Impact ventilation mode. Channel air conditioner for an apartment: principle of operation and installation with your own hands

Reservoirs 15.06.2019

One of the most effective climatic equipment in the class is undoubtedly air conditioners with air ventilation. This type of technology is considered quite rare, but professional companies that specialize in the realization of the most effective air conditioners have a wide range of such equipment. And if you contact the "Nveway" company, you can always choose the best option.

Why do you need such air conditioners?

Aggregates with supply ventilation are ideal where natural air update is not enough. It happens in:

  • indoors,
  • premises without windows
  • rooms in which sealed glass glazed windows were installed,
  • different bunkers, hangars, garages.

In such premises, the concentration of carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds is growing rapidly, which negatively affects people's health, increases moisture and promotes education unpleasant odors. It will help to get rid of all this will help only high-quality climatic equipment with a good air beam, and air conditioners with supply ventilation - the best thing example.

Working in the room, such an equipment:

  • provides all the conditions for the normal well-being of people in it,
  • reduces CO2 content,
  • creates a pleasant microclimate, supporting the specified temperature round year,
  • regularly supplies fresh air in accordance with sanitary requirements.

In the company "Nveave" you can find all newest species Such equipment, including channel and wall split brand systems. Wherein the lineup Our technology is on sale, regularly updated, and we offer our customers only the most modern equipment manufactured by the latest technologies.

How does equipment work with air ventilation?

Each such air conditioner has two blocks - external and internal. The first comes:

  • fan
  • air purifying filter
  • cooler,
  • electronic control panel.

The second includes:

Internal block Mounted at the indoor indoor and can be installed on the wall or over the suspended ceiling. Also, channel air conditioners can "hide" in special boxes, without breaking the interior design: only decorative lattices remain outside, through which air flows. Indoors to the indoor unit are connected to a water or electric heater, equipped with electronically control.

Outdoor block You can mount both on the street and in a separate room (the latter is possible if the air conditioner is equipped with a centrifugal fan). The external unit is connected to the indoor unit with a thin freon pipeline. Together, these aggregates work like this:

  1. External unit takes fresh air with street,
  2. The thermally insulated duct feeds it into the mixing chamber (there the air is mixed with the used air masses, polar from the room),
  3. The air mixture falls into the inner block where the processing is filtered and passes, depending on the specified temperature mode (dried, heats up, cooled).
  4. Air is supplied to the room.

Support air parameters allows electronic system Control. In summer, with its help, the air is cooled to the desired temperature, and in the cold seasons, the air conditioner automatically goes into mode " thermal pump"And begins to warm the air. In autumn and spring, heating is carried out without turning on the heater, and in winter, when the temperature on the street falls below 0 degrees, the unit includes an additional calorifer. It is also equipped with an electronic control module that helps it smoothly adjust power depending on the external temperature indicator and ensure cost-effective electricity consumption.

Why should you choose a split system with a supply ventilation?

Equipment of this type, offered by Nveave, has a number of benefits. Most of our air conditioners, including, for example, aggregates brand Hitachi. Series RAS - ** JH4 / RAC - ** JH4, possess the maximum of the latest functions that are necessary to ensure the perfect climate, and their use allows:

1. Do not know the problems with ventilation - Equipment consistently serves fresh air to the room at any time of the year, and the built-in electronically controlled calorificates do not give its inhabitants even in the strongest frosts. Passionate air is always brought to the desired temperature, and unique technical solutions It is possible to work uninterrupted to work even with extremely low or, on the contrary, very high temperatures.

2. Always get clean air. This is especially true for those who live near the busy track or in the city center, where street air is pretty polluted. Air conditioners with supply ventilation implemented by Nveavey, equipped with EU-3 class filters, which allow multiple air purification, are easily cleaned and characterized by excellent durability. Thanks to them, any air entering the room will always be clean and fresh.

3. Simultaneously supply fresh air to several rooms. Air conditioning with supply ventilation serves for air conditioning and venting several rooms at once. To make these processes optimal for you, you should contact the specialists of the company "Nveave", which will explore the features of your home or office, will help you choose the appropriate type of equipment and configure it so that it serves required amount Air for everyone who is located in the room.

4. Easily manage equipment- The control is so simple that even a child will cope with him. A powerful microprocessor also responds for the operation of the aggregates, and the controlling work of the carrier. He alone:

  • analyzes the temperature on the street,
  • studies indoor performance
  • compares them with the temperature you specify on control panel,
  • chooses optimal mode work of external and internal blocks,
  • automatically heats or cools fresh air,
  • submits it in the room - you can only adjust the indicators on the remote and independently adjust the climate if you need.

5. Sleep away- Air conditioners with supply ventilation have a minimum noise level, so they can be installed even in bedrooms or in offices where silence is required. Channel blocks demonstrate silent work due to specially selected materials for them absorbing vibration and noise, the walls are often originally designed silent. In this case, the installation of each aggregate is carried out using special air ducts equipped with sound insulation.

Thanks to these functions, air conditioning effectively and regularly supplies fresh air to the room without creating any inconvenience to its owners. At the same time, the specialists of the company "NEWA" will make it possible that the use of such equipment brings you only pleasure and pleasant emotions. Air conditioners with supply ventilation, unfortunately, are infrequently presented on sale, but we will always find everything you need for your home and you will never know the choice problems, because we will help you with pleasure.

Modern ecology, especially in cities, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, availability fresh air In the residential room is, first of all, care for the health of everyone who lives there. But if B. country house To do this, just open window sash, in conditions of gas and dusting of the city atmosphere, such a solution looks doubtful.

Air conditioning

How to secure yourself with fresh air? Many see the exit in the installation of the air conditioner, mistakenly believing that it produces a fence of the outer air, purifies, cools (or heats it) and already in this form releases into the room. However, this is not so.

Air conditioning - device used to create comfortable conditions in room. First of all it concerns the summer when an unbearable heat is installed on the street, when not only walking down the street, but also just falling asleep at night. What makes air conditioning in this case? Cool air. But what air? The same, circulating indoors. Yes, it cleans it from harmful impurities as far as it can. Cheap cleans bad, delaying on a special lattice only large particles of dirt and dust, as well as threaded insects. Dear "caresses" pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenic fungal disputes, pollen and other allergens and smaller dust particles. However, the air remains the same and each time it decreases the percentage of oxygen content, and the increase in carbon dioxide content increases. And the apparent freshness is caused by its purification from harmful impurities and cooling. But no harmful impurities are not going anywhere - they settle on the air conditioner grid, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the condensate accumulating there may become a comfortable environment for the development of bacteria, mold and other low-oh microorganisms.

An air conditioner has an alternative to the traditional recirculation air conditioner, which has a ventilation mode. However, on this moment this additional feature The factory devices are developed weakly and, if used, the air conditioner begins to make an increased noise. And the more air it is necessary to "draw" from the outside, the one is louder to this noise. Is it comfortable for living in the apartment? Unlikely. Although a person gets used to everything ...

According to the standards, for one person in the room, 30 cubic meters of fresh air is needed per hour. Air conditioners with supply ventilation, in which the indicated function is set to maximum, can provide an hour of fresh air in a volume of about 20 cubic meters. This is clearly not enough.

Another error wishing to buy air conditioning is the opinion that it is able to heat the air, providing warm warm in the house. Yes, it heats the air. However, it is capable of doing this "painlessly" for himself only if the temperature is above zero on the street. If it is trying to be included in the heating mode at minus street temperatures - it will just be afraid. Cheap models will refuse the compressor, and in expensive - the technique itself will refuse to curse himself and simply will not turn on. The real benefit from such a split system is only in autumn or in spring when plus on the street. The risk here is the impact rates of condensate formation, which should be deleted in time - otherwise the device may break.

And finally, the installation. As you know, the air conditioner consists of two parts - internal and external, referred to as blocks. Installing an external block is equal to redevelopment for which you need to have permission. If this action is inconsistent, the neighbors, urban power may complain on a unauthorized installer of the air conditioner management Company. The main threat in this case is the responsibility for the decision of the court to dismantle the unauthorized design. Yes, and the installation process itself involves the use of the perforator, the "diligence" of which some particularly old and fragile walls may not withstand.

Ventilation unit

Another class of devices performing more important and vital objectives-installation of air ventilation (or otherwise - ventilators).

Installation is made by special equipment for performing diamond drilling. Its high accuracy allows you to punch a hole in the wall without any concerns for its common integrity and is permissible even in just a renovated room. At the same time, no outer blocks should not hang on the outer wall - it is enough to install a protective grille with a visor. It can be painted in the color of the wall. Such an action redevelopment is not considered and additional permission does not require.

Part ventilation unitplaced indoors has an attractive type of housing made of safe fatery. Its main advantages:

  • resistance to wear;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to heating;
  • high noise insulation.

The ventilation unit pulls the fresh air saturated with oxygen, purifies it and already in this form it fits into the room. IN winter time An additional air heating function is also involved to a comfortable temperature. What is the most interesting, the more the difference in the external and internal temperatures, the more effective it will be heated. In the simplest models, although there is no function of setting the set temperature, but there is a power regulator.

On the example of installing ifresh, consider several velocities on which the air fan can operate:

  • the first, providing fresh air in the amount of 40 cubic meters per hour, is absolutely silent and especially comfortable at night;
  • the second air in the amount of 80 cubic meters per hour is suitable for day use;
  • the third implies active ventilation in the presence of large number People and provides air room in a capacity of 120 cubic meters per hour.

At the same time, an active cleansing of air supplied from the street is ensured, thanks to which, whatever terrible atmosphere, inside the room is only pure air saturated with oxygen. Such effect is achieved due to double filtering through dust and active coal filters, delaying all harmful particles - dust, industrial gases, pathogens microorganisms chemical compounds etc. As a result, there is always enough fresh air in the room, and all who are in it are feeling excellent.

Summing up, we note that the use of the air conditioner is limited to hot summer days and intersazon, and we need fresh air every day.

If we talk about the material component of the question, then in terms of the effectiveness of investment of money, the installation of supply ventilation is a more rational and priority choice. Provided by pure oxygen-enriched air, you can decide on the installation of an air conditioner for hot days.

Modern climatic conditions Forced humanity to look for new sources of air purification. Apartment buildings are practically sealed and do not have effective ventilation. In this regard, the oxygen concentration in the room is reduced and, accordingly, the mental and physical activity of residents decreases.

The only idea for today is the creation of forced ventilation. The rooms are equipped with special devices with supply air valves. Similar air conditioners with an influx of air from the street usually deliver no more than 40% of the air into the room.

The need for fresh air

It is no secret that fresh air is vital for maintaining health. Therefore, manufacturers in the area climate machinery Began to pay more attention to ventilation issues. Oxygen is needed to each living being, but due to the tempo modern life People forget to take care of themselves, which leads to bad well-being and diseases. Acquisition of an air conditioner with a flow of fresh air inflow will provide an opportunity to work effectively throughout the day in a closed room.

Why need constant microwing:

  • The constant air change increases the level of oxygen in the room.
  • Oxygen has a positive effect on metabolism and operation of respiratory and immune systems.
  • Pressure stabilization occurs and the work of the heart is improved.
  • Due to the oxygen, the stress level is reduced and the brain works more efficiently.

The effects of lack of oxygen:

  • Worsters overall well-being, ailment appears.
  • Pressure increases and headaches.
  • Irritability and constant fatigue appear.

Modern air conditioner performs not only the function, it simultaneously serves as a cleaning system, a heating device, can serve air to the room.

The main task of the split system is to ensure comfortable living conditions.

Types of split systems with a submersion

Air conditioning with an influx of air from the street differs from the classic split system by the presence of a separate duct channel. The models of this species differ in each other by the structure of this channel.

Consider the types of air conditioners:

  1. With a membrane. Such an air conditioner is equipped with a membrane, it is she who is responsible for the operation of the canal. Feature: uneven bandwidth. The membrane is designed so that oxygen through it is better than the remaining gases. Such devices are quite expensive and rarely found on the market.
  2. Modular system. This is the addition of K. existing system In the form of a recuperator with an air duct. It is equipped with an external unit and is installed outside the room next to the air conditioner. The module has two tubes, with the help of which air and thermoregulation occurs. Minus: overall external block and small air exchange. Modern market Almost does not sell such structures, as they are significantly inferior to the analogues.
  3. Modified external unit. Such a solution is most logical and is a combination of cooling and ventilation blocks. Between the outer and inner parts of the air conditioner, the duct canal is installed for oxygen supply. Minus: high cost and middle air exchange (the amount of ventilated oxygen is calculated on the presence of only one person indoors).

The price of air conditioners with an air inflow from the street begins from 30 thousand rubles. and depends on the required functional.

You can also find modifications of such types of systems. But all of them have a disadvantage - a low air exchange rate. Channel systems Give a higher result, but their installation is difficult for the ordinary apartment.

Channel split systems

Air conditioning with air inflow from Hitachi street

The Air Exchanger Series of this manufacturer uses the greatest popularity among this manufacturer. These air conditioners are also distinguished by the presence of a modern Nano Titanium filter, which is capable of catching except dust and formaldehydes and bacteria, as well as purify air from odors.

With the night mode, the air conditioner independently adjusts the temperature and humidity indoors. The system has built into the contamination analyzer, which provides information on freshness and air purity.

Principle of operation: When laying the freon route, an air mass hose is additionally installed. External and internal blocks are equipped with fans for oxygen supply. Because of this design creates additional noise in room.

Such air conditioners have an inverter control type. This ensures the cost-effectiveness of the models and smooth operation of the device.

Features of Hitachi air conditioners:

  • High performance.
  • Inverter power management.
  • Filter nanoparticles.
  • Ozone-safe 410th Freon.
  • Ability to work in a wide range of temperatures.
  • Microchiy fine cleaning filter.
  • Air quality sensor.

Air Conditioners Daikin with Air Submers

Daikin products are popular with the Ururu Sarara series. it modern modelsequipped with the latest technology. The air conditioners are quite expensive, but one such device is able to replace several. This is not just air conditioners, but at the same time effective cleaners and humidifiers.

The feature of the models: a system that is responsible for air supply is located in the external block, which lowers the noise of the working device.

Principle of operation: Air masses from the street pass through the filter located in the external block. Then they enter the blades of the cassette from zeolite (hygroscopic material that provides moisture transmission), which guide the air into the heating zone.


  • In automatic mode, the split system independently adjusts the humidity of the air indoor.
  • The kit provides an 8-meter reinforced hose, which is created from antibacterial material.
  • Air passes through the filters of the finest cleaning.
  • Timer control.
  • 3D airflow.
  • Turboret and wide-angle blinds.

The supply ventilation ensures the supply of fresh air to the building, and simultaneously cleans it from dust and heats up. Characteristic feature All this system is the injection of air into the building, while the displaced air is removed through special cobes and taps. The advantage of such a device is the possibility of conducting thorough air purification, humidity and temperature of which can be adjusted.

Conventional ventilation systems are aircraft cobes that are mainly located in the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Through them natural way It takes polluted air, and the slots in the windows and doors perform the function of the pump, feeding fresh air from the street. This uncomplicated scheme is called supply natural ventilation.

But such ventilation has certain disadvantages - its capacity depends on the speed of wind, temperature and other factors. And with the advent plastic windows She became ineffective.

Characteristics of the supply ventilation

To increase the air exchange began to use a special supply ventilation device. Such devices have a different package. Most. simple method It is the installation of the supply fan into the hole in the wall or window. The lack of this method is the receipt of very cold air in winter.

The served air should be no lower than +16 ºС. Otherwise, the temperature difference may contribute to the disease of people or damage to furniture and dug wallpaper. Based on this, the normal system of such ventilation should include a multi-level system of protection against overheating and calorifer. In addition, the air filter must have, so that there are no dust with air, and good noise insulation.

The supply ventilation system has three modes of operation:

  • winter mode, air heating using water carrier;
  • summer mode, cooling it with a water cooler;
  • the standby mode, controls from freezing the water canopy and air temperature when the mode is turned off.

Modes of supply ventilation

Summer Summary Ventilationit can be both heated and without. Heating occurs in the case when the temperature of fresh air becomes below 5 degrees than was installed. Such a device works in ventilation modeBut with a decrease in temperature relative to the limit, heated to a predetermined temperature is turned on. After the required temperature is reached, the adjustment ends after 30 minutes.

Summer mode without heating air is represented as follows. The system also functions in ventilation mode. If the temperature becomes less than +5 ºС, then the device goes into the standby mode.

By the way, if the operation mode of the system does not correspond to the time of the year, that is, the air temperature on the street, the device will make the audio signals.

Winter the mode has a heating function.Supply ventilation heated external air warming up set temperature. It is possible to install it within +15 ºС to +30 ºС. If you turn on this mode at a temperature of more +5 ºС, then the system will give sound signals and goes into summer mode.

In addition, there is also a mode of operation at high humidity, for example, during the rain. There is a heating of the supply air to the set temperature from +15 ºС to +30 ºС, and the fan speed remains minimal and does not change.

One of the popular devices is a split-system with supply ventilation. This is an excellent replacement of air conditioning and ventilation, so successfully solves the problem of air ventilation.

In addition, with any device it is better to use filters for supply ventilation. They purify the air that enters the building. They also carry out middle and fine cleaning, their use guarantees a larger life of the ventilation and the absence of the need to repair it.

The air conditioner is a climatic unit that supports the set temperature parameters of the air indoor. However, despite the seeming simplicity of the question, very often becoming a surprise (not always pleasant) facts related to the possibilities and restrictions of technology.

  • For example, a common misconception is the assumption that the air conditioner for cooling the room takes the air from the street ("- After all, he has an external block, and he and a fan!").

In fact, speaking of air conditioning, as a rule, imply cooling or heating of the air indoors without mixing fresh. At the same time, the "ventilation" regime in most air conditioners implies only the recirculation of air masses inside the room provided by the fan section of the inner unit of the equipment. Therefore, it is important to know what you get, acquiring one or another model, and consciously choose air conditioning.

However, like other air conditioning problems, the problem of the substitution of fresh air from the street or emission to the outside can be solved! It is only necessary to think about choosing more serious ventilation systems or on the use of semi-industrial or industrial air conditioners that can partially cope with the task. There is always a choice and you need to represent possible alternatives.

Air Condition Cooling

Any air conditioner first must ensure the correct operation of this particular function. If the selection of the device was based on the exact calculation of the required cooling power, it can constantly maintain comfortable air parameters. In this case, the power consumption will be several times lower than its refrigeration capacity due to the specially organized heat transfer process between the inner and outer blocks.

Using air conditioners with a substitution of fresh air

If we consider standard air conditioning and ventilation systems, fresh air submers can perform channel air conditioners. The devices are sewn in dropped ceilings And with the help of air ducts provide a flow of fresh air, followed by treatment in a volume of up to 20% of the overall air produce.

Air Conditioning Air Heating

The air heating function, as well as cooling, can be performed using all the same freon heat exchangers (evaporator and capacitor) and the compressor located in the air conditioner. The heating system is a refundable process where the evaporator and the capacitor actually change places. To ensure air heating, only one should run the refrigeration diagram to reverse (reversible scheme) and it turns into a heat pump. Alternatively, an additional electric heat exchanger can be used to heat the air masses, which, without a reversible scheme, can heat the desired air to a given temperature, but such systems on russian market Now practically no left.

Ventilation mode in air conditioners

Ventilation mode is present in all air conditioners without exception. It is designed to "chase" stagnant air through the room with a fan in internal blockthereby contributing to it uniform distribution In all zones, working for recycling. For example, when heating housing central system Heat supply all warm air It accumulates under the ceiling and in order to uniformly dispersed all over the room and use the ventilation mode in the equipment.

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