Round larva for the castle. ► Repair, replacement, installation of the lock core in a metal iron steel entrance door

reservoirs 03.03.2020

Repair, replacement, installation of the lock core in a metal iron steel front door Bars-X will promptly produce with a quality guarantee. All possible options immediately on the spot with the departure of a specialist - the masters will be offered! With all this, the departure of the master in Moscow is free!


Replacing the core in the lock - if the lock is a cylinder, then the cost is from 800-1200 rubles.

Replacing the core of a lever lock - replacing Nucleo, Blo, roter -1500 rubles.

And so, let's try to explain what the core of the lock is, in which locks you can change the core, and in which you will have to replace the entire lock so that there are new keys at the door lock.

The core of the lock is the main secret part of the work of the lock (heart and mind), it is only due to the core that the keys have a variety of shapes and complexity. The core of the lock creates a headache for the attacker. The more secret, more serious the core, the more difficult it is to open your lock.

The most common locks are installed on the doors.

Cores in a cylinder lock.

In all cylinder locks, the core can be changed. After all, a cylinder lock can consist of a body, a core, and if the lock is the main one, then, of course, door handles. The core in the cylinder lock is called - they have different degrees of secrecy, shapes and sizes.

Cylindrical locks are good, first of all, for their reliability, since there are cores to which it is impossible to pick up a master key. In addition, the procedure for their repair is not something complicated or expensive. The Bars-X company offers you services for the repair, replacement and installation of a larva in a metal front door. We guarantee efficiency and high quality work!

When might a larvae need to be replaced?

Cylindrical locking mechanisms are the most popular among buyers - they are usually installed on iron entrance doors. But if such a lock breaks or, alternatively, you simply lost the keys, then the core will have to be changed.

If the lock breaks, then the core (as the larva is also called) needs to be changed, since this procedure is simple. Moreover, all cylinder-type locks are interchangeable, that is, the cylinder core may well be from another manufacturer.

Our specialists will replace the cylinder core of a lock of any manufacturer in any type of door, both in metal and in iron, and even in armored steel.

On the spot, they will immediately offer:

And simple options inexpensive cores with pricing policy from 600 rubles Which secrecy does not exceed 1.5 million selection of keys.

Also, options will be offered to change the cores in the castle to more secret ones, with a higher degree of secrecy. The cost is already increasing, the price is from 1200 rubles.

And, of course, if you wish, they will change the core of the lock to the most reliable and most secure development of a new generation of cores. With maximum protection against all known species hacking.

Replacing the core - do it yourself or resort to the help of craftsmen?

Of course, it is easier and faster to call us - within an hour, the master appraiser will already arrive at the place and start working. All employees of Bars-X LLC are experienced professionals (our company has been providing its services for 18 years), so speed and quality are guaranteed. Moreover, we have one of the most adequate prices, which also pleasantly surprises customers.

Again, we remind you that there are also cruciform and disk cores, which we do not recommend replacing on our own. In locks, the core can only be changed to an analogue - the same manufacturer, the same degree of secrecy, the same parameters!

Cross locks with cores look like this:

Disc locks with cores look like:

If you have the necessary skills and knowledge, as well as the appropriate equipment, then you may well purchase a new larva and replace it yourself. But if you decide to resort to the help of our specialists, then all the same - you must know what the main steps are in the replacement procedure. Not for the master's control, of course (he simply won't need it), but rather for general development. But not the point.

So, when replacing the core in a steel front door, the following steps are performed.

Step 1. Removed first decorative overlays locking mechanism, if necessary.

Step 2 Then the central screw is unscrewed, as well as the fixing core with a key.

Step 3 A key is used to remove the cylinder. If the latter is absent for one reason or another, then you will have to use the force method.

Step 4 According to the extracted larva, a similar product is selected.

Step 5 The new core is placed in the lock, for which, again, a key or a turntable is used.

Step 6 The core is fixed with a central screw.

Step 7 The overlays dismantled at the first stage are screwed on top.

At the end, the performance of the new larva is checked, but strictly under open door. That's it, now the work of the master is finished, you can start operating (the guarantee, by the way, we have up to 3 years). But do not forget that the lock should still be used carefully, regularly do preventive maintenance of the core, and prevent clogging!

"Bars-X": responsibility and high quality of work!

Repair door lock quite difficult (and we provide such a service), although sometimes there is simply no other way to solve the problem. But in most cases, a core replacement is required in iron door- a less expensive procedure when compared with the purchase and insertion of a new locking mechanism. You yourself can see this for yourself. And also get acquainted with the prices for services by looking at ours. Comparing prices for new mechanisms, you will understand that the most expensive larva, which means reliable and burglar-resistant, can cost more than a lock, but replacing the core is always cheaper than replacing the entire lock. Here you can also familiarize yourself with those that allow you to change or repair the mechanism (and the entire castle) at minimal financial cost.

As noted above, installing the core in the lock is not a difficult job, at least for professionals, which, of course, are the masters of all our 45 work crews. But the amateur, in any case, will face constructive difficulties, since work will require not only fine equipment, but also skills in working with it, as well as deep knowledge in the field of modern locking mechanisms. Therefore, if you have problems with entrance doors or locks, we strongly recommend that you contact Bars-X LLC, because the main profile of our work is just this area!

Varieties of larvae

It is not at all necessary that the manufacturer of the core be the same as the lock itself. For example, it is quite possible to equip a larva from any other mechanism of a similar action. But for right choice products must be guided by the following parameters:

1. Secrecy. Shows the number of combinations that are declared by the manufacturer.

2. Security. The ability of the mechanism to resist opening, is determined operational life core. This parameter depends, first of all, on the correct operation and the specific manufacturer.

According to the design features of the larvae, cylinder locks can be divided into three large groups. Let's get acquainted with them.

1. Cores with an English key. They have been produced for quite a long time. They are inexpensive, but are characterized by relatively low reliability.

2. Cores with perforated key. They are characterized by high secrecy. After replacing the larvae, locks of this type are additionally equipped with a protective lining.

3. Cores with increased uniqueness. High-quality mechanisms that are manufactured using the latest technical developments. The most reliable, but at the same time the most expensive locks.

Everything is clear with cylinder cores, but what about lever locks, do they have a core.

The core of lever locks - how to replace the core in the lock.

In lever locks, the secrecy lies in the plates. Many manufacturers do not think about changing keys when they are lost. These are most often not expensive mechanisms. But there are also serious manufacturers of locks, for example, as an Italian brand of locks exclusively for steel, metal and armored doors. Castles are expensive, but worth it. The manufacturer has prepared a core - a new lever block, which can be purchased separately and in many cases independently.

But how much exactly does it cost to replace the core at Bars-X LLC? The prices are reasonable - in the range of 800-1500 rubles (the cost of components is not included in this amount). Therefore, if you have any problems with the lock on the front door, then call us immediately! Within 20-60 minutes after your call, our master will come to you! quality, efficiency, individual approach and confidentiality (if necessary) guaranteed!

The lock cylinder of the front door is the most common cause its breakdowns and the most favorite object of action for burglars, tk. locks with some types of larvae, which are considered reliable in the popular concept, are actually silently opened in 1-3 minutes. This article describes how to replace the lock cylinder with a cylinder mechanism yourself. If the lock sticks, then this will save a considerable amount. If the degree of secrecy of the castle is unsatisfactory, then again, its increase can be done by replacing the larva, because. their installation dimensions and interface schemes with the lock mechanism are standardized.

Note: for thieves-burglars, the critical time for opening the lock is 5-10 minutes. Longer transported - the probability of "getting caught" increases dramatically. In this case, it is more profitable for the villain to look for other ways of penetration or to completely abandon the “case”, unless he knows in advance that there are expensive and compact quickly liquid values ​​“at the hut”.

Is it possible to?

Do-it-yourself replacement of the front door lock cylinder is possible if it is with a cylinder mechanism of one kind or another (see below). You can determine this by the type of key: if it is similar to those in Fig. further, then an entry-level home master can replace the larva in the castle without the use of special tools. Irreversible opening of the lock from the outside is also possible in some cases, see below. This may be necessary if the lock is jammed or the key is broken while trying to unlock the door, and there is no one inside who can open the lock from there.

Types of cylinder mechanisms

In terms of the ratio of the achievable degree of secrecy, reliability and cost, only trigger locks successfully compete with cylinder locks, slightly inferior to cylinder locks in terms of vandal resistance. The key of a trigger lock is similar to a 2-bladed key from a lever lock, but it does not actuate the moving plates (levers), but the moving elements - mechanical triggers. Finding their positions, in which the bolt of the lock is unlocked, is extremely difficult and the most modern methods. Trigger locks are very expensive and for a house/apartment not stuffed with gold, jewels and small antiques, The cylinder lock is optimal for the front door.

The larva of a cylinder lock is also called its core or cylinder mechanism. This is a characteristic assembly of a cylinder lock, in locking devices other systems missing. The peculiarity of the cylinder lock, firstly, is that to change the lock cylinder of the front door of this type from the inside, without touching the door itself; the work process takes no more than half an hour. Secondly, in many cases it is also possible to open a stuck lock from the outside without damaging the door.

The keys in fig. above from locks with a trace. types of cylinder mechanisms:

  • Pos. 1 and 2 - classic English with a single-row needle (pin) mechanism.
  • Pos. 3 - with a 2-4 row larva (pin or disk) under a cross key.
  • Pos. 4 - with a disk mechanism.
  • Pos. 5 - "punch card" from a larva with counterpins (counter-angles).

The larva of the lock is unlocked by inserting into the well and, possibly, by the initial turn of the key. Its full rotation through the driving element of the larva (see below) and (in some types of locks) transmission parts pushes the bolt of the lock, which pushes / retracts its tongue (tongues). Larvae for door locks overhead and mortise with cylinder mechanisms different types arranged differently; resp. the procedures for replacing them also differ.

Note: it would be more correct to call the keyhole in the cylinder lock a nest, because well by definition is something through.


The principle of operation of a cylinder lock with a simple 1-row (English) larva is shown at the top left in fig. The cutouts of the standard inserted key shift the spring-loaded split needles (pins) so that the lines of their connectors coincide with the dividing line of the cylinder (rotor) and the housing (cage). Now the cylinder can be turned with a key. The mustache of the cylinder will then turn the leash with a cam (slide with a finger). The cam (finger) will push the bolt and the lock will open / close.

Cylinder mechanisms of any degree of complexity are produced in the next. design version:

  • The key-handle (pos. and in the figure) is the most convenient and common type.
  • Key-key (pos. b) - used when the door must also be locked from the inside. For example, in the door of the common lobby of several apartments.
  • Semi-cylinder (half cylinder, half core, pos. c) - is usually placed on the entrance doors of non-residential and utility rooms.
  • Pos. g - under the cross key. It is considered a mechanism of increased secrecy, but we will talk about this later.

more reliable

The main disadvantage of a simple English cylinder is the low degree of secrecy; the number of its combinations rarely exceeds 1000, so if the house is out of the way, the thief will have time to open the lock with a simple selection of keys. Further, a master key and 2-3 lever probes enter the well of such a lock, with which the larva is silently and reversibly unlocked in 2-3 minutes. Finally, if the house is also on the outskirts, pins can be made in the same 2-3 minutes. drill, see below.

Highly reliable pin larvae are provided with an anti-burglary hard alloy rod (against drilling, indicated by a green arrow in pos. I of the figure) and additional rods (blue and purple arrows) that prevent the use of a thin thief's tool. But the degree of its secrecy remains low, so honest locksmiths, at the request of the owners, prefer to open such locks from the outside by selecting keys.

In larvae with counterpins moving under the action of gravity (pos. II), secrecy increases by orders of magnitude: if one row has only 100 combinations, then together it will be 100x100 = 10,000. » no need: to take the lock with a tool, the counterpins interfere. It is possible to quickly open such a lock from the outside only by drilling with a diamond drill. The keys to locks with counterpins (pos. IIa) were called punched card or computer keys for their outward resemblance to antediluvian storage media. The lack of larvae for a punched card key is the small stroke of the pins. Increased precision in the manufacture of the mechanism is required, which makes it more sensitive to contamination. Therefore, in country houses with such locks, larvae are used on the same principle, but with a comb key, see at the end, about choosing a new larva.


Lock larvae with a cylinder-disk mechanism (pos. A in the next fig.) are most often used in overhead apartment locks, but sometimes in inexpensive mortise locks.

The principle of its operation is illustrated by pos B:

  1. The angles α between the axes of symmetry of the borehole and the sampling holes of each of the discs that make up the code packet are different;
  2. The angles α of each disc correspond to the bevels on the key stem;
  3. The inserted key is turned slightly;
  4. The select wells converge into a groove (pos. B);
  5. With a further turn of the key, the finger falls into the groove so that its middle falls at the junction of the rotor and the holder;
  6. Further, when the key is turned, the finger pushes the clip, which actuates the bolt.

The real advantage of the disk lock cylinder is one: it is very difficult to break the key. The disc mechanism is not very sensitive to contamination, and with a non-standard key, the code package can be turned indefinitely. Therefore, it is advisable to equip the doors of rooms with disk locks that have been unattended for a long time and are unattractive to burglars: country houses, sheds, garages. An amateur craftsman can also come in handy with the relative ease of recoding a disk lock with their own hands. For example, if the key is lost under suspicious circumstances or the keys were transferred by the previous owners. Instead of spending money on a new lock, you can sort out the package and make new keys from blanks. How a disk lock is recoded at home, see the following. video.

Video: transcoding a disk lock yourself

The disadvantages of a disc lock in the case for storing valuables are more than serious. The first is as small as that of plain English, the degree of secrecy. There are disc locks for sale with a cross key (see fig.), But they are just as unreliable as pin locks (see below), but they are more prone to contamination than punched card locks. Secondly, the disc lock well is wider than that of the English one, and it is even easier to stick special tools there. A “clean” opening of a disk lock for the purpose of an unspoken search (so that the owner does not guess and a secret visit) takes no more than 5 minutes, and a thief's - 2-3 minutes.

Thirdly, the locking and unlocking mechanisms of the disk lock are separated, because. it cannot be locked by turning the key back. The locking is actuated by a spring-loaded flag protruding under the tongue. When the door is closed, the flag is recessed and releases the latch (pawl) of the bolt pressed by a stronger spring. Therefore, the owners of an apartment with a disk lock at the entrance are very likely to find themselves in the position of engineer Shchukin before meeting with Ostap Bender.

Fastening and opening

Fastening of overhead larvae and parts of inexpensive mortise locks is often done lengthwise (longitudinal, axial, pos. 1 and 2 in the figure). The bolt leash rotates with a freely suspended lamella (black arrows). To remove the lock cylinder with axial fastening from the inside, you must first remove the lock body and unscrew the fixing screws, after which the cylinder is taken out. Outside, the larva with axial fastening is torn out without a key with a crowbar or a mount with a sharp end. If the opening is master's, and the door is not steel and it is reluctant to mangle it, then you will have to drill it out. The axial larva of the disk lock must be drilled on both sides of the well (red arrow in pos. 1), and the pin - in the places indicated in purple in pos. 2. They are located symmetrically on both sides of the rotor at the level of the upper edge of the well (2-sided red arrow).

More reliable against breaking lock cylinders with side fastening, pos. 3. When opening it from the outside, it is useless to drill a bolt or try to knock out the larva in order to push the crossbar with a screwdriver: the cam of the leash will interfere (green arrow in pos. 3). In this case, the only way out is to drill the pins (see below). From the inside, it is possible to pull the larva out of the lock with a side mount for replacement without much difficulty:

  • Take off inner handle lock-latch (see below);
  • The outer handle of the lock is pulled out along with the square axis;
  • Remove the inner lining of the lock;
  • Find the head of the fixing screw under the tongues (green arrows at pos. 4 and 5);
  • Turn out the screw;
  • Take out the larva inside.

How to remove the handle

Difficulties in this process can only be caused by removing the lock handle (if the key has not broken in the lock, see below). Its mounting on the axis is possible as follows:

  1. On both sides of the neck of the handle, the ends of some kind of steel rod are visible, polished flush. The upper end, when viewed under a magnifying glass, is wider than the lower end - a through conical pin.
  2. A rounded head without a slot is visible - a blind pin or a shaped bolt.
  3. The head of a slotted screw is visible - a simple bolt.
  4. One protruding end of the pin is visible - an old-style blind pin.

A simple bolt simply turns out. The old blind pin is pulled out with small end-cutting pliers (something like small blacksmith pliers) or side cutters with one-sided sharpening (without bevels on the smooth sides of the jaws). The conical pin is carefully knocked out from the side of the narrow end with a light hammer and a spacer from a thin, rigid steel bar; e.g., a nail with a sawn end. You can’t beat with a sharp one: the end of the pin can rivet, and then it will have to be drilled out!

A head without a slot must first be checked: the pin behind it or the bolt. To do this, a rubber or PVC tube is pulled tightly over the head (so as not to spoil the view) and they try to turn it back and forth with small pliers. Turns in both directions - pin; they take him out like an old deaf man, but with this case You can still pry off the head with nail clippers. If there is a shaped bolt behind the head (in this case, it will most likely be from below), then it will turn on one side and it will be noticeable that it turns out. Well, they turn it out.

If the lock sticks

It is better to try to open a faulty lock from the outside with a key, after all. a rusted larva can most often be repaired. The best way unlock the jammed lock as it should - 2-3 drops of brake fluid into the well. After an exposure of 1-2 minutes, the most rusty, but not completely broken lock, most often opens. Further, if the larva suits the secrecy, it can be sorted out and repaired, see the video guide:

Video: disassembly and assembly of the lock cylinder

If the key is broken

It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the larva from the lock without drilling if a broken key is stuck in the well. The simplest way remove its remainder - a small black (phosphated) self-tapping screw for metal. White galvanized and wood screws are not hard enough. The hardware is wrapped in the gap between the rest of the key and the well; according to the principle of recoil, the broken one will climb out. If there are other ways, for locks with a very narrow hole, see for example. track. video clip.

Video: how to remove a broken key from a lock

How to drill

Since an ordinary citizen does not keep a set of tools for opening locks (we will still consider it a locksmith, and not a thieves one), and you still have to change a jammed larva, the very affordable way- drill out the pins. To do this, you need a drill from 3-4 mm; where to drill is shown in fig. below. Drilled needles will not fall down themselves, burrs and remnants of springs will interfere. Therefore, after drilling, insert any key or (worse) a flat screwdriver that is suitable for the profile (location of the longitudinal grooves) and turn, shaking, until the larva is unlocked.

Further, since the owner is not a thief or a secret agent, the time factor does not threaten him with a prison. Therefore, anti-burglary pins can be drilled with a drill bit. It will take a long time to transport: there are castles, the victorious one manages to get through them in an hour or more. You need to drill with a win with the lightest pressure so that the drill does not crumble. Larvae with counterpins under the key-punch card or comb will have to be drilled twice, at the top and bottom.


Well, finally got out, damn! Now, what kind of larva to the castle should be bought to fit and be more reliable than before? With dimensions on the end, it’s simple: we take with us to the store a door lining with a window for the larva. If the lock with a larva is on an axial mount, it will also be necessary to measure the dimensions of the lamella so that it reaches the crossbar leash and enters it.

For locks with side fastening greater value has an asymmetry of the mounting hole, pos. 1 in fig. Standard installation dimensions of the lock cylinder for steel door given in pos. 2, but there may be others. And the last - the type of drive of the crossbar: cam or gear, pos. 3. Cam configuration and gear module are also different. So it is better to take the old larva with you.

Which is better?

We will reveal to the reader a secret well known in certain (and by no means only criminal) circles: “top-secret” cross-key locks are opened instantly with a strong sharp turn of a strong Phillips screwdriver. The code elements (pins, disks) and the gaps of the clip metal between them are very thin in them. Simple English and disk larvae of locks, as it is said, are opened with a special tool in 2-5 minutes, which is less than the critical thieves' time.

The conclusion is simple: it would be best to buy a new lock cylinder for a punched card key for a city apartment, and for country house- also a counter-pin for a comb key, see Fig .. If other possible ways of unauthorized entry into the house are stopped (good outdoor lighting, local security alarm, bars on the windows, a guard dog in a kennel or aviary; perhaps the system and registration) then you can sleep peacefully behind doors with such locks. How realistic is this in today's world?

Useful information

Mortise lock with latch for cylinder mechanism

A mortise lock with a latch for a cylinder mechanism is one of the most common types of locking devices. It is quite reliable and easy to use. This design provides for the possibility of replacing the larva, which will save on the purchase of a new locking mechanism.

As a rule, the reliability and quality of the inner larva as a whole determines the reliability of the lock itself. Therefore, you need to buy an internal mechanism only from trusted manufacturers, while taking into account technical specifications cylinder. Performed well in this segment trade marks Elementis, Roto – TBM-Market catalog includes options different sizes, With different types larvae.

Entrance door lock larva buy in Moscow

A cylinder mechanism with a turntable is considered quite popular. It can be mounted on the front or interior door. But more often the cylinder mechanism for the lock is selected for entrance doors, because. at a relatively low cost, it provides reliable protection from hacking. A turntable is a special rotary handle that opens the lock from the inside without a key. At the same time, from the outside, a cylinder mortise door lock with a latch can be opened only with a key, like any other standard lock.

To buy a larva for a door lock, you must first measure the total length of the cylinder mechanism. This can be done independently using a regular ruler. If you are planning to replace internal device in an already installed lock, it is better to get the core and pick up a new one in the store that matches its size. If you have any difficulties in this matter, we are ready to advise you and help you with the choice.

We try to form the most complete assortment, so we are guaranteed to select the core for your castle. If necessary, we can offer quality doorknobs presented in the adjacent category.

The lock cylinder is the code part of the mechanism, which ensures the secrecy of the structure and moves the bolts. Because the cylinder is inserted inside the body and looks like an oblong part, it was called the "larva" in the common people.

A lot of buyers are wondering how to choose a cylinder for a lock, what needs to be considered and, in general, what varieties of this mechanism exist. Let's try to understand all the structural diversity of the "larvae", considering the main standards, parameters and nuances.

Before choosing a cylinder, you should know that there are a lot of types of "larvae". Let's denote the most common models that meet European DIN standards ("Europrofile"). In addition, their widespread use has supplanted other similar types of cylinders.

Certified mechanisms are produced by many countries: from Japan to Portugal. The price of the "larva" directly depends on the design features and the manufacturer (from 100 to 30,000 rubles). The more serious the brand and the better the mechanism, the higher its cost. Here you can add some innovative ideas, original material etc.

To ordinary man in the street to figure out how to choose a cylinder, it is necessary to clarify the main parameters responsible for the operation of the mechanism.

Length and offset

The first parameter is the length: the distance from one end of the cylinder to the other. Depending on the thickness door leaf and castle, and vary in size.

The next is the displacement of the "larva". As a rule, the cylinder is divided by a rotary cam, which is offset to one side, dividing the mechanism into an outer and an inner part. If the cam is exactly in the middle, then the cylinder is considered equilateral.


For example, the dimensions of cylinders for Turkish-made locks English type the following: 71 mm with an offset of 40 and 31 mm, respectively. This design is used mainly in plastic products: office and verandas, gazebos and more.

The most common sizes of cylinders for locks are Chinese mechanisms with overall length in 90 mm. This size is commonly used at the input and interior doors Chinese-made, which literally flooded our market.

When choosing a lock for a cylinder, it is important to take into account that the entire structure does not protrude beyond the plane of the door leaf, both on one side and on the other. If the door is made of wood, then the "larva" should be flush with the decorative trim. The maximum allowable peeping of the "larva" is 3 mm: everything that goes beyond this framework can easily be used by burglars. In the event that the lock is equipped with an armor plate, then the length of the outer part of the mechanism will already depend on the specific dimensions of this plate and the door itself.

Cylinder for lock with turntable

Sometimes the cylinder can be fitted with a turntable for convenience. It allows you to easily open and close the mechanism without a key. It is worth noting that the turntable does not have "dead" points, therefore, in any position of the slider, the native key on the other side will always open the lock.

Basic the lineup introduced to our market Chinese manufacturers(60 mm mechanism) and more expensive Italian models with a rotary knob (72 mm).

Other Cylinder Standards

If the above models fit almost any lock and you can safely buy them on standard doors, then the following mechanisms have specific dimensions and may only be suitable for specific design or one manufacturer. Therefore, always pay attention to the "larva" specification before choosing a cylinder.

The most striking example of originality is the products of the Turkish company Kale Kilit. Their locks are distinguished by increased reliability, but they are suitable only for mechanisms of the same type. Some skilled craftsmen can convert a Chinese lock into a cylinder from Kale Kilit, while receiving a significantly reduced cost of the mechanism.

Domestic castles

Domestic producers do not lag behind imported ones, although prices for similar quality are sometimes higher than Turkish ones. Kirov cylinders with a cross key have proven themselves perfectly, and just like in the previous case, the domestic mechanism cannot be inserted into an imported case and vice versa.

Before choosing a cylinder, it should be noted that a "larva" can be purchased separately for some domestic mechanisms. A striking example is the frequently broken "Fort" mechanism, which is produced in Petrozavodsk. The obvious cheapness of the design has its undeniable disadvantages: the secrecy mechanisms, together with the main components of the cylinder, are made of waste and brittle silumin alloy, hence the frequency of breakdowns, and at the same time the opportunity to buy a new cylinder assembly (good

Other domestic mechanisms such as Glazov and Iset suffer from similar problems: too fragile materials, coupled with low quality products. But, unlike Kirov locks, specific cylinders are not sold separately by factories, so you have to order them in China.


The cylinder in most cases is the weakest link in the locking mechanism. Attackers break them, drill them out or simply pick up a master key, so the reliable secret of the lock is the main obstacle to this kind of encroachment. You need to choose the mechanism wisely and you should not save on the cylinder. Consider the main methods of hacking and how to avoid them.

Pick selection. An intelligent manufacturer always equips its mechanisms with false grooves, greatly complicating the process of selecting a key.

bumping. The method is based on brute force: any suitable key is inserted into the hole, then it is hit with a hammer. The pins and pins diverge, and the mechanism is no longer useful. In this case, the high-strength material of the cylinder and a non-standard well help.

Drilling. The only protection against this kind of hacking is reinforced alloys and metals that cannot be drilled.

Knockout. The main protection is again the materials from which the cylinder is made. The best option- these are hard-alloy elements that do not bend, do not crumble and reliably protect against this type of hacking.


When choosing a cylinder for a lock, in no case should you save. good materials they are not cheap, so a junk Chinese design for 300-500 rubles will not save you even from an amateur fraudster. It is also worth considering such factors as the durability of the mechanism, design and ease of operation. If you have children in your family whom you trust with the key, then the lock should not be an obstacle to quickly getting home. Be sure to consider this point. Sometimes, in pursuit of anti-burglary mechanisms, people forget about such obvious things as ease of use, and suffer with uncomfortable keys and tricky locks. Therefore, this factor must also be taken into account.

The lock- this is the part of the cylinder lock that moves the bolt, and on which the secrecy of the lock depends. Professionals call the larva the cylinder mechanism of secrecy (CMS). Our clients often ask the question: “How can I change the larva, and what do I need to know for this?” AT this material we will look at the main parameters of the CMS and look at some examples.

For correct installation cylinder need to know following options: the length of the entire cylinder, and the distance from the edges of the cylinder to the center of the fixing screw. In the diagram, these are the distances "BUT" and "AT".

A cylinder in which both parts are equal in length is called equilateral.

If the lengths of the 2 parts are different, then such a cylinder is called versatile.

Its length is 90 mm. This size of a versatile larva is often found in the doors of the Italian company UNION, as well as in the doors of Chinese production Outpost, Master-Lock, etc.
The parts of the cylinder are separated, the so-called rotary cam. Its width is 10 mm. Cylinder displacement is measured from the center of the rotary cam. If the cylinder is chosen correctly in length, it should not protrude much beyond the door leaf, decorative lining or door fittings. If an armor plate is installed on the cylinder lock, then the length of the protruding part of the cylinder will depend on the type of armor plate being installed, the method of installation and on the specific door. There are no special requirements for the length of the inner part of the cylinder.

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