PR in ancient mythology. Hyacinth: signs and superstitions Hyacinth signs

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

In ancient times, Hyacinthus was a handsome young man, the son of the ancient Greek king of Sparta. He was a very charming and intelligent young man. Hyacinth was friends with Apollo himself, who is known for his sporting successes and exploits and having a good physique. Once they decided to compete in such a sport as discus throwing. The magnificent Apollo, being very strong, accidentally hit Hyacinth with a disk. When he died, his soul entered the realm of the dead. Apollo was very upset by this and decided in honor of his friend to turn his blood into a beautiful flower.

This unusual and sad story told the society about the appearance beautiful flower. long time hyacinth flower was an attribute of sadness, sadness. This flower was given a name meaning rain. Currently, hyacinth is considered a talisman for the Greeks (from the evil eye). These flowers appeared in Europe thanks to travelers.

The miraculous property of hyacinth

This wonderful flower soon became very famous, many new species began to be bred, which are suitable for domestic conditions and differ in color and size of buds. Hyacinth has a wonderful property, which was revealed by the English traveler Charles Darwin. He united the bulbs various kinds, resulting in two colors in one bush.

Species diversity of hyacinth

There are many types of this flower. They are amazingly beautiful and can be grown at home. All of them can different colors and shades: white, red, yellow, black.

Hyacinth symbolism

Currently, hyacinth is love, fidelity. The color of hyacinth can describe a person's feelings. White color speaks of stability and sincerity of feelings, yellow - about jealousy, blue - about self-confidence. Most flower growers like to grow this flower at home, because its species can bloom in winter time when there is a blizzard and lack of sun outside. However, it is very difficult to achieve flowering during this period. Therefore, you should learn about the rules for caring for this wonderful flower in room conditions.

A magnificent hyacinth flower will help you create coziness and beauty in your home. It is very beautiful and fits in absolutely any interior. Hyacinth blooms at different times. Let's try to figure this out!

Growing hyacinth indoors

It is necessary to comply with all conditions for the successful cultivation of a flower. Let's start from the base of the flower, namely the bulb. It is placed in a high temperature environment and high humidity for two weeks. The next 14 days, the bulbs are stored at low temperatures. They are then stored at +17°C before planting. This condition is essential for achieving the best flowering this plant. If you buy bulbs in a store, then these steps can be omitted.

A photo. suitable for temperature and humidity control for hyacinth care.

Hyacinth Growth Improvement

It is necessary to purchase special flower pots, make drainage, and then put into the soil. You can buy a special mix at flower shops. The first layer is covered with sand. Having prepared the soil for planting hyacinth, we plant the bulbs. The distance between the bulbs should be about 5-7 cm. The top of the bulb should be visible.

Hyacinth development at home

If you live in an apartment, then good condition for cultivation is the balcony when it is winter or autumn outside. If you decide to grow a hyacinth in the summer, then you have to place it in the basement. When sprouts appear at the bulb, reaching 2 cm in height, then the plant must be taken to a place with a temperature of + 15 ° C.

Care during the flowering period

When buds appear on a flower, the plant is placed in a place open sunlight, which is not available to drafts and batteries. It is important to keep hyacinth at room temperature. Then you need to make regular watering. In this case, the hyacinth will bloom, and will decorate your house or apartment with its amazing beauty. It is necessary to make top dressing, which favorably affects the growth and flowering of hyacinth at home. The illumination of the plant, which takes place in the evening, also plays an important role for its best growth and development.

The recommendations given in this article will help you grow hyacinth and delight you and your household with lovely flowers. Patience, daily work, compliance with all conditions for caring for the plant are indicators of the growth of hyacinths at home. After all, it's great to feel the fragrant aroma at home from this amazing, legendary hyacinth flower!

7 years ago

And since tomorrow, one might say, is a “flower” holiday :), I propose to find out what the presented flowers mean

Hi everyone!

Congratulations to all readers of my blog on the upcoming holiday! Be always beautiful, loved, cheerful and successful!

And since tomorrow, one might say, is a "flower" holiday :), I propose to find out what the presented flowers mean (only dad and brother do not count :)).


If a guy gives you an azalea, then this can be a recognition that you are the one and only for him. Also, this flower is a symbol of devotion and femininity.


Anemone symbolizes the sincerity of feelings.


These flowers symbolize an air kiss, a cheerful mood. In some cases, such a gift can be regarded as "I miss you."


The aster has long been a symbol of love and grace. By the way, a white aster is a person’s desire to know about your feelings and a declaration of love for you.


It is customary to give these flowers to young girls, confessing their feelings to them. Also, this flower can speak of shyness and fear of confessing your feelings to you. And cornflower is a symbol of fidelity and pure, sublime feelings.


The interpretation of this flower depends entirely on the color. So, white carnation is a wish for good luck and success. In addition, if you were given a white carnation, it means that you are considered a bright, cheerful and positive person :).

yellow carnation- a call for greater manifestation of feelings. This means that the guy who gives you yellow carnations lacks your attention.

Red clove is recognition of your authority and respect for you.

pink carnation is a sign of gratitude. And in some countries, it is customary to give this flower to mothers as a symbol of maternal love.


Dahlia - a symbol of a fleeting passion: "I like you, but I do not promise anything."


Gerberas are a sign of sympathy and flirting. The person who gives you a gerbera wants to cheer you up and compliment your beauty and charm.


The meaning of hyacinth also depends on the color, but common feature for all shades it is fun, curiosity, play and unpredictability.

white hyacinth means constancy and the fact that a person is fascinated by you.

blue hyacinth- this is a manifestation of calmness, self-confidence of prudence. The person who gives you blue hyacinths is sure of his and your feelings.

yellow hyacinth can mean both joy and distrust.

Red or pink hyacinth are promises of surprises.


But cacti are given by purposeful and stubborn people. This guy is sure to get his way.


If a guy gives you callas, this means that he wants to express his admiration for you: "You are beautiful." In addition, this suggests that he is an extraordinary person.


White Lily means protection and fulfillment of desires.

yellow lily- this is a way to express gratitude and admiration to you, as well as to stand out from others, to show your peculiarity.

orange lily curiosity (“Are you free?”) and flirting.


The narcissist talks about the guy's strong feelings for you. Also, this flower can mean non-reciprocal love.


The orchid speaks of love, tenderness and sophistication. It is given only to loved ones.


White Rose- a symbol of purity and innocence, tenderness and modesty. If a guy gives you white roses, then he considers you a real angel and sincerely loves you.

Red Rose- Declaration of love.

yellow rose- "You are my sun". An expression of joy and admiration that you are in his life.

cream rose means elegance, perfection, constancy and harmony. If a guy gives you cream roses, then he thinks you are the perfect couple.

Pink rose- an expression of the highest happiness, tenderness and love for you.


Tulip is a symbol of love, admiration, joy and good mood.

From this article, you can find out what Hyacinth is dreaming of from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the layout of the dream according to Lenormand will tell. And it will help to understand the dream more precisely moon calendar dreams.

Why is Hyacinth dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Why dream of hyacinth in summer?

Hyacinth - Such a marvelous flower can only be dreamed of for good.

Why dream of hyacinth in spring?

Hyacinth - Planting or watering hyacinth - to separation from the family, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming of.

Why dream and how to interpret Hyacinth from a dream book?

Interpretation of the dream book: Hyacinth - If you dreamed of a hyacinth, this means that one of your friends or relatives will not justify your trust.

Why dream of hyacinth in the fall?

Hyacinth (flowers) - Admire these in the store beautiful flowers and enjoy their smell - to adultery.

What is hyacinth dreaming of, interpretation:

Hyacinths (flowers) - To the funeral of distant people.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why is Hyacinth dreaming, meaning:

To see a hyacinth in a dream - you dreamed that you were picking hyacinths - separation from your loved one awaits you; you will be sad about separation, but in due time you will understand: separation was necessary.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

According to spiritual sources, what is the dream of hyacinth?

Hyacinths - See hyacinths in bloom. For a woman - In the spring - to fun; in summer - to joy; autumn - to pleasant surprise; in winter - to a waste of money. For a man - in the spring - to luck; dreamed in the summer, the dream says that the coming days are a favorable time for you; in the fall - to unexpected luck; in winter - advises you to act independently, without trying to shift responsibility for your actions to another person.

What does Hyacinth dream about in a dream book:

Hyacinths - Seeing hyacinths in a dream portends that you will unexpectedly make a major purchase, which will entail an endless series of debts and regret about a rash step. Collect hyacinths in beautiful bouquet- to an early separation from a friend, which will bring you the understanding that fate decreed this way for your good.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

Hyacinth for Aquarius

Plant symbolism and language colors

Aquarius is considered the most original and unpredictable sign. He has these qualities from Uranus - the ruling planet, which gives the desire for everything new, unusual. In the plant world, artificially bred varieties correspond to it. Under Aquarius, there are amazing plants that are not found in the wild. The second ruler of the sign, strict and traditional Saturn, patronizes plants that have long been grown in flower beds in an almost unchanged form.

The magical properties of Aquarius plants also vary greatly. But mostly they resort to them when they want to change their lives, make a breakthrough to more high level. It is useful for people to surround themselves with Aquarius plants mental labor dealing with high technologies, computers, inventions, fashion, to always be on top of your business. These plants help strengthen relationships with friends and find like-minded people.

Hyacinth is one of the most original plants. Gardeners know that in the color of the petals of plants of the same species, saturated shades of pink, blue and yellow almost never occur together, some of these three colors will certainly turn out to be unrealistic for this plant, such as a blue rose or yellow lilac. And hyacinths come in yellow, blue and pink. And also purple, blue, white, purple. Moreover, if you combine two cut hyacinth bulbs different color, they will grow together and give flowers of different colors on a common stem. These original flowers can grow up roots. Such non-standard way cultivation was invented in France, accidentally discovering how hyacinths from an overturned pot sprouted "head" into the water poured below. After that, the French came up with a glass vessel in which they planted two hyacinth bulbs, one flower grew up, and the second down, plunging its top into the water. And it seemed that the lower flower was a reflection of the upper one.
The symbolism of the hyacinth is ambiguous, uniting seemingly mutually exclusive concepts. As well as the symbolism of the sign of Aquarius and the planets that control it. After all, Uranus is strange situations that cause laughter and surprise, sociability. And Saturn - seriousness, predictability, isolation and sadness. Hyacinth at the same time means both sadness and fun.

According to the myth, the sun god Apollo patronized Hyacinth, a mortal youth very beautiful and dexterous. Apollo and Hyacinth often had fun sports games. Once they competed in discus throwing, and the mortal showed results no worse than that of a god. But then the wind god Zephyr intervened - either with malicious intent, or out of stupidity. When Hyacinth threw the disk again, Zephyr blew on it with all his might. The disc, returning back, hit the young man on the head and struck him to death. Apollo was very upset by the loss of a friend, but could not revive him. Therefore, he turned it into a fragrant flower, which he transferred to his garden. At the site of the death of the young man, beautiful hyacinths also grew from his blood, which became a symbol of grief and eternal memory. Since then, the Greeks began to celebrate a three-day holiday in honor of the deceased young athlete. The holiday was very fun, and over time, the hyacinth turned into a symbol of joy and fun.

Hyacinth symbolizes outdoor games, jokes, curiosity and unpredictability. All this is close to the symbolism of Uranus. But being also considered the flower of Saturn, the hyacinth also represents its qualities - wisdom, the ability for long-term affection, friendship. Saturn controls time and in the language of flowers, the number of hyacinth buds means the hour of the meeting. Like all spring flowers, it is a symbol of the resurgent nature.
Since ancient times, people have believed in the renewing properties of hyacinth. Aromatic oil from it is used in meditations on past life to liquidate Negative consequences karma. An alcoholic infusion of flowers is considered a rejuvenating agent that smoothes wrinkles.

What do flowers given mean?

Congratulations to all readers of my blog on the upcoming holiday! Be always beautiful, loved, cheerful and successful!

And since tomorrow, one might say, is a "flower" holiday :), I propose to find out what the presented flowers mean (only dad and brother do not count :)).

If a guy gives you an azalea, then this can be deciphered as a recognition that you are the one and only for him. Also, this flower is a symbol of devotion and femininity.

Anemone symbolizes the sincerity of feelings.


These flowers symbolize an air kiss, flirting, cheerful mood. In some cases, such a gift can be regarded as "I miss you."

The aster has long been a symbol of love and grace. By the way, a white aster is a person's desire to know about your feelings and a declaration of love for you.

It is customary to give these flowers to young girls, confessing their feelings to them. Also, this flower can speak of shyness and fear of confessing your feelings to you. And cornflower is a symbol of fidelity and pure, sublime feelings.

The interpretation of this flower depends entirely on the color. So, white carnation is a wish for good luck and success. In addition, if you were given a white carnation, it means that you are considered a bright, cheerful and positive person :).

yellow carnation- a call for greater manifestation of feelings. This means that the guy who gives you yellow carnations lacks your attention.

Red clove is recognition of your authority and respect for you.

pink carnation is a sign of gratitude. And in some countries, it is customary to give this flower to mothers as a symbol of maternal love.

Dahlia - a symbol of a fleeting passion: "I like you, but I do not promise anything."

Gerberas are a sign of sympathy and flirting. The person who gives you a gerbera wants to cheer you up and compliment your beauty and charm.

The meaning of hyacinth also depends on the color, but the common feature for all shades is fun, curiosity, play and unpredictability.

white hyacinth means constancy and the fact that a person is fascinated by you.

blue hyacinth- this is a manifestation of calmness, self-confidence of prudence. The person who gives you blue hyacinths is sure of his and your feelings.

yellow hyacinth can mean both joy and distrust.

Red or pink hyacinth are promises of surprises.

But cacti are given by purposeful and stubborn people. This guy is sure to get his way.

If a guy gives you callas, this means that he wants to express his admiration for you: "You are beautiful." In addition, this suggests that he is an extraordinary person.

White Lily means protection and fulfillment of desires.

yellow lily- this is a way to express gratitude and admiration to you, as well as to stand out from others, to show your peculiarity.

orange lily- curiosity (“Are you free?”) and flirting.

The narcissist talks about the guy's strong feelings for you. Also, this flower can mean non-reciprocal love.

The orchid speaks of love, tenderness and sophistication. It is given only to loved ones.

White Rose- a symbol of purity and innocence, tenderness and modesty. If a guy gives you white roses, then he considers you a real angel and sincerely loves you.

Red Rose- declaration of love.

yellow rose- "You are my sun". An expression of joy and admiration that you are in his life.

cream rose means elegance, perfection, constancy and harmony. If a guy gives you cream roses, then he thinks you are the perfect couple.

Pink rose- an expression of the highest happiness, tenderness and love for you.

Tulip is a symbol of love, admiration, joy and good mood.

What do hyacinths symbolize in the language of flowers?

Each flower symbolizes something in the language of flowers. Tell me, if a person gives you hyacinths, what does this mean?

given 16.06.12 — 10:41

Each flower and its color has its own meaning in the language of flowers. So the hyacinth flower, dedicated to Apollo, symbolizes swiftness. This flower is a symbol of rebirth, tenderness, joy.

White hyacinth - tender, charming flower, symbolizing lifelong sympathy and purity of intentions. Having given a girl a white hyacinth, one can say by this that she is charming, tender, charming. You can also express your admiration, joy, affection with white hyacinth. Yellow hyacinth means jealousy. This flower stands out for its ambiguity. He can either attract or burn with his solar energy. They give this flower if they are jealous.

Pink or red hyacinth is a flower that captivates, lures, and also attracts and repels at the same time. If you give a red hyacinth, then this can express your desire to get to know each other better. It is customary to give pink or red hyacinths to those who are full of passion, hobbies, and know how to live brightly. Purple hyacinth symbolizes the incompatibility of intentions with their capabilities. A purple hyacinth as a gift means sincere regret about something or a sad parting. Purple hyacinths are given to each other by passionate lovers whose relationship ends.

Blue hyacinth - symbolizes the color of the sky, tranquility, constancy, consistency. This flower speaks of the harmony of relationships, as well as inner harmony. Giving blue hyacinths should be given to the person to whom you are going to be faithful. These flowers can be given to each other by spouses who are constant in their outlook on life.

answer given 16.06.12 — 13:16

“What is hyacinth for in a dream? If you see Hyacinth in a dream, what does it mean?

Why is Hyacinth dreaming:
interpretation of sleep according to 90 dream books

Modern dream book

Seeing hyacinths or picking them is a harbinger of close separation from a friend. However, later you will realize that fate separated you from him for your own good.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Hyacinth - pure, unexpected joy / happiness in love.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Admire these beautiful flowers in the store and enjoy their smell - to adultery.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hyacinth - good.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Planting or watering hyacinth - to separation from the family.

Dream interpretation about plants

Hyacinth - symbolizes the game.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing hyacinths in a dream portends that you will unexpectedly make a major purchase, which will entail an endless series of debts and regret about a rash step.

Collecting hyacinths in a beautiful bouquet - to an early separation from a friend, which will bring you the understanding that fate decreed this way for your good.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a hyacinth, this means that one of your friends or relatives will not justify your trust.

Esoteric dream book

Hyacinths - to the funeral of distant people.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word hyacinth

hyacinth in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


m. plant Hyacinthus.

Gemstone, zircon rocks; yellow yacht. Hyacinth, characteristic of hyacinth, related to it.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


hyacinth, m.

    A bulbous flower with a strong fragrance.

    Gemstone red, orange or yellow color(min.). (On behalf of a young man, from whose blood, according to other Greek myth, Apollo produced a flower.)

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    Bulbous garden plant family lilies with oblong leaves and fragrant flowers collected in an inflorescence.

    The mineral is red or golden-orange in color.

    adj. hyacinth, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. Bulbous ornamental plant lily family with long leaves and fragrant flowers of various colors, collected in a brush.

    m. Mineral, gem, transparent variety yellowish brown and reddish brown zircon.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in Greek mythology a handsome young man, a favorite of Apollo; From the body or blood of a dead Hyacinth, Apollo grew a flower - hyacinth.


mineral, transparent reddish-brown manganese-containing gem variety of zircon.


perennial genus bulbous plants lily family. 4 species, often combined into one, in the Mediterranean. Numerous varieties with flowers of various colors and shapes, collected in inflorescences, are used in ornamental gardening.

Mythological dictionary


(Greek) - a beautiful young man, the son of King Amykla, a favorite of Apollo. The wind god Zephyr fell in love with G. and out of jealousy directed the disk thrown by Apollo at G.'s head when the god taught the young man how to throw the disk. Hyacinth flowers grew from G.'s blood.


(Hyacinthus), a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the lily family. Flower arrow up to 40 cm. Leaves are grooved, bright green, collected in the form of a rosette. The flowers are bell-shaped, with a pleasant aroma, collected in a spike-shaped brush. Known 1 species G. Oriental (N. orientalis), wildly growing in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ancestor of all varieties of G. It has been known in culture since the beginning of the 15th century. Varieties G. are characterized various colors flowers, size, shape and density of the flower brush; there are varieties with terry and simple flowers. In the south of the USSR open field G. blooms in March - April, in the central region of the European part of the USSR - in May. G. is grown in well-lit areas with light sandy loamy soil, permeable to water and air. When preparing the soil, humus (10≈15 kg/m2) and bone meal (80 g/m2) are added. G. is propagated by bulbs and less often by seeds. In the south, the bulbs are planted in October ≈ early November, in the central region in September at a depth of 8≈10. In the central region and sowing. areas for the winter, plantings are covered with dry woody leaves and straw; in the spring, the shelter is removed. Plant care consists of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. After the flowering of plants and the death of their leaves, the bulbs are dug up, dried in a shaded ventilated room, cleaned of earth and old scales and stored until planting in a dry place at a temperature of 20≈22 ╟С. G. is also used for winter flowering.

The name of the G. flower is associated with the ancient Greek myth about Apollo's favorite, the beautiful young man Hyacinth (from the body or blood of G., killed out of jealousy by the wind god Zephyr, Apollo grew a beautiful flower).

Lit .: Alferov V. A. and Zaitseva E. N., Hyacinths, M., 1963; Kiselev G. E., Floriculture, 3rd ed., M., 1964.


Hyacinth (disambiguation)

Hyacinth, Hyakinth:

  • in Greek mythology:
    • Hyakinthus is the son of the Spartan king Amykla, a young man of extraordinary beauty.
    • Hyacinth is a hero who moved to Athens from the Peloponnese.
    • Hyacinth is a hero mentioned by Apollonius of Rhodes (I 1034).
  • Saint Hyacinth, or Jacek Odrowonzh (; 1183 or 1185-1257) - Catholic saint.
  • Hyacinth- a genus of perennial bulbous plants from the Hyacinth family.
    • mouse hyacinth, or Viper onion - garden plant.
    • water hyacinth- the household name of an excellent eichornia, a tropical aquatic plant.
  • Hyacinth is a gemstone, a variety of zircon.
  • 2S5 "Hyacinth-S" - self-propelled artillery installation of 152 mm caliber.
  • 2A36 "Hyacinth-B" - 152 mm towed gun.

Hyacinth (mineral)

Hyacinth(- the name of the flower, from Hyacinth) - a mineral, a gemstone, a transparent reddish-brown manganese-containing jewelry variety of zircon with a strong diamond luster. Hyacinth is named after the plant of the same name, the color of the flowers of the wild variety of which resembles the color of these stones.

Examples of the use of the word hyacinth in the literature.

Zephyr and Augustine, Adonis and Zelmir, Hyacinth and Fanny, Celadon and Sophie belong, each pair, to the same owner.

Ebe on the 10th, one of the lower ruffians; on the 11th, Colomb; on the 12th, the last of the lower ruffians; on the 13th, Zelamir; on the 14th, Cupid; on the 15th, Zephyr; 16 th - Adonis, 17th - Hyacinth.

Month 3 signs of the Zodiac Gems January Capricorn Garnet, almandine, hyacinth.

The assistants, graduate students and laboratory assistants who filled the basement on the opening day, of course, did not need pep talks, and Anton Petrovich only walked around the laboratory, surrounded by Lapin and Golubinsky, short and hurried in his movements, completely bald from his forehead and with a whimsical, hyacinths, curling curls behind, and spreading his plump arms, almost frightened asking Lapin: - And where will you have this one standing here.

Around the eyes rounded yellowish, sweet-smelling hyacinth faces: each face is Anna's face.

No less common flowers in Japan are also numerous varieties of peonies - tuberous and stem, decorative azaleas from the heather family, bulbous daffodils with fragrant flowers, tulips, fragrant hyacinths from the family of lilies, asters, decorative dahlias, reaching thirty centimeters in diameter, cactus-type dahlias, an endless variety of roses, hydrangeas - semi-shrub plants of the saxifrage family with round leaves and umbellate flowers, saffron, etc.

But the real amazement was living corals, they look like, how to describe, underwater flowers, anemones, hyacinths, cornflowers, buttercups, bells, no, it doesn’t convey anything, these are living curls, curls, buds, buntings, bubbles, buds, acorns, ovaries, pimples, knots, stumps, veins, stalks, no, you have to tell it differently, they are mobile, they are multicolored, like the gardens of Babylon, they recreate all the cereals of the fields and gardens, from turnips to burdock and to cabbage.

Amaryllias, crinums, pelargoniums, intricate fuchsias, several tulips and juicy, appetizing flowers bloomed on skillful stands and pendants. hyacinths, between the flowers of which the glasses of aquariums gleamed.

Here is Narcissus, and the mourned Adonis, and Clytia, beloved by the Sun - all in magnificent abundance, and the unfortunate Hyacinth, and the transformed Ajax, and many others, kind to the eye, which is why the whole path is so multicolored that Turkish carpets or the multi-colored canvases of Minerva can hardly be compared with it.

This is real english garden with beating springs, lush flower beds in all their splendor spring flowering, thickets of shrubs, where a wide variety of plant varieties are mixed - giant geraniums, as in Monte Carlo, oranges, lemons, olives, laurels, mastic trees, aloe, camellias, dahlias, Alexandrian white roses, hydrangeas, white and pink lotuses, South American passion flowers , lush combinations of fuchsias, salvias, begonias, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, daffodils, anemones, Persian ranuncles, irises, cyclamen, orchids, calceolaria, tree ferns, as well as plants of the tropical zone: Indian reed, coconut and date palms, fig trees, eucalyptus, mimosas, bananas, guayas, bottle gourds, - in a word, everything that amateurs can demand from the richest botanical garden is here.

And when the literacy rate in the newly formed state of Kerala became the highest in India - Prince Henry himself proved himself an intelligent student - Carmen da Gama began to publish a daily newspaper designed for the masses: for fishermen in seaside villages, for rice growers in villages near overgrown hyacinths backwaters.

Under the myrtle bushes hyacinths buds were picking up their magenta-like candy buds, and a bluish haze of luxuriantly blooming irises spread over the oak thickets.

Rose Chapotel, wife and widow hyacinth Chabert, Count of the Empire, Grand Officer's Cross of the Legion of Honor, married him without a contract - therefore, on the basis of community of property.

Pierre, having reached this place, spoke about other miracles, about brilliant healings that glorified the Grotto, but here the sister hyacinth, shaking off the spell that entangled her fairy tale, jumped up quickly.

But now, now, my daughter, no one will captivate you - not even the lovely hyacinths who stand in front of you, they fan you, they themselves ask you to touch, inhale the bitter freshness.

As decorative culture hyacinth has been known since early antiquity. The homeland of this flower is considered to be the territory of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, where it was domesticated. Hyacinths were grown in luxurious gardens Byzantine rulers, where the intoxicating aroma of a thousand inflorescences made them forget the burden of power.

Hyacinth, interesting plant in every sense, but is it possible to keep it at home, what are the signs related to the flower, what does it symbolize and what does it mean?

Let's start with what a flower means in ancient Greek: "hyacinth" - hyakinth or iakinth, literally - "rain flower". In their homeland, in the countries of Asia Minor and the Balkans, hyacinths bloom with the beginning of the spring rainy season.

Why is hyacinth called hyacinth? According to an ancient legend, this flower grew on the site of the death of the beautiful young man Hyacinthus (Hyacinth), the favorite of the god Apollo. His tragically cut short young life seemed to be reborn in fragrant flowers blooming in spring, which became a symbol of sorrow, sadness and immortality.

AT Ancient Rome On the contrary, hyacinth was considered a flower of joy, fun and youth. This was connected with the celebrations in honor of the goddess of spring Flora, when everyone had fun and glorified the annual renewal of nature. Miniature statues of Flora in every house were decorated with primroses, the brightest and most fragrant of which was hyacinth. Young girls and women wove hyacinth flowers into their hair, using their intoxicating fragrance to attract male attention. "Florals" were also a time when lovers could express their feelings to each other, so the hyacinth was also considered a symbol of love and fidelity.

In the Middle Ages, when the hyacinth is out of bounds Ottoman Empire gradually began to spread in Europe, this flower was associated with wealth, luxury and power. Only noble and wealthy people could afford to breed hyacinths that cost fabulous money. This state of affairs continued until XVIII century. In Holland, the "second home" of this flower, which made it famous and popular all over the world, hyacinth flowers on ladies' clothes spoke of a high social status and prosperity.

Hyacinth: what does it mean in the language of flowers

The "language of flowers" that developed in the era of romanticism actively used the color of hyacinths, which had expanded significantly by that time, as a cipher for love messages. White hyacinth testified to the admiration for the purity and beauty of the woman she liked, and could also be presented as a sign of recognition or mean the joy of meeting. Pink or red hyacinth served to express a bright palette love feelings— from nascent passion to farewell tenderness. Yellow hyacinths meant jealousy, resentment or bewilderment. Blue hyacinths as a sign of respect, devotion and gratitude for the lived happy years spouses gave to each other. In addition, the number of flowers on the hyacinth brush could mean the date of the date.

Today, hyacinths are becoming more and more popular as a gift for March 8, displacing mimosa and familiar roses from the first positions. Many women associate hyacinths with spring, freshness, new discoveries and, of course, love.

The magical properties of hyacinth

Hyacinth is a plant that is often used in various potions due to the fact that it carries certain magical properties. In the Middle Ages, girls used to make love potions to forever bind the heart of a lover. It was believed that dried hyacinth flowers relieve bad dreams and unkind people.

Women, whose bedrooms and boudoirs were decorated with blooming hyacinths, became subtly attractive, their movements were filled with dignity and grace, and their mood was always good. The aroma of hyacinths has aphrodisiac properties, which were skillfully used by sophisticated lovers to reveal the sensuality of a partner.

Hyacinth flowers are also used by individuals striving for spiritual growth and self-improvement. Inhaling the aroma of hyacinth promotes self-knowledge and the search for answers to questions about the meaning of life and one's life purpose.

The hyacinth flower especially patronizes writers, poets, artists and people of creative professions in general, since the inhalation of its aroma contributes to the disclosure of creativity. The aroma of hyacinth is able to cleanse the energy of a person, give strength to creative activity and protect against ill-wishers.

In our time, science has proven that the energy of a flower is positive in every sense, which is due not only to its magical properties but also its biochemical composition. Hyacinth is an essential oil plant that, when flowering, releases a lot of phytoncides and hormone-like substances, which explains its true magical effect which has not lost its power even today. Harmonizing the psycho-emotional state of a person, hyacinth makes him open to joy and creativity and invulnerable to negativity.

Hyacinth: the meaning of a flower for the home

In all countries where this flower is cultivated, it symbolizes happiness and joy. In addition, there are other meanings and signs attributed to hyacinth:

  • Growing hyacinths at home - to peace and harmony. There is a belief that in a house where hyacinth blooms, there will be no quarrels and disagreements.
  • It is recommended to purchase a hyacinth before starting any new activity - its presence will inspire and give strength.
  • If the purchased hyacinth has released a double peduncle, this promises joyful events or unforeseen expenses and chores that will turn into joy in the future.
  • Dried brushes of hyacinths or an onion give self-confidence and help to resist aggressive third-party energy.

Why do hyacinths dream

Each dream book interprets dreams about hyacinths in its own way. Sometimes these interpretations are similar, sometimes they completely contradict each other, so you should not take them too seriously. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • To see a hyacinth in a dream means the imminent betrayal of a close friend. (French dream book).
  • If you dreamed of chic, fragrant hyacinths, your spouse is cheating on you. (Family dream book).
  • Hyacinth dreams of unforeseen expenses. (Dream Interpretation of Thirps).
  • Collect a bouquet of hyacinths, cut it or, conversely, plant it - to separation from loved ones. (Dream book Adams).
  • Hyacinths in a dream portend an unexpected large purchase, which will entail unsustainable debts and regrets about spending. (Big dream book).

Hyacinth: interesting facts

There are three main types of hyacinth: eastern, Litvinov and transcaspian, but all decorative varieties withdrawn from the oriental view.

Hyacinth's natural color is blue and white.

If hyacinth bulbs of different colors are cut and folded in half, flowers of both colors will appear on the peduncle.

In Europe, hyacinths appeared due to ... a shipwreck. A box of hyacinth bulbs washed up on the shore, where they sprouted and were noticed by the locals.

Hyacinth is the favorite flower of Peter I, who in general was a fan of everything related to Holland.

AT industrial scale hyacinths in the USSR began to be grown on Black Sea coast Caucasus at the state farm "Southern Cultures" near Adler.

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