Business idea: open a dental office. How to open a dental office: we count expenses and plan profits

Decor elements 16.10.2019
Decor elements

Teeth can get sick at any time, so it is impossible to do without the help of a dentist. Even if you have never had such problems, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination twice a year. Thanks to this, you can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.

Dental Services

A good dentist will never be out of work. If you have the relevant education and experience in this field, ask how to open a dental office and start your own business. This profitable business, which will bring a good profit.

Dental clinics offer different services:

  • Professional teeth cleaning;
  • whitening;
  • gum treatment;
  • Prosthetics.

In our country, dental treatment services are provided by:

  • State clinics. They are not very popular, since such medical institutions are equipped with outdated equipment. In public clinics sometimes work good specialists who provide quality services for an additional fee;
  • Private dental clinics. They offer a wide range of services from diagnostics to dental surgery. There are small institutions that employ 3-4 specialists;
  • Dental offices. it small form dental services business. Usually only one specialist and a nurse work in the office.

Before, you need to calculate how much it costs to open a dental office. You will have to spend a lot of effort and money for this, for which you need to purchase various dental equipment and high-quality expendable materials. In addition, it is necessary to issue licenses and other permits.


If you are a dentist and plan to personally engage in treatment, you can register as a private entrepreneur. An entrepreneur who will recruit specialists to the staff can register an LLC.

A license to practice medicine is issued in the name of dentists who will treat patients. In addition, you need to register with the MHIF, the Pension Fund and the FSS. After registration, order a print, open a bank account, and also get a special book in which income and expenses will be recorded. Also need and cash machine. It must be registered with tax office. You will also need permission from the fire department. All documents must be submitted to the Health Supervision.

Room selection

The room for the dental office should be selected according to the established requirements. Firstly, it should be located on the first floor, next to a bus stop. If this room is in a residential building, it must be transferred to non-residential fund. Required documents and references must be submitted to the department of architecture. After that, you will receive permission to redevelop. Before you open a dentistry, you should complete all these documents, otherwise serious problems may arise.


When choosing equipment for a dental office, remember that it should last more than one year. Therefore, all equipment must be of high quality and meet established standards.

Necessary equipment:

  1. The most important piece of equipment is the dental chair. It should be equipped with a micromotor with handpieces, water and air sleeves, an ultrasonic scanner and a turbine. It is necessary to conduct water, sewerage and air to the chair. If you are opening a children's dental office, make sure that the chair is suitable for young patients as well.
  2. Replaceable tips. They will be needed in case of an unforeseen situation;
  3. Compositions for filling teeth;
  4. Hygienic and chemical products;
  5. Dental instruments;
  6. Sterilizer;
  7. Autoclave;
  8. X-ray installation and other additional equipment.

The most important thing is not to violate the standards of dental office equipment and then your business will be progressive and profitable.


To draw up a business plan for a dental office, you need to add staff salaries to equipment costs. Its size depends on the positions held. When selecting employees, please Special attention their work experience and level of education.

To obtain a license to provide medical services, you must provide a special certificate, as well as diplomas of an intern and a resident. Experience in dentistry must be at least 5 years. You can take a nurse with work experience and a diploma as a doctor's assistant.

Most Common Problems

  • Missing documents and licenses. To avoid heavy fines, you can seek help from specialists who know what the requirements are for a dental office. Order audit professionals. The report will indicate all violations in the studies, measurements, documents and certificates.
  • Few clients. To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully select the staff. They must be highly qualified. In addition, the dental office should be located in a place without obvious competition. It is advisable to choose a densely populated area.
  • Lack of prestige. In order for the dental office to become popular, you need to invest a lot of money in advertising. Professionals should be involved in this matter. An important role is played by the equipment for the dental office. It must be of high quality and modern.
  • The discrepancy between quality and price. To ensure that clients come to you, constantly monitor the work of doctors and nurses. Order consumables only from trusted suppliers.

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Financial calculations

The business plan includes the following expenses:

  1. Purchase of equipment - 600 thousand rubles;
  2. Repair of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  3. Registration of licenses - 50 thousand rubles;
  4. Employee salaries. Depends on their number and qualification;
  5. Communal expenses;
  6. Communication, advertising.

The entire organization of the dental office will cost you 1–2.5 million rubles. But only if you do not buy a room. Net profit will be at successful work up to 600 thousand rubles a year and more.

Service rates

Many well-known clinics attract clients low prices. But when a person comes to be treated, it turns out that more than one hundred dollars will have to be paid for the treatment. By misleading customers, you only scare them away. Usually people trust those organizations where everything is simple and clear. Before starting treatment, you need to familiarize the patient with the prices and explain how much it will cost him.

Summing up

Since it opens every year great amount dental clinics, we can conclude that it is quite profitable and even to a large extent locality. Of course, not everyone offers high level services, so the profit in different clinics varies significantly. It is rather difficult to give an exact number. Practice shows that with an average workload, a paid dental office can fully pay off in just one year.

The opening of private dental clinics and offices is becoming increasingly popular.

They are equipped with the latest technology and can offer the most modern dental services. And the presence of fierce competition forces them to constantly improve, introduce innovative methods of treatment and diagnostics, create favorable psychological conditions and a cozy interior.

Therefore, public clinics are gradually fading into the background.

If you are interested in how you can open a dental office from scratch, you need to draw up detailed business plan. To do this, you will need to study all the nuances of this business idea, but, first of all, it will be determined what type of private dentistry you are interested in.

Types of private dentistry

Most dentists who have worked certain time at the State Clinic, eventually open own business. There are two options: a small office and a dental clinic. Which one to prefer depends on your financial capabilities and personal ambitions.

small office

This option is suitable for entrepreneurs with little start-up capital and includes one dental chair.

It is easier to open a small office, but its profitability is lower compared to a clinic, because the choice of services is much narrower than in a full-fledged dentistry with diverse rooms.

In such institutions, people turn for a certain service or to their favorite specialist, whom they trust. Most often, a doctor in a private dental office deals only with basic treatment and teeth whitening or tartar removal.


In dental clinics, you can provide a wide range of services:

  • Consulting, diagnostics.
  • Various therapeutic services.
  • Surgery.
  • Dental cosmetology.
  • Services of a periodontist.
  • Orthodontics.
  • Dental prosthetics.
  • Implantology.
  • Children's dentistry.

One doctor cannot provide all the services listed above at the same time, because each of them requires a separate diploma and license. Availability of specialists different profile and, consequently, the ability to provide a huge selection of dental services leads to the fact that private dentistry is in greater demand than small offices.

Opening planned

To open your own dental office or clinic from scratch, you need to prepare for a long organizational stage. It includes opening a bank account, ordering a print, buying a cash register, a cashier's journal, as well as books to control income and expenses. But first of all, you are in for a rather exhausting process of preparing documentation and obtaining a variety of different permits.


The required documentation depends primarily on how you plan to provide dental services.

If you open a dental office in which you personally plan to provide services, then registration of an individual entrepreneur will be required.

If you plan to hire staff and set up a full-fledged clinic, you need to register an LLC. Depending on the services offered, you need to enter all the necessary OKVEDs in the documentation. For medical practice, select 85.12 , and for dental - number 85.13 . Separate registration with the tax and pension fund is required.


You will need to obtain a license for each individual medical direction. This requires an appropriate employee, to whom there are clearly defined and rather stringent requirements. He must have experience, certificate and diplomas.

Once you have selected the appropriate staff for each planned service, you can apply for a license.

Remember, getting it is hard enough, but you can lose it in the blink of an eye. Even an incorrectly completed sterilization log can serve as a reason for this.

Room search

The choice of premises is extremely important point. It is desirable that the place be quite crowded and with a convenient entrance.

As for big cities, take care of convenient transportation, because not all customers have their own car. And the convenience of locating your dentistry for many people can be a key factor in their choice. In addition, the future dental office should be located on the ground floor in a private house or, alternatively, in an administrative building.

The ideal option is to buy it. After all, firstly, a license is issued for a specific address, and secondly, you will have to make repairs and bring in a lot of special communications. In the event of termination of the contract with the landlord, you will have to start the dental business from scratch, which will lead to significant financial losses.

In addition, the two-year cost of renting a room suitable for dentistry is equal to buying a small apartment.

If the room is located in a residential building, there are several nuances. First, it must be transferred to a non-residential fund. To do this, you need to contact the city hall, namely the department of architecture and urban planning. There you will receive a list of organizations in which you will need to obtain the relevant certificates. They are paid, and there are usually no problems with getting them.

And secondly, before buying a room or signing a lease, you need to talk with the owners of adjacent apartments. Because later you will need to provide the relevant authorities with their written and notarized permission to equip the dental office.


You need to start ordering projects of a technological and architectural nature.

They must be approved by a number of organizations:

  • consumer supervision,
  • traffic police,
  • Giltrest,
  • non-departmental expertise,
  • Kompriroda,
  • fire inspection,
  • Protection of monuments.

After obtaining all permits, you can start repair work. It is desirable that each office has one dental unit. So your patients will be much more comfortable and calm. If the layout does not provide for this possibility, it will be necessary to change it.

Consider the cost of water supply, sewerage and wiring.

Communications must be brought under the flooring directly under each dental chair. It will not be superfluous to think about a replacement in time ventilation system and installation of alarms.

Qualitative modern renovation- this is the face of your dental clinic or office, so you should not save on it. The design should not only be beautiful, but also create the most comfortable and pleasant atmosphere.


The opening of a dental clinic involves the purchase of special modern equipment. All equipment and medical preparations must have a certificate of conformity and comply with sanitary rules.


In a dental clinic, qualified staff is the most important thing. This applies to both doctors and assistants. Then the work will go smoothly. Daily rate the work of the dentist and nurses is six hours, so best solution there will be a set of employees to work in two shifts. And wages for medical worker will be the minimum 1-2 salaries.

In choosing, focus on the relevant education, as well as work experience. For example, a dentist must complete a residency and internship. In addition, he must have at least five years of work experience.

Without meeting these requirements, you will not receive a license.

In addition to specialists, in order to open a dental clinic, it is also necessary to find medical workers who will provide hygiene services and help doctors during various dental procedures. They must have a secondary vocational education and a certificate.

You will also need an administrator. If desired, you can hire a security guard, accountant, supply manager and manager. But, as practice shows, most often these duties are performed by the owner himself in order to reduce costs, especially if the clinic is small.

Watch a video about the main mistakes of the administrator of the dental office

Getting permission

Opening a dental office or clinic from scratch is possible only after obtaining the appropriate permits. Need to ensure compliance fire safety, Rospotrebnadzor and SanPin.

For this, the following package of documents is submitted:

  1. Statement.
  2. Extract from USRN.
  3. Certificate of registration of an individual or legal entity.
  4. TIN certificate.
  5. The passport.

Rospotrebnadzor requirements

According to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor for one dental unit, the area should be at least 14 sq.m., and for all subsequent seven. Therefore, for a small dentistry with one chair, it will be enough 30 sq.m. with sufficiently high ceilings (from 3 meters) and one-sided daylight.

The footage is allocated to the office itself with a dental chair, approximately 10 meters provided for the hall and 5 - to the bathroom. The room should be no more than 6 sq.m.

According to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • For three or more dental chairs, you will need a sterilization room with a footage 6.q.v.
  • 11 squares stands out for the x-ray room, and more 5 - for the processing room.
  • For the office of the orthodontist and orthopedist, you will need about 15 sq.m..
  • 15 sq.m. necessary for opening a children's room, as well as implantology.
  • For the toilet, administration and other auxiliary premises, it is necessary to allocate additional 30 squares.


To open a private dental office, you need to know the relevant SanPin standards for placement, interior decoration, medical equipment, microclimate, heating and much more. To obtain permission in this instance to open a private dentistry, it is necessary to provide a list of prepared documents in a private house or administrative building.

Required to submit:

  • BTI plan.
  • Proof of ownership/lease agreement.
  • Agreements on disinsection, deratization, disinfection, laundry, processing of fluorescent lamps and garbage disposal.
  • Expert opinion regarding air, water and flushes.
  • Microclimate and lighting indicators.
  • Explication.

financial question

The threshold for entry into the dental business is approximately $80,000-200,000. Apart from start-up capital, which is detailed in the business plan, in order to open a private dental office from scratch, you need to take into account a number of fixed monthly costs.

Of these, the main ones are:

  • Payment to the staff of the dental clinic.
  • Consumables and accessories.
  • Stationery.
  • Advertising.
  • Payment for rent and/or utilities.

How much does it cost to open a dental office?

The cost of premises for a private dental office or clinic can be very different.

It depends primarily on whether you buy it or rent it, as well as on the location - the cost of real estate differs significantly, for example, in the capital and a small town.

The remaining points can be approximately calculated, but the final amount for each individual entrepreneur who wants to open a private dental office from scratch will be different.

Article name Cost, c.u.
Equipment from 15000
Repair 120-250 per 1 sq.m.
Licensing from 1300

Benefit, payback

In the field of medicine, dentistry has always been one of the most highly profitable industries, since all people periodically have to treat their teeth, as well as undergo a scheduled examination twice a year.

As practice shows, a dental office or clinic begins to pay off in about a year and a half.

Analysts say that both hired doctors and owners of private dental clinics receive high incomes. However, do not expect a crowd of customers from the first day of opening. If you have your own base of potential customers, then things will go better. But even in this case, success is a matter of time and professionalism.

For the owner of a private dental clinic or small office, as for any other business, it is important to analyze the progress of activities during the time. For example, which services are most in demand and what approximate cost one average visit. This may suggest further development and competitive advantage. And also this method of work will allow you to control costs, if you properly distribute the procurement scheme.

Marketing plays an important role in business development. Social media promotions are popular these days. And if the main contingent of your office is young and middle-aged people, then why not try this method. Although you should not discount effective advertising in transport, public institutions.

For many years, work in public clinics, clinics and hospitals does not bring the desired material result. Physicians do not have the pleasure of working for low wages. Most leave and go to work in a private clinic or start their own business. One of the most profitable medical industries is dentistry. Having a luxury car is prestigious, as is having a beautiful and healthy smile.

There is a trend towards an increase in the opening of dental offices. The figures say that more than 60% of doctors employed private practice, open just such a case. It is generally accepted that the main thing in business is the place, it determines the profitability of the opening. Most often, dental offices are opened in residential areas of the city, where the population density is higher. This allows in as soon as possible build a customer base, which accelerates the influx of customers. The remoteness of the clinics also speaks in favor of the small format of the dental office, because a person with acute toothache is more likely to turn to his place of residence or to a neighboring area than to look for a private medical multidisciplinary clinic somewhere in the center. Also, the argument for will be the fact that the prices for services in the dental office are several times lower than in private ones. medical centers and clinics. So how do you open a dental office?

Calculation of the cost of opening a private dentistry

Let's consider the issue in more detail. Mini-dentistries open in the sleeping areas of the city. This applies to both the capital and the regions. This means that the future owner will need a room for an office. It should be noted that the sanitary and epidemiological service does not sleep, demanding from entrepreneurs to strictly comply with the instructions for the square of the cabinet. For one dental chair - at least 7 meters, for the second - 14 and so on by analogy. For medical centers and medical clinics, the calculations are twice as high. Communications will be required for work, so it is more convenient to rent or buy premises with amenities, for this the option of renting an apartment on the ground floor is suitable. The second factor is cost. For example, average cost in Moscow - 90 thousand rubles / sq. m. m, in the regions - from 52 thousand rubles / sq.m. The cost of renting housing in Moscow is approaching 30-35 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, the price may decrease depending on the area and distance. Let's ask ourselves how much it costs to open a dental office. As a result, we have the following:

  1. Dental chair - 180-360 thousand rubles,
  2. A set of tools at the rate of one set for one chair - 45-75 thousand rubles,
  3. Consumables - 60-90 thousand per month,
  4. Enclave for sterilization of instruments - 150-210 thousand rubles,
  5. Equipment for a prosthetic laboratory - 450-750 thousand rubles,
  6. X-ray installation - 300-450 thousand rubles.

For comparison, in order to, you need to spend four times more money than for an office. Equipment - key moment in the work of a dentist. It is not recommended to save on equipment, because the quality of the services provided depends on it. Many practicing doctors open their own business with an established client base.

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Legal issues and registration

It is necessary to start work by submitting documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The registration procedure is established by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

According to the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", it is necessary to obtain a license to engage in medical activities. To obtain it, the following are submitted to the licensing and certification body:

  • application for a license (application form approved by letter Federal Service for Health Supervision and social development dated July 27, 2005 No. 01I-374/05);
  • certificates for installed equipment, personal medical passports of employees, copies of documents on their education and qualifications.

PS. In the office or in the medical clinic, the equipment must be located with the strict requirements prescribed by the BTI.

Imagine for a moment that you have opened your own clinic. We purchased equipment, rented or purchased premises, carried out repairs in it, received certificates necessary for work. It's time for licensing. It is strongly recommended to study all government documents, acts and regulations before submitting to the SES for the purchase of a license. Please note that when expanding the range of services, you need to go through the procedure for obtaining a license again. You can get a license yourself or entrust the laborious process to a specialized company. If you are not confident in your abilities, trust the professionals. For a nominal fee of 30 thousand rubles. the firm will prepare and carry out all the necessary activities to obtain a license.

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Personnel and advertising are powerful business assistants

In every enterprise, employees play a key role. The most valuable resource is personnel. You need to select people carefully, the quality of the services provided and your future profit depend on it. Recruitment is carried out on the basis of one dental chair one dentist. The doctor may need a nurse. The standard working time of a doctor is about 6 hours. If you plan to open a 24-hour office, you will need at least 4 doctors per chair. The clinic needs more staff, so the figure will be proportional. When hiring a person, check that the employees have documents on education, qualifications, international internships and trainings. Introduce a competitive basis into the charter of the enterprise, before employment at workplace test practical skills on the basis of the competitive moment. The higher the qualification of an employee, the higher the quality of his work, respectively, and more positive feedback clients.

At first, your business will need an effective advertising campaign. Don't skimp on advertising. You can unwind different ways, use different marketing moves and strategies. You can publish an advertisement in a newspaper, put a slogan in the "creeping line" on television, order banners and hang them around the city. Keep a journal of suggestions and feedback so that your account visitors respond to the quality of the services provided to them. It will not be superfluous to hang letters and certificates (if any) in the reception. People are imbued with confidence in an enterprise with a name. The system of discounts will be no less effective. For example, 5-10% discount on various dental services. The clinic can also introduce a discount system focused on VIP clients. Promotions have a positive effect on the flow of people, customers, having heard the word "promotion", will definitely come to you, this cannot but affect the attendance of your dental office.

Private medical practice is divided into three classes: higher (multiprofile centers), middle (clinics), economy (dental offices). They differ in the scale of the premises, the range of services, cost, equipment and financial capabilities of customers.

For information! As practice shows, average profit per month in a small clinic - $ 40,000 - $ 50,000. A dental office can have revenue for the same period of at least $15-20,000. But these financial opportunities are not available to all private institutions, but only to those who conduct thoughtful and correct financial activities, focusing on the needs of clients.

During the implementation of the project to open a dental office, the main thing is to take into account all the details and pay attention to important nuances.

Which is better: open or buy a dental office

Starting from scratch is much more difficult, because you have to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to avoid serious problems in the future.

You can buy a ready-made business, where the dental office is already “promoted”, with a client base, dental equipment, and possibly staff. But it is worth considering why it is for sale? Not profitable or problems with regulatory government agencies, or insufficient client flow. In this case, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons, and make a purchase decision.

Buying a ready-made project is not as difficult as opening it yourself. It is enough to have a certain amount, to be able to understand the constituent and financial documents, to give a correct assessment of the profitability of the project.

It's important to know! Ready business will cost more than opening from scratch. This is due to the fact that the seller sets the price, trying not to miscalculate and get the maximum profit from the sale. And by opening a dental office on your own, you can save on repairs (using linoleum, not floor tiles), dental equipment (preferring a domestic manufacturer), furniture. Starting a project on your own, you do everything “for yourself” and additionally get indisputable experience, which will be the basis for further financial activities and proper management affairs.

How to open a dental office and what to look for

When thinking about starting a business, answer three main questions:

  1. What kind of services will be provided (list, assessment of opportunities).
  2. How the business will be carried out (premises, location, office equipment, etc.).
  3. For whom the services are intended (customers with what financial capabilities will be served).

After a clear understanding of your goals and desires, you can begin to implement them, guided by your own knowledge and intuition.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the financial possibilities (investments), on the basis of which the project will be built and proceed with its phased implementation.

Everyone has teeth, and no one can live without going to the dentist. Even if the teeth are healthy, you still need to undergo a preventive examination twice a year. In addition, there are professional cleaning, whitening, gum treatment and other dental services necessary for almost everyone. Not to mention the most common and at certain times vital service - dental treatment. A good dentist will always be provided with work, and the dental business is a profitable business. Though not as simple. Consider how to open a dental office: what documents, premises, equipment and staff are needed.

How dental services are provided in our country

First, there are state dental clinics. Recently, they are becoming less and less popular among the population. They often have outdated equipment and use low-quality consumables. Although sometimes there are good specialists who, for an additional fee, can supply a good durable filling.

Secondly, there are private dental clinics. Among them are found as large, able to provide the client with absolutely all dental services, from various kinds diagnostics and therapy to dental surgery, orthodontics and orthopedics, and small ones where several dentists work, perhaps an orthodontist, a surgeon and an x-ray room.

Thirdly, private dental offices. This is the smallest form of dental services. Only one specialist can work in such an office. Or two doctors and a nurse. Other options are also possible.

In order to open a dental clinic, especially a multidisciplinary one, you will need a lot of money and effort. After all, this is a whole factory for the provision of medical services, with its own divisions, a lot of the most diverse equipment and several dozen specialists. In addition, you will have to obtain independent licenses and permits for each type of medical dental activity. The cost of such a clinic is estimated at tens of millions of rubles.

Organizing a private dental office is a little easier and much cheaper. A dentist working in such an office is usually engaged in dental treatment and basic hygiene procedures, such as whitening, cleaning teeth from plaque, removing tartar, etc. There may be an X-ray unit in the office, but more often they do without it, sending clients for X-rays to public or private clinics where such a service is available. Private dental offices usually do not deal with prosthetics, implantology or orthopedics, although such options are also possible. Sometimes doctors of such offices perform simple surgical operations, such as tooth extractions.

Room for a dental office

Finding a suitable room is not so easy, because it must meet certain requirements, and you must be able to make necessary repairs. There are two options - rent or buy.

The main advantage of renting is that it requires less initial investment. This should be a non-residential premises with all the necessary communications: electricity, sewerage, water supply and the ability to permanently bring these communications to the dental chair, which should be built directly into the floor of the room.

By the standards free space around one dental chair should be at least 14 sq.m. If you put two or more chairs, then add another 7 sq.m. for each chair.

Since you will spend a lot of effort on the equipment of your office, it would be unwise to enter into a lease for a short period. Moving a dental office is a very expensive undertaking. It is optimal if the contract is for at least five years.

Buying a space is more convenient in many ways, and if you have the funds or the ability to obtain sufficient credit, it is better to purchase a space for your private dental practice right away and equip it to your taste and needs.

If you find suitable non-residential premises, for example, in ground floor new house under construction (this is the most profitable and convenient option, you will immediately have a whole high-rise building of customers) - great. If non-residential premises There is no format you need, you can buy an apartment. True, it will have to be officially transferred to the non-residential fund, and this is a rather troublesome business. However, the opening of a dental office in general requires a very large amount of paperwork, like everything related to medical activity, and you need to be prepared for this.

There is an option to attract firms specializing in these issues. Such a company can do everything for you: issue all certificates, licenses, permits and other documentation. But the firm will have to pay.

On average, the execution of legal documents with the involvement of assistants costs two to three times more.

For a small dental office without a laboratory and an X-ray room will be enough one-room apartment. If you are planning the simultaneous work of two or three dentists, then you will need a two- or three-room apartment, respectively. It is better if the apartment is located on the first floor.

Keep in mind that when legalizing a dental office, you will need permission from the owners of the apartments adjacent to the future office. It must be in writing and notarized. It is better to resolve this issue even before buying an apartment, otherwise unexpected problems may arise, because people sometimes behave unpredictably.

Transfer of premises from residential to non-residential fund

In the event that you have purchased a residential apartment for your dental office, and this, I must say, happens very often, you will need to legally transfer it to a non-residential fund. Let's see how it's done.

First you need to go to the mayor's office of your city and contact the department of architecture and urban planning. Employees of the department will give you a list of organizations from which you need to obtain permission to transfer the premises from the housing stock to non-residential. The list usually includes firefighters, SES, traffic police, BTI, district administration and housing trust. You need to take all the available documents of the owner, visit all these organizations and get information from them. These certificates are paid, there are usually no problems with obtaining them.

Then you again go to the city architects, where, on the basis of the information provided, you are issued a permit and an architectural and planning task. To complete this assignment, you must visit a licensed design organization to have them draft a design for you. A list of such organizations is usually available from the city's architecture department.

Approximately one month later, finished project, you must again return to the department of architecture and urban planning for its approval. Then you get permission for the reconstruction from a whole list of organizations:

  • fire protection
  • Traffic police - they may require that there is parking near your office
  • Kompriroda - they will oblige you to plant greenery in the surrounding area
  • SES - will check compliance with all SanPiNs and other existing regulatory documents
  • Giltrest
  • Non-departmental expertise
  • Monument protection

Having received permits from all these institutions, you acquire a project of your office approved by the architecture department.

After that, only commissioning remains. This means another visit to the same instances. It is not necessary to wait for the final approval of the authorities. You can start working as soon as you have an approved project, and invite authorities already in the process of work. The exception is firefighters, they must obtain permission before starting work.

Requirements of government agencies for the premises

General requirements for private dental offices are set out in normative documents: SanPiN and SanPiN 2956a-83. In some regions, additional legal acts have been developed regarding this issue.

According to the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, in order to open the simplest dental office, you need a room of at least 30 sq.m. Of these, at least 14 sq.m. should occupy the room where the dental unit is located, 10 sq.m - hall and 5 sq.m. - toilet. The height of the ceilings must be at least three meters, the depth of the room (the distance from the window to opposite wall) - no more than six meters.

Additional premises that may be needed in a private dental office:

  • Sterilization room. Its area must be at least 6 sq.m. You cannot do without such a room if there are three or more dental units in your office.
  • X-ray room and processing room. Area - 11 and 6 sq.m. respectively.
  • Office of an orthodontist and an orthopedic dentist - 15 sq.m.
  • Other additional rooms (pediatric dentistry, implantology, etc.) - 15 sq.m. each.
  • Auxiliary premises (warehouse, staff room, administration office, etc.) - from 30 sq.m.


You need to start with repairs. In the dental office, special work will have to be carried out in order to bring electricity, water and sewerage to the treatment chair. All these communications must be under the floor and be made with high quality so that there are no interruptions in their functioning, because in this case you will have to break the floor and do it all over again.

When studying the question: how much does it cost to open a dental office, special attention should be paid to equipment. This is the second most expensive, after the premises, item of expenditure. Although now the range of prices for it is huge. You can buy everything from a second-hand antediluvian Soviet-era dental chair at a bargain price to a state-of-the-art multifunctional facility for several tens of thousands of dollars.

When choosing and placing dental equipment it is necessary to take into account the sanitary rules of December 28, 1983, paragraph 2956a-83 and SanPiN

For example, consider the list necessary equipment and approximate prices for its mid-level standard samples.

It turns out that the cost of equipment with which you can start working (not counting the visiograph) is about 600,000 rubles.

General expenses

The business plan of the dental office, in addition to the cost of tools and equipment, includes the following costs:

  • Room - here the cost can be different. If you purchased it as a property, this is one price, if you rented it, it is completely different. Besides, in different cities and settlements, and even in different districts of the same city, the cost per square meter real estate can fluctuate in a very wide range. Therefore, we will not name a specific figure.
  • Repair costs will be from 100,000 rubles. This number can be much higher if you large room or if you want to give it not just a pleasant, but a chic look.
  • Licensing costs start at 50,000.
  • The salary of employees is a salary plus interest, it can also be different. When your office just opens and there are few clients, the salary will be lower, with gaining popularity and an increase in the number of clients, the salary will increase.
  • In addition, you will have expenses for advertising, utilities, telephone, internet, etc.

The final amount must be calculated separately in each case. According to the reviews of those who have already opened a private dental office, you need to prepare cash in the amount of 1 to 2.5 million. This is not counting the acquisition of premises in the property.

Account registration

For those who are a dentist and will deal with the treatment personally, it is best. For an entrepreneur who is recruiting staff, a more convenient form will be.

If you are a dentist, the license to practice medicine is issued in your name. If employees will work for you, then you will need to obtain a license for them.

Your OKVED codes- 85.12 - medical practice and 85.13 - dental practice.

You need to register with a pension fund, MHIF, FSS. As well as open an account and order a print. And keep a book of income and expenses.

In addition, you will need a cash register, which will need to be registered with the tax office.

Cabinet staff

The staff must be highly qualified and meet all the requirements for obtaining a medical license. The requirements for a dentist are:

  • The doctor must have a certificate in therapeutic dentistry.
  • He must have an internship and residency diploma.
  • His work experience must be at least five years.

This applies to the medical practitioner. If you have an orthodontist, surgeon, etc. in your state, then you will need to obtain a separate license for each of the specialties.

Average medical staff may also be present in the state and independently provide certain services, for example, to carry out hygiene procedures (cleaning, bleaching, etc.). To do this, a physician must have a secondary medical vocational education and a certificate in the specialization "Preventive Dentistry".

Medical staff with an average vocational education can assist dentists. To do this, they must have a certificate " Nurse in dentistry".

According to the norms, the dentist should not work more than 6 hours a day. Therefore, for the implementation of the full-fledged work of the dental office, among its employees there must be at least two doctors, two registered nurses, an administrator and a nurse for cleaning the premises.

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