Sowing calendar for July.

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

Plant garden trees, root cuttings. Planting and transplanting herbaceous crops is not recommended. Effective removal of excess shoots, removal and burning of trapping belts, mowing, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Collection medicinal herbs, root crops, fruits and berries.

Carry out top dressing at the root organic fertilizers. Effective removal of excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Collection of medicinal herbs, root crops, fruits and berries.

Harvesting of herbs and medicinal herbs is recommended, which require particularly efficient drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. Canned food and pickles work out at this time. Take preventive measures against diseases and pests.

4th of July, Monday
Moon in Cancer
New moon
Waning moon

Don't spend any horticultural work. Sowing and planting are not recommended.

Destroy pests and weeds, feed with organic matter.
It is forbidden to transplant horticultural crops.

It is recommended planting shrubs and trees, collecting and drying fruits and root crops. Water, spray, mow lawns, trim hedges. It is worth mowing in order to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for mulching, composting, pest control, tree pruning, sunflower seeds, medicinal herbs.

It is recommended planting shrubs and trees, collecting and drying fruits and root crops. It is worth mowing in order to slow down the growth of grasses. The right moment for mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees, mowing the lawn, collecting sunflower seeds, harvesting medicinal herbs. get busy gourds, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.
Sowing and transplanting horticultural crops is not recommended.

Collect and dry medicinal herbs, berries for drying. Well take root ornamental plants, not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle,. From flowers it is recommended to plant climbing plants. Mowing will slow grass growth. Application of organic fertilizers for shrubs and strawberries.

Take protective measures against pests and diseases. Ornamental plants that are not intended for fruiting will take root well, in particular honeysuckle, wild rose. From flowers it is recommended to plant climbing plants. Division and transplantation of flower perennials. Mowing will slow grass growth.
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, planting seeds.

Planting flowers, currant bushes, laying tubers and seeds for storage is recommended. Planting stone fruits is also recommended. fruit trees. Sowing watercress - lettuce, arugula, spinach for late greens. Irrigation and haymaking are efficient. A great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants.
Delay watering, do not weed, do not fertilize.

It is recommended planting flowers, laying tubers and seeds for storage. The planting of stone fruit trees is also recommended. Digging the soil and forming ridges. Haymaking is also effective. A great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants.
feed everything vegetable crops and flowers with complex fertilizers.

It is recommended planting flowers, laying tubers and seeds for storage. The planting of stone fruit trees is also recommended. Plant grafting. Irrigation and haymaking are efficient. A great time for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants, cutting. Harvest blackcurrant cuttings, loosen eggplants.

Recommended planting of most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to propagate plants with roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Sow, pick berries and fruits for drying. Effective pruning of trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, soil loosening.

It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle,. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, cut flowers. Home flowers planted on this day bloom faster. Water with mineral water, spray from pests.

Dive and transplant annual flowers. It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs - for seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rose hips, honeysuckle,. Division and transplantation of rhizomes, irises and other perennials. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, cut flowers. Home flowers planted on this day bloom faster.

July 17th, Sunday
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn 22:23
Waxing Crescent

We weed the beds, we collect vegetable debris on a compost heap. Effective pest and disease control
watering. It is recommended to plant and transplant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Loosening, fertilization, tree grafting, mowing. Cut flowers make beautiful bouquets.

It is recommended to plant and transplant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Loosening, fertilization, tree grafting, mowing. Cut flowers make beautiful bouquets. Postpone weeding, fight pests and diseases. Processing cucumbers in greenhouses from fungal, bacterial diseases and pests.

Spud and water nightshade, loosen between rows. It is recommended to plant and transplant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Loosening, fertilization, tree grafting, mowing. Cut flowers make beautiful bouquets.
Canning is not recommended.

An unfavorable day for horticultural work. Sowing and planting are not recommended.

Pruning of diseased branches is recommended berry bushes. Apply compost to prepared beds. Engage in weeding, destruction of weeds and pests. It is recommended to collect grain and root crops, mow, spray and fumigate, trim trees and bushes, pinch, weed.

Remove excess shoots, stepson tomatoes, pinch. Recommended planting of celery, radish, bulbous, pruning and grafting trees and berry bushes. Harvesting winter garlic. Collection and processing of crops. Preparation of jams and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing.

Recommended planting of celery, radish, bulbous, pruning and grafting trees and berry bushes. Preparation of containers for picking berries and pears. Preparation of jams and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing.
Sowing and planting, laying fruits for long-term storage are not recommended.

Soil preparation for sowing, pest control, weeding and mulching are recommended. Harvesting root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, drying vegetables and fruits. Favorable time for salting, canning.
Sowing and planting are not recommended.

Soil preparation for sowing, pest control, weeding and mulching are recommended. Making compost under fruit trees. Harvesting root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, drying vegetables and fruits. In the afternoon, do prevention from garden pests.
Sowing and planting are not recommended.

It is recommended to plant all root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs Fruits, berries and vegetables taken at this time are suitable for creating winter stocks. Fight weeds and pests, remove dry and damaged branches.

Fumigate the garden from pests, weed and loosen in the aisles. It is recommended to plant all root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Effective cutting of trees and shrubs. Fruits, berries and vegetables taken at this time are suitable for creating winter stocks.

Harvest vegetables and fruits, pick berries for jams and compotes. Effective removal of excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Collection of medicinal herbs, root crops, fruits and berries.
Planting and transplanting herbaceous crops is not recommended.

Engage in root crops, water, lay compost heaps. Effective removal of excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Collection of medicinal herbs, root crops, fruits and berries.
Planting and transplanting herbaceous crops is not recommended.

Harvesting of herbs and medicinal herbs is recommended, which require particularly efficient drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. Canned food and pickles work out at this time. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers are favorable. Cleaning and disposal of debris on the site.

Stepson, pinch, remove excess ovaries and leaves. Digging the soil and forming ridges. It is recommended planting bulbous flowers, harvesting herbs and medicinal herbs, which require particularly efficient drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. Canned food and pickles work out at this time.

The lunar sowing calendar for July 2016 is compiled for middle lane Russia and Belarus. Have a good harvest!

Hello dear readers!

For a more complete understanding of the general astrological patterns and their impact on crops in 2016, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with articles. Lunar seed calendar for June 2016 indicating auspicious days planting vegetable crops published here.

The hottest month of the year begins July. Phenologists call this month the pinnacle of summer. The length of daylight hours in July begins to decrease slightly. The mass ripening of vegetables and fruits begins - the collection ends garden strawberries, which is being replaced by cherries, red currants, cherries, gooseberries.

On the summer cottages the main crops and plantings of plants have been completed, but the work is only being added. Naturally, the desire of each gardener to effectively manage his time when working in the country and get high yields on his plots, the desire to see his garden beautiful and fragrant. The desire to create for grown vegetable and fruit crops most best conditions Vegetation does not allow you to relax for a single day. Much remains to be done on the plot:

  • Hot weather dictates to strictly monitor the timeliness and compliance with the norms of watering vegetables and horticultural crops, the use of techniques for better conservation of moisture in the soil. In every possible way we help plants to endure hot days steadfastly and without damage to the crop.
  • We strictly enforce temperature regime in structures of closed ground, we ensure their good ventilation, we apply additional measures to reduce elevated temperature and humidity.
  • We continue regular care of vegetable beds - loosening, weeding, mulching (if necessary), top dressing, plant formation, disease and pest control.
  • We continue sowing conveyor vegetable crops (dill, lettuce, radish, leafy vegetables, and others), crops for autumn-winter consumption (kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, and others).
  • To increase soil productivity in the vacated areas after harvesting, it is recommended to sow green manure crops.
  • We choose the timing of sowing daikon, winter radish and turnips, with the calculation of readiness for harvesting these crops before the onset of frost.
  • We collect the grown crop in a timely manner (harvesting of onions and garlic, peas, young potatoes, radishes, the beginning of the ripening of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, early carrots, mass gathering of leafy and spicy vegetable crops).
  • Work is being added to harvest vegetable and fruit products for the winter.
  • In advance, care should be taken to prepare storage facilities for laying grown products in them.

This is a short list of the main work with vegetable crops in July, which can be continued. Agree that it is not in vain that July is called the “sufferer” among the people, and in order to support our vegetable beds okay and get on them high yield there is a lot of work to be done.

I am sure that I will be right, arguing that the opinion on the need to comply with the recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar. Each summer resident must make a decision for himself, but, meeting the wishes of many of our readers, I continue to publish lunar seed calendar. Adhering to the indicated dates most auspicious days carrying out agrotechnical measures according to the forecasts of a popular astrologer Tatyana Borsch, you can most effectively plan your work in the garden in July.

Sincerely, Sergey Mozgovykh

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In July, there are many activities in the country: weeding, planting, harvesting. Work is carried out not only in the garden. Household chores are also best done in accordance with the lunar calendar, then the result of efforts will appear quickly.

July 1-3

From 14:44 the Moon is waning in Gemini.


All work in the garden, in the garden and in the flower garden is allowed. You can plant vegetables for long-term storage. Plant beets at the 3-5 true leaf stage. Thin out carrots.

Carry out work with metal, welding. You can plaster, insulate the house and build walls and ceilings.

creative work hands on this day will be obtained. Wash curtains, bedspreads and textiles.

The moon is waning in Gemini.


Plant lettuce herbs, climbing flowers, and mustache crops. Plant and replant clemetists and roses on this day.

According to lunar calendar as of July 2016, indoor plants cannot be transplanted - they will lose their decorative effect.

From 16:19 the Moon is waning in Cancer.

Week 4 to 10 July

New moon. Moon in Cancer.


All work with plants is allowed. On this day, according to the lunar calendar, the gardener high yield. The fruits are tasty, juicy, rich in vitamins. It is not recommended to make preparations, eat the products immediately. Plant bulbs.

Carry out the installation engineering systems: air conditioning, ventilation, electrics. Install video surveillance, telephony and internet. You can apply a picture on the plaster.

The moon is growing in the sign of Leo.


It is not recommended to plant and sow plants. Do not transplant indoor plants, on this day, according to the gardener's lunar calendar for July 2016, the survival rate and viability of the root system is low. Weed your garden carefully.

Build walls and partitions. Carry out facade cladding and plastering work. Allowed decorative works in the garden. Polish the furniture and paint on the plaster.

From 01:40 the Moon is growing in the sign of Virgo.


Plant and sow ornamental crops, shrubs and flowers - they will grow quickly. Plant plants from containers outdoors.

Get creative and make time for your hobby. Wash bedspreads, curtains and any textiles. Small construction work.

The moon is growing in the sign of Virgo.

Read also:

What to do if the dill turns red and does not grow

From 11:31 the Moon is growing in the sign of Libra.


Take care of indoor plants: watering, transplanting and top dressing are allowed. From cuttings, roots will quickly appear. Prepare sod land. Gather berries, vegetables and fruits.

Carry out the installation of engineering and low-voltage systems. A favorable day according to the lunar calendar 2016 for the installation of stretch ceilings.

Week 11 to 17 July

The moon is growing in the sign of Libra.

Sow edible tops. Start assembling furniture.

The moon is growing in the sign of Libra.


get busy breeding work with flowers. On this day, increased resistance to infections and pests. Well developed root system. Planting, sowing and dividing perennial flowers is favorable on this day according to the gardener's lunar calendar for July 2016.

From 23:52 the Moon is growing in the sign of Scorpio.


Sow vegetables, herbs and flowers. Plant medicinal plants. Favorable transplantation and division of indoor plants.

The moon is growing in the sign of Scorpio.

From 16:13 the Moon is growing in the sign of Taurus.


Do not dig up the tubers, the injured part becomes infected.

Take care of the repair of equipment. Carry out the installation of the ventilation, air conditioning and electrical systems.

The moon is growing in the sign of Sagittarius.


Plant flowers, vegetables and herbs - the plants will be stored for a long time, have resistance to diseases, smell and taste will be rich.

Summer sowing of lettuce and herbs is allowed.

Take care of the façade. Minor construction work will be obtained. Take up carving and artistic work with a tree. Disassemble the mezzanines.

Wash mirrors, windows, chandelier, crystal. Favorable furniture polishing.

From 22:32 the Moon is growing in the sign of Capricorn.

Week 18 to 24 July

The moon is growing in the sign of Capricorn.


All work in the garden is permitted. Plant vegetables for long-term storage. A favorable day according to the lunar calendar for July 2016 for planting a daikon. Take care of your plants. On this day, resistance to pests, diseases and temperature extremes is high.

Start working with metal. Build walls and ceilings, insulate the house. Creative work will succeed.

From 06:10 Full moon. Moon in the sign of Aquarius.


Planting and sowing on this day is prohibited. Top part plants is saturated, and the root is weakened and lacks energy. The cut grass will be nutritious, but new grass will grow slowly.

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