It is necessary to pinch a tomato seedlings. Repeated pieces of petunia after disembarking in open ground

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

You should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and methods of professional segments in order not to damage the plant. Here are some recipes:

The first rule. Correctly selected time for the procedure. The first purchase occurs after planting sprouts into open land. Wait for a while until the plant entrenches and adapts in new conditions to not injure it. Petunia is good, if you keep a few subtleties. Space the seedlings are not too tight so that there was a place to grow root. Do not forget about abundant irrigation (2-3 times the day plus spraying). Four times a month, feed the roots and stems with leaves with a pulverizer and soil fertilizers;

The second rule. We observe the condition of the stem. The circumcision time came if the flower began to actively grow up and strengthen. If so, petunia can be safely handled. We count the four sheets from the beginning of the aboveground and press up the top escape, which pulls the instance of the wind. Do not be afraid that bloom is slowed down, it is a necessary measure for the formation of lateral shoots. After a month you can observe the magnificent growth and flowering of new buds. The second time we pinch the already blooming petunia, it can and even need to be done. Such manipulations will help extend the period of flowering and exploration;

Third rule. Deleted shoots will be more useful to you, with their help you can grow new seedlings. Everything is very simple - put into water with fertilizers our stalks, and it will start the roots. Now we can transplant a new pasty to the ground, before that, previously removing all the leaflets besides the top, this is one hundred percent productivity.

Fourth rule. Hybrid petunias chopping at all necessary, they will be busy in any case.

Small tricks in the seppe

The tailor is a thin and time-consuming processing process. Do not confuse it with steaming, picking and circumcision. Try to precipitate shoots, for this you do not need any additional tools, only observation and caution. Perform damaged or patients with paroles, get rid of dry, faded sectors. Be more tolerant to weak, lose weight, do not break their leaves too much. Knowing how to choose petunia correctly, do not overdo it with the sepure, produce a procedure no more than once a month. Work easier with large-flowered varieties, but small-bedroom specimens are less speculative to weather conditionsso the choice is yours.

If you do not ampel PetuniaAnd they stretched out, then apparently they lack light and their stems are too much stretching up. In this case, make them trimming (shortened too long stems up to half) and provide them with a brighter light (if there is no such possibility, then put the daylight on the lamp per day).

What should be segged to drink? This is done to make the stem not becoming through Chur elongated and did not distort the type of plant. Again, due to the too long stem, the flower in most cases falls or bends under its weight. After removing unnecessary shoots on site, new processes begin to appear on which buds grow, thus the bush is made rich and brighter.

Remember: It is impossible to extract the seedlings of the petunia, otherwise the point of pinching will be missed.

First clutch dowhen it starts rapidly grow up. It should be counted from the bottom of the stem 5 leaves and pinch up the top escape - the growth point(to when shoots have a length of 7 to 10 cm.). After this procedure, bloom will slow down somewhat, but the side shoots will begin to grow actively.The earlier it is done, the more lateral shoots are formed.As a result, there will be many large buds on the bush.

Second clutch Made with the length of shoots more than 10-15 cm, removing the very end of the escape so that flower kidneys remained already laid.

Further It is possible to spend the clothespin only the shoots rose strongly for uniform growth of the bush.

As a result of Petunia's clothespins, it begins to actively produce side shoots. A bush from this looks more lush, strong and healthy. Large quantity New twigs guarantee a greater number of buds and colors. At the same time, the quality of flowering increases: it becomes long and abundant.

Advice: - Do not use the operation for seedlings in boxes and young rapid sprouts, do not mix different varieties and deliver the ground from weeds and pests in time. Remember, petunia needs, like the rest decorative species, in constant attention and care;

After pinching, remote shoots (in 3-4 sheets) can be put in a jar with water and after the appearance of small roots to use them for the cultivation of new petunia bushes;

Throughout the season, you need to remove faded flowers in time, by this you will contribute to the formation of new buds.

Petunia care does not end on pinching

So that the bushes did not lose their decorativeness, it is always necessary to monitor the flowers, removing inflorescences and dried petals together with seed boxes. They should be removed so that the plant does not spend calorie substances for seeds. This will all help the rapid growth of new, very large buds. Plus, dry parts of the plant are very distorted by a beautiful appearance of the entire bush.

When transplanting plants in pots, the volume of pots should be chosen depending on the variety of petunia. For example, for cascading petunias it is better to choose large pots, with a calculation of 10 liters per 1 bush. For ordinary petunias are smaller pots. For example, in a capacity of 5 liters, 3-4 cocus of petunia can be placed. If the pot is too crazy for the plant, it will bloom it much poorer.

Petunia Ampelnaya: Paging

In order to achieve maximum flowering, pinching ampelnia need to do twice. The first time it is recommended to do after the seedlings are planted in open sad, but not at once. Give the time to the plant to strengthen. Now watch: as soon as the landed shoots begin to grow actively and stretch - the moment has come (approximately May month). Squeeze the stem from the bottom of the 3-5 full-fledged leaflets (this is the plant growth point), and all that from above, you need to join or cut off. Do not be afraid if the flower growth will slow down a bit, but it will begin to let the side shoots. The result will be abundant flowering and large buds.

Sliced \u200b\u200bstalks do not throw away, they can be put into the water, and they will be allowed. Before boarding, leave only a couple of leaves, and everything else cut, as in the first case.

The second pinching of ampel petunia do not forget to make a month later.
How it will be nice to admire such a blooming plant like petunias ampel. Paging will form lush bushes, covered with bright, beautiful colors.


Beauty to your garden !!!

Your Lubash Bodia

To please the eyes of lush and beautiful bushes with plenty of blossom, you need to know exactly how to choose petunia. If Petunia give the will to grow alone, then it will just stretch, and the flowers will be small. The correct purchase (pinzing) of the main point of growth will necessarily stimulate the side stems and after 12 days, the edge in two weeks, they will appear on the colors, which we strive for.

How to pinch a petunia in late development time to give a certain form? In purchased seedlings, the first pincation has already been made. Repeated - performed depending on the variety. Therefore, we will emphasize how to properly pinch the petunia of unpretentious varieties and selection (here - best varieties These beautiful flowers) hybrids.

The importance of pinzing for any plant

The tailor is a trimming either with scissors, or a decay of the top of the stem. After her, the rest of escape thickens, the kidneys in the sinuses are becoming more, and the color of the leaves is rich. The process is performed so that young strong stems with flowers and the plant acquired a delightful look.

It should be noted that the method is triggered only if the september has done to the end of the growing season.

The first searcher - in the seedlings of Petunia

Pinzing perform the following way:

  • We form a seedling as soon as he began to gain power and grow.
  • The best time for the segments, when Petunia has developed several (5 - 6) leaves. If it does not produce this on time, seedlings will stretch, the bush will not have a spherical appearance, the stems will not branch.
  • When planting a flower into a soil, pinching is performed after its rooting and adaptation (usually, at the end of May). So that he is well rooted, he needs to organize suitable conditions for development: Saplings Sadim are not thick, then they will become better to develop, fertilize (feed) them under root, regularly moisturize and spray water sheets.
  • In the content of seedlings in the greenhouse (we grow it together with others), we produce pinzing only after dive. Plants quickly (in a few days) adapt. And then they can be trimmed.
  • Formation We perform a secateur or fingers. Above the last (5 - 6) petunia leaves remove the top kidney. This will create a new point for the growth of stalks and their branching.

Latest emphasis after all actions make a cut from colors or wood or powder activated coal. In order for the seedling to recover faster, it would be nice to spray it or shed plant development stimulants: "Zircon" or "epinoma".

After the event, seedlings spend the growth, but it is gaining strength. The type of petunia becomes spherical when side stems grow.

Freight length for separation

The separated part of the escape should be centimeter 4, but still better than a better. If trimming is the thinnest place on the stem (escape tip) of the flower, then the other processes, developing in this place, will be closed in irregularities, wind.

Weekly do not forget to fertilize the soil, and the shoots of the plant regularly moisturize, preferably every second (third) day.

Repeated pieces of petunia after disembarking in open ground

The september must be repeated 2 - 3 times, and not only on the central, but also on the side stems of flowers. We carry out this action when they grow up to 13 - 15 cm. To improve the shape and rich flowering of petunia, shook shoots preferably in 28 - 30 days after the first procedure. At the same time, on the main process should be at least 5 leaves.

Ampelny varieties do not need repeated trimming. But many varieties, one of the twigs continue to quickly pull out, taking away from the rest of the food and strength. In some cases, it appears on it. Then it should be urgently discredited with scissors (by the secret). To do this, count below 3 - 5 leaves and cut off the rest. Rosthe Petunia Point will change. It will not grow up, and let the side shoots.

I focus your attention that after pinzing the flowering is moving on 12 to 14 days. But in the end, not 1 flower will bloom, and several, and the buds will be more.

Before subsequent chipping, you need to wait until the bus stops. After that, we shorten the stretched stems, as the result - the flowers will be more dense. At the same time, it is recommended to produce a cut closer to the base of the branch, and not to pinch only the top.

So that the vegetation is glad with abundant bloom, it is necessary to perform this operation in obligatory.

Adult flowering plant Cut with the goal better development Bush and increase its magnificence.

What be sure to do after the segments

With regular stuffing of shoots and enhanced Petunia growth, constant feeding of growth stimulant and full mineral fertilizer are required. Otherwise, there will be much thin stems. It is possible to achieve recoil from the plant only with constant irrigation and proper care.

Remember that we need to overtake the flowers on time (do not pull them out, but pinch off the branch with a flowerball). Taking the seeds, they take the strength at the plant.

In the lion's share of cases, the pinzing of the petunition is carried out 2-3 times: in the seedling phase, after planning in the ground and during the growing season. But if you can neglect the third pincling, then in the seedling phase and disembarking in the open soil they are mandatory.

Remember that pruning - stress for our colors. For this reason, after she, the bush is a little dying in development, but the development of side stems that form large buds is enhanced.

  • Try not to hurt the sprout. We use clean tools for pinzing.
  • Kush in petunia form in a timely manner. Tightening the process badly affects development.
  • Pinzing is carried out monthly.
  • So that the plant does not bother and not died, we make trimming in the evening either in the morning when the rays of the sun are not very active.
  • The disconnected stalks do not throw out, but we use them like cuttings (if only they have a stable stem and 5 - 6 leaves). For rooting, breaking the lower leaves, put them in a jar with water. As soon as the roots grow, landing the stalks in fertile soil. So we will appear with additional seedlings.

It is important to remember if you chewed hybrid petunia varieties, then the growing instance will retain the appearance and signs of the original. In reproduction, seeds cannot be achieved.

Petunia - blooming beauties with a plump, but responsive character. If you constantly take care of them, competently care, they will give you all summer with appreciation.

Pipping Paste for Muffling Busta Video

Petunia has long been occupied by a leading place as one of the most decorative garden crops. And the fact that ampel petunias grow great in the pots and with proper care bloom and the next year, made petunia even more desired guests for our gardens, balconies and apartments.

However, it can be easily noted that on some flower beds, they produce several colors in some flowers, and it looks quite poorly, and on the adjacent flowers just poured a waterfall on long green shoots. What's the secret abundant flowering Petunia?

Everything is very simple - the case is in the right pinch. If you remove part of the shoots, and know how to do it, your beauty will be gorgeous to bloom the whole season.

Pipping of petunia - the procedure is optional. The plant already will grow and bloom. Another thing is quality. If you want to have a luxuriously blooming and pleasing looks of the bush, and not just a long stem with leaves, which falls under the weight of the buds, then the pinching is needed. If you do not remove lateral shoots, the plant will inevitably go upwards, and with such growth it will not be for the formation of flowers. Therefore, the path to gorgeous blooming petunia lies through the pitch. Each cut sliced \u200b\u200bstalk will provoke the appearance of new and new buds. And the shoots with flowers will become even stronger and dense.

When to make pinching

The first rule is timeliness. The first time the petunia must be brushed at the stage of seedlings before you are going to plant it in the garden. As soon as 4-5 leaves were formed on your flower, boldly pinch the top from him. Thus, you will help your plant increase powerful root systemAnd it will change the landing in open soil without any problems.

The second time Petunia pinch after you landed a flower into an open soil. Give him about weeks (a maximum of ten days) in order to get used and go to growth after a transplant, and you can make a second parting. By this time, several stems are already formed on Petunia, and each of them should be brought.

The second rule is to choose the place to choose the place of pinching. But only your little seedling began to stretch, you need to count five leaves from the bottom, and cut off the top escape. It is this procedure that will contribute to the fact that the plant grew up, and on the parties, and on the side shoots, all new and new flowers were formed.

Do not tighten with the piping of Petunia, otherwise the bush will not be able to correctly form and become beautiful.

How to proper petunia

Kostik, which you are going to pinch, must necessarily be fat and healthy, with a strong barrel. Cut the top of the petunia to be very sharp small manicure type scissors, or a small thin knife. Otherwise, the flower may die.

At the same time, no less than three leaves should remain on the stem.

When you pinned off the tops of the plants, do not throw them away. They will be useful for breeding. You should simply remove the leaves from them, and put into the water. A few days later, the cuttings will give sprouts, and they can be coincided next to the parent plant, giving your flowerba even more pomp.

It is possible to root the tops of the petunition in the ground, but they will take longer. And cuttings with roots almost immediately go to growth.

Does the silence of blooming affect

Paging is always a kind of shock for the plant. And this shock flower should survive. Therefore, those bushes that you pick up will bloom later for about two weeks. But they will have significantly more large flowers, buds will develop much more, and the flowering of petunias will be not only abundant, but also longer. If you want to have lush gorgeous flowering petunias - be sure to pick up your bushes.

First of all, you need to cut the middle, the main escape. And after that, to climb side shoots, depending on the speed of their growth.

Be sure to keep in mind that you should remove the stunning flowers of petunia. Moreover, it is necessary not to just tear down the flower itself, but also to fill the leg, on which it is attached to the stalk. Then many flowers will appear on your bush.

How often do you need to make pie

Chopping bushes only when they actively go into growth. Therefore, if your petunia does not feel very well, has not adapted, and looks weak, do not rush to touch it. Let the plant come to themselves, crept and starts to release shoots. Then you can pick it up.

Paging even healthy plants do not need to do more than once a month. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the flowers will be sick.

If your bush after abundant flowering has become old, nothing terrible. Cut the petunia as short as possible, she will benefit. After that, underminate the land, make fertilizers, and days after ten you can admire the chic blossom of your beauty.

Features of pinching for petunias in pots

As you know, Petunia can be grown both in the open soil and in pots. And if the parting in the open ground is still rather recommendation so that your petunia is gorgeous, then for plants that are grown in pots, pinching is necessary. Potted petunitions stalks need to shorten in obligatory, otherwise the flowers will not appear at all.

For petunitions in pots for the first time, the seedling is needed even during seedlings. For a pot you need to immediately seek beautiful view bush. After the seedlock was placed in Kashpo, it also needs to be brushed. After the petunias in the pot thrown out (in the open ground, this flower does not winter), it is also necessary to be brushed and then cutting the stems already need to be done as needed depending on their growth.

Petunia is familiar to many flowers. It is often grown both experienced and beginner gardeners. She pleases others from the middle of spring to late autumn. Petunia does not apply to capricious plants, so it can be seen in many places: on flower beds, balconies, cafes, vegetables, etc.

However, if you need to get well-developed bushes with a large number of colors, you should take care of the fulfillment of a number of conditions. It is very important to understand how to pour petunia and do it right.

The value of pinching

How to pinch a petunia? For getting beautiful flowers It is necessary to wait three months after shooting sprouts. Plant development is directed up - to the sun. At this moment and applied piping - Procurement of the top of the main stem. After circumcision, the seedlings appear additional points of growth. The bush becomes more magnificent, thicker, as it grows already to the parties. The more process, twigs, respectively, more and colors. The quality of flowering is also improved.

It must be borne in mind that immediately after trimming the strength of the plant is spent on the formation of new processes, so the appearance of buds is slightly delayed. Usually the delay does not exceed several days. However, new buds are larger.

Cutting must be taken carefully. Although in some cases it is not required at all. This is about hybrid or elite varieties Petunia. However, it should be borne in mind that even they are in violation optimal conditions (Temperature, insufficient lighting) stretch up. In this case, home seedlings will also have to be quenched for better development.

A month after the procedure, side stems are also shortened. This is done with the same purpose - to achieve further branching. The seedlings are still thicker. After petunia, it is possible to cut periodically, however - optional. This is more likely to decorative taste.

It should be noted that in the literature often pinching is also called pinzing. Although some distinguish these two concepts. They believe that pincation is the procedure described above, and it is performed only at the stage of development of seedlings. Paging - circumcision of an adult plant formed. It is used in reproduction to obtain cuttings.

Conducting segments

Important are questions about how to choose petunia and when to pinch a petunia? The first piece of petunia is desirable to spend immediately after transplanting seedlings into the ground. but sometimes because of the weather I have to wait long. The time of the procedure for both landed bushes and for households can be determined by appearance. Enough formation of five sheets. It makes no sense to wait further, as the petunia will grow, and make compact bushes no longer work.

Home seedlings are grown so that bloom began in more early deadlines. In this form, sprouts are located in the room for about 2-3 months. Then they put them in the ground. At the stage of seedlings, the quotation is obligatory, after planting in the ground - only desirable. Although it is worth considering that if there is enough place, light and other suitable conditions, it may not need.

It is possible to carry out the procedure something sharp. Usually apply:

  • well honed garden knife;
  • conventional manicure scissors.

Tools must be clean and sharp. If the cultivation of seedlings is carried out in a greenhouse, then with the procedure you need to wait Before the moment the seedlings finally come down. Conduct does not represent anything difficult:

Use of obtained Chenkov

If the cut part is long enough, it can be used For landing. In this case, it must meet the following requirements:

  • strong stem;
  • 5-6 leaves.

Especially successful will be the material for the landing obtained after the repeated pinction. In this case, the cropped cuttings is stronger, the stalks are thicker. Sprouts are placed in a water vessel. Wherein it is important not to forget Remove the lowest leaves - those that will be in contact with water. So it is possible to avoid rewarding cuttings. Here they quickly formed roots. To accelerate the process, you can add a little special growth stimulator to water.

After the root system appears, the seedlings are planted into the container with the Earth. The soil should be selected fertile, in structure - light (loose).

A similar method of breeding has its advantages. In addition to convenience, in some cases the qualities of the parent plant are better. For example, if a stalk was taken hybrid variety, the resulting plant will fully identical in their appearance. If you try to reproduce the same hybrid with the help of collected seeds, grown as a result of the plant will be different. In addition, sometimes finding the seeds liked the variety is simply not possible. In this case, cuttings can also be seen.

Petunia received such a spread including due to this type of reproduction. Although the plant is nominally annual in our latitudes, but it is possible to change the situation, covering it for the winter in the warm room. Spring cuttings are used for vegetative reproduction. Then everything can be repeated. It turns out that this is already a perennial.

Achieving high decorative results

In order for petunias to show all its decorative qualities, a number of conditions are required. Plant may have exceptional characteristicsBut no one will see the work of breeders. Requires regular I. correct care. If I want Petunia to become similar to those that can be found on the pages of magazines or in the best flower beds, only the seas will not be enough. The main rules of care include:

  • needed feeding, and regular and correct;
  • it should be accommodated to the seedlings seedlings: needed light and nutritious;
  • to avoid chlorosis disease, it is necessary to add iron to feeding;
  • do not underestimate the use of watering: it takes about 6 liters per standard box;
  • after the buds are fighting, they must be broken for best blossom the remaining and newly formed;
  • to combat the disease puffy dew Need treatment with preparations containing sulfur is better - in rainy weather;
  • tar can be removed by strong water pressure or appropriate drugs.

Familiar to many petunias in Montevideo, where she comes from, is many years and blooms almost all year. There she is known for her small monotonous colors. but thanks to the work of breeders Petunia has long ceased to be a modest pretty flower. The services of gardeners are a giant number of varieties, including hybrid. They have the most diverse characteristics:

  • larger colors;
  • various flowers of petals;
  • strong, pleasant aroma.

It is saved only to cold weather. Although the autumn loses much of what can be seen in the manuals on landscape design. Here it is often depicted in the form of a huge ball, in which it seems there is nothing but colors. At first glance, achieve this - under power only a professional. However, petunias - the plant is unpretentious and pliable. Therefore, to make such a ball or something else, no less beautiful, maybe even an inexperienced gardener. The main thing, adhere to simple rules And on time to patch.

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The top of tomatoes should be quenched when you know that the resulting zeroshi and flowers will have to blow away and tie tomatoes, and tomatoes will have time to grow and, maybe even grow on the bustle, that is, of course, it all depends on the region where tomatoes are grown.
The root is pinching for obtaining, as it would seem, a more powerful root system. This practice firmly entered the life of the gardener. It does not take into account that the central root of the tomato, being preserved, penetrates the depth to the meter, which increases the drought-resistance of the tomato. In this secret of the yield of tomato on the collective farm fields, where dancing with tambourines are not satisfied with each bush of tomato.

Yes, you do not need to pinch them. Rather not necessarily. And for us with you and is not needed - better tomatoes To eat fresh fresh, torn off the bush than get one major tomato. This operation makes the fruits to be large. For this, they are steply them, but now there are already varieties that do not need steaming. Specify this information from the seller, and if he does not know, then the Internet.

I do not know how you have, but in our Moldova, only the roots in the tomato are pouring. And these - the stretched it is necessary to just put the t. E on the surface only the top, and the rest to pour out the earth ..

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But I again distracted. For the younger seedlings, I add a proven soil for seedlings to seedlings a pinch of superphosphate and a small biohumus handle from under earthworks (sold in packages), well also add a pinch of potassium sulfate. (Do not confuse a pinch with a handful

Is it possible to dive at another time - later or before? Sure you may. But at an earlier age, Tomatka has only 1 small root, and if it is damaged during transplantation, he will have to spend quite a lot of time and forces to restore the tiny root system. And if you transplant in a later date, another problem happens - usually the tomatoes are sowing quite tightly, and at the age of three weeks and later the roots of the plants will be walked strongly, and again during the dive will be very damaged. Therefore, the optimal age seedlings for dilation remains in the range of 10-15 days from gear.

(Note. Recently, I began to grow seedlings without picking, each bush immediately in his small pot. Link).

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Before disembarking into open ground, plants should be examined. Understandable instances with weak escapes and damaged root system are not recommended. The soil must be disinfected and focus. After plants transplantation, you can delete 4 on them. lower sheets To improve growth and nutrition.

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I pinch the top

How to care for tomatoes?

When dyeing the central root, we stimulate the development of the surface roots of tomato. In this case, the tomato needs more frequent irrigation and additional fertilizer. This is a fee for beautiful urine roots seedlings.

Do you mean mealing? Yes, it is necessary to do it, otherwise we will grow the tops, and not tomatoes.

I would not pinch, just drowned at the landing.

When and how to dive tomatoes?

How do they dive?

Picking - the point is responsible!It is necessary to know how to water correctly, feed, tidy, and how to pinch tomatoes. Seedlings after landing on a permanent place should not be watered within 7-12 days. After 15-20 days it is necessary to carry out the first feeding. Then it is carried out regularly in 2-3 weeks. And 20-25 days before the end of the fertility period, the last feeding is carried out.

After 10-12 days after picking, the first feeding fertilizer is performed.
Stores offer a variety of varieties of tomatoes for every taste. In order for the result to justify the expectations, it is necessary to accommodately approach the seign seed. In the first days of August

We all love to eat ripe, juicy tomatoes, but to grow it is pretty to work hard, starting with growing good seedlings. Usually, when landing, the central root of the plant is pumped - this is done in order to go to the growth and root become more powerful and branched.

How when? Please explain in inexperienced.
We do not pinch, just blunt - Somit somewhat bending and barrel. I live in the north of Ukraine. Maybe this is an acquitted reception in your region.
Tomatoes are plunged during dive to almost the most seedy leaves. Although they will stretch on the optimal length of the stem, but in the ground there will be more roots. Plants Before picking, it is best to water the day or a couple of days, because if you pour on the same day - then the earth will be heavy and raising the plant for stem , the earthlom can tear away and tear off a few precious roots with him, and if not to water for a long time - the earth will be dry and very crept on the roots, the roots remain "naked" and again they are damaged when landing. In general, there are no special wisdom There is no. I will tell about my own version, but I do not insist that he is the only right one.

An inaccurated dive can delay the development of tomatoes for a whole week. And you should not wave your hand (Su! Think - Week!), Because every week of delay is an affected brush of tomato harvest! The garter is carried out 8-10 days after planting seedlings. It is necessary to strengthen the root system and, consequently, improving the plant's nutrition. This procedure is combined with steaming. From the knowledge of how to choose a tomato properly, their yield depends. So the procedure is very important. Determinant varieties Page both in one and two stems. The second option provides for leaving the first inflorescences and the most developed lower step. Formation into one stem means the removal of all processes, in addition to the main escape with 5-6 floral tassels.

Through the seedlings begin 2 weeks before disembarking at a permanent place. It is carried out by a gradual decrease in temperature. Strong good seedlings Height from 15 to 25 cm has a thick stalk more than 5 mm, from 6 to 9 real leaves, 1-2 floral brushes.

Tomato varieties are divided into industrumant and determinants. The first species is distinguished by unlimited growth. In the regions with a short and not too hot summer period They should be grown only in greenhouses. Having planted them, you should know how to pinch tomatoes of such a variety so that they are correctly formed and gave fruit. In the open soil without sufficient heat and light, they may not have time to start fruit even by the end of summer.

Some do it

The root of tomatoes when picking picked up to stimulate it to further growth, although you can do without pitching, because the picking has already been done, and this is enough, the root will already affect. Here robes and daches decide on their discretion whether the Tomato root should once again damage.

Of course, I sew a tomato on seedlings with an unlimited increase in tomatoes, and now I have to leave the brushes, and pinch the top, it blooms all the color, but it only takes a point with it only takes, because tomatoes will not be taught in our region Top, then still do not cause, only spend the power will be, and if you are about side shoots, then this is step-down and if you tear my head, you will grow to grow? - Schuke. If the seedlings are enough - leave the plant alone adopt, as they advised above, put in the mixture, remove the steps and everything will be fine. If the package with seeds is written, an inteterminant or semi-technicenant variety - in middle lane It is necessary to pinch the top somewhere in the middle of July, so that they managed to fall and convert all the tied tomatoes, and the plant has ceased growth. Successful to you dive!

Ideally, every dive plant should have an earthen com (rougom rather), the size of the half-phalange of the little man at least. Then the picking will go painless and the plant immediately moves into growth.

I have on this moment Available

Do you need to pinch the top of tomatoes?

Natalia Lesaine

So when?


Tall tomatoes are known for their large-end and yield. How to pinch the tomatoes of the intederminant variety? After 8-10 leaf, tomatoes lay a fruit brush. All branches below this level receive more nutrition. Therefore, they should be segged, leaving about 1 cm from the stem. The tomatoes of such a variety are formed into one stem. All steps are periodically pinned. The plant that grown to the roof of the greenhouse is also removed and the top.

Alexandra Belkina

In the fall, the soil in the greenhouse should be swapped on the square, where tomatoes were located. Their cultivation next season will require re-loosening of the Earth with the addition of fertilizers (if this is not done in the fall). To warm the soil, it is necessary to cover the ground by observing material.

Nadejda Tiunichina.

Determinant varieties grow up to a certain height and quickly give floral brushes.

Marina Nikolaev

At the end of July


When picking tomatoes pinch the central root of about one third in order to stimulate the growth of the lateral roots. With such a procedure, the growth of plants and seedlings are less pulled and develops less.

Larisa Skirmakova

You can also pinch the fruit .. to salt.

Igor Madrid

Squeeze deeper and all things!


Maria, you can do when disembarking this: where then the 3-4 top leaf tear from the main stelby, well, and put it, too, leaving on the surface 2 top leaf, and the rest of the tomato is also planted, the one that the chosen is now obtained. And you have 1 root, two will turn out. I did it several times, everything was wonderful. For the sake of the experiment, try. And some varieties of tomato do not induce neither to rotate steps not. It is necessary to read about this grade tomato. Have a nice harvest and good luck to you.

tatyana Savchenko Siberia

In the photo - Tomatoes "Masha", age 6 days from shoots. It would be possible to wait another 1-2 days, but you can now dive.

Do you need to pinch tomatoes? If so, why? What does it give? Do you personally pinch?


Problem with window sills


When to disassemble tomatoes for individual pots?

Regina Dudko

The yellowed leaves and those that are located at the bottom of the stem are removed to improve the air exchange and accelerate the fruction phase.

elena Orlova

Day three before landing form the ridges. The first and last wells must be at least 40 cm from the wall of the greenhouse. And between them in a row, the distance should be about 35-45 cm.

Sergey Antonov

Prepare seeds before sowing is easy. It is necessary to choose the largest copies and check them into the germination, lowering the salt solution. Then they should be folded into a small piece of gauze and soak in clean water for 1-2 days. During this time, water should be changed twice. After these actions, the seeds are ready for landing.
. Just with your fingers discharge the top of the tomato after the last appeared flower, leaving 1-2 leaves from above. Popping tomatoes make sure that they stop their growth, and all the forces were given to the ripening and the growth of those tomatoes, which is on the bustle. If you do not pinch up the top, then the bush will grow and spend the forces on growth, and at the top of the starting will still do not have time to grow, so with the onset of autumn and cool weather and growth slows down and appear and appear diseases of tomatoes.

[I - Your Legend] ™

When the main root is picked when picking tomatoes, it provokes the development of side roots in the plant, which leads to a more developed root system, and therefore, to a stronger plant and greater crop.

Why, when picking tomatoes pinch the root?

Alexey Shevchenko

But in addition to the steps and the top in early August, it is necessary to pinch, so that new fruits grow, but they managed to coherent green.

Page the tops closer to autumn so that the tomatoes stop blossoming and condemning new marks that everyone would not have time to grow, but they will only take strength and interfere with the growing tomators.


Be sure to, above the fifth-sixth branch. And also to overtake the steps. then all the forces will not go on the twigs, but on tomatoes


The tomatoes are extracted from the overall plane with a toothpick. The earth gently dugs up to the toothpick and the plant is separated from the total earth coma, while pawing the green part of the plant should be as small as possible - try to operate with a piece of earthy coma around the root, and not with the plant itself.


, Therefore, I can't delete all seedlings in full-fledged liter or large capacitance - I just have nowhere to put such a number of large pots. On big potters I sit later when the street is quite warm and seedlings in the day open balcony. Therefore, I first transplant the plants at 100-150 ml. Square pot. In such potters, tomatoes can comfortably grow a couple of weeks, but it is necessary to monitor - in a small volume you can not notice the suspension of plant growth, so in my case I always plant a few plants into full-fledged half-liter or liter pots, and if plants in small pots started Starting in growth - it means I have already forgiven the term of the next transplant. If you have a lot of space on the windows, you can immediately transplanted into large pots, but this also has its own minus - mushrooms may develop (not necessarily pathogenic), or the earth can "score". Later, when the roots assume the entire volume of the pot, there are no such problems.


According to tomato-water canons, this is done in the stage of the first real leaves. For some reason, they write "in the stage of the first real sheet", although I somehow did not meet the tomatoes from which only one real sheet appears, the first two always go a pair. But I, as usual, distracted. The first real leaves begin to appear after 5-7 days after germination, but it is better to wait another day or two, because in the five-day age of the trunks in young tomatoes very gentle and it is easy to damage them in a transplant. Thus, I prefer to dive tomatoes at the age of 7-10 days from shoots, although everything is individually - some tend to graze in 10 days, like elephants, and they would have had to transplant early. Below in the photo "Miracle of Earth", which is just 10 days, and as you can see the root of him already 17 centimeters.

When to pinch the top from tomatoes? How to cut the top near the tomato?

March will soon end, the ruchies have long arrived and engaged in their riche cases, and the tomato seedlings on the window are performed on the window ... that. Do you say not to those who have groves or even fishing rods? Probably sowed in February? .. Well, this time, put the gloomy. And we still take on pickup!


Paging tomatoes

Tomatoes need to transplant after the soil temperature reaches 13-15 degrees. The wells should be abundantly shed warm water, and then plants in them. The roots of seedlings, after it is extracted from the sowing containers, should be covered with an earthen room.

Sowing seeds produced in soil mixture to a depth of 1-2 cm. Then they should be pouring, cover the tanks with a film and remove in dark place. Before the appearance of shoots, it is necessary to accurately observe temperature mode - About 24-25 degrees. When shoots appear, the observer material must be removed and reduced the temperature to 15 degrees during the week, and then you can again increase it until the same mark. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch. Popping the tops of the tomato I do in the middle of summer. Then, when already the main marks are ready and tomato went into growth. During this period, I not only pinch the top, but also step-in tomatoes. I'm doing this throughout the summer. After all, the tomato bush has a very active growth. In which month, the tops are pinching from tomatoes? Pinch the root main when picking seedlings, so that the side roots grew fasterThe top seedlings do not pinch, do not confuse with cucumbers. Just when disembarking in the soil, Ramp her lying. And at the expense of the baking "closer to the fall", I agree only in part. Here you can and otherwise proceed - to break the largest nice fruits (even green), the upper will quickly grow up.

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