So that weeds do not grow in the cemetery. How to get rid of weeds and grass forever: the most effective methods

garden equipment 12.06.2019
garden equipment

Weed control in a cemetery is a problem that many people have to deal with. After all, for their growth in this place simply ideal conditions. It may sound blasphemous, but decomposing human flesh serves as excellent nourishment for such plants.

How to Get Rid of Graveyard Grass Permanently

The invasion of the invincible army of weeds begins with the advent of spring. If its destruction is not dealt with in a timely manner, then closer to summer, the grave will look like abandoned backyards. To control weeds, you can use chemical herbicides or try simple folk remedies.

The blue dream of almost every visitor to the cemetery is to find such a tool that will help get rid of weeds once and for all. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to do this. Seeds of plant pests are extremely abundantly sown in the soil and every spring they appear not in one, but in another place.

They should be dealt with at an early stage, because the more they manage to gain strength, the more difficult it will be to get rid of them in the future. Weed roots suck out nutrients, minerals and moisture from the soil, which leads to its depletion. As a result, flowers or grass planted on the grave are not able to develop as expected.

Each type of weed has its own methods of dealing with them. Some types of lime weeds are completely almost impossible, since even insignificant pieces of roots that have not been removed from the soil are enough for their revival. Others, on the other hand, are very easy to get rid of. Sometimes only the use of herbicides can help win this unequal struggle.

The peculiarity of this method is its speed of execution and high efficiency. When choosing herbicides, it is necessary to consider for which grass they are planned to be used. The chemical industry produces two types of pesticides:

  • Systemic - those whose poison, getting on the stems or leaves, penetrates into the underground part of the plant, as a result of which it dies off completely.
  • Contact - their action is carried out only at the place where they fall.

Depending on the spectrum of action, the following classification of herbicides has been adopted:

  1. Having a selective effect.
  2. Solid action.

The second destroy both the weed and everything that grows next to it. This means that they can only be used before flowers are planted on the grave or grass is sown. They are literally indispensable if they have overcome such dangerous and strong weeds as ambrosia or hogweed. The use of continuous herbicides is recommended if there is a desire to cover the resting place with soft green grass.

Using the former will also help in maintaining a beautiful and well-groomed lawn if weeds such as dandelions or wheatgrass have begun to appear on it. A product is selected that is designed to combat precisely these plants, and is applied in accordance with the instructions. If everything is done correctly, then the weed grass will disappear, and the lawn will not suffer.

Some of the more popular herbicides include:

  • Agrokiller.
  • Tornado.
  • Lapis lazuli.
  • Lontrel Zood.
  • Hurricane.
  • Roundup.

The first two, of the tools listed in the list, are considered the most powerful. Agrokiller is able to overcome not only such unbending weeds as cow parsnip, wheatgrass and horsetail, but also trees and shrubs.

Mechanical weed control

Mechanical action involves pulling out weeds, digging them up and cutting them. This method is quite effective, but very laborious. If some weeds are easily pulled out of the ground with their entire root system, then it is unlikely that such an operation can be performed, for example, with a bodyak.

Someone tries to simply mow the weed, but after some time after this operation, it rises again. After all, everything in the earth remains untouched root system. True, if you mow weeds constantly, then the roots can dry out and then the growth of the plant will stop.

The main disadvantage of this method is the need for large time and physical costs. Especially if you take into account the fact that the time of emergence of seedlings in different varieties occurs at the right time, which means that the operation will have to be repeated more than once or even twice.

Soil mulching

Mulching is another good way weed control. However, choosing it, one should not hope for a quick get rid of the problem. This method consists in the following: the earth is covered with any material that does not let the sun's rays through.

It can be crushed stone, a thick layer of old foliage or sawdust, black synthetic film. The lack of sunlight does not allow the process of photosynthesis to take place, which leads to the death of even the most persistent and strong plants.

The effectiveness of this method is guaranteed and it has no drawbacks, with the exception of one - the process takes a very long time. If there is an intention to remove all weeds from the grave and the area adjacent to it, then it is enough to cover all this space with a film at the final stage of spring. That's just to achieve a 100% result, she should lie in this way until the summer of next year.

How to get rid of weeds in the cemetery folk methods

Herbicides were invented relatively recently, and people have always struggled with weeds. For these purposes, our ancestors used homemade solutions, which were based on either salt or vinegar.

saline solution

Weeds will never grow on the soil into which a solution of ordinary table salt falls. This method has been used for many centuries, for the simple reason that it is available to almost everyone, inexpensive and simple.

The earth is simply poured with a strong warm saline solution or sprinkled abundantly with salt, which the rains will have to dissolve. One and a half kilograms of salt is poured onto one square meter. This method has one significant drawback - nothing at all will grow on the land cultivated in this way for a long time.

Acetic solution

It is a good alternative to expensive weed control herbicide. It is easy to make at home using ingredients that any housewife has. For this you will need:

  • Tap water - two glasses.
  • Vinegar - two glasses.
  • Citric acid - one sachet.
  • Alcohol - thirty grams.
  • Any dishwashing detergent - two teaspoons.

The finished mixture is poured into the sprayer and weeds are sprayed with it.

In this case, care should be taken, since it is not only objectionable plants that suffer from the action of a home herbicide. The alkali present in vinegar can Negative influence on flowers or grass planted on the grave.

Weeds, called bad grass by the people, will never completely disappear. But by choosing the best way to deal with dandelion, quinoa, plantain, wheatgrass, purslane and even more annoying plants, you can get rid of them at least for a while.

In the process of fighting weeds in a cemetery, you need to put not only a lot of effort, but also time. It is far from always possible to achieve the desired result by eliminating weeds near the grave forever. In a couple of days, young growth will grow out of the ground, giving the grave the appearance of an abandoned backyard.

Specialists of agricultural enterprises recommend resorting to the use of herbicides that fight unwanted vegetation in the cemetery effectively and for a long time. Such substances are sold on the shelves of any specialized store. But in some cases, you can use folk analogues, which are no less effective than products manufactured at enterprises.

How to get rid of grass in a cemetery forever: tools and methods

The invincible army of weeds begins its "attack" in the spring season, and if you do not start fighting weeds in a timely manner, then the view at the grave will become abandoned and unkempt. For weed control, can be used as simple folk methods and chemical herbicides.

Get rid of the grass in the cemetery forever

Every cemetery visitor dreams of finding such a substance with which it will be possible to permanently get rid of weeds, but this is impossible. Such an unpleasant fact can be explained by the fact that weed grass seeds are sown in large quantities in the ground, and with the onset of spring they germinate both in one place and in another.

It is necessary to destroy the weeds at an early stage of its growth, because then it will gain strength, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of it. The root system of plants feeds on minerals, nutrients from the soil, and also sucks out moisture, thereby depleting the earth. For this reason, flower plants or grass planted on the grave will not be able to grow as they should.

Note! For each type of weed, there is a specific way to eliminate it, but some varieties of grass cannot be completely eliminated. This is due to the fact that even a small piece of the root, which has not been removed from the ground, will be enough to re-sprout the weed. Such a struggle can be unequal, and only the use of a herbicide can help in this situation.

How to get rid of grass on the grave with herbicides

The peculiarity of this method is its high efficiency and speed. When choosing one or another herbicide, it is necessary to take into account which grass it will be used to eliminate. Enterprises chemical industry Several types of pesticides are produced, namely:

  • Contact preparations that act only on those areas where they hit.
  • The systemic type of herbicides - the poison falls not only on the foliage and stem of the weed, but also destroys the root system, due to which the plant dies.

Herbicides can have both continuous and selective action. As for the first classification, such drugs destroy not only weed grass, as well as plants that grow nearby. They should be used until grass is sown on the grave or flowers are planted.

Note! With the help of continuous herbicides, you can fight strong and dangerous weeds - hogweed and ragweed.

Selective herbicides can be used to control plants such as wheatgrass or dandelions, which often appear on well-groomed and beautiful lawns near graves. When choosing a product, you need to carefully study the instructions, and if you follow the step-by-step algorithm, then you can remove weeds in short time without damaging the lawn.

Get rid of the grass on the grave with herbicides

To date, herbicides such as Lazurit, Hurricane, Tornado, Agrokiller, Roundup and Lontrel-zood are popular. The most powerful herbicides include the first 2 substances, since they are able to remove not only weeds, but also destroy shrubs and trees.

Removal of weeds mechanically

Mechanical destruction means that weeds will need to be pulled out by hand, dug up and mowed with a trimmer. This method is effective, but rather laborious. One type of grass can be easily pulled out of the ground along with its roots, while the other (for example, thistle) needs to be destroyed only with a shovel.

Some people unsuccessfully try to equip the territory near the graves and mow the weeds, but after a certain period of time it sprouts again. And all because the root system remains in the soil - that part of the plant on which its growth and development depends. But if you mow the grass constantly, then the roots will dry out over time, and the weeds will stop growing.

The disadvantage of this method is associated with large physical and time costs.

As for the main drawback of this method, it is associated with large physical and time costs. The first shoots of a particular type of weed may appear at different times, so to mechanical way combat will need to be resorted to several times throughout the season.

Weed control in a cemetery with soil mulching

Mulching is good and in an efficient way in the elimination of weeds in the cemetery. But, giving preference to this method, one should not hope that it will be possible to quickly draw up a site and get rid of the problem. Mulching is as follows: the ground must be covered using any material that will not let through sunlight. For these purposes, you can use:

  • black synthetic film;
  • a thick layer of fallen leaves;
  • crushed stone or sawdust.

Due to the fact that the sun's rays will not penetrate to the resting place of a person, the process of active photosynthesis and cultivation is inhibited, so even the strongest and most resistant plants die.

Mulching is a good and effective way

This method is very effective, it has practically no drawbacks, except that the process is delayed for a long time.

Important! If it is necessary to eradicate all the weeds from the grave and the territory adjacent to it, you can lay a film on this entire area. In order for a 100% result to be obtained, the film must cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory and lie until the next summer comes.

How to cultivate the land in the cemetery so that grass does not grow

A substance such as table vinegar is almost indispensable in the household. It is with the help of vinegar that weeds can be destroyed.

As soon as the product gets on the grass stalk, the acids of the vinegar will burn it along with the root system.

Important! Table vinegar is completely harmless to people, as well as to soil and pets. All because there is an instant decomposition of the substance into carbon dioxide and water.

In order to get rid of weeds in the cemetery, it is recommended to use apple or colorless vinegar (9%). As for apple cider vinegar, it has a stronger effect, so it should be watered only on those paths that are tiled or completely paved. You can enhance the effect with table salt, which is sprinkled with weed grass after it is sprayed. This procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, since if vinegar gets on other flower plants on the grave, they may die.

Vinegar and salt solution

People who have already tried to destroy weeds in the cemetery with salt and vinegar say that this method is very effective and efficient, especially in those areas that are overgrown with wheatgrass. In nature, there is no plant culture that such a folk herbicide as vinegar would not cope with. Plus, this remedy destroys ants, which often appear on graves.

Note! Salt, when it enters the soil, can help and prevent the appearance of many diseases of a putrefactive nature.

Getting rid of weeds with kerosene

Kerosene is a relatively harmless and effective remedy for graveyard weeds. However, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, it is possible to destroy not only weeds, but also flowers growing near the grave. For this reason, it is imperative to figure out how to properly make a solution and pour unwanted grass over it:

  1. In order to sprinkle the grave and the area adjacent to it, you need to take 4 liters of kerosene and at least 10 liters of water.
  2. Take a plastic bucket and combine all the components in it, then pour salt (0.5 cups) and liquid soap(2-3 drops). Soap will contribute to the formation of a dry shell on the grass leaves, due to which the kerosene solution quickly splits, and its effect is greatly enhanced.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly until the small grains are completely dissolved, then pour the resulting product into a spray bottle and pour it over the area.

Many people say that it is much easier to improve and prevent the appearance and growth of weeds in the cemetery than to completely remove them later. Carrying out preventive measures helps to eliminate unwanted vegetation from the cemetery. Be sure to get rid of seeds that are carried by the wind to the grave from nearby areas.

It is necessary to do the treatment with vinegar or kerosene before seeds appear on the weeds. It is best to landscape and spray the resting place as soon as the first young shoots have appeared so that grass does not grow in the cemetery.

Mechanical removal of weeds in the garden is a very laborious work and, moreover, often not very effective. After some time, plants again appear on the beds, depriving garden crops of the much-needed nutrients. The thing is that even with the most thorough weeding, small roots of weeds still remain in the ground, giving growth. There is only one way out of this situation - to use a special chemical preparation designed to completely destroy unwanted plants in the garden or in the yard. Such a weed killer is called a herbicide and is sold in any specialized store. There are also less effective, but also less harmful to the soil and cultivated plants "folk" analogue of such drugs - ordinary vinegar with salt.


Currently, only two types of herbicides are used to control garden weeds:

  • Selective. Such agents act selectively on one or another type of weed.
  • Non-selective. Herbicides of this variety, when applied to the ground, destroy all vegetation without exception.

Herbicides also differ according to the principle of action. A weed killer can penetrate into plant tissues (instructions for the use of herbicides will be discussed by us a little lower) can:

  • through the leaves to the root;
  • through leaves and soil to all parts of the plant, including seeds;
  • only through soil.

Recently, preparations have also been developed that destroy moss and saturate the soil with useful micro and macro elements.

In addition, herbicides can be contact or systemic. The first type of drugs has a detrimental effect on weeds only in direct contact with their parts. Systemic herbicides after contact with the leaves penetrate the tissues and spread through them, destroying all parts of the weed, including roots and stems.

"Folk" remedy, vinegar with salt, also classified as a herbicide, can be attributed to systemic general action.

Selective drugs

There is just great amount herbicides of this type, which perfectly cope with weeds. Very often summer residents use for cleaning the beds, for example, "Zenkor", "Foxtrot", "Eraser", "Puma Super", "Lazurit".

Using any weed control agent on the site, in without fail the dosage indicated in the instructions for use should be observed. At too high concentrations, these preparations can have a negative effect on both the soil and cultivated plants.

Principle of operation and use

Selective herbicides contain special substances that inhibit the development of plant tissues and cause their death. These can be, for example, ACC inhibitors. These substances prevent the formation of fat in the tissues of plants, as a result of which their cells stop growing. Also, herbicides of selective action may contain various kinds of elements that mimic plant hormones.

Any weed killer, of course, should be used correctly. Most often, the treatment of areas with herbicides is carried out by spraying. The solution can be poured, for example, into a spray bottle. It is desirable to process weeds in calm weather, trying not to get on cultivated plants. The time of spraying should be chosen so that within 24 days after it there was no rain.

Selective herbicide "2,4-D"

This drug is considered the most effective means of selective action. It has been used for weed control since the 1940s. To date, more than 22 herbicides have been created based on "2,4-D", successfully used in agriculture. The main active ingredient of this drug is 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. She represents white crystalline substance. The herbicide "2,4-D" is moderately toxic and belongs to the second hazard class.

The growth of weeds after treatment with this drug stops after a few hours. The herbicide "2.4-D" is produced in the form of 50 and 61 percent solutions, as well as 70 and 72 percent concentrates. It is mainly used to control annual dicotyledonous weeds in wheat and corn crops.

The best herbicides for the garden

For the treatment of beds with tomatoes, peas and potato plots, a preparation such as Agritox is often used. This herbicide has a detrimental effect on weeds such as lamb, nettle, shepherd's purse, cornflower, dandelion, wild radish, arrowheads, etc.

Cucumbers and other cucurbits can be sprayed with Halosulfuron or Bensulide. For carrots, Linuron is perfect. Herbicide "Lazurit" is used for all types of vegetable crops.

Best lawn weed killer

The most popular lawn treatment agent is the selective herbicide Lontrel-300D. This tool is very effective in the fight against both annual and perennial weeds. With its use, you can clean the lawn from such types of grass as sow thistle, Tatar molokan, mountaineer, cornflower, coltsfoot, legumes, chamomile and, most importantly, persistent dandelion. At the same time, it does absolutely no harm to lawn cereal grasses.

General medicines

Herbicides of this variety are usually used not for spraying beds, but for killing weeds in the yard, along the edges of the lawn, along paths, etc. You can also treat the land with these preparations in early spring before planting crops. They are completely removed from the soil within about a month. Ferrous sulfate is the main active ingredient in general herbicides.

Treatment with non-selective preparations is also usually carried out by spraying. Some herbicides, both selective and general, are available in dry form. They are either diluted with water or scattered over the site (on wet ground).

Herbicide "Roundal"

This is the most popular continuous weed control today. It spreads through plant tissues within 5-10 days. Around the same time, the first signs of damage appear on their leaves. Weeds die about a month after spraying. Plants are best treated with Roundal in sunny, warm weather. There is no need to mow the grass. The greater the vegetative activity of the weed, the faster the Roundal will spread through its parts, and the faster it will die.

For tillage before planting horticultural crops(vegetables, potatoes, gourds, oilseeds, etc.), as well as for the complete destruction of grass along paths, hedges or in the yard, the Roundal preparation is diluted in a proportion of 80-120 ml per liter of water. Spraying or watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 100 m2.

Herbicide "Tornado"

This is another popular drug, also often used by summer residents. This herbicide is usually sold in vials. The manufacturer recommends spraying with a product diluted in three liters of water. However, experienced summer residents advise using the Tornado herbicide a little differently. In order not to catch other plants, the drug should be diluted in a bucket. At the same time, the treatment is carried out with the help of a broom, gently “lubricating” the weeds with a solution.

Best remedy: Vinegar with salt

Of course, purchased herbicides are effective and easy to use. However, these funds are usually quite expensive. In addition, most summer residents prefer to use any chemistry in the garden as rarely as possible.

Therefore, many owners of suburban areas are trying to replace purchased herbicides with "folk" remedies. Acetic acid is usually used as the simplest and safest. For spraying the beds, its 5% solution is most often used.

To process the yard, you can also use a more effective "folk" remedy for weeds - vinegar and salt. Prepare such a herbicide as follows:

  • 3.8 liters of vinegar 9% are poured into a bucket;
  • half a glass of salt is poured there;
  • a little liquid soap is added;
  • everything is thoroughly mixed.

A weed killer with vinegar is used in the same way as chemical preparations. Spraying should be carried out as carefully as possible. It is impossible to allow drops from the spray gun to fall on cultivated plants. The best time for processing is early morning.

Usually, white vinegar is used to kill weeds. You can also take apple. Summer residents who decide to use this "folk" herbicide should be aware that in large quantities it is able to leach nutrients from the earth.

"Folk" remedy for weeds: reviews

Many summer residents use vinegar to remove unwanted plants in yards and beds. However, reviews about it on the network are quite contradictory. What do they say about this weed killer? Vinegar with salt in no way has any harmful effect on the chemical composition of the soil, since it decomposes very quickly into carbon dioxide and water, some say. According to others, the splitting process takes a long time, and the use of vinegar can negatively affect plant yields. But in any case, maximum care should be taken when processing. Do not pour vinegar on the ground. Processing is carried out strictly on the leaves.

Of course, vinegar does some damage to the soil in any case. However, the same "Tornado" and "Randal" can hardly be considered harmless either. They are much more expensive, but the effect of their use is almost the same.

Which the best remedy from weeds - to decide, of course, the owners of the summer cottage themselves. Someone prefers purchased chemicals, and someone, perhaps, prefers "folk" vinegar. In any case, the use of herbicides helps to save time on mechanical weeding. However, of course, such compositions should be used "wisely". Otherwise, along with weeds, you can "free" the garden from cultivated plants.

    Try glyphosates - a type of herbicide that needs to be treated once every five years and kills both perennials and annuals. And if this option doesn’t suit you, then the easiest way is to lay an oilcloth and cover it with a small stone, or even lay a tile, it’s very convenient and you don’t have to think about weeds !!!

    Almost any herbicide is suitable for a cemetery. You can buy them at any hardware store. Is there some more a budget option- you can sprinkle abundantly on the ground table salt, then everything grows badly on it too.

    The problem of weeds in cemeteries is that there are abandoned graves nearby, on which weeds of unprecedented sizes grow and the grass is resown on well-groomed graves. Therefore, this year I will try to poison the grass there. Imazapir, read that he destroys the grass for several years.

    In general, there is now a wide range of different preparations on the market that will help get rid of various weeds, including those in the cemetery. For example, a good remedy pharaohquot ;. It's great for weed control. By the way, this drug is sold in a pharmacy

    Now there are a lot of means for weed control. For the cemetery, you can use continuous herbicides, which are also called non-selective. They destroy all weeds, but they can only be used on non-agricultural lands:


    Getting rid of weeds in a cemetery is difficult, but possible. Fortunately, a significant number of drugs for weed control are now being produced on garden plots, and they are also suitable for the cemetery. Perennial weeds can only be killed with continuous herbicides. The drug Tornado from weedsquot ;, low-toxic and effective, destroys a large number of weed species.

    Chemistry is the best. Now a powerful drug has appeared. In the country, I would not use it, because it is not known what will happen to the soil after its application. But for the cemetery, it is quite suitable.

    Using chemicals, do not forget about your own protection.

    And I fight this scourge with simple edible salt. Cut down all the weeds at the root, preferably as low as possible to the ground so that they do not stick out. And sprinkle heavily with salt. Weeds will no longer grow.

    I had a fight with burdocks on the grandmother's grave. Imagine how big they grow. I had to work hard, first to pull them out (I uprooted something, cut something down to the root). Then 2 times cultivated the earth with salt. Victory is on my side.

    Most often, wheatgrass grows, tansy, daisies also happen. There is a remedy in pharmacies - Pharaoh. this is our product, very good, they praise it. no weeds in this

    The most effective way to get rid of weeds is herbicides of continuous action. These products are sold in gardening stores. It is worth remembering that this is poison - there is a high probability of poisoning, so use gloves and a protective mask. The soil will have to be cultivated three times, after the first time there will be fewer weeds.

Didn't have to set up before. I have many options for the actual site inside the fence, but for the flower garden on the grave? I would plant roses everywhere, but my mother is greedy, she says they will dig anyway ... For the site, I choose from: hosta, spirea (such panicles bloom), daylily. I also think about loosestrife and milkweed. Euphorbia I generally adore - there will be a green carpet. What about the flower garden? Small hosts? I want something blooming .. and this is mostly foliage .. Primroses? (I don't have them and they bloom...


It depends on which cemetery - it's me about the earth and trees. In the countryside in the country, we have phlox and other flowers. On Vagankovo, where mine are, there are a lot of maples and the earth is not earth, sand - that's why I have lilies buried in pots and a daylily. Sometimes you have to water the ride. Neighbors have hostas, phloxes, lilacs. Closer to the central entrance, the land is better, there is already pansies, and all sorts of marigolds, and phloxes, loosestrife and other flowers. Some weeping willows also have conifers.

Astilba - blooms for a long time, feels great in the shade,

How to plant spicy herbs: a master class with a photo
...Caraway. It is indispensable for canning, harvesting sauerkraut cooking meat dishes and bread. Grown by seedlings. Sow cumin in pots thickened at the end of February, also plant in the ground. The best time for landing is the beginning of May. Tarragon. Basically, it's a nasty weed. It is easier to get it on the site than to take it out. Therefore, it is better to plant it not in the garden, but in the far corner of the garden. It will give a rich harvest regardless of growing conditions. In cooking, tarragon can be used almost everywhere, and it can turn homemade preparations into real delicacies. The method of cultivation is similar to the method of cultivation of other herbs, seedlings. Sowing and planting dates are the same. Mint. No problem p...

Dried tomatoes. Checkered slippers user blog on

We will need: - tomatoes - as much as you see fit. It is advisable to take smaller tomatoes - they will reach the desired condition faster - fragrant herbs - oregano, basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme (you can just take a mixture of “Provencal herbs”) - sea or ordinary salt - vegetable oil(sunflower or olive) - a couple of heads of garlic Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and stalks. Put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with herbs, salt, sprinkle with oil. and send it to the oven, preheated ...

We tell you which winter is the most dangerous for lawn grasses, what kind of care a lawn needs in spring and whether it needs to be fertilized. Lawn diseases The following diseases most often appear on grasses. Freezing grass grasses is a fairly common cause of lawn damage and death. This happens in years with a sharp transition from autumn to winter: under the influence of low temperatures, the plants do not have time to harden and die. Freezing is also observed in severe and little snowy winters on elevated bare places, on clay soils waterlogged in autumn, and during the formation of an ice crust. At the beginning of winter, grasses are more frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures up to -25 ... -30 ° C; in spring, the frost resistance of plants drops, and the temperature ...

Tell me, it’s very necessary - there is a burial at the Vagankovsky cemetery, a father and his 6 children are buried, one of the children is my grandmother, she was responsible for the burial, she was buried last, I am a granddaughter, at the moment I am responsible for the burial. And now my relatives ask me about the burial of the wife of one of the children, I have not yet given consent, because. I’m very worried that they will be able to take away (sue), because relatives are the children of one of the children, and there will also be a burial place for their mother, and I’m only a granddaughter. Already ...


girls, thank you all, this morning I went to Vagank/cemetery, they confirmed that they won’t be able to bury me without me, but if I give consent to the burial of an aunt who is someone else’s for me, then the change of the responsible person is guaranteed to me, because by the last burial will be their mother and they my father is already lying there. But in the spring I will need to put up a small stele for my grandmother with her data, during her lifetime this was discussed, because one monument with a portrait of one person, the other with a photo and dates of 4 people, it’s impossible to enter anywhere, so they said in the cemetery, that without the consent of loved ones buried there, I won’t be able to change anything, although I’m responsible

who is the last to draw up the one and the person responsible for it, the docks are issued

We will tell you how to make a lawn in the country with your own hands, which lawn grass buy how often the lawn needs watering and mowing. What is a lawn? This is a specially arranged, leveled area, sown with various turf-forming or creeping low-growing plants. Lawns can be sports, decorative and special purposes. Sports lawns are created at stadiums, hippodromes and other sports grounds. Special purpose lawns are needed...
... In dry, hot weather, hopes of rain can turn into death of seeds if you leave crops without watering for several days. At the same time, the seeds will swell and hatch, and then dry up before they germinate. Seedlings appear on the 7-21st day after sowing, depending on weather conditions. On average, it takes 2 weeks for seeds to germinate. In the middle of the 20th century, there was a revolution in the science of lawns: special varieties of grasses were bred, highly effective pesticides were created to control pests and pathogens, complex mineral fertilizers began to be used for lawn grass stands, and the main processes in caring for grasses were mechanized. Lawn care: mowing In the first year, do not give the lawn a big load, try to walk on it as little as possible. Try to protect it from pets too...

Foster family for the elderly. User blog Lao Ts "zy on

I was terribly surprised when the search gave me this - what foster families have introduced for the elderly .. [link-1] adopt? - adopt an old woman into the family, with whom she has absolutely nothing to do with and who suffers from a bunch of everything in varying degrees + personality changes + physiology .. these are HEROES! And you - children, children .. children out, whoever takes it, such a joy - to release a sweet child into the world, to release into the world, to look at her growing up, becoming, flourishing ... and you take an old woman - and take her to the cemetery ...


In my opinion, it is quite natural to "accept into the family" a neighbor's lonely old woman. Which you know for many years and one way or another you communicate with her. Than a child completely alien to you. As I understand it, they also pay money for the old woman? Not to mention the fact that she is quite possibly not a bum and has housing. Which may well bequeath to such an adoptive "parent".

06/01/2015 09:30:59, Yamamba

If a lonely old woman comes with an apartment plus banknotes in an old woman's mattress ....

01.06.2015 01:16:14, life annuity agreement+

In the village of Vybuty near Pskov .... Rex's blog on

In the village of Vybuty near Pskov, on the morning of August 25, a funeral was held for paratroopers who died under "unknown circumstances." An eyewitness to the funeral service, which was attended by about a hundred people, said that the date and circumstances of the death of the fighters were not called, only names were announced. The funeral was held at the cemetery next to the military training ground. The ceremony was guarded by the police, outsiders were not allowed to attend. In Vybuty there is the Church of Elijah the Prophet and a small cemetery founded in the 15th century...

Of course, from the buds of renewal on the roots, new stems will immediately go. And you again - under the root. Do not let them just grow above 5-10 cm, otherwise the roots will have time to come to their senses. So, by making 3-4 cuts in a row per season, you will practically get rid of perennial weeds. Why not compost cut weeds, but leave them in place? Yes, because you mulch the soil with them, and it upper layer does not dry out and does not collapse. Secondly, this layer of weeds, gradually rotting, returns fertility to the soil. Thirdly, you get rid of the extra work of transferring weeds to compost, and in the fall from posting compost that has rotted over the past year around the site. If you do not apply annually unrotted organic residues directly to the beds ...

Madura vaginal stick. Laroni's blog on

Madura is a super wand for women. It helps to solve not only women's health problems, but also increases libido and the quality of sexual life! Men will be crazy about you! Contracts the muscles of the walls of the vagina, has a powerful narrowing effect, creating the effect of "virginity". It activates mutual excitation during sexual intercourse, stimulates the achievement of a bright orgasm for both partners. It is also recommended as a means to improve the quality of sexual life of partners, especially for couples with...


I don’t understand one thing, how a super wand solves women’s health problems, guarantees a girl a lot of gentlemen, eliminates bad smell(how?), prevents fungal diseases (how???), prevents inflammatory diseases (how????) and erosion of the cervix (?????).

"Introduced for 1-2 minutes. After use, rinse the stick with warm water, dry with a napkin. Store in a dry place until the next use. Reusable stick." - I also know the “stick” with the same recommendations! ..))))))))))))

Girls, sorry for the topic. I don’t know where to write about this ... I suppose they’ll take it down, but that’s where)) At this time of the year, what flowers can be planted in a cemetery on a grave? And how is it done in general? I don’t know anything and don’t understand it. Advise in which direction to move at least. Thank you. *** Topic moved from the conference "Family Relations"

Then, using the drugs prescribed for you, you can restore the normal level of hormones in the adrenal glands. Many experts recommend starting with nutrition - making the necessary changes in the diet and watching for improvements. Start with small but consistent dietary changes (such as a diet high in protein and gluten-free vegetables), take natural vitamins and supplements (more B vitamins and omega-3 rich fish oil, for example), and try natural herbs (such as rhodiola for concentration and balance; chamomile or passionflower to stimulate the “calming” parts of your brain). And now I want to reveal to you a few secret tricks with which you can instantly increase your self-confidence and reduce anxiety. four fast way get rid of anxiety One of the components ...


My daughter changed schools in her teens - this is a big problem. New team, new teachers. There was excitement bad dream, distraction. They began to drink glycine forte at night, 1 tablet. The result was not long in coming. I made new friends and my studies improved.

16.10.2018 21:07:32, Elizaveta Simonova

Pediculosis treatment - a remedy for lice. How to treat your hair the right way.

Tell me, please, what to plant in a flower garden in a cemetery, almost always in the shade, in the forest ... Maybe some kind of decorative moss?

Remember there was a joke on the net about a letter from a 15-year-old daughter to her mother? "I'm getting married to Ahmed, marijuana is a harmless herb .. and so on" And someone else gave a link to my mother's answer, so I'm looking for it, maybe someone has it in their bookmarks? Thanks!!


15-year-old daughter was not at home. Mom looked into her room and with a sinking heart noticed a letter left by her daughter on the table and addressed to her.

With trembling hands, the woman took the letter and read the following:

Dear mommy!

Forgive me, please, but I decided to go to my new boyfriend. I love him so much. He is gorgeous with all his tattoos and piercings. What kind of bike does he have?

But this is not the most important thing - the fact is that I am pregnant. Ahmed said that we would be very happy in his trailer. The trailer is set in the forest. It's very beautiful there. Ahmed wants to have many children and that is my dream too.

I learned a lot from Ahmed. By the way, marijuana is a completely harmless herb. We'll grow it in our trailer yard for us and our friends, and they'll treat us to cocaine and ecstasy in return.

In the meantime, pray with us that scientists quickly find a cure for AIDS, so that Ahmed can feel better. He deserves it.

Mommy! Please don't worry about me! I am 15 years old and I can take care of myself.

Someday I will come to visit you so that you can see your grandchildren.

Your loving daughter.

P.S. Mom! I wrote a lie! In fact, I'm visiting the neighbors. I just want to tell you that much more unpleasant things can happen in life than the report on my grades, which is in the top drawer of my desk.

Late for an important meeting? Stop and think: what in the world could be more important than your growing child? Catching up with public transport? Spit! The next one will come. And things will always wait. Hurry up in Kindergarten for an older child? Call the teacher or relatives - use assistants! Are you in a hurry to clean the house and prepare dinner for the arrival of your husband? Let him show his best qualities and help you with the housework. After all, you are carrying his child - take care of him! In any situation, wherever painful tension finds you, you can stop rushing this very minute. Relax right now. Were you able to stop the fuss? Good! Now it is important to relax the body. From any position of the body, you can always find a way out to an even more comfortable one. It's good to remember...

I go to the cemetery to my dad quite often, in the summer about 1 time in 1-2 months. Once again, I discovered that an ash tree had grown between two neighboring graves, you know, this is a weed tree that crawls out everywhere by itself. Let me explain: we have double rows of graves, the back sides of the fences are adjacent to each other, i.e. this ash tree grew between other people's fences, but at the same time literally 15 cm from ours. How normal will it be if I liquidate it? Or you have to wait for people visiting one to do it ...


Yes, take a saw and everything. Just eliminate traces. Do you think the caretaker will notice the disappearance of the tree?

I think the caretaker should leave his phone for the neighbors with a request to call back and decide with the neighbors. Maybe this tree is dear to them and a joy. For example, I like that our dad is not in a wasteland, but under cozy birch trees.

The neglect of the fields in the last 15-20 years has given him an incredible chance to master arable land. It also inhabits forest lands, clearings, clearings, "burnt areas", coasts of reservoirs, appears on roadsides, villages and small towns, garden and farm plots. Residents of St. Petersburg can observe lush thickets of hogweed along the banks of the river. Smolenki near the Smolensk cemetery. Seeds are spread both naturally and by humans. Plants often live in roadside ditches and along roadsides. Cars carry seeds over long distances on tires, animals on wool. Populations develop rapidly along the banks of water bodies, since the seeds are easily moved ...
... Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots pour 1 cup of water, bring to a boil and reduce the liquid by 1/3 over low heat. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. For diarrhea: 1.5 tsp. dry grass pour 1 cup of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours. Strain, cool. Take a quarter cup 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. For external use 1 tbsp. l. Leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Soak dressings and apply to affected areas. Leaves, roots and petioles of hogweed have long been used in cooking. Young leaves are added to cabbage soup, borscht,...

On these nights, weddings are celebrated at the mermaids, and laughter and splashing of water are heard on the rivers. And in a heartfelt commemoration, according to an old belief, the dead remember their life on earth, leave their graves and roam the cemeteries. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a custom to carry wreaths and birch branches to the cemetery on Tuesdays and celebrate a suffocating commemoration on the graves. They ate, drank and left 2-3 half-peeled eggs and pancakes on the graves. It was customary to lay eggs on the grave even among the ancient Romans, who deeply revered the memory of the dead. The holy rule has survived to this day. Semik - Thursday. At the beginning of the Semitsky week, two or three girls go to the forest to choose a birch for the ceremony, and on Thursday it is already...
... Growths on birch trunks are formed from women's curses. The dead girl turns into a birch. The souls of deceased relatives move into the birch branches on the Trinity. So, on Trinity, they went to church with flowers and fragrant herbs in their hands. Sometimes the herbs were folded in a sheaf, and a triple candle was placed in the middle, then the herbs were dried and stored as a remedy for all sorts of troubles, in advance of all they were used as a medicine, and the candle was saved for the dying. According to one of the signs, Trinity greenery protects the house during a thunderstorm. One of the most juicy descriptions of Trinity Day by I. Shmelev in the story "The Summer of the Lord. Holidays. Joys. Sorrows": "All sorts of flowers and dark leaves lilies of the valley. Everyone is in a hurry...

Please tell me what to do. How to prepare the site, what grass to buy, what to do with it ( better seeds or roll)? It is very necessary that in a couple of weeks a plot of approximately 2x2m becomes green and neat. Please! I really need help!


If in a couple of weeks - then rolled. Only follow. year he will die (verified)
Preparation for any lawn - level, kill ants, weed, sow grass, tamp well, water abundantly. It is desirable to water more often. I planted a "playground" seed lawn (=sports lawn) on May, grew up and turned green. already weeded 2 times
I planted a rolled one in a cemetery - as a result, they threw it out after a couple of weeks and planted it with seeds, so they only spent money + a lot of time

They wrote here recently that the deceased does not care where he is buried there and who goes to him. However, today I saw the grave of a man who died more than six months ago. It looks like no one has been there since the funeral. There are wreaths, a portrait of him, and a plate with a name, which they immediately give out. Meanwhile, the heir was already actively in his apartment two weeks after his death. In my opinion, this is still not good, although the dead already certainly do not care.


An untidy grave is a sad sight. Could the heirs remove the wreaths and put spruce branches. Little labor and little cost. But they don't need to :(

A monument and a flower garden can be erected in a year, not immediately. Wreaths can also lie for a long time ... We deliberately left them on my uncle's grave for the time being (the urn was buried on January 19), shaking and cleaning.

I don't like visiting cemeteries. Even if the people I love are buried there (father). I don't understand the idea of ​​"visiting". Mom condemns me. And I don't like it there. Is it true that there is such a duty, a duty - to visit the dead? Special cleaning is not required there, that is, my presence is not expected as work force, namely "repay a debt." Do I have such a debt? In the cemetery, I try my best to abstract from the meaning of this place. Why should I go there, even occasionally?


It is clear that dancing is more fun. But there are traditions, decency, conscience that oblige a person to repay the debt to the dead, honor their memory and, in this regard, carry out certain activities such as going to the cemetery. And your mother is not happy because she sees her prospects and understands that you will not be especially eager to visit her in the cemetery either, as a parent it is unpleasant for her.

If you are unbearable - do not go, of course.
I am old-fashioned and I consider it my duty to care for the graves of relatives. as long as I can, I will walk. So trained.

Kidney disorders in a child - causes and treatment

Pure water is best, mineral water is possible, but always without gas! You can add a few drops of lemon juice. In juices, it is better to give preference to citrus fruits, especially pineapple, but its naturalness should be obvious. If you are not sure, it is better to refuse altogether. Herbal decoctions will have a beneficial effect, but since the action can be multidirectional, I recommend reading specialized literature in advance or discussing the issue with the doctor. most important rule in the fight against cellulite - more aerobic exercise. This includes jogging, swimming, aerobics, or even just walking on fresh air. The main thing is the daily load. And on days when the load is especially intense (3-4 times a week), you need to lean on protein foods and...

If they are not prevented, then serious consequences may arise in the future. It must be remembered that the skin of a child is also an indicator of his internal health. Pimples and redness can be caused by food allergies, so it's important to always remember what new foods your child has eaten lately. This will quickly remove the potential allergen from the baby's diet. In the same way, allergic rashes can appear in response to a variety of external factors: dust, pollen, animal hair. A reaction to unsuitable cosmetics is also possible. 2. The right diaper change Disposable diapers are convenient, quick and easy. But they do not guarantee the complete absence of ...
...They are recommended by experts for washing newborn clothes. Washing powder "Eared nannies" does not contain soap, so it is easy to completely rinse out of the fabric, and this eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions. Air conditioners "Eared nannies" give things softness, facilitate the process of ironing, remove static electricity. Stain remover "Eared nannies" especially effectively removes stains from fruits, tea, grass, chocolate, oil and specific children's dirt. Well, for maximum reliability, you should remember a few simple rules washing children's clothes. Children's clothes must be washed separately from the clothes of the parents. The underwear of babies up to three months old must be washed at a temperature of 90 ° C, this replaces boiling. Baby clothes need to be rinsed twice as thoroughly....

Girls, tell me how you can anoint a blister from hogweed. The husband was cleaning the cemetery, apparently there they found each other.

We gathered yesterday with my mother to go to the cemetery, several friends and relatives lie there. I say to BM: sit with your son. him: why don't you take it with you, what's wrong with that?? It always seemed to me that a five-year-old is at a cemetery, especially at a "planned" visit, when you have to stand, be silent, clean up something ... well, there is absolutely nothing to do! and in general, I somehow instinctively repel everything connected with death from my son (it was even unpleasant when they called him a little angel). In the end, he stayed...


I perceive the cemetery in a somewhat pagan way: our ancestors lie here, we must remember and know them. Death is part of life. In general, I like the cemetery, it is calm and measured there. So I don’t see anything wrong with having a child in the cemetery.

I take everyone, the little ones sit in the car (we have a car ride through the cemetery), the elders are with me at the grave ... But it’s hopeless for me, I don’t have anyone to leave them with, but the children are calm and don’t make noise, don’t run , everyone understands ... I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I know it's too early to ask. but still ... The fact is that in my country house there is the most common peony! When his mother looked after him, he always bloomed perfectly and profusely! But now mom is no more and the peony even refused to form an inflorescence! and there were no obstacles on my part for him! how to persuade him to bloom again in the new year ??


I have peonies growing in the cemetery. They bloom, although I do not particularly care for, and never fertilized. It obviously got worse when the devevo grew from the southeast side: they do not like the shade. Well, as they say in middle lane, "year" sometimes the weather is not conducive to flowering.

Peony bushes, especially on damp ground, tend to grow. When the bushes completely cover the space with greenery, then there may not be enough light for everyone. The peony comes from the steppes. There, until autumn, each bush sticks out among the narrower grass and the sun is gaining. And here he needs a warm, not flooded place, better (but not necessarily) protected from the northern winds. In spring and summer, the peony should not be shaded by trees or taller plants on the site, have direct sunlight. Every bush needs a pretty big square, at least the circle in which its crown lies. IMHO, this tops do not need to be cut to frost. If it is planted normally, then in Moscow-Moscow region it is also not required to cover.

Dad, we were told at school that in the famine years bread was given out on ration cards. - Well? - Dad, how did they stuff bread into ATMs? 2 am, bar, everything is closed. A German mouse leans out of the mink, looks around - there is no cat, rushes to the bar, pours himself a beer, drinks and flies with all his might back to the mink. A minute later, a French mouse appears, looks around - no cat, also rushes to the bar, pours himself wine, drinks and also runs into a hole. Mexican mouse sticks out - no cat, tequila ...

Also stains oil paint can be removed with a mixture of gasoline and acetone. Rust is easily removed with citric acid: just moisten the stains with it. They will quickly disappear, then pour a little baking soda on the area to be cleaned, it will neutralize the action of the acid. Instead of finished citric acid You can just take lemon juice. Blood and Grass Items with blood stains should be soaked for several hours in cold water with the addition of a small amount of ammonia. On light cotton and linen things, old stains are removed with a stronger solution - 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water. Grass stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia (proportion 1: 1), then washed with warm water. Coffee and cocoa Coffee and cocoa can be removed from a thing by treating it with water with a small amount of...


a small pump station + caisson for pressurized water is purchased, complete. It costs around 3 thousand rubles. An ordinary garden hose of the required length is bought, a clamp for fixing this hose to the station branch pipe. The most cheap washing machine- 6-7 thousand rubles, an extension cord for draining from it, the drain is displayed somewhere in the bushes, raspberries, for example - and you erase it to your health. It is only necessary to pour less powder, otherwise it is a pity for raspberries. But even with a small amount of powder, the machine usually washes tolerably. And then, in a city apartment, you can already wash it intensively if after the summer some spots appear.

oh, yes, everything is done very simply: loaded into a car and taken to Moscow. clean is brought back. without any hemorrhoids and hand washing ...

Girls, I congratulate you on the bright holiday of EASTER! CHRIST IS RISEN! ******************************************************* **** Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and bestowing life on those in the tombs. "Christ has risen from the dead, correcting death by death and giving life to the dead." Troparion of the feast *************************************************** ******* EASTER BRIGHT RESURRECTION Easter is a Hebrew word and in this language it has long sounded like this: “Passover”. And in Russian it means...

asked. The theme is overcoming oneself, one's fears. No one will give you a clue?


Here fears came to me,
They brought "oohs" and "aahs"

Darkness from the corner threatened
A draft slipped under the door.

I used to be afraid of them
Covered with blankets

But I came up with the right way
Against their terrible mischief

And now on "ooh" and "aah"
Sending "hihi" and "hahi"!

Sergei Makhotin.

Usachev "Lamb" and "Brownie"

In order to identify the allergen, special examinations are carried out. Blood levels of IgE antibodies specific for certain allergens and skin prick tests are used. For skin tests, solutions are prepared from potential allergens (extract of herbs, trees, pollen, animal epidermis, insect venom, food, drugs). The resulting solutions are administered in minimal amounts intradermally. If the patient is allergic to one or more of the listed substances, then local edema develops around the injection of the corresponding allergen. What should be done in case of manifestation of OAS and what drugs can be used? If the allergen is known, eliminate it immediately...

All this is accompanied by itching, burning, pain, the baby becomes restless, often cries. Causes of diaper rash The main cause of diaper rash is excess moisture on the baby's sensitive skin. Excess moisture strips the skin of its natural lubrication, and the protective barrier of the skin is broken, which makes it easier for microbes to enter it. The conditions for the occurrence of diaper rash are constant irritation of the skin with feces and urine (urine salts, breaking down, form ammonia, which has an irritating effect), poor drying of the body after washing, high ambient temperature and excessive wrapping of newborns. Other causes of diaper rash include rubbing against the skin of clothing (especially...


Current article. It is clear that it is best to prevent diaper rash than to treat them later. But then the weather is hot, then the diaper did not fit. Recently, for example, we went to another city to visit my husband's parents - four hours by intercity bus, then another hour in traffic jams. And they arrived, took off the diaper, and there ... all the skin was in small spots, and in general the skin burst in the folds. The mother-in-law advised panthenolspray, well, the one with a smiley on the package, European, which is usually used for burns. And already in the morning, the redness became less, and after a couple of days, the wounds in the folds healed, and the redness disappeared.

28.08.2017 11:59:14, Loriana-p

My daughter is 3 years old. We have decorative rats in a cage. Yesterday we hear him playing with a little rat and asking him for forgiveness: Forgive me that you will never come to life again, you will not open your eyes, etc. My husband and I missed - strangled the little rat. We were upset, scolded her, but did not scold her. The next day I hear the same thing again (sitting under the bed) - I almost killed her, scolded her, called her an animal killer, threatened to strangle her just like a rat - she was not afraid when I took her by the throat, I hurt her ...



02/21/2016 10:06:50 PM, orimne

Thanks a lot to everyone who responded!!!
Sorry for the long silence - I had to "digest" the situation and the answers.
Indeed, now I understand (and probably from the very beginning I understood) that I myself was to blame for the death of the rats - I didn’t keep track, or rather, I committed criminal negligence. After all, we transplanted these rat pups from the mother into a separate cage so that the daughter could easily get them out of the cage and play (the female is aggressive, protects the cubs and bites VERY PAINFUL). I was even happy - I'm sitting on the Internet, my daughter is fiddling with a mouse on the floor, and now ... ON YOU! This is the first.
Secondly, we purchased these rats especially for our daughter. She asked for an animal for her birthday - a dog or a cat. On this I "could not go" - I compromised. It seems to be living creatures, but it doesn’t run around the apartment, it “shits” in a cage, and not in the corners. And he lives not 15 years, but 2-3 years. Forgive me, animal lovers, for my cynicism. But, probably, an animal in the house should be started out of great love for the animal, and not as a toy for the child. Although, how now to refuse a child - I myself, in my childhood, was very offended by my parents for not having a dog. At the age of 13, she herself brought a puppy to the house, naturally a huge burden fell on her mother's shoulders (did she need it?), And a couple of years later she left for a construction team, and her mother gave the dog into good hands.
Thirdly: the little rat was buried in the cemetery, but not next to the grandmother's grave. There is a lowland nearby, there are no graves (it gets very hot in the spring) - they throw weeds there after weeding the graves, that's where we did it.
Fourthly: My daughter is by and large very affectionate and not aggressive. Literally in the summer, she walked in the park and tried not to step on the ants. And in the sandbox, even a tantrum happened to her when one boy killed some flying insect that had landed on his toys with a spatula. So I'm sure that she did it not out of malice, but apparently out of curiosity. But I wanted her to understand what curiosity is - criminal (actually, like my negligence). And in the heat of the moment, I was afraid that I had gone too far. But it seems that the psyche of the child was not affected (in any case, we live as usual, it seems like nothing happened). The husband took the rat cubs to the pet store (it was already time, we also carried the previous litter) - the daughter did not worry, she did not yearn for them. Plays now with empty cells.
As for the gun - she has a Chinese pistol with a laser beam - a few patterns can be changed. In fact, this is not a weapon, rather a flashlight. But she does not grow in isolation - she knows what a weapon is. We are not into fighters. The whole family has been watching cartoons for almost three years now. Although just the other day my husband cut himself into "Cool Sam" and his daughter sat on his lap and watched this massacre. I tried to protest, but rather weakly. By the way, in cartoons (for example, in her favorite "Ice Age"), the theme of killing animals for food is touched upon. They didn’t discuss it globally, I tried to mumble something indistinctly, but I didn’t fool my head - it seemed to me that my daughter was still not very clear (and to be more precise, I simply couldn’t explain, but I was too lazy to strain). Although, probably, now it is already possible to analyze this topic in more detail - where would only words be found ???
There were no questions about food - although she is aware that the chickens she saw at the dacha (live) and the chicken thigh in her plate are one and the same. With all that, once we had a conversation - we somehow met a homeless cat on the street, she was very fond of her daughter, I take it and joke: "let's give the cat our rats to eat?" To which she reacted violently: "No!!! It's a pity for the mice!"

All in all, I don't think she Cruel person, but the "bell" really should not be left unattended! We will develop in the child feelings of compassion, kindness, cordiality!

I carefully re-read the topic, I will take into account all the advice!

Sorry for the sad topic, but. What can be planted. I've already broken my head. For - the earth is bad and an absolute shadow. And I can't ride every day. You need something fast-growing, unpretentious. Perennials are better, although not necessarily. Which options are from: 1. Colors 2. ornamental grasses. And yet, is there anything that can defeat the weeds?????? One of the graves is regularly overgrown with it, despite careful weeding twice a year. Creeps from neighboring ones, I can’t weed out the whole cemetery ...

Now my hands are itching, but I think that I will buy bulbs and seeds so that someone can steal them later? So the yards remain unkempt:

The most painful thing is that mothers know, and I think they encourage :(

26.06.2003 10:46:54, Red cat (from work)

I heard a lot of nonsense, but this is the first time))

Background: from time to time, when I have time and mood, I plant various bushes, flowers and other plantings under my window. I live on the 3rd floor of a 3-storey building in a small town (not Moscow!), near the private sector. From time to time I am distracted from my plantings and they are overgrown with grass. From time to time they are dug up and they disappear in an unknown direction. From time to time I remember about them again - I spud, remove from the grass, ennoble, plant new ones, etc. Today just happened...

Palpitations, shortness of breath and swelling are the result of "water" addictions. In addition, adipose tissue has the ability to absorb water like a sponge and retain it in the body, increasing weight. To remove excess fluid, prepare decoctions of diuretics medicinal herbs: bearberry, string, parsley leaves. They will relieve you of edema, without washing away the potassium that feeds the heart muscle (unlike some medications), improve metabolism, the functioning of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. Laxative infusions, teas, preparations from joster, buckthorn, senna, rhubarb, and beets will benefit the intestines. Take them at night if necessary. You can use ready-made teas and herbal preparations with a complex diuretic and laxative effect. AT...

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