What do insects seen in a dream mean? Dream Interpretation. Esoteric dream book If the Midge is dreaming

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An annoying midge delivers a lot of unpleasant moments in reality. Night dreams with her participation also do not mean anything pleasant. As a rule, they promise a lot of trouble and routine duties. More detailed information the meaning of a dream can be obtained by recalling what exactly happened in it.

  • If in the country of Morpheus you contemplate how an annoying midge is hovering nearby or even surrounded you with a fussing swarm, then do not doubt that you will soon have to resist the annoying care of your inner circle or fend off obsessive communication with strangers.
  • Only one small midge continuously hovering over you in a dream? Her appearance means that in reality you will have to compete with a competitor in the business or love sphere.
  • Moshkara, stuck to the branches of a bush or tree, appears in night dreams if you have to defend your opinion in a dispute with opponents. Remember that victory will come only if you are absolutely sure that you are right. Any doubt and lack of perseverance will certainly lead to defeat.
  • In the plot of the dream, are you in nature, and a swarm of midges is hovering over your tent? Thus the subconscious warns. That it is dangerous to talk about your plans to friends or colleagues. After all, they can easily betray.
  • Midges circling in the air usually portend various unpleasant things. However, about insects. Sitting on the ground This cannot be said. After all, a dream with midges covering the ground or grass means the onset of a period of calm and stability in life.
  • By the appearance of midges that appeared in night dreams, one can also guess what to expect from the future. Excessively large individuals promise grandiose changes, small ones - warn of gossip, dead ones - promise a bright streak in life, green ones - the favor of fortune, and black ones - the presence of envious people.
  • The meaning of the appearance of midges in the house depends on the place in which you noticed it in a dream. Midges in the bedroom - evidence of subconscious distrust of your partner, in the kitchen - a harbinger of household chores or the arrival of guests, on the ceiling - you have to conquer new heights of life, in the wardrobe - there is an urgent need to update the wardrobe.
  • Anyone who in a dream drives away an annoying gnat from himself, in reality, for sure, chose the "ostrich strategy" and does not want to openly face problems, much less engage in their solution. It is not difficult to imagine what this behavior might eventually lead to.
  • The murder of one or several midges in the country of Morpheus in reality does not mean serious trouble at all. Quite the contrary, such a dream indicates that you will successfully cope with all problems and receive a well-deserved reward.
  • If during a night dream you accidentally swallowed an insect, then in real life try to be more restrained in language and in actions so as not to be in a difficult situation.
  • Swarm of midges entangled in your hair? Reality will surely fill your head with gloomy thoughts. If the gnat has also begun to bite, then keep in mind that soon a lot of small worries will distract you from solving global problems.

To find out more specifically what this or that dream scenario means, you should seek help from one of your favorite dream books.

  • According to Miller's dream book insects curling around and biting mean that you have to withstand the attacks of work colleagues and resist the discontent of your superiors.
  • Eastern dream book warns that if in a dream you are disturbed by numerous bites of midges, then in reality you should avoid conflict situations. After all, you will certainly not be the winner in such a confrontation.
  • Gypsy dream book interprets the presence of midges in the apartment. According to his explanation, midges flying around the rooms. It means the presence in your life of a mass of annoying friends and acquaintances, which should be disposed of as quickly as possible.
  • Lunar dream book warns that a night dream, in which hordes of insects fly around, serves as a harbinger of the appearance of fellow ill-wishers, building all sorts of intrigues for you and discrediting your reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation Longo explains that if in a dream you are running away from a swarm of annoying midges, then in reality you are trying to get rid of routine duties, considering their fulfillment as wasted time.
  • Dream Interpretation Veles very succinctly claims that any appearance of midges in night vision symbolizes the onset of a streak of bad luck and a consistently gloomy mood.
  • One who seeks interpretation from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer, will find that the meaning of the dream depends on the number of insects. One or two annoying insects promise only minor obstacles on the way to the goal, but a whole swarm warns that insurmountable obstacles will arise in life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Moshki dream about in a dream?

Seeing midges in the air near you in a dream is a sign that in reality the most insignificant personalities will create problems for you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Moshkara annoyingly circles over your head, eating away your eyes - whole hordes of ill-wishers are pressing on you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Midges in a dream?

If in a dream a swarm of midges swirls around you, annoyingly itching and clogging your nose, ears - it means that in real life you will be pissed off by annoying people with their importunity. If midges, for all that, still bite you painfully, you should beware of climbing on the rampage in the presence of big bosses.

Killing midges on yourself, which managed to get drunk on your blood, is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which no one will take anything worthwhile.

To smear yourself with a remedy for mosquitoes in a dream - in reality you will overcome all obstacles in the way of fulfilling your plans and successfully implement them.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Moshkara - failure.

Medieval dream book

A lot of midges - to work.

Esoteric dream book

Moshkara - find yourself in the center of events, surrounded by people.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Moshkara clogging your eyes, ears, etc. - you overestimate the obstacles and obstacles in the way of your development; actions that hinder the development of your personality.

Transparent pillars of mosquitoes - your inner disharmony and aggressive aspirations.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Midges in a dream book?

Midges - minor interference in business, development.

Swarm - obstacles that are more tangible.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Midge - to an angry mood.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Midges in a dream book?

It is a dream that midges are flying around you - someone very persistent will pester you with their attention.

If they bite you, you better not take risks, because you can disappoint your bosses.

Kill a midge - a dialogue that is difficult for you will not succeed.

Spreading anti-mosquito cream on your body in a dream - you can go through all the trials and achieve your goal.

Dream Interpretation Midge, why the Midge dreams in a dream to see

Autumn dream book What does the Midge dream about in a dream book:

Midge - If a midge eats out your eyes in a dream - this is to an annoying person.

Small Velesov dream book Why does Moshka dream in a dream:

Moshka - Failure.

Spring dream book What does the Midge dream about in a dream book:

Moshka - To an angry mood.

Why dream Midges, insects - Minor interference in business, development. Swarm - obstacles that are more tangible.

Dream Interpretation Moshkara - Moshkara annoyingly circles over your head, eating away your eyes - whole hordes of ill-wishers are pressing on you.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Midge what does it mean

Moshkara - Failure, according to the dream book - predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is Moshka dreaming?

See in a dream

Mosquitoes - Seeing mosquitoes in the air near you in a dream is a sign that in reality the most insignificant personalities will create problems for you.

Esoteric dream book If the Midge dreams:

Moshkara - You will find yourself in the center of events, surrounded by people.

Lots of mosquitoes

Dream Interpretation A lot of midges dreamed of why in a dream a lot of midges? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter an image that characterizes a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of midges in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

If in a dream a swarm of midges swirls around you, annoyingly itching and clogging your nose, ears, etc., it means that in real life you will be pissed off by annoying people with their importunity. If midges, for all that, still bite you painfully, you should beware of climbing on the rampage in the presence of big bosses.

Killing midges on yourself, which managed to get drunk on your blood, is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which no one will take anything worthwhile.

To smear yourself with a remedy for mosquitoes in a dream - in reality you will overcome all obstacles in the way of fulfilling your plans and successfully implement them.

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

Seeing a circling midge in a dream is a minor disappointment.

Midges are especially sticky in August. And this means the end of summer, rains ... Nothing, but New Year. Closer!

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

Moshkara - Find yourself in the center of events, surrounded by people.

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

A dream about midges always portends failure. See interpretation: insects.

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

Moshkara annoyingly circles over your head, eating away your eyes - whole hordes of ill-wishers are pressing on you.

Dream Interpretation - Moshkara

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Dream Interpretation - Many

Dream Interpretation - Many bouquets

midge insects

Dream Interpretation Insect Midges dreamed of why in a dream Insect midges? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Insect midges in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Insect

Dream Interpretation - Insect

Insect - Huge, from a horror movie - these are your fears of disease and other dangers. If a huge insect attacks, know that with your emotions of fear you have drawn trouble to yourself, and if you do not relocate fear, then it will happen. Small, annoying, flying - a lot of unnecessary information about other people flocks to you, do not accumulate it in yourself, "let it in one ear, let it out in the other", then no one will accuse you of collecting "compromising evidence". Crawling on you - they talk a lot about you, and it annoys you. Here, the so-called astral phantom connections work, a phantom web, thanks to which one person "hears" another, even if he does not have clairaudience. Frequent contact with the phantom web can lead to nervous exhaustion, hysteria. Insects are very beautiful - you will be deceived in your expectations, especially if they coincide with the hopes of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Insects in a dream are endowed with the properties inherent in them in life. Some of them are considered harmful, others - useful, we fight with the third, welcome the fourth. You can find more information about each insect in separate chapters of the book. If you dream that insects are swarming around you, then grief and trouble await you.

Butterflies in a dream are a symbol of windiness, short-lived beauty, quickly passing feelings.

Mosquitoes are symbols of hostile causticity, they are annoying, they can hurt so much that you will remember for several days. In a dream, they represent intriguers, ill-wishers, envious people, rivals who are ready to profit at our expense.

Flies in a dream represent annoying, tedious people who are difficult to get rid of. Sometimes fly bites in a dream mean contagious diseases.

To see or hear gadflies in a dream means that you will learn about the deceit of your enemies. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a timely warning of danger will help you cope with your enemies and you will achieve a successful completion of the work you have begun. Flying gadflies in a dream mean small household expenses. A gadfly bite is a sign of deceit or treason. Keep it in your fist - for profit.

Wasps in a dream do not bode well. If a wasp flies to you, then wait for the news. A dream about wasps is in many ways similar to a dream about gadflies. A wasp nest in a dream is a symbol of enemy intrigues or plans. Destroying the nest means that the enemies will not take you by surprise and you will be forced to take risky actions to protect yourself.

Spiders in a dream mean deceit and cunning of enemies.

Leeches in a dream are a symbol that you have an enemy that it will be difficult for you to get rid of.

Bees in a dream symbolize diligence, perseverance, prosperity.

Locusts dream to warn of envious, greedy and greedy enemies.

A cricket in a dream means that you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve your desired goal. Hearing his trill in a dream is a sign of sadness and poverty.

A firefly in a dream portends good news.

Cockroaches in a dream are a sign of imminent enrichment at the expense of others. If you dream that you see a cockroach in your plate, then others will envy your luck. Eating a cockroach in a dream and spitting in disgust means that you will make some kind of purchase or make some kind of deal that you will later regret.

Snails in a dream mean weakness and defenselessness.

Worms in a dream symbolize obstacles in business, meanness. See interpretation: worms.

Hornets in a dream predict good profits. See interpretation: also midges.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

Insects seen in a dream - to worries and troubles from secret enemies.

Crawling insects portend grief from illnesses, flying insects - financial difficulties, floating - for pleasure and joy, blood-sucking - for a headache from children's leprosy.

Seeing beetles in a dream portends poverty, losses and an unfavorable outcome of the disease. Crush beetles - get good news.

A spider seen in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, for which you will be fully rewarded with sensitive and generous guidance.

A caterpillar in a dream portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Seeing worms is a very profitable and profitable place. Mosquitoes indicate that you are in vain resisting the offer to take a higher position. To kill mosquitoes - having overcome obstacles, you can fully enjoy family peace and well-being.

Dreaming of ants means that you will have a bad day and troubles will haunt you throughout it. Seeing flies in a dream portends a disease with contagious diseases. Catching a mole in a dream - you will have to defend your honor and dignity from false accusations.

A dragonfly in a dream portends a carefree existence with a profitable marriage with a wealthy businessman.

If you were stung by a bee, wasp or bumblebee, this is a sign of future misfortunes and remorse from your own arrogance.

Seeing bedbugs or fleas on your body predicts illness and trouble at home.

Lice mean that you will behave incorrectly with old acquaintances. Ticks crawling over your body are a sign of distress.

Seeing in a dream ritual images of insects considered sacred - envious people will not let you live until you get rid of them yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Insects

What flies, buzzes, stings, burrows, bites, distracts and is generally perceived as trifling, insignificant, intrusive, capable of delivering only minor annoyances and, nevertheless, creating quite sensitive interference. In general, insects are not strong (not deep), but repeated or obsessive sensations, thoughts, feelings that can lead to disharmony, deprive of peace and confidence. The appearance of insects in a dream can indicate future troubles, illnesses and minor mental disharmony. Often, individual insects (ant, butterfly, bee ...) act exclusively in a creative role (for example, lice or fleas to receive money, and a butterfly to meet a loved one).

Dream Interpretation - Insect

If a swarm of insects circled above you, this indicates that in real life you are preoccupied with petty, vain things.

They take away all your time and energy, so you just don’t have enough for the rest.

Try to shift some of this fuss to your assistants.

Run away from insects: a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid small tasks and assignments.

You are a broad person, and routine work does not satisfy you.

Catching insects: you are wasting time and effort on a trifle unworthy of attention.

Plus, it's a losing proposition.

Dream Interpretation - Midge

Dream Interpretation - Midge

If a midge eats out your eyes in a dream - this is to an annoying person.

Dream Interpretation - Midge

To an angry mood.

Dream Interpretation - Midges, insects

Minor interference in business, development. Swarm obstacles that are more palpable.

Midges on the wall

Dream interpretation Midges on the wall had a dream about what the Midges on the wall dream about in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Midges on the wall in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wall

Walls in a dream usually mean obstacles and failures. Sometimes the walls indicate what you have reliable protection. The destruction of walls in a dream predicts misfortune. Cracks on the wall are a harbinger that your well-being will be violated due to some impending tragic event or a complete decline in business. See interpretation: crack.

If in a dream there was a wall in your way and you cannot get around it or climb over it, then your plan will not come true. If in a dream you were able to overcome it - jump over, climb over, make a move in it, etc. - then success in a difficult task awaits you. Destroying the wall blocking your path in a dream is a good sign indicating that no obstacles can hold you back if you want to achieve your goal. But if you destroy walls for no reason, then by your rash actions you can destroy your well-being and lose the trust and support of powerful patrons. Building walls in a dream means that you can provide yourself with a reliable rear. Hiding behind some kind of wall in a dream means that you are in danger of exposure, shame and humiliation, from which only the help of true friends or partners can save you. If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by walls on all sides, you want to get out of this place, but you can’t, then you have to move serious illness. Looking at the walls of your house and finding them solid and strong means that you will feel completely safe in the circle of your family.

Walk along the long stone wall in a dream - a sign of the failure of plans and the collapse of hopes. Climbing a wall in a dream means that you will be able to overcome difficult obstacles and earn the respect of others. A falling wall in a dream portends great misfortunes and predicts that luck will soon turn its back on you. Hollow or rotten walls in a dream indicate the fragility of your position, which can change at any moment. Often such a dream portends that fortune may turn its back on you, and the person you were hoping for will let you down.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

The wall is an obstacle.

The wall of a city or a castle is an adventure, a danger.

A wall without a gate, which you go around in vain, is an insurmountable obstacle.

Inclined wall - happiness.

To stand on the wall - overcame evil slander.

Climbing over the wall - to achieve a firm position.

Jumping from it is an insane risk.

Breaking, destroying a wall is a misfortune in which you yourself will be to blame.

Suddenly the wall collapses - some decisive event in life / catastrophe, misfortune, etc.

To build a wall - happiness, wedding, union,

Climbing up a smooth wall - to experience fear of society, of responsibility / morally fall into childhood / without any reason to hope for support and peace.

Crawl through a hole in the wall - unforeseen situation, accident.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

Climbing the wall to take cover with a blanket - there will be a promotion.

Seeing large and wide city walls is a great wealth and a lot of joy.

Building walls is a great happiness and benefit.

The gates open wide in the city wall - there will be a quarrel, a squabble.

Walking inside the city wall is a misfortune.

Someone helps you climb the wall - happiness.

Being on the wall, digging the ground is a change.

Climbing over the wall and passing through the dwelling - some danger is leaving.

Climbing the red city walls is a great happiness.

The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

You build walls, build a house - great happiness and benefit.

The son of a concubine is dreaming under the wall - portends career growth.

The gates in the city wall open wide.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

Seeing in a dream that you are in front of a wall that has blocked your path portends that you will not withstand pressure on you and will lose even what you have already achieved. Jumping over a wall in a dream means that you will overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires.

Breaking a hole in the wall - promises you the achievement of the goal to which you will come, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions.

Destroying the wall is a sign that you will overcome your enemies.

Building a wall portends that you will carefully plan your luck in order to eliminate obstacles from the path.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is climbing to the top of the wall, this indicates that her future happiness will be reliable. If she hides behind a wall, this promises her love, for which she will be ashamed later. If she walks along the wall, the dream portends that she will take even greater care of her appearance and become very attractive.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

A dream in which an impenetrable wall has appeared in front of you portends that you will have to give up the conquered positions. If you manage to get over the wall, in reality you will achieve victory with little bloodshed. To take bricks or stones out of the wall - to loss, to punch a hole in it - to bad changes in life. Destroy the hay to the ground - to the death of loved ones.

Erecting a wall in a dream is a hassle. Curved wall - money problems. Plastering walls is a shaky, unreliable happiness; wallpapering is a pleasant acquaintance, a love adventure. Burnt walls are a sign of misfortune, a wall that has collapsed on you will feel shame.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

The meaning of sleep depends on who sees it.

If the wall dreamed unmarried girl, this suggests that her parents will be against her marriage to her loved one. And if there is no passage in the wall, the wedding may not take place.

Imagine that you are walking along the wall and find a wide gate, where more than one person will pass without problems.

If such a dream sees married woman, its meaning is favorable. A dream promises family happiness and a reliable life partner - but only if the wall is strong and high. If the wall collapses, the dream means that your marriage is in danger.

If you saw a crumbling wall in a dream, imagine that you and your spouse are restoring this wall, plastering it and painting it.

For a young man, such a dream portends the appearance of a dangerous rival who can steal the heart of his beloved. If a married man dreams of a wall, this means an insurmountable obstacle in some important matter.

If a man has such a dream, he needs to imagine that he is destroying a wall or jumping over it.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

If in a dream a wall blocked your path, then you can lose even what you have already achieved. But if you jumped over the wall, you can easily overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires.

We broke a hole in the wall - you will reach the goal if you show stamina and firmness of intentions.

Destroyed the wall - defeat your enemies.

Built a wall - carefully plan the path to success in order to eliminate all possible obstacles.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is climbing to the top of the wall, then her happiness will be reliable.

She hid behind the wall - she will be ashamed of her love.

She walked along the wall - she will monitor her appearance even more carefully and become very attractive.

D. Loff wrote: “In psychoanalysis, walls are usually considered a symbol of a male personality with an emphasis on strength. This train of thought seems to be born from the impression that arises in a small child about the dominant male power house (which is a "fortress" surrounded by walls and dominated by the patriarch)".

Dream Interpretation - Walls

In psychoanalysis, walls are generally considered a symbol of male PERSONALITY with an emphasis on strength. This train of thought seems to be born from the small child's impression of the dominant masculine power of the home (which is a "fortress" surrounded by walls and dominated by the patriarch). In dreams, many people encounter walls as random obstacles and/or projections of force.

In your dream, do you run into a wall while driving, or do you suddenly find yourself surrounded by walls?

Are you trying to climb the wall, find its edge, or are you just ignoring it?

Dream Interpretation - Wall

They symbolize the limits of some business or event.

To bury yourself in a blank wall is a sign of a hopeless obstacle in business. Perhaps you are too persistent in some issue.

The dream calls not to try to break through the wall with your forehead, but to try to look for workarounds.

Walls of houses and buildings: symbolically show the degree of reliability of a particular case.

Flimsy walls: a sign of fragile well-being.

If you visit or see such houses: it seems that some of your plans clearly lack solidity.

Stone or concrete walls: symbolize indifference and spiritual callousness. The dream suggests that you are in vain hoping for someone's sympathy.

Beautiful brick walls: a sign of solidity.

Such dreams portend you success and excellent relationships with partners.

Dream Interpretation - Wall

Climb over the wall - achieve a firm position.

Jumping from the wall is an unjustified risk.

Breaking, destroying the wall - unfortunately, in which you yourself will be to blame.

The wall suddenly collapses - a decisive event in life awaits you.

Climbing up a smooth wall - experiencing fear of society.

Building a wall - fortunately, a wedding, a union.

swarm of midges

Dream Interpretation Swarm of midges dreamed of why a swarm of midges is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Swarm of midges in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Roy

Dream Interpretation - Roy

Swarm (of insects) - Minor chores, boring things, but if this period drags on, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Dream Interpretation - Roy

Roy - dreams of a fire.

Dream Interpretation - Swarm of bees

For a long walk, a cheerful company.

Dream Interpretation - Swarm of bees (bees, beehive)

To a bunch of things, to a big workload.

Dream Interpretation - Swarm of bees

By the arrival of people who want to profit at your expense.

Dream Interpretation - Bee, apiary, swarm

To be in the apiary and hear the buzz of bees in the hives - to do business that is useful to others.

Run away from a swarm of bees - to health.

If you were stung by a bee, then someone close to you will offend or offend.

Catch a swarm of bees - strengthen the family, find happiness in marriage.

To kill a bee is unfortunately.

Bees and honey - to win.

Common symbols of dreams about bees: health and wealth.

If a lonely bee collects nectar from a flower, all things will end successfully, and in your personal life you will be happy.

A bee for an officer is a wonderful soldier.

For a businessman - profit in trade.

For parents - diligent children.

Dream Interpretation - Swarm of bees

Bees act in film for great luck, joy, unless of course they bite, as in your case.

Dream Interpretation - Swarm of flies

You will probably have to worry about the noise around your parents. The situation is not familiar to you, but you will try to resolve it with the old measures. It is unlikely that you will succeed with this approach ...

Dream Interpretation - Butterflies

Do not be afraid. The dream speaks of the loss of illusions (window), the arrival of an underlying understanding (number 2) that it will be difficult to "flutter" (butterflies), and a gradually emerging desire to relax (beds). Good luck. Your difficulties are joyful difficulties.

Swarm of mosquitoes and midges

Dream Interpretation Roy of mosquitoes and midges dreamed of why a swarm of mosquitoes and midges dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Swarm of mosquitoes and midges in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The mosquito is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency. Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have done some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as it says folk wisdom"The mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed a mosquito off your hand before it had time to bite you, then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring any harm or benefit. Perhaps this dream indicates that you will soon meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream of a mosquito entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who adversely affects you.

Killing a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, is called “pulling money from you”.

Hearing a mosquito buzzing in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

If a lot of mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues from sycophancy to the authorities or in order to take your official place by any means try to harm you.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger to which you expose yourself by trusting strangers.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency; also thoroughness "a mosquito will not undermine the nose." To kill a mosquito in a dream means to get rid of someone who simply takes advantage of your kindness; hear the buzz of a mosquito, do not trust others with your secrets; a swarm of mosquitoes, there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

A dream in which mosquitoes annoy you is a warning to beware of evil and insidious people. Hearing a mosquito itchy under your ear is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which neither side will learn anything new constructive.

Catching a mosquito flying around you means that you will lose your patience and lose your temper for an essentially insignificant reason. Slam a mosquito - in reality, overcome all obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans and realize them. A mosquito that has bitten you to blood - you will suffer from envious people and gossips.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - if mosquitoes dream, then, they say, this Bad sign: hassle. Mosquitoes are buzzing - you will be invited as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito, mosquito

If you dreamed that you swat a mosquito, it means that you will overcome all obstacles. A mosquito flying above you and a nasty ringing mosquito - to annoying friends, because of which you can lose precious time.

Unless you did it in your dream, imagine that you are killing a mosquito.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

To see mosquitoes is to suffer from secret ill-wishers who interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Sometimes mosquitoes dream of empty conversations with annoying acquaintances (if they don’t bite).

Kill a mosquito - to luck in everything.

You will overcome obstacles and achieve wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing mosquitoes in your dreams means that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly from these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes, you will eventually overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

this is a weak and low person. If you see a cluster of mosquitoes at home or somewhere else, then the number of inhabitants and their descendants in this place will increase. Some say that when you see a mosquito in a dream, you should beware of ignorant deeds that can give you dubious pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The appearance of a mosquito in your dream indicates that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning secret enemies. Your patience is still not enough.

They killed a mosquito - you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

A mosquito flies around you in a dream - anxiety.

He sits on another - you secretly carry evil or resentment against some person from yourself.

Kill a mosquito - victory, success

see a lot of midges

Dream Interpretation - A lot of gold and jewelry

Seeing gold in a dream or gold jewelry - in reality the desire to change life for the better (in material terms), because in reality things are not quite as we would like. This is a dream-claim, a dream-desire, but nothing more. All the best to you!

A dream may indicate the implementation of some idea, and is pleased with an unexpected and strange way. Husband and father-in-law may indicate former desires and opportunities that have been forgotten. New house- a new arrangement of life - for example, work, or new views on life, a new environment. Pregnancy is an idea that finds its embodiment. Ex-husband wants to see it - your former direction in life or old views on life want to come back with this idea. But you don't want to go back in time. Milk - fullness of plans and desires. Perhaps this is related to your current life and current man - you have some desire in this regard, you are thinking about how to integrate your former idea into your current life. Suddenly, the daughter turns into a larva - your idea turns into a nuisance - you may want to remember your previous aspirations in life and fulfill some old dream, but this will not benefit your life today, and your dream will not be able to come true the way you would wanted. When you try to fix the situation, you will think that it can come true in time if you put in the effort. Taking away an apartment can mean the possibility of losing your usual way of life, taking things from home - adopting some experience or trying to adopt some character traits or something else. Trying to take over. Fruit basket - treat, blessing, chance. Sweet grapes are your dreams. May refer to the beginning of a dream about a child. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Many events in a dream .. one dream continues another

In my opinion, fate (father of the former Husband) is unhappy with the current turn of events between you (he decided to allocate a piece of land - he wants to continue). But if, in your opinion, this is unrealistic, left in the past, then the relationship must be completed for real: do not appropriate the best (I hide the child, I don’t want to show it) from your life together; we need to neutralize the situation. A child - as a symbol of life experience born and endured, which enriched your soul 100% and, of course, this happened due to the direct participation of b. Husband (child from him). Position b. Your husband is belittled by you, only his negative role is seen, and this is a mistake. Therefore, the child grows smaller, degenerates (turning into a leech). The experience fades into nothing. Learn to see your husband's positive contribution to your life. I think the next part of the dream with the apartment echoes the first one: appropriation of secret / unconscious / merits to oneself (slowly takes things for oneself). Grapes - well-deserved female satisfaction (basket).

Dream Interpretation - Many rainbows, bubble

A beautiful dream can mean beautiful emotions! After a period of stagnation and empty expectations, there will be hope for some accomplishments, energy and mood will appear, you will find yourself as if in a fairy tale, where everything happens at a wave magic wand and you will want to stay in it as long as possible. Maybe it all has to do with your mom. Only everything can burst like soap bubble, from the clot of energy enclosed in it. That is, you need to be very careful not to destroy such a fragile beautiful world...

Dream Interpretation - A lot of water

In life, you are climbing to the top, you want to reach a high position. Well, you have too many ambiguities in your goals, you do not see the very essence of what you want. Prioritize starting over. And a friend will help you with this.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of shoes tied with a rope

A building like a School - in reality this is a typical conscious image of the Dreamer. To bring men's Shoes to school, connected with each other by a Rope - in reality means the absence of a connection between the predominant Consciousness and the Emotional sphere (the body and its needs) and the need to balance them. The cleaner surprises with the assumption that everyone is being taken to the Army - it symbolizes the injured emotionality of the Dreamer, sacrificed to Consciousness, which is in excess (the Dreamer answers the Cleaner that all new Shoes are Them). That is, where Emotionality is developed, there is a lack of new Shoes (there are more desires than opportunities), and where Consciousness is developed, there are an abundance of Shoes (presence of opportunities, absence of desires). This is what the dream hints at, and the choice is up to the Dreamer.

Dream Interpretation - Bracelet in the form of a snake

You assume that there are two people in your environment that you fear (the enemy). But your fears are illusory and you should stop worrying. The focus on the spouse indicates that he can help overcome this anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - I am in the form of a demon

To big doubts, either now you are facing a choice, or very soon there will be a reason why you will face a choice. Wake up inside yourself to overcome your doubts

The intentional focus in the dream on the ability to see, and the realism of the dream (you don't know if you woke up in reality or in a dream) suggests that you were in an "almost lucid" dream. And looked with astral vision. It is with him - with excessive concentration on the object - that the image begins to blur. Until you try to see - you see, as soon as you make an effort and fix your eyes - everything blurs. If you could see the time on the alarm clock - upon waking up, you would most likely state that you were slightly mistaken in determining the time (or even guessed it). But why exactly the right eye - I think it's in the left hemisphere of the brain (connected with the right side of the body), this hemisphere is responsible for logic, verbal expression, language abilities. Go blind in your right eye - may mean that you are puzzled by some problem, task (right now, in the routine that you urgently need to deal with, but you cannot find a solution). Or simply - that these days your emotionality, or your inner creativity, your imagination or feelings - strongly prevail over prudence, logic, real and decisive actions, and for some reason you fail to express them outwardly. Maybe you feel misunderstood by someone in particular - hence the feeling that you lack the ability to express yourself, to express yourself.

Dream Interpretation - I want to see with my right eye

You have noticed in yourself a lack of determination, assertiveness, activity, firmness .... Those character traits that are inherent in the masculine principle in a person (right eye). If there is a desire: http: //www. Vitawell. Ru/.

There are a lot of midges in the room

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Your dream says that you love sweets, especially chocolate. But you either hold yourself back, or do not have enough funds to buy it more often. In a dream, he was well eaten. But, it is better to do this in real life than in a dream. And also pay attention to your diet, maybe you lack not only chocolate.

Dream Interpretation - Animals

A disturbing dream, two of your friends are "friends" against you, a dream warns of a possible betrayal. You trusted the wrong person (or two people), you overestimated your strengths too much. Your victory over the leopard means that you will cope with the situation and succeed in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Strange dream

Literally, you want to quickly escape, get away from the situation, from the relationship in which you find yourself, on the one hand, of your own free will, but on the other hand, you didn’t imagine them like that and didn’t think that they could have unsightly and disadvantageous sides for you. The role of a little girl, a slave, which men dispose of (in particular Lesha). You, as it were, took on this role that you once ran into, but now it is not easy for you to remove it from yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Rabid Squirrels

A dream may mean that a trial is coming in your family. Some guests (squirrels) will come with whom you will quarrel, sort things out (the squirrel bites) and who will unsuccessfully joke at you, mock you. But you will make a fair decision and change the situation.

Dream Interpretation - Beloved

I ask you not to be too surprised, your dream is oh past life. I'll break it down in order. Your presence in the room until the moment the man appears is the present. V this moment you have started a certain business (or will be started in the near future). It is most likely about personal life (bedroom), relations will develop very successfully. ( chic room, beautiful setting). In addition, the dream characterizes you as a woman who is popular with the opposite sex (a chic dress is a position in society). But then the most interesting begins - you looked around. Very rare people manage to see in a dream what he (she) has behind him. To look back means to look into your previous life. In the second dream, you also turned around. If in the days of the Ancient Egyptian civilization dreams were interpreted in the same way as now, then the dream tells about your man who held a good rank and received high honors (falcon head), but at the same time, relations with him harmed your reputation, constant quarrels (war ) and you were faced with a choice of what to do.

Dream Interpretation - Ants

This dream means that you have (or will soon appear) a small dirty trick in life, who will try to do you more than one dirty trick, and with great zeal (the Ant came out in a dream), but he will not succeed, because in his dream killed, also one of your loved ones will help you in the fight (neutralization) of dirty tricks (they killed more than one in a dream). Let's hope you killed them all in your sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Ants

You will start a big business, an event (a big ant is an association as a hard worker, worker), but by your actions you will ruin good undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Devil

Usually such dreams come true if a person watched fantasy, 2-3 days before such a dream, if this was not a fact, then any evil spirits dream of a minor trouble in life, nothing more, so do not worry.

Dream Interpretation - Devil

If I understand you correctly, then the dream is about the following: The place of your permanent residence is the family where you sleep and where your sideboard should have been located, which somehow suddenly disappeared in a dream, and the devil appeared in its place, that is, it was at you must undergo major changes in the family that will primarily affect you and not in better side, most likely a new person will appear in your family environment, which will partially affect all family members and you in the first place, from other dreams it is clear that you are a man, so you should have new woman or your “on the board” friend, who (th) will actually turn out to be very rational and she (he) will only need a material component from you, which they will not receive, but with their short connection with you they still greatly diversify your life, and a long glossy tail with a spike at the end will hurt your heart, you will experience a lot of emotions, but you will get even more pleasure when you say goodbye to her (him). The length of the tail in a dream and its gloss are clearly interdependent with the negative and maybe even with the criminal experience of your future girlfriend (friend), and during communication you will receive a lot of pleasure and new impressions that you have not experienced before, which will justify yourself for own choice. Recommendations: If this is a fact already passed and you are worried, then in principle we can provide elementary psychological assistance, if action is already underway, then we can advise on how to behave. If this is coming, then be very careful with the choice of new partners and friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dance

Such a dream to receive good news from him.

Exhaled a lot of midges out

Dream Interpretation Exhaled a lot of midges from dreamed of why in a dream Exhaled a lot of midges from? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Exhaled a lot of midges from iso by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Many

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He calls you to frugality and calls to your common sense. If you have a lot of food in a dream, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life, not wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates affairs related to the afterlife.

A lot of people dressed in white clothes - indicates cases related to the service.

A lot of people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from the family, separation from loved ones.

Many people dressed in purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Repeatedly prick a person with a knife - joy and benefit.

A lot of people gathered near the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

A lot of people dressed in red clothes - indicates great happiness and good luck.

Lots of fruit on fruit trees- says that the children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are many fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You raise a basin, a bucket, and the bottom falls off from it - portends ruin.

Dream Interpretation - Many bouquets

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of talking people

Seeing a lot in a dream talking person- to an event from which you literally lose the power of speech; to extraordinary shock.

Dream Interpretation - Many moles on the body

Be happy in life.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of military clothing in the blood and without people

This dream portends war

Dream Interpretation - A lot of lice

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Many stairs and walk on them

Mind madness is coming.

Sleep is a projection of everything that happens to us during the day. However, sometimes the pictures have nothing to do with daytime activities. What can midges portend in a dream? What to expect from such dreams and what to do with this knowledge? Various dream books have different interpretations, sometimes even contradictory.

A dream book, in which midges are considered something good, pleasant, is a huge rarity, since almost all of them agree that seeing a midge or other midge in a dream means the appearance of problems that can be dealt with with more or less success.

Seeing midges in a dream means complete immersion in everyday life and routine. It is necessary to remember what exactly the insects did, how many there were.

Any little thing in a dream can make a difference. Small midges in an apartment can dream in such variations:

  • To see insects curling over your head - problems are circling over your head;
  • She dreams that the bloodsucker sat on the skin - to "battle" with a competitor;
  • Midges are annoying - to communicate with annoying people;
  • A swarm of midges entangled in a hairstyle - to heavy thoughts;
  • In a dream, midges bite - small, distracting from the main problem.


According to Miller's dream book, a lot of midges curling around you mean annoying people in the environment. If midges bite in a dream and these bites are felt, you need to be more careful at work, try to avoid trouble, especially if the authorities are nearby.

If a blood-filled insect is killed, then a lengthy conversation is likely that has neither meaning nor benefit for both parties.

If you dream that you are treating your skin with a remedy for bloodsuckers, you can be calm - all problems are solvable.

Eastern and Slavic dream books: a symbol of conflict

Insects bite, that's a fact. This is unpleasant - also a fact. But what can the bites of a midge in a dream mean? To find out, you need to turn to the Eastern Dream Book: midge bites symbolize the need to beware various situations, capable of provoking conflict, since you will not be able to emerge victorious.

The Slavic dream book agrees with the East - if you dream of being bitten by midges, you should not succumb to provocations and not allow yourself to argue with someone.

Lunar dream book: projection of the working team

If in a dream you are in the forest, and a swarm of midges is circling above you, you need to carefully monitor your actions and words at work. The lunar dream book warns that enemies may lurk in the team, eager to get your place.

When you dream that a midge attacked a tent or room for summer holiday, you should keep quiet about your vacation plans - there is a high probability of an "evil eye" in reality.

A swarm of midges in the forest in a dream

Personal life

If midges dreamed in in large numbers in the house, in your life appeared unpleasant people, which will be much more difficult to expel than to get rid of midges. Dreaming that insects sat on the ceiling? You should expect guests who not only do not warn about themselves, but also bring a lot of difficulties and troubles.

When in a dream the house is full of midges and they are everywhere: in bed, in the ear, in the hair, in the mouth, in all rooms - personal life risks becoming public. The likelihood of this increases if they or the flies also bit the skin on the head.

Shall we fight?

You can also see insects in a dream in the context of fighting them. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, planning in a dream the destruction of a buzzing midge means the need to carefully draw up a plan to get rid of competitors.

A dream in which you are chasing a midge in order to destroy it is interpreted by the Islamic dream book as follows: the enemy should not be underestimated - this can lead to sad consequences. If the fly dies as a result of the chase - defeat the enemy, continues to fly - your loss.

Annoying Midge

If it is difficult to kill midges in a dream, it means that there are some extortionists in life that you cannot get rid of.

Why do midges dream in a dream crawling over you? Such visions mean empty chores, wasted efforts.

I am often interested in the question of why midges dream in a dream flying at me. Most dream books agree that this means an exaggeration of the importance of interference and obstacles.

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The dream book interprets the dreaming mosquito as obstacles in reality, conversations with annoying interlocutors, a warning about petty annoying chores. For a true understanding of what she is dreaming of, remember the details. Perhaps this symbol in a dream promises: you will be able to overcome difficulties.

Small chores, annoying people

Did you dream of a lot of midges, from which the dreamer cannot get rid of? In reality, he can’t get rid of extortionists in any way.

Seeing a lot of midge crawling on you in a dream means a lot of unnecessary trouble. No matter how hard you try, all efforts will be in vain.

What is the dream of midges in the apartment? The dream interpretation explains: you are surrounded by a lot of boring people who claim your attention and friendship. Decide for yourself whether to continue such a relationship, or to end it.

The midges crawling in the apartment portend the visit of boring, uninteresting guests, and they will have to be entertained for a long time.

Gotta work on myself

In addition, the dream book says: midges in the apartment mean the actions of the sleeping person, which interfere with the harmonious development of his personality. You need to analyze your own actions lately in order to avoid this.

To see a swarm of midges above you in a dream, accompanying, but not causing harm - you will soon be angry because of obsessive people.

Why dream of a swarm of midges? Tired things, petty chores. However, the dream book warns: if they stretch for a long time, a nervous breakdown may begin. You should be more patient with problems that you can’t get rid of, arrange yourself a rest.

Difficulties can be overcome!

Moshkara, clogged in the eyes, mouth - you tend to overestimate the obstacles and obstacles in your path. Do you kill her in a dream on yourself? You have to engage in empty chatter.

Did you dream that you were using a mosquito spray? The dream interpretation claims: despite the obstacles, you will achieve your goal, realize the planned project.

Moshkara in a dream may portend: the dreamer will be at the center of events with many participants. If she did not bother too much, the person will take it calmly. When discomfort was felt, a noisy society would greatly annoy him.

Beware of impulsive actions and slander

The mosquito biting to blood warns: the sleeper will suffer greatly due to the evil slander of ill-wishers.

Did you dream of a pesky biting midge? According to the dream book, you must avoid rash actions with superiors, otherwise you can greatly harm yourself.

Dream details

The interpretation of sleep takes into account other details:

  • swarming on the ceiling - minor troubles ahead;
  • in bed - there is a disease;
  • crawling on the floor - you have to solve unpleasant problems;
  • climb on the head, eating out the eyes - communication with an annoying person.

Also, a lot of insects on the ceiling promise irritation over trifles. Try to restrain him, because negative emotions can only add to the trouble. Seeing them in your bed - some aspects of your personal life that you would like to hide will become known to others.

Miller's dream book: take problems calmer

Why dream of annoying insects? If in a dream they circle around the dreamer, it means that he is tired of problems that are constantly growing, like a snowball. When you manage to get rid of midges - in reality you can also overcome all difficulties.

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Midges seen in a dream most often indicate that the dreamer is immersed in everyday problems and routine chores. But if you want to know what the midge is dreaming of, and what you should prepare for after such dreams, then you need to turn to dream books for help. Remember what the midges did in your dream, how you fought them, and go ahead for explanations!

Opinion of Gustav H. Miller

Did you dream that hordes of midges were hovering around you? According to Miller's dream book, such a plot symbolizes annoying people. If in a dream you felt their bites, then this means that you should increase your vigilance at work and “not run into” trouble in the presence of management.

Why dream that you killed the bloodsucker who bit you and see that he managed to drink blood? Dreaming means that you have a long and meaningless conversation with someone, from which neither side will draw conclusions. But to see in a dream that you are lubricated protective agent- all obstacles that have arisen on the way will be overcome.

Brief interpretations

Often the meaning of what we see in a dream literally changes from little things. Here, for example, what various midges can dream of in various versions.

  • Seeing a midge above your head in a dream - problems “hanging” over you.
  • I dreamed that a mosquito landed on you - to a “fight” with an opponent.
  • Small flies overcame - to annoying people, causing irritation.
  • Green flies are circling next to you - think about whether you are doing everything right.
  • A swarm of midges entangled in your hair - to gloomy thoughts.
  • Midges biting in a dream are a sign of minor problems that can distract from serious matters.
  • Cockroaches in the house are a sign of unexpected profit.

Insect bites as a symbol of conflict

Insect bites are very annoying. Do you want to know why the biting midge dreams? There is nothing easier! Heed the advice Eastern dream book if you dreamed that you were being bitten small flies: beware of situations that may lead to conflict, as you are unlikely to be the winner in such a case.

And if mosquitoes bite you in a dream, do not give in to provocative offers and do not let yourself be drawn into an argument, the Slavic Dream Book recommends.

Home "unloved", or Personal life "at gunpoint"

Why do a lot of midges dream in an apartment, the Gypsy dream book will tell you: you let boring people into your life, which will be difficult to get rid of. Had a dream that you see a lot of midges in the apartment on the ceiling? Expect that guests who come without warning will bring with them a lot of trouble and difficulties.

But if there are so many midges in the apartment that they are everywhere: in bed, in the head and even in the mouth, then your personal life can become public. Especially if midges bite in the head.

Hordes in the forest as a reflection of the collective

Those who dreamed that they were in the forest, and midges were hovering over them in large numbers, should control their words and deeds at work. It is possible that you have enemies who are aiming for your place, the Lunar Dream Book warns.

And if midges in large numbers attacked a tent or a summer outbuilding in which you spend your summer vacation in a dream, then beware of telling any of your colleagues about your plans, otherwise they will not come true.

Fighting midges, or How to beat a competitor ...

Why dream of fighting midges is known to many dream books. Here are tips from a few of them. I dreamed that midges in the room were buzzing so that they interfered with sleep, and you decided to get rid of it? Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov recommends that you think over a plan to fight competitors to the smallest detail, otherwise nothing will come of it.

And in the interpretation of the dream in which you chased the midge to kill it, according to the Islamic dream book, it sounds like this: do not underestimate the enemy, you can seriously pay for it. The midge flew away - you will lose the "battle", you managed to destroy it - to victory.

Small, annoying midges often cause spoiled outdoor recreation or inconvenience in the house. Fighting them often requires a lot of patience and nerves. And why do midges dream? What events do they portend to the dreamer?

Determining the meaning of such a dream is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to remember all its details, write them down on paper and see how the dream book interprets this or that detail. Then bring it all together - and you will have a picture of your present and future.

Be sure to consider what the vile was, where you saw him, what he did. Also important information there will be details about what role in the dream was assigned to you. These nuances will become key in deciphering your nightly dreams.

Harmful midge

A swarm of small midges usually dreams of communicating with annoying people. Even if you have made it clear that you do not want to communicate with them, they will persistently demand your attention. Be patient and try not to take everything to heart.

One small midge circling above you - according to the dream book, means the appearance of an opponent. It can be both a new competitor in business life, and a contender for the heart of your "soulmate".

Midges, sitting on a tree, often appear in a dream to argue, to try to defend their opinion. If you're sure you're right, don't give up. And if you have any doubts, then take into account what the interlocutor is trying to convey to you.

To dream of midges flying around the tent you are in is an important warning. The dream interpretation recommends that you do not tell your colleagues about your plans, they may not come true.

Midges on the ground portend stability and a calm course of affairs. At this stage of your life, there are no sharp ups and downs. Now you have every chance to establish relationships with partners and successfully continue your activities.

  • Too small midges - to gossip.
  • Big - to a grand event.
  • Dead - soon everything will work out.
  • Black - you have envious people.
  • Green - you're lucky.

Gnus in the house is a harbinger of events related to your personal life and life. It indicates your thoughts, experiences, events that may occur in the near future. It all depends on where you saw the midges and what they were doing.

Moshkara in the kitchen promises the dreamer housework. Perhaps you will be preparing for the arrival of guests or just want to clean the house. In any case, you will have to spend some time doing housework.

Midges seen in the bedroom speak of suspicion and distrust in a relationship with a partner. Dream Interpretation recommends not making hasty conclusions. Most likely, the cause of doubt was a banal misunderstanding.

If the midges are located on the ceiling in a dream, then in life you will have a new goal, to achieve which you will need to work hard. But then, when you achieve what you want, a good reward awaits you and your loved ones.

The midge in the wardrobe is a sign that it's time for you to update your wardrobe, take care of your appearance. It's a good time to work on yourself. Your loved one will definitely appreciate such changes.

See yourself in the night dreams

To drive away midges from oneself - according to the interpreter of dreams, means to underestimate the capabilities of one's competitors. If you look realistically at the situation and are not overconfident, you can outsmart the enemy.

If you dreamed that you killed one or more midges, this is a good sign. Everything that has been bothering you lately will soon return to normal. The main thing is not to rush things, to act, calculating all the steps in advance, to think as much as necessary.

As the dream book suggests, small midges that flew into your mouth in a dream warn that you should not be too frank with others. The information you share may harm you or your family.

To swallow midges means to commit a rash act. So that your actions do not affect the future, the dream book recommends that you carefully consider what you are going to do. If you don't know how to do it right, ask someone for advice.

Poison the midge with special preparations- feel your strength, be sure of a favorable outcome. Such a mood will not only help you cope with all the difficulties, but also significantly raise your self-esteem.

  • Plant midges in a jar - pacify the enemy.
  • Hold it in your hand - cope with the task alone.
  • Drive out of the house - get rid of an obsessive interlocutor.
  • Do not pay attention to her in a dream - calmly relate to what is happening.
  • Put her on a web - solve the problem "by proxy".

You may also have a dream in which the midge is tangled in your hair. Such a dream often portends the disclosure of a secret. If you do not want outsiders to find out about the details of your personal life, keep all the information within your home.

What if a midge bit you in a dream? Usually, such night dreams are recommended not to be led to provocations, not to succumb to temptations. If you follow these rules, you will be able to maintain your reputation and the respect of others.

After dreaming of midges circling over a plate and trying to sit on food, the dream book recommends paying attention to your diet. Try to prioritize healthy food and don't eat too much.

A midge crawling over your body in a dream portends a fight with a cunning opponent. You will be able to come out of it as a winner if you have the right information and can apply it correctly.

In order to accurately determine what the midge is dreaming of, you need to remember absolutely everything that you dreamed about. After all, missing even one detail, you can draw the wrong conclusions regarding the present and future.

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Midges seen in a dream most often indicate that the dreamer is immersed in everyday problems and routine chores. But if you want to know what the midge is dreaming of, and what you should prepare for after such dreams, then you need to turn to dream books for help. Remember what the midges did in your dream, how you fought them, and go ahead for explanations!

Opinion of Gustav H. Miller

Did you dream that hordes of midges were hovering around you? According to Miller's dream book, such a plot symbolizes annoying people. If in a dream you felt their bites, then this means that you should increase your vigilance at work and “not run into” trouble in the presence of management.

Why dream that you killed the bloodsucker who bit you and see that he managed to drink blood? Dreaming means that you have a long and meaningless conversation with someone, from which neither side will draw conclusions. But to see in a dream that you are lubricated with a protective agent - all the obstacles that have arisen on the way will be overcome.

Brief interpretations

Often the meaning of what we see in a dream literally changes from little things. Here, for example, what various midges can dream of in various versions.

  • Seeing a midge above your head in a dream - problems “hanging” over you.
  • I dreamed that a mosquito landed on you - to a “fight” with an opponent.
  • Small flies overcame - to annoying people, causing irritation.
  • Green flies are circling next to you - think about whether you are doing everything right.
  • A swarm of midges entangled in your hair - to gloomy thoughts.
  • Midges biting in a dream are a sign of minor problems that can distract from serious matters.
  • Cockroaches in the house are a sign of unexpected profit.

Insect bites as a symbol of conflict

Insect bites are very annoying. Do you want to know why the biting midge dreams? There is nothing easier! Heed the advice of the Eastern Dream Book if you dreamed that small flies were biting you: beware of situations that could lead to conflict, since you are unlikely to be the winner in such a case.

And if mosquitoes bite you in a dream, do not give in to provocative offers and do not let yourself be drawn into an argument, the Slavic Dream Book recommends.

Home "unloved", or Personal life "at gunpoint"

Why do a lot of midges dream in an apartment, the Gypsy dream book will tell you: you let boring people into your life, which will be difficult to get rid of. Had a dream that you see a lot of midges in the apartment on the ceiling? Expect that guests who come without warning will bring with them a lot of trouble and difficulties.

But if there are so many midges in the apartment that they are everywhere: in bed, in the head and even in the mouth, then your personal life can become public. Especially if midges bite in the head.

Hordes in the forest as a reflection of the collective

Those who dreamed that they were in the forest, and midges were hovering over them in large numbers, should control their words and deeds at work. It is possible that you have enemies who are aiming for your place, the Lunar Dream Book warns.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Esoteric dream book

Midge- you will find yourself in the center of events, surrounded by people.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Midges clogged in eyes, ears, etc.- you overestimate obstacles and obstacles on the way of your development; actions that hinder the development of your personality.

Transparent pillars of mosquitoes- your internal disharmony and aggressive aspirations.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Midges- minor interference in business, development.

Roy- obstacles that are more tangible.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Lots of mosquitoes- to work.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To dream of mosquitoes in the air near you- a sign that in reality the most insignificant personalities will create problems for you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream a swarm of midges swirls around you, annoyingly itchy and clogged in your nose, ears- it means that in real life you will be pissed off by annoying people with their importunity. If the mosquito, for all that, still bites you painfully- you should beware of climbing on the rampage in the presence of big bosses.

Kill midges on yourself that managed to drink your blood- a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which no one will take anything worthwhile.

Smear in a dream with a remedy for mosquitoes- in reality you will overcome all obstacles on the way of fulfilling your plans and successfully implement them.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Midge- to an angry mood.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

If midges eat your eyes out in a dream- this is for an annoying person.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Moshkara annoyingly circles over your head, eating away your eyes- Whole hordes of ill-wishers are pressing on you.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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