Useful crafts from traffic jams. Wine plug decor with their own hands: decorate the walls, gender, interior (photos and master classes)

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Thank you so many familiar and friends who did not spare traffic jams and who did not sparing their belly in new Year holidays))) Show ... and tell you how I did ...

We need:
Packing cardboard - base and bricks
Cork - frame decoration and grapes
Burlap - grape leaves
Jute twine - Vintage
Bones of peaches and / or nectarines or others ... to decorate the frame, you can do without them
PVA glue - glue the basis for napkins
Glue titanium or any other epoxy - glue tube and decorations on it
Pickles - not necessarily (but very convenient)))
Paint bronze and black (if watercolor or gouache - mix from PVA) - I acrylic
Lacus matte colorless (or other) - finish straight
... well, more - water, battery and heavy press, brush and scissors ... and knife - cut vineyards
And most importantly - desire.

- 3 sheet of packaging cardboard (fiber along - across - along, for rigidity) glue on PVA and under the press for a week ...
How dried up - hug with napkins the foundation (you can T. Bamba, a newspaper ... Papeetemshechka in short))) and dry - again under the press ...
When everything suits - glue bricks - from the same packaging cardboard, glued - under the press ...
Dried - on top again with a napkin, as soon as I like everything - west, soil (black), tonyuzh (bronze)

it all turns hard funerally, the main thing is not to rush and dry.
The hole for the rope drove the screwdriver, sooo strong "wall" turned out.

tie with "Persons"

Selected grape twig from available napkins, pasted on a dense cardboard

Cut out, toned brown edges and rear

And on the clock, we glue cork mugs ... Adhesive on Titan

Spread from rose dried.
Secured between the halves of cork penets ...
... The twig also toned the bronze later.

The cork is really very good and does not crumble, if you cook it for 10 minutes,
Many thanks to Ole Olisandra for this bright thoughts !!!

Well, in general, the twig here is so turned out, the leaves are not enough and the mustache ...

Liana has a delightful MK on the leaflets\u003dFavorite for which it is much so thank you !!!
But I did a little differently, so I'll show you.
I was sorry for me, but I perfectly stretched burlap, PVA - Battery - and Ready

Found the suitable leaflets of grapes, printed-cut out

Stopping and edges toned acrylic (bronze)

the paint dried up - pshikham from the pulverizer and form the bends of the leaflets

Spade twist in the ring (big curls will turn out)
And this ring is wrapped hard, though not turned ...
We divor the PVA with water, bathe this thing, press and sushiving on the battery

Related - Ugings are ready!

Crafts from plastic traffic jams - great way Show your creativity. Plastic for crafts downtime and affordable, such a container is almost in every apartment. You can, update with interesting crafts.

An example of decorating garden fence plastic traffic jams

Children's fantasy is strongly developed, careors, parents work on it. Children can build an original subject from each material, without effort. Plastic traffic jams - Perfect material for child creativity. You can almost any plane in almost any plane - it contributes to creating paintings, panels, figures, rugs. Children love to make crafts from traffic jams plastic bottles, Flight fantasies in this situation is unlimited. There are three types of crafts for children that can be performed:

Applying this technique, you can make any animal, with a child, which he will prefer.
The bulk figures are easy to make, they are more interesting for the child, rather than appliqués, you can play.
Let's try to make a small turtle - take two cotton wands and glue their cross-wide on a stick from ice cream. The design should be painted in any shade. Then the larger is attached to the wand plastic coverPictures are drawn, eyes are attached.

Design and design of turtles from plastic plugs

See what a funny turtle turned out, with which it is possible to play. For the manufacture of spine, apply the same principle, only the paws are formed from wire with an insulating layer. Spider can draw a cross on the back. We make eyes from beads - ready. This spider can become. Any child can make any insect of plastic traffic jams:

  • butterfly;
  • a bee;
  • god's cow.

As a mustache, you can apply the line of black color, the wings are cut out of cardboard, and paint in the desired colors. This is very useful activity both for a child and for parents. The kid develops creative potential and small motility, and parents enjoy communicating with the child. And if you just drive the cork on the wire, then it turns out an interesting, multicolored snake.

Mosaic Punk

Mosaic paintings from bottles plugs have distribution and special popularity.

Example of registration of cottage Mosaic panels from plastic traffic jams

Cover applies to create different size and colors. The work is simple enough, the covers must be glued together in a certain order.
Important! Use only high-quality glue, which has a high chain. To simplify the task use a glue gun.

It is necessary to prepare the base for which the covers will be attached if it is supposed to make a panel, attaching the covers with the opposite side, then you can use screws.

Option of a mosaic panel of covers

If you take a few traffic jams yellow color, You can easily make a sun, especially effectively it will look if the lids are different size and make them up each other. If you have a lot of traffic jams, you can create a cockerel, of course, time and strength will leave much more, and for this craft you need some skills, but it turns out a very original and beautiful work that will delight not only you, but also your guests.

As a basis you need to take Phaneur desired size. Material needs to be well primed. After that, apply the drawing to the basis, and then in the drawing glue the corks from plastic bottles, according to the drawing.

Fridge magnets

All on the refrigerator have magnets that we buy for beauty, for attaching important messages or reminders, or hide defects that appear on the technique of course, time. The occupation is interesting and fascinating. Baister!
Magnets required for magnets:

  • plugs of different colors;
  • magnets are sold in stores for creativity;
  • alcohol solution;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • the pencils;
  • feltolsters.

Manufacturing technology

Thanks to these simple actions, a cheerful, colorful and unusual alphabet will be obtained.

An example of a refrigerator with plastic lids

In the same way, you can make a big picture on the refrigerator, applying different colors And shades.

Massage Massage Mask

One of the popular products collected by your own hands is a massage rug. There is no need for a special skill for its manufacture, and the view of this craft is very spectacular and unusual, especially if it is produced from a multicolored material.

The product is not only beautiful, but also useful, daily walking on this rug for 15 minutes will bring a lot of health benefits.

Even the doctors advise on such mats to walk. At our footsteps, there are a lot of nervous endings responsible for internal organs, and a foot massage is charging for the body. Material for manufacture:

  • acute awl;
  • durable fishing line;
  • many traffic jams.

The rug will be a hexagonal shape, the side of which will be equal to 10-15 traffic jams.

Construction of a massage rug made of plastic plugs

If you do not want a hexagon, it is enough to calculate how many traffic jams on one side and multiply on the number of sides. This action will help you calculate and repeat the flow of cork.

As soon as all the material is ready for you, you need to make holes in each plug on the selection, 6 pieces per tube. The outer traffic jams are rolled on the fishing line and wept, and the hexagon is immediately formed. If you have a desire to make a rug with a pattern, then it is necessary to decide in advance with the ornament, and lay it on the shelf, to relieve yourself the task. And only after that start weaving in the drawing.

Mat for a corridor from plugs from plastic bottles

The corridor rug is one of the most original craftswho bring great benefits. Made with your own hands, he will be happy for a long time. The plugs are glued with special glue for adhesive pistols.

Corridor Mach Registration

The ornament can be made any, ranging from the ornament and ending with a simple colorful variety of multi-colored covers.
Attention! The advantage of this rug from plugs from plastic bottles is its fast cleaning from any contamination.

But it is also worth remembering that the caps from bottles have sharp edges, so it is not worth putting them in the room, where the linoleum is set on the floor, but for the tile it is the perfect option.

Plastic is a very wear-resistant material, so the rug will last long enough, the only thing that can fail is color. But it is worth not afraid, because there is special paintswhich you can simply paint the rug, or in the extreme case to make a new one - it is not difficult.

Crafts out wine traffic do it yourself

If you have had wine plugs that sorry to throw away, and how to use them do not know, this master class is for you. Today we will tell you what are surprisingly simple, but interesting, and most importantly, useful things can be made independently from wine plugs.


Take a pencil and draw an interesting symbol, letter or some animal at one end. With the help of a peer knife, cut the image in such a way that it performed over the main part of the cork. It turned out your personal seal, painting which, you can make prints on letters, postcards, walls, decorating them, or play with children.

Volumetric letters and pictures

For the manufacture of large letters in 3-D format, quite a lot of traffic jams. You can make one or two letters - monogram, and you can write whole phrases. Without having sufficient experience, it will be difficult to make a beautiful picture, but you can give a heart from the traffic jams to loved people. Such letters and paintings will become stylish, exclusive decor of the walls in the room or the kitchen of your apartment. Another application is background for a home photo session.

Handles for wardrobe

The broken handle from the cabinet will not be a problem if you have a wine plug and screw. Slightly update the cork and fasten it to the door can every man and even a woman. It will be temporary before purchasing a suitable new handle or constant, which has become part of the interior, to solve you. By the way, if it harmoniously fits into the situation, you can replace the rest of the whole furniture handles on the handles from the wine plugs - so you will give a special charm to your apartment.


For its manufacture, we will need at first glance do not combine things: the grille from the old fan, wine stoppers and the twine. Stripping the cartridge suitable for the lamp lamp in the fan grille, and hiding on different level With the help of a twine wine plugs, you will get designer Luster own manufacture. By changing the height of the suspension of traffic jams and their number, create new masterpieces.


Boring frames for photos and paintings can be revived using all the same plugs. To do this, we will cut them: on halves or several plates along or on the circles across the plugs and take a frame. You can use whole plugs by gluing them horizontally, vertically, a Christmas tree or putting on the base. It all depends on the effect you want to get with the help of a stopping plug.

Toy for cats

Tied or sewing from a tight fabric cover on a plug, you can make a toy for your purring pet. He will like it new object For games and sharpening claws. You can make a mouse from the tube, pulling a fur cover on it with ancilla or knitted tail and ears. Perhaps the new toy will become more interesting for shoes and furniture, save them from spoiling with sharp teeth and curls.


Holders for business cards, cards, notes, invited to the celebration can be performed in two ways. In the first case, the tube screwed up the wire twisted from one end or, decorating the beads, is beautifully wrapped with a wire wine plug. In the second case, a horizontal incision fastened between themselves, a horizontal incision is made, in which the required leaf of paper is inserted.


The atmosphere of heat, coziness and romance can be created using two glass tanks or a glass, one of which is more than two - three times and wine plugs, covered in space between tanks. To give the desired shade of a romantic setting, use flavored candles.


IN country house Or in the country relevant will be a hanger made of a stranded board and wine plugs attached to it with a screwdriver. It is quite simple in manufacturing and interesting from a designer point of view. Having finished the board by the veil, Olifa, varnish you can give it the desired color.


For the manufacture of this interesting animal - interior decoration, we take the wire and make the frame, we glue with several layers of paper and glue the plugs on top of paper, tightly pressing each other and basis. Do not regret glue, otherwise everything will fall apart.

Panel for notes

Often it is necessary to leave close some information. We write notes, phone numbers and leave it all in a convenient accessible place. Having created a special panel from wine plugs, the problem of placeing the placement of all these little things will be solved. Now, using needles and pins, fix leaves with records. We and our loved ones will always be aware of the latest events of the family's life, and the phone number suddenly needed will not be much difficulty.

Tags for seedlings

In the boxes with the seedlings, they sow several types of plants, not to mention different varieties of the same vegetable or flower, and then forget what exactly they sowed. The confusion will not happen if you write the name of the sown culture on the traffic jam. Drill a small hole, stick a wand into it and place such a label in a box with a seedler.

Sucks for Canapes

For the manufacture of swipes, we need to be chopped on the circles of wine plugs, toothpicks and elements of their decorations: beads, ribbons, twine or thread in several additions, cloth for hearts, glue and everything you can apply to revitalize speakers. Guests will appreciate your creativity.

Magnets on the refrigerator

For magnetics, we need a magnetic strip, glue and painted in half along a wine cork. The refrigerator with it can be attached to the list of alleged purchases, notes, family, photos, the necessary phones and other important information.

Stand under hot

With the help of a glue gun emery paper, satin ribbon, knife and several dozen wine plugs will be easy to create a stand under hot, because it is always more pleasant to use what is done with your own hands than the bought a similar thing. Cut the plugs in half, give them cylindrical shape, we clean the sides and glue with each other in the form of a circle, hexagon or octahedron. The outer edge of the stand is gluable by a satin or other decorative ribbon, braid. If you make a loop from the same finishing ribbon, the stand is still more functional. You can use traffic jams without cutting them in half, then the stand under the hot will become simply twice as high.

House for birds

From dense cardboard, cut out the bottom, walls and roof of the house. Purchase as well or cut along wine corks, and the roof is covered with "tiled" from the circles of cut across the plugs. It turned out a very beautiful dwelling for birds - a real fabulous tale. Do not forget in the process of working on a round inlet and a small stick, on which the birds get up before getting into the house. Making such a beautiful birdhouse, parents can make a lot of interesting things about the birds and their habits to children, and at the same time teach the younger generation to take care of wildlife.


Here you can embody in the reality all the most interesting ideas and fill the missing elements of jewelry. Jampers for decorations can be used entirely, for example, to create a church, and you can cut along and across the manufacturer of seg. Beads, beads, wire, fishing line, paints, fabric and crochet threads for plugs will become your faithful assistants in creating an exclusive decoration collection.

Ornaments Storage Organizer

Fashionista with a large arsenal of jewelry do not observe how hard to store them in order allowing you to quickly find necessary thing. In the boxes beats are confused, and the choice of suitable seagles - too not easy process. Especially relevant storage in front of all jewelry becomes with a hurry. Simplify the task of storing and choosing the right decorations It is possible with the help of the frame, on the bottom of which the corks are glued with whole, halves, circles or in combination. Having made several hooks, you order storage of beads and bracelets, and the earrings can be stuck directly in wood or between traffic jams.

Table top

Such a spectacular and original countertop is easy to do on your own, gluing wine plugs to an existing countertop liquid nails And covering suitable varnish color. It will be difficult to keep the primordial appearance of such a countertop for a long time, but it looks gorgeous!


Best accessories for keyfobs in a specialized store and give the will of fantasy. Make and beautifully sign the key chains for the whole family and different frequently lost keys. You can decorate them as you like and anything.

Flower pot

Miniature flower pots are suitable for small plants or shoots that require transplant time. Extend in a traffic jam, put asleep the earth and plant a tiny plant. So that the pots do not overturn, the magnetic tape is glued to the plug and fix it, for example, to the side surface of the refrigerator, closer to the window.

New Year decoration

All sorts of Christmas trees, new Year's toys And deer figures can also be performed using wine plugs. This will require glue, paper, paints and decorative elements. A pretty high Christmas tree can be made using a cone-shaped base on which the paper is glued, and on top of it - corks round base so that needed needles.


Gluing side surfaces Corks with each other, you can create such an interesting vase for storing vegetables, fruits and bread. In order for her, it turned out the same form as in the photo, work should be started from the bottom, gradually forming the edges of the vase. In conclusion, cover it with a non-toxic varnish. For greater security food products put on an openwork napkin.


Two or three corks glue with each other, using toothpicks and paper to build a sail and send a boat to conquer the water space. Children will like the process of such a simple and interesting shipbuilding, and boats made by different children can compete in beauty, stability and speed.

Decorative ball

We will take the foam and cut the ball from it. Using paint and brush to paint it into brown color, as well as paint in brown one of the bottoms of each plug. Using a glue gun, glue the corks on the ball and get a new interior decoration, which, harmonizing with books, will take its place on the bookshelf. It can be hung it, if before sticking the plugs, make a loop.


Wood from which wine stoppers are manufactured is a durable material, so the rug from wine traffic jams will serve you long enough. It is possible to make it from the whole plugs glued together and placed in the metal pallet, and it is possible from the halves of cut along the plugs glued to the rubberized base. The first option is more acceptable for the hallway, and the second is for the bathroom.

A pen

In multiple traffic jams, drill through a hole, and in the one that will be top in the handle,
Leave from one end wood, not to the end. Insert into the resulting channel suitable ink ink or gel paste and use the new handle, surprising everyone around.

Filament curtains

To create a filament curtains will require a fishing line (or rope) and, depending on your designer solution, multicolored beads or paints and knife. It is possible to fix the resulting threads to the horizontal thread attached to the stranded, lacquered chalkboard, which is attached to the wall or any other way suitable for you.


To the plastic lampshaver, glue the wine plugs with the side surfaces, leaving between them gaps. Through them will mysteriously penetrate the light and create in the room the atmosphere of heat and coziness.

If you want to decorate your accommodation with products from traffic jams, but you cannot separate the necessary quantity, do not be discouraged - traffic jams can be bought in specialized stores with interior goods or online stores. Create your unique collection of wine plug products, enjoy the process and results!

In the interior you can use everything and even a little more. Designers, wizards hand-made, needlewomen and just people with a rich fantasy and the original look at the world create beautiful and functional things from the most different materials.

What individual people are solved for, then it can be a real fashion pisk or just one more excellent idea for others. Such original idea Wine plugs in the interior are used to finish and decor almost any things. As a construction I. decorative material Corks for wine bottles in the interior are functional and versatile, well, the main plus is their naturalness.

So now these previously useless trinkets need not to throw away, but to save, collect, ask for friends to then create some kind of quite special and unique masterpiece. The most basic ideas how can I use wine stoppers in the interior, consider below, although only a small part of what can be made it possible to make it possible to make it possible from this easy-to-use material.

One of the interesting options, how can I use corks for wine bottles in the interior, is the creation of furniture items or decorating them. The only thing that can cause complexity is great amount Material required for products. Create chairs, baffies, tables or chests are quite easy, connecting tubes with each other. Models of chairs, like other furniture items, can be absolutely different: with an external or internal basis for stability or at all without base. Since the plugs are relatively soft material, they will be deformed under the pressure of the human body, and therefore the contours of the furniture when used are soft, smooth and comfortable for a comfortable stay.

Also, wine plugs in the interior can be used to make furniture sets, designed for both the garden, as well as to create partitioning chairs particularly beloved by many houses.

Dining tables or small coffee tables It is unlikely that it will be completely made from wine plugs, after all, their legs must be made of a more durable material, but the countertop may well be or made of them, or decorated with them. The same applies to the surfaces of the chest of drawers, racks, small shelves and other cabinet furniture.

Use as finishing material

Another application of the cork for wine bottles in the interior is to use as finishing material. Wallpaper, plywood, boards, plastic panels And other popular materials can go back to the past, if they are replaced with such original natural coating. Naturally, wine stoppers in the interior for finishing surfaces are already applied to some finished solid foundation, but it will allow you to decorate and diversify your home just and tastefully.

Wine plugs can be made of whole walls or only their parts, for example, kitchen apron or niche in the wall, and you can simply glue them to the surface, and you can create volumetric images with their help. Even simple patterns from traffic jams, for example, their location diagonally or alternating horizontal and vertical strips of them will create an interesting surface.

Another interesting version of the use of cork for wine bottles in the interior is the design of the stairs. It's funny, if the staircase in the wine cellar is made in this way, but if there is no such, any other staircase can be decorated with such a noise insulating material.

The original plinths are obtained from traffic jams, the surface of the windowsill, as well as the podiums or part of the floor, for example, in the hallway. Such a kind of threshold-rug from wine plugs can be easily kept clean.

Functional elements in the interior

To create some things, such materials are so indispensable that it seems incomprehensible why before that no one thought before. For example, a guy mat from wine plugs is very original and functional solutionSince this material is almost indifferent to water. It is very pleasant to get out of the bathroom or soul with such a coating, it is only preferably to attach it to the floor or use a non-slip base for your own safety. The bedside pad from wine plugs can also be made from this natural material, and for small children, you can make a playpen for games.

Stands under hot from traffic jams will please not one mistress, because for their creation, too much material will not need, besides, they can additionally cut them. Make a tray using such residues from bottles of wine is also quite easy, and it can be different in shape, because the traffic jams, if desired, is well cut.

I look interesting filament curtains From traffic jams, as well as lamp lamps or chandeliers. Connect or stripped on a thread. This material is very easy, but to protect from the sun or divide the areas in the room, it will be no worse than purchased products.

Decorating various things

Most often, people perform crafts from wine plugs with their own hands, decorating certain things. It can be a frame for photos, pots or vases for flowers, watches, candlesticks, lamps, boxes or baskets. Interestingly, such a decor of the most common things will fit almost for any style of interior, with the exception, perhaps the classics, although there can be a place for properly processing. In order to arrange crafts from wine plugs, you can additionally use paint, colored paper, natural material, rhinestones, threads and other components.

Only the author's fantasy is always important in decorating any things, but also need to take into account that the interior look harmoniously, i.e. Different details and trifles did not fall out of common picture. But, for example, for eco-style, where is characteristic of natural materials, a large number of Corks in the interior will not hurt.

Decorative panels

Other crafts from wine plugs can be attributed to the paintings or decorative panel. Such pictures can also act as functional elementIf they, for example, are used as the records for records. It is easy to mount various needles or carnations to traffic jams, and therefore they can act and place for storing all sorts of smallest things - from earrings and rings to small tools or keys.

As a gift, you can arrange a panel letter or a whole inscription in the frame that will be appropriate on entrance door or above the bed of a newborn baby. It is interesting to look at several small similar products on one wall, if you choose the same frames for them.

Wine plugs, excellent material for unique and original crafts. Since they are made from natural oak breeds, they are widely appreciated by Hend Maid lovers.
Applying wine traffic jams in crafts, you will get exclusive, modern and incredibly valuable things. In this review we collected the most unique ideas For creativity.

The simplest and most popular thing can be made from wine plugs are bulk letters for the decor of your interior. All that will need - traffic jams, glue and, perhaps, tapes or something else than you want to decorate your letters. Can be done or one big initial letters Your name, and hang it on the wall, or several - and make up the inscription from them, which can be put on the table or on the windowsill. Similarly, the bottled traffic jams can be made of numbers, for example, for a festive decor for a birthday or anniversary. Here's what it looks like:

Letter B from traffic jams

Letter D from traffic jams

Letter to from traffic jams

Letter s from traffic jams

Wine Cork Digit

Letter in from traffic jams

Letter with traffic jams

Letter M from traffic jams

Wine plug house with their own hands

An interesting gift idea - you can make a house from wine plugs with your own hands. A very cute element of the interior decor is made a little more difficult than letters, but it looks more aesthetic. In order to make it, you can do only with wine traffic jams, and you can use Phaneur.

House from traffic

Moss on the house

House from traffic

Making a house

Small house

Plywood and traffic jams

Christmas trees for the New Year's decor

An easy way to decorate your home for the new year is to make a church pendant from wine plugs. They are done very simply, and you can make a Christmas tree, and attach to her tape and hang it on the wall or on the window, or use to decorate a real New Year tree. And after the manufacture of the crafts, you can paint it, the Christmas tree in green, the hat is in red and so on, and you can leave natural color.

Wine Cork Tree

Mini-tree do it yourself

Cork tree

Christmas trees from traffic

Suspension and figurines from wine plugs

If you liked the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a Christmas tree from traffic jams, you can come up with other ideas of figures and suspension from the same material. For example, you can make a bottle of wine from traffic jams and hang it on the wall like a picture. Similarly, you can make a pumpkin on Halloween, a heart for Valentine's Day, a star or a figurine of any other shape. You can also add a chain and jewelry, and you will get a beautiful suspension on a bottle or decoration for the house.

Suspension from traffic

Star from traffic

Pumpkin from traffic

Decor bottles

Room decoration

Bottle of traffic

We make a heart from wine plugs do it yourself

You have already read that various figures for the decor of the house can be made from wine plugs, but one of the most popular of them is a heart. Moreover, the shapes "heart" are used not only on the day of all lovers (February 14), but also for everyday decoration of the house. How to do - it seems obvious, there is only a couple of ideas: the edges of the plugs can be painted in pink or red, and also - use some unusual tubes or drawings.

Making a heart from traffic jam

Little heart

Pink Heart

Beautiful heart

Multicolored heart

Heart from traffic

Mobile heart in pink

Purple Heart

How to make a picture of wine stoppers

If you want to create something original, you can make a picture of wine plugs. Everything is limited only by your fantasy, for example, it can be a glass case with corks inside, a picture laid out of wine plugs, a chalk board, a background for jewelry and anything.

Picture of traffic jams and decorations

Picture "Wine" from traffic jams

Picture with traffic jams

Decor of a wall painting

Stand in a cup and hot from wine plugs

You can try to make your own hands stand under cups, glasses, as well as under hot, from wine plugs. They are made different waysBut the most popular - glue the whole or halves of traffic jams on some kind of substrate. You can do both square and rectangular and round coasters. Another option is to use the shape and put the plugs vertically or simply braid a round stand from vertically delivered plugs with a metal or plastic tie

Stands in the frame

Round Stand under hot

Stand from traffic jams

Stacks under cups and cups

Scarlet Round Stands

Cork stands set

Square Stand under hot

Round stand with a screed

Commanded rug from wine plugs do it yourself

One more popular idea Crafts of wine plugs are a competent rug. In fact, this is a slightly complicated stand. You can make it in several ways. First, traffic jams can be installed vertically or horizontally. Secondly, folding together from it is close to each other (like bricks) or leave the distance between the plugs and to use the wire to use the wire. That's how it will look like:

Original mat

Cork mat

Cork rug

Making a pad from traffic

Wine Cork Wall Board

Similar to the rugs can make a wallboard all of the same wine plugs. What for? It is very easy and convenient for such a cork board with buttons or pins various postcards, letters and leaflets with recordings - everything will always be at hand. Interesting option - combine cork board from cretaceous board Or the board for records, so that, if necessary, it was also possible to write something at once and not to forget.

Here brief photo Instructions, how to make a similar chalkboard from the plugs on the wall:

Cut and glue traffic jams

Breeping paper buttons

How she looks on the wall

But also the ideas of various wallpapers from traffic jams, options for their design and decor, shapes and sizes. For example - there are round boards and a funny wall board in the form of a clarification:

From traffic jams and covers

In the form of a clarification

Round board

Board from traffic jam

Big board on the wall

Rectangular board

Square board

Cork board

Photo frame from wine plugs do it yourself

You can also make a photo frame from wine plugs. Moreover, you can do how to make a photo frame from scratch, everything is completely with your own hands, and just decorated with bottled traffic jams some simple and uncomplicated frame from the store.

Photographs from traffic

Stoke frame decor from traffic jams

Frame for photo from traffic jam

Holders for educational cards from wine traffic jams

It is very easy to make the holders for seeding cards from wine traffic jams - for a wedding, anniversary or any other holiday with a large number of guest guests. The easiest way is to slot in the traffic jam in which the card is inserted. For greater stability, it is not one, but three plugs associated together. And if you want something more stylish - make spirals from the wire and stuck them in traffic jams.

Beautiful standards for cards

Simple holder cards

Tubes and wire

Cute seating cards

Miniature Flower Pots from Wine Corks

The beautiful idea of \u200b\u200bthe decor of the house is to make small flower pots from wine plugs and plant succulents in them. Next, you can hang them on the wall, and put on the table or on the windowsill. It is not difficult to make them, you just need to carefully do a hole in the traffic jam, put the soil and plant succulents. From above, you can still cover with moss. If you glue a magnet - the original "live" fridge magnets will turn out. That's what happens, and the photo instruction:

We make a hole

Glue magnet

Put the primer

Cover moss

Put on the table

Hinder on the refrigerator

Inscriptions to plants at home or in the garden

If you continue the subject of plants, then from wine plugs it is very easy to make inscriptions for plants at your home or on a small garden. For home, you can cut round from traffic jams, to write letters on them, put on the toothpicks and stick in flower pot. For the garden - we make from one-piece traffic jams, we attach to the twigs, write the inscriptions, put on the bed.

Candlestick from wine plugs

Beautiful idea - decorated with wine plugs glass candlestick outside or inside. Outside - it's easy, it is enough to shock the glass corks. From the inside - you have to try, as it is important to us that the flame does not touch the candle (traffic jams are very well). To do this, use two glass flasks placed one to another. In a small - the candle will burn, and the empty space between them fill in traffic jams. And the simplest thing is to pour in glass vase Corks, and to put a candle from above.

With traffic jams outside

Candlestick from traffic

Candle on traffic jams

With traffic jams

Wreath of wine plugs do it yourself

To decorate doors in the West, wreaths made from a variety of materials are traditionally used, and we gradually adopt this idea in Russia. Here are some ways to make a wreath of wine plugs as you can make your own hands. The easiest - to ride alternately bottled plugs and bright beads on the thread and close the circle, and then decorate with ribbons or flowers. More complicated - glue the plugs with each other until the wreath works unusual shape. It is done longer, but it looks more effectively.

Simple wreath

Speed \u200b\u200bwine from traffic

Little wreath of traffic jams

Wreath of wine plugs

How to make a ball of wine plugs

Very handsome element that can be decorated with the interior of your home - this is a ball of wine plugs. Make it with your own hands elementary, you just need to know a little trick: there is a plastic ball inside it. Your task is to find a small plastic ball or a ball, and then just evenly cry with wine corks. Here is a small instruction with the photo that you will turn out in the end:

Wine Cork Ball

Ball from traffic

Balls from traffic

Make a ball of traffic jams

Furniture and interior items from wine plugs

If you wanted to make something completely non-standard from wine traffic jams - here is a couple of ideas: a chair, fully assembled from traffic jams, and mysterious floor lamp, made of drum from washing machine, and decorated with bottled traffic jams. If something simpler is that you can make a hanger or keyboard, also using traffic jams.

Tesser from traffic

Chair from traffic

Hanger of traffic jams

Keychart from traffic

Ornaments from wine plugs do it yourself

From bottle plugs you can do not only things for the house, but also decorations for yourself. It can be pendants and pendants, beads, key chains, earrings, bracelets, brooches and cufflinks. Moreover, you can leave the plug as it is, or can be lacquered. In addition, for the manufacture of jewelry, you can use both whole plugs or from halves and kreagoloshi. For decor - any elements of jewelry. That's what you can get:

Garland from traffic

Keychains for keys from traffic jams

Cufflinks from traffic

Bracelet from traffic and leather

Suspension from traffic

Wine Cork Earrings

Suspension from traffic jam

Cutter from traffic jam

Vintage pendant

Wine Cork Beads

Earrings from traffic jams

Bracelet from traffic

Necklace from traffic

For storage of jewelry

Cork pendant

Pendant from traffic jam

Funny sculptures from wine plugs, wires, clips and other girlfriend materials


Silacha bodybuilder

Mouse with gifts

Knights and ghost

Couple in tango

Dancing couple

More ideas of the decor of the house of wine plugs

And finally, I have several ideas of how else you can use wine tubes for the interior decor of your home. For example, you can just take transparent glass cans, Pour traffic jams there and make beautiful covers - here's the finished element for home decoration. Another idea is a plug for wine from traffic jams. You can decorate with traffic jams and even clothes, or separate the apron in the kitchen. Good luck!

Bag from traffic

Cork for wine

Tubes in the kitchen

Bank with traffic jams

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