Calendula tincture for stomatitis how to cook. Folk remedies for the treatment of stomatitis

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Medicinal herbs and decoctions will help to completely get rid of a mild form of the disease, as well as at the very beginning of the development of the disease.

It must be remembered: herbal decoctions and infusions are also a medicine, it should be used only after consulting a doctor.

There are such forms of the disease, the treatment of which cannot be dispensed with without antibiotics and other drugs. Therefore, folk methods and recipes for the treatment of stomatitis are auxiliary.

Treatment with honey and propolis

Treatment with honey and propolis

Propolis has unique antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Alcohol tincture of propolis with stomatitis allows you to get rid of the resulting aphthae. The drug not only disinfects, but also anesthetizes the inflamed surface.

It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of the drug in a glass of warm water, rinse the mouth with the resulting solution or use it for applications and lubrication of sores. It is advisable to pre-disinfect the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, and then apply propolis.

The medicine is used for:

  • rinsing;
  • applications;
  • rubbing.

Honey has powerful antiseptic properties, it is part of many proven folk remedies. However, among doctors there is no unambiguous answer to the question of how to treat and whether it is possible to treat stomatitis with honey. It is believed that it can promote the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Honey is most commonly used to treat disease in children.

One of the most popular recipes is the egg-honey mixture. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • one egg (protein);
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • 1 ampoule of novocaine;
  • one ampoule of vitamin B1 and B6.

The resulting mixture is well beaten, consumed orally before meals, 1 tablespoon, keep this portion in the mouth until completely absorbed.

Herbal decoctions

In modern herbal medicine for the successful treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, both decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, yarrow, oak bark) and tinctures (calendula, propolis) are used. Alternative methods of treatment of stomatitis allow in the shortest possible time:

  • relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • reduce pain and swelling;
  • relieve itching, reduce burning sensation;
  • cure ulcers (aphthae) formed on the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • improve the general well-being of the patient;
  • prevent recurrence of the disease.

Chamomile, aloe, sage, oak bark with stomatitis can significantly reduce swelling and soreness of the mucous membrane, prevent the development of the inflammatory process. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal preparations can be used both independently and in combination with traditional medicines.

  1. Decoctions. To prepare them, you need to grind the herb in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water over it in a certain proportion, boil for at least 10 minutes, and then leave to infuse. A decoction is prepared both from one plant (for example, chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort), and from several (herbal collection). After insisting, it should be filtered, stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. In the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, sage, calendula, erect cinquefoil are most often used. It should be remembered that in the treatment of stomatitis with herbs, the therapeutic effect does not occur immediately, but after 1-3 weeks after the start of therapy. Therefore, the patient must tune in to a long regular process.
  2. infusions. They are prepared in much the same way, only they should not be boiled. Usually, the herbal collection is poured with boiling water, tightly closed and infused, after which it is filtered. Store it in the refrigerator and dilute with water before use. Prepare infusions from the same herbs as decoctions. You can insist herbs not on water, but on alcohol. They have a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Solutions. Medicinal solutions are prepared immediately before use, their preparation consists in diluting the finished product with boiled water in order to obtain the necessary consistency. In no case should undiluted alcohol infusions be applied to the surface affected by stomatitis, since there is a high probability of getting a mucosal burn.

10 useful folk remedies

  1. Tincture of calendula used for disinfection of the oral cavity, and also as an anti-inflammatory. For 100 g of water, use ½ coffee spoon of tincture, rinse your mouth with the resulting solution every 3 hours until complete recovery.
  2. Aloe juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In case of inflammation of the mucosa, it is recommended to apply a washed and cut aloe leaf to the resulting ulcers three times a day.
  3. Flax seeds contribute to the regeneration of the mucous membrane. A decoction of flax seeds is used for rinsing. It is necessary to steam 1 tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting tincture until recovery.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil helps relieve itching, burning, accelerate the healing of cracks and sores. In the treatment of stomatitis, the patient's mouth should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil three times a day after meals, after which it is necessary to refrain from eating for at least an hour.
  5. Hypericum inflorescences have a soothing astringent effect on inflamed tissues. It is insisted on alcohol for two weeks, then filtered. Dissolve one teaspoon of the prepared infusion in half a glass of boiled water, use for rinsing.
  6. Chamomile flowers have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties. Pour 2-3 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, rinse the mouth 5-6 times a day.
  7. Oak bark perfectly strengthens, anesthetizes inflamed gums. Boil 2 tablespoons of crushed oak bark for 30 minutes, cool, strain, use for rinsing.
  8. Sage- a unique analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for various diseases of the oral cavity. Pour 1 tablespoon of sage herb with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, rinse your teeth and gums after each meal.
  9. yarrow It has a therapeutic and analgesic effect in various diseases. It is used as a rinse solution. Boil two tablespoons of common yarrow for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, strain. Take baths, rinse your mouth after eating.
  10. lingonberry leaves brew for half an hour in a water bath, using 2 tbsp. spoons to 1 cup of boiling water, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Used in dentistry for rinsing with various ailments.

Folk remedies for stomatitis in a child

Treatment of stomatitis in children with folk remedies involves the following measures:

  • rinsing with antiseptic solutions;
  • wiping the affected surface of the mucous membrane with medicinal decoctions;
  • application of therapeutic mixtures to the surface of the sores.

For rinsing, it is best to use:

  • water-soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water);
  • decoction of calendula or chamomile flowers.

Suitable for wiping:

  • solution of propolis tincture;
  • solution of tincture of calendula;
  • freshly squeezed aloe juice.

Apply to the surface of the sores:

  • egg white;
  • rose jam;
  • a mixture of egg white, honey and novocaine.

The preparations are applied to the surface of the mucous membrane until completely absorbed.

Features of the treatment of aphthous and candidal stomatitis

  • With aphthous form of stomatitis, painful sores (aphthae) form in the patient's mouth. To prevent the development of the inflammatory process, it is extremely important to maintain cleanliness. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with soda solution after each meal. You can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide or propolis for rinsing.
  • Thrush, or candidal stomatitis, is a fungal disease that is more common in children. A white cheesy plaque forms on the surface of the mucous membrane, the patient complains of itching and burning. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, you can get rid of its symptoms with the help of homeopathy.

Note that in adults, folk remedies for stomatitis are practically no different from children's, except that the proportion of dilution of solutions for children is somewhat different. Usually for children, half the "adult dose" is used.

Stomatitis is a common dental disease that can affect both children and adults. Treatment of pathology is based on the use of pharmaceutical preparations and home remedies that allow not only to stop the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease. To quickly eliminate inflammation on the mucous membrane of the mouth, accompanied by ulcers and aphthae, it is necessary to use rinsing with infusions and decoctions, as well as antiseptic solutions in combination with medications.

What is stomatitis

This is an inflammation that affects the oral mucosa. It is characterized by the presence of bubbles, plaque and minor wounds on the tissue of the gums, tongue. Existing formations lead to severe pain, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Salt and soda solution

There are many reasons that affect the development of the pathological process. Most often it is pathogenic microflora: fungi, viruses, bacteria. They actively multiply against the background of weakened immunity due to the presence of concomitant diseases, lack of vitamins, long-term use of steroid drugs.

Rinsing with stomatitis


Hydrogen peroxide

This is an antiseptic drug that characterizes a wide range of effects. With its help, you can effectively cleanse the mucous membrane of dead masses. The drug has hemostatic properties, which is also necessary for stomatitis. For adult rinses, take 20 ml of peroxide and add to a glass of warm water. For the procedure, children take 10 ml of funds per glass of water. Single dosage 250 ml.


This medicine is of plant origin. It can only be used by adults to treat stomatitis. To prepare the solution, dilute the product with water in the following ratio of 1:5.



This is an excellent antiseptic that not only stops inflammation, but also restores damaged tissues. It is based on eucalyptus. Rinses are allowed for children and adults in equal concentrations. To prepare the solution, take 1.5 cups of warm water and 20 ml of the product. Carry out rinsing, using the medicine in full. Keep the collected solution in the mouth for 40 seconds.


This medication is based on chamomile. To prepare a rinse solution, dissolve 20 ml of the product in 2 glasses of warm water. For children and adults, an equal concentration of the drug is taken. Keep the collected solution in your mouth for 40 seconds.


It is a natural antiseptic that reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process. It has the following properties:

  • antihistamine;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestant.

To obtain a solution, dilute 10 drops of the drug in 200 ml of warm water.



It is a safe antiseptic that is used in the fight against various diseases of the oral cavity in children and adults. With stomatitis, it is used as a rinse. They can also treat the inflamed mucosa or apply applications. The duration of therapy is 7 days, after which the unpleasant symptoms disappear. If stomatitis has struck a child, then it is advisable for him to lubricate the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in a solution. But adults can carry out sanitation of the oral cavity with an undiluted solution.


This is an antimicrobial antiseptic that allows you to eliminate candidal and herpetic stomatitis. Produced in the form of a liquid for rinsing the mouth. It does not need to be diluted with water. Carry out rinsing until relief comes.

Attention! For any form of stomatitis, in addition to the use of medications, some rules must be observed. Food should be warm, thoroughly chopped or pureed. Products can be baked, boiled, stewed. Fried, sour and salty foods are prohibited. If stomatitis caused candidiasis, then you will have to give up sweet and starchy foods.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs


Calendula infusion is an effective remedy in the fight against stomatitis. It quickly stops inflammation, reduces pain. To obtain funds, take 20 g of raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Wait half an hour, filter and use warm for oral baths. Carry out treatment procedures 4 times a day. A single dosage will be 100 ml. And it is the same for children and adults.

Tincture of calendula


Sage is effectively used in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis. To obtain a solution, take 20 g of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water. Wait 2-3 minutes, cool, filter and sanitize the oral cavity.

St. John's wort

This herb is one of the most effective in the fight against stomatitis. It not only eliminates inflammation, but also promotes healing and tissue repair. To obtain funds, take grass and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 2 weeks. Before the procedure, dilute 40 drops of tincture with 100 ml of water.

herbal collection

To prepare the following composition, you will need the following herbs:

  • eucalyptus;
  • calendula flowers;
  • sage;
  • celandine;
  • willow bark.

Take these components 40 g each, mix, and then pour 40 g of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, filter and use for rinsing 3-4 times a day. Carry out therapeutic manipulations after eating. After 3 days, stomatitis will recede.


This herb has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves symptoms such as pain and burning. To prepare the product, pour 40 g of raw materials with 500 ml of boiling water. Keep on fire for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour, filter and rinse your mouth.


pharmaceutical camomile

This plant is used to eliminate inflammation of various kinds. To prepare the medicine, take 10 g of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, filter and add 10 g of honey.

Attention! If chamomile was not at hand. Then strong green tea can replace it.


Burdock root will quickly get rid of stomatitis and unpleasant symptoms. For cooking, take burdock root and chicory grass in a ratio of 2: 1. To begin with, take a finely chopped burdock root in the amount of 40 g, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Simmer on fire for 10 minutes, and then add 20 g of chicory. Leave the decoction for 1 hour, filter and apply to oral baths.

Propolis tincture

Propolis is known for all its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. To prepare a rinse, take 150 ml of water and 10 ml of tincture.

Attention! To obtain the maximum result from the treatment, you can alternate propolis tincture with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Other rinsing methods

cabbage juice

This is the simplest and at the same time effective remedy in the fight against stomatitis. Before use, dilute cabbage juice with water in an equal amount. The resulting product should be used after each meal. It has a disinfecting effect on the inflamed areas of the mucosa, which helps to accelerate the healing process of ulcers and removes plaque.

cabbage juice

carrot juice

For the treatment of stomatitis, use only freshly squeezed juice. Choose large fruits, remove the peel from them, pass through a juicer. Dilute the finished juice with water, observing the proportions. 1:1. Use 3 times a day. Such procedures quickly stop swelling and inflammation from the oral mucosa.

Salt soda

This method is one of the most common and simple. Soda and salt stop pathogenic microflora and inflammation. To prepare the solution, take 200 ml of warm water and dissolve 10 g of salt and soda on the tip of a knife. For maximum efficiency, add 2-3 drops of iodine to the solution. Carry out therapeutic manipulations 3 times a day, combining with other methods of treating stomatitis.


To stop inflammation in the mouth and reduce pain, it is recommended to use aloe. To do this, squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant and dissolve in a glass of water 40 ml. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day until recovery occurs. Aloe will allow you to get rid of pain and reduce the size of ulcerative lesions after 2 procedures.

Aloe juice

Infusion of onion peel

For the treatment of advanced stomatitis, onion peel is recommended. To obtain a medicinal solution, take 60 g of raw materials and pour 100 ml of water. Set on fire and hold for 15 minutes. Then leave for 8 hours, and then filter and add the missing amount of water.

horseradish juice

This remedy can only be prescribed to adults. To prepare, squeeze the juice from the horseradish root, dilute with water in equal amounts. Use the resulting solution to rinse 4 times a day. Use 200 ml of medicine at a time. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

parsley leaf juice

Use this product in its pure form, without diluting with water. Take baths 3 times a day. They stop pathogenic microflora in various pathologies of the oral cavity.

Attention! All the above folk remedies in the fight against stomatitis in adults and children should be used until all manifestations of inflammation disappear. And then continue treatment for another 2-3 days. In addition, use only fresh solutions.

Rinsing with stomatitis is an educational method of treatment that is used in combination with medications and physiotherapy. Despite the effectiveness of the above compositions, before using them, you must make sure that there is no allergy. In addition, use rinse solutions only with the permission of a doctor and under his strict supervision.

If you can’t get rid of sores in your mouth, then use folk remedies. With stomatitis, it is recommended to use calendula flowers, also known as marigolds. It will help get rid of stomatitis, and you will forget about this disease. Calendula is used as an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. It is used for the treatment and prevention of stomatitis.

The benefits of calendula

Marigolds have been widely used both in practical and in folk medicine for a long time. The flowers of this plant can cure many diseases. Calendula is used to heal wounds, get rid of rashes, the flowers of this plant treat eczema and other diseases. It contains a large amount of vitamins, carotene, carotenoids, essential oil, acids and other useful substances. In order to defeat stomatitis, use marigold flower baskets, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

How to use?

Treatment of sores in the mouth will be faster if you try various infusions and decoctions.


You will need:

  • calendula flowers (10 grams);
  • glass of water.

How to cook?

Use a coffee grinder to grind marigold flowers. Pour everything that happened with boiling water and put on fire for 10 minutes. After you remove the brew from the heat, leave it for a couple of hours to infuse it. Rinse your mouth in the morning and before bed. In a week you will see the result.

We recommend making another decoction with different plants. Mix three tablespoons of pharmacy agrimony, calendula officinalis flowers, sage leaves and nightshade lobed. Three tablespoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water. Use 30 ml, while not forgetting to rinse the mouth.


You will need:

  • two tablespoons of marigold flowers (preferably fresh);
  • half a glass of water.

How to cook?

Put the calendula in a jar and fill it with water. Close the lid tightly and hide in a dark place for 6-7 days. After half a teaspoon of tincture, dilute in 100 g of water and rinse your mouth with calendula infusion every three hours.

Such solutions and infusions are suitable for wiping and rinsing. Marigold color is used as a prophylaxis against stomatitis, it has excellent disinfectant properties. Treatment will go much faster if you make such infusions and decoctions, but do not forget about the general rules, the observance of which will protect you from illness.

One of the effective folk methods of treatment for stomatitis is calendula. The medicinal herb is known for its antiseptic properties, it will help relieve symptoms and successfully cope with the pathology at the initial stage of the disease. In case of complications, the medicine will speed up the healing process.

What is the use of calendula in the treatment of stomatitis?

Marigold flowers (their other name is marigolds) have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and infectious irritations of the mucous membranes.

Such diseases include the inflammatory process of the oral mucosa - stomatitis. For its treatment, especially in children, it is recommended to use medicines based on calendula flowers. Useful components that are part of the medicinal plant:

  • vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids;
  • acids and others.

This set of active components successfully copes with all forms of manifestation of stomatitis. Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, inflammation, plaque disappear, calendula eliminates the manifestations of pathology throughout the week. But to clarify the cause of the onset of the disease and avoid possible complications, you need to consult a doctor.

Tincture must be used for rinsing every three hours.

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find a dry collection of medicinal herbs or an infusion of calendula on alcohol, which are successfully used to treat stomatitis. How to use alcohol tincture of calendula is as follows:

  1. Collect 0.5 cups of clean water.
  2. Add half a teaspoon (or a third - for children) of alcohol infusion.
  3. Rinse your mouth every 3 hours.
  4. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Herbal decoctions

Marigold remedies have disinfectant properties and can be used not only for treatment, but also for. This is especially useful for children who put everything in their mouths and are prone to infectious pathologies due to undeveloped immunity. To prepare a decoction, take 10 grams of dried flowers and grind the raw materials in a coffee grinder until a powder mass is obtained. The resulting powder is poured with a glass of boiling water, and put on fire for 10 minutes. The broth is removed from the fire and left to infuse for 2-3 hours. Rinse the oral cavity with a remedy in the morning and evening, after a week the result will be noticeable.

Other recipes

For the treatment of infectious diseases, recipes for tinctures or decoctions from both fresh and dried marigold flowers are used. Medicines with the addition of other medicinal herbs are also advised. The most popular recipes are considered in the table:

Fresh flower tincture2 tbsp. l. calendula, 0.5 tbsp of waterPut the grass in a jar, pour water, leave for 7 days in a dark place0.5 teaspoon of tincture per 100 g of water, rinse every 3 hours until the signs of pathology disappear
Herbal decoction2 tbsp. water, 2 tbsp. l. calendula, chamomile, aloe, eucalyptus, sage, yarrowPour the herbal mixture with boiling water, leave for 3 hoursRinse your mouth until symptoms disappear
Infusion on vodka2 tbsp. l. nails, 0.5 tbsp. vodkaPut the flowers in a jar, pour vodkaFor 100 g of water, add 0.5 teaspoon of tincture, rinse 3 r. per day until recovery

Stomatitis is an unpleasant disease that occurs in adults and children. It is quite simple to determine it: there is itching, burning, increased salivation, small sores appear with a white coating on the mucous membrane. Various factors can provoke the occurrence of stomatitis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries (sharp objects, the edge of the tooth, etc.);
  • lack of proper oral hygiene;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • exposure to allergens, toxins, etc.

Stomatitis can be treated with natural remedies. In particular, and prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa.

How does calendula help with stomatitis?

  • Deals with inflammation.
  • Activates the healing of ulcers.
  • Acts as an antiseptic.
  • Relieves itching.
  • Improves general condition.
  • Serves as a preventive measure.

How to use calendula for stomatitis

In the oral cavity is recommended in the form of infusions and decoctions. It is important to remember that sores (aphthae) under no circumstances should be cauterized with undiluted calendula tincture in alcohol, like any other alcohol tincture. Cauterization does not help healing, but has the opposite effect.

Calendula should be used for rinsing. It is best to make a decoction. For this you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry raw materials in 2 cups of water, boil for 2 minutes. Rinse with warm water as often as possible.

To make, you need a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of warm water. Insist for several hours. When rinsing, dilute with warm water.

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