Simple cozy living room design. Secrets of a cozy living room

landscaping 29.08.2019

Every designer who creates chic interiors knows that it is worth paying special attention to the design of the living room.

It is important to make the design of a cozy living room unique, because friendly gatherings, evening family gatherings are regularly organized in this room to relax after work and discuss how the day went.

That is why it is important to create comfort and coziness in the room. How to achieve what you want?


The classic is unlikely to ever go out of fashion. Classics are always admired by others, because its incredibly chic decoration.

The classic living room is created in light and gentle colors. Surfaces are made natural wood, as well as such material for window decoration and furniture upholstery as satin and velvet.

A wooden wall will fit into such an interior in the best possible way; caskets, family photographs, and stylish decor can be placed on its shelves.

In the living room, if possible, it is possible to install a fireplace. The classic is appropriate if beauty is to the liking of the owners of the house.

Comfort in a limited space

Not everyone can boast of a spacious apartment, luxurious, because many are forced to huddle in a small apartment in a high-rise building, but I want the living room to be cozy even despite its compact size.

Before you start decorating the hall, it is important to decide on the purpose of the room.

The room is divided into two zones - in which guests are received and the owners of the house have a rest, and therefore the question becomes acute about how to separate these zones from each other and how to make the living room cozy?

If there is enough space, then it is possible to use a screen as a partition, or a nice shelving unit with open shelves.

In addition, it is possible to create a podium with an angular soft sofa, where guests can receive guests in the evenings, and if one of the guests decides to spend the night, the sofa will become a sleeping place.

It is possible to combine two zones - a dining area with a seating area. If this option is chosen, then the sofa can be located opposite the table. In addition, the living room has a place for TV, which not only contributes to relaxation, but also allows you to escape from various thoughts, enjoy watching new movies.

Few design solutions small space, but thanks to the new mobile furniture produced today, it is possible to create incredible cozy interior living room.

Color spectrum

It makes no sense to tell you which color is better to choose in order to get a small cozy living room, because the choice directly depends on what tastes you have, what you prefer, it is important that harmony is observed.

Wall decoration

If the living room is very small, then it is better to decorate the ceiling light and dark walls. Thanks to this technique, the room will look a little higher.

If you are a lover of extravagance, something extraordinary, then you should choose light shades, and then dilute them with bright splashes.

Everyone interprets such a thing as a “cozy living room”, and the same applies to color. Someone in the hall places an aquarium, so that after labor day how to relax, and someone chooses luxury, which emphasizes the status.

No matter what choice you make, we believe that all the tips presented above will be useful to you and you will get the best out of them.

Browse through numerous photos of a cozy living room on the Internet to make the right choice.

Cozy living room design photo

Indeed, there is no direct connection between the cozy atmosphere of the living room or hall and the financial capabilities of the owners. And a significant amount can be wasted by buying fashionable things that did not fit into the ensemble. Therefore, creative thinking, diligence and, of course, good taste are important for a beautiful living room. You can create a really cozy interior with your own hands, and there are a great many options for how to do it. The most interesting and accessible deserve separate consideration.

The first thing you have to decide is what interior style will “settle” in your apartment. Yes, often overall picture already exists and there is no drastically opportunity to change the atmosphere in the hall, but nevertheless, some stylistic accents can always be created. There are several styles that are considered win-win options in terms of comfort. Let's take a closer look at the styles of a cozy interior.


That's a lot of free, but not empty space. If there are unnecessary partitions, they are demolished according to technical capabilities. In the center of the room is a large sofa. In such an interior there is a place for a fireplace, a rocking chair, wide cabinets, shelves, consoles. A lot of textiles is one of the most important tools that create comfort.


It is distinguished by three-level walls, massive furniture and the famous armchairs "with ears". And, of course, a large library is a very characteristic detail.


This is German cosiness, which consists in deliberately simple decoration, floral wallpaper, portraits in beautiful frames, embroidery in an interesting design.


Perhaps this option should have been written first, since it is precisely vintage style many understand as the best that was in the design of the grandmother's home. The style creates a skillful combination of modern, new things with objects that are almost antique. old furniture you can restore, get tablecloths with cozy fringe from the closet, or even find things from a flea market.

This, of course, is far from all styles, and more than one design example can be considered, but the essence is this - find something that will be your guideline, from which you will push off. And then you can do wonderful transformations with the room.

Secret two: the color design of a cozy room

The color scheme of the room depends on its style, functionality and your personal preferences. But there are limitations here too. For example, do you love purple, and you want the living room to be made mainly in it. And you need to do it skillfully - such a color can annoy, tire, make you sad, in other words. "Irritable" properties are also in the red color.

Comfortable colors are those that belong to the pastel range. Pastel colors are not variations of beige, as many mistakenly believe. Any bleached color is called pastel. That is, the same purple plus white is already becoming pastel. Muted colors are indeed preferable for the living room, their calm content will not give a reason to start sooner. new renovation they won't tire.

Secret three: pleasant little things, cozy design in the house

Details often make the image, and this also applies to the interior. Sometimes such a seemingly trifle is good lighting. Comfort is warm lamps with yellow light. Be sure to use local lighting in addition to basic lighting - sconces, floor lamps, spotlights.

A separate word about textiles. It's not just important, it's mega-important. You cannot buy a new sofa, a table, you cannot afford new tables now. But new curtains, blankets, covers for sofa cushions, rugs - all this can be done without tangible for family budget spending. This is an invariable attribute of comfort. A blanket or sofa cover should be soft, pleasant to the touch, visually warm.

Decorative pillows are a hackneyed, but not less popular technique for creating a cozy atmosphere. Try to make new covers yourself, it can be fabric applique, and embroidery, and even simple chintz fabric covers with cheerful motifs will be appropriate. You can also make seasonal covers. In winter - with "snow" and "Christmas tree" patterns, in spring - with natural awakening, etc.

Fourth secret: hand-made to create home comfort

What else is always associated with home comfort, so it is with things made by hand. Needlework can really help out in creating a cozy atmosphere in the living room. Perhaps you will draw some of the following ideas for yourself.

Needlework to create comfort in the living room:

  • Knitted table mats. These rugs cannot be called napkins, but they play the same decorative role. If you have a coffee or dining table in your living room, decorate it with these colorful knitted patchwork rugs. It will immediately become warmer, you will want to drink fragrant tea and chat with your family.
  • Decorative lampshade. There are many examples of creating such elegant gizmos on the Internet - as a rule, it is an assembly of airy fabric strung on a round thin base and various modules hanging from this lampshade circle. These are either threads with white paper birds or hearts, or tulle circles strung on threads, like snow flakes falling down.
  • Panel on the wall. And here is just a huge field for creative experiments. If you are painting, then decide on a complete picture. You can make a panel using the quilling technique, paper plastic, etc. Well, if you are completely far from this, but you want creativity, get the “Painting by Numbers” set, and even the absolute incompetence will end up with a full-fledged painting on canvas.
  • Knitted plaid. It requires a lot of work, and is usually done more than one week. But nothing will be more comfortable than such a bedspread, in which there is literally the warmth of your hands.
  • Knitted tablecloth. Grandmother's traditions are not just returning, they are more than relevant. In an era when you can buy everything, things that are made by hand are valued. Possibly even the old ones. Knitted openwork tablecloth on round table- an incredible attribute of real comfort.

And crafts from polymer clay, compositions from natural material, topiary ... there are many options to apply own creativity to decorate a home. With the current range of materials for needlework, this is becoming more than an affordable thing.

How to dress the interior of the hall (video)

The beauty in the living room is the harmony of all things, large and small, it is the warmth that comes from them. A cozy room is not necessarily luxurious, elegant, this is the interior in which you want to warm up.

Good luck with your interior design!

Large rooms have their own laws and rules, so the principles of their design are different from all the others. We offer simple ideas which will help to make the room harmonious and cozy.

1. Potted flowers. It is necessary to correctly select and arrange flowers in flowerpots around the room. In a room with high ceilings or empty "dead" corners, it is better to put tall trees. True, you definitely need to pay attention to the lighting of plants.

Tall plants are necessary to draw attention to themselves and emphasize the height of the ceiling, but sometimes the opposite effect is needed. If the walls are painted in two tones, this will not only make the room more attractive, but also visually reduce the ceilings.

3. Ottoman. Huge soft corners sometimes look quite empty and isolated. This is because between the sofas and the coffee table there is too long distance. If you put a large ottoman instead of a table, then it will eliminate the feeling of emptiness and add some softness.

4. Couch. In a huge living room, one soft corner may not be enough. Therefore, it is best to divide the room into two zones, limiting them to furniture that does not interfere with the view. It can be a couch, a bench, a chest.

Divide big room You can also use the side table. True, a soft corner in this case should be placed in the center of the living room.

Large modern living rooms are the best suited for soft corners in the shape of the letter L. Such a sofa is simply a symbol of comfort.

On the other hand, such furniture is wonderfully suitable as a zone separator. It will organically look between the living room and dining room.

7. Dead zones. In spacious rooms, often many zones turn into "dead" ones, depriving the living rooms of coziness and comfort. It is best to get rid of such areas. To do this, it is best to move the furniture away from the walls, forming a cozy corner in the center of the space. True, another problem is possible. Now the walls will look bare. It can be solved with the help of a side table and a couple of benches or arrange a gallery.

8. Chairs. If suddenly, after arranging the furniture, it turned out that there are a lot of bare walls in the room, you will have to purchase several additional chairs. A side table between a couple of pretty chairs large mirror, the picture will always look stylish and original. If necessary, chairs can be moved closer to the guests.

Huge living rooms are most often designed to receive a large number of people. But guests don't come every day. Therefore, empty wall you can organize a corner for personal leisure. A small table, a couple of chairs - and you can read a book or chat with someone alone. Designers advise using a decorative tape on the wall to mark this place.

10. Recreation area. In a large living room, even after arranging all the main furniture, at least one empty corner will certainly remain. Surprisingly. But it can be turned into the main recreation area, a favorite corner.

We spend most of our time in the house in the living room, which definitely makes it an important part of the house. Today we will tell you how to make this room as cozy, functional and comfortable as possible not only for you, but also for your guests.

The designer will help to understand this issue Maria Borovskaya.

The living room is the center of your apartment or house and has many purposes: this is where you meet guests, the whole family gathers to watch interesting movie, relax with a cup of tea, or read your favorite book.

1. The visual side of the living room

Living room includes a large number of different functions for each family member or guest. In almost all living rooms, a TV is installed, which gathers all family members around it. big screen TV is the universal center of your room.

If there is a fireplace in your living room, then it undoubtedly plays an equally important role. Now the popularity of fireplaces is growing, they are becoming the most various forms, and everyone can individually choose a style that will complement your interior.

Another important part of the living room will be the aquarium installed in it. This is a real piece of nature in your room. The aquarium brings life to your home, pacifies and relaxes, while being beautiful decoration decor. Large exotic fish perfectly distract from stress and make you dream.

There are many more elements that will be the center of your living room: paintings, sculptures, designer items and many other options. However, do not cross the line, and have a sense of proportion.

Of all the interior items, you should choose the one that will most strongly influence the overall assessment of the room and carry the burden of the visual center of the room.

It is worth emphasizing the subject with a suitable and interesting background, so you visually increase the space around it. This can be done with the help of color, wall texture, shelving system or design niche - everything that will increase attention to the visual center.

2. Choose the center of the living room

Decide in advance what you want to place in your living room before creating the floor plan.

V small apartments allowed common mistake- placing objects on top of each other, or very close. The best solution here it will be easy to rearrange one of the items in an unoccupied part of the room, or in another room. Installing decorative elements thus, you spoil the impression of them - they will no longer look like something special and valuable.

For example, it happens that the TV is installed above the fireplace, as a result, you cannot normally use them at the same time and instead of two centers you get one large, but insipid one. Using such a design at the same time, you will be distracted by one or the other, not getting the pleasure that should come from them separately. This applies to all other similar cases: aquarium + TV, sculpture + fireplace, aquarium + painting.

The correct arrangement of elements, so that they do not interfere with each other, but only complement and decorate the interior, will give them value and beauty.

3. Minor interior elements

In the living room, you can not do without smaller items, which, despite their size, are no less important. For example: books, small paintings, photographs, souvenirs and all other decorative objects. Such elements can also become a good larger background.

As with centers and mini-centers, small objects can also interrupt each other if set too tightly and often. Treat such things no less responsibly than the same TV or sculpture.

4. Furniture

Furniture is a good addition to visual centers, but its placement must be approached logically. By the fireplace it would be wise to put soft chairs on which you will sit, enjoying the warmth and view of the fire. Opposite the TV or home theater, you can put a sofa and armchairs if there is not enough sofa for everyone.

It is important that the furniture is comfortable to use, keep this in mind when planning your living room. Leave passages between objects so that you can freely walk from the closet to the sofa by the TV, while not wagging through half the room, without touching or pushing away other objects.

If the living room is combined with the dining room, make a clear separation of zones - do not place a dining table in the sofa area.

5. Refusal of excess

Apply the principle of proportionality in the arrangement of furniture in the living room - for living rooms in small apartments it is worth choosing compact furniture, and large sofas and wardrobes are best left in country houses. If, nevertheless, you decide to place a large object in the living room, then place it further from windows and doors - so it will not look bulky.

Another tip: for large living rooms, use a symmetrical arrangement of furniture, and for small ones, use an asymmetrical arrangement.

In the living room, it is better to abandon tall massive cabinets, replacing them with light shelving, which can be an excellent zoning element.

The question of combining certain items, in any case, remains with the family, which will have to arrange them. It all depends on their individual tastes. Therefore, create a design that will allow you to enjoy the beauty and convenience of the room not only for you, but also for your guests.

The living room is one of the most important rooms in an apartment or house. In it we spend free time and receive guests, which is why the design of the living room must be approached with special attention. In our article, we will share the secrets of designing an aesthetic and relaxing living room.

natural materials

The arrangement of any room always begins with the cladding of floor, wall and ceiling surfaces, the selection and installation of doors and windows. If you are designing a living room from scratch and want to make the interior as cozy and comfortable as possible, you should allocate sufficient funds to purchase high-quality natural materials. Yes, it's better to cover the floor. parquet board, cork or use boardwalk, because they are very pleasant to the touch, accumulate and give off heat, in addition, these materials are aesthetic and environmentally friendly.

In a similar vein, walls and ceilings should be decorated, that is, decorative bricks, painting, wooden panels, beams and more.

Sticking to a given rhythm in the choice of basic materials, give preference to natural fabrics, simple and light shapes of objects and unobtrusive decorative design.

Comfort furniture

A sofa and armchairs, a couch, an ottoman are the items that form the basis of the decor of any living room. In order for the room to become the center of convenience, it is worth carefully choosing all the necessary objects. So, for example, let the sofa be quite massive, preferably angular, with an average height of a soft back, this will allow you to refuse to purchase chairs if the room is small.

In spacious living rooms, it is also recommended to pay attention to the ergonomics of furniture, but here you can install two identical sofas, or complement one piece with a pair of deep armchairs. Make sure that the purchased furniture is moderately soft, with a deep enough fit, you can additional features(retractable section), which will allow the body to take any comfortable position.


Soft carpet

This element of furnishings can be small and, if necessary, be removed, say, in summer period. And with the onset of cold weather and frequent rains, it is so pleasant to feel soft and warm cover. Pay close attention to the composition of the carpet, as more practical are specimens made of mixed materials (polyester and cotton, acrylic and wool). Artificial fibers simplify the cleaning process, do not absorb odors, but in combination with natural fibers, make the product warmer and more comfortable.

Diverse light

The living room is the place where we gather in the evenings and holidays with the whole family or a friendly group of friends. Such gatherings often end quite late: some are resting on the sofa, some are having a cheerful conversation while sitting on the carpet. At such moments, there is a need for an inviting atmosphere, decorated with diffused lighting, which the upper flood light will not give.

To maintain comfort in the living room will help you table lamps, sconces and floor lamps installed around the perimeter of the room (in the corners, above the fireplace, on chests of drawers or side tables).


Natural color palette

To say that only warm colors will make the living room cozy atmosphere is erroneous, since the monotonous range looks too simple and boring, but hardly cozy. You have the right to decide how many warm shades to use in the interior, and you can combine them with both neutral and cool colors.

It is only important to follow this rule: all colors used to create coziness in the living room should be natural, pleasing to the eye and as if slightly burnt out. For example, instead of an ultramarine hue, it is recommended to use a muted blue-lilac, saturated red can be replaced with red-brick, wine or ocher.


Pleasant textiles

The textile design has great importance for a harmonious image of the living room, and the living room is no exception. Complete the sofa area with a few cushions in covers made of cotton, linen, wool or fur, put a warm blanket on a banquette or ottoman, change the curtains to thicker ones with a thick gathering. In this form, the living room will be transformed, and its image will become relaxed and peaceful.



does not exist clearly established rule, by which you can determine the right style for decorating the living room. The design of the room should be chosen based on personal preferences and architectural features. But if you are determined to create an unusually cozy interior, then the classic will not work, as it is too pretentious, the loft is overly industrial, and many call the contemporary style insipid.

Perhaps one of the most attractive trends in design modern interior you can safely call it an extraordinary eclecticism that combines the comfort of the West and the ambiguous flavor of the East.


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