How to understand the left or right opening of the door. Left or right door? How should interior doors open correctly? How to determine the "left" or "right" opening in the door by the door handle and hinges

Decor elements 03.03.2020
Decor elements

And the hinges were bought incorrectly, that the canvas should open in the wrong direction for which the purchased fittings are intended. In order not to make a mistake and not to waste money on unnecessary accessories, it would be nice to figure out which way it turns door leaf.

Door left and right: how to determine the door opening side

The decision on where the door will open will be agreed not only with the designer of the apartment, but also with the instructions of the services responsible for fire and sanitary safety.

If there is a task of installing a door structure, or if you just decided to figure out which door is left and right for general development, how to determine their direction, and then show off your knowledge to relatives, then you will have to rack your brains, as it is easy to get confused.

The first way to determine

Doors are known to open inward and outward. Suppose that the canvas opens outward, that is, it travels from you to another room or to the street. Let's say the handle is located on the left during this opening, and if you are not left-handed, you will push the ceiling with your right hand - which means that this left door. If, however, when pushing the door outward, the left hand is used, and the handle is located on the right - congratulations, the door leaf is right.

If you still do not understand which door is left and right, how to determine it, and at the same time doubt the need for such knowledge, do not give up trying - there is an easier way to recognize left and right non-political movements.

The second way to determine

Let's try another way. Now let's agree that the canvas opens inward, that is, in your direction. If the right hand is used when opening, and the handle is located on the left, then the door is right. In the case when it is convenient to pull the structure towards you with your left hand, but the location of the handle is right-handed - the door is left.

If you are completely confused about what is happening and why the left and right doors should differ (we have already tried to explain how to determine their direction), read the following method, and everything will become clear as day.

The third way to determine

Stand in front of the door and pull it towards you. If at this moment the slings on which the door leaf hangs are located to your right, this is the right door. They can be safely attributed to the design with the right opening of the door leaf. But if the hinges were to your left (provided that you pulled the door leaf towards you), then, obviously, the door is left.

There is nothing difficult in answering the question: which door is left and right, how to determine? The photos that are posted in the article will help you better understand this.

Fourth way

There is another rather intricate option, how to find out the direction of the doors. The good news is that you don’t have to get up anywhere, and you don’t have to push or pull anything either. The bad thing is that it will be necessary to disassemble the hinges (in case the hinges are collapsible). If, having decomposed the hinges into two components, you find that the pin (by the way, it should “look” up) is attached to the sash element on the right, then this is the right hinge and the door, respectively, too. In the case when the opposite is true, then both the hinge and the door leaf are left.

Door left and right: how to determine this by the door leaf

The easiest and most understandable way to solve the problem is to open the door towards yourself and see which side the door leaf turned out to be. And if the door is on your left - it is left and the whole story is called "left opening of the door." If it happens that the open leaf is located on the right, then this is the right opening and, accordingly, the door itself and the hinges are right (if the hinges are not of European production, everything is exactly the opposite).

Fire safety standards

In the current rules fire safety there is a clear definition of which door is left and right. How to determine, SNIP (Sanitary Norms and Rules) give another option that sounds quite simple: the door structure that opens with the right hand is called the right one. Accordingly, the door leaf opening with the left hand will be called left. However, this is provided that the door opens towards you.

When designing doorways it is necessary to ensure their free opening. The open door should not block the entrance to the adjacent room and prevent free passage to the stairs and elevators.

The transfer of a doorway, according to the legislative provisions, is considered a redevelopment and requires coordination with the relevant departments.

Entrance doors in regulatory documents are defined as evacuation doors and, in case of emergency, should not interfere with the free movement of people to the street.

Rules by definition in European countries

The European definition of opening doors (right or left) differs radically from the Russian one. If the manufacturer of the boxes is Israel, Italy, Germany or Spain (whose building components have long established themselves in the Russian market), it is worth choosing door accessories more carefully. Abroad, the type of door opening is determined by the movement of the leaf. If the canvas open from itself remains to the right of the opening, the door is right. In the case when the canvas goes to the left of you and the open door is located to the left of the threshold, the door is left.

That is, what is right for a Russian is left for a German, something like that.

Installation of new doors in place of old ones

If repairs are started and the task is to replace the entrance group, then it is necessary to figure out which doors are changing - left or right. How to determine which door you have?

So that the fire department and organizations responsible for sanitary standards do not have claims against you, it is necessary to maintain the design of the doorway, planned by the design bureau. To do this, just remember which hand opened the door when you pulled it towards you. If they held the handle with their right hand - the door is right, if the left hand was involved - the door leaf is left.

The direction of movement of interior doors is selected based on personal preferences and design requirements. It is more difficult with front doors, to which special requirements are imposed by departments responsible for the safety of residents.

and castles

It is important to know exactly which hinges will fit a particular door. According to GOST 5088-2005, there are left and right hinges that fit the corresponding door leafs. Right hinges are applicable to doors that, when closed, move counterclockwise and, if you apply one of the methods of determination listed in the article, you can guess that the door is also right. Accordingly, left hinges are called, suitable for doors with a left direction, which makes the leaf move clockwise.

From which side the doors open, all the fittings will depend. To purchase hinges and locks suitable for the door, you need to figure out whether the door is left or right. How to determine correctly, tells the entire previous text, but if you still do not understand, it does not matter. There is a universal one on sale that will fit any door, be it left or right.

Many are faced with such a problem: they needed mortise locks for doors, and after acquiring them, it turns out that opening and closing the lock is impossible, since the bevels on the tongues look the other way.

In order not to encounter such troubles, it is necessary to establish in advance, in the manner described above, for which doors the locks are intended.

  • If it is not possible to do this for some reason, you can simply ask the store for a universal lock. In such models, the lock tongue turns over: by pressing the pawl and sinking it deep, you can turn it 180 degrees through the side holes, after which the latch takes the desired position. The problem with right/left doors is thus eliminated.
  • Cylinder locks are not divided into opening sides, but, unfortunately, not all locks can be adjusted to the type of door, many of them are also divided depending on the mounting side.
  • Lever lock: from turning it over, due to special design features, it is recommended to refrain. To find out if your type is left or right lever lock, you need to turn the key towards the nearest jamb, if the lock is closed, it is installed correctly. If the lock is closed by rotation from the jamb, it is installed incorrectly. An incorrectly installed lock cannot be opened (closed) with your own key if at least one spring that returns the levers fails.

The problem of installing locks does not apply to standard, mass-produced, entrance doors, because they are always sold with locks installed in accordance with regulations.

Different ways to define

Opening doors left and right affects the functionality of the room, the location of furniture, switches, sockets. From whether they open inward or outward, the convenience of moving people from room to room and their safety depends.

Moving parts must not cross or interfere with each other during use. It should be noted that according to safety rules, the bathroom door should only open outward. Other interior blocks in the apartment most often open inwards, towards the wall. The main condition is that the sash fully opens the doorway.

When choosing where the front door should open, they are guided by the width staircase. Ideally, the entrance structure is installed in such a way that when entering the flight of stairs, the sash opens outwards, from right to left. If this is not possible, it can open inward, to a blank wall.

The direction in which the moving part of the structure moves affects the installation door locks or handles, hinges, other fittings.

There are several simple ways how to determine the left or right door in front of you back in the store. Interior and entrance structures can open to the right or left, inward and outward, not only comfort, but also the safety of future users of the chosen door depends on the side and orientation.

The first

The method allows you to find out the door opening side when buying already assembled structure even if it has universal hinges installed. This method is recognized by all domestic manufacturers. It is suitable for determining the orientation of not only interior, but also input models.

You need to stand facing the door leaf, and then open it towards yourself. If the hinges are located on the right, the door is considered right.


When determining the side according to the rules of fire safety, attention is paid to the movement of the door leaf in accordance with the clockwise direction. In this case, the right-hand model opens clockwise, and the left-hand model opens against its course.


To figure out which model is in front of us, you should pay attention to the hand with which you push the sash. The left-hand design is always opened with the left hand, regardless of which direction, outward or inward, its movable part opens.

The hinges are visible on the left, and the handle is located on the right side of them. The right-hand flap moves towards itself with the right hand, and the handle is on the left.


This method is suitable for classifying not only interior doors, but also entrance doors. For models that open outwards, the difference in the direction of opening is in the location of the handle.

The right-hand door in this case is opened with the left hand, but the handle is located on the right. The left-hand canvas swings open with the right hand, and the handle is placed on the left.

On the door leaf

Based on the information received, it can be concluded that the determination of the side of the structure by its moving part is carried out by installing door locks or handles, by which side of the leaf the door hinges are located, which hand is convenient to open it. If the handle on the canvas is located on the right side, it will open to the left and vice versa.

You can easily determine the right leaf or the left one, guided by the location of the hinges on the side of the doorway. If the model that swings open on itself has the hinges on the right, it is considered to be right and vice versa.

The hinge design itself will also help determine the type of door. If universal hinges are installed on the canvas, the door leaf can open in any direction.

If the hinges and other fittings have not yet been installed on the canvas, you can choose the ones you need yourself, based on your own vision, as well as the placement of the door frame in the room.

  • be convenient to use.

where are the hinges located;

  • where are the hinges located;
  • which hand is more convenient to open the selected door.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options for determining the side. Defining the right and left doors

Push direction

If the doors are not sliding, then they either open inward or outward. If you open with your right hand in the direction away from you, then this is a left-hand door. If you push the canvas with your left hand, then this is a right-handed product.

According to the location of the loops

You can find out which door to choose in the following way. Stand facing the aisle so that the canvas moves towards itself. See where the hinges are located:

  • if they are on the right - the door is right;
  • fastening on the left - left.

If, on the contrary, you open the door away from yourself, then the rule applies:

  • hinges on the right, then the door will be left;
  • the hinges are on the left, which means the door is on the right.

Location of the door handle

Consider another proven method for determining the desired side by door handle.Here everything is quite simple:

  • with a left door, the hinges hang on the left, and the handle on the right, while you use your left hand;
  • when the product opens away from itself, the handle will also be located on the right. you open the door with your left hand, then this is the right door.

European approach

If the question arose of installing doors according to European standards, determining how to open doors is fundamentally different from the Russian approach. In this case, the opening side is recognized by the movement of the door itself. To install the side of the door you need to do the following:

  1. Stand in front of the doorway so that the wide section of the box faces you.
  2. Push the door away from you.
  3. Keep an eye on the hand opening the door and the direction in which it moves.
  4. The left one is opened counterclockwise with the left hand, and the right one, on the contrary, clockwise with the right hand.

How to choose a door according to security requirements

The front door is a necessary attribute of people's safety. But its design should not only protect against thieves, ill-wishers and banal cold, but also at any time, give people the opportunity to urgently leave the premises. The fire safety rules provide an explanation about the sides of the doors:

  • A right-handed door product is considered to be opened with the help of right hand, and the left side is what is opened with the left hand (this condition is valid if the door is directed “towards itself”).
  • It is necessary that the doorways ensure the unhindered movement of the canvases.
  • Opened door should not impede the entrance to adjacent rooms, as well as the passage to flight of stairs and an elevator.
  • During reconstruction doorway, a positive decision of the specialized authorities is required.

Important! Entrance doors, in case of evacuation, should not interfere with the emergency exit of people to the street. . According to fire department statistics, most fire deaths occur due to the inability to get out of the apartment.

Failure to comply with the installation rules, as well as the wrong choice of sides, can lead to door blocking and death. The correct and deliberate choice of products is, first of all, concern for the safety of relatives, as well as residents of the house.

According to fire department statistics, the majority of deaths from a fire happen due to the inability to get out of the apartment. Failure to comply with the installation rules, as well as the wrong choice of sides, can lead to door blocking and death. The correct and deliberate choice of products is, first of all, concern for the safety of relatives, as well as residents of the house.

How to determine the type of door

Often there is confusion in determining the type of door, because right or left it can be relative to different objects. Therefore, manufacturers have designated the exact method to find out which door is installed in the room.

To do this, you need to face the structure and open the canvas towards yourself. If with this opening the hinges are located on the right, then the door is right. This method is standard for doors manufactured and purchased in Russia.

Video: how to easily determine the type of door

And if we take into account the direction of movement of the canvas away from us, then our right door, according to European standards, will be called the left one. In the showcases of specialized stores, the doors are installed with the outer side to the buyer, which makes it easier to choose.

Depending on the location of the loops and handles, they recognize the type of canvas

It is worth considering that moving a door from one place indicated on the plan of an apartment or house to another is considered a redevelopment and requires approval from the relevant authorities.

Determining the direction of door opening is simple, but it is also important to take into account current standards and regulations. This is true for both interior and exterior doors of any material.

Rules by definition in European countries

The European definition of opening doors (right or left) differs radically from the Russian one. If a manufacturer of doors, fittings, door frames Israel, Italy, Germany or Spain (whose construction components have long established themselves in the Russian market), it is worth choosing door accessories more carefully. Abroad, the type of door opening is determined by the movement of the leaf. If the canvas open from itself remains to the right of the opening, the door is right. In the case when the canvas goes to the left of you and the open door is located to the left of the threshold, the door is left.

That is, what is right for a Russian is left for a German, something like that.

Does the opening side affect the design of the door

In the option of installing interior doors, the side of the leaf affects the shape of the design of the opening design. Therefore, you should not first buy, and then decide on the side. The first step should be the choice of the side and, accordingly, the design of the opening. In order to understand exactly how the door should stand, it is recommended to install a box. The castle also plays an important role. For him, you need to choose the side of the installation, which will depend on the side of the door opening.

Thus, the choice of the type of door structure depends on the following factors:

  • opening specifics;
  • type of lock that is installed in the door;
  • provision of security measures.

fire regulations

In order not to endanger the life and health of people in the event of a forced evacuation from the premises, the door blocks must be located correctly and open in accordance with safety requirements.

Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the side of the door leaf even before installing it.

Any door structure, when opened, should not block adjacent doors. It is worth considering the fact that, according to fire safety rules, the exit from an apartment or house to the street is part of the evacuation system, so the front door should always open outward so that in case of fire it can be knocked out from the inside, speeding up the exit of people.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements state standards and SNiP, the front door of a private house, storerooms with an area of ​​​​less than 200 m², sanitary facilities, and a boiler room with access to the street should open outward. If the boiler room is located inside the building, the door must open inwards. If the canvas of the entrance structure, when opened, blocks the exit of neighbors, you can choose a model that opens inward.

It is important to correctly determine where the doors in the apartment will open. In small rooms, they swing open to the outside or inside a larger room. At the same time, the moving part should not obstruct the view. If the entrance structure is placed in the corner, the sash opens to a blank wall, if in the middle - to the switch. The switch is placed at the level of the handle so that you can quickly turn on the light.

If the passage leads to a corridor along which people often walk, based on safety rules, the doors open into the room. Otherwise, it is possible to injure those who pass by them.

How to determine the door right or left during installation

Before purchasing a door, you need to without fail, find out how it opens, and whether the method of opening it complies with fire safety rules, and only after that, finally make a choice.

There are a number of rules that must be followed without fail when installing the door leaf, let's begin by considering the most important and basic of the available ones:

  • When installing a door in public multi-storey buildings (entrances, enterprises, offices, etc.), it must be installed in such a way that the opening process is carried out outwards, that is, if you need to visit this building, you will need to pull the door handle towards you, while getting out of it is the opposite. This is not a recommendation, but a rule imposed by the fire safety system in multi-storey buildings. Only such an arrangement of the right canvas will be considered safe in case of evacuation of people from the building.
  • It happens that the location of the doorway is not suitable for mounting the door leaf into it according to all fire safety standards. AT this case, it is allowed to install the door (the size of which will be more than 700 mm) in such a way that its opening and closing does not interfere with the movement of people around the premises and the location of nearby objects. It turns out that this kind of oversight is a mistake of the builders who planned the project of this structure and it is already impossible to correct it.
  • A completely different conversation will be conducted if it is necessary to install the door leaf in the apartment. Most often, doors are installed in the living room in such a way that they open outward, that is, when you need to enter a particular room, you will need to pull the door handle towards you. But even here there are exceptions to the rule - because sometimes correct location the door leaf will interfere with the opening of neighboring doors or take away the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, then the rules and regulations for installing the door leaf will have to be neglected.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear whether the door is right or left, how to determine its opening during installation.

In the event that the door leaf has already been purchased, but the direction of its opening has not yet been determined, the hinges located on it will help.

The type of hinges in this case is also of no small importance, therefore, when any door is opened towards itself, the hinges will be located on the side that the door itself is considered to be, if on the left, then it is left, and vice versa. . If we are talking about interior doors, then there are no special requirements for the installation of such canvases, therefore, the main thing is that they do not interfere with each other when opening

Usually, in the bedroom, the door leaf is installed inward, while in the toilet it is vice versa.

If we are talking about interior doors, then there are no special requirements for the installation of such canvases, therefore, the main thing is that they do not interfere with each other when opened. Usually, in the bedroom, the door leaf is installed inward, while in the toilet it is vice versa.

What you need to know

When choosing a model, personal preferences (material, finish, dimensions, and so on) have great importance, and third-party advisers are unlikely to be needed here. But the difference for doors on the swinging side was not introduced by chance. It is through them that people are mainly evacuated in case of fires, natural disasters and in a number of other critical situations. Therefore, safety issues should come first. If you familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP, GOST, then these documents spell out in detail in which cases this or that door is mounted and how to distinguish them.

The fact is that in the corridors administrative buildings, private houses, apartments almost always have several openings connecting them with different rooms. When choosing doors, the side of their opening must be determined. Especially if the aisles are not wide enough, which is typical for residential buildings. Otherwise, the simultaneously open doors will interfere with each other, block the neighboring ones, preventing them from opening completely. And this is unacceptable in terms of the same security.

The door opening side must be taken into account if the unit is purchased for installation at the entrance to the house. Such canvases should only open outwards.

And it will be right or left, it is selected in relation to local conditions (convenience) and the specifics of installation. As a rule, the feature of the door structure is determined at the design stage. There is one nuance here that allows you to look at the problem of the opening side from a different angle.

Professional firefighters argue that in some cases it is advisable to put doors at the entrance with the movement of the leaf inward. The fact is that such doors in emergency situations are much easier (more convenient, faster) to crack. If, for some reason, during external plowing, the canvas does not completely open the passage, then it is necessary to install the models in which they move inward.

Separately, it is worth noting the specifics of choosing a block for entering a dwelling, especially in a high-rise building of the old layout. One of the distinguishing features of such houses is small staircases, on which there are 3-4 apartments. Here you need to consider their location

It doesn’t matter if it will be a right door or a left one - its sash (both in terms of convenience and for safety) should adjoin the wall when fully opened. In this case, it will not become an obstacle for neighbors in any situation - moving, transporting bulky items or evacuation

Particular attention should be paid to the model purchased for the opening, which is closest to the flight of stairs. An open door should not block access to it. And which one is needed - right (left) - it is easy to understand by the location of the apartment on the floor. Neglecting this is fraught with a complete replacement of the unit. If dissatisfied neighbors file a complaint with the residential / inspection, technical / supervision, UK (there are enough options), then after the check, the owner will be issued an order for the mandatory replacement of the door. The reason is a gross violation of the PB rules.

How to distinguish between left and right doors is easy to understand. The main thing is to choose wisely optimal model, subject to compliance with all requirements of regulatory documents. And first of all, in terms of fire safety.

Methods for determining the door opening side

The rules for opening entrance door blocks are clearly spelled out in GOST 31173–2003, in fire and sanitary standards. But today, many manufacturers of door structures do not comply with the prescribed requirements and their products do not meet the established standards.

In this regard, when installing products in a particular room, it is important to be able to independently calculate the direction of opening of the canvases. By the way, in Russia and Europe, approaches to determining left-hand and right-hand doors differ. What do you need to know about opening interior doors? In this case, there are no hard and fast rules.

The main criteria are the following:

  • enough free space for full plowing;
  • they should not interfere with other structures;
  • be convenient to use.

In the bedroom, most often they put doors directed inward, and in the bath and toilet - outward.

The opening sides primarily depend on three parameters to pay attention to: . where the canvas goes when pushing;
where are the hinges located;

  • where the canvas goes when pushing;
  • where are the hinges located;
  • which hand is more convenient to open the selected door.

Let us consider in more detail each of the options for determining the side.

Choice of lock for different door positions

Having learned what the location of the valves is, you should decide on the type of locks that need to be mounted in the canvas. Inexperienced apartment owners who buy castles often face a choice problem. All this comes from ignorance important details, having studied which the problem will be exhausted by itself.

You can also choose the wrong lock, due to the fact that the direction of opening the door was incorrectly determined.

To avoid difficulties during the process of installation and insertion of the lock, and also not to incur additional costs by buying repeatedly materials that were incorrectly selected initially, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

Door opening options

  • If it is not possible to accurately determine the direction of opening, or if the owner of the property has doubts, then a universal lock can be installed in the door unit. There are such locks in any hardware store, you just have to ask the consultant to tell you about the varieties of the product. They can be of different manufacturers, from different materials. The essence of such locks is that, regardless of which option for opening the valves, it will work.

The tongue of such a locking mechanism can be turned over. This is done so that the owners of houses and apartments, inexperienced in repair issues, can quickly and without additional purchases install the mechanism in the door leaf.

The principle of opening doors in different directions

The reversal of the tongue consists of several elementary actions:

  1. You need to press the dog, deepening it inside the structure.
  2. Then, you need to turn the tongue itself 180 degrees, penetrating inside the structure through the holes located on the sides.

Those who have chosen such a lock may not worry about the fact that they incorrectly determined the direction of opening the door structure. In any case, the mechanism can be used for its intended purpose.

  • If doubts persist about whether the position in which the entrance structure should open is correctly determined, then you can pay attention to the cylinder locking mechanisms. Cylinder lock device diagram When installing such products, it does not matter which side of the opening. In these types of locks, you only need to understand in which direction the canvas will be mounted. Thus, it is not necessary to know about the direction.
  • You can also pay attention to the lever locks. In order to determine what type of mechanism, it is necessary to carry out simple actions. You need to turn the key to the side of the jamb located closer. If you can see that the tongue has entered the keyhole, then such a mechanism is suitable for you. If, during the check, you find that the rotation of the opening will be from the jamb of the doors, then such a lock will not be installed correctly, no matter how hard the owner of the apartment or house tries.

Even an incorrectly installed lock may open for a while. However, due to incorrectly rotating blades, over time, the springs can weaken and fail. After such a situation, opening the lock will be impossible.

Door opening pattern

The question of choosing mechanisms for the door will affect only those who prefer to install non-standard designs. In modern doors, a lock is usually already installed, according to all requirements.
See in the video how to determine the correct opening of the doors.

A quality lock is a guarantee of the security of your home. Today's lock market allows you to choose perfect option, which will not only be in harmony with the door, but also meet your requirements and expectations. When choosing a lock for the front door, consider the quality of the mechanism itself. Knowledge about the variety of these products, which differ in the type of mechanism and installation, will help determine the further choice of product.

Locks are classified according to the type of mechanism and type of installation.

By type of mechanism, locks are divided into the following types:

  1. Levelers have a set of plates (levers) that provide the secrecy of the lock. For the home, it is preferable to install constipation with 6-8 plates. The disadvantage of such products is the large size, which requires an appropriate thickness of the canvas, and a rather massive key.
  2. Cylinder doors consist of cylinders and spring-loaded pins that work on the principle of lining up small elements of a certain combination that allow you to open the door. The advantage of this mechanism is the possibility of changing the cylinder without removing the entire lock. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have high-quality content and compete with lever products.
  3. Disk work with the help of rotating disks. The advantage of such a lock is the difficulty of opening it with master keys. In addition, moisture and dust do not get there.
  4. Electronic and combination locks. This option is rarely installed in apartments, since opening requires a digital cipher using an electronic key. Such locks are commonly used in enterprises.

By type of installation, locking mechanisms are:

  1. Mortise. They are installed on the entrance doors of apartments, even despite the complexity of inserting into the door leaf.
  2. Overhead. The product is mounted on the surface of the door without damaging it. In this case, the installation procedure is much easier, but the locks protrude and spoil appearance construction (locks are installed as an additional to the mortise).
  3. Mounted. Rarely used for apartments. Such a mechanism is more used for installation in garages, sheds, cellars, that is, where closure density is not a priority.

The installation of some locks has certain features that must be taken into account when choosing (some locks, for example, can be turned over for any type of door, and some are only suitable for a specific direction).

Important! In the case of replacing the door leaf or lock, it should be noted that not every mechanism allows you to change the direction of movement of the latch tongue. . To increase the reliability of door structures, it is advisable to use a combination of different types

To increase the reliability of door structures, it is advisable to use a combination of different types.

Why is it important to correctly determine the side of the front door opening

The entrance structure is an important component of the security of the premises, which should not only prevent the entry of strangers, but also, if necessary, enable residents to quickly evacuate. When choosing the left or right side for the front door, it is necessary to observe whether adjacent canvases are blocked, as this is a violation of fire safety rules. Any complaint from neighbors to the housing office will allow you to give an order to change sides to the opposite. Therefore, when installing the input product, it is necessary to foresee all possible options and choose the best solution.

Ease of use is also important. Cloths should be fully open to one side, allow you to bring in or take out large things. If selected hardware, then you need to install them so that the approach from the stairs is carried out from right to left. If the landing does not make it possible to install an entrance structure with an outward opening, then it is better to open it on one of the blank walls of the room.

How to determine if a door is open left or right

When replacing the door leaf, as well as purchasing hinges or locks for them in the store, you need to know whether the left or right door is in front of you. Surprisingly, even among experts there is no consensus on how to do it right. Some recommend looking at the door from above and if it slams clockwise, it is right, and if it is against, it is left; others advise determining the side by which side the handle is on when the door opens towards you; still others are guided by which side the hinges are on, if you stand outside ... All these methods help determine the directions of the doors correctly. But the problem is that abroad it is customary to set the direction differently, hence the confusion with imported components. To avoid confusion, check the location of the locks and hinges with the manager.

There is GOST 31173-2003, which clearly states that the door block of the left (right) opening is a block with a left (right) location of the hinges on the side of the leaf opening. So determine the direction of opening the door and others regulations (Fire regulations, Sanitary Norms).

When designing buildings, the opening of doors is taken into account: it must be convenient (so that there is no blockage when opening at the same time), as well as safe. Door structures common use, such as the entrance to the entrance, should open exclusively outwards so as not to complicate the evacuation of people in case of danger

The front door to the house should also swing open from itself, although this rule is often neglected when adjacent canvases are too close and block each other. Interior doors can be opened in any way, there are no strict regulations. The main thing is the presence of free space for plowing.

Right or Left

If you are interested in a specific model of the door leaf, you should first find out which door (left or right) is in question. It is possible that it will not be possible to install such a canvas in a particular room due to the chosen direction of opening. For example, only the right model can be installed.

When installing the left sash, there is an obstacle in the way of movement of the sash in the form of furniture or other structures

In this case, it is important to immediately determine which canvas we are talking about.
. In the most general case, when determining the type of interior door, one should proceed from:

In the most general case, when determining the type of interior door, one should proceed from:

  • push directions;
  • type of hinges installed;
  • the hand with which the opening will be made.

In this case, the direction of pushing plays an important role.

If the interior door opens "on itself", pay attention to the location of the handle.

If there is no characteristic discomfort when opening the door with the right hand, and the handle is fixed on the left side of the door leaf, then the design is right. If it is more convenient to open the door with your left hand, then the design is of the same type.

In the case of opening “from oneself”, pay attention to how the sash will open. If on interior doors the handle is attached to the left, then they are right. If the door is opened with the right hand, then the left.

The location of the hinges on the installed structure is also able to tell what type it belongs to. So, for the right ones, opening “towards themselves”, the loops are located on the right.


How the door will open depends on the place of its installation and the personal wishes of the owners of the house.

Similar problems will arise if you buy the wrong lock. If the right lock is purchased, and the design turns out to be of a different type, then for the correct functioning of the mechanism, you will have to install it on the door frame, and not on the canvas, or install it upside down.

If the lock is a cylinder, there should not be any serious problems during the operation of the interior or entrance structure. The main thing is to ensure the necessary spatial position so that the mechanism works properly for a long time.

With lever locks, this installation method is not possible due to its design features. Unlike cylinder mechanisms, suval locks suggest a specific direction of opening.

When purchasing such a mechanism for a door, you should first analyze the possibility of installing it on the canvas being purchased, which opens in a certain direction.

How the door will open depends on the place of its installation and the personal wishes of the owners of the house. You can choose the left option or prefer a different type of canvas

At the same time, it is important to choose the right accessories for a particular model, including a beautiful handle. If doors are side by side, handles and locks should be the same design and size.

What is important when choosing the placement of the direction of the door

1. Near standing doors when opened at the same time, they must not touch each other

If the doors are very close and touch a friend, then you will have to change direction - make one of the doors open to another room, or move the doorway (more details here). Hitting each other, the doors, when opened, can not only be damaged, but also hit the person leaving the next room.

Tip: Most importantly, don't overlap so that one door blocks another.

2. If the entrance is in the corner, the door is to the nearest wall

The door must swing open most rooms. Entering, for example, a bedroom, you should immediately see everything that is in it.

This is possible in cases where the entrance is located in one of the corners of the room, and not in the middle of the wall. In this case, it is more convenient to open the door towards the nearest wall.

3. If the entrance is in the center, the opening orientation is towards the window

Entrance door left or right how to determine

For example, the Russian point of view on this issue is shared by Sweden, but in Israel or in Spain the situation is just the opposite. So it's better to play it safe and consult with sellers.

One more point is interesting, which concerns the loops. Two of their parts have very funny names - a boy, or dad, and a girl, or mom. Similar names exist not only in our country, but also in almost all European countries. In this case, “mother” means that part of the hinge that is attached to the door. And “daddy” is called the part that is attached to the canvas, and on the pin of which the second part of the loop is mounted.

Currently, the market offers doors with the so-called euro-porch, or doors "with a quarter". This option is used if it is necessary to increase the sound and thermal insulation characteristics doors. The end of such a door is distinguished by the presence of a ledge, and under this ledge on door frame there is a recess. If the door is closed, there is no gap between its leaf and the box, which can blow cold air. However, conventional hinges for such doors cannot be used. Therefore, either special hinges designed for such doors or screw-in hinges are purchased. They are also available in left and right versions.

Door opening sides how to determine

The opening side of the door leaf is nothing more than the opening direction of the door itself. From ignorance of this specific subtlety of the door subject, in Everyday life for uninitiated citizens, there are various incidents associated with an incorrect judgment of the concept of the sideness of opening the door leaf.

Knowing firsthand about this problem, we, in turn, tried to fill the existing gap in knowledge and created this page with explanatory information on this topic.

In the above figure, it is very clearly shown how the direction of opening the door leaf is determined.

But in reality it will look like this:

1. It is necessary to stand facing the doorway (in which the installation is intended door block) on the side of the room into which the door leaf is supposed to be opened (toward yourself).

2. Mentally imagine the expected direction of opening the door.

a) If the door needs to be opened from left to right, then the handle on the door leaf should be located on the left, and the hinges on the right - right-hand opening.

And vice versa:

b) If the door needs to be opened from right to left, then the handle on the door leaf should be located on the right, and the hinges on the left - left-hand opening.

This is not in a complicated way, you can correctly and quite simply understand how the door opening side is determined.

Few people know that Russian and European doors differ from each other, depending on the method of opening. In our country, opening the door is determined by yourself. If the door handle is placed on the right side of the door, when opening the door towards you with your left hand, the door is considered LEFT. If with the right hand towards you (handle on the left) - then, respectively, RIGHT.

In Europe, in most cases, opening doors is determined by yourself. Therefore, if the door is pushed with the left hand, it is to the left of the passage. This is the LEFT opening. When pushing with the right hand, naturally RIGHT.

In connection with such differences, universal hinges for doors are becoming relevant.

Their convenience lies in the fact that it does not matter in which direction the door will be opened. However, such loops also have a certain disadvantage, namely: they are one-piece

That is, if it becomes necessary to remove the door, you will first have to remove all the hinges. In this regard, conventional loops that are detachable may be more convenient. How to determine which hinges you need to purchase for a particular door?

The easiest way for those who themselves do not understand such issues is to do the following: draw a plan of the room in which the doors are located, and indicate on it how they open. The specialists of the store where you came to buy will undoubtedly help you choose the right loops. There is another way: if the placement of the loops is supposed to be on the right hand, then you need to buy the right loops, respectively. However, this is not the case in all countries.

First, let's understand the terminology. According to the norms of Russian standards, the door is considered left-handed if it opens on you with your left hand. The door handle in this case is installed on the right. Accordingly, a design that opens on you with your right hand is considered right-handed, while the handle is on the right side.

Does the design of the door depend on the opening side?

Therefore, before buying, you need to decide which opening each door structure in an apartment or house will have. And only after that go in search of suitable canvases and accessories. Don't forget about these important elements, how door stops, which will protect the canvases and walls from accidental damage.

How to choose the door opening direction?

When deciding how interior doors will open, it is important to consider ease of use. It is necessary to be able to fully open the door leaf in the selected direction so that large-sized furniture and other furnishings can be brought in or out. On the other hand, according to fire safety regulations and building standards, doors small spaces should open outward. This rule is usually applied to bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. Therefore, when choosing the opening side, consider this nuance. It is also worth choosing the direction of opening so that the door leaf swings open into most of the room. This is done so that you can immediately look around the entire room.

But what if the doorway is located in the middle of the wall? In this case, choose opening depending on the location of the switch: so that you can open the doors with one hand, and turn the light on or off with the other, and you do not have to reach for the switch outside the door.

When choosing the opening side, take into account the location of adjacent door structures. When opening at the same time, the canvases should not touch each other or block the exit from neighboring rooms.

As you can see, when planning the opening of interior doors, it is important to take into account many nuances so that new door structures were functional, ergonomic and safe. The best option- buy turnkey interior doors. This can be done through the online store of the Porta Prima factory, or in one of the branded salons. In this case, a representative of the company will come to you, who will not only measure the openings, but also advise you on the optimal direction of the opening side of each door block. And also correctly completes each door structure.

When replacing a leaf, hinges or a lock, you need to know how to determine whether the door is left or right. Not only the selection of fittings depends on which direction it will open. The entrance must comply with fire safety rules, and interior structures should not cause inconvenience.

When choosing the direction of door opening, certain requirements must be taken into account.

Installation rules

First you need to figure out how fire safety doors should still open. Here, special importance is attached to public structures, such as the entrance to the entrance. According to fire safety regulations, it must open outward so that in case of emergency do not interfere with the evacuation of residents of the house.

If the front door is less than 800 mm in size and when it is opened it touches obstacles, deviation from fire safety rules is allowed. In this case, it will open in the direction that is provided for by the project during the construction of the building.

The front door must open in accordance with fire safety requirements

And how should the front door open directly into the apartment? It is envisaged that the canvas should swing open outward, that is, away from itself. But it is far from always possible to equip the entrance to the apartment correctly. In some houses, with this installation method, adjacent canvases will block each other, which is not allowed. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, for example, in case of fire, it will be easier for rescuers to break the canvas with plowing inwards.

How should interior doors open in houses? There are no particularly strict requirements here. The main thing is that the interior doors do not interfere with each other, do not create inconvenience and have free space for opening. In bedrooms, the direction is usually inward, and for the bathroom and toilet - outward.

Methods for determining

So, how can you easily determine which door is left or right? According to fire safety and design standards, the right one opens clockwise, and the left one opens against it. However, not all canvases open up according to this principle.

Using an interior door should not cause discomfort

In most cases, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • direction of pushing;
  • which hand is being used;
  • loop type.

In order to correctly determine which entrance door you have to an apartment or interior doors, you first need to look at the direction where the opening is being carried out. Consider two situations:

  • To myself. Let's say interior doors open in your direction. In this case, the position of the handle will help determine their type. If it is located on the left and it is convenient for you to use your right hand - right. If the handle is on the right and you set the canvas in motion with your left hand, it is left.
  • Push. If the canvas opens away from you, some points need to be rearranged. Pen on the right and you use left hand- the design is right, and if the handle is on the left, and you press it with your right hand, respectively - the left one.

The type of hinges also plays a role, since they are selected separately for the left and right doors. How to define it? When swinging on itself, the axis of the hinges will be on the side that the door is considered to be.

European approach

In Europe, fire safety requirements are also given a lot of attention, if not more. And if you need to deal with this issue according to European standards, keep in mind that the ways how to determine the opening of the door: left or right differ dramatically from the usual approach.

Option to open the interior door "from yourself"

In European countries, they do not look at the criteria that are taken into account in the method familiar to us. In order to determine where the entrance and interior doors open, a completely different approach is used. To do this, you need to stand in relation to the opening so that the wide part of the box looks at you. In other words, the door should open in the opposite direction from you, that is, “away from you”.

Next, pay attention to the hand with which you push, for example, interior doors and the direction in which the opening occurs. The left one should swing open counterclockwise with the help of the left hand. And, accordingly, vice versa - the right one should open clockwise with the right hand.

Design features

If you are installing an interior door, whether it is right or left plays a significant role. Peculiarities standard designs affect the design of the opening. To begin with, determine where the interior design should still open.

The option of opening the interior door "on itself"

Based on your decision, it is necessary to install the box so that the canvas rests on the ledge for the vestibule. Also pay attention to the type of hinges and the direction in which they allow you to open the door.

When the entrance structure is mounted and interior, assuming the presence of a lock, you need to turn to the side where you will install it. Cylinder systems can be suitable for any type, but lever systems are usually calculated for a specific direction and cannot be turned over.

Knowing in which direction the entrance and interior doors should open and how to determine their type, you can correctly install the structure in the opening, in accordance with fire safety requirements.

The opening side of the door plays one of the most important roles in creating a safe and comfortable home. From where and how the canvas will open depends on how conveniently and quickly it will be possible to use the door in a critical situation. This is especially important for apartment buildings where doors are often the only means of escape. How to determine the door opening side, and what rules should be considered when placing the door in the opening - read the article.

Before choosing new interior doors, decorating the interior and carrying out repairs, you should determine the direction of opening the door in the living room. Not only the design of the room, but also the safety of all residents depends on how and in which direction the door leaf will be directed. You can choose a door that fully complies with SNiP and fire safety rules, knowing its direction. How do you know which door is in front of you?

In order to correctly determine the side of the door opening, you can use three methods:

  1. Determine the opening of the door in a clockwise direction: the leaf of the right door will open clockwise, and the left one - against the movement.
  2. Determine which door is by the location of the hinges and the handle: if the hinges are on the left and the handle is on the right, then the door is left, if vice versa, then the right. To stand in front of the door, at the same time, it is necessary so that when opening the canvas moves to the standing one.
  3. Determine the direction of opening by the position of the hand. If the door is comfortable to open with the left hand, then it is left, if it is right, then it is right.

If, when choosing a canvas, it is impossible to distinguish the left from the right door, then experts advise giving preference to a universal canvas, the hinges, handle and lock of which can be easily moved to the other side. The opening sides of such a door may vary depending on the configuration of the doorway, the purpose of the room.

Where should the interior doors open in the apartment

The door can be opened in four directions: left and right, inward and outward. According to fire safety standards, interior doors in apartments and private houses should open in the direction of travel, and not interfere with quick evacuation from the room. But in some apartments this is not always possible due to small areas and replannings.

If it is impossible to organize the opening of the door from the walker, interior doors should be placed so that they do not block each other when opened.

It is especially important to observe this rule when placing doors in the corridor. small apartments where the doors are next to each other. So, for example, the front door in Khrushchev should be positioned with an opening into the room, as well as the next door leading to the hall, kitchen or sanitary unit. At the same time, the front door should be torn off so that the canvas does not block the doorways of adjacent doors. That is, the doors must open with a different hand.

Doors leading from rooms to narrow corridors, should be positioned so that the canvas does not block the passage, that is, inside the room.

This rule can be neglected only if the door leads to non-residential (for example, a bathroom) or utility room, the dimensions of which do not allow the canvas to be positioned with opening into the room. The safest option in this case would be to install an accordion door or sliding doors.

General rules for opening doors at the entrance to the house and apartment

Fire safety rules and SNiP determine the opening of not only interior doors, but also entrance doors, doors leading to utility rooms and non-residential premises in the apartment, basement - in a private house.

So, it is generally accepted that the first entrance door to the apartment opens outwards. In this case, whether the door will be right or left depends on the location of neighboring doors on the site.

That is, when determining the door on the hinges, it is imperative to ensure that when opening the doors at the same time as the neighbors, the canvases do not block each other. Otherwise, in the event of an emergency, you or your neighbors simply will not be able to leave the premises. In apartments on high floors without evacuation balcony stairs, this situation can endanger the life and health of residents.

The direction for opening the front doors in a private house is not regulated by norms or rules.

Here you need to follow a healthy sense and logic. So, for example, it would be better if the front door leaf in houses northern regions With large quantity precipitation will be directed inside the house. After all, even if a record amount of precipitation falls, such a door can be easily opened and get out of the house.

Nevertheless, the Ministry of Emergency Situations advises to install the front door with an outward opening: choosing such a door is much more difficult than in the opposite opening.

For emergency evacuation from home, you can arrange additional door with inward opening. Such a door can be placed at the entrance to the garage, which has internal message with the house.

Left-hand door: features

A left-handed door is a door with hinges on the left. Such a door can be both an entrance and an interior door. The left-hand door always opens from the left hand. At the same time, the canvas can move both towards the walker and in the direction of travel. There is a left-hand door less often than a right-hand one. This is dictated by convenience: for most, it is more convenient to open the door with the right hand. However, there are cases where a left handed door can be useful.

The left side door can be used:

  1. As the second entrance door to the apartment in apartment building if there is a doorway next to it on the adjacent wall to the right. So the left-hand door will not block the passage.
  2. As balcony door. The balcony window in the apartments, most often, is located on the right. To prevent the door from hitting the window sill, it would be better to place its hinges on the left side.
  3. As an interior door, if at the entrance to the room long wall located on the right side.
  4. As a door to a garage, barn or guest house, if the opening is located on the left side of the wall.

When installing a left-handed door, remember that there are both left-handed and right-handed hinges. It is important not to confuse the fittings, otherwise it will be impossible to install the doors.

Door right or left: how to determine (video)

Both interior and entrance doors can open in four directions: right and left, inward and outward. The comfort and safety of those living in the apartment depend on the sideness and direction of the doors. You can learn to distinguish which opening direction the canvas has using three methods. If it is impossible to understand which door is in front of you, then you should refrain from buying it, and choose a universal canvas, the hinges of which can be placed on either side!

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