Beauty in Venetian: the Palace of the Doge. May Venice

Arrangement of the site 25.09.2019
Arrangement of the site

The history of the construction of the Palace of the Doge in Venice is its roots goes to the beginning of the IX century. During the years of its existence, the building was repeatedly destroyed and restored, it survived several fires, rebuilt and replenished with new elements.

The first buildings on San Marco Square are dating 810 year. Initially, the structure was conceived and was built as a residence of the head of the Venetian Republic, a dog. This position was elected; She, as a rule, occupied rich and noble citizens who had power, money, influence. In most cases, the title was provided for life.

In the Middle Ages, the Venice Republic was subordinate to Byzantium, so the logins were, in fact, the representatives of the emperor. The man who received the title of the urban chapter possessed the solid authority, participated in the management of the state, took military, political and church solutions. Over time, the influence of a dog has decreased, his role was reduced to representative objectives and participation in ceremonies. Luxurious Residence B. different times It became of various functions, but never lost its significance in the life of the city.

The first building of the Doge's Palace was a fortress with observation towers, water was surrounded from all sides. The structure has existed for more than a year and a half and was burned in 976 with a rebellion against the Physician P. Kandiani IV, which raised to know. In the next century, the residence was rebuilt, however, the new building was killed in fire during the fire of 1106.

Since the beginning of the XII century, the new page of the history of Palazzo Dukale has been counting. The Venetian Republic has significantly expanded its zones of influence, the ionic islands, Crete, Cyprus and other land, among its possessions. Possessing a powerful fleet, she could reliably defend the main residence of the state, therefore the Palace of the Doings has already been built not as a fortress with chaptering Rips, but as a majestic exquisite building filled with luxury and wealth.

The construction that thousands of tourists come to admire each year, were erected in the interval between 1309 and 1424. Palazzo Ducale was built in the Gothic style, historians suggest that masters attached to the creation of an architectural masterpiece were Pietro Baseo, Philippo Calendario and Enrico.

In the building, besides the ruler, various state structures were located. The legislature represented the Great Council, the executive and judicial services of medieval Venice were called the Council of Forty. A secret police of the city, the so-called Council of Ten located in the walls of the Palace of the Dozh.

Indirect damage to the architecture masterpiece caused a fire of 1577: the southern wing was significantly injured, the work of Georgeon was irrevocably lost. Subsequent reconstruction almost completely restored the first architectural project, to painting interior premises They were attracted by such masters like Tintoretto and Veronese.

Center political life Palazzo Dukale remained until the end of the XVIII century. Today, the Palace of the Doings in Venice is a well-known monument of Venetian architecture, inside the museum is located.

Doge's Palace on the background of Venice

Architecture and style

Prolonged construction and subsequent numerous reconstructions have enriched the building with different stylistic solutions. The recognizable facade of the Doge Palace is the silhouette of an inverted ship, the view of which opens from the lagoon, - made a construction with one of the symbols of Venice.

The first floor of Palazzo Dukale is represented by a luxurious arched gallery, where even the most ruthless mealing can be a cool shadow. On the second floor there are openwork balconies. The decoration of this part of the building felt the fresh breath of the Renaissance, so soft rounded shapes prevail here, ousting and replacing the strict ascetic gothic. The solemnity and elegance of the monumental structure gives a white marble that the facade is lined up - the huge Palace of the Doge does not look like a massive bump, rather, it resembles a refined lace scarf, frown on the old bridge.

Multiple portals are conducted in the courtyard of Palazzo Dukale. Having passed them, you can admire the skillfully decorated arched galleries, which make up several floors of the palace. You can get here through one of the attractions of the museum - the "paper door" or "Careline Port Port" - a high strel-shaped arch, decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures. Options for origin The name of the gate will differ, for example, argue that they were called them due to the proximity of the archive and work premises of scribes. Another version states that the texts of decrees and orders have been hung on them to familiarize citizens.

In the center of the courtyard, two vintage bronze wells are preserved, which in past centuries served as a source of melting moisture for the entire city. The water in them was so tasty that every day merchants were gathered here, who then chase with full barrels in Venetian streets until the evening.

In the outer design of the Palace of the Doings, a very important tourist will see a lot of bas-reliefs and sculptures depicting Lviv and books - these are the main symbols of the city on the water, the attributes of St. Mark, the patron of Venice. Along the wall along the gallery, predators are sculptures with pasta, opened in Oscala, and this is not just an artistic solution. Open lion's mouths served as peculiar mailboxes: it was possible to throw a denunciation, which then went to the secret office.

The North Wing of the Venice Palace of the Doge, in which the apartments of Venetian rulers were located directly, decorated with sculptural images of outstanding philosophers and statues of Archangels. Majestic gothic figures symbolize trade, war and peace.

On the second floor there is a ladder of giants - a massive design, cut down from carrarsky marble. In the upper part of it, huge statues of the patrons of war and the sea are installed: the Roman gods of Mars and Neptune. It was on the majestic stone steps that the most solemn and significant for the city of the event took place: the coronation of a dog, reception of important guests.

The inner premises of the palace could visit only members of the Council, waving on the Golden Staircase. The entry permission was recorded in a special book, it was stored nearby, in the room under steps.

Halls of the Doge Palace

Venice from the inside is even more interesting than outside: it has a large number of halls that affect not only luxurious interiors, but also an abundance of artistic and historical attractions. In total, the building has three floors and a separate level with loggias.

The purple hall is one of the first places that excursions attend. It was expected to receive ads' prosecutors and officials. They all wore dark red robes, testifying to a high position in society. The rich wall decoration and the ceiling by bas-reliefs and sculptural compositions attracts the attention of all guests, but here, as in all subsequent premises, is forbidden to photograph.

The largest and design is considered to be the Hall of the Big Council. Its area is 1350 square meters when the ceilings height is 15 meters, it is in the southern wing of the Doge Palace. This is one of the largest rooms in the world that does not have internal overlaps or support columns.

The hall decorates the monumental cloth of the brush tintoretto. The picture called "Paradise" is characterized by impressive dimensions: 22 meters long and 7 meters wide. On the ceiling you can see the masterpiece of the visual art "Triumph Venice". This oval canvas written by Paolo Veronese looks smartly in the frame of the heavy gilded patterns. A pedestal was preserved near the Eastern Wall, where the throne of the Daddy and Chairs of six eminent members of the Council were installed. In the same hall, portraits of all the rulers of the city on the water were collected, the exception is Marino Faleeo - a dah, which was executed for treason. Instead of the picture with his image on the wall, there were a black scroll with the name and director of the ruler's fault.

You can admire in all its glory symbol of Venice in the Griman hall and in the Lviv hall - the winged predator with a book in the sculptural and picturesque embodiments looks at guests literally from all surfaces. Fans of geographic rarers will have to do a room of cards. In it, ancient handwritten maritime documents and two huge globes dated to the XVII century are presented in it. Of particular interest are copies of Marco Polo cards, as well as the ancient topographic sketches of tartarium (lands located from the Caspian to the coast of the Pacific Ocean).

Venice can rightly be proud of an extensive collection of artists of visual arts, the works of the most famous artists of the world are collected. Bosch's hieronim canvas are exhibited in the Magistrate Hall, the masterpieces and other Dutch painters are also presented here. In the board of the colleges, the Veronese and Tintoretto works are hanging, the frescoes of Titian decorate the philosophers' hall.

In addition to the majestic apartments, where the ruling ranks were meeting, two prisons are in Palazzo Dukale. These premises, like a torture room, scaffold and the Inquisition hall, are secret. Standard tour does not include the inspection of these attractions to see medieval cameras for prisoners, the Halls of the Council of the Council of Three and the Council of Ten, you must purchase a separate ticket.

One of the prisons is located in the attic of the building, during the time of the board, she was called Piomby. The second is in the basements located below the water level, it is called Pozzi or wells. The lead roof was very heated at a meal heat, so in the chambers of Piomby was unbearably hot, in winter, on the contrary, the room was not heated. The mixture of Pozzi because of the location close to water was famous for cold and dampness. A constant excess of moisture created inhuman conditions of detention, but also by this horror of the secret premises of the Palace of the Doings are not limited - torture was actively applied. Among the prisoners were famous peopleFor example, Jordan Bruno was kept in the upper prison. Also here under the investigation there was a famous hindoint and lovers of women, Jacomo Casanova, who later managed to escape.

Excursions to the Doge Palace

The museum is working year-round, the exception is two festive days: Christmas and New Year. IN winter (From November 1 to March 31), the excursion time is reduced, shows are carried out from 8:30 to 17:30. In the summer (from April 1 to October 31), the Doge's Palace opens its doors from 8:30 to 19:00. Visitors cease to let an hour before the closure of the museum.

You can get to Palazzo Duchale with special water transport (Vaporetti). From Santa Luchia or Piazzale Roma train station or Piazzale Roma walks routes for numbers 1, 5.1, 4.1 (you can go at VallarResso, San Zaccaria stops) and 2 (stop Giardinetti). The cost of tickets to the museum varies from 16 to 20 euros, for children of 6-14 years, the price is 8 euros, kids up to 6 years old can log in for free. Detailed information on excursions provides the official website of the museum.

About purchasing tickets should be taken care in advance, since high demand, especially in the tourist season, can prevent you from seeing all the wonders of the Venetian Palace of the Doge. Most excursions include a general overview, which consists of sightseeing in the main halls. If there is a desire to see the secret premises, they are devoted to them a separate route that lasts 75 minutes. Without prior acquisition of tickets, it is quite difficult to get there, such excursions are held no more than 3 per day.

In Venice, all roads lead to San Marco Square, at least I, walking around the city, almost invariably find yourself here. It is not surprising that this place is so manitis tourists: there are two main attractions of the city - the Cathedral of St. Mark and the famous Doge's Palace. Swimming to San Marco, we see probably the most classic Venetian species - the city's front entrance.

So he saw residents and guests of the republic and many centuries ago: a column with Lv. Brand, column with sv. Theodore, driving a dragon, and on the right - the side facade of the Doge Palace. Palazzo Dukale (so it is called to the Venetian manner) over the past centuries he was the center, from which the little Venice had led world history until Napoleon put an end to the independence of the Venetian Republic in 1797. The palace was not only a Duzh's home (Supreme Ruler of the Republic), but also the place of government meetings, a court and prison. The people were going to the palace at the stormy moments of history, the most important decrees and newly adopted laws were announced from his balconies. Now the Doge Palace is the main museum of Venice, which I recommend to visit, even if you have time in the city. Let's get acquainted with him closer.


The first building at this place was built in the 9th century, and at that time it was, rather, a small fortress among the marshes is far from the center of the then Venetian settlement. Construction of the Cathedral of St. The brand was undoubtedly influenced by the choice of the Major Residence Place - the Chief Cathedral and the Palace of the Supreme Ruler were to be nearby, in geographical conditions Venice it was necessary. In the future, throughout the history of the Republic, she lived only here. The need for a palace-fortress soon disappeared: the sea served natural protection.

The current building was erected for more than 100 years, finished only at 1424. Subsequently, the palace was completed many times, reconstructed, more than once suffered from fires, but still reached our days without fundamental changes.

The palace was built in a fashionable Gothic style at that time. Its architecture is very unusual: the massive upper part on thin legs with me, for example, caused at first even a feeling of disproportion. However, this disproportion is apparent, the feeling of "lightness" of the lower part of the palace creates numerous arched spills. I note that the upper part of the palace is not too rich in gothic "lace." The fact is that the finish of her facade was carried out much later than the construction itself, while more stringent came to replace the gothic architectural styles.

By the way, pay attention to the two red columns almost in the middle of the building. A certain ominous tradition is connected with them: whether death sentences were announced from this place, whether it was released from here death penalty Criminals - versions vary.

I will note for clarity: Despite the external pompidity and the importance of the title of Dwin, the real power of the Supreme Ruler of the Venice Republic was extremely limited (with the exception of quite a long time). In the late years of the republic, it was largely a decorative position - all decisions took a great advice, and the guy should have been a ceremony and sacrifice a lot from personal bins for the benefit of the Motherland. But, being chosen, the rules of dozh already until the death.

The Palace of the Doh often suffered from fires. Especially he burned down in 1577. Then a serious debate broke out: to restore the palace in the same form or completely remake it. Fortunately, the first approach was prevailed, otherwise the current look of the palace would be able to study only on the old paintings.

After the fall of the Republic in 1797 in the palace, various state institutionsFirst, Napoleonic, then Austrian, and then united Italy. In the 20s of the XX century, the palace was opened as a museum. I suggest immediately go there.


In the old days, the famous paper gates served as a parade entrance to the palace. Nowadays, they only work for exit from the museum complex.

Tickets and entrance to the museum are located on the part of the facade of the Palace, which goes to the bay. The queues here are usually small - especially compared to the crowds in front of the Cathedral of St. Brand or campaunel. Nevertheless, I recommend coming early: By the middle of the day, the Palace will be filled with people and inspecting it will not be very comfortable, especially in the heat.

Buying tickets

The museum is open daily from 9-00 to 17-15 (from November to February - to 16-15). The ticket costs 20 EUR, it is one for a visit to the Palace of the Doge, Museum Correll, Marzian Libraries and Archaeological Museum. Separately, tickets are not sold to these places.
How long will it take to inspect the Doge's Palace? According to my feelings, even if you, slowly, go through the halls, without stopping for a longer than 1-2 minutes, you will be able to get around the whole complex for hours for 3. If you go only in most interesting places, but linger from individual exhibits a little Later - the same 3 hours are evaporate. At about this time, standard excursions are designed for the palace, which will lead to tourists who come to Venice by the bus for 1 day. In principle, such an excursion is quite enough if your time in the city is strongly limited. However, if you are traveling not a tourist bus, and have at least 3 days in the city, I would recommend to inspect the palace, not in a hurry. If you take an excursion, then you can have the opportunity after its ending still wandering through the halls yourself. Then the inspection will take 4-6 hours from you, but the impression of the seen will be more solid.


After passing tickets, we find ourselves in the courtyard of the Major Residence. We will immediately open this appearance.

The gallery on the right there is a small archaeological exhibition, it will take some time on its inspection. Let's go to the opposite side of the yard. I draw your attention to the wells - now they are not used, and once the water from them was considered the most tasty in Venice, the waterpaths were broadcast throughout the city.

So, we approached the input stairs of the Palace - the ladder of the giants. It was held on it the most important ceremonies of the republic, including the wedding of a new dog - here it was put on a ritual hat, a symbol of power. On the sides of the staircase, two statues: Mars and Neptune, which appeared in 1557, and the back - exit from the museum through the paper gate, we still early. Time to climb the stairs and go inside the palace.

In principle, it is possible to explore the halls of the Palace of the Dozh in any order. During the first visit to the Palace, I, for example, immediately went to the front halls. However, you can first walk through the home apartments. If you started going around with them, pay attention to the hall of cards with geographic maps and globes, the hall of philosophers and a small exhibition of pictures of famous masters - Bellini, Carpaccio, etc. If the time to inspect the palace is not so much, I advise you not to linger in these halls - most Interesting ahead.

Paradinary halls of the Doge Palace

On the gold stairs. First halls

In the front halls of the Palace, visitors climb the Golden Staircase, just as the most noble guests rose, the ambassadors of the world powers and large people republic. Simple people It was impossible to walk along this staircase - in the republic stricter observed once and for all the established traditions, there was even a special "golden" book with a list of noble Venetian surnames, worthy of climbing the gold stairs. Before going to the top, let's admitting the view discovering from the height of the gallery.

The first halls - Hall of four doors, hall before the board - I admired me with the richness of the decoration, and they were just a hallway - places where visitors were waiting for admission to a dog.

IN college Hall Dam with their advisers accepted foreign guests, their own diplomats and other important persons. The board included a dog, his six advisers, chapter of the Council of the Ten, the Supreme Chancellor and a few more dignitaries. Political device The republic was complex - large and small tips, board, Senate, etc. Most Venetian to know the prospect of the capture of power by one person - hence the abundance of the powerful bodies that limit the power of the dog and each other. Partially the absence of strong power, its sputtering, and led to the deplorable end of the former Empire.

All the front halls are decorated with paintings by the best Venetian artists - Titian, Tintoretto and others. The topics are alone - the glorification of the Venice Republic, a description of its achievements and great victories. In the board of the college, I was attracted by the picture of Veronese "Sebastian Vener after the battle at Lepanto". Venyer participated in the battle and later he was elected a birthday, but the rules just a few months - did not move burning from the fire 1577 and the strong burnout of the palace.

IN Hall of Senata I advise you to pay attention to the picture of Tintoretto "Dead Christ surrounded by two games." Religious theme is adjacent to the allegorical paintings, such as "Venice on the throne." From the window of this hall opens a typical view of the Venetian roofs.

Compass Hall

Compass Hall (Bususola) i was interested, first of all, not a compass (although it is available), but one of the few preserved boxes for denunciations.

On the one hand, it's just a gap - a sort of mailboxAnd on the other, the safe with a double door, which could only open two people at the same time - each of their door. Such boxes in Venice were usually decorated in the form of a lion's mouth and met throughout the city, and not only in the palace. Apparently, the venetians came to each other very excitely, in the archives still stored great amount Similar pieces.

Two secret doors left the compass hall, one of them led right into prison on the top floor. In the hall, the accused often waited for sentence. Also with the fading of the hearts were waiting for the proceedings of their case, people caused by den.
The court for all these cases was held in Hall of the Council of Tith . The Council was formed after a conspiracy of 1310 g (in order to prevent this in the embryo) and was, in fact, the secret police of the Venice Republic. In addition to the 10 annually re-elected members, the Council included Dam and 6 of his advisers. Slava of the Council of 10 was ominous. It is already difficult to say whether such a cruel arbitration was really happening there, which Napoleonic propaganda subsequently represented him. If so, it worked: For a long time in the mass consciousness, the Venice republic began to be associated with total fear and informants, as well as with ruthless judges, stamping convictions in the Hall of the Council of the Ten and sending prisoners under the "lead roof" - the old prison, cameras Which were located right above the board.


If the time allows, I recommend to inspect Armory . There are exhibits alabards, swords, peaks, crossbows, the armor of different times - in a word, there is something to see. Formally, weapons belonged to the Council of ten and they say, always stored in combat readiness - it was not possible that ... the feeling that Venetians lived all the time, as on the volcano. But for more than a thousand-year history of the republic, not a single serious rebellion or a popular uprising was happening here - an amazing achievement.

In weapons, special attention should be paid to the horse armor of the King of France Heinrich IV, presented to him in 1603. Yes, there were times when the location of Venice was looking for the most powerful rulers of the world.

Passage Hall of the Council of Soroka And several rooms related to him, we will be in the main premises of the Palace of the Doge - Hall of the Grand Council. This top authority of the Republic of the Republic fastened here and end of XVIII Centuries have grown up to 1600 people. It is not surprising that this government hall was the largest in Italy.

He was decorated with the best artists of Venice, but, alas, a fire 1577 g completely destroyed the old premises with all masterpieces. From the masters of the old school, only Tintoretto and Veronese managed to participate in restoration work. The most famous picture in the Hall of the Grand Council - "Paradise" - just the authorship of Tintoretto and his son. This one of the world's largest paintings occupied the entire wall behind the throng.

The walls of the Hall of the Big Council are decorated with large-scale cloths that glorify the adestrators of Venetian history. Here and 12 paintings describing the confrontation of the Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III (their reconciliation took place in Venice, which later used the location both of the other). I long studied the series of paintings glorifying the fourth crusade, during which, with the active participation of the Venetians, Constantinople was taken and looted. This page of the history of the republic is very difficult to name glorious, although it was as a result of the campaign that Venice reached the peak of his power. Almost 600 years later, she repeated the fate of Constantinople in many trafficking: the French brought out a huge amount of treasure and cultural property from the city.

Separate place in the Hall of the Grand Council (as in the adjacent Voting Hall ) Battle canvases: Victory Venetsev's victory over Genoa, Milan and above the Turks, have been widely reflected in the work of artists.

In the Hall of the Big Council, one of the most suitable ceremonies of the Venetian Republic was completed - the election of a dog. A more confusing election system probably did not know the story. Repeat briefly and in your own words: first 100 people choose 30 people, then these 30 choose 50 people, then those 50 choose 300 people and so on. At the end of this chain, someone finally chose a dog. By the way, the portraits of all the guards of the republic are also decorated with the Hall of the Great Council. I specifically found one place with black drapery, instead of a portrait: At this place there was an image of Djja Marino Faleeo - the only rulers executed for treason (what we are informed about the inscription).

On the bridge of sigh in prison and back. The last halls of the palace

After passing through the bridge, we will be able to inspect the gloomy cameras of the new prison. By wageing them for a short time - there is nothing remarkable inside inside, but in fact the oppressive, I vividly introduced what was concluded.

After examining the cameras and a prison courtyard, you will get acquainted with a small exposition dedicated to the work of prisoners not so long ago - the beginning of the 20th century (surprisingly, but the prison functioned until the end of World War II). Creativity of prisoners is represented by drawings and inscriptions on the walls - truly, many talented people moved here.

The room in front of the bridge is organized a small archaeological exhibition - it is demonstrated by the items found during the excavation of the foundation of Campanille San Marco. She, as you know, completely collapsed in 1902, and in the process of work for its restoration found a lot of items belonging to the most distinct periods of Venetian history, in particular - domestic remains.

Having studied everything interesting, we return along the corridor of the bridge of sighs back to the palace. There is still some small rooms. Basically, these are premises of different bureaucratic departments - notaries, censors, etc.

Soon we will enter a room with a souvenir shop, near the cafe and toilets. Buying souvenirs is not very profitable here, but there is a large selection of books on the history of Venice and the Palace of the Doge on different languages, including Russian. Going away from here on the stairs, we will again be in the courtyard.

Here you can sit down on a bench and think about further plans for the day. If we have already inspected everything in the palace, we wanted moving to the paper gate.

But it is still a bit about the ladder of the Giants: Next to her in Zakull, one of the galleries is the original sculpture of St. Theodore, Pouring Dragon, is the most - from the columns in front of the palace. On the column it was long replaced by a copy, and here we can evaluate it to truly impressive sizes and a very peculiar look nearby.

It is believed that this composition was "collected" from the wreckage of the ancient Roman statues than and explains its agile form. The dragon is especially good, more like a crocodile, which everything in this life is tired.
And a masterpiece, we go through the gate to San Marco Square.

How to get to the palace

Most of the tourists get to the Palace of the Worporetto (№1, №2, etc.). Go out at the San Zaccaria stop (1) and go on the embankment to the left. When you walk the straw bridge (2), the Doge Palace (3) will be right from you. If you walk in Venice on foot, and want to find the palace, move in the direction of San Marco Square (4), the benefit of the pointers in the city. Once on the square, go towards the embankment past the Cathedral of St. Brand (5), and the Doge Palace (3) will be left of you.

Nearby there is a lot of interesting things. Having a snack in one of the cafes on San Marco or in the nearby surroundings, you can go to the Museum Correll (6) - the ticket you already have. To get there, go from the Doge Palace and the Cathedral of St. Brand on the opposite end of the area, holding the left side. The museum is located in the building of new prosecutations, and it organically complements the exposition of the Doge Palace: here less large-scale cauldron on the whole wall and halls with a rich history, it is detailed by the life of various years - archaeological finds, documents, costumes, coins, etc. In addition, you can see a collection of paintings of the XII-XVII centuries, Greek and Roman sculptures of the V-IV centuries BC, as well as the famous Marcian library (7).

Here the main thing is to correctly calculate your strength: you should not try to argue immense. If you feel fatigue, relax in the kindergarten (8) behind the library and go to the side of Rialto, enjoying the unique Venetian streets. In any case, this day will be one of the brightest memories of Venice.

Palace of the Doge (Italian. Palazzo Ducale) in Venice - a great monument to Italian gothic architecture, one of the main attractions of the city. Located on St. Mark's Square near the Cathedral of the same name. Although the first building in this place was still in the 9th century, the construction of today's building was carried out between 1309 and 1424, presumably architect was Filippo Calendario. In 1577, part of the palace was destroyed by fire, and Antonio De Ponti, the Creator of the Rialto Bridge, was engaged in the restoration of the building.

This Main Building of Venice was primarily the residence of the Republic of the Republic. In the palace, the Great Council and the Senate met, the Supreme Court worked and the secret police took his affairs. On the ground floor there were also offices of lawyers, office, censors and maritime services. The balcony was sustained from above served as a festive tribune, with which the birth was the people. Guests of the city, which moored to the Palace itself, the Piazzetta, turned out to be thus at the legs of the ruler of the republic.

Together with the Cathedral of St. Mark, the library of San Marco and other buildings, the Palace of the Doh is formed by the main architectural ensemble of the city.


The name of the palace comes from the residence of the Dwiets, the heads of the Venetian Republic. Like the Cathedral of St. Mark, the Doge's Palace was built and decorated many centuries. The first of its building, built in 810, was a fortress with walls and towers, from all sides with surrounded water. In 976, part of the nobility and people rebelled against the Physician of P. Kandiani IV and burned his residence. Instead of her Venetians built a new fortress, but it burned down in 1106.

In the XII century, the Venetian masters built a new palace, while there was no need to build it as a fortress. At that time, Venice was no longer familiar to medieval Europe Strong castles and fortress walls: here the sea served as protection, and instead of forts, the republic was a beautiful fleet. Therefore, the fortress walls and towers did not build, but the preserved ditch fell asleep.

The current building of the palace was mainly built between 1309 and 1424. Presumably architect of the first version of the palace was Filippo Calendario, as well as Pietro Baseo and Master Enrico. In 1400-1404, a facade was completed, leaving the lagoon, and in 1424 and the one that goes to St. Mark's Square. For the end of construction, Florentine and Lombard masters were invited, however most of Buildings in Gothic style was performed by members of the Bon family, Venetian masters - marble processing specialists.

The palace was significantly damaged during a fire on December 20, 1577. During the resulting restoration, it was decided to leave the building in the former Gothic style, instead of changing it to a more modern one.

In addition, to perform the functions of the Major Residence, the political authorities of the republic also were also placed in the palace until the occupation of the city of Napoleon's troops in 1797.

Currently, the building is a museum.


As if in a mockery over all the laws of architecture top massive part The Palace of the Doh rests on the lungs of openwork arches. At first glance, it seems that the building is turned on the foundation up and the roof of the book, the system of its facade is so illogical: two tapes of weak supports at the bottom and high solid wall at the top. In 1577, another fire destroyed one wing of the building and Antonio de Ponti, the Creator of the Rialto Bridge, restored the initial appearance.

At first it seems that all architectural elements of the facade are connected with each other illogical, unexpectedly and as if accidentally. And at the same time, everything is attractive here, fresh and bright, full of life and joy, everything is artistically rich, and, in the end, reasonably. The open arcade gallery of the first floor is not an artistic caprication, but a wonderful shelter from the southern sun. This is a place where any passing pleasant to relax and admire from here a view of one of the most famous architectural landscapes in the world.

Gallery of the second floor is a air balcony, which darkens with the south and west, relatively small official premises. The combination of openwork galleries and a smooth wall in the Palace of the Doings saturates the entire facade of the incredible wealth of composite contrasts and, as it should be withdrawing the entire appearance of the facade, open towards the ensemble of Piazzette and a disorder of the Venetian lagoon.

The decoration of the palace facades was carried out mainly in the middle and second half of the XV century, when the previous delight of the Gothic tradition was replaced by Venetian's desire for more harmonious forms of Renaissance. Refusing gothic filigree, they became adherents of a soft roundness architectural formswhich shine a variety of marble varieties. However, the bright facade of the Palace of the Doge, leaving the Piazzette, has one gloomy item. In the second tier, the 9th and 10th columns are made of marble more dense, reddish tint: the death sentences were announced between them.

In the center of the Eastern Facade there is a balcony performed by students of Sansovino in 1536. Above the balcony - a fit window and a sculptural image of the Daddy Andrea Gritty in front of the Venice symbol. Over this balcony has a statue of justice work of the sculptor Alessandro Vittoria. It was from this balcony that in 1865 an union of Venice was proclaimed with the Italian kingdom.

Port Della map

"Paper door"

To the left of the facade overlooking the Saint Mark, it opens access to the courtyard of the Palace of the Major Port of Della map - "Paper Door", created by Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon; In the shape of a fitted argy, decorated in the upper part of it decorative elements in the Gothic style; On the portal - free Francesco Foscari in front of the winged lion (symbol of the Venetian Republic), and at the top - the Statue of Justice. The origin of the name of the door. Scientists are interpreted in two ways. It is possible that it is connected with the archive of documents that were nearby, or, according to another version, due to the fact that once the writings were sitting and helped to make citizens, complaints and petitions.

Through the "paper door" you can go to the arched gallery of Foskari, and then into the courtyard of the Palace of the Doh, surrounded by bunk marble arcades and decorated with eight ancient Greek sculptures. Special attention The statue of General M. della Rovera, Duke Urbinsky (the work of the sculptor D. Badini) attracts to him. In the middle of the courtyard still stands two lush bronze water wells, which supplied water better in all Venice. A lot of vehicle shops every day filled out the courtyard of the palace and spread their cold and tasty drinking from there even in the most remote Quarters of Venice.

The main facade from the east side of the entrance is the works of Antonio Rizzo (end of the XV century), luxuriously decorated Pietro Lombardo. Two facades that are framed by the yard from South and East side are built of red bricks Bartolomeo Manopol in the XVII century.

Upstairs the northern facade with the arched gallery of the foscari was set at the clock clock; This facade has two tiers of Arches: semicircular in portica and fitted in the loggia. In arched galleries, niches are allocated with antique renovated statues. This facade is also a baroque work of mapola. The monument to Urbinsky Duke Francesco Maria della Rover works Giovanni Bandini (1587) was installed on the right on a high pedestal.


Ladder Giagants

From the courtyard to the palace, a huge ladder of giants, cut out from carrarsky marble. In 1554, huge marble statues of Mars and Neptune - Military and Marine Patrons of Venice were installed on the top platform of the stairs (Jacopo Sansovino); So the staircase and received its current name. Immediately all the solemn ceremonies of the Venetian Republic were held, and the lush of them was the wedding of a dog. Then the staircase turned as if in a gigantic throne, and the most senior member of the Council was on the head of the new ruler a precious headdress - a symbol of the Dwan power. The staircase leads to the covered gallery of the second floor. Along the gallery and inside the palace are often found "lion grazers" - the engraved heads of Lviv, in which the messages and secret denunciations were descended, which were competence of various departments.

Golden staircase

The Palace's Paradinary Halls can be climbed by the Golden Staircase, designed by Sansovino in 1538 for Dress Andrea Gritty and the finished Scarpanino in 1559. The staircase covered with gilded stucco, in the old days was intended for important guests and high-ranking specials whose names were in the Golden Book. This book, Venice's residents amounted to in 1315 and entered 200 families, whose members could occupy important state posts Since then, until the end of the existence of the republic. The "Golden Book" was kept in a special room, arranged under the "Golden Staircian" in 1180. Sebastian Dzianni offers.

Hall of the Great Council on the picture of Josef Heinz Jr. (1678).

The "golden staircase" led to the hall of the Big Council - the largest hall is not only in Venice, but in all of Italy. Its length is 54 meters, width - 25 meters, and height is 15 meters. The Hall of the Big Council occupies all the southern wing of the Doge Palace. He was decorated with masterpieces of Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto and other famous artists, but they were all destroyed during the fire of 1577. The hall was reconstructed by the Antonio de Ponti project. In front of the Eastern Wall in the Hall of the Grand Council on the pedestal, the throne of the Daddy and Chairs of the six members of the Small Council are installed. And over them is the whole wall one of the largest paintings in the world - "Paradise", written by Jacopo Tintoretto and his son Domenico in 1590. The ceiling highlights a huge oval picture of Paolo Veronese "Triumph Venice". The window of the hall goes to the lagoon. A huge flat ceiling will be tightened with luxurious picturesque cloths removal of heavy fastened patterns.

In the Hall of the Grand Council are now located beautifully written portraits of all the games ruled by Venice. However, on the spot where Marino Falero Daddy's portrait had to be, a black scroll was placed, with the inscription on it: "Here the place of Marino Faleeo, executed for treason."

Hall of elections

From the Hall of the Big Council, visitors pass to the election hall (or the lounge of fate), which is called this because during the days of the republic there was a public chalching of officials, and sometimes their condemnation. Immediately sentences were made, however, in this room no one dared to go with a weapon.

Massive ceiling liquefit lush thread and gilding. In addition, it contains three large oval paintings, two squares and 12 irregular triangles, in which allegorical plots are represented by the artist Padovanino.

Compass Hall

The hall of the Compass - once the front hall of the Council of the Ten, and at the same time inquisition, in which convicted with trepidation and fear were waiting for the sentence. Immediately there was a well-known "lion mouth", in which messages and denunciations fell.

The ceiling of the compass hall consists of three huge ovals and 12 quadricons that fill the corners. This plafof was painted Paolo Veronese, and on the first big oval, he portrayed "Triumph of Venice", presenting it in the form of a goddess, which is worn in the clouds, surrounded by allegorical figures of glory, strength, wealth ... However, today one of the ovals is empty. Before the picture of the "Saint Mark surrounded by the Saints" in 1797 was taken to Paris and put in Louvre.

In the Hall of the Council of the Tife, the Tribunal focused on the investigations, which concerned political crimes against the state. The Tribunal headed his daughter, his composition included ten members of the Great Council and six advisers. On this room were prison cameras, the so-called Piomby, with a lead ceiling, in which Jacomo Casanova and Jordan Bruno were once enclosed. In the center there is a masterpiece Veronese "Zeus is striking the lightning of the villocks", dried in 1797 by the French in Paris and still located in Louvre. Now there is a copy of Jacopo di Andrea on the site of the canvas.

In this hall, convicted through a special secret staircase followed top Palace, which was called "lead roof", as well as "leaders" or simply "Piomby." In the enfiladies of lush halls, the wonders of art and beauty were crowded, and above the ceiling, which bright the fantasy of artists, prisoners moaning in lead attacks. In the walls of close corridors, the holes are still black, in which a ten-year-old child, if you can enter, then just flaming. Shutters I. iron grilles long ago disappeared, but on the walls and to this day the burnt remnants wooden platingwhich at least somehow protected prisoners from moisture ...

Hall Scarlatti.

In the Scarlatti Hall gathered in bright red, and waited for a dog for holding official ceremonies. The luxurious finish of this hall was performed under the guidance of Pietro Lombardo. A rich wooden ceiling refers to the beginning of the XVI century. On a sophisticated marble stone, the coat of arms of Dudge Agostino Barbarigo.

Hall card

The hall hall must be the name of the geographical cards, which decorate his walls made by Giovanni Battista Ramusio in 1540, as well as Francesco Grisellin and Justino Mennescardi in 1762. In the center of the hall there are two large globes that belong to the XVII century.

Hall of the Collegium

A collegium was gathered in the board of the college, consisting of a dog, six advisers, foreman, heads of the Council of the Ten and the Supreme Chancellor. Here were taken essential solutions Government of the Republic. This hall was created by Antonio De Ponti in 1574. A beautiful gold-plated thread ceiling was created by Francesco Bello and is the framing of allegorical cloths of Veronese, among which "Venice on the throne" stands out over the tribune.

Hall of Senata

The Senate Hall was also reconstructed Antonio De Ponti. Figure of the beautiful ceiling was made by Cristoforo Sort. The panels installed in it are created by different artists, in particular Tintoretto.


Bridge of sighs

From the halls of the Office of Laws and Management of Criminal Cases, you can get into the corridor, leading right through the bridge of the sigh, peroxided through the palace canal, to the new prisons designed by Antonio de Ponti. On the bridge there are two corridors: the top leads to new prisons, and the lower return on the floor of the portica of the Doge's Palace. The old prisons belong to Piombi that under the lead roof of the palace, and Pozzi, located at the water level of the palace canal, in which the most dangerous prisoners plant. Prison cameras Pozzi their wooden cladding and poor spaces typify sad feelings on the visitor, and easily you can imagine the mood of those who were concluded here.

Views: 156.

The light republic Venice (Republic of St. Mark; Serenìsima Republica de Venesia, Ital. Serenissima Repubblica Di Venezia) - From the end of the 6th century to 1797, the republic in Europe with the capital in Venice. It was located in the northeastern part of the territory of modern Italy, had a colony in the territory of states lying in the Adriatic, the pools of the Aegean, Marble and Black Seas.

In 466, representatives of the population of the Venetian lagoon gathered at the Grado (nearby city) and agreed to elect the Council of the Twelve representatives from each of the 12 groups of the islands that were Venice. Since 1172, the main ruling authority of Venice has become a great advice.

Venetian free

697 - 1797

veins. Doxe de Venexia, ITAL. Doge di Venezia.

Venice Republic in 1796

Palace of the Doge

Headdress Duge

The first significant military danger (War with Langobard) revealed the need for centralized management of the Lagoon Islands. And then, in 697, the first birth was elected in Venice. Free (Italian. Doge, from Lat. DUX - "Leader, leader) - the title of state in the Italian maritime republics - Venetian, Genoese and Amalfian.

The title of a dog existed in the Venice Republic for more than a thousand years, from VIII to the XVIII century. The first birth was. Presumably the first logistics were performed by the functions of the Vicers of the Byzantine Empire.

From 1268 there was a vice-dog position.

When acquired by Venice, the independence was attempts to establish the hereditary transfer of position and thus transform the republic to the monarchy. In the future, the Duzh's power was increasingly limited and became nominal, until in 1797, Napoleon did not cancel the election of a dog.

Drives were elected from the richest and influential families of Venice, as a rule, for life, and until 1032 had almost unlimited power in state, military and church affairs. Dad's income in his post were small, and duties over time became more ceremonial.

After the election of a dog, he appeared in Venice in the Palace of the Doings on St. Mark's Square. After the XIII century, the power of the guild was limited, in fact, he was under the control of other departments, which to some extent balanced political power. Theses were endowed with economic, civil and religious power, which made it possible to erect his figure like a dad or king in some way.

In total, the history of Venice was 120 games.

Legs were elected from the richest and influential families of Venice. After that, the power of the guild was limited by the introduction of several alternative institutions of power. After 1172, the head of state is elected through a complex procedure. The forty committee chose a dog from four candidates chosen from the Big Council.

In the 1229 elections, the forty committee was increased to forty-one, that is, an odd number of members. From 1268 to the end of the existence of the title, the procedure of choice, which includes eleven votes. Of the thirty members of the Big Council, nine were chosen. Nine members of the Council chose forty people, and twelve people were chosen from these forty, who, in turn, chose twenty-five people. These twenty-five were filled to nine people, nine were chosen forty-five voters. After that, forty five people decreased again to a group of eleven. And finally, eleven people chose forty-one voter who chose a dog.

Such a voting method was intended to take into account the interests of all parties, and prevent the highest position in the state of the Ukrainian State or Clan, a person dangerous or unable to keep the reign in the hands of the reign. When the dozh was chosen, he appeared before the people with the words "this is your own, if it suits you." After that, he took an oath, which solemnly swore to act according to the laws and for the benefit of the state.

Dad's power is strictly limited to a different kind of prescriptions. Being a relative, he did not have the right to appear in public alone, could not alone meet with foreign sovereigns or envoys, could not one open official correspondence. The dog could not have property in other states.

We usually managed the country to death, although there were cases of degradation from the post. Dad's income in his post were small. After 1501, the procedure was developed for the posthumous reimbursement of damage caused to the guise during the reign, for example, as a result of theft.

One of the ceremonial duties of the Daddy consisted in the implementation of the chores of the dog's engagement with the sea. The guy challenged the ring to the Adriatic from the state ship - the gallers, which wore the name of the buchintoro or bubbling. The tradition appeared after 1000, to commemorate the conquest of Dalmatia, the 26th Doge.

The robe of the dog consisted of a cap-cap of a special shape, a sword, a purple or golden mantle, with a collar made of fumes and red shoes, similar to the shoes of the Byzantine emperors. Every year, on Easter, the preparation was led by the procession from San Marco to the Women's Monastery of San Scrkaria, where the abundant of the monastery handed him a new hat (Corno Ducale), stitched by nuns. The hat had the shape of the horns, was rigid, manufactured from the brocade.

№№ Name in Russian Italian name Years of board The cause of the loss of title
1. Paolo Lucio Anafesto. 697-717
2. Marcello Tegalliano. 717-726
3. Orso ipato. 726-737
Magistri Militum. 737-742
4. Teodato Ipato. 742-755
5. Galla Gaulo. 755-756
6. Domenico Monegario. 756-764
7. Maurizio Galbaio. 764-787
8. Giovanni Galbaio. 787-804
9. Obelerio Antenoreo. 804-810
10. Angelo Participazio. 811-827
11. Giustiniano Participazio. 827-829
12. Giovanni I Participazio. 829-836
13. Pietro Tradonico. 836-864
14. Orso I Participazio. 864-881
15. Giovanni II Participazio. 881-887
16. Pietro I Candiano. 887-887
17. Pietro Tribuno. 888-912
18. Orso II Participazio. 912-932
19. Pietro II Candiano. 932-939
20. Pietro Badoer Participazio. 939-942
21. Pietro III Candiano. 942-959
22. Pietro IV Candiano. 959-976
23. Pietro I ORSEOLO. 976-978
24. Vitale Candiano. 978-979
25. Tribuno Memmo. 979-991
26. Pietro II ORSEOLO. 991-1009
27. Ottone ORSEOLO. 1009-1026
28. Pietro Barbolano. 1026-1032
29. Domenico Flabanico. 1032-1043
30. Domenico I Contarini. 1043-1071
31. Domenico Selvo. 1071-1084
33. Vitale I Michele 1096-1102
34. Ordelaffo Faliero. 1102-1118
35. Domenico Michele. 1118-1130
36. Pietro Polani. 1130-1148
37. Domenico Morosini. 1148-1156
38. Vitale II Michele 1156-1172
39. Sebastiano Ziani. 1172-1178
40. Orio Mastropiero. 1178-1192
41. Enrico Dandolo. 1192-1205
42. Pietro Ziani. 1205-1229
43. Jacopo Tiepolo. 1229-1249
44. Marino Morosini. 1249-1252
45. Reniero Zeno. 1252-1268
46. Lorenzo Tiepolo. 1268-1275
47. Jacopo Contarini. 1275-1280
48. Giovanni Dandolo. 1280-1289
49. Pietro GRADENIGO. 1289-1311
50. Marino Zorzi. 1311-1312
51. Giovanni Soranzo. 1312-1328
52. Francesco Dandolo. 1328-1339
53. Bartolomeo Gradenigo. 1339-1342
54. Andrea Dandolo. 1343-1354
55. Marino Faliero. 1354-1355
56. Giovanni Gradenigo. 1355-1356
57. Giovanni Delfino. 1356-1361
58. Lorenzo Celsi. 1361-1365
59. Marco Cornaro. 1365-1368
60. Andrea Contarini. 1368-1382
61. Michele Morosini. 1382-1382
62. Antonio Venier. 1382-1400
63. Michele Steno. 1400-1413
64. Tommaso Mocenigo. 1413-1423
65. Francesco Foscari. 1423-1457
66. Pasquale Malipiero. 1457-1462
67. Cristoforo Moro. 1462-1471
68. Nicolò Tron. 1471-1473
69. Nicolò Marcello. 1473-1474
70. Pietro Mocenigo. 1474-1476
71. Andrea Vendramin. 1476-1478
72. Giovanni Mocenigo. 1478-1485
73. Marco Barbarigo. 1485-1486
74. Agostin Barbarigo. 1486-1501
75. Leonardo Loredan. 1501-1521
76. Antonio Grimani. 1521-1523

The interiors of this palace painted the best masters of their era. And the brighter the contrast between elegant living rooms and dark teat cameras in the dungeon. Palazzo Contrastov, Palace, where the Dark Pages of the history of Venice were written - the Palace of the Doge.

How it all began…

The current palace is not at all nor the slightest detail reminds the one the very first that was built at the dawn of the IX century. In 810, a chic palace was built on the central San Marco Square, surrounded by water and strong walls from all sides.

However, at the first folk uprising In 976, the mansion was destroyed by militant venetians. After the restoration work was completed, the New Kara residence was added - he burned almost completely With a devastating fire in 1106.

But this time the Palazzo was restored. And already in the form in which we know it now, the Doge's Palace appeared in the middle of the XV century (the work was led by the architect Sebastian Dziani). Since there was a need for defense and protection against attacks, palace with restoration work gave an elegant and solemn view. Since the construction went for quite a long time, the master took part in the work different countries. From here and mixing styles - a strict gothic, rounded Romance, elegant Arabic.

In 1577, another major fire was happening, which practically to the base destroyed the left wing of the building. And these are the only premises that are recreated exactly the same as they were before the fire. The largest artists and architects of the time - Tintoretto, Veronese took part in the restoration work.

At the appropriate periods of its history, Palazzo, Dukkale managed to visit the role of places for meetings of the Senate Committee, the Council of the Republic, the Supreme Court, the Inquisition, the Maritime Department, the Council of the Ten (the Secret Office).

Exterior facade of the building is rows of strict columns on the second tier and openwork archeswho attach some kind of airiness. And only in one place on the facade of the palace, two columns are allocated among others; Unlike the rest, these columns are red, since it is here that death sentences were announced between the 9th and 10th columns.

From the facade there is intly decorated balconyFrom which the Venice ruler appeared in the days of great festivals.

The courtyard is multiple gallery. Previously, to get to the palace could be through the "Map Port" ("Paper Gate"). The name it was given due to the fact that the scribes were drawn up all sorts of papers and permits. Today, the "Card Port Port" work only on the way out.

The input starts with ladders of giants in the courtyard Palazzo. Giants are the statues of Mars and Neptune. Take a look at the photo of this place in the National Palace in Venice.

Palace interiors

Palazzo Dukkale is one of the most interesting in architectural plan Buildings: It is built in combination of strict gothic style and east lightness.

On the second floor leads Golden staircase. The golden name is due to the abundance of gilded stucco. The construction was carried out under Sansovino futile control (1538), and later - Scarpanino (1559).

Initially, this staircase it was intended only for high-ranking faceswhose names were listed in a special Golden Book, (kept under the stairs, the ministers were drilled - there is a guest name in the golden book, and only then missed).

North wing is personal relatives. In the corridors and halls of this wing you can see the statues of famous philosophers.

On the top floor of the southern wing is the famous Hall of the Great Council (takes all wing). The length of this room is 55 meters, the width is 25 meters, and this is the only room in the world, the high ceiling of which is not supported by any supports at all. On the walls you can see 66 portraits of the first Venetian guards.

But one of the portraits is painted in black - this is Marino Faleeo, who was executed for attempting to the state coup. In the history of Venice, he entered, but in the Hall of the Big Council, it was intersectioned in such an unusual way.

Hall card - This is a meeting geographic maps The XVI-XVIII centuries, which were attracted by the best Italian masters. The rarity is the Marco Polo map with routes passed by him.

Hall of votes and colleague hall In the Palace, Guards boasts a collection of paintings by Masters of Italy (Tintoretto, Veronese, Francesco Bassano), Magistroo Hall He will introduce the famous and little-known works by Jerome Bosch, and a collection of ancient weapon is presented in the Armory Chamber.

Secret premises in the palace

There are not only lobby lobby and the front halls in the palace, there are many rooms in it, in which their own secret life was conducted, the states of the state, as well as the fate of concrete people.

Among such premises - hall of the Council of Tithwhere he held a meeting of the Tribunal, which endowed sentences to criminals, languishing in closed cameras here, in basement (Pozzi prison) or in the chambers on the top floor (Piombi prison). The famous prisoners of Piomby - Jordano Bruno and Jacomo Casanova.

"Bridge of Sighs" - Another infamous landmark of Palazzo Dukkale. This narrow bridge joined the Palace of Daughters with a new building of the prison (Carricherie), and on this bridge sometimes held a prisoner who barely had time to quit the last view of the city.

Learn about the Doge Palace more of these videos:

1. The outer part of the palace and a bit of history

2. Palace's Interior Halls

Excursions: how much is it and when to see

The time of the palace depends on the tourist season. During the high season (April - October) Palazzo opens at 8.30 and finishes work at 19.30. And in the winter period, the time of work of the palace is reduced by 2 hours - respectively until 17.30.

A ticket to the palace costs 20 euros. Students and retirees are provided with a discount - for them the price of the ticket will be 13-14 euros (to obtain a discount, a retirement certificate or student card should be submitted). Children under 5 can visit the palace for free, and from 6 to 14 years old - for 12 euros.

There is no audio guide in Russian, but A tour of the Russian-speaking guide can also conduct. Mostly excursions in English and Italian.

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