Osmanthus - growing at home. Fragrant osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans, Tea olive, Fragrant olive) Soil and fertilizer

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- a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, which belongs to the Maslinov family.

In total, there are at least 30 species of osmanthus, but in room conditions grow only one - "osmanthus variegated".

Having decided to grow this plant at home, you need to consider that a cool room will be required for its maintenance.

And so, caring for osmanthus is quite simple.

Moreover, osmanthus is used as the basis for various medicinal infusions and decoctions, and its flowers give the tea a special flavor.

Location and lighting

Osmanthus prefers bright lighting. Without problems can transfer not a large number of exposure to sunlight.


It is very important to keep osmanthus at home at a temperature not higher than 20 degrees, and at night it should not be higher than 15 degrees and not fall to minus.


Osmanthus does not like excess moisture, so it is watered moderately, even in summer no more than 3 times a week. Water only when upper layer the soil will dry out well. In winter, watering is generally practically stopped.

The exception is young plants. For the first 2 years of an osmanthus life, it needs generous watering, which helps to form a strong root system. Spray the plant only occasionally.

Osmanthus fertilizer

Top dressing is applied 2 times in each month of spring and summer. Fertilizer suitable liquid for indoor plants. It is brought diluted with water for irrigation.

Transplant and reproduction

Young osmanthus at home are transplanted annually in the spring. Over time, the growth of osmanthus slows down greatly and, then, transplants are carried out no more than 1 time in 5-6 years.

Osmanthus is propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut stem cutting about 10-15 cm long and plant it for rooting in a container with a sand-peat mixture. Then the future osmanthus is covered with a film or glass container to form greenhouse conditions.

Constantly carry out watering and ventilation. When the cutting takes root, it is transplanted into a pot.

Pests and their control

Pest infestation is most often due to improper care. The most common "undesirable inhabitants" of osmanthus are

Inhabitant of subtropical zones osmanthus, fragrant showy plant belongs to the genus olive. That is why its second name is tea olive, also associated with the fact that its fruits are similar to olive fruits - dark blue or purple, with a stone inside.

Osmanthus is a lush evergreen shrub or small tree with leathery leaves and clusters of small flowers with a strong sweet aroma.

Osmanthus can be grown in open ground, both in greenhouse conditions and at home. At the same time, it is important to provide him with a large amount of light - this is a southern plant, the sun and heat are necessary for him as well as air, although light partial shade will not harm him.

Osmanthus is more demanding on the soil - the soil should have a slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so choose areas with good drainage for its cultivation.

When planting in open ground, compost is added to the planting hole - from 1 to 3 kilograms per plant. For pots or containers prepare a mixture of 2 parts fertile soil(purchased universal is suitable) and 1 part of lowland peat. AT ready mix you need to add 30 grams of complete mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of the finished mixture.

Osmanthus is watered abundantly in the warm season, but not to the point of absurdity: the water should be completely absorbed into the soil, but not stand in puddles. In the cool months, watering is moderate, even scarce. Plants grown in pots or containers are also watered abundantly in summer, moderately in winter, making sure that the soil in the container does not dry out.

A feature of most types of osmanthus is that its flowering begins in mid-autumn, when the air temperature drops below 20 0 C, and continues until spring. However, this applies only to those plants that grow in warm places - the subtropics of the Caucasus. When grown in greenhouses during this period, the temperature is usually artificially lowered. As for indoor varieties osmanthus, it is quite difficult to make it bloom - after all, for living quarters a temperature of about 12-15 degrees is unsuitable.

If osmanthus is grown outdoors, it must be remembered that it tolerates a drop in temperature to zero, but frost destroys it. Therefore, for the winter it must be well covered.

Osmanthus is grown most often from cuttings, which are cut in the spring and rooted in a mixture of peat and sand in mini-greenhouses: for rooting, it needs a high temperature, up to 25 degrees, and high humidity. Rooted cuttings are already transplanted to a permanent place.

Osmanthus can also be grown from seeds. Seeds are first soaked for 10-15 minutes in warm water, the shell is removed. It is recommended to germinate in vermiculite, covering the container transparent film and placed in a warm sunny place. Seeds usually germinate for 3-7 days, after which they are transplanted into the ground.

Osmanthus growing in open ground are not pruned, their shoots are not pinched - this negatively affects their flowering. For indoor or greenhouse forms, pruning is acceptable in order to form a beautiful lush bush or tree.

In conditions Middle lane osmanthus is usually not grown in open ground, since it is quite difficult to organize wintering for it.

Osmanthus fragrant - evergreen shrub, less often a tree 3‒12 m high. natural environment growth and 80‒300 cm in culture. Like the others, thin branched shoots are covered with milky green at a young age and dark brown at maturity bark. The leaves are simple, opposite. Leaf blades 7–15 cm long, 2.6–5 cm wide. The edge of the leaf blade is entire or serrated. The color is mostly dark green, the surface is glossy, leathery.

ON THE PICTURE: Osmanthus is fragrant.

The flowers are small, collected in bunches. The color is white, pale yellow, yellow or yellow-orange. The aroma is intense, depending on the variety, it resembles or. The fruit is an ovoid drupe 10–15 cm long, with a dense dark purple skin. The single seed of the fruit fully matures six months after the start of flowering.

Active substances and medicinal properties

Fragrant Osmanthus flowers contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. Thanks to high content natural antioxidants, their decoction neutralizes toxins and radionuclides.

Active substances of the essential oil of fragrant Osmanthus:

  • gamma de calactone;
  • cis-jasmone;
  • dihydro-beta-ionone and beta-ionone;
  • terpinen-4-ol;
  • chemical compounds of linalool oxide isomers;
  • geraniol;
  • linalool;
  • phenethyl alcohol.

These active ingredients have sedative, expectorant, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. They also lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, are effective for the prevention of sclerosis and alleviate its manifestations.

plant parts used

Healing roots, bark and flowers. A decoction of root offspring is useful for dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, hematomas and bruises. A decoction of the bark is used for the panacea of ​​carbunculosis and furunculosis.

A multifunctional healing decoction of fragrant Osmanthus flowers is drunk as a medicinal tea, used as a compress, rubbing, hair rinse, and washing liquid. The essential oil is obtained from the flowers of the plant.

Collected flowers are dried in a shady place and stored in paper bags. The raw material is usable for two years.

Indications for use

It is recommended to drink an infusion or decoction of the flowers of the plant for colds, indigestion, inflammation of the duodenum, many stomach diseases, flatulence and colitis. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the body. Taking a decoction of the flowers of the plant helps to cleanse the body of toxins, lose weight, and normalize blood flow.

Due to its anesthetic action, fragrant Osmanthus reduces toothache, painful manifestations of stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, cystitis. A decoction of its flowers reduces hangover, has a positive effect on menstrual cycle, facilitates the course of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Black tea with dried Osmanthus inflorescences is indicated for the normalization of cell metabolism, removal from the body heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides. Green tea with Osmanthus has an anti-aging and tonic effect.

Compresses from a decoction of Osmanthus flowers are recommended for skin and eye diseases. Rinsing with decoction improves the condition of weakened brittle hair. Essential oil use exclusively outwardly , mainly for aromatherapy purposes: to soothe nervous system and relaxation.

Application methods


Body intoxication - wash 5 g of oolong tea with boiling water. pour a cup hot water, add 1 g of dried crushed flowers of fragrant Osmanthus. Infuse for three minutes, cool and take.

Low vitality, weakness - prepare a medicinal drink according to the recipe described above, but using green tea.

Cold - place 10 g of crushed dried Osmanthus flowers in enamelware, pour 200 ml. hot water, cover with a lid, warm in a water bath for half an hour. then refrigerate for 10 minutes. at room temperature, strain, squeeze out raw materials and dilute the infusion to 200 ml. boiled water. The resulting decoction can be drunk, gargled with it and instilled in the nose with rhinitis.


Furuncles, carbuncles, abscesses - 1‒2 tbsp. l. crushed bark of fragrant Osmanthus or dry young shoots pour 200 ml. boiling water and heat up hot bath covered 15 min. Cool for 45 minutes, then filter and squeeze the raw material. Bring the volume of infusion to 200 ml. chilled boiled water. After that, the bandage is moistened with tincture and a therapeutic compress is made.

Precautionary measures

Preparations based on fragrant Osmanthus are not used for epilepsy, increased blood pressure. It is not recommended to drink tea with Osmanthus during pregnancy and lactation. Also, it is not given to children under 12 years of age.

Osmanthus. During its flowering, the aroma spreads far. The plant itself is not yet visible, but its sweet fruity smell is already felt. Small osmanthus flowers cannot be compared in their beauty to others more common and famous on the planet, but its exquisite and delicious aroma captivates everyone who has ever tasted it.

Osmanthus - evergreen deciduous tree, which belongs to the olive family, grows in tropical regions of Asia. The plant can be of several types, so somewhere it grows as a shrub, and somewhere as a small tree. Osmanthus is considered rare plant, its flowers, collected in brushes, differ in color and strength of fragrance. There are silver-white inflorescences, golden-orange, and even reddish. In Asia, osmanthus is called the fragrant olive.

And in China, special respect is expressed for this plant. Osmanthus is the emblem flower of Hangzhou. At the same time, it is used to flavor tea, which helps with colds, mainly coughs. Osmanthus flowers are also used to make fragrant jam.

Many legends and traditions are associated with this noble plant. In Taiwan, almost every wedding is held with osmanthus flowers, because they are the personification of fidelity and love. Osmanthus flowers are also indispensable participants in the Chinese Moon Festival, which is celebrated in September, that is, at the time when the tree begins to bloom.

Zhongqiu - this is the name of this holiday, or mid-autumn, is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the eighth month of lunar calendar. In 2018, this event will take place on September 24th. In Chinese culture, full moon is a symbol of peace and the unity of man and nature. This holiday is loved by all Chinese people. One of the traditions of this holiday is the union of two loving hearts.

The celebration takes place over three days, which are considered days off. Everyone visits each other, attends festive events, and at home they bake moon cakes from lotus seeds and sesame seeds. Each part of China has its own recipe for making moon cakes, which also have their own history. But now we are talking about osmanthus. The flowers of this plant fill cooked treats with their sweet fragrance.

Osmanthus for health

Osmanthus is also used in medicine, its medicinal properties described by Avicenna. In addition to treating cough, a decoction of osmanthus stems is used to treat skin abscesses, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, smoothes scars on the skin, and stabilizes pressure.

The smell of osmanthus flowers gives joy, energizes and is an excellent depressant. Osmanthus absolute is valued on a par with tuberose absolute and neroli. Its smell, fresh and very fragrant, is considered one of the most delicious and fragrant notes, creating a juicy peach-apricot note that gives depth and sensuality to the composition.

Fragrance in perfumery

Osmanthus has long been included in the main components of perfumery, it takes pride of place both in the heart of the fragrance and in the plume. It is used as an absolute, which is obtained from a plant that has golden-orange flowers. Osmanthus absolute is a very expensive raw material, therefore it is used only in the most expensive perfumery.

The smell of osmanthus is compared by many to the smell of peaches, apricots and plums. All these fruity sweets create a velvety scent with spicy leather notes, like sweet scented fruits stored in a suede purse. The smell of osmanthus is a delight that causes joy and a feeling of happiness.

Osmanthus absolute is used by perfumers in floral, fruity and oriental groups, and is called "memories of Chinese garden". Osmanthus pairs beautifully with geranium, neroli, tonka bean, honey, rose, sandalwood, rosewood, benzoin, and mandarin.

Serge Lutens Nuit de Cellophane
The fragrance is unusual and very persistent, like all Lutens fragrances, created in 2009. Osmanthus is here at the very beginning of the composition, surrounded by a retinue of jasmine and citrus. Sparks of juicy mandarin, honey drops of sandalwood, notes of sweet almonds are felt in it. The fragrance is reminiscent of the reflections of the sun's rays in colored stained-glass windows.

The Different Company Osmanthus
The fragrance was created in 2000 by perfumer Jean Claude Ellena. In it, osmanthus plays a key role. The lightness and weightlessness of the fragrance is complemented by hints of bergamot and mandarin, notes of delicate roses and fresh herbs. The whole fragrant composition is accompanied by an accompaniment of musk and rose. Such smells can be heard walking through the Chinese gardens of Beijing. The composition contains mandarin orange, bergamot, green notes, osmanthus, jasmine and geranium. Base notes are musk and rose.

Jo Malone London Osmanthus Blossom
This sensual feminine fragrance, created in 2013, gives tenderness and awakens romantic feelings. The composition is built around the melody of osmanthus with its velvety nuances and sweet honey-peach sound.

Hermessence Osmanthe Yunnan – Hermes
A wonderful fragrance for men and women, belongs to the floral fruity group. The fragrance was launched in 2005 by perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena. The fragrance features orange, tea, osmanthus, freesia, leather and apricot. The fragrance creates a feeling of happiness, gives memories of childhood, in which apricot orchards grew, and the hot sun filled the fruits with sunlight and a unique sweet smell.

Sunshine Amouage
Another sunny fragrance reminiscent of summer was released in 2014. Even a bottle of bright yellow color evokes warmth and memories of hot sunshine. Sunshine is a fragrance that you want to breathe, very tasty and sweet, with apricot jam.

Sunshine - bright and at the same time gentle, cheerful. Osmanthus, surrounded by noble companions, gives good mood. And the companions in the composition are worthy. These are soft and delicate chords of almond and davana, shades of blackcurrant, osmanthus, jasmine, magnolia, vanilla. Woody base of tobacco, papyrus, patchouli and juniper berries. Sunshine can be called an elixir of happiness.

Benghal Lancome
The aroma of Benghal is like a sweet drink, delicate and attractive, a fruity-osmanthus haze that makes you want to dress up. Benghal is feminine and long lasting. This is the scent of summer, light, carefree and cheerful. Released in 2006. The fragrance features ginger, mandarin, apricot, osmanthus, jasmine, sandalwood and musk.

Tea drinking is a special ritual that allows you to enjoy the aroma of a divine drink, relax, unwind, enjoy a friendly conversation over a cup of fragrant tea flavored with herbs and flower petals. One of the generally recognized leaders among fragrant and healthy drinks is osmanthus tea.

Osmanthus is an evergreen shrub with the most delicate small flowers and dark green glossy leaves. It belongs to the family of olive crops, and China is considered its homeland. The flowers of the plant are painted in a delicate palette - from light olive to cream and golden yellow. The flowering period lasts from September to April, filling the air with fragrance.

Osmanthus flowers have found use all over the world. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, being true experts in aromatherapy, appreciate the fragrant shrub for its qualities and have been widely used in many industries for more than two millennia.

Why is the osmanthus flower so attractive?

The main advantage is a unique fruity aroma, delicate, delicate and, at the same time, quite persistent. Connoisseurs describe it as a mixture of the smell of ripe peaches and apricots and sweet fresh pastries. The taste of fragrant osmanthus tea remains in the mouth for a long time after drinking tea.

It is not surprising that such a pleasant aroma is used in perfumery for the production of perfumes. He was given a romantic name - "memories of the Chinese garden." Osmanthus essential oil is the most expensive and valuable among all known. Chemical composition flower petals can affect the deep layers of the skin, prolonging its youth and freshness. That is why the Chinese used the fragrant olive in cosmetology since ancient times, and now it is an indispensable component in the production of skin cosmetics all over the world.

Useful properties of shrubs

Fragrant osmanthus (its flowers, stems and roots), due to the huge number of useful qualities, has long been used in folk medicine East:

  • Aromatherapy. Tea from dried flowers or infusion has a calming, relaxing effect, helps to get rid of anxiety and anxiety.
  • Cough treatment. The medicinal decoction has a powerful expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, thins and removes sputum when coughing, is effective for whooping cough, indigestion. Helps with inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, boils.
  • Powerful antioxidant. It cleanses the body, removes toxic substances, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. It has strong antiseptic and anti-sclerotic properties, improves metabolism, promotes weight loss.


Like all medicinal herbs with potent properties, osmanthus has some restrictions on its use. In any form, it is not recommended to use it for pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients with epilepsy, children. It is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the plant, manifestations of allergies and high blood pressure.

How to make osmanthus tea

The Chinese are true connoisseurs of all the intricacies of tea drinking. They are especially reverent about the “tea olive” and know exactly what sorts of tea can be combined with the aroma of fragrant flowers.

An infusion of dried flowers of the plant is called "Gui Hua Cha" in China. It is prepared separately, and then it can be added to black or green tea, or drunk as an independent drink, which has an unusually pleasant, wonderful fruity taste and delicate smell. Its miraculous qualities are manifested in any method of preparation.

Gourmets love to indulge in osmanthus and jasmine petal teas for a surprisingly bright and rich floral aroma combined with the sweet taste of ripe apricot and peach fruit.

Gui Hua Oolong is a blend of golden Osmanthus petals and Oolong, a semi-fermented green tea. Black pu-erh, which the Chinese call red, is also mixed with fragrant olive petals, and a unique, exquisite, fragrant Gui Hua Hong Cha tea is obtained. It is these two varieties of tea that are ideal for blending with osmanthus flower petals.

Golden Gui Hua Oolong has a special tart fruity taste, floral-honey aroma and a sweet aftertaste, perfectly relaxing and soothing. Tea can be consumed cold taste qualities they only benefit from it. But you need to cool and insist in a tightly sealed container to avoid oxidation and loss of beneficial properties.

It is best to brew Gui Hua Osmanthus in a transparent teapot, following the movement of light petals, color saturation.

  1. Preparation of tea by pouring: pour 5-7 g of dry mixture into 100-120 ml of water (90-95 degrees) and infuse for 10-20 seconds. Withstands 7-8 passages.
  2. With the European method of brewing: take 3-4 g of tea leaves (1 tsp), pour 200-250 ml of water at 90-95 ° C and leave for 2-3 minutes. Welding is used 1 time.

Red-brown Gui Hua Hong Cha with sweetish-tart notes in taste - tones and invigorates in the morning, and relieves fatigue in the evening.

An exceptionally healthy and exquisitely aromatic tea will deliver true moments of pleasure, cheer up, restore strength, and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

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