Flowers in the house as an interior decoration. Why house plants are needed

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.11.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

The role of plants for any living being is enormous. Everyone knows at least a little what plants are for. Plants are the lungs of planet Earth, they are the source of life. Plants are producers of oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of people and animals. The plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases vital oxygen.

Thanks to the endless cycle of everything that is in nature, people receive life-giving substances. They eat nutrient-rich plant and animal foods. People consume wild plants and agricultural products, as well as animals for which these plants are also food. A useful animal is a cow, which eats green, juicy grass in summer, and hay in winter, and provides such an important product as milk. During the processing of milk, the following are obtained: cream, sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, cheese. Dairy products are useful, especially for children, as they contain calcium and other beneficial substances. But this is not all that humans need plants for.

Why do we need plants

Plant leaves have green color, thanks to a large number a substance called chlorophyll. In autumn, when the level of chlorophyll drops, the leaf gradually begins to die, the color changes to yellow, red, brown. Chlorophyll is a source of various nutrients needed by any organism. All living things are basically built on these substances - starch, protein, sugar.

Why do plants need water

Water is the source of all living organisms on earth. Plants cannot function without water, it is necessary for the metabolic and physiological growth processes of any plant. chemical reactions in plants occur only in the presence of water in them. The process of photosynthesis takes place in the plant, that is, the formation of organic matter in a plant from water and carbon dioxide with the participation of chlorophyll. The lack of water causes the plant to concentrate all its forces on root system, nothing remains on the foliage. Therefore, any plant without getting the right amount water, gradually withers, fades away.


However houseplants fill the house not only with the beauty of flowers, but also have different properties. It is believed that some types of houseplants absorb negative energy helping build family relationships. If the plant is not properly cared for, then it begins to wither, and then, on the contrary, collect human energy in order to survive. People become punctual, responsible and calm when growing indoor plants, which requires constant care, patience, and time.

The benefits of indoor flowers

Some indoor plants bring peace and joy to the house, while other plants can be used in medicinal purposes with a cold or drink decoctions. In addition, indoor flowers improve the air by releasing oxygen, purify it from toxic substances, increase air humidity, reduce electromagnetic radiation, and kill bacteria.

Such a houseplant as chlorophytum has a great bactericidal effect, in 24 hours it completely cleanses the room of harmful microorganisms, Activated carbon in a flower pot enhances the cleansing properties. Another very common plant is indoor geranium kills staphylococci and streptococci. This plant is best kept in the bedroom, it has a calming effect, helps with insomnia, stress. Ficus and variegated dieffenbachia detoxify a living space overlooking the freeway.

Cacti, especially those with long needles, kill microbes and protect against electromagnetic radiation. These flowers are best placed next to a TV or computer monitor, they require heat and light.

Living in large cities, we are less and less able to take a sip fresh air, go out of town, to the village or to nature in the forest. Therefore, we try to create nature in our apartments, offices and houses.

But being carried away by this process, we should not forget that not everyone is equally useful for our body. Some flowers create a healthy and pleasant atmosphere, while some, on the contrary, cause irritation, drowsiness, allergies, migraines, and more. other.

Why do we need flowers in the house

Indoor flowers in the house play an important role in maintaining a normal indoor atmosphere. During the life of plants, a phytoncide substance is released.

Phytoncide is a biologically active substance that not only inhibits the growth of bacteria, but also kills them and various simple microscopic fungi.

Houseplants purify the polluted air that comes to us from the street. They also absorb substances that are excreted New furniture, glue and chipboard.

Sometimes people plant flowers for happiness in the house. For example:

Flowers in the interior of the house

Choosing indoor flowers for the interior of the room is not a very difficult task. The main goal of this lesson is to create completeness and brevity of the interior and, at the same time, bring a touch of charm and sophistication. The main criteria for the selection of plants are the appearance, height and flowering period.

Flowers in the house of various styles:

To create a more coherent combination with plants, it is necessary to place them correctly, taking into account the need for free space, absorption of light and humidity.

What flowers can not be kept at home

Among the many plants that we are used to seeing on our windows, there are those that can be harmful, so choose flowers with care, and consider the presence of animals in the house. But do not panic and throw away the flowers. You just need to understand what exactly is dangerous in the plant, and put them where there is no direct access.
All dangerous houseplants can be represented as three groups: slightly toxic, poisonous and deadly.

The first includes plants in which, as a rule, pollen or juice is harmful. These waste products can cause headaches, vomiting, or indigestion. These include kalanchoe, geranium, aloe, and also nerine. But if these plants are used correctly, they are medicinal and very useful.

The second includes representatives of domestic flora, which can cause quite severe harm to health, for example, severe dizziness, abdominal upset, loss of consciousness, allergic reactions and burns. Contact with mucous membranes may cause respiratory problems. These plants include lily, azalea, dieffenbachia, anthurium and spathiphyllum.

The third - include indoor flowers, which can cause harm, both with any part of it, and with waste products. For example, if juice enters the body with food, severe poisoning will occur. Particularly dangerous in the plants of this group is the milky juice, which leads to hallucinations, diarrhea with blood, and breathing problems, up to and including stopping. Such dangerous plants include allamanda, plumerib, oleander, carissa, etc.

Of course, it's up to you to decide what should be. But before you buy a particular plant, read the information about it, and then you can avoid various health troubles for your family members.

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Why do we need indoor plants?

Plants appeared on the planet long before the emergence of life on earth. It is possible that it was their presence that contributed to the appearance of insects, amphibians and other creatures. Today humanity cannot imagine its life without them. Our organism is arranged in such a way that in the absence of plants, depression begins in us, there is no mood, let us at least remember what happens to a person in winter. This is the simplest example of a person's reaction to the absence of green foliage and the sun. The lack of green plants on the street can easily be compensated by the presence of indoor plants at home.

Thanks to plants, the air we breathe every second becomes cleaner and fresher. Moreover, some of them are able to kill pathogenic bacteria and help strengthen the immune system. Their presence is very important in the autumn-winter period, when the air in the room becomes dry due to central heating. The most popular representatives of indoor flora that can humidify the air are dracaena, asparagus, chlorophytum and many others. All of them are well known to us since childhood. Caring for dracaena and other air humidifier plants, as a rule, does not cause much trouble.

Some people think that there are no many indoor plants, but this is an erroneous opinion. Their excess in a room can lead to excessive humidification of the air and saturation of it with oxygen, which can adversely affect the general well-being of a person.

The choice of certain indoor plants should be treated with caution. Since there are species that can suck the life energy out of a person, not to mention the poisonous properties of the juice of their foliage. Such plants include monstera, oleander, plumeria, allamanda, carissa, alocasia, spathiphyllum and many others. Their peculiarity is that they are very unpretentious in their care and most often have an attractive appearance.

There are also a number of indoor plants that can cure a person from colds. This includes mint, eucalyptus, lavender, sage and others. It is known that they are able to prevent the development of diseases such as sinusitis, meningitis and pneumonia.

There are also indoor plants that can increase the efficiency of the body. Among them are lemon, pelargonium and others. They produce phytoncides that can improve the atmosphere in the house, and the presence of pelargonium on the windowsill in the bedroom can help to avoid insomnia.

Indoor plants are also very helpful in raising children. Probably everyone remembers that in childhood, the first step in helping mom was to water the flowers. From early childhood, if you explain to a child how to water and how much water is needed, he will be happy to do other housework over time. Thus, the presence of flowers in the house helps to teach the child independence and care for loved ones.

In addition, indoor plants are an excellent indicator of a bad atmosphere in the house. If scandals and quarrels are a frequent occurrence in the family, then most of flowers will feel this, absorb all the negative energy of the house and begin to die.

Thus, indoor plants are great helpers in our Everyday life. They help us breathe, not get sick, be in harmony with ourselves and the people around us, teach the younger generation to work and care, give us a sound and healthy sleep. Therefore, it is not only necessary to take care of them, but it is also necessary, and then they will take care of us, just like all the surrounding living beings.

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> Why do we need houseplants?

Why do we need houseplants?

Indoor plants greatly decorate living spaces, making them green and enriching them with their lush foliage. Although the foliage of indoor plants is not necessarily lush, they can be pleasing to the eye and just original way flowering or growth of branches, or the original color of the leaves, and may be thorns or the absence of any foliage at all, but the presence of an interesting, unusual bare stem. It's nice to be in a room where there are a lot of indoor flowers, especially when you look out into the street, and there are flying snowflakes and a thick layer of snow lies, and at that time you are surrounded by lush green jungle vegetation. Indoor plants greatly diversify the leisure time of people who are very fond of indoor flowers and enjoy the process of caring for them, and also provide an opportunity for free creativity, for example, to create whole plants in pots. flower arrangements by combining different varieties of plants.

What plants can be considered domestic?

Indoor ornamental plants can be considered those plants that can only live at room temperature. Indoor plants differ significantly from each other not only in the way of care, but also appearance. For example, plants that hang from a pot are called ampelous, such are tradescantia and chlorophytum, stonecrop and saxifrage. And there are also climbing or creeping plants called vines, just like in the jungle. Moreover, each creeper differs from each other in the ways of “crawling”, for example, some creepers wrap around some support, others reach for the light with their antennae, and third creepers rely on tree branches. Of the domestic vines, the most famous is scindapsus. From indoor plants, succulents are also known, which have fleshy succulent leaves, for example, agave, agave, crassula. But among indoor plants there are bushes and trees, for example, ficus, hibiscus. Popular houseplants are begonia, poison dieffenbachia, coleus blume, which is often called "multi-colored nettle", nephrolepis, ivy, tradescantia, fuchsia and many others.

When did house plants appear?

Already in ancient times, people had an interest in the plants of other countries, and they even brought seeds, seedlings, tubers and tried to breed various exotic plants at home. A long time ago, the Egyptian queen Hatsheptus sent an entire expedition to Africa, to the country of Punt, for tree seedlings, from which various incense could be obtained. What about Ancient Greece, then there medicinal plants, brought from other countries of the world, were grown in the Medical Gardens. The Greek scientist Theophrastus, a student of the great Aristotle, had such a garden. He was the first to grow hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses and double roses in his garden. And the founder of the first botanical garden is the Italian professor Luca Ghini, who collected his first collection of alpine plants.

Which home plant the most unpretentious?

Some plants, such as aspidistra or antarctic cissus, grow even in poorly lit rooms. But sansevieria or cacti and other succulents tolerate prolonged drying of an earthen coma, that is, they can not be watered for a long time. Clivia and Sparmania do not require special care, and they can even bloom once a year. Unpretentious flowers are impatiens, and primrose, and geranium, and spurge, and cyperus, and bilbergia, and white perone. Easy and unpretentious to grow and some tree-like houseplants, such as monstera, Benjamin's ficus and spartmania. Popular undemanding plants asparagus, some types of begonias, dracaena, coleus, arrowroot, nephrolepis, tradescantia, etc. stand out.

What plants are dangerous to keep at home?

It is dangerous to keep ficuses at home, because their milky juice, evaporating, enters the air as microscopic droplets through the stomata of the leaves and can provoke allergic reactions. An allergy can also be caused by a houseplant such as primrose, which causes irritation or inflammation of the skin, but with all this, the primrose is not poisonous. decorative pepper and other nightshades, which have fairly bright berries, can also be very dangerous, especially if, for example, Small child wants to try them, after which he will begin to feel nausea, vomiting, pain, and then drowsiness and dilated pupils. Azalea and hydrangea stems and leaves are poisonous. Leaves and flowers, such as hydrangeas, contain a mixture that contains cyanide, which exerts its effect when it comes into contact with water or saliva. But in the first place in terms of toxicity are philodendron, in which poisonous acid is contained in the leaves, and dieffenbachia, the leaves of which also contain molecules of poisonous acid that are insoluble in water. If the poisonous juice of these plants gets into the eyes, the mucous membrane is irritated, which has unpleasant consequences.

What legends are associated with house plants?

There are many beliefs about the action and meaning of indoor plants, but it is not known for sure whether these can be considered legends, just someone believes in them and is guided, and someone does not. So, for example, they say that plants communicate with each other or that they are able to energize. Or, if there is an ivy plant in the house, then the married couple will definitely divorce or quarrel often, and adult sons will leave or leave home. Tradescantia, asparagus and in general all climbing plants cause concern. " Money Tree"(common fat woman) brings money, and if the plant has small leaves, then only a penny will be in your pocket, and if large, then, accordingly, large bills. Agave protects against intruders and accidents. And if the ficus is in the kitchen, it will protect from poverty and hunger. The action of the cactus is also talked about interesting legends, especially about its ability to protect against electromagnetic radiation computers, and the longer its needles, the better it supposedly catches. And if you put cacti on all windows, then they will protect the house from robbers.

Indoor flowers not only create comfort, but also benefit. They purify indoor air from toxic substances emitted by plastic coatings, varnishes, adhesives, detergents, synthetic resins, increase air humidity, kill bacteria and reduce electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, if you want to live in a clean apartment, get a few plants, but the main thing is to choose the right ones.

The champion among flowers is chlorophytum. Several of these plants are enough to absorb the formaldehyde released by the thermal insulation from synthetic materials in the apartment medium size. Chlorophytum also has a significant bactericidal effect. Experts have found that in 24 hours this flower almost completely purifies the air of harmful microorganisms. The plant is unpretentious, although in summer it requires abundant watering. Interestingly, its cleansing properties are noticeably enhanced when put in flower pots Activated carbon.

Another widespread plant that releases biologically active substances that kill staphylococci and streptococci is indoor geranium. This flower is recommended to keep in the bedroom. Inhaling the beneficial compounds produced by it, a person calms down, which is very important for stress and insomnia. Geranium is widespread all over the world, and this is not surprising: the plant is unpretentious, easily propagated, and pleases the eye for a long time. beautiful flowers. The plant is photophilous, in spring and summer it requires abundant watering.

Ficus and variegated dieffenbachia also have phytoncidal properties. They clean the air living rooms from toxins, so their place is in living quarters with windows overlooking a noisy freeway or factory. In the room, these plants must be kept in a well-lit place, but not under direct sunbeams. Dieffenbachia loves intensive watering, with a lack of moisture, the plant stretches in length and sheds the lower leaves, as it grows, the top needs to be pinched. Ficus, on the contrary, often drops in autumn and winter healthy leaves due to over watering. Therefore, experienced flower growers advise not to water the plant in winter, but only to spray the leaves.

Laurel is a small evergreen shrub that releases substances that kill viruses and bacteria. It is especially useful to keep this plant for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, spasms of the intestines and biliary tract. Laurel is photophilous and grows well only in a sunny place. The plant is easy to shear, usually it is given a spherical shape.

Another group of useful volatile plants is cacti, especially those with long needles. These plants not only kill microbes, but also reduce harmful air ionization, protecting us from electromagnetic radiation. The best place for these colors - near the TV and computer monitors. For normal growth, they need a lot of heat and light.

With the help of flowers, you can achieve and increase the humidity of the air. Flowers that need a lot of moisture usually return it through the leaves. These are violets, cyclamens, ferns.

Source: Business News


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