Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation: clear instructions. We do renovation with our own hands How do renovation

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

In our time, it has become very fashionable to carry out “European-quality repairs”. In order to understand what we are investing in this prestigious concept, a short introduction is necessary.

By “euro” is meant the Western tradition - when carrying out repairs, change the apartment in the “plan”, thereby creating the illusion of “a variety of endless interiors”.

But in Western European countries, unlike Russia, partitioning of apartment premises has not been carried out for a long time using capital and heavy load-bearing walls and massive partitions. Thin (most often drywall) partitions are being built there, which can be disassembled and reinstalled in a new place without much difficulty. In this case, these operations do not need to be coordinated with anyone.

How about us? When dismantling the masonry of brick load-bearing partitions, it is required to perform structural reinforcement. Without this, various deformations of structures are possible, up to their emergency collapse. To carry out similar work in without fail necessary approvals must be obtained. To obtain approval, it is necessary to order a design institute to carry out a project for redevelopment. There are a lot of gimps, and it is not a fact that the redevelopment will be agreed upon.

The statement of facts is as follows: the fundamental difference in the approach and technologies for the construction of residential buildings simply leads to the unattainability of the “European standard” in our native country.

Most people are accustomed to consider the concept of "European-quality renovation" as a high-quality finish using expensive modern materials. In fact, for greater solidity, any more or less decent repair began to be presented with the prefix “euro”.

What to look for when carrying out repairs

Holding modern renovation requires solid financial costs, therefore, before proceeding with its implementation, it is necessary to thoroughly and carefully consider everything. It is necessary to clearly define in advance what exactly is planned to be done.

Note! It is necessary to change everything at once, there is nothing more permanent than any temporary. All repair work must be carried out once, based on comfortable life apartment for many years.

Implementation of settlements

It is important that after the repair there are no bitter regrets about wasted time, money and nerves. folk wisdom states that all planned repair costs and the timing of its implementation increase exactly twice after the completion of all work.

To select an option style decision, calculating the amount of work, the amount of materials and equipment needed, it is better to hire a specialist. Ideally, of course, invite an interior designer. Specialists will make calculations separately for all premises with a selection of materials, labor costs and the approximate total cost of carrying out repair work.

The main thing at this stage is the desire to make your home even more beautiful and comfortable for living. Maximum comfort must be provided in full accordance with the lifestyle and inner spiritual world of the people living in it.

Next, you need to determine what work can be done on their own and what to entrust to the masters. Important: it is not recommended to entrust the design project and the repair to the specialists of one organization. Since there is a high probability of overpricing. It is also better not to use for repairs labor force from the former fraternal republics, even though the cost of their work will be less. The result can be very doubtful even with daily constant monitoring.

Carrying out repairs should be deeply thought out in advance and consistent.

It is not necessary to purchase building materials in advance until the contractors for a specific type of work are selected. So a professional tiler will be able to accurately determine the number of tiles needed, advise what kind of tile and where to buy, what glue to buy for it. It will also determine the quality and suggest reasonable prices for these materials.

Undoubtedly, qualified specialists using high-quality modern Construction Materials, advanced technology, with everything you need production equipment and tools, capable of fulfilling the most original and daring design ideas.

Sometimes during the repair process, a situation arises when the fulfillment of all desires cannot be realized due to a lack of financial resources. In this case, you need to determine your highest priorities. For example, stick chic wallpaper only in the living room or bedroom, and in other rooms give preference to simpler options.

The degree of comfort and convenience of living will largely depend on how to make a renovation in an apartment.


Find out what little things make up a renovation:

Each owner of a house or apartment comes to the decision to change the appearance of his home. Most choose the European-quality repair option. What is its difference from ordinary repair work and how to make European-quality repairs with your own hands?

Renovation is characterized by the following points:

  1. Drawing up a design project.
  2. Remodeling of living space.
  3. Application for finishing modern building materials.
  4. Increased requirements for the quality of work performed.

Starting renovation with your own hands, evaluate the condition of the floor. A liquid level is used to detect bumps and slopes. The floor is leveled with a mortar screed. Its thickness should be at least 3 cm. After completing the screed, let it dry (about a month), and then check the horizontalness of the surface again using a level. Laying floor covering can be produced if the moisture content of the base does not exceed 5%.

When carrying out European-style repairs with your own hands, you must carefully align the walls. The technology of work depends on the waviness of the surface. To check the condition of the wall, take a flat bar or a long building level. Measure the size of the gaps formed. If on the entire surface it does not exceed 5 millimeters, then alignment can be done using putty.

Leveling gaps exceeding this value is carried out using plaster. In this case, a layer of mortar should be applied in stripes, the height of which does not exceed 10-15 cm. The final finishing of the wall surface is done with putty.

For high-quality wall decoration when carrying out European-style repairs with your own hands, you must first prime the surface. For this purpose, we use PVA glue diluted with water.

An important element of any apartment is electrical wiring. If you carry out renovation with your own hands, then choose for its laying copper wire, section 1.5 square millimeter. Power outlets require greater value- 2.5 sq. mm.

For wiring, strobes are made in the wall. Plastic tubes are mounted in them, into which wires are then passed. Strobes, after completion of electrical work, must be sealed with plaster. The direction of the gasket must be strictly horizontal or vertical. Diagonal wiring is not allowed.

Be sure to draw the wiring diagram. It should mark all connection points and zones where wires are laid.

Answer 2 questions! Do you like the layout of your apartment? And would you like the interior of your premises, no matter whether it is an apartment, house or office, to be at the European level?

If you answer these questions positively for yourself, then the decision comes to make a renovation, after which the planning of changing doorways, demolishing or erecting walls, buying furniture in a certain style, purchasing materials and finding the right people to implement your ideas for the interior begins. You are called the cost of one square meter of work and work begins. Stop. Can you give a definition of renovation? Correction of room builders' mistakes? Yes, it consists in leveling the floor, walls, etc. The use of modern materials and tools? Yes. But that's not all.

First of all, renovation requires the participation of a professional designer. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of further hasty repairs. Only he will be able to correctly decide how best to use your area, lighting, layout, which walls to demolish, and where walls and partitions can be erected, what combination of colors is best to use, he will be able to properly arrange everything - from outlets to large-sized furniture.

Thanks to the work of the designer, the interior will look complete, but without unnecessary details. Work in a team with a designer, share your ideas, tastes, but do not blindly insist on your desire, because after all the work, a professional will offer you those interior options that will really be worth all the costs, and you will already be able to choose those close to you.

After determining the choice of interior, the moment comes for the selection of materials. It is also better to entrust this stage to a specialist, since it is he who will not make a mistake and you will not have to pay twice for selection errors.

When all the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the repair. The designer is designed to make your home or commercial space as comfortable and beautiful as possible, so he must control all stages of the repair. This takes time. Be prepared to wait.


The very beginning of the repair is associated with redevelopment, the dismantling of some walls and the construction of others, if this is provided for in the design project. Specialists can carry out these works without difficulty in 1-1.5 days.

electrical work

Next up is the electrical work. Remember that if the previous wiring has deteriorated through no fault of yours (not during work with the walls), but due to old age, then you can contact the housing department, their specialists should fix this malfunction for free. Replacement, repair and all types of electrical work must be carried out by experienced electricians. Today, most companies carry out the whole range of works without breaking the walls and there is no need to run around different companies in search of specialists.

Plumbing work

Next, we turn to plumbers. By the way, if you have a break in sewer pipes in your apartment, then the specialists of the housing department must also fix it for free, they can also change pipes and plumbing for a monetary reward. Rates in the housing department, and in construction firms approximately at the same level, and work on installing a sink, replacing a toilet bowl and a sink takes no more than an hour.

Ceiling and walls

So the most dirty work behind. Let's start the repair. It is done from top to bottom. First of all, we make the ceiling, then the wallpaper. If you have even ceilings and walls, but this work will take no more than three days. But the alignment of the ceiling and walls - the work is already more time-consuming and lengthy.


If you already have an old floor in the room, then it should be changed. This work will take 1-2 days. If you plan to lay tiles or carpet on the floor, then lay the hardboard first. For the living room, parquet is suitable, and for the bedroom, carpet will be optimal.

Kitchen and bathroom

The tile, which has already become traditional, is laid in 1-2 days, depending on the volume. It is better not to use wallpaper in the kitchen, because. they will not be very practical for her. Plastic panels are much better.

A real repair is a rather expensive operation. But if you make repairs in accordance with all the rules, without throwing out the links from the chain "interior designer - construction team - finished interior", then you can count on you to have successfully invested your money and your premises will be at the European standard level.

Probably, there is no person left who has not heard this term - “European-style renovation”. It would seem that hundreds of people use this word every day, but, as practice shows, not everyone is familiar with its real meaning. In the everyday life of the average person, this term means good, quality repair tastefully done. Of course, that housing with such repairs instantly increased in its value. If you do not know how to make a renovation in an apartment and what is included in its stages, our article will be especially valuable for you!

The concept of renovation has become very popular in our time.

What kind of animal is this and what is it eaten with?

In the Soviet era, every family considered it their duty every few years to give freshness and change the situation in housing. The main stages of finishing were whitewashing the ceiling, wallpapering, buying new linoleum or replacing old parquet. Everything else was thoroughly cleaned, painted and insulated. That's all the simple finishing. Compared to what renovations are currently taking place in most apartments, this is just a grain of sand in the ocean of renovations. And all because Soviet stores could not offer the consumer the choice that exists today. We can purchase a wide variety of materials and components from domestic and foreign manufacturers, and their choice is so great that it simply dazzles. Today general form apartment depends only on its owner. After all, according to his desire, the space of housing can change literally before his eyes. Everything rests only on the question of finances and imagination. And if everything is more or less clear with the first one, then in the absence of interesting interior ideas, you can always turn to a professional designer. He will help you choose stylish design for an apartment or private room or you will give the main idea, and the specialist will think over how best to bring it to life.

If you turn to the interpretation of the term "European-style renovation" of one of the most popular Internet encyclopedias, you can find out that it includes a set of repairs in accordance with European standards. Thanks to this, the homeowner will be provided with much more comfortable conditions than a man of the Soviet era.

The very concept of renovation is very relative. And despite this, there is a classification of its types:

  • Redecorating. Perhaps the most common type of renovation work using modern materials, thanks to which housing becomes updated and more attractive. Needless to say, this type includes only “superficial” work, for example, finishing walls, ceilings, or carpets.
  • To renovation of the middle class more impressive human intervention in housing planning should be attributed. However, this type is limited only to the creation of partitions, niches, replacing doors, leveling walls, and so on.
  • And only in the process European-quality repair of the highest class the apartment can be transformed beyond recognition. Working with professional designer and a construction team, from the most ordinary Khrushchev, you can make luxury housing. There are no longer any restrictions on interior design fantasy, only if they do not violate the load-bearing walls and do not pose a threat to the architecture of the house. Such repairs can begin with a floor screed, the creation of a warm surface on it and end with complex multi-level structures on the ceiling.

Modern materials are used during renovation

Of course, the cost of any type of work will also depend on what materials they are performed. The more expensive the materials, the more you will have to pay for the work. After all, the construction team, in turn, will be responsible for their safety and integrity.

Those who are going to make a European-style renovation in an apartment, first of all, need to objectively assess the condition of the housing, as well as decide what you would like to change. Of course, your budget will play an almost paramount role. If you want to bring something new and fresh to your own interior, you can limit yourself to cosmetic repairs. Almost all work with certain knowledge and skills can be done independently. And this will help to save a lot of money, which will allow you to purchase more expensive and high-quality materials.

If it seems to you that without global change you can’t live on, then a thorough renovation is exactly what you have to do. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to move to relatives or to rented housing during the repair. After all, working with complex materials requires time for their drying. Sometimes it can take a very long period, for example, floor screed.

For lovers of dramatic changes, renovation will be a great option.

Advantages and disadvantages of renovation

First of all, this is the increased comfort of living conditions and aesthetic pleasure from. Agree, it's so nice to be back in cozy house where every piece was chosen by you and for you, where you know every corner, where everything is so yours that you can no longer associate yourself with another home. On the other hand, a beautiful well-maintained apartment with a modern stylish design speaks about the status of a person, his tastes and preferences, his worldview and other features. Yes, and it is much more pleasant to bring guests into a house with a first-class repair than into an old Khrushchev with peeled wallpaper.

Thanks to new developments, modern materials used for renovation have a longer service life than Soviet ones. Of course, the good old whitewash is used to this day, but over time, its appearance leaves much to be desired, as happens with many other materials of a bygone era. Now such mixtures and solutions are used, the appearance of which does not change for years and even after numerous cleanings and cleanings!

Modern materials have the best performance

Despite all the positive aspects, European-quality repair also has some disadvantages. The main one is its cost. Even cosmetic work can be very expensive if quality materials are used. It just so happened that you always have to pay for quality, good stuff will always outperform the cheaper one. In addition, many of the work related to European-quality renovation of the middle and upper classes is almost impossible to do on your own, unless you have special skills and craftsmanship. Again, the item of expenses for the services of the construction team increases. Her choice is a separate topic for conversation, since your comfort in renovated housing will depend on the conscientiousness and professionalism of these people.

The disadvantages also include the lengthy process of obtaining permission for redevelopment in the relevant authorities. It will take even longer to receive it if the redevelopment changes affect bearing walls. To resolve your issue, a whole commission will be convened, which will decide the future fate of changing the layout of housing. All this is done for the safety of the architecture of the house and its residents.

Even if you have an extraordinary imagination, you are unlikely to be able to replace a full-fledged designer for interior design of an apartment. After all, his role is not only the ceiling with accessories, but also to make high-quality markings for wiring, the location of sockets, sinks, all communications, and so on. In addition, the designer is familiar with the most different materials and the nuances of working with them, so it will tell you what you can save on and what you should buy.

An experienced designer will help you realize your ideas

Do-it-yourself renovation

If you still decide to do all the work yourself, be prepared for the fact that you will have to use the maximum of your strength and capabilities. The first step is to draw up a sketch of the future premises. It is best to draw up a separate sketch for each room. It is from him that you will build on for further work. Please note that the sketch is not only beautiful decoration surfaces and furniture placement. This is also electrical marking, drawing the position points of sockets and switches. If you even have no idea about how electricity works, in no case try to change the markup. Either you have to stay with the one that already exists, or you have to hire a professional electrician.

In the process of renovation of a bathroom and a bathroom, a decision is often made to demolish the separating wall. On the one hand, in this way it is possible to increase usable area space for about one square meter. On the other hand, you need to think carefully about whether such an arrangement will be convenient for all family members. Perhaps it should be left as is. And to update the interior of these premises, it will be quite enough to replace pipes and plumbing. You can also install a "warm floor", but for this you will need to invite a specialist.

Maybe even a non-professional. This process also applies to renovation and will allow you to change the interior of the bathroom. It is necessary to ensure that all the plates are on the same level, without overhanging or sinking. Always keep the same spacing between tiles. To do this, special "pluses" made of plastic will help you.

The more or less global changes that the renovation brings with it include the creation of arches and additional openings in the walls. You can do it different tools, for example, a drill. But before realizing your dream of an arch, you must definitely study the architecture of the whole house. If the house is old, then plaster may fall off from strong vibrations while cutting the arch from your neighbors. In this case, we recommend that you abandon the arch in the wall, but do it with the help of semicircular elements in doorway, from which the door and platbands were previously removed.

If you want to do a renovation with your own hands, such a task is quite feasible. However, without the help of specialists to do some complex work Not sure it's going to happen. Be sure to take this into account when planning your budget. Share your opinion about similar works in housing!

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Since ancient times, the family gathered at the hearth for meals and rest. This tradition continues to this day in many families. we not only eat, but in a close company of close people we have tea, make plans, discuss important issues, arrange friendly gatherings. At the same time, the environment in such moments is extremely important, competent organization kitchen space and an atmosphere in which there is a desire to create, love and just live.

Renovation in the kitchen is a painstaking, but very interesting process.

At the end of the last century, German kitchen manufacturers developed a number of norms, standards, recommendations, requirements, clearly regulating and optimizing the parameters of kitchen equipment and furniture. The purpose of the work done is to make the dining room as comfortable, functional and convenient as possible.

Most of us strive to become owners of apartments with European-quality renovation, but not everyone understands the essence this concept, considering it possible to save on materials, change the described tolerances at your own discretion, resulting in a dubious result.

What we call "European-style renovation of the kitchen" - bringing the premises in line with European household standards and sanitary standards, each piece of furniture must be not only convenient, but also optimal in terms of human needs. To achieve the required level of quality, it will be necessary to use exclusively quality tools, materials, technologies.


Possessing the required skills, it is possible to make a similar one, which will save on the expensive work of craftsmen.

Before starting work, get ready to work with your head, because you will have troubles, costs and a difficult mental activity. Especially if you are thinking of a renovation of a kitchen in Khrushchev, where a modest area is equipped with maximum functionality.

Imagine in your head or on paper what you want to do and go ahead

The upcoming one is conditionally divided into two stages:

  1. Preparatory, implying the preparation of a detailed design project.
  2. Finishing work.

During the first step, you will create detailed plan the upcoming transformation, the result of which will turn the kitchen into a model of style and taste. Determine whether the renovation in the kitchen will be cosmetic, major or just planned with the installation of typical furniture, whether the help of a professional designer is required. Please note that a design project is not a rough sketch of the future appearance premises, but also detailed diagrams supply and placement of communications, a plan for arranging furniture, a list necessary materials and cost estimates.

The second stage of the renovation includes the preparation of the premises: the removal of furniture, old wiring, sewerage, plumbing and batteries, the dismantling of the finish.

If you have doubts about the progress of any of the types of work, we advise you to contact professionals or at least carefully study manuals and repair recommendations.

Design project

plan design own house- an incomparable pleasure, the soul is invested in this process, and the result obtained reflects the character, life position and aspirations of the owners. In search of a source of inspiration, you can turn to the Internet, where by entering the phrase “do-it-yourself renovation photos” into the search box, you can really find interesting and useful ideas.

You can realize the most original ideas

Interior design is maintained in a single style, thought out color solution, the arrangement of furniture, lighting, the semantic load of literally every centimeter of the kitchen. Achieve functionality in the conditions standard apartments difficult, so it is possible to resort to redevelopment. It is better to entrust this procedure to professionals, the main thing is not to touch the load-bearing walls in any case and follow the safety rules.

Rules for better results

Take care of the electrician in the kitchen, consult with experts

Selection of materials for repair

A couple of decades ago, the choice finishing materials not pleased with the variety. The ceiling was traditionally whitewashed or painted water-based paint, the walls were covered with washable wallpaper, and linoleum was laid on the floor. Now we have an inexhaustible number of opportunities to bring originality and diversity into our lives.

It is preferable to repair a kitchen using finishing materials that meet established quality standards, but local counterparts that are not inferior in quality, and often in price, are also suitable. Due to frequent temperature fluctuations and high humidity use high-quality, moisture-resistant materials. Aggressive kitchen conditions provide for a certain amount of fat and soot deposited on the finish, select materials that are resistant to household chemicals.

Adhere to the unshakable rule of finishing work: work is done from top to bottom.

To finish the ceiling, the usual whitewash is used less and less, it is slowly giving way suspended structures: stretch ceilings, panels and suspended plates, the mirror finish looks original, visually “pushing” the walls.

The walls are equipped ceramic tiles, are painted with water-diluted paints or pasted over with moisture-resistant wallpaper for painting.

The main requirements for the kitchen floor are a perfectly flat surface, without a slope, impact-resistant and waterproof. The floor is laid out more often with tiles or porcelain stoneware.

The final stage of the European-quality repair is the most thorough cleaning of the remains of construction debris and dust and the preparation of the kitchen for the installation of furniture. It also includes the installation of fixtures and sockets in the designated areas.

Light - key moment under repair

Don't be afraid of the cost of a complex of works for European-style renovation, in addition to comfort and coziness in the kitchen, you are making a successful investment - apartments with European-quality renovation and furniture are valued higher on the real estate market.

Placement of kitchen equipment

Based stylistic direction cuisine and personal aesthetic preferences, kitchen set made to order or purchased ready-made standard version in the shop.

The average height of work surfaces is 85 cm, this figure corresponds to the average height of Europeans.

To purchase household appliances approach thoughtfully, having determined the necessary devices for your needs. According to current trends it is not customary to keep microwaves in the kitchen; they have been replaced by ovens and electric grills.

Built-in technology helps save money kitchen space In addition, it is convenient and hygienic.


Color-matched little things, such as curtains on the windows, framed paintings and panels, and euro blankets on the sofa of the dining group, will help add coziness and comfort to your kitchen.
The described complex of works will allow you to create a fashionable, stylish and comfortable interior for a pleasant pastime and the implementation of culinary ideas.

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