Desktop on the balcony with their own hands. Major nuances of children's room with balcony

Decor elements 12.08.2019
Decor elements

Equipment working area The apartment has long been considered fashion trend. This is due to the fact that over time, more and more people go to a remote job or takes job tasks, and it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for yourself so that everything is at hand and nothing distract from important things.

If you select a free room for these purposes, it is not possible, you can equip a full-fledged cabinet on the balcony, especially since this zone is often not used.

We will tell you about what techniques can turn the balcony in a convenient place to perform work tasks, as well as we will also give tips on the planning and style design of such a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the balcony

If newly recently balconies and loggias were used to store and store unnecessary things and played the role of a kind of storeroom, today they are beginning to be re-equipped into full-fledged rooms with special purpose, starting with the mini-gym, game room For children, zones for creativity, compact summer kitchen or bar and ending with working offices equipped with all the necessary furniture and appliances.

By the way, it is not necessary to turn the balcony in office space: For example, you can create as in the photo, manicure Cabinet on the balcony.

Despite the fact that the balcony was originally not intended for working purposes, the equipment of the Cabinet on its territory has several advantages:

If you decide to convert a balcony to the office, then be prepared to feel and some disadvantages of such ideas.

First of all, we are talking about large costs For repairs, since to ensure comfortable conditions, you will have to additionally consider insulation, sound insulation issues and many others. After all, with the onset of cold seasons you may be uncomfortable to work in a cool and cheese room.

Well, by itself, the lack of a free space can also affect your productivity, so we recommend planning all the details in advance and choose the most the right way Organization of space.

Options for working offices in the zone of loggia or balcony

There are several varieties of cabinets on the territory of the loggia or balcony. They may differ in the area (to increase the place you can start with the expansion of the balcony and stitching) and by the degree of openness, as well as the features of internal equipment. Therefore, be sure to look at the photo of the working offices on the balcony before you begin to basic work.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization of the free place, such types of work offices on the balcony can be distinguished:

  • individual cabinets that are completely isolated rooms equipped with a wall or partition with a door and window block. Such a layout allows you to choose an individual design for the office, since the style differences with a residential area behind the wall will not rush into the eyes;
  • attached cabinets are not separated from the next room. Between them there may be a low partition, but most often they are completely combined with a residential area, therefore are issued in a similar style.

The following classification is associated with the internal equipment of such zones. It can be stationary cabinets, which are a full-fledged office of a small size with installed working furniture and appliances.

If you do not always plan to use a balcony for work, you can choose the second option - a mobile office. It differs from stationary in that after the completion of the workflow, you can convert a balcony by incorrecting the extra shelves, hiding part of the furniture and transforming it some models. So you will free your holiday destination or other purposes.

Regardless of how you decide to make a balcony or loggia, the initial stages of their transformation will be the same. Let's study these procedures in detail.

The process of re-equipment of the balcony in the office

So, the creation of a working office on the loggia or the balcony will consist of such steps:

  • glazing;
  • electrical procedures;
  • insulation of a balcony zone or loggia;
  • finishing work;
  • furnishing and design.

We have already said that if you wish, you can enjoy the expansion of the balcony. But even if you are satisfied with the available area, perform work on checking the quality of the slab built into the carrier wall console principle. If necessary, call specialists who strengthen it, because when installing the windows and equipping the work office there will be an additional weight load.

It is advisable to choose high-quality polyvinyl chloride glass windows with double or triple glazed for the balcony. So you can additionally insulate the work area and protect the office from external noise. If you put the windows with one glass, you will have to additionally use heating structures.

Attention! Immediately decide how the windows should open, so as not to prevent the displacement on the balcony or execution. Also consider how to wash such windows. Most the best way - Rotary-folding flaps that will be convenient to open if you need to ventilate.

Now engage in electrical work. Access to the electricity on the loggia or the balcony is required, since in the evening you will need lighting, and the work technique will also need to be connected to power sources.

If you create a small working area, there may be enough point lighting and one socket for technology. Run the shoes or cable channel from the apartment at the repair stage.

So that the microclimate in the working area was favorable, warm the side walls, the floor and the ceiling. Use lightweight materials with low thermal conductivity indicators, for example, mineral Wat, extruded polystyrene foam or resistant. Paul Fill with a screed or add lags, and at the warming stage, perform hydro and vapor barrier work. Be sure to check whether all the gaps and cracks are embedded.

Even with the full work on the warming of balcony and loggia, you will not be able to protect yourself from the cold one hundred percent. Therefore, you should think about the heating of the working area. For example, you can make a warm floor or use electrical appliances.

Remember! On the balcony it is impossible to make steam heating without obtaining permission from authorized bodies.

You can also insulate the working office using convectors and oil heaters. In stores you will find a lot of suitable models with different features Heating. In addition to the ease of use, these devices have other advantages: they are safe and environmentally friendly, can be adjusted to create the most comfortable conditions, and oil heating elements can also be moved to any part of the balcony without special difficulties. But keep in mind that they are very powerful.

Another suitable option is infrared heaters, which are suspended panels for walls or ceilings. There is also a variety of IFC autonomous type devices that can be moved. These devices are economical and have high efficiency, allow heat evenly distributed around the room, contribute to the heating of people and objects, and not the air itself. They are easy to install without assistanceAnd you can always choose the design in accordance with the features of the design of the work room. Check out the photo of the cabinets on the loggia and the balcony with different heating options.

Read about how to choose and install: doors, their features and main characteristics, tips on choosing a better option.

View options and ideas of bedroom design in blue colors can be in the article.

Finishing work on the balcony: modern solutions

Next, proceed to finishing the working office on the balcony. When choosing materials, it is necessary to focus on their operational features (such as strength, wear resistance, durability, etc.), as well as on external characteristics, as you need to create an atmosphere that has a job.

In the photo of the cabinets on the balcony you will see a lot of diverse finishes. For example, for these purposes, it is possible to use plasterboard, lining, plaster or plastic.

Plasterboard is one of the most common options for completing finishing works in such zones. Its surface is plastered, painted or decorated with wallpaper. So you can create the appearance of a real office room with a cozy design.

You can also choose the lining. This is environmentally pure Material With light weight. And thanks to strict appearance, it is suitable for your home office, because it will not distract from the workflow.

Plastic finish is popular for the ease of such coatings, the diversity of design, as well as the simplicity of installation. Plastic materials You can fix on anything and use not only for the design of the walls, but also for the ceiling decor.

By the way, for the ceiling, you can use the sandwich panels of different colors: they are low, therefore it is easy to install, and also contribute to the insulation of the room.

As for the floor, here you can use linoleum. Firstly, it is light and without any problems, especially since the floor area for decoration will be small. Secondly, you can choose optimal option Among the diversity of linoleums in thickness, color and texture. And some linoleums will create a carpet imitation, so the office office in your home will look even more presentable.

There is a linoleum inexpensive, if compared with other finishes.

You can stop your choice and on the laminate. It is more suitable for loggias and balconies with heating, as it has a density similar to heavy wood. It is a beautiful, resistant to wear and practical material.

As for the wall decoration on which double-glazed windows are installed, here you can use the blinds of horizontal or vertical type. With their help, the brightness of natural lighting in the working area is adjusted. You can also stay on rolled curtains or other species corresponding to your cabinet style.

Choose furniture and decor elements

The design of the balcony under the office is almost ready, and it remains only to think through the details. Let's start with the selection of furniture. In the working area there must be a table and a chair or a comfortable chair. Place your computer or laptop on the table.

If you plan to connect another office technique, choose tables with comfortable shelves and niches for everything you need. Over the working surface, you can equip the shelves for folders, books, disks or documentation.

Tip: Since the places on the balcony are a bit, make the table to order. Some shelves or parts of the countertops can be drawn up to save space when the work is completed.

The chair should also be comfortable and functional. Therefore, we recommend replacing the usual model on the office, with a height-adjustable and back position. Also in the working area will not prevent the wardrobe. To save space, make it transformable: For example, an excellent option will be a model with a folding or retractable sash, which will play the role of a coffee table.

The design of the office on the balcony should configure not only to work, but also to rest during breaks. In the opposite part of the balcony or loggia, you can equip a rest area. Put the bench, chair or compact sofaIf you wish, post a table for colors or drinks.

Here you can hang the shelves for books, put the flooring, consolidate posters with motivational statements or photo frames. If this zone is placed where the glass windows entering residential room, part of the windowsill also use for storing decorative items.

Stylish curtains hang on the windows, and the floor decorate the cozy small-sized rug. Look at the photo of the Cabinet design on the loggia and the balcony to make sure how this room can be transformed at the expense of small details.

Decorating the office, be sure to plan not only the equipment, but also its color gamut. It is important that all the elements harmonize with each other. Furniture and finishing textures should also correspond to each other. We recommend to stop the choice on calm, customizing shades.

Council. Do not choose colorful wallpapers and textiles with bright patterns: they will distract you from the workflow.

By the way, if you choose a bright color gamut of walls and furniture, you will be able to visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a room.

That's all the features of the arrangement of a personal office. After performing some uncomplicated procedures, you can get cozy place To work in which it will be pleasant even when you do not need to do office affairs.

Try to arrange this place so that your taste and character feel in detail - and then you will be even more comfortable to spend a maximum of time in this part of the apartment. And ideas for inspiration Hold with photos of the design of work offices on the loggia and the balcony.


The disgusting attitude to the balconies has been preserved in our memory from Soviet times. Empty marinade cans, broken skis and grandmother's boots often become objects of muses of humorists in television transmissions. How to turn the place to store unnecessary things to the useful space, learn below.

Organize on the balcony workplace - A very sought-after decision in a lack of living space. The presence of natural light makes it particularly attractive in order to organize a warmed home office or schoolchildren's workplace.

Alteration can be carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Save the cabinet as a separate room. This option is preferable if the balcony is in the shared room. Isolated space will provide silence for work.
  2. Combine the loggia and room. It is suitable in the case when there is a need to create a workplace, but the capping isolation is not required. For example, if you create a seamstress workshop or a manicure office. In any case, it all depends on your personal needs.

The transformation of the loggia in a written or office study will have to start with the dusty and boring work. Free the placement from the garbage, take out old furniture. Ruthlessly get rid of the old sheathing. Before insulation of the balcony, it is necessary to close all the slots using the sealant.

Sign up to the selection of window blocks. Stop your choice on double or triple glass. They will increase the sound insulation of the workplace and save warmly. Think the location of the handles and turns the windows.

You must access the outer side of the glass when carrying out cleaning. Open frames should not clutter space.

Decide with the location of the electro lighting devices, Select a place for switches, the main and additional lighting, sockets, as a rule, they will need several. Do not forget about the presence of access to wireless Internet or cable connection. Performance electrical work requires certain skills and qualifications.

Practical Cabinet on Loggia

The main step towards the implementation of the dream is the insulation of the room. Refer responsibly to this item. It is this stage of work that is fundamental to a comfortable stay indoors. Manufacturers offer a wide range of thermal insulation materials.

In order to make right choice, Examine the properties of classic and modern heat insulators that offer manufacturers:

  1. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient better material will save warm air in room. Polyurethane foam has very low thermal conductivity.
  2. Material with good waterproofing properties does not wet and moisture is not afraid. Mineral wool, if moisture gets, loses its heat-conducting properties and becomes severe. This gives extra weight of the balcony design.
  3. Termically stable materials will be warned from fire. High properties of flammability possesses polystyrene.
  4. Save precious centimeters, choose a soapper with a small volume. Penofol One of the most subtle modern insulation.
  5. Ease of installation will provide rolls and block plates. This installation can be performed independently without having special skills.
  6. Choose environmentally friendly and safe compositions that do not contain toxic and harmful substances.

Do not save money on balcony insulation. Trying to choose the cheapest or fast option, you risk returning to this problem through a short time. When choosing a heating system, it is better to stop on electrical convectors or a warm floor system. Electrocamine, or infrared heaters can be installed. The removal of steam heating loggia is sometimes impossible, and in some cases, the attention of the supervisory authorities can attract.

Take care that the heating system may require additional maintenance during operation and monthly payment costs.

The final stage of the draft decoration is the choice of material for walls and ceiling. It can be limited to traditional plasterboard, clapboard or washing plastic panels. The choice depends on personal preferences and the functional purpose of the loggia. Shades of laminate or linoleum choose, taking into account the future design of the room.

Stylish Design Cabinet on Loggia: Photos and Examples

Creating an interior on the balcony, remember that this area is visually continuing the room. The working area should harmoniously fit into the room in color scheme and decor subjects.

Choose as the main color:

  1. Calm and bright shades. They will help to visually expand the space and fill it with air.
  2. Deep and dark tones in small rooms create a feeling of gravity and tightness.
  3. Large surfaces with poisonous colors tire eyes.
  4. To add bright stains, use accessories - attracting patterns, soft pillows, plants. They talk about the character of man and give individuality.
  5. Relive the workplace by a vase with flowers and a couple of cute souvenir heart.

Lightweight curtains, blinds or rolled curtains will protect against direct sun rays and hide your personal space from a curious viewing of foreign sneakers. The material should be practical and easy to care. "Clothing" for windows can dissolve in common design Cabinet, or turn into elegant decoration.

Do not clutter the balcony with massive furniture. Get rid of deep cabinets. Change the old armchair on a comfortable ergonomic chair.

Perfectly fit into the interior of the loggia bench, made by their own hands, light mounted racks, retractable surfaces. You can purchase furniture to order. If there are skills and desires, some details will be nice to make it yourself.

Put a computer on the balcony

The computer can be placed in the end of the balcony. In this case, the computer table is better to arrange the entire width of the room. Window sills can be used as a working surface. If the loggia is combined with the room, give the functional load of the separation rack between the room and the office.

At the distance of the elongated hand, place the bookshelves and stationery. This will increase the ergonomic workplace and reduce time loss when working. The computer table should not be located directly at the entrance, so as not to prevent free access to the office.

Well, if the day and artificial light will fall on the left. Place additional lighting on the right side if you are left-hand. Discard the obsessive chandeliers and large floor turntables, they look inappropriate on narrow balconies. Choosing a lamp or lamp, stop at attachments, with a mount on a wall or ceiling, it will save space on the working surface.

Cabinet arrangement on the balcony (video)

The complexity of creating a cabinet on the balcony is limited to space and maximum efficiency Its use. Come creatively to this task. Before work, consider the design and draw room plan. This will help streamline numerous own ideas, and choose those that really fit your needs.

Cabinet design on the balcony (interior photo)

September 14, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying outdoor coatings. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

In modern conditions, all more people They work remotely, but also those who go to the office every day, periodically arises to work at home. It is not every one for such purposes a separate room may not be far away, but to equip the office on the balcony or loggia is much simpler. Yes, you will have to spend time and means, but you will have another full-fledged room instead of the place of storage of trash and seasonal things, you agree, this is a very big plus.

Pros and cons of this decision

If you still think about whether it is worth it to convert your balcony, then this small section will help you familiarize yourself with the benefits and disadvantages of such accounts and take a weighted solution.

Let's start with the advantages:

Additional useful space I mentioned this aspect above, you will have several more square meters residential space that can be used not only for work, but also for recreation. Just put the chair or a small sofa - and you have a recreation area in which you can relax with an interesting book or a cup of coffee
Good ventilation For high productivity, it is important to enter fresh air to the room, and there are no problems with ventilating on the balcony, it is enough for you to stretch your hand and open the window. Naturally, when installing windows, you must provide opening of the sash in the places you need so that you are minimally distracted during the work process
Good natural illumination It is impossible to provide ideal working conditions without high-quality lighting. With this, there are no problems on the balcony, moreover, if the room is located with an eastern or south side, then you need to provide curtains or blinds to limit the flow of light in sunny weather. Organize competent artificial lighting It will not be a lot of work, because the area is small, and you need to highlight one or two places indoors.
Good working conditions The balcony is most often at a distance from the kitchen, a corridor and other noisy rooms, it is very important for those who need silence. Here you can implement two options: either make the loggia combined with the room if you do not interfere with the noise, or put a good balcony unit, then you will receive a space that is most protected from noise from the outside

As for the shortcomings, then, in my opinion, there are only two of them:

  1. If you have a balcony in a launched state, you will have to spend a lot of strength and money in order to make a full-fledged cabinet from it. Some such costs seem too big, but if you still caught fire like a similar idea, you can make work gradually, then you don't have to immediately invest a lot of money, and ultimately you will still get from personal Area;
  2. Sometimes the balcony area is not enough for the equipment of the workplace. Personally, it seems to me that if you think everything and competently use space, you can fit everything you need.

The process of re-equipment of the balcony in the office

As you guessed out of the name, all the work consists of six stages, each of which is required to implement if you need an excellent end result. I will consider the process from scratch, that is, the most complex optionWhen you have open balcony or loggia without any glazing and insulation.

You need to familiarize yourself with the entire information below and simply skip the works that you can already be spent.

Stage 1 - glazing

If you have ordinary wooden Rama, it is better to replace them. Installation work is complex and responsible, so I strongly recommend to instruct their professionals, you also need to choose the optimal option.

If you choose, you must be guided by several recommendations:

  • It is necessary to acquire windows with good thermal insulation indicators for middle strip Plastic structures with double-chamber windows are well suited. Single windows used on cold balconies, you will not fit;

  • Modern manufacturers offer variants of different colors, if desired, the frame can be divided into a tree to give them more attractive appearance. Here you need to be guided only by your preferences, think that you like most, because you will have to spend a lot of time in this room;
  • The size of the structures can also be different, some prefer to put options from the floor to the ceiling, and some, on the contrary, part of the openings are closed with deaf elements. It is necessary to take into account all the features of your balcony and, based on this, select the optimal solution.

When ordering windows, the biggest attention is paid to the manufacturer of the profile and the quality of fittings, it is better to use the products of Western brands, it is reliable and tested by time.

Stage 2 - Wiring Gasket

Cabinet is a room in which various office equipment can be installed, it is also necessary to high-quality. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the issue with power supply in advance, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances:

  • Wiring is best to output from the adjacent room to hide the cable, you can put it in the stroke, and you can close finishing material . It all depends on how you will finish, in the first case you will need a perforator with a special peak, and in the second you need to use a corrugated sleeve in which the wire is placed and which is laid for outdoor decoration or in the insulation layer;

  • It is necessary to think over the location of the switches, elements of lighting and sockets to make high-quality wiring. It is better to make an excess socket that will not be used later than to stumble on the extension or put the wire over the finish;

If you have an electric heating floor system, do not forget to bring the feed wire and on it.

  • To confuse anything and do not make any problems to those who do not understand the electrician, I advise you to invite to connect the wiring and planning specialists. This eventually goes cheaper than the remission of the entire system or eliminate the consequences of a short circuit.

Stage 3 - Warming

Unfortunately, standard structures most often do not provide due insulation of balconies, so you have to independently carry out work on insulation. The process is described in detail in one of the articles, so I will touch on only the main stages:

  • External walls best insulate extruded polystyrene foam 5 cm thick. This is a very reliable material with high thermal insulation indicators, which is easy to use and allows you to achieve excellent result. To ensure the highest reliability, all the gaps and joints need to be filled with mounting foam, the excess of which is subsequently cut off;

  • I advise on top of Penoplax to attach the foam - heat insulator of a new generation with a reflective layer. It has a small thickness (only 5 mm) and has high operational performance. And the presence of a reflective layer allows you to maintain heat much more efficiently, so your balcony will be still warmer and more cozy;
  • Walls that do not go out, and fit to the neighboring loggia or house, you can insulate the layer of foam, this is quite enough. Mount is made using wooden Reques, jokes I advise additionally close the metallized tape to ensure maximum reliability;

  • As for the floor on the balcony, it can be insulated with different materials, again I talked about some options in other reviews. Can be used polyfoam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, and you can put the dry tie of the KNAUF. The last option is especially good if you need to raise the floor level by 10-15 cm and at the same time heat it;

  • The ceiling is easiest to glue foam or extruded plates. As adhesive, you can use a special composition, and you can also apply and the usual mounting foam . For additional reliability, special dowels are used for thermal insulation, which have a clamping washer.

Stage 4 - Heating

Even the highest quality insulation will not help completely protect against winter cold, and if you spend your hands, you should take care of the heating of space, there may be a few solutions, you need to choose the optimal:

  • If you want to put an ordinary heating radiator, then you will have to lead to the oversight organs first. Experts must carry out appropriate calculations, and if the design of the heating system allows you to withdraw the radiator, you will be given permission, you will also have to remake the project and only after that you can start working. If everything works out, then you will have landed heating with minimal cost;

  • You can use the electric warm floor, this option is good because it does not need to coordinate anywhere, and it is easy to implement. To work, you will need to purchase several ready-made modules that are spread over the surface and are connected as prescribed instructions. But this option is more costly due to the high cost of electricity, to minimize expenses, it is necessary to put thermostators so that they turn off the system when the desired temperature is reached;

  • You can install an electrical radiator on the loggia that can be turned on as needed or equip the thermostat for maintaining the desired temperature . This solution is even easier, because you need to just attach or even put the design in the right place and connect it into the outlet. The main minus is the same as in paragraph above - a considerable cost of electricity;

  • Modern solution is to use infrared heatersThey are attached to the ceiling and differ in the fact that they are not heated by air, but all the surfaces they are directed. Such designs consume a little energy, but perfectly heated small spaces, so they are suitable for balconies and loggias as it is impossible. They are easy to install, which is also important.

Stage 5 - Finishing Works

Sit in the shabby walls - not the best decision, so you need to hold at least redecorating. If all of the items described above are executed, we will have a well insulated and heated space, therefore, any finishing materials can be applied.

I will talk about those options that, in my opinion, is the easiest way to implement:

  • Before making an office from the balcony, you must think through its color design. The main requirement - the situation should be such that it was comfortable to work in it. That is why S. color decor It is necessary to decide in advance so that it does not work so that you are annoyed bright or, on the contrary, too dark walls;
  • For the floor it is best to use laminate, it should be put on the power even those who have never been engaged in similar works. An additional advantage can be considered the fact that on sale great amount Textures and colors, so you can choose the best solution for any environment. The price of a square meter can be from 300 rubles and higher, it is better not to use the cheapest options, choose the products at least the average price segment;

  • As for the walls, then you are free to choose what you like. You can use decorative plasters, you can apply the MDF panels or even, it also looks great. A very cozy working atmosphere can be created using a cork cover, and in general the choice is yours - the main thing is that the situation has disposed to work;

  • For the ceiling the most optimal, in my opinion, the option is stretch design . Firstly, it is not as much and a lot, secondly, you will put it in literally in a couple of hours, and thirdly, dust and dirt and dirt almost not formed during work, and your finish will not suffer. Big choice The colors make it possible to issue a balcony as needed, and the elasticity of the material will exclude its damage when the temperature drops or the design movements.

Stage 6 - organization of workspace

If all of the actions described above are suitable for any balconies, regardless of what you want to do from them, in order to turn the room into the office, you need to properly furnish it and think over the location of all items.

It is about this that we will talk in this section:

  • First of all, you need to think over the design of the office on the balcony, for this you need to decide which items must be present and that it will be necessary. You do not need to be a designer to deal with this task, on the Internet is full of photos, and you can find the perfect idea for yourself or collect from several concepts interesting solutions and create your own unique interior;

  • Then you need to draw a sketch of the future cabinet, you do not need ideal lines and maximum accuracy. The main thing is to measure your space and calculate how much space you can highlight for one or another object. So you can clearly represent the end result and you will understand what needs to be purchased in order to make your personal account on the loggia;
  • It is worth consider which elements of furniture will be needed to organize work. Someone needs many paper storage boxes, also requires the installation of a printer and fax, and someone can work on a simple table with a laptop. Do not try to fill the space of furniture, you just need to use what it is necessary, it will be much more sensible, and it will cost cheaper;

If you want to use a balcony not only as an office, but also for other purposes, you can make a tabletop folding. When you need, you can lay it out, and the rest of the time it will not take place.

  • As for the storage places, it can be like retractable drawers in the table and shelves on the walls. Choose what I like, but remember that the shelves and cheaper at the price, and put them much easier than to collect the table with drawers. The shelf size depends on what will be stored on them, so think in advance what you will be folded, and how much it will weigh;

  • Lighting - another important aspect, better if you have as general systemSo and a separate lamp that will shine to the workplace. The most convenient adjustable options or small designs located directly above the desktop. This is much more efficient and allows you to achieve the best effect;

  • It is very important to provide and protect against sunlightIf it is shining in the eye, it is unlikely to contribute to work. The easiest to use blinds, if you do not like this option, you can choose Roman curtains or other similar option, the main thing is to be provided good defense from sunlight;

  • It is necessary to purchase a comfortable chair, it should be approached by height to the table, do not clutch all the space. If you have a working area from two or even three sides, then the most convenient to use rotating options.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in the design, the main thing is that all the elements are combined with each other and ensure convenient operation. It is better to order furniture for individual sizes so that it fits perfectly into space, try to choose not massive, and light designs, in little room They will look much better. Use decorative elements to impart comfortably.


Cabinet on the balcony is an excellent idea for an apartment, you will get a quiet place to work, and your family does not have to walk on tiptoe, so as not to distract you. The main thing is to carry out all the works described above, so that it turned out a full room with good insulation and heating.

The video in this article will help to understand separate nuances even better, and if you still have questions, you can write them in the comments below.

September 14, 2016.

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Many modern apartments complement the small sizes of the balcony. So that free space does not disappear in vain or not used for easy storage of all sorts of rubbish, it can be turned into a small room. If you work at home or just spend a lot of time at the computer, then you can use a balcony space for organizing an office there.

Features and advantages

This solution has its advantages, and disadvantages. So, if your balcony is already used to store conservation or other things that are no longer placed anywhere, then it is irrational. Another important moment - The design of the balcony itself. If you have an open and not heated, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend much time and money for its arrangement.

Also balcony may be too small. Therefore, it will not fit the chair, nor even a small desktop. But, beyond doubt, this designer solution There are also its advantages. First, you will finally have your own full room, where you will work alone and in silence, without distracting anything.

Balconies, as a rule, are complemented from three sides high and wide windows. If you choose french option glazing, then windows will be floor height to ceiling. This means that natural lighting in the room will constantly be very good. Therefore, you can safely work or read all day without fear for your vision.

A balcony in good weather is very easily ventilated. And from the midges and mosquitoes, it can be protected with a simple mosquito net. So if you make your own workspace, then you will be comfortable to engage in your affairs.

Preparation of space

Before designing a balcony space, it is necessary to carry out basic works on his alteration.

Deciding to arrange the office on the loggia or balcony, create there at the beginning of suitable conditions for work. If the balcony is originally open, it needs to be glazed and insulated additionally. It usually leaves for about a week of free time. Remember also, before carrying out any work, you must receive a special permission for this, and the territory of your future cabinet should be examined by an engineer.

It is also necessary to warm the balcony. First of all, take all cracks with a sealant or special foam. If you are not sure to handle this task, it is better to immediately contact the specialists. After all, if you incorrectly seal the room, it will remain cold.

The miniature balcony should not complement with wide panels. It is better to give preference to foam. This material is good in that it does not reduce the space. The foam should be laid a wall that connects the balcony with the main room. This is simultaneously not only warming the room, but also contributes to good noise insulation.

Another way to insulate the office is to install a warmed floor there. This uses a special system that is paved under ceramic plates or a fabric. To install this type of insulation, you also need a special permission. You can also install the heater in the room of small sizes. Choose a compact converter that will not be the cause of dangerous situations, and will not take much space. The only disadvantage of this type of heating will be that on a small balcony, your compact heater will strongly overweight.

Balcony space is also worth protecting from invasion of insects. Hang mosquito nets on the windows so that the summer and mosquitoes do not irritate you in the evenings. Or install the window immediately with special mosquito inserts, which, if necessary, are easily removed and inserted back.

The next step is to install the lighting. Initially on narrow balcony And even there is no electricity on the loggia. But it can be done there. This procedure is also not worth producing yourself. Wires must lay specialists. The wiring is placed either in the plinths, or under the floor.

In order for the work room to be as comfortable for you, it is desirable to install in your new room At least two or three sockets. As for lighting, you can restrict ourselves to one lamp or set up the top lighting or sconce. Since it is almost always necessary for work and learning to work, make sure that the signal takes place to the balcony. If not - Swipe the Internet cable.

The final stage of redevelopment of the room is a cosmetic repair. Walls and ceiling are best done in bright and fresh colors. The ease of the design of the work office will give a white, light green or coffee-colored wallpaper. The same effect is given and a variety of vegetable or abstract patterns made in the same light shades. Especially good, light base is combined with the furniture of contrasting dark colors.


After redeveloping the space and create all comfortable conditions, you can move to the design. In the office should be at least minimum set Furniture. This list includes a desk, chair and shelves or racks. Such equipment will already provide you normal conditions for work. If you put the table in the angle, and over it is the shelves with books and all kinds of decorative elements, then you will have enough free space.

If the size of the balcony allows, then the equipment can be more. In the office you can install bookcase, armchair, tiny sofa and a small coffee table.

And if there are not enough places, you can stop your choice on a tiny corner table or attached table tops, which are also practically not taken away free space.

In order to save space, you can use window sills available on the balcony. Treat them and paint, and they will become an ideal working surface for you. But you can go to another way by removing all the windowsill. It frees quite a lot of free space.

One more interesting ideathat will help you save space - connect the balcony with the room. So you will have a bedroom, divided into two zones: working and, actually, sleeping. If you want to implement this idea into reality, you can perform both rooms in one style, or divide the room into zones using different design options.

We have already talked to the balcony on how to carry out electricity on the balcony. Now let's consider this question from the point of view of aesthetics. Lighting devices are also part of the interior. On a narrow balcony, it makes sense to use either high narrow lands, or several desktop lamps. You can also make a choice in favor of traditional top lighting.

Lamps should be chosen under the features of the interior. So, in the Art Nouveau office it will be appropriate to look at a monophonic glass lamp, and indoors performed in english style - Original lamp in vintage style.

In order to feel comfortable in the evenings and were not distracted by the views of the strangers, walking down the street, it is desirable to supplement their premises correctly selected curtains or blinds.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Most modern apartments Compleced small balcony. Despite small sizes, this room can be used as efficiently as possible, especially if you work at home, spend a lot of time at a computer or documents. The working office on a small balcony can create each with their own hands, on the design, photo "to" and "after" the modernization of which will discover in more detail.

Variations of work offices from balconies or loggia

The work area organized on the balcony may have several types. The room may differ in the area, degree of openness and features interior decoration. Therefore, before proceeding with the main work, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of work offices. Such rooms are classified according to the following types:

Another classification of the cabinet is an internal equipment. So, the office can be stationary and have a form of a small office with the necessary objects. If it is planned to work infrequently on the balcony, you can resort to another option - a mobile office. This species differs from the first thing after completion necessary work You can transform a balcony without much effort, removing some elements of furniture. Thus, this part of the apartment can be used for a pleasant time or other purposes.

How to organize workspace

If you decide to create a working corner on the balcony, you should carefully figure out how to make this room at the same time beautiful, comfortable and cozy. For example, lack of light or uncomfortable furniture can lead to the fact that the balcony will be used to store various trash, and not the way it was intended initially. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of overhaul Square meters and complete the work with designer design.

Insulation balcony

The default balcony must be glazed. Otherwise, a residential corner will not work out. However, in addition to glazing, high-quality finishing with heat-insulating materials will be required.

The choice of insulation and its thickness directly depend on the climatic features of your region.

Traditional materials for these purposes are foam, minvat, polystyrene foam. Thermal insulation is subjected to all non-beacon parts of the balcony, i.e. Walls, floor, ceiling. Additionally need vapor barrier and timber for mounting the crate. As a finish of the floor, materials are used to taste.

The insulation of the balcony is mainly reduced to the following steps:

  • poured concrete tie;
  • laid vaporizolation;
  • mount the crate and linse the insulation;
  • put to Fanoire;
  • mounted finishing material.

If a concrete base The balcony is in a normal state, then there is no need for a screed.

Concrete or brick walls plastering, putty, preparing them under finish finish. Depending on the materials used, the preparation process may differ slightly. As facing materials use lining or plastic panels. However, other more expensive options, such as clinker tiles, are quite appropriate. Apply Wallpaper for the purposes under consideration is not recommended due to possible dampness, which will lead to their detachment.

Organization of lighting

If the room is planned for rest, the muffled light will be quite appropriate. However for workroom need soft and bright lighting. Sources of light should be such that the workplace is well lit, but the light itself did not cut the eye. One of the advantages of organizing a cabinet on the balcony is that the day of natural light penetrating through the windows is enough for good lighting. For evening work it will be necessary.

The light mounted on top is good if it is located directly above the workplace, i.e. over the table. If the lamp is installed aside from the working area, then will optionally need table lampfixed on the shelf or wall.

The light should not make eyes, but at the same time it is obliged to cover the working area.

Before installing the light source, it is required to carry out electrical wiring. For this, the hole in the wall is drilled through which the wire from the distribution box from the room is paved. If we consider that the balcony will be completely protected from atmospheric precipitation, the lamps may have the degree of protection as the same as in room elements - not higher than IP44.

Interior Design

Even if the office is equipped with their own hands on a small balcony, there are quite a few examples of design, photos "to" and "after" refinement. Even at the stage of the design of the design project, it is necessary to understand all matters relating to the finishing of walls, gender, ceiling, the choice of lighting devices and furniture. In most cases, the cabinet finish is performed in a neutral style that is close to modern minimalism. But to make the room with some individual features, often take elements from other destinations.

On balconies with good illumination perfectly fits scandinavian stylefor which the bright, ergonomic and at the same time simple furniture, as well as the minimum number of curtains and walls decorated with white or pastel colors. To give the workstation of status, give preference to the classics: wooden elements In decoration, leather armchair, furniture from natural tree. If the work area is preparing for a schoolboy or a student, then a simple writing desk with a sufficient number of shelves and drawers will be quite appropriate for various office, as well as a place for a computer.

An important element at shutdown is to dramatically windows. Application of tight curtains or blinds in summer period Create a pleasant half, while transparent curtains will not provide sufficient sun protection: it will be uncomfortable to work in such conditions. Paul is desirable to separate dark shades. Under the finish finish, you can mount the system of the warm floor or, as a last resort, put under the feet rug.

Furnishing Cabinet on Loggia or Balcony

The working office on the balcony, despite its small dimensions, should be used as efficiently as possible. It says about the need to buy ergonomic and compact furniture. If finance is allowed, it is preferable to make furniture to order. It is explained by the fact that the small size of the balcony makes it difficult to choose prepared tables, chairs, etc., which are ideal for your interior.

In order for the balcony space to be used rationally, the furniture must be adjusted close to the walls.

For the organization of the work area, the minimum number of furniture is best to use:

  • desk;
  • computer desk;
  • office chair or traditional chair;
  • cabinet;
  • shelves.

If the balcony is very small, you can limit small table, chairs and pair of shelves. In this case, indoors will not be anything superfluous, thereby be created optimal conditions for work.


The table is best located on the entire width of the working room. It is also possible to install it in the corner, while the windowsill can be used as an additional surface. The location of the light source depends on who you are right-handed or left. In the first case, the light should fall on the left, in the second - right. Design written table, like the rest of the furniture, pick up to your liking, adhering to the general style of the main part of the apartment or bringing a certain highlight to your home. As materials from which the table can be made are most often used MDF, chipboard, less often metal and natural wood.


One of the requirements for the chair or chair is its small size. A large armchair on a small balcony will be simply inappropriate. Its form and type depend only on your wishes. It is desirable that this piece of furniture is equipped with an adjustment mechanism in height and anatomical adjustment of the back. As a finish, you can choose skin, ecocus, mesh or tissue.


Supplementing interior subjects are. They will give not only a certain style of the office, but will make it more comfortable. The shelves must be strong enough so that you can arrange books and folders with working documents. The material of their manufacture may be the same as in other furniture, but other variations are also suitable. It is best to have the shelves above the table with the end side of the balcony, which will save space. As for racks, they can be mounted on opposite sideBy fixing to the bearing wall.

Examined the stages of modernization little balcony In your own hands, a possible design with the photo "To" and "after", to remake this room in the working corner will be able to almost everyone. For this, they will not need special knowledge and skills, and costs will be directly dependent on your preferences. Thus, the previously unfilled balcony or loggia can become a pleasant addition to the apartment where you can bring the most bold ideas.

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