Get the person to make the right decision. Techniques for influencing people, manipulating people, how to make a person

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September 14, 2017

Little secrets that will ensure a pleasant change in your relationships with people

Everyone wants to be able to manage the world - or at least those who are nearby and on whom our success depends. However, not everyone succeeds. Psychologists say that it is enough to use in Everyday life basic techniques that help to influence people in a certain way. The main thing here is to feel the person. And yet - training is important so that everything happens as if by itself, without tension.

The Benjamin Franklin Effect - Kindness Returns

famous American politician Benjamin Franklin, trying to get the location of a person who treated him negatively, simply did a good deed for him - he lent a very valuable and rare book that he had been looking for for a long time. As a result, the man was imbued with good feelings for Franklin. The one for whom you have done good is ready to return even more kindness - this is Franklin's law.

Ask for more!

If you ask a friend for a hundred thousand loans, he is unlikely to fork out so easily. But this request will set him up perfectly the way you need, and when, some time after the refusal, he himself finds you and offers thirty or fifty thousand - know: the trick worked! The person, having refused, felt guilty and wanted to “correct”. Therefore, always overestimate your requirements and requests.

The name of a person is a magic key

This is an old and very famous trick - I wrote about it Dale Carnegie but it really works! For every person, the most desirable and pleasant sound in the world is given name, which is pronounced in a positive context. When talking to someone, try to address them by their first name more often. It is also desirable to smile at the same time - and half the success is in your pocket.

sincere flattery

Yes, flattery can also be sincere. So that it does not look rude and unreasonable, take a closer look at the person, try to determine who is in front of you. Any compliments can be said to an interlocutor with high self-esteem - they will only confirm his own opinion of himself, and you will automatically become a pleasant person for him. But someone who evaluates himself rather low will take your flattery with distrust - and this is the easiest way to lose his favor. In this case, you need to play a more subtle game.

Become a "mirror"

When talking with a person, try to unobtrusively repeat his gestures, facial expressions, behavior. Just not “on the forehead” - let your manners become similar, but not exactly the same as his. Known human feature- Treat well those who are similar to themselves. So, becoming a “mirror” for a while, you will win sympathy, and it will be easier to achieve something from this person. The reason is the same as in the case of the repetition of the name: the interlocutor once again he is convinced that he exists and, moreover, that the fact of his existence is pleasant for others.

Be the "echo"

The principle is the same as in the previous technique. It is always pleasant for a person to hear how the interlocutor repeats his words and whole phrases, as if confirming his correctness and demonstrating that he listens carefully and attaches great importance to his words.

You need to ask from someone who is tired

An active, active person is unlikely to respond to your request. But if you turn to a tired person - most likely, looking at you through the prism of his own fatigue and desire to rest, he will agree with the request. For example, approaching a tired boss in the evening asking to let you go early and promising that you will finish work tomorrow morning, most likely you will hear an agreement. Moreover, by keeping your promise and delivering the work on time, you will earn the respect of the boss.

Don't point people out to their mistakes!

Even if they are clearly wrong. Even if the error is quite serious and no one except you noticed it. The only thing you will achieve is to become an enemy for a person. Graduality is needed to change his point of view and force him to correct the mistake. Agree with him no matter what he says. And then carefully, slowly, start fine work to change his point of view.

Just nod

Nodding throughout the conversation should convince the interlocutor that you agree with him, that you approve of him, what he says, which means that you treat him with sympathy and approval. A gesture as simple as nodding will later help you convince the other person that you are right.

Learn to listen

When a person only pretends to listen, while he himself is busy with his own thoughts, this is immediately evident. Such people do not want to tell anything, they do not believe, they do not cause sympathy. But if you try to sincerely understand what they are telling you, try to "try on" the situation, agree - at least at the beginning - you will immediately arouse both trust and a desire to assist. You may have to make an effort on yourself first. But if you manage to actually become interested, and not just pretend to be interested, then you can then convince anyone of your rightness.

People are in almost constant interaction. Everyone to some extent depends on others, experiencing the manifestations of their interests in expectations, motives, requests, attempts to coerce, etc. There are at least four fundamental ways to get what you want: take away by force, do it yourself, join efforts (if the task is for one) and convince to give voluntarily. The last way can be very effective even in comparison with the power way, which seems to be the most obvious. The owner of a valuable object will resist and all accessible ways protect yours. More humane are the ways to get what you want through the non-violent organization of the creative activity of people. The psychological component of such activity is very significant and complex - to convince people to give labor, strength, time.

At the earliest stages of human history, management technologists began to appear - the organizers of such information (non-force) processes between a person who wants to get something (a thing, labor, information, another person, etc.), and the owner of what he wants. Thus, knowledge of the psychology of management began to be accumulated and transmitted - knowledge about non-force information-psychological methods of achieving the goal in social interaction.

Explicitly or implicitly striving for psychological knowledge, people understand its value as knowledge focused on solving the main question: “How to force (induce) another person or group of people to do what I (we, you) need?” Parents want something from their children. Wives want their partners to behave the way they (the wives) want, and husbands are constantly trying to get something from their wives. Managers are concerned about how to make the staff work, and the staff wants to subordinate the managers, and so on.

You can meet a person who will say that he does not need anything from anyone, he does not want to force anyone to do anything. You can trust him. But does he want to be the object of influence, manipulation?

Management psychology, like any science, focuses on the search for objective, essential, repetitive, stable, necessary and, therefore, regular connections between the phenomena under study. These connections, called laws, distinguish science from other areas of human practice, since knowledge allows you to act with predictable results. Appeal to the laws of psychological science is fundamentally important. After all, the complexity of its object and subject pushes amateurs to arbitrary reasoning, which allows them to treat any problem practically as they please. Such an approach not only devalues ​​the work of professionals, gives rise to a frivolous attitude towards science, but at the same time causes distrust in it. Laws limit illusory freedom, orient the movement of thought in the right direction, form a professional approach to solving problems.

1. The law of development of higher mental functions (L. S. Vygotsky)

In accordance with this law, higher mental functions (HMF) arise initially as a form of collective behavior, as a form of cooperation with other people, and only subsequently become internal individual functions of the child. Features HMF - mediation, awareness, arbitrariness, systemicity - are formed in vivo as a result of mastering the child by special means developed in the course of the development of society. The development of the HPF associated with training in broad sense words, cannot occur otherwise than in the form of assimilation of given patterns.

What does this law say in the context of management psychology? He reveals some of the genetic psychological foundations for the development of the ability to manage, organizational leadership. The HMF includes arbitrary memory and attention, verbal-logical thinking, will - the whole complex of those mental processes, without which control is impossible. All these qualities are necessarily present in the leader's psychogram. According to this law, HMFs do not arise by themselves. Under the conditions of mandatory school education All children go through a certain learning path leading to the formation of HMF. However, each child goes through this path in their own social situation of development. Those children who showed better management abilities developed in somewhat different conditions than their peers from the same school. Someone due to random circumstances, and someone went the way of purposeful training. In his doctrine of the zone of proximal development, the logical consequence of the law on HMF, L. S. Vygotsky convincingly showed how purposeful cooperation with an adult makes it possible to successfully overcome the distance between the level of the child’s actual development and the level of his possible development, determined with the help of tasks solved under the guidance of adults.

Thus, faced with a good leader, there is no need to refer to the talent of an unknown nature, but it is worth thinking about learning technologies that provide the necessary for implementation management activities potential.

2. The law of overcoming the inferiority complex (A. Adler)

This law reveals the formation of motivation for leadership. In accordance with this law, a person strives for personal significance, power and superiority, overcoming the feeling of his own inferiority that arises in childhood as a result of the greater competence of adults. Features of overcoming incompetence in the form of compensation and hypercompensation are described in detail by A. Adler and his followers. You can give a milder name to this law: the law of compensation for incompetence. The combination in a person of motivation for power and the ability to translate this motivation into real activity gives a leader.

3. Law of operant learning or acquisition (B. F. Skinner)

This law reveals the reasons for the formation of behavioral patterns (operants) in a person, including a professionally engaged in management. According to this law, emerging behavior is determined by the consequences of activity. If they are favorable (needs are satisfied), then the likelihood of behavior leading to these outcomes increases in the future. This law well explains the stability of such forms of managerial behavior, which are regularly criticized in textbooks. For example, authoritarian behavior not only corresponds to the need for compensation (according to A. Adler), but also usually leads to quick results situationally suitable for the leader, which, naturally (according to B.F. Skinner), reinforces this behavioral model. According to behaviorists, behavior is controlled by the one who controls the reinforcement. Therefore, the manager should take care to own the wide possibilities of material and non-financial incentives used as a means of highlighting and reinforcing the desired patterns of personnel behavior.

4. The law of indirect learning (A. Bandura)

A person not only identifies patterns of behavior based on the reinforcements they receive, but also observes other people who receive certain reinforcements. If the reinforcement received by another person can be that of the observer, he reproduces the behavior of the observed under similar conditions. If there is reinforcement, then the learned behavior is fixed, becoming part of the person's behavioral repertoire. will happen indirect learning: one person acted as a behavioral model for another. Usually, the models are people of the same sex, close in age, with a higher social status, with authority. Behavior is controlled by the one who controls the models. For a manager, the law of indirect learning is of particular value, revealing the mechanism of influence through a personal behavioral example and through models of effective behavior identified in the organization.

5. Law of response uncertainty (E.S. Zharikov)

Depending on the speed of reactions, resistance to stress, motivation, interpersonal relationships and dozens of other characteristics, the performer, having received an order or acting within his official duties, performs work with one quality or another, in one time or another, or maybe does not do it at all. Man is a complex biosocial and socio-psychological system. It has so many diverse internal psychological properties and being in such quantity external dependencies that before turning to him with a serious task, it is necessary to study it in detail.

6. The law of the rise of needs in ontogenesis (A. Maslow)

Needs are formed in vivo not by chance, but naturally: from homeostatic to security, social acceptance and communication, self-respect and self-actualization. Each new level of needs is formed on the basis of sustainable satisfaction of the needs of the previous, earlier level. Therefore, not every person has expressed higher needs. Based on the knowledge of this law, the manager can assess the level of need-motivational development of the staff, predict the effectiveness of motivating influences, without expecting the impossible.

7. The law of the hierarchical structure of the motivational sphere (A.N. Leontiev)

The meaning of this law lies in the essential development of the ideas of A. Maslow. According to this law, motivational sphere of an adult person can be multi-vertex and hierarchically ordered in accordance with a person's life experience. She is very individual. That is why people often meet not just with the presence of higher needs, but with their dominant, which allows them to show selflessness, fortitude, altruism to the detriment of satisfying homeostatic needs. Knowledge of this law allows the leader to more accurately determine the capabilities of subordinates, to understand who is driving force development of the organization, who can be relied upon in difficult times for the organization, etc.

8. Law of Optimum Motivation (M. R. Yerkes, J. Dodson, J. Atkinson)

This law fixes a non-linear relationship between the productivity of activity and the motivation of the subject. The level of motivation at which the activity is most successful is called the optimum motivation. This level is different for tasks of varying complexity. With complex activity, the optimum zone is narrow and shifted towards a low level. For problem solving medium difficulty the optimum zone is wide and is located in the area of ​​the average level of motivation. Only the solution of simple problems improves somewhat along with the growth of motivation.

The specific manifestation of the Yerkes-Dodson law depends on emotional stability person. In emotionally stable people, the optimum zone is shifted to more high level motivation, while emotionally unstable, on the contrary, to a low level.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of knowledge of this law by the leader. By managing the external motivation of employees, a psychologically competent leader can purposefully influence their achievements, the quantity and quality of work. Here, unfortunately, there are also significant opportunities for manipulating a person.

9. Law of personal distances (E. Hall)

This law reveals the connection between the emotional relations of the subjects of interaction and the physical distances that they tend to establish (Table 1). By choosing distances, the leader can have a significant motivating and demotivating effect on subordinates. He can also point out to observers what behavior of their colleagues leads to certain relationships with management.

Table 1. Distances and emotional relationships in European culture

Distance, m Name Relationship characteristics Organizational equivalents
0-0,4 intimate High trust, sense of security, openness to observation Touch, compliment, family questions, "you"
0,4-1,5 Personal Positive attitude. Perception in the aggregate of psychological characteristics Conversations outside the official area of ​​the office, a cup of coffee, advice, appeal to "you"
1,5-3 Official Subordination relations, perception of status, social role. Hiding true feelings Conversation in the official area of ​​the office. Business conversation with an emphasis on hierarchical relationships
More than 3 open Recognition of existence Superficial communication

10. The law of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person

No person can comprehend another person with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient to make completely predictable decisions about that person. Man is a highly complex system. In addition, it is included in the system of social relations and therefore is their expression and reflection. A person changes in accordance with the law of age asynchrony - an adult at any time of a certain calendar age can be different levels physiological, intellectual, emotional, motivational, social and sexual development. But that's not all, and it's not always the most important thing. The main thing is that a person is protected from attempts to reveal his features and capabilities. But defense also has its rules. That is why scientific psychological knowledge is so important for management.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zakharova- doctor psychological sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky, expert of the distance education center "Elitarium"

To succeed, to build relationships with colleagues, to arrange a personal life, it is important to know how to persuade people. It is not easy to change a person's position, but there are various means of persuasion for this.

How to persuade a person: methods of speech influence

Persuasion is a form of psychological influence on a person, in which leading role play verbal or speech means: logic, clear argumentation, conclusions, etc. There are several effective psychological techniques that increase the persuasiveness of speech, and often help to influence the interlocutor's subconscious.

Knowing how to persuade people, you will achieve your goal faster.

  • Logics. Acceptance by a person of your arguments directly depends on the logic of speech. It manifests itself in a clear connection between judgments, when one thought naturally follows from another and ultimately leads the interlocutor to the conclusion you need.
  • Stimulation. When persuading, choose arguments that affect your partner's personal interests and "promise" him advantages or threaten problems.
  • Reframing. This is psychological reception"reversing" the meaning of the statement. Words are a shell of thought, but the same thought expressed different words, can change the meaning to the exact opposite. So, the words "scout" and "spy" have the same meaning, but a completely different meaning.
  • Emotional coloring of speech. The degree of your persuasiveness largely depends on the personal interest and emotionality of speech.

All these methods will work only if your speech is understandable, expressive, it is distinguished by a high culture and a good vocabulary. The indistinct, confused muttering of a person who has difficulty finding the right words will never be convincing.

How to persuade a person to do something: non-verbal means

It has long been noticed that it is easier to convince a person of something with personal contact than by phone. It is even more difficult to do this in a written communication. The fact is that non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication play a huge role in the transmission of information. With their help, 60-80% of information is transmitted, and it is they who are able to influence the subconscious of a person, regardless of his desire.

There are many methods of psychological "tuning" of the interlocutor. Here are some of them.

  • Mirror. The unobtrusive repetition of the partner's movements sets him up to trust you.
  • Light touches. Psychologists believe that a person, in a conversation with someone he trusts, unconsciously tries to touch him from time to time. By touching the interlocutor, you thereby demonstrate your trust in him and set him up for a positive perception of you.
  • Smile. This is universal remedy communication has a positive effect on people and encourages them to trust the interlocutor.
  • expressive intonation. Convincing and positively colored intonation creates a special optimistic atmosphere. A person who speaks energetically and even cheerfully wants to be believed.

Persuasion should not be confused with obsession. Too long attempts to convince the interlocutor cause him irritation and rejection. Therefore, if you failed to persuade a person, then it is better not to insist and postpone the conversation until another convenient time.

Everyone wants to be able to manage the world - or at least those who are nearby and on whom our success depends. However, not everyone succeeds. Psychologists say that it is enough to use basic techniques in everyday life that help to influence people in a certain way. The main thing here is to feel the person. And yet - training is important so that everything happens as if by itself, without tension.

The Benjamin Franklin Effect - Kindness Returns


famous American politician Benjamin Franklin, trying to get the location of a person who treated him negatively, simply did a good deed for him - he lent a very valuable and rare book that he had been looking for for a long time. As a result, the man was imbued with good feelings for Franklin. The one for whom you have done good is ready to return even more kindness - this is Franklin's law.

Ask for more!

If you ask a friend for a hundred thousand loans, he is unlikely to fork out so easily. But this request will set him up perfectly the way you need, and when, some time after the refusal, he himself finds you and offers thirty or fifty thousand - know: the trick worked! The person, having refused, felt guilty and wanted to “correct”. Therefore, always overestimate your requirements and requests.

The name of a person is a magic key

This is an old and very famous trick - I wrote about it Dale Carnegie but it really works! For each person, the most desirable and pleasant sound in the world is their own name, which is pronounced in a positive context. When talking to someone, try to address them by their first name more often. It is also desirable to smile at the same time - and half the success is in your pocket.

sincere flattery


Yes, flattery can also be sincere. So that it does not look rude and unreasonable, take a closer look at the person, try to determine who is in front of you. Any compliments can be said to an interlocutor with high self-esteem - they will only confirm his own opinion of himself, and you will automatically become a pleasant person for him. But someone who evaluates himself rather low will take your flattery with distrust - and this is the easiest way to lose his favor. In this case, you need to play a more subtle game.

Become a "mirror"

When talking with a person, try to unobtrusively repeat his gestures, facial expressions, behavior. Just not “on the forehead” - let your manners become similar, but not exactly the same as his. A well-known human feature is to treat well those who are similar to themselves. So, becoming a “mirror” for a while, you will win sympathy, and it will be easier to achieve something from this person. The reason is the same as in the case of the repetition of the name: the interlocutor is once again convinced that he exists and, moreover, that the fact of his existence is pleasant for others.

Be the "echo"

The principle is the same as in the previous technique. It is always pleasant for a person to hear how the interlocutor repeats his words and whole phrases, as if confirming his correctness and demonstrating that he listens carefully and attaches great importance to his words.

You need to ask from someone who is tired


An active, active person is unlikely to respond to your request. But if you turn to a tired person - most likely, looking at you through the prism of his own fatigue and desire to rest, he will agree with the request. For example, approaching a tired boss in the evening asking to let you go early and promising that you will finish work tomorrow morning, most likely you will hear an agreement. Moreover, by keeping your promise and delivering the work on time, you will earn the respect of the boss.

Don't point people out to their mistakes!

Even if they are clearly wrong. Even if the error is quite serious and no one except you noticed it. The only thing you will achieve is to become an enemy for a person. Graduality is needed to change his point of view and force him to correct the mistake. Agree with him no matter what he says. And then carefully, slowly, begin the subtle work of changing his point of view.

Just nod

Nodding throughout the conversation should convince the interlocutor that you agree with him, that you approve of him, what he says, which means that you treat him with sympathy and approval. A gesture as simple as nodding will later help you convince the other person that you are right.

Learn to listen


When a person only pretends to listen, while he himself is busy with his own thoughts, this is immediately evident. Such people do not want to tell anything, they do not believe, they do not cause sympathy. But if you try to sincerely delve into what they tell you, try to "try on" the situation, agree - at least at the beginning - you will immediately arouse both trust and a desire to assist. You may have to make an effort on yourself first. But if you manage to actually become interested, and not just pretend to be interested, then you can then convince anyone of your rightness.

To induce a person to the desired activity and achieve the desired goal can not only be the one who owns the skill of an impressive word, a hypnotizing look and is equipped with convincing arguments. If you feel superior, or have any leverage, without noticing it yourself, you begin to force. In professional life and family, coercion has become a favorite among other methods of influence due to its minimal thought and time costs.

So, the caring father Vyacheslav decided to help his teenage son gain physical strength and courage and enrolled him in the taekwondo section. But the thin and tall son refused to engage in power struggle, as he foresaw his power failure. Vyacheslav forced him to attend training, threatening, in case of absences, to reimburse him for taekwondo from his own accumulated savings.

Persuasion is considered an effective and loyal method of influencing a person. This is a labor-intensive process that requires intellectual costs, a baggage of arguments, and the skills of conducting a constructive dialogue. In contrast to this method, the method of coercion is considered the most concise and unconditional. It is effective in solving the question of how to get a person to do what you want: briefly, quickly and effectively! But coercion is within the power of those who have privileges, superiority, powers. This is a rather harsh method that denies any form of manifestation of humanity, respect and equality.

common ground

It is not necessary to disperse the method of persuasion and coercion at different points in the article, despite the polarity of their content, they still have similarities and interconnections:

  1. Methods of persuasion and methods of coercion are designed to control and manipulate the consciousness and behavior of a person.
  2. They have a common goal - to persuade the interlocutor to the desired point of view.
  3. Coercion has its effectiveness if superimposed on persuasion and other methods of influencing a person. In other words: to convince - and then to force.

How is coercion different?

The method of persuasion is logical and consistent, it rests on three main pillars: argumentation, proof, clarification. Persuasion demonstrates how to GIVE a person to do what you need of their own free will.

Coercion is public method psychological pressure and sometimes physical (barbaric) impact on human behavior, inclining to fulfill the requirements of orders, prohibitions and deprivations.

Characteristics of the coercion method

  1. It is based on a demand accompanied by external stimuli (reward and punishment).
  2. Rigid authoritarian methods based on directive, categorical and discipline.
  3. It is based on a person's fear of possible deprivation and infringement.
  4. Guided by the principle of PRESSURE, how to FORCE a person to do something, but not voluntarily incline to activity.
  5. Threats, orders, restrictions and prohibitions are the main helpers of influence.
  6. Motivation for activity - punishment, threat of punishment.
  7. The main regulator of behavior is the deprivation and restriction of the benefits and comforts of life.
  8. Incentive-coercive tactics according to the principle: "Because it is necessary."
  9. The defender develops a reciprocal “no” attitude.

What coercion looks like and its possible consequences

Coercion catches in its web all ages and statuses of people. Everyone and everything is coerced: husband, wife, children, parents, grandparents, friends, customers, subordinates, trainees, recruits, students, students, colleagues, strangers.

Coercion Methods:

  1. Organizational: exposure to information based on authority, status, confident and strict manners, piercing gaze, categorical tone, strong-willed qualities:
  • setting deadlines, frameworks, conditions for completing tasks without explanation;

Daughter's mother: "You must have time to decide homework math in 20 minutes.

  • categorical requirements (unconditional prohibitions and restrictions);

Lecturer to students: "After me, latecomers are not allowed to enter the audience."

Addressees of influence, which often lend themselves to this group of methods, lose their criticality to any information provided, rarely turn to logic, data analysis. They do not need to check the accuracy of the information.

  1. Methods of censure: stimulate activity through active techniques coercion, in which the pressure is very noticeable, the emotional sphere becomes very vulnerable - the impact on a person is easy.
  • intimidation of the consequences;

Manager to subordinates: “No one will go on a lunch break until they fill out 5 applications for connection to our Internet provider.”

  • physical (power) threats;

Teacher to student: "I will hit your hands if you miss the keys."

  • condemnation;

Coach to a student: “In the last competition, your performance was the most clumsy. Today you are obliged to perform at 100%.

  • blackmail;

Father to the principal of the school: "If you do not provide me with a full report on the disposal of the money collected by the parent committee, I will involve the city department of education in our conflict."

Being under systematic psychological pressure, the victim of coercion is in constant fear, experiencing varying degrees of negative emotions: from anxiety to panic. In such emotional state the productivity of activity, motivation decreases, a negative attitude towards the coercive develops.

  1. Method of punishment (method of discipline):

control of activities is carried out under the threat of possible penalties. Often the reward is the absence of punishments, which also have a different character:

  • material restrictions (deprivation of some good);

Manager to a subordinate: "Every minute you are late will cost you 100 rubles."

  • conditional punishment (temporal, spatial restrictions);

Wife to a drunken husband: "Your late arrival from a corporate party promises you a month of lack of communication with friends."

  • punishment by worsening attitude;

Parents to daughter: “Today we don’t communicate with you, since you can’t behave calmly.”

Step-by-step instruction with examples of speech turns: how to calculate and resist coercion

Mastering the skills of protection against coercive influence is the main task for a person who feels like a “driven sheep” and cannot get out of skillful hands attacker. But for this you need to find your bearings in time and figure out the initiator of coercion before he slams the trap.

Signs of coercion:

  1. Internal struggle: I don’t want to do it, but I have to.
  2. Violation of the rules of etiquette.
  3. Sudden appearance of feelings of guilt, duty, danger.
  4. Suspicious non-verbal signs: secretiveness, threat, insincerity, aggressive gestures.
  5. During the conversation, the addressee:
  • is assigned responsibility for what is happening;
  • understands that "the game is not worth the candle";
  • feels pressure;
  • receives a time limit to fulfill the requirements;

Algorithm of actions to resist coercion:

The least effective types of counter-influence are reciprocal coercion, ignoring, destructive criticism. The active types of psychological confrontation will be psychological self-defense, counter-argumentation, psychological confrontation. The confrontation must maintain a civilized character, and the intensity of resistance must increase depending on the perseverance of the coercive:

  1. Understanding and mastering your emotions

it is necessary to reach a rational level, muffling the emotional outburst. Pauses in dialogue, deep slow breathing, a cold confident look, slow calm speech will help with this.

  1. Conducting an informational dialogue from the position of psychological self-defense (psychological sambo technique):

the use of "defensive" speech turns and intonation, which helps to maintain sobriety of thinking and get extra time to analyze the situation.


  • infinite clarification - find out the purpose of coercion;

In response to attacks and accusations: “What would you advise to change?”, “What would you advise?”.

  • “fogging” - demonstrate external agreement with some part of the information to “lull” vigilance with phrases;

"Yes, maybe", "Maybe", "You're right."

  • “broken record” - repeat one capacious phrase many times, which corresponds to the context of the conversation;

Initiator: "You don't respect me at all by doing this."

Addressee: "I'm ready to enter into your position, explain."

And: "It's not the first time you've done this."

A: "I'm ready to enter into your position, explain."

  • "English professor" - give a correct refusal to fulfill the requirement, referring to the characteristics of your personality;

And: "You can quickly leave workplace I need to close the office.

A: "It is unlikely that I can make my phlegmatic nature move faster."

  1. Counterargument: defend your clear position, involving the entire logical series of arguments, but not justifications! Challenge the arguments, use the refusals: “No”, “I can’t”, “It won’t work”, “No, I don’t understand.”
  2. Confrontation- open confrontation, which, if necessary, ends with a break in interaction or the end of communication.
  3. Emotional discharge.

How often do you force, and is it effective to do so?

After getting acquainted with this material, the reader has an ordered understanding of how to get a person to do what you want. But the effectiveness of pure coercion without the involvement of other methods is justified only on political and pedagogical platforms, in emergency situations that require quick concentration and coherence of actions.

If you have learned many coercive techniques in your daily arsenal of interacting with others, then remember that the emotional atmosphere under such pressure is negative, filled with fear, anxiety and insecurity.

It is easy and without harm to psychological health to carry out coercion is possible if you have a calm, impartial nervous system phlegmatic. At the same time, remember that it is the sanguine (strong, balanced type) who can endure such pressure. The effectiveness of influence is also maintained under important conditions:

  1. The ability to convey the meaning of the requirements themselves.
  2. Timely encouragement of correct actions.

The most effective, flexible and positive option for influencing a person is A complex approach, which combines several methods of managing human activity. Then there is the possibility of developing positive motivation in the process of carrying out actions, developing a positive attitude. Do not forget that it is much more effective when persuasion and coercion go hand in hand!

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