimate the flower? Photos and recommendations for care

Decor elements 26.05.2019
Decor elements

A beautiful gesture to give fresh flowers in pots as a gift for the holidays has become a tradition. In almost every home there is a flower pot with an exquisite plant. Very often, an azalea is chosen as a gift - a flower - rhododendron.

Despite the beauty of inflorescences and foliage, Azalea very quickly loses its attractive appearance - it dries up. Here the question arises of how to save the azalea, because you want so much that this flower retains its vitality for as long as possible and pleases with its bright colors. It is possible to revive a plant, and this is confirmed by experienced flower growers. For resuscitation of azalea, several simple tricks are used.

Reasons for the death of azalea

Dry indoor flower may be due to several factors. And all of them are related to the conditions of caring for the plant.

Azalea foliage and shoots lose strength - wither and subsequently die when:

  • lack of regular watering;
  • excess moisture;
  • elevated air temperature in the room;
  • falling on the foliage of direct sun rays;
  • lack of light;
  • pest infestation;
  • lack of fertilizing with fertilizers;
  • a sharp drop in temperature;
  • damage to the root system;
  • when planting in unsuitable soil.

What to do if the azalea dries up

If at least one of the above factors took place before the azalea shed its foliage, and only bare shoots of the flower remained in the flower pot, the dying azalea should be carefully examined. Identification of live buds provides a basis for helping the plant.

Before resuscitating the azalea, you need to make sure that it has not died completely, otherwise all measures to save it will be in vain.

Irrigation disruption

In the absence of proper watering, the first to suffer root system, the plant does not receive nutrients for the formation of new shoots, begins to fade. Weak roots are unable to develop without water, even in properly selected soil. To resurrect the azalea, in this case, it is not enough to fill the flower with water.


First of all, you should remove the plant from the flower pot, carefully remove excess soil so as not to damage the weak roots.

Secondly, soak azalea roots for half an hour in a solution containing special growth stimulants for flowering plants.

Thirdly, plant the azalea in the updated soil and subsequently observe the regularity of watering. Azaleas should be watered with settled warm water no more than twice a week.

What to do if the flower withered due to too much watering? With an excess of moisture, the roots of the azalea begin to rot. If the flower has already shed its foliage, this indicates that almost all of its roots are damaged.

In this case, it is also impossible to do without the so-called transshipment of azalea:

Withering azalea should be removed from the pot.

Next, carefully clean the roots from wet soil, rinse in water at room temperature, inspect all branches, cut off the rot, process live roots by special means for plants from pathogenic bacteria.

The azalea with the rest of the living roots is transplanted into the renewed soil and subsequently moderate regular watering is performed.

Influence of high temperatures and lighting

If the azalea has dried up due to the high temperature in the room, it will be difficult to revive it. But you can still try to revive the plant.

Often, high temperatures have a negative effect on plants if a reserve supply of moisture does not accumulate in the soil. That is, the plant is either watered a little, or there is little soil in the pot to retain moisture.

How to save the azalea in this case?

If it is not completely dry, then proceed as follows:

To ensure the optimal amount of soil, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot.

Before planting the azalea, the soil is fertilized with shoot growth stimulants.

If there are no shaded places in the room and the transplanted azalea cannot be protected from the influence of high temperatures, then after each watering on flower pot put on a plastic bag for 1-1.5 hours to create the so-called greenhouse effect. This procedure should be performed before forcing new azalea leaves.

The sun's rays burn the leaves of the azalea, they begin to turn yellow and fall off. In this case, the plant needs not much resuscitation, but first aid.

It must be provided in the following order:

The affected azalea must be removed in partial shade and removed from the shoots all damaged - yellow and dry leaves.

With insufficient lighting, the plant can also die, so after a week of settling in the shade, the azalea should be gradually turned towards the sun, perfect option- ambient lighting.

Azalea quickly dies with a sharp change in temperature. For example, if it grew at +20°C, and then it was created growth conditions at +10°C. Azalea is not afraid of cold weather if it is gradually hardened. You should not despair if the azalea began to shed its foliage in the coolness. It should create a neutral temperature regime for growth + 18 ... 20 ° С. And at the same time provide the plant with more sunlight.

Pests and diseases

Azalea is very sensitive to spider mites, aphids and scale insects. The foliage of the plant, which turns yellow and falls off, suffers from these insects.

Resuscitation of azalea in case of pest damage is:

In removing damaged leaves;

Treatment of the plant with special solutions from pests for indoor plants;

If necessary, replace the soil.

With planting soil, a Fusarium fungus can be brought into a flower pot, which negatively affects the development of azalea roots, from which they can completely die. Salvation of the flower in this case consists in watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate and the antifungal drug "Fundazol".

Poor quality soil

Plants of the rhododendron family prefer to grow in acidic soil.

Often, the azalea disappears due to non-compliance with this requirement:

If not all the leaves of the flower have dried up, you can revive it with regular watering with a settled slightly acidic solution of citric acid (1 liter of water + 2 grams of acid).

If the plant is almost dry, then you can try watering with a solution boric acid(1 liter of water + 3 drops of acid).

With the usefulness of the root system, it would be appropriate to make the usual transshipment of the flower, picking up better soil for it (peat + coniferous soil).

When the azalea has dried up, it is important to determine the root cause of what happened. It is one thing how to save a plant planted with your own hands, another - bought in a store. Having received an azalea as a gift in a small pot, it must be transplanted without waiting for withering by the transshipment method immediately after it has faded.

Azalea is a whimsical flower plant. When resuscitating, it is extremely important to provide the plant with timely assistance. The above recommendations will help to preserve its beauty and strength, the implementation of which is mandatory in the care of an indoor flower.

Resuscitation is the revival of any room or garden plant. This is a set of measures (transplanting, pruning, fertilizing, watering, and others) that are aimed at restoring the viability of the flower.

A synonym for the word "resuscitation" is salvation. Correctly carried out resuscitation allows you to return to life a plant that dies, that is, with a minimal root system or even without it, with an affected stem, with yellowed leaves.

Salvation is required only in situations where the plant has not yet died completely, otherwise all activities will be useless.

The flower grower should carefully examine the azalea: the presence of live buds, sprouts is the basis for the speedy resuscitation. Also, the rescue will be successful if the stem of the plant remains green. If the stem is damaged, it remains possible to revive the flower from the rhizome.

Such a procedure is needed if, wilted or. First aid is required when the plant is unhealthy, with mechanical damage its parts. Also, resuscitation is needed if signs of decay are clearly visible.

Remedial action should also be taken in case of severe pest infestation. The need for resuscitation is determined by appearance and expressiveness dangerous symptoms on a flower.

Read about why azalea leaves change color and shape, and what can be done about it, and from you will learn about the causes of blackening of the foliage and the solution to this problem.

In what cases is it useless to do something?

If the stem and root have a soft, porous, mushy structure, then the plant has died, it will not work to save it. Also, resuscitation is useless with complete withering and drying of all parts of the azalea.

If the stem and leaves are damaged, you need to carefully examine the root. If it is flexible and resilient, the plant can be saved. If the root is dead, but the stem is preserved, you can try to draw a living trunk and root it.

How to resuscitate at home - step by step instructions

To save azaleas from any negative factor advance preparation is required.

In the process of resuscitation, a new calcined soil may be needed, new pot, ash or sand, chemical and biological preparations.

Symptoms of the condition are sluggish and dull leaves, the appearance of yellow spots on them. Water does not seep into the earthen clod.

When the bay at the bottom of the pot, the soil begins to sour, rot develops. Inside the plant, sap flow stops. With regular overflows, the azalea will completely die in 3-4 months.

How to fix the problem? The measure of salvation is the transshipment of azalea. It includes the following actions:

rescue measures

Cause rescue measures
  1. Cut off all damaged parts of the plant. Treat the places of cuts with ash, charcoal.
  2. Transplant to a larger pot.
  3. Before transplanting, it is necessary to treat the soil with growth stimulants (Kornevin, Etamon, Heteroauxin).
  4. In the first days after transplantation, watering is plentiful. After applying the liquid, you need to put a plastic bag on the plant, having previously made 1-3 holes, leave it for 20-30 minutes to create a greenhouse effect.
Pest infestation.
  1. Removal of all affected parts.
  2. Treatment with chemicals depending on the type of pest. Actellik, Aktara, Fitoverm will help get rid of scale insects, ticks, worms (see the dosage on the package).
  3. Soil replacement if necessary.
Unsuitable soil.
  1. You can revive the azalea by regularly watering the plant with a weak solution of citric acid (2 g of acid per 1 liter of water).
  2. If the plant is dry, it should be watered with boric acid (3 drops per 1 liter).
  3. For best effect transplant the azalea into a more suitable soil (a mixture of peat and coniferous soil).

How to revive if the plant is frozen?

  1. The flower pot must be removed in a warm place. Then you need to carefully monitor temperature regime, the differences should not be more than 5 degrees.
  2. Immediately after being placed in a warm place, the pot should be lowered into a basin of warm water.

    From above, the plant should be covered with a film - to create the effect of a greenhouse.

    For the best effect, spraying with Epna solution is indicated (choose the dosage depending on the condition of the flower).

  3. You can also treat the azalea with Kornevin (1 g per 1 liter of water). Water with Kornevin for 5-7 days.

The main components of prevention proper watering, moderate top dressing, compliance with the regime of temperature and light.

  1. For watering, take water at room temperature, do not flood the plant.
  2. Once a month, water the azalea with water with the addition of boric acid (1-2 drops per 1 liter).
  3. Remove excess stems and fallen parts in a timely manner.
  4. Feed in any period except winter.
  5. As it grows, change the pot and soil.

Further care

The main components of proper care:

  • scattered light;
  • abundant infrequent watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • compliance with the level of soil acidity;
  • low air temperature in the room with azalea.

Sufficient air humidity for this plant is 80%.

Complex top dressing is best applied in the spring. For these purposes, special fertilizers are suitable:

  1. to stimulate the formation of inflorescences, compounds with phosphorus and potassium are added;
  2. for the growth of shoots - nitrogen compounds.

It is better to prune bushes in May. Old or very elongated shoots are subject to pruning. 14-20 days after pruning, the bush is covered with new leaves.

Watch a video about proper care for the azalea

So, azalea is whimsical and capricious flower. Violation in care entails the appearance of dangerous symptoms and conditions. It is necessary to reanimate or save the plant in case of mass, wilting, death of leaves and other organs. Measures and methods of revival depend on the exact cause of the phenomenon.

The question "How to reanimate an azalea?" most often occur in people who are unprepared for the appearance of this flower in the house - they usually give it in an attempt to please the hostess. At first everyone admires flowering plant, and later unrest begins due to yellowing, blackening or drying of the leaves, as well as falling flowers. In such cases, it is urgent to decide how to save the dying azalea.

It is advisable to know at least something about rhododendrons before settling them at home. Because of the complexity of care, Azalea is called a capricious beauty. But if she settles in comfortable conditions, it will please the owners with a healthy look and lush bloom. You just need to line up behind it so that everything is in balance.

Azalea feels great at an air temperature not higher than +22 ° C in summer and +15 ° C in winter. It should be bright enough, but without direct sunlight. It should be humid in a pot and air (80%), but it is impossible to spray during flowering. The soil needs to be acidic. Trouble begins when these conditions are violated.

If the leaves began to dry out, change color, become stained, you need to find out why this is happening and eliminate the cause. Leaves can fall off very quickly. They turn yellow as a result of the attack of pests - then you need to take action quickly. And if a lot of calcium has accumulated in the soil, then adding a little citric acid to the water will help.

The main cause of leaf fall is excessive dryness and high air temperature. As soon as the drying of the greens began, you need to lower the air temperature (this way the plant will recover more easily), pour settled acidified water, spray the flower.

If the azalea dries, it is necessary to give her a cool shower. Most likely, tap water contains a lot of salts and unnecessary impurities (which is why it is defended), so you will have to use a watering can with a fine sieve to bathe it with clean, settled water with the addition of citric acid. You can immerse the pot in a bowl so that the water is 2 cm above the edge, leave it for 20-30 minutes, then let the excess water drain. Just fill the flower with acidified water!

If the azalea is dry

What to do in the event that the azalea has dried up, completely losing its leaves? Do not rush to throw it away, even if it is dry. If the roots are still alive, i.e., not dried out, then the plant can be reanimated with water, cooling and boric acid. Just need to be patient.

First you need to get rid of the old soil. To do this, the plant is taken out of the pot, the roots and a clod of earth are poured with clean water. As the soil soaks, slowly and carefully remove (wash) it with your hands, you can substitute the soaked roots under running water and rinse. The plant can then be planted in new ground, purchased specifically for azaleas and laid on a high-quality drainage layer in a new pot. It is desirable to add wood ash to the soil or Activated carbon, put a layer of pine needles on top. The transplanted flower should be placed in a softly lit place with an air temperature of no higher than +20 ° C and left until the morning.

The next day, the plant must be watered with water that has been settled for at least two days, adding a few drops of boric acid and Zircon to it. When all the soil flows well with water, the excess must be poured out of the pan.

The roots will better absorb nutrients at a lower temperature, so the pot can be overlaid with ice. Some flower growers argue that in the summer, a pot of azalea should be put in the refrigerator for a day. Such procedures - watering with boric acid and Zircon, cooling - must be repeated daily until new leaves begin to grow. Then you can water every other day, sometimes replacing boric acid with citric acid, and replace the refrigerator with sprays.

How to reanimate after pests

Having got rid of the reason why the azalea, damaged by pests, dried up, you can start restoring the plant.

Affected leaves must be removed (if they have not fallen off on their own), bare branches should not be cut. In order for the azalea to revive its branches, it must be in comfortable conditions, but it is advisable to increase the humidity of the air even more by covering the plant with a transparent lid (bag, jar). To enhance immunity, it is sprayed with a solution prepared from the Elina preparation. Water frequently (daily or every other day) with acidified settled water.

How to reanimate after illness

Azalea diseases are the result of errors. These can be caused by fluctuations in air temperature, humidity levels. If the leaves of the azalea turn black, then the cause may be a black trias or infection with fungal diseases. Septoria (red-yellow spots with black dots), cercosporosis (brown spots with red edges on the underside of the leaf), phyllosticosis (brown or gray spots) are characterized by the presence of spots that appear and grow on the leaves, stems of the plant. Late blight affects the roots, and the twisting and drying of the leaves indicates it, which first darken, starting from the very tips, change color, and then curl and.

These diseases will not be allowed to progress with special preparations that need to be started as early as possible: Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol, Ditan, Topsin-M or other fungicides. With verticillium, the base of the stem darkens, and not the leaf, this can most likely lead to death. Timely treatment with copper sulfate or fungicides will save. The sooner the disease is established, the sooner treatment will begin, which means there will be more hope for a full recovery of the plant.

After application special preparations all affected parts of the plant must be destroyed to prevent the disease from returning. An azalea that has survived a disease needs restorative procedures no less than after an invasion of pests or drying out due to poor care. The main goals are the same: restore immunity, improve conditions, help absorb nutrients.

Azalea will certainly be transplanted into a new soil, be sure to check the condition of the roots. Then apply frequent watering and spraying with water with boric and citric acid alternately, sometimes using the Elina solution to enhance immunity.

It is important that at this time the air temperature does not rise above + 20–22 degrees, and the lighting is soft without direct sunlight.

Video "Why does the azalea wither"

From this video you will learn how to cure an azalea that has begun to wither.

Azalea withered, how to save? Azalea Care Features Azalea is very beautiful and unusual plant. But at the same time, it is quite gentle, demanding care. That is why the plant is very often susceptible various diseases and troubles, including the azalea may dry out or lose all its leaves. Features of the plant Azalea (rhododendron) is ornamental shrub able to decorate the home with its flowering at any time of the year. Its main advantage is considered to be enough long flowering, which is distinguished by its elegance. This is evergreen shrub with large quantity branches. Its leaves are lanceolate, elliptical, ovate, pubescent on both sides. There are hybrids that have semi-double or double bell-shaped flowers, the color of which is quite diverse. The plant can be early flowering, medium or late flowering. Difficulties in care The most common problem that can be encountered while growing azaleas at home is the fall of leaves from the bush and its drying. To know how to save the azalea in this case, you need to find out the cause of the problem. She may not be alone. Causes of leaf fall and solutions. What to do if the azalea dropped all the leaves and withered? Answering this question, first of all it is worth noting that this problem is the most common. The main reason for this phenomenon is the lack necessary conditions for normal plant development. Azalea requires balance in everything and does not tolerate dry air very well. high humidity, too low temperature and too high. If the azalea is sick, the leaves fall. What to do in such a situation? Everything is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully control the humidity in the room. It is recommended to do this with the help of a pallet in which you can place a certain amount of wet expanded clay and peat. In addition, you need to spray the surface of the leaves several times a day, but this is strictly prohibited during the flowering period. It is also possible to lower the plant pot itself into a container of water at room temperature. This is to allow the overdried soil to absorb required amount water for the normal development of the shrub. How to save the azalea in this situation? To reduce the risk of such a nuisance, you should use only the water that has previously settled for at least three days at room temperature. The use of boiled water is also allowed. Another reason for yellowing and further falling of leaves and buds can be a spider mite. A thin cobweb, which is located in the internodes of the stems, will tell you about his presence. To eliminate the problem, the plant must be sprayed frequently and abundantly; during flowering, use a soapy solution or special chemicals. Causes of yellowing leaves. Ways to fix the problem. The main reasons for the appearance yellow leaves and their further subsidence are two: The development of chlorosis, which is a consequence of the increased content of calcium in the soil. You will see that the azalea is suffering - the leaves are falling. What to do to solve this problem? Everything is quite simple: you just need to slightly acidify the water with which you water the azalea. At the same time, do not forget about the comfortable temperature of the water, which should be about 15-16 ° C. The presence of a thyroid gland on the surface of the plant. This insect leaves brown plaques on the leaves. In the future, this leads to the fact that the color of the leaves fades, a sticky coating forms, shine, and soon the leaf falls off. The way to deal with insects depends on the stage of the lesion. On the initial stage azalea needs to be treated with soapy water. For more complex lesions, the use of special chemicals is required. Reasons why azalea leaves dry. Problem solving methods. What to do if azalea leaves fall and dry? First you need to find out the reason for this phenomenon. There may be several. One of the reasons why azalea leaves dry and curl up may be azalea moth. It will not be difficult to detect it, since this insect is quite large, has the shape of a caterpillar. To get rid of the misfortune, you need to manually collect all the insects and then treat the plant with special chemicals. If the azalea is not completely dry, how to sleep the plant? The situation when the leaves do not fall, but simply dry, may indicate overdry air. The reason for this may be the high temperature in the room or the location of the flower pot in a sunny place. However, there is no need to panic if some leaves withered immediately after flowering. This process is quite natural. If the leaves dry during flowering, then most likely the plant lacks moisture. Is there a solution to the problem when the azalea withered? How to save her? You can solve the problem of dry leaves by increasing the amount of watering. You can use melt or rain water. Once a month, it is recommended to water the plants with acidified water (add 5 drops of lemon juice to 1 liter of water). Why did the azalea shed its leaves and wither? When growing azalea, it should be understood that twigs that dry out are not the norm, but lead to the death of the plant. In order to know how to reanimate an azalea, you need to find out the cause. There may be several. Among them are: damage to the root system by diseases; possible stressful situations; transplanting during the period of active flowering; insufficient level of feeding; insufficient lighting; possible insect infestation. If your azalea has dried up, detailed instructions will help you learn how to save it. How to revive an azalea? First of all, you need to prepare the following ingredients: soil; ice; some cold water; a little boric acid, can be replaced with citric acid; pine needles; ash, activated carbon is also suitable; sand; means "Zircon". If you don't know how to revive an azalea, just follow these steps. First of all, the plant must be freed from the pot and placed with its roots in the cooked cold water. Rinse roots thoroughly and gently. After complete cleansing of the substrate, lower the azalea under running water which should be cool. After cleaning, the azalea must be planted in new soil. It is better if you use a special substrate for flowers. Leave the plant to spend the night and in the morning cover the ground with ice, while watering is very necessary. cold water. You should also avoid direct sunlight on the plant, especially in summer. Prepare water in a special way: let it stand for two days, then add a few drops of boric or citric acid, you can also use the Zircon preparation. Water the plant with this solution for several days in a row until the desired result. At the end, the pot with the transplanted plant must be placed on a surface covered with wet expanded clay, in a draft. In the summer you can even put it in the refrigerator. Water the plant every other day with very cold water. On the upper layer it is recommended to put pine needles in the pot, but this is an optional condition. Preventive measures It is much easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. That is why you will keep the plant healthy for a long time if you take into account the peculiarities of caring for the azalea. The main components of caring for this flower are: watering, top dressing, temperature and light conditions. The plant should not be waterlogged, as this can lead to its death. You can use water for irrigation at room temperature or 2-3 degrees warmer. Once a month, you need to use acidified water or a liquid with the addition of boric acid. If necessary, excess stems should be removed. The plant needs to be fed in the autumn, summer and spring periods. Very often you can see that after flowering, the azalea withered. How to save her in such a situation? To do this, the pot with the plant must be placed in a cool place. And at the moment when it begins its active growth, transplant into a new prepared substrate. Azalea is famous for its whimsical and fastidiousness. However, her beauty is worth the time and effort that you spend on care. And even if your azalea has dried up, you now know how to save it.

As soon as in flower shop the eye falls on the azalea, you immediately want to buy it. A low bush, completely covered with many bright colors, originally from Asia, a real oriental secret. But after a purchase, there are often cases when the question arises, how to reanimate an azalea whose leaves fall or which dies at all? In most cases, the plant can be helped.

Experienced flower growers know firsthand about the fastidious nature of azaleas. Special conditions, temperature exposure, selection of lighting, humidity, etc. Failure to follow at least a couple of rules for caring for this delicate flower, and problems will not take long.

Growing problems

Azalea dropping leaves? First of all, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of damage to the plant, analyze the symptoms. Azalea damage can be triggered by non-compliance or the appearance of diseases.

Yellowing leaves


The development of chlorosis is a problem caused by an increase in calcium in the soil. This in turn leads to a decrease in soil acidity. You can correct the pH by acidifying the water. To do this, you can use lemon juice or diluted citric acid but not vinegar. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the water for irrigation, it should be 16 - 17 degrees.


Another reason is also possible. It leads to yellowing, which feeds on the juice from the leaves of the plant. At the same time, small yellow spots appear on the leaves. As the spot increases, the entire leaf turns yellow and deforms, subsequently the development of the flower stops, and the leaves fall off.

Adult scale insects must be mechanically removed from the plant. To do this, a cotton swab is moistened in a soapy solution, and all affected leaves are wiped. Simply spraying is not enough. Spraying the azalea with a chemical insecticide is necessary after mechanical removal adults from the plant. Also, the window sill needs to be treated with the drug and window glass, with which the azalea branches were in contact and a thorough examination or processing of neighboring plants.

In advanced cases, the plant inevitably dies.

falling leaves

One of the most common problems. Many flower growers are perplexed why the leaves fall off the azalea and what to do in such a situation.

The reason lies in improper care, non-compliance with all mandatory requirements plant content. For azaleas, balance is very important in everything. It does not tolerate dry air, but it can also rot from excessive waterlogging, the earthen clod should be wet, but the plant dies from overflow, loves spraying, but flowering azalea cannot be sprayed.

Air humidity

Most often, azalea leaves shed their leaves if the balance of air humidity is not maintained at 75 - 80%. Spraying helps. You can raise the humidity by placing the plant pot on a tray of wet expanded clay, adding water as needed. In addition, the flower can be "drank" - put in a basin of water for 2 - 3 minutes, so the earthen lump will absorb right amount moisture. Water must be purified and settled for several days.


It can also be the reason why the leaves fall off. It is necessary to carefully examine the plant for thin cobwebs between the stems and leaves. If symptoms of infection with a spider mite are found, the plant is carefully sprayed several times a day with a soapy solution. If the plant blooms and spraying is undesirable, use chemicals against pests.

Leaves dry

If the azalea leaves dry, but the leaves do not fall, there may be a lack of moisture, an overabundance sunlight or the temperature is too high. Recovery optimal conditions content will help solve the problem.

A symptom of infection of a bush with an azalea moth: the leaves dry and curl. The pest looks like a caterpillar and it is quite easy to visually detect it. Azalea moth must be collected from the plant by hand, and then treated with a chemical insecticide.

In order to understand why the whole plant dries, it is necessary to return to the study of the rules for keeping azaleas.

Individual branches dry up, and soon the whole plant dies.

  1. Damage to the root system.
  2. Stress.
  3. Lack of fertilizer.
  4. Lack of light.
  5. Pest infestation.
  6. Transplant or rearrange during flowering.
  7. Excessive watering.

To help the plant, it is necessary to cut off all dry branches and eliminate the cause of drying. If necessary, carry out, feed, illuminate, treat with special pest control products.

With careful and thorough care, even such a delicate and fragile flower will feel great and delight the eye with bright flowering.

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