Architectural design of the facade of the house. Design facade of country houses

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
Arrangement of the site

Facing work is the final construction. It is from this part that the visual effect and practicality of buildings depends. You need to start with depths, that is, the first thing, the project of the facade of the building is taken as the basis. Even the most skilled builders cannot correctly calculate all the necessary details to create the perfect design project of the facade of the house. Other specialists are engaged in the design. Our team will be happy to do individual project Facade finishes. As for the price, our rates are lower than that of competitors, and the quality is much higher. In addition, when buying facing materials, you can order the facade project completely free.

Design project facade building of any type

No matter what exactly is supposed to a private house Or a large architectural structure, in any case, is a competent approach. Facade facing project on summit Develop our experienced architects. You will be given a ready-made solution:

  • drawings with detailed characteristics decorative elements;
  • 3D-design The project of the facade of the house will lead to visually assess the proposed option. In principle, three-dimensional visualization is a miniature copy of the future structure;
  • details of nodes whose calculation is calculated individually;
  • mandatory indication of the name of the manufacturer of facing elements;
  • the design project is created taking into account the preferences of the customer.

The architectural project of facades can be performed in various techniques (to choose a client), starting with a putty, ending with marble trim. To select the material, the operational features, architectural significance, wear resistance are specified. Right decision will allow the building to maintain its original view without additional adjustment. for a long time. Do not forget that under the action sun ray, precipitation and temperature fluctuations, the base material loses the former color, and sometimes the form and specified specifications. Our specialists will help you eliminate all sorts of incidents and keep building object Beautiful as possible. As they say, put - and forgot.

It does not matter who client is a private person or a large-scale developer. Projects of the insulation of facades for ensuring a unique offer. Pay attention to the architecture modern buildings. They are almost all on one person, there is no individuality. Be in trend - does not mean repeating, and look for new fresh ideas And embody them into reality. Work made with taste, be sure to highlight the construction object from the crowd of the same type of houses.

A competent project of the facade of the building includes three main aspects:

  • appearance
  • quality

Our masters know how to combine all points. We will pick up inexpensive and at the same time high-strength materials. Your cottage, house, cottage, shopping mall and other buildings in safe hands.

The facade of the building is his business card. Not even visiting the house, a person can make his impression of his interior and owners, looking at him outside.

Therefore, everyone wants their home to be beautiful not only inside, but also outside. Solve this problem is called the design of the facade, or rather, its design project. Let's figure it out what it is.

The design of the facade project is a comprehensive service, the purpose of which is to create a new architectural appearance of the building. The project is designed to reduce the time in search necessary solutionAnd also clearly designate the task and ways to solve it, which will speed up the process of creating the facade and relieve from unnecessary problems. Even if you know what you want to get in the end, this is not enough. In order for the work not to stalled and brought the desired result, you need to have a developed project. So, let's in order - where it starts and how the work on the design project of the facade ends.

Like any other service, the design project begins with the conclusion of the contract. After all the formalities are passing, actually, work on the project begins. First, the company's specialists leave for an object to produce all the necessary measurements. Each centimeter is fixed, whether it is a cornice, a window or a protruding brick. After all, the final model should be real. After that, a conversation is held with the customer to take into account his wishes and understand the direction in which it is worth moving. After all the measurements are made, the model of the house was built and a conversation with the customer was carried out, you can begin to the next stage.

One of the most difficult and interesting stages Development of the design project of the facade is the search for architectural solution. At this stage, the customer interacts closely with the designer. The architect designer makes the sketches, discusses them with the customer, makes amendments, and so again and again until the option is found that the customer appears.

After the final option is selected, satisfying all the requests and wishes of the customer, the project should be visualized. IN special Program A ready-made design project of the facade of the building has been drawn from all sides, with the drawing of all elements and precision sizes that correspond to the real building (on the scale of naturally).

The last step is the specification, that is full list All materials and facade elements used in the project, indicating the amount of material used and the price.

As you can see, the design project of the facade - the event is complex and quite large-scale, however the cost design of the project is very democratic - from 300 rubles for square meter. But ordering this service, you get finished plan works, and you know in advance what the result will get.

To understand the task and accurate definition cost design work To create the design of facades, you need to send photos of the house to email (preferably from all angles), specify dimensions at home, in the presence of a frequency of BTI enough to send a copy footing plans, You can also attach to the letter you liked examples of houses in order to understand your style preferences. After that, we can say the exact cost of creating the design project of the facades of your country house!

  • How to order the facade design service?

    You received the calculation of the value of the design project of facades at home and it suits you. What kind next steps And how to get started? Before the start of design work on the design of facades, you must sign. You can do this at the meeting, or remotely through email. We work according to the advance payment scheme. When ordering a complete working project of prepayment, make up 50% of the total value of design work.

  • What will I get in the end, what is the composition of the project?

    As a rule, many ordered a complete design of the design of the facades of a country house. The cost of the data project is on this moment 300 rubles. / sq.m. Common area of \u200b\u200bthe house. With an example of such a project of facades, you can read below by clicking on the image of the album.

  • How can I get acquainted with the contract for the design of the design of the facades of a country house?

    In our architectural workshop, all design work is conducted on the basis of the contract. With the contract for the design project of the facades of the house you can read below by clicking on the image of the document below the text.

  • Good day! The facades of our house are in Kamchatka \u003d) if you can order in your architectural workshop service to develop facades design?

    Yes of course. We work both with Moscow and the area and with other regions and cities of Russia. Distances and time zones do not matter to design facades design. In case of remote design, you need in obligatory Provide an architectural / sketch project of the house, or in the absence of a project - accurate measurements of the facades of the house + photos from all angles. We do not exit the object and performing measurements of the house, due to the large territorial remoteness - you get a discount on design in the amount of 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. Otherwise, the work on the design of facades is no different from working with the objects of Moscow and MO.

  • How is the cost of the design of the project of facades at home and from which it depends?

    The cost of developing the design project of facades directly depends on its total area (the amount of floor areas). When calculating the cost of design work on the finishing of facades of houses with the ground floor, the area of \u200b\u200bthis floor is not involved in the calculation. For houses, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 800 square meters. m. The reduced coefficient is provided - 0.8 - 0.9. For houses in classic style with large quantity Decorative elements - an increase in the coefficient - 1.1-1.2. If the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is less than 150 sq.m., the increase in the coefficient is 1.1-1.3.

  • There are unfinished box brick house; like modern houses, combining wood trim, plaster, or concrete. Where you can see examples beautiful facades?
  • Where you can see interesting wooden houses In the style of Russian hut?
  • Is it possible to order the design of facades without subsequent calculations of the number of materials and drawings? How much is it?

    Yes, of course, it is possible. The cost of developing the design concept of facades will be in this case 200 rubles. / sq.m. Common area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

  • There is a cottage, we want to add mansard FloorAnd remake the design of the facade. Do such work perform?

    Yes, carry out. Unlike companies that are engaged only by facades, we are an architectural workshop specializing in the design of buildings, so we can solve this task. There are all necessary specialists. You need a project for reconstruction of the house. In the architectural section, we also develop the design of the facade.

  • You can remotely advise and give recommendations on finishing and design of the facades of my house and how much does it cost?
  • Choose high-quality clinker tiles for facing the facades of the private house? Best manufacturers
  • Decorative plaster For the facades of your home. What brands are the best?

    Facades can be trusted:

    - Caparol
    - Ceresit.
    - Weber vetonit.

  • We hope that in these answers, you can find a lot of useful for yourself, and perhaps answers to other people's questions will be answered and yours. If you did not find a response to an exciting topic, you can ask it yourself.

    In the company "Facade Project" you can order individual design Facade of a private house, cottage or building.

    Architectural design The project of the facade of a country house, cottage or building.

    Architectural design even before the start of construction determines not only the appearance of the building, but also helps to make estimates. Architectural designer - a specialist who develops the design of the facade of the building. The work of the designer of private houses is based on the stylistic preferences of the customer, the construction budget, and also takes into account the terrain, the proximity of water bodies, climatic conditions terrain. All these factors in the aggregate will help the designer of country houses to create optimal design Facade project.
    Formula "House - Decor - Design" - a unique algorithm for the individual appearance of the facade. This sequence is applied by our specialists when designing facades of buildings. Features of the design of the house when designing design involve the choice of decor - lung or heavy. When choosing a type of decor, architects appeal to the facade stucco decor. And the design of the project facade is developing. If necessary, you can order our designer of private houses to include in the project of individual products manufactured by our workshop of the decor, as well as additional artistic elements.

    In the photo: Design project facade of the cottage "Floral Modern" (house - brick, decor - forging, design of architects "Facade project")

    The services of architectural design of the facades are in demand in two cases:

    • when you are customized Order Architectural Designing an exclusive mansion or at home in any of classic styles or in the traditions of Russian carved architecture individual design project;
    • when it is required as a result of partial loss of individual decor fragments.

    Where to order Design Project Facade House

    The individual project of the facade of the house can be ordered from us: the facade project offers the services of a designer of country private houses for the design of facades of buildings, and also performs the refoxt of the turnkey buildings from the design project before installing the decor. The solution to the tasks facing developers, as part of our architectural bureau, will make it easier and optimizes the cost of finishing the facade of the building.
    When you are looking for, where to order an individual project of the facade of a private house, or: where to buy ready projectexcept evaluation creative opportunities Decor and design workshop, the question of the cost of the facade design arises.
    The "facade project" offers a reasonable cost of the facade design: as a rule, it ranges from 5 to 10% of the value of the entire decor that is required for registration.

    Ready projects of facades of houses

    If you are looking for where to buy a project of the house or just find a finished project - we recommend paying attention to the finished options for the external finish of the facades.

    We do not need to buy a project of a house with a developed architectural design, we offer the development of our architects completely free: they were specifically created under the main types of cottages and houses - to facilitate the process of choosing our customers. Projects are fully prepared for the embodiment: in them our architectural designers are a decor from the catalog with art elements, as well as a variety of color solutions of facades are proposed.

    Facade Design Services to order

    Our architectural bureau offers quality facades design services that may include the following types of artistic and architectural works:

    III. Design and development of unique elements of the facade decor (for viewing information, go to the page Customized products to order: Arches, columns, balustrades and others).

    I. Pre-project architectural work

    Pre-project architectural works are desirable if you do not have exact sizes ready home.

    We provide measurement services that include the departure of experts on the object, lifting the size, filling out the measurement documentation, digital photo scope of the object and details. At the end of the work, you get ready-made drawings of the building in the AUTOCAD, ArchiCAD program.

    II. Architectural Design of Facudes of Buildings

    1. Perform the project of the decor of facades from the compositions chosen by the customer.
    When performing this service, our designers of private houses will help create an individual project with favorite compositions of facades. To do this, it is enough to choose elements and compositions suitable for a particular architectural design, and we will place them and enlarge the decor to create a new beautiful facade.
    After discussion of the task, our architectural designers will prepare two options for the design of the main facade with the compositions you have chosen. Then, after selecting one of the options, we refund the project of architectural design, and after approval we provide the color decision of the facade. At the end of the work, you get an album of the drawings of the facades A3 in color.

    2. Implementation of the project proposal style solution facades.
    In this case, you receive the author's version of the project decorative decoration Facades of your cottage or house. Your choice will feature designer options for style solutions of the architectural design of the facade.
    The stylist solution to the design of the facades of your home includes a discussion of the task in the first stage and drawing up a list of wishes of the customer.
    Then we prepare for you three options for the projects of the facades, from which one is selected and then being finalized. After approval architectural design project The main facade of the customer is being developed by the remaining facades, and the color solution is adjusted. As a result, you get a ready-made project of the facade unique design And album drawings A3 in color.

    3. Development of a project proposal with inclusion artwork.
    If you want a particularly exquisite architectural design of the facade - we recommend using additional artistic elements and structural or thread elements individually designed in our workshop decor. Our designers of country houses will help you navigate in the decorative opportunities of architecture, including we can offer historical motives of different centuries. In the architectural design of the project, mosaics, painting, stained glass windows, tias are used, individual carpentry and forged products can be used.
    Our architects and designers will prepare 2-3 sketches possible options Registration of the facade of a private house with the inclusion of artwork. Then, after discussion, we refund one of the options, given the wishes of the decor's wishes that you have expressed. The finalization of the final version may require additional coordination with the customer.
    This service also includes detailed elaboration. art elements (carpentry, art metal, mosaics). At the end of the work, you will receive the color solution of the facades and the album of the A3 drawings in color.

    4. Project proposals for the change in the architectural volume of the building and its design.
    In this case, except for decorating the facade, you assume partial restructuring of the building, reconstruction or restoration of the facades of the house, we are ready to provide you professional help In the preparation of architectural design and decor project. We will develop an architectural and planning solution, prepare the necessary set of project and technical documentation.
    The development of a project proposal for a change in architectural volume includes a meeting with the customer, drawing up a list of wishes and a detailed technical task.
    Our experts then prepare sketches to change the architectural volume of the building in three versions (change in the shape of the roof, superstructure, an extension to the building, etc.) in accordance with the terms of reference.
    The next stage is the development of the project of reconstruction (restoration) of the facades of the building on the basis of one selected and approved sketch option. After the approval of the reconstruction project (restoration), the artistic color solution of the facades is developed in detail. After approval of the architectural design project design of facades, we provide an album of the A3 drawings in color.

    5. 3D modeling of the object.
    For a full view of the new image of your home and architectural design Facade You can use the 3D modeling and visualization of the project.
    We build 3D models based on CAD object files and project offers of the style of facades. Then, together with the customer, architectural designers select the most important angles (usually up to 8 persons), which will be included in the album in print.
    At the end of the work, you get an album of 3D images of photographic quality in A3 format with color solutions facades and textures of finishing materials.

    Ecosystems LLC engaged in the design of facades office buildings and cottages. Experts perform as typical solutions, so I. original projects Taking into account the wishes of customers.

    Modern construction market It makes companies employed in the design of facades of office buildings, serious requirements in terms of quality of work. Competently composed design and estimate documentation Helps choose facing materials and architectural solutionsthat will make the facade of the house reliable, durable and attractive.

    For these purposes, the specialists of the company "Ecosystems" use advanced technologies for the design of facades of office buildings, use innovative materials with high heat and sound insulation. Qualified designers guarantee a thorough project of the project, competently drawing up the estimate and working documentation, strict adherence Contractual obligations.

    Development of design projects from 20 thousand rubles.

    Conducting strength calculations from 20 thousand rubles.

    Prices for geodesic filming of facades

    Work examples

    Stages of design of facades of office buildings turnkey

    This service includes the following types of work:

    1. Preliminary assessment of the technical condition of the walls and carrier structures Office buildings. Experts check strength characteristics walls of the house, reliability of the foundation and level ground floor, columns, window and door slopes Both. Often at this stage, the facade facing material is predetermined.
    2. Choice designer design. When the design of the facades of office buildings is performed on the walls of the already built object, the style of the facing is selected under the appropriate exterior.
    3. Compilation of sketch. Drawing all decorative and architectural structural elements.
    4. Architectural solution. Detailed visualization of the facade of office buildings takes into account all the features of the object in the technical and aesthetic plan.
    5. Development of the technical project and the preparation of specifications of parts, products. Prepared executive documentation For builders: drawings, plans, technological maps etc.
    6. Drawing up the estimates. Having received a complete picture of the design and appearance The future facade, specialists perform the final calculation of the value of materials and construction work.

    The result of the design of the facades of office buildings turnkey is full set executive I. estimate documentation on the production of construction and repair activities.

    The cost of designing facades of office buildings

    Tariffs for project development services are formed taking into account the following factors:

    • the complexity of the structural performance of the house ( architectural style, technical condition of carrier elements, etc.);
    • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls under the lining;
    • urgency of work;
    • the composition of the project documentation.

    Learn more about the cost of developing a turnkey project in Ecosystems LLC you can managers.

    Submit your application

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