The newest achievements in the field of medical biotechnology. The newest achievements in the field of biotechnology

Landscape design and layout 20.09.2019
Landscape design and layout


1.1. General provisions

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary" defines the main tasks of veterinary medicine "in the field of scientific knowledge and practical activitiesaimed at preventing animal diseases and their treatment, the release of full-fledged and safe livestock products and protection of the population from diseases common to humans and animals. "

The solution of a number of these tasks is carried out by biotechnology methods.

The definition of biotechnology in a fairly full volume is given by the European biotechnology federation founded in 1978 for this definition biotechnology- This is a science, which, based on the application of knowledge in the field of microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, genetic engineering, immunology, chemical technology, instrument and engineering uses biological objects (microorganisms, animal and plant tissue cells) or molecules (nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes , carbohydrates, etc.) for industrial production beneficial for humans and animals substances and products.

As long as the comprehensive term "biotechnology" has not been generally accepted, for the designation of the most closely related to biology of various technologies, such names as applied microbiology, applied biochemistry, enzyme technology, bioengineering, applied genetics and applied biology were used.

Using scientific achievements in biotechnology is carried out at the very high level modern science. Only biotechnology creates the possibility of obtaining a variety of substances and compounds from relatively cheap, available and renewable materials.

In contrast to natural substances and compounds, artificially synthesized require large capital investments, poorly absorbed by the organisms of animals and human, have a high cost.

Biotechnology uses microorganisms and viruses, which in the process of their livelihoods are produced by naturally the substances they need - vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, alcohols, antibiotics, etc. biologically active compounds.

Live cell according to its organizational structure, coherence processes, accuracy of results, efficiency and rationality exceeds any factory.

Currently, microorganisms are used mainly in three types of biotechnological processes:

For biomass production;

For metabolic products (for example, ethanol, antibiotics, organic acids, etc.);

For the processing of organic and inorganic compounds of both natural and anthropogenic origin.

The main task of the first type of processes, which today is intended to solve biotechnological production - the elimination of protein deficit in the feeds of agricultural animals and birds, because In proteins of plant origin there is a deficiency of amino acids and, above all, especially valuable, so-called indispensable.

The main direction of the second group of biotechnological processes is currently obtaining microbial synthesis products using waste from various industries, including food, oil and wood processing industries, etc.

The biotechnology processing of various chemical compounds is aimed, mainly to ensure environmental equilibrium in nature, processing waste of humanity and the maximum reduction of negative anthropogenic impact on nature.

On an industrial scale, biotechnology represents the industry in which the following industries can be distinguished:

Production of polymers and raw materials for the textile industry;

Obtaining methanol, ethanol, biogas, hydrogen and the use of them in the energy and chemical industry;

Production of protein, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, etc. by large-scale cultivation of yeast, algae, bacteria;

An increase in the productivity of agricultural plants and animals;

Obtaining herbicides and bioinsecticides;

Widespread introduction of genes of genetic engineering in obtaining new breeds of animals, varieties of plants and growing fabric cell cultures of plant and animal origin;

Processing of industrial and economic waste, wastewater, production of composts using microorganisms;

Disposal of harmful emissions of oil, chemicals, polluting soil and water;

Production of therapeutic and prophylactic and diagnostic preparations (vaccines, serums, antigens, allergens, interferons, antibiotics, etc.).

Almost all biotechnological processes are closely related to the vital activity of various groups of microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, yeast, microscopic fungi, etc., and have a number of characteristic features:

1. The process of microbial synthesis, as a rule, is part of multi-stage production, and the target product of the biosynthesis stage is often not commodity and is further recycling.

2. In the cultivation of microorganisms, it is usually necessary to maintain aseptic conditions, which requires the sterilization of equipment, communications, raw materials, etc.

3. Cultivation of microorganisms is carried out in heterogeneous systems, the physicochemical properties of which during the process can be significantly changed.

4. The technological process is characterized by high variability due to the presence in the biological object system, i.e. population of microorganisms.

5. The complexity and multi-factority of mechanisms for regulation of growth of microorganisms and biosynthesis of metabolic products.

6. The complexity and in most cases the lack of information on the qualitative and quantitative composition of industrial nutrient media.

7. Relatively low concentrations of target products.

8. The ability of the process to self-regulation.

9. The conditions optimal for the growth of microorganisms and for the biosynthesis of target products do not always coincide.

Microorganisms are consumed from ambient The substances grow, multiply, isolated liquid and gaseous products of metabolism, thereby implementing those changes in the system (accumulation of biomass or metabolic products, consumption of pollutants), for which the cultivation process is carried out. Therefore, microorganism can be considered as a central element of a biotechnological system that determines the effectiveness of its operation.

1.2. History of development of biotechnology

Over the past 20 years, biotechnology, due to its specific advantages over other sciences, made a decisive breakthrough to the industrial level, which is also a large extent, the development of new research methods and intensification of processes that opened previously unknown possibilities in obtaining biological products, methods for isolating, identifying and cleaning biologically active substances.

Biotechnology was formed and evolved as the development and development human society. Its occurrence, formation and development can be conditionally divided into 4 periods.

1. The empirical period or prehistoric is the longest, covering approximately 8,000 years, of which more than 6,000 years BC And about 2,000 years AD. The ancient peoples of the time intuitively used the techniques and methods for making bread, beer and some other products that we now belong to the discharge of biotechnological.

It is known that Sumerians are the first inhabitants of Mesopotamia (on the territory of modern Iraq) created a flowering in those days civilization. They baked bread from sour dough, owned art prepare beer. The acquired experience was transmitted from generation to generation, spread among neighboring peoples (Assyrians, Babylonian, Egyptians and ancient Hindus). For several millennia, vinegar is known, since the expert prepared at home. The first distillation in winemaking was carried out in the XII century; Vodka from bread cereals were first obtained in the XVI century; Champagne is known since the XVIII century.

The empirical period includes the preparation of fermented milk products, sauerkrauts, honey alcoholic beverages, silage feed.

Thus, the peoples of Icestari enjoyed in practice biotechnology processes, not knowing anything about microorganisms. Empirism was also characteristic of the practice of using beneficial plants and animals.

In 1796, an important event occurred in biology - E. Jenner was held the first in the history of the vaccinations to the person of the cow's cow.

2. The etiological period in the development of biotechnology covers the second half of the XIX century. And the first third of the XX century. (1856 - 1933). It is associated with the outstanding studies of the Great French Scientist L. Pasteur (1822 - 95) - the founder of scientific microbiology.

Paster installed the microbial nature of fermentation, proved the possibility of life in oxygen-free conditions, created the scientific foundations of vaccine-philaxics, etc.

In the same period, his outstanding students, employees and colleagues were created: E. Dyuklo, E. Ru, Sh.E. Shamberlan, I.I. Swords; R. Koch, D. Lister, Rickets, D. Ivanovsky, etc.

In 1859, L. Paster prepared a liquid nutrient medium, R. Koh in 1881 proposed a method for cultivating bacteria on sterile slices of potatoes and on agarized nutrient media. And, as a result, it was possible to prove the individuality of the microbes and get them in pure cultures. Moreover, each species could be reproduced on nutrient media and used to reproduce the relevant processes (fermentation, oxidative, etc.).

Among achievements of the 2nd period, it is especially worth noting the following:

1856 - Czech monk Mendel opened the laws of dominance of signs and introduced the concept of a unit of heredity in the form of a discrete factor, which is transmitted from parents to descendants;

1869 - F. Miel allocated Nucleic (DNA) from leukocytes;

1883 - I. Mechnikov developed the theory of cellular immunity;

1984 - F. Lefefler isolated and cultivated diphtheria causative agent;

1892 - D.Ivanovsky opened viruses;

1893 - V. Ostvald set the catalytic function of enzymes;

1902 - Haberland showed the possibility of cultivating plant cells in nutrient solutions;

1912 - Ts. Neiberg revealed the mechanism of fermentation processes;

1913 - L. Michaelis and M. Menten developed kinetics of enzymatic reactions;

1926 - X. Morgan formulated chromosomal theory of heredity;

1928 - F. Griffith described the phenomenon of "transformation" by bacteria;

1932 - M. Knoll and E. Ruska invented an electronic microscope.
During this period, the manufacture of pressed foods began

yeast, as well as their metabolic products - acetone, butanol, lemon and lactic acids, in France, have begun to create biorestations for microbiological cleaning wastewater.

Nevertheless, the accumulation of a large mass of cells of one age remains an exclusively laborious process. That is why a fundamentally different approach was required to solve many tasks in the field of biotechnology.

3. The biotechnical period - began in 1933 and lasted until 1972.

In 1933 A. Klyover and A.H. Perkin has published the work "Methods for studying the metabolism of mold fungi", which outlined the main technical techniques, as well as approaches to the assessment of the results obtained under the deep cultivation of mushrooms. The introduction of large-scale sealed equipment in biotechnology, which ensures processes in sterile conditions.

A particularly powerful impetus in the development of industrial biotechnology equipment was noted during the formation and development of antibiotics production (World War II, 1939-1945, when an urgent need for antimicrobial preparations for the treatment of patients with infected wounds occurred).

All progressive in the field of biotechnological and technical disciplines, achieved by that time, was reflected in biotechnology:

1936 - the main tasks of designing, creating and implementing the necessary equipment into practice, including the main one - bioreactor (fermenter, cultivator apparatus) were solved;

1942 - M. Delbruck and T. Anderson saw viruses for the first time using an electron microscope;

1943 - Penicillin produced in industrial scale;

1949 - J. Lederberg opened the conjugation process E.cOLLY.;

1950 - J. Mono developed theoretical foundations of continuously managed cultivation of microbes, which developed in their studies M. Stephenson, I. Molek, M. Jerusalem,
I. Rabotnova, I. Pomozgova, I. Basnakyan, V. Biryukov;

1951 - M. Tyleler developed a vaccine against yellow fever;

1952 - W. Hays described the plasmid as an extrachromosomous factor in heredity;

1953 - F. Creek and J. Watson deciphered the DNA structure. This became a motive for the development of methods for large-scale cultivation of cells of various origins to obtain cellular products and cells themselves;

1959 - Japanese scientists have discovered plasmids of antibiotic resistance (k-factor) in a dysenteric bacterium;

1960 - C. Ochoa and A. Kornberg allocated proteins that can "sew" or "glue" nucleotides into polymer chains, thereby synthesizing the DNA macromolecule. One of these enzymes was isolated from the intestinal stick and the DNA polymerase is called;

1961 - M. Nirenberg read the first three letters of genetic
Code for the amino acid phenylalanine;

1962 - X. Koran synthesized the chemical method functional gene;

1969 - M. Beckvit and S. Shapiro was allocated by Gene 1As-Opero E.cOLLY.;

- 1970 - The restriction enzyme (restricting endonuclease) is highlighted.

4. The genothechnical period began since 1972, when P. Berg created the first recombination of the DNA molecule, thereby showing the possibility of a manipulation of bacteria to manipulation with genetic material.

Naturally, without fundamental work, F. Creek and J. Watson to establish a DNA structure would be impossible to achieve modern results in the field of biotechnology. The clarification of the mechanisms for the functioning and replication of DNA, the allocation and study of specific enzymes led to the formation of a strictly scientific approach to the development of biotechnical processes based on genetically engineering manipulations.

The creation of new research methods was the necessary prerequisite for the development of biotechnology in the 4th period:

1977 - M. Maxam and W. Gilbert developed a method for analyzing the primary DNA structure by chemical degradation, and J. Singer
- by polymerase copying using the terminating analogs of nucleotides;

1981 - allowed to use in the US the first diagnostic set of monoclonal antibodies;

1982 - Human insulin produced by cells of intestinal sticks went on sale; Allowed to use in European countries vaccine for animals received by technology
recombinant DNA; Designed genetic engineering interferons, a tumor necrotization factor, Inter-Lukin-2, a somatotropic human hormone, etc.;

1986 - K. Mullis developed a method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR);

1988 - the large-scale production of equipment and diagnostic sets for PCR began;

1997 - cloned the first mammal (lamb) from the differentiated somatic cell.

Such outstanding domestic scientists like hp Tsakovsky, S.N. Vesselsky, M.V. Likhachev, N.N. Ginzburg, S.G. Wheels, Ya.R. Kolyakov, R.V. Petrov, V.V. Kafarov et al. Made an invaluable contribution to the development of biotechnology.

The most important achievements of biotechnology in the 4th period:

1. Development of intensive processes (instead of extensive) based on aimed, fundamental studies (with producers of antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins).

2. Obtaining super products.

3. Creating various products, necessary to man, based on genetically engineered technologies.

4. Creating unusual organisms that have not previously existed in nature.

5. Development and introduction into the practice of special equipment of biotechnological systems.

6. Automation and computerization of biotechnological production processes with maximum use of raw materials and minimal energy consumption.

The above achievements of biotechnology are currently implemented in national economy And they will be implemented in practice in the next 10-15 years. In the foreseeable future, new cornerstoned stones of biotechnology will be determined and new discoveries and achievements are waiting for us.

1.3. Biosystems, objects and methods in biotechnology

One of the terms in biotechnology is the concept of "biosystem". The generalized characteristics of the biological (alive) system can be reduced to three inherent primary signs:

1. Live systems are heterogeneous open systems that exchange environmental and energy.

2. These systems are self-governing, self-regulating, outacatives, i.e. capable of sharing information with the environment to maintain their structure and management of metabolic processes.

3. Living systems are self-reproducing (cells, organisms).

According to the structure of the biosystem, they are divided into elements (subsystems) related, and are characterized by a complex organization (atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, organisms, populations, communities).

The control in the cell is a combination of the synthesis of protein-enzyme molecules necessary for the implementation of a function or other function, and continuous processes of activity change during the interaction of Triplet DNA cores in the kernel and macromolecules in ribosomes. Strengthening and inhibition of enzymatic activity occurs, depending on the number of initial and final products of the respective biochemical reactions. Thanks to this complex organization, the biosystem differ from all non-living objects.

The behavior of the biosystem is a combination of its reactions in response to external influences, i.e. The most common task of the management systems of living organisms is the preservation of its energy base with the changing conditions of the external environment.

N.M. Amosov divides all biosystems for five hierarchical levels of complexity: single-celled organisms, multicellular organisms, populations, biogeocenosis and biosphere.

Unicellular organisms are viruses, bacteria and simplest. Unicellular functions - metabolism and energy exchange, growth and division, reactions to external stimuli in the form of changes in exchange and form of movement. All the functions of unicellites are supported by the biochemical processes of enzymatic nature and due to the energy metabolism - starting on the method of energy production and to the synthesis of new structures or splitting existing ones. The only single-cell mechanism providing their environment to the environment is a mechanism of change in separate DNA genes and, as a result, a change in enzyme proteins and a change in biochemical reactions.

The basis system approach The analysis of the structures of the biosystem is its representation in the form of two components - energy and control.

In fig. 1. Showing generalized schematic scheme Energy and information flows in any biosystem. The main, the element is the energy component indicated by MS (metabolic system), and the control, designated through P (genetic and physiological control) and transmitting control signals for effectors (E). One of the main functions of the metabolic system is the supply of biosystems of energy.

Fig. 1. Energy and information flows in the biosystem.

The structure of biosystems is supported by genetic control mechanisms. Having obtained energy and information from other systems and information in the form of metabolic products (matabolites), and during the formation - in the form of hormones, the genetic system controls the process of the synthesis of the necessary substances and maintains the vital activity of the remaining systems of the body, and the processes in this system flow quite slowly.

Despite the diversity of biosystems, the relationship between their biological properties remain invariant for all organisms. In a complex system, the ability to adapt is much larger than in simple. In a simple system, these functions are provided with a small number of mechanisms, while they are more sensitive to changes in the external environment.

For biosystems, high-quality heterogeneity is characterized in that, within the same functional biosystem, the subsystems with qualitatively different adequate control signals (chemical, physical, information) are characteristic of the same functional biosystem.

The hierarchy of the biosystems is manifested in the gradual complication of the function at one level of the hierarchy and the jump-shaking transition to a qualitatively different function at the next level of the hierarchy, as well as in the specific construction of various biosystems, their analysis and management in such a sequence, which the total output function of the underlying level of the hierarchy is included as an element in the overlying level.

A constant adaptation to the medium and evolution is impossible without unity of two opposite properties: structural and functional organization and structural and functional probability, stochasticity and variability.

Structural and functional organization manifests itself at all levels of biosystems and is characterized by high resistance of biological species and its shape. At the macromolecule level, this property is provided by the replication of macromolecules, at the level of cell level, at the individual level and population - reproducing individuals by reproduction.

As biological objects or systems that biotechnology uses, first of all it is necessary to name unicellular microorganisms, as well as animals and vegetable cells. The choice of these objects is due to the following moments:

1. Cells are a kind of "boflamps" producing a variety of valuable products in the process of vital activity: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, nucleic acids, amino acids, antibiotics, hormones, antibodies, antigens, enzymes, alcohols, etc. Many of these products, Extremely necessary in the human life, are not available to obtain "non-biotechnological" methods due to deficiency or high value of raw materials
or the complexity of technological processes;

2. Cells are extremely quickly reproduced. Thus, the bacterial cell is divided every 20 - 60 min, yeast - every 1.5 - 2 hours, an animal - after 24 hours, which allows for relatively short time to artificially increase on relatively cheap and non-deficient nutritional media on an industrial scale huge amounts of biomass Microbial, animal or vegetable cells. For example, in a bioreactor with a capacity of 100 m 3 for 2-3 days, 10 "6-10 18 microbial cells can be raised. In the process of the cells of cells, with their cultivation, there are a large number of valuable products, and the cells themselves are pantry for these products;

3. Biosynthesis of complex substances, such as proteins, antibiotics, antigens, antibodies, etc. much more economical and technologically more affordable than chemical synthesis. At the same time, the initial raw material for biosynthesis is usually simpler and more affordable than raw materials for others.
Synthesis species. For biosynthesis use waste agricultural, fish products, food Industry, vegetable raw materials (dalary serum, yeast, wood, molasses, etc.)

4. Ability to conduct a biotechnological process on an industrial scale, i.e. Availability of relevant technological equipment, availability of raw materials, processing technology, etc.

Thus, nature gave into the hands of researchers a living system containing and synthesizing unique components, and, first of all, nucleic acids, with the opening of which biotechnology and the world science as a whole are bravely developed.

Biotechnology facilities are viruses, bacteria, mushrooms, protozoic organisms, cells (tissues) of plants, animals and humans, substances of biological origin (for example, enzymes, prostaglandins, lectins, nucleic acids), molecules.

In this regard, it can be said that biotechnology facilities belong to either microorganisms or to plant and animal cells. In turn, the body can be characterized as a system of economical, complex, compact, targeted synthesis, steadily and actively flowing with optimal maintenance of all necessary parameters.

Methods used in biotechnology are determined by two levels: cellular and molecular. That and the other are determined by biobjects.

In the first case, they have with bacterial cells (for obtaining vaccine preparations), actinomycetes (upon receipt of antibiotics), micromycetes (upon receipt of citric acid), animal cells (in the manufacture of antiviral vaccines), human cells (in the manufacture of interferon), etc.

In the second case, they have with molecules, for example with nucleic acids. However, in the final stage, the molecular level is transformed into cellular. The cells of animals and plants, microbial cells in the process of vital activity (assimilation and dissimilation) form new products and allocate metabolites of various physicochemical composition and biological action.

With the growth of the cells in it, it is carried out a huge number of reaction catalyzed by enzymes, as a result of which intermediate compounds are formed, which in turn turn into the cell structures. The intermediate compounds, the construction "bricks" include 20 amino acids, 4 ribonucleotides, 4 deoxyribonucleotides, 10 vitamins, monosachar, fatty acids, hexosamines. From these "bricks" are built "blocks": approximately 2000 proteins, DNA, three types of RNA, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes. The formed "blocks" go to the construction of cellular structures: core, ribosomes, membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, flagellation, etc., of which the cell consists.

At each stage of "biological synthesis", the cells can be determined by those products that can be used in biotechnology.

Typically, single-cell products are divided into 4 categories:

a) cells themselves as a source of the target product. For example, grown bacteria or viruses are used to obtain a living or killed corpuscular vaccine; yeast, like feed protein or base for obtaining nutritional hydrolyzes, etc.;

b) large molecules that are synthesized by cells in the process of growing: enzymes, toxins, antigens, antibodies, peptidoglycans, etc.;

c) primary metabolites - low molecular weight substances (less than 1500 daltons) necessary for cell growth, such as amino acids, vitamins, nucleotides, organic acids;

d) secondary metabolites (idiolites) - low molecular weight compounds that are not required for cell growth: antibiotics, alkaloids, toxins, hormones.

All microjects used in biotechnology are related to acariotes, or eukaryotes. From the eukaryota group, for example, operates as bio-objects by cells of protozoa, algae and mushrooms, from the prokaryotic group - cells of blue-green algae and bacteria, acariot - viruses.

The biobjects from the micromera vary in size from nanometers (viruses, bacteriophages) to millimeters and centimeters (giant algae) and are characterized by a relatively rapid pace of reproduction. In modern pharmaceutical, the giant gamma of bio-objects is used, the grouping of which is very complex and best can be performed on the basis of the principle of their proportionality.

A huge set of biobjects does not exhaust the entire element base, which operates biotechnology. Recent successes Biology and genetic engineering led to the emergence of completely new biobjects - transgenic (genetically modified) bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, cells of plants, animals, humans and chimer.

Despite the fact that representatives of all tapes contain genetic material, various acarites are deprived of any one type. nucleic acid (RNA or DNA). They are not able to function (including - replicated) outside the living cell, and, therefore, it is rightfully called their nuclear-free. Parasitism of viruses is developing at the genetic level.

In case of a focused survey of various ecological niches, all new groups of producer microorganisms of nutrients can be revealed, which can be used in biotechnology. The number of types of microorganisms used in biotechnology is constantly growing.

When choosing a biological object in all cases, it is necessary to observe the principle of technological. So, during numerous cultivation cycles, the properties of the biological object are not preserved or undergoing significant changes, this biological object should be recognized by non-technological, i.e. Unacceptable for the following after the stage of laboratory research of technological developments.

With the development of biotechnology, specialized banks of biological objects acquire great importance, in particular the collection of microorganisms with the studied properties, as well as the cryobanks of animal cells and plants, which, already with the help of special methods, can be successfully used to design new, useful organisms for biotechnology. In essence, such specialized banks of cultures are responsible for the preservation of an extremely valuable gene pool.

Crop collections play an important role in the procedure for the legal protection of new cultures and in standardization of biotechnological processes. The collections are preserved, maintaining and providing microorganisms with strains, plasmids, phages, cell lines for scientific and applied studies, so for the corresponding industries. Collections of cultures In addition to the main task - ensuring the viability and preservation of the genetic properties of strains - contribute to the development of scientific research (in the field of taxonomy, cytology, physiology), and also serve as learning goals. They perform an indispensable function as depositories of patented strains. According to international rules, patenting and depositor can not only be effective producers, but also cultures used in genetic engineering.

Much attention, scientists pay a targeted creation of new biological objects that do not exist in nature. First of all, it should be noted the creation of new cells of microorganisms, plants, animals by methods of genetic engineering. The creation of new biological objects will certainly contribute to the improvement of the legal protection of inventions in the field of genetic engineering and biotechnology as a whole. The direction involved in the design of artificial cells was formed. Currently, there are methods to obtain artificial cells using various synthetic and biological materials, such as an artificial cell membrane with a given permeability and surface properties. Some materials can be enclosed inside such cells: enzyme systems, cell extracts, biological cells, magnetic materials, isotopes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, etc. The use of artificial cells gave positive results in the production of interferons and monoclonal antibodies, when creating immunosorbents, etc.

Approaches to the creation of artificial enzymes and analogs of enzymes with high stability and activity are being developed. For example, the synthesis of polypeptides of the desired stereonfiguration are carried out, the methods of directional mutagenesis are being searched for replacing one amino acid to another in the enzyme molecule. Attempts are made to build nearmen catalytic models.

As the most promising, the following groups of biological objects should be distinguished:

Recombinants, i.e. organisms obtained by methods of genetic engineering;

Vegetable and animal fabric cells;

Thermophilic microorganisms and enzymes;

Anaerobic organisms;

Associations for the conversion of complex substrates;

Immobilized biological objects.

Process artificial creation The biological object (microorganism, or tissue cell) is to change its genetic information in order to exclude unwanted and strengthen the necessary properties or give it completely new qualities. The most targeted changes can be performed by recombination - redistributing genes or parts of genes and combining in one body genetic information from two or more organisms. Obtaining recombinant organisms, in particular, can be carried out by the method of fusion of protoplasts by transferring natural plasmids and methods of genetic engineering.

Non-traditional biological agents at this stage of biotechnology development include vegetable and animal tissue cells, including hybridomas, grafts. The cultures of mammalian cells are already produced by interferon and viral vaccines, in the near future, large-scale production of monoclonal antibodies, surface antigens of human cells, angiogenic factors will be carried out.

With the development of biotechnology methods, increasing attention will be paid to the use of thermophilic microorganisms and their enzymes.

Enzymes produced by thermal microorganisms are characterized by thermal stability and higher resistance to denaturation compared to enzymes from mesophilov. Conducting biotechnology processes at elevated temperatures using the enzymes of thermophilic microorganisms has a number of advantages:

1) the reaction rate increases;

2) the solubility of reagents increases and due to this - the productivity of the process;

3) the possibility of microbial infection of the reaction medium decreases.

There is a revival of biotechnological processes using anaerobic microorganisms, which are often thermophilic. Anaerobic processes attract the attention of researchers in connection with the disadvantage of energy and the possibility of obtaining biogas. Since the anaerobic cultivation does not need auration of the medium and biochemical processes are less intense, the heat sink system is simplified, the anaerobic processes can be considered as energy-saving.

Anaerobic microorganisms are successfully used to process waste (biomass of plants, waste industry, household waste, etc.) and effluents (household and industrial drains, manure) in biogas.

IN last years The use of mixed crops of microorganisms and their natural associations is expanding. In the real biological situation in the nature of microorganisms, there are in the form of communities of various populations, closely related to among themselves and carrying out the cyphans of substances in nature.

The main advantages of mixed crops compared to the monocultures are as follows:

The ability to dispose of complex, inhomogeneous substrates, often unsuitable for monocultures;

The ability to the mineralization of complex organic compounds;

Increased ability to biotransformation of organic substances;

Increased stability K. toxic substances, including heavy metals;

Increased resistance to environmental impact;

Increased productivity;

Possible exchange of genetic information between individual community species.

It should be especially allocated to such a group of biological objects as catalyst enzymes of biological origin, which the engineering enzymeology is engaged in the applied aspect. Its main task is to develop biotechnological processes in which the catalytic effect of enzymes is used, as a rule allocated from the composition of biological systems or inside cells, artificially deprived of growth abilities. Thanks to enzymes, the reaction rate compared to the reactions occurring in the absence of these catalysts increases in 10 b - 10 12 times.

As a separate branch of the creation and use of biological objects, immobilized biological objects should be allocated. The immobilized object is a harmonious system, the action of which is generally determined by the correct selection of three main components: a biological object, a carrier and a method for binding an object with a carrier.

The following groups of methods for mobilizing biological objects are mainly used:

Inclusion in gels, microcapsules;

Adsorption on insoluble media;

Covalent binding with the carrier;

Stitching with bifunctional reagents without media using;

- "self-aggregation" in the case of intact cells.

The main advantages of using immobilized biological objects are:

High activity;

The ability to control the microenvironment of the agent;

the possibility of full and rapid branch of the target products;

The possibility of organizing continuous processes with repeated use of the object.

As follows from the above, in biotechnology processes, it is possible to use a number of biological objects characterized by various levels of complexity of biological regulation, such as cellular, subcet, molecular. On the characteristics of a particular biological object, the approach to creating the entire biotechnology system as a whole depends on the most directly.

As a result of fundamental biological research, knowledge of nature and, thus, about the possibilities of applied use of a biological system as an active start of the biotechnological process are deepened. A set of biological objects is continuously replenished.

1.4. The main directions of development of methodsbiotechnology in veterinary medicine

Over the past 40s, 50 years, there was a jump-like development of the majority of sciences, which led to the uniform revolution in the production of veterinary and medical biological preparations, the creation of transgenic plants and animals with given unique properties. Such studies are priority areas Scientific and technical progress in the XXI century. Take a leading place among all sciences.

Even a simple listing of trade forms of biological products indicates unlimited possibilities of biotechnology. However, this important issue deserves some detail.

In our opinion, biotechnology opportunities are particularly impressive in three main directions.

The first is the large-tonnant production of microbial protein for feed purposes (first - based on hydrolyzes of wood, and then - based on oil hydrocarbons).

The production of indispensable amino acids required for balanced additives for the aimino acid composition of feed additives plays an important role.

In addition to feed protein, amino acids, vitamins and other feed additives that increase the nutritional value of feed, the possibilities of mass production and the use of viral and bacterial preparations for the prevention of bird diseases and farm animals are rapidly expanded, to effectively combat pests of agricultural plants. Microbiological preparations, in contrast to many chemicals, have a high specificity of action on harmful insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms, they are harmless to humans and animals, birds and useful insects. Along with the direct destruction of pests during the treatment period, they act on the offspring, reducing its fecundity, do not cause the formation of sustainable forms of pests.

The possibilities of biotechnology in the field of production of enzyme preparations for processing agricultural raw materials, creating new animal feed feeds.

The second direction is the development in the interests of the development of biological science, health and veterinary medicine. Based on the achievements of genetic engineering and molecular biology biology, biotechnology can provide health care with highly efficient vaccines and antibiotics, monoclonal antibodies, interferon, vitamins, amino acids, as well as enzymes and other biological products for research and therapeutic purposes. Some of these drugs are successfully used not only in scientific experiments, but also in practical medicine and veterinary medicine.

Finally, the third direction is the development for industry. Already today, the products of biotechnological industries consume or apply food and light industry (enzymes), metallurgy (use of certain substances in flotation processes, precision casting, precision rolled), oil and gas industry (the use of a number of preparations of complex processing of plant and microbial biomass during drilling of wells, with selective cleaning, etc.), rubber and paint industry (improvement The quality of the synthetic rubber at the expense of some protein additives), as well as a number of other production.

The actively developed areas of biotechnology include bioelectronics and bioelectrochimia, bionics, nanotechnology, in which either biological systems are used or the principles of operation of such systems.

Environmentally containing sensors are used widely in scientific research. On their basis, a number of devices have been developed, for example, cheap, accurate and reliable instruments for testing. Bioelectronic immunosensors appear, and in some of them the field effect of transistors is used. On their basis, it is assumed to create relatively cheap devices capable of determining and maintaining at a given level the concentration of a wide range of substances in body fluids, which can cause a coup in biological diagnostics.

Achievements of veterinary biotechnology.In Russia, biotechnology as a science began to develop since 1896, the impetus served the need to create preventive and therapeutic agents against such diseases as a Siberian ulcer, cattle plague, rabies, lush, trichinelle. At the end of the XIX century. Every year more than 50 thousand animals and 20 thousand people are eliminated from the Siberian ulcers. In 1881 - 1906. From the plague fell 3.5 million cows. Significant damage caused SAP, from which the death of the horse population and people.

The successes of domestic veterinary science and practice in conducting specific prevention of infectious diseases are associated with major scientific discoveries made at the end of the XIX and early XX centuries. It concerned the development and implementation of preventive and diagnostic preparations in the veterinary practice of preventive and diagnostic drugs in quarantine and especially dangerous diseases of animals (vaccines against Siberian ulcers, plague, rabies, allergens for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, spa, etc.). The possibility of the preparation of therapeutic and diagnostic hyperimmune sera was scientifically proven.

During this period, the actual organization in Russia has an independent biological industry.

Since 1930, veterinary bacteriological laboratories and institutes in Russia have become significantly expanding, and the construction of large biological factories and biocombinants for vaccine production, sera, diagnosticums for veterinary purposes began on their basis. During this period, technological processes, scientific and technological documentation, as well as single methods (standards) of manufacturing, control and use of drugs in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine are being developed.

In the 30s, the first factories were constructed to obtain feed yeast on wood hydrolyzes, agricultural waste and sulfite liquids under the leadership of V.N. Haposhnikov. Successfully introduced technology of microbiological production of acetone and butanol (Fig. 2).

A large role in the creation of the foundations of domestic biotechnology was made by the two-phase character of fermentation. In 1926, bioenergetic patterns of hydrocarbons oxidation by microorganisms were investigated in the USSR. In subsequent years, biotechnological developments were widely used in our country to expand the "assortment" of antibiotics for medicine and animal husbandry, enzymes, vitamins, growth substances, pesticides.

From the moment of creation in 1963 of the All-Union Research Institute of Biosynthesis of Proteins in our country, large-tonnage production of microorganisms rich in protein biomass as food.

In 1966, the microbiological industry was allocated in a separate industry and the General Directorate of the Microbiological Industry was established at the Council of Ministers of the USSR - Glavmikrobioprom.

Since 1970, intensive research on the selection of cultures of microorganisms for continuous cultivation for industrial purposes is underway.

In the development of genetically engineering methods, Soviet researchers were included in 1972. It should be shown to the successful implementation of the project "Reverted" in the USSR - obtaining in the industrial scale of the reverse transcriptase enzyme.

The development of methods for studying the structure of proteins, finding out the mechanisms of functioning and regulating the activity of enzymes opened the path to the directional modification of proteins and led to the birth of engineering enzymology. Immobilized enzymes with high stability become a powerful tool for the implementation of catalytic reactions in various industries.

All these achievements put biotechnology to a new level, highly different from the previous opportunity to consciously control the cellular processes of biosynthesis.

During the years of the formation of industrial production of biological preparations in our country, there were significant qualitative changes in biotechnological techniques to obtain them:

Studies have been conducted to obtain persistent, with hereditaryly fixed properties, airfrailer strains of microorganisms, of which live vaccines are prepared;

New nutrient media have developed for cultivation of microorganisms, including on the basis of hydrolyzes and extracts from the raw materials of the non-use

High-quality whey nutrient media for leptospir and other difficult cultivated microorganisms were obtained;

A deep reactor method has been developed for cultivating many types of bacteria, fungi and some viruses;

New strains and cell lines are obtained sensitive to many viruses, which ensured the preparation and receipt of standard and more active antiviral vaccines;

All production processes are mechanized and automated;

Modern methods of concentration of cultures of microorganisms and sublimation drying of biological products are developed and introduced into production;

Reduced energy consumption to obtain a unit of products, standardized and improved quality biological preparations;

Increased culture of production of biological products.

Paying great attention to the development of veterinary biological preparations of the day of the prevention, diagnosis of infectious diseases and the treatment of sick animals, in our country there is constantly working on improving industrial technology, the development of the production of more efficient, cheap and standard preparations. At the same time, the basic requirements are:

The use of world experience;

Saving resources;

Preservation of production areas;

The acquisition and installation of modern equipment and technological lines;

Conducting scientific research on the development and research of new types of bioproducts, new and cheap recipes for the preparation of nutrient media;

Looking out more active strains of microorganisms in relation to their antigenic, immunogenic and productive properties.

Federal State Committee for Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I.Skryabian

Abstract for biotechnology

"Lecture number 1"

Work completed

Female FDM.

4 courses, 11 groups

Gordon Maria

Lecture on biotechnology №1

    Introduction to biotechnology. Environmental, agricultural, industrial biotechnology.

    Biotechnological production of proteins, enzymes, vitamins antibiotics, interferon.

Question # 1.

Man from ancient times from ancient times used biotechnology in winemaking, brewing or breadack. But the processes underlying these industries have long remained mysterious. Their nature was clarified only at the end of the XIX - early twentieth century, when methods of cultivation of microorganizes, pasteurization were developed, and clean lines of bacteria and enzymes were identified. To designate the most closely related to biology of various technologies, such names as "Applied Microbiology", "Applied Biochemistry", "Enzyme Technology", "Bioengineering", "Applied Genetics", "Applied Biology" were used. This led to the emergence of the new industry - biotechnology.

The French chemist Louis Paster in 1867 proved that fermentation is the result of the life of microorganisms. German biochemist Eduard Bukner clarified that it is caused by a cell-free extract containing enzymes catalyzing chemical reactions. The use of pure enzymes for raw material processing was the impetus for the development of the winter. For example, alpha-amylase is required to split starch.

At the same time made important discoveries In the region of the emerging genetics, without which the biotechnology of the modern level would be unthinkable. In 1865, the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel acquainted the Bunnian society of natural resources with his "experiments over plant hybrids", in which he described the laws of heredity transfer. In 1902, Walter Sutton Biologists and Theodore Bovery suggested that the transfer of heredity is related to material carriers - chromosomes. Already then it was known that a living organism consists of cells. The German pathologist Rudolf Virhov complements the cell theory by the principle of "Each cell - from the cell". And the experiments of Botany Gotlib Haberlandt demonstrated that the cell could exist in an artificial medium and separately from the body. The experiments of the latter led to the opening of the role of vitamins, mineral additives and hormones.

Then there was a word

The year of the birth of the term "biotechnology" is taken to be 1919, when the manifesto "Biotechnology of meat processing, fats and milk on large agricultural farms was published." His author is a Hungarian agroeconomist, at that time the Food Minister Carl Ereki. Manifesto described the processing of agricultural raw materials to other foods with the help of biological organisms. Ereki predicted a new era in the history of mankind, comparing the discovery of this method with the greatest technological revolutions of the past: the emergence of producing farms in the era of neolithic and metallurgy in the Bronze Age. But until the end of the 1920s, only the use of microorganisms for fermentation was implied under biotechnology. In the 1930s, medical biotechnology is developing. Opened in 1928, Alexander Fleming Penicillin, produced from Penicillium Notatum fungi, already in the 1940s began to be produced on an industrial scale. And in the late 1960s - early 1970s, an attempt was made to combine the food industry with refinery. British Petroleum has developed the technology of the bacterial synthesis of the feed protein from the waste of the oil industry.

In 1953, a discovery was made, which subsequently caused a coup in biotechnology: James Watson and Francis Creek deciphered the structure of DNA. And in the 1970s, a manipulation of hereditary material was added to biotechnological techniques. Literally in two decades, all the necessary tools for this were opened: reverse transcriptase is isolated - an enzyme that allows "rewriting" genetic code from RNA back to DNA, enzymes for cutting DNA, as well as a polymerase chain reaction for repeated reproduction of individual DNA fragments.

In 1973, the first genetically recombinant organism was created: the genetic element from the frog was transferred to the bacterium. The era of genetic engineering began, which almost immediately ended: in 1975, in the city of Asilomar (USA) at the International Congress, dedicated to the study of recombinant DNA molecules, fears were made regarding the application of new technologies.

"The alarm was not scored not politics, not religious groups and not journalists, as it would be expected. These were the scientists themselves, - recalled Paul Berg, one of the organizers of the conference and the pioneer of creating recombinant DNA molecules. - Many scientists feared that the public debate would lead to unjustified restrictions on molecular biology, but they encouraged the responsible discussion given to the consensus. " Congress participants made a moratorium on a number of potentially dangerous research.

In the meantime, synthetic biology has jumped from biotechnology and genetic engineering, which is engaged in the design of new biological components and systems and redesign already existing ones. The first swallow of synthetic biology was the artificial synthesis of transport RNA in 1970, and today the synthesis of whole genomes from elementary structures is already possible. In 1978, Genementech was constructed in the laboratory E. coli bacterium, synthesizing human insulin. From this point on, genetic recombination is finally included in the arsenal of biotechnology and is considered hardly by its synonym. At the same time, the first transfer of new genes in the genome of an animal and vegetable cell was carried out. The Nobel laureate of 1980 Walter Gilbert said: "We can get for medical purposes or for commercial use in fact any human protein that can affect the important functions of the human body."

In 1985, the first field tests of transgenic plants resistant to herbicides, insects, viruses and bacteria are held. Patents appear on plants. The flourishing of molecular genetics begins, analytical methods are rapidly developing, such as sequencing, that is, the definition of the primary sequence of proteins and nucleic acids.

In 1995, the first transgenic plant (Tomato Flavr Savr) was issued on the market, and by 2010, transgenic agricultural crops were grown in 29 countries by 148 million hectares (10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bcultivated land). In 1996, the first cloned animal appears on the light - the sheep dolly. By 2010, more than 20 species of animals were cloned: cats, dogs, wolves, horses, pigs, mouflons.

Directions of biotechnology and produced with its help

Technology and biotechnology

Technology - These are methods and techniques used to obtain from the source material (raw materials) of some product. Very often, not one, but several sources of raw materials, not one method or reception, and the sequence of several are required to obtain one product. All varieties of technology can be divided into three main classes:

Physicomechanical technologies;

Chemical technologies;


In physical and mechanical technologies The source material (raw materials) in the process of producing the product changes the form or an aggregate state without changing its chemical composition (for example, wood processing technology for the production of wooden furniture, various methods of obtaining metal products: nails, machines, etc.).

In chemical technologies In the process of producing the product, the raw material undergoes changes in the chemical composition (for example, the preparation of polyethylene from natural gas, alcohol - from natural gas or wood, synthetic rubber - from natural gas).

Biotechnology as science can be considered in two temporary and essential dimensions: modern and traditional, classical.

Newest biotechnology (bioengineering) - This is the science of genetically engineering and cellular methods and technologies for creating and using genetically transformed (modified) plants, animals and microorganisms in order to intensify the production and receipt of new types of products for various purposes.

In traditional, classic The sense of biotechnology can be determined as science on methods and technologies of production, transportation, storage and processing of agricultural and other products using conventional, non-transgenic (natural and selection) plants, animals and microorganisms, in natural and artificial conditions.

The highest achievement of the latest biotechnology is genetic transformation, transfer of alien (natural or artificially created) donor genes into recipient cells of plants, animals and microorganisms, obtaining transgenic organisms with new or enhanced properties and features.

Purpose of biotechnology research - Improving the efficiency of production and the search for biological systems with which you can get a target product.

Biotechnology makes it possible to reproduce the necessary products in unlimited quantities, applying new technologies to carry genes into production cells or in whole organism (Transgenic animals and plants), synthesize peptides, create artificial vaccines.

The main directions of development of biotechnology

The expansion of the use of biotechnology significantly affects the increase in human living standard (Fig. 1.2). The fastest implementation of biotechnological processes gives results in medicine, but, according to many specialists, the main economic effect will be obtained in agriculture and chemical industry.

Microchips, cell cultures, monoclonal antibodies and protein engineering are only a small part of modern biotechnology techniques used at different stages of developing many types of products. Understanding the molecular basics of biological processes makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of developing and preparing the production of a certain product, as well as increase its quality. For example, agricultural bio-technological companies that create plant-resistant insects can measure the amount of protective protein in cell culture and not spend resources for growing plants themselves; Pharmacological companies can use cell cultures and microchips to verify the safety and efficacy of drugs, as well as to identify possible side effects in the early stages of obtaining medicines.

Genetically modified animals, in which processes reflecting the physiology of various human diseases occur, provide scientists with quite adequate models to verify the action of a substance to the body. It also allows companies to identify the safest and efficient preparations at earlier stages of development.

All this indicates the important value of biotechnology and the wide opportunities of its use in various sectors of the national economy. What directions are the most priorities in this area? Consider them.

1. Improving the security of biotechnology production for humans and the environment. It requires the creation of such working systems that will function only in strictly controlled conditions. For example, the stamps of the intestinal sticks used in biotechnology are deprived of the above-handed structures (shells); Such bacteria simply cannot exist outside laboratories or outside special technological installations. Encouraged systems have both multicomponent systems, each of which is not capable of independent existence.

2. Reducing the share of human production waste. Production waste is called its by-products that cannot be used by a person or other components of the biosphere and the use of which is unprofitable or conjugate with some risk. Such waste is accumulated within the industrial premises (territories) or emitted to the environment. It should be striving to change the ratio "Useful Product / Waste" in favor of a useful product. This is achieved in various ways. First, the waste must be found useful use. Secondly, they can be sent to secondary recycling, creating a closed technological cycle. Finally, you can change the working system itself so as to reduce the share of waste.

3. Reducing energy costs for product production, i.e. the introduction of energy-saving technologies. The principal solution to this problem is primarily due to the use of renewable energy sources. For example, the annual energy consumption of fossil fuels is commensurate with the volume of pure gross products of all photosynthetic organisms on Earth. For the transformation of solar energy into the forms available for modern power plants, the energy plantations of fast-growing plants are created (including cellular engineering methods). The resulting biomass is used to produce cellulose, biofuels, as well as biohumus. The comprehensive benefits of such technologies are obvious. The use of cellular engineering methods for continuously updating planting material ensures as soon as possible a large number of plants free from viruses and mycoplasmas; At the same time there is no need to create uterine plantations. The load on the natural plantings of wood plants decreases (they are significantly cut down to produce pulp and fuel), the need for fossil fuel decrease (in general, it is environmentally unfavorable, since non-oxidized substances are formed during its combustion). When using biofuels, carbon dioxide and water vapor are formed, which come to the atmosphere, and then again bind to plants on energy plantations.

4. Creating multicomponent plant systems.The quality of agricultural products deteriorates significantly when applying mineral fertilizers and nadogymicates, which cause enormous damage to natural ecosystems. Overcome the negative effects of chemicalization of agricultural production in various ways. First of all, it is necessary to abandon monocultures, i.e., from the use of a limited set of biotypes (varieties, breeds, strains). The shortcomings of the monoculture were revealed at the end of the XIX century; They are obvious. First, competitive relations between the grown organisms increase in monoculture; At the same time, monoculture has only one-sided effect on competing organisms (weeds). Secondly, the selective removal of mineral nutrition elements is occurring, which leads to soil degradation. Finally, the monoculture is unstable to pathogens and pests. Therefore, during the XX century. It was maintained due to the extremely high intensity of production. Of course, the use of monocultures of intensive varieties (breeds, strains) simplifies the development of production technology. For example, with high technologies created varieties of plants, resistant to a specific pesticide, which, when cultivating these varieties, can be used in high doses. However, in this case, the issue of the security of such a working system for humans and the environment arises. In addition, raise pathogens (pests), resistant to this pesticide, will appear sooner or later.

Therefore, a planned transition from monoculture to multicomponent (polyclonal) compositions, including different biotypes of cultured organisms is necessary. Multicomponent compositions should include organisms with different development rhythm, with a different attitude to the dynamics of physicochemical factors of the environment, to competitors, pathogens and pests. In genetically heterogeneous systems there are compensatory interactions of individuals with various genotypes that reduce the level of intraspecific competition and automatically increasing the pressure of cultured organisms into competing organisms of other species (weeds). In relation to pathogens and pests, such a heterogeneous ecosystem is characterized by collective group immunity, which is determined by the interaction of many structural and functional features of individual bio-types.

5. Development of new drugs for medicine. Currently, active research in the field of medicine is being conducted: various types of new drugs are created - target and individual.

Target preparations. The main causes of oncological diseases are uncontrolled cell division and violation of apoptosis processes. The effect of drugs intended for eliminating them can be directed to any of the molecules or cell structures involved in these processes. Studies conducted in the field of functional genomics have already provided us with information on molecular changes occurring in precancerous cells. Based on the data obtained, you can create diagnostic tests to identify molecular markers that signal the beginning of the oncological process before the first visible cell impairments appear or symptoms of the disease appear.

Most chemotherapeutic preparations affect the proteins involved in the cell division process. Unfortunately, not only malignant cells die, but often normal dividing cells of the body, such as cells of the blood formation system and hair follicle. To prevent this appearance by-effectSome companies began to develop drugs that would stop the cellular cycles of healthy cells immediately before administration of the dose of chemotherapeutic agent.

Individual drugs. At the present stage of development of science, the era of individualized medicine begins, in which the genetic differences in patients will be taken into account for the most effective use of drugs. Using the data of functional genomics, you can identify genetic options responsible for the predisposition of specific patients to the negative side effects of one drugs and for susceptibility to others. Such an individual therapeutic approach based on the knowledge of the patient's genome was called pharmacomy.

Discipline that studies methods for using organisms to solve technological problems - that's what biotechnology is. And simply speaking, it is a science that studies living organisms in search of new ways to ensure human needs. For example, genetic engineering or cloning is new disciplines that are used with the same activity of both organisms and the latest computer technologies.

Biotechnology: Brief

Very often, the concept of "biotechnology" is confused with genetic engineering arising in the XX-XXI centuries, and biotechnology refers to wider specifics of work. Biotechnology specializes in modifications of plants and animals by hybridization and artificial selection for human needs.

This discipline gave humanity the opportunity to improve the quality food products, increase the life expectancy and productivity of living organisms - this is what biotechnology is.

Until the 70s of the last century, this term was used exclusively in the food industry and agriculture. And only in 1970, scientists began to use the term "biotechnology" in laboratory studies, such as growing living organisms in test tubes or when creating recombinant DNA. This discipline is based on the sciences such as genetics, biology, biochemistry, embryology, as well as on robotics, chemical and information technologies.

Based on new scientific and technological approaches, biotechnology methods were developed, which are in two main positions:

  • Large-scale and deep cultivation of biological objects in a periodic constant mode.
  • Growing cells and tissues in special conditions.

New biotechnology methods allow manipulation of genes, create new organisms or change the properties of already existing living cells. This makes it possible to more extensively use the potential of organisms and facilitates the economic activity of a person.

History of biotechnology

No matter how strangely sounded, but their origins of Biotechnology takes from the distant past, when people were just beginning to engage in winemaking, bread maker and other ways of cooking. For example, the biotechnological process of fermentation, in which microorganisms actively participated, was known in the ancient Babylon, where it was widely used.

As science, biotechnology began to be considered only at the beginning of the 20th century. The French scientist, the microbiologist Louis Paster, and the term himself introduced for the first time to use the Hungarian engineer Karl Erequis for the first time (1917). The XX century was marked by the rapid development of molecular biology and genetics, where chemistry and physics and physics were actively applied. One of the key stages of the study was the development of methods of cultivation of living cells. Initially, only mushrooms and bacteria began to grow for industrial purposes, but several decades, scientists can create any cells, fully managing their development.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the fermentation and microbiological industries were actively developed. At this time, the first attempts are being made to establish the production of antibiotics. The first food concentrates are being developed, the level of enzymes in animal and vegetable products is controlled. In 1940, scientists managed to get the first antibiotic - Penicillin. It became a impetus for development industrial production medicines arises a whole branch of the pharmaceutical industry, which is one of the cells of modern biotechnology.

Today, biotechnologies are used in the food industry, medicine, agriculture and many other spheres of human livelihoods. Accordingly, many new scientific directions appeared with the Bio console.


On the question of what biotechnology is, the bulk of the population will no longer respond that it is nothing more than gene engineering. In part, it is true, but engineering is only part of the extensive discipline of biotechnology.

Bioengineering is discipline, the main activity of which is aimed at strengthening human health By combining knowledge from engineering, medicine, biology and their use in practice. The full name of this discipline is biomedical engineering. The main specialization is the solution of medical problems. The use of biotechnology in medicine allows you to simulate, develop and explore new substances, develop pharmaceutical preparations and even relieve a person from congenital diseases, which are transmitted by DNA. Specialists in this area can create instruments and equipment for new procedures. Thanks to the use of biotechnology in medicine, artificial joints, pacemakers, skin prostheses, artificial blood circulation devices were developed. With the help of new computer technologies, bioengineering specialists can create proteins with new properties using computer simulation.

Biomedicine and Pharmacology

The development of biotechnology made it possible to look at the medicine in a new way. Working on the theoretical database human organismSpecialists in this area have the opportunity to use nanotechnology to change biological systems. The development of biomedicine gave impetus to the appearance of nanomedicines, the main activity of which is to track, correct and design live systems on molecular level. For example, address delivery of drugs. This is not courier delivery from the pharmacy to the house, but the transfer of the drug directly to the patient's cell cell.

Biopharmacology also develops. It studies the effects that have substances of biological or biotechnological origin on the body. Studies of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge are focused on the study of biopharmaceutical preparations and developing methods for their creation. In biopharmacology, therapeutic agents are obtained from living biological systems or body tissues.

Bioinformatics and Bionics

But biotechnology is not only the doctrine of fabric molecules and cells of living organisms, it is also the use of computer technologies. Thus, there is bioinformatics. It includes a totality of such approaches as:

  • Genomic bioinformatics.That is, computer analysis methods that are used in comparative genomics.
  • Structural bioinformatics.Development of computer programs that predict the spatial structure of proteins.
  • Calculation. Creating computing methodologies that can manage biological systems.

In this discipline, together with biological methods, methods of mathematics, statistical computing and computer science are used. As in biology, techniques and mathematics techniques are used and in the exact sciences today can use the doctrine of the organization of living organisms. As in Bionics. This is an applied science, where the technical devices use the principles and structures of wildlife. It can be said that this is a kind of symbiosis of biology and technology. Disciplinary approaches in Bionics are considered from a new point of view both biology and equipment. Bionics considered similar and distinctive features of these disciplines. This discipline has three subspecies - biological, theoretical and technical. Biological Bionics studies the processes that occur in biological systems. The theoretical bionics builds mathematical models of biosystems. And the technical bionics applies the developments of the theoretical bionics to solve various tasks.

As can be seen, the achievements of biotechnologies are widespread in modern medicine and health care, but this is just the vertex of iceberg. As already mentioned, biotechnology began to develop from the moment the person began to prepare his food, and after widely used in agriculture to grow new breeding crops and the withdrawal of new domestic rocks.

Cellular engineering

One of the most important methods in biotechnology is gene and cellular engineering, which are concentrated on creating new cells. With the help of these tools, humanity has the opportunity to create viable cells from completely different elements belonging to various types. Thus, a new non-natural set of genes is created. Genetic engineering provides a person to obtain the desired quality from modified plants or animal cells.

The achievements of genetic engineering in agriculture are especially valued. This allows you to grow plants (or animals) with improved qualities, so-called selection species. Selection activities are based on the selection of animals or plants with pronounced favorable signs. After these organisms are cross and obtain a hybrid with the required combination of useful features. Of course, in words, everything sounds simple, but it is difficult to get a desired hybrid. In reality, you can only get the body with one or more useful genes. That is, only a few additional qualities are added to the source material, but even this allowed to make a huge step in development. agriculture.

Selection and biotechnology gave the opportunity to farmers to increase yields, make the fruit larger, tasty, and most importantly, resistant to frost. Does not bypass the selection and livestock sphere. Every year new domestic breeds appear, which can give more livestock and food.


In the creation of breeding plants, scientists allocate three waves:

  1. The end of the 80s. Then scientists first began to bring plants resistant to viruses. For this, they took one gene in the species that could withstand diseases, "transplanted" it into the DNA structure of other plants and forced to "work".
  2. The beginning of the 2000s. During this period, plants began to be created with new consumer properties. For example, with an increased content of oils, vitamins, etc.
  3. Our days. In the next 10 years, scientists plan to release plant-vaccine plants, plant-drugs and biorecators, which will produce components for plastic, dyes, etc.

Even in animal husbandry, the prospects for biotechnology are amazed. Animals have long been created that have a transgenic gene, that is, they have any functional hormone, such as growth hormone. But it was only initial experiments. As a result of the research, transgenic goats were derived, which can produce a protein that stops bleeding in patients suffering from poor blood coagulation.

In the late 90s of the last century, American scientists came close to the cloning of animal embryos cells. This would allow to grow cattle in test tubes, but now this method still needs to be improved. But in xenotransplantation (transplanting organs of alone animals to others), scientists in the field of applied biotechnology achieved significant progress. For example, you can use pigs with the human genome as donors, then the minimum risk of rejection is observed.

Food biotechnology

As already mentioned, initial methods of biotechnological research began to apply in food production. Yoghurts, swax, beer, wine, bakery products are products obtained using food biotechnology. This study segment includes processes aimed at changing, improving or creating specific characteristics of living organisms, in particular bacteria. Specialists of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge are developing new techniques for the manufacture of various foods. Looking for and improving the mechanisms and methods for their preparation.

The food that man eats every day should be saturated with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. However, as of today, according to the UN, there is a problem of human support. Almost half of the population does not have a proper amount of food, 500 million are starving, a quarter of the world's population is powered by high-quality products.

Today, 7.5 billion people live on the planet, and if you do not take the necessary actions to improve the quality and number of food, if not engaged in this, then people in developing countries will suffer from destructive consequences. And if you can replace lipids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants of food biotechnology products, it is almost impossible to replace the protein. More than 14 million tons of protein lacks every year to ensure the needs of humanity. But biotechnologies come to the rescue. Modern protein production is built on the fact that protein fibers are artificially formed. They are impregnated with the necessary substances, give the form, corresponding color and smell. This approach makes it possible to replace almost any protein. And the taste and form are no different from the natural product.


An important area of \u200b\u200bknowledge in modern biotechnology is cloning. For several decades, scientists have already been trying to create identical descendants without resorting to sexual reproduction. In the cloning process, the body should be obtained, which is similar to the parent not only externally, but also genetic information.

In nature, the cloning process is distributed among some living organisms. If a person has one-time twins that are born, they can be considered natural clones.

For the first time cloning spent in 1997, when artificially created a sheep of dolly. And at the end of the twentieth century, scientists began to talk about the possibility of human cloning. In addition, such a concept as partial cloning was investigated. That is, you can recreate not a whole organism, but its individual parts or tissues. If you improve this method, you can get an "ideal donor". In addition, cloning will help preserve rare species of animals or restore the disappeared populations.

Moral aspect

Despite the fact that the foundations of biotechnology can have a decisive influence on the development of all mankind, the public is poorly opposed about such a scientific approach. The overwhelming majority of modern religious figures (and some scientists) are trying to warn biotechnologists from excessive hobbies by their research. Especially acute this concerns the issues of genetic engineering, cloning and artificial reproduction.

On the one hand, biotechnology are represented by a bright star, a dream and hope that will be real in the new world. In the future, this science will give humanity many new features. It will be possible to overcome death diseases, physical problems will be eliminated, and man, sooner or later, will be able to achieve earth immortality. Although, on the other hand, on the gene pool may affect the constant use of gennometric products or the appearance of people who created artificially. The problem of changing social structures will appear, and it is likely to be faced with the tragedy of medical fascism.

That's what biotechnology is. Science, which can give brilliant perspectives to humanity by creating, modifying or improving cells, living organisms and systems. She will be able to give a new body to man, and the dream of eternal life will become a reality. But for it will have to pay a considerable price.

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Modern achievements of biotechnology




Biotechnology is a field of human activity, which is characterized by the wide use of biological systems of all levels in a wide variety of industries, industrial production, medicine, agriculture and other fields.

The revolutionary stage in the development of biotechnology was the use of gene and cellular biotechnology, which rapidly developed in recent decades and has already significantly affected the different aspects of human life: health, medicine, food, demography, ecology.

The first products of gene biotechnologies have become biologically active proteins, widely used today in medicine as medicines. Previously, with the help of traditional biotechnology, various biological compounds were obtained by processing large amounts of microbial, animal or vegetable materialUsing the natural ability of organisms to synthesize these compounds. So, for the treatment of diabetes was previously used insulin, which was isolated from the pancreas of pigs. Such insulin was expensive and, moreover, ineffective. The situation has changed a lot from the moment of receipt in 1982 in the United States of the first genetic engineering insulin of a person synthesized by the cells of the intestinal stick.

Currently, many biopharmaceutical preparations obtained by genetic cell biotechnology are used in practical medicine. Along with insulin, different interferons, interleukins, medications from hemophilia, anticancer and painkillers, indispensable amino acids, growth hormone, monoclonal antibodies and much more are already produced. And this list is replenished annually dozens of items. In the laboratories and clinics of the whole world there are constantly intensive search and testing of new drugs, including those of such dangerous diseases such as heart disease, various forms of cancer, AIDS and a variety of viral infections. According to experts, today with the help of gene biotechnology, about 25% of all medicines in the world are produced.

An important step in the development of modern genetic cell biotechnology was the development of methods for obtaining transgenic animals and plants (they are also called genetically modified organisms, abbreviated GMOs). The transgenic organism is an organism in all respects similar to the untransgenic, ordinary, but containing in all cells among tens of thousands of its own genes 1 (rarely 2) an additional gene (transgene), which is unusual in nature.

The technology of creating transgenic plants led to a revolution in the field of crop production. She allowed to obtain plants resistant to a number of high pathogenic viruses, fungal and bacterial infections, insect pests, plant creation with high content cold-resistant cold, soil salinity, drought, plants with improved content and composition of proteins, etc. So, intervening in the genetic programs of plants, it is possible to give them the functions of resistance to various adverse stressful environmental factors. The use of GMO significantly increased the effectiveness of agriculture, and therefore this technology was in demand by the market, where other possibilities of increasing productivity (fertilizers, nadogymicates, etc.) have already exhausted themselves in many ways.

In 1994, after careful comprehensive field tests in the United States, the commercial sale of the first transgenic food plant - tomato with a unique feature: It can for months to lie in a subsequent form at a temperature of 12 ° C, but as soon as it gets into heat, it rushes literally in a few hours. Since then, many other transgenic plants have been released on the market; It was already possible to obtain many different forms of soybean, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, rapeseed, resistant to a variety of agricultural pests. For example, transgenic potatoes are not available for devouring by Colorad beetles. In this potato, the synthesis of one of the proteins of soil bacteria, which is toxic to the beetle, but completely harmless to humans. There are transgenic plants capable of independently, without the help of microorganisms, fixed nitrogen, sorted "golden" rice with an increased content of vitamin A and others.

In the world there are already a herd of transgenic goats and cows, in which in the breasts are synthesized useful from a medical point of view of substances, which then allocated with milk of these animals. Today, milk of transgenic animals is served by the medicine, which contains proteins such as insulin, human growth hormone, antithrombin, interferon. In Russia, for example, the gene technologists have created a breed of sheep producing together with milk and the enzyme required in the production of cheese; Russian scientists, together with colleagues from Brazil, successfully work on the creation of transgenic goats, whose milk will contain a pharmaceutical product called the granulocyte-colonistimulating factor necessary for the treatment of various blood diseases, the need in which is enormous in the world.

Many scientific centers work on the creation of transgenic animals used as models of various hereditary diseases of a person. Transgenic laboratory animals with an increased frequency of tumors are already obtained, animal lines are derived, in the body of which such human diseases such as sickle cell anemia, diabetes, neurological diseases, arthritis, jaundice, cardiovascular and a number of hereditary diseases are reproduced. Such animals models allow you to deeper to understand the nature various pathologies A person and implement them to search for effective medicines.

Transgenesis technology in the future can also be applied to create transgenic animals that can be used as sources of organs and tissues for transplantology (they, in particular, inactivated antigens responsible for weaving). Research has already begun in this area on pigs, which are considered as possible candidates for the transplantation of their authorities. Transgenic plants are also planned to be used for medical purposes. For example, they are developed by vaccines that were called "edible". To do this, one or another viral gene is introduced into the plant, which provides the synthesis of the corresponding protein with the property of the antigen. The use of this plant in food allows a person to gradually acquire immunity to a particular virus. Another example: Rice variety has been created in Japan, which will allow patients with diabetes mellitus without drugs, as its use stimulates the synthesis of the pancreas of its own insulin.

Probably, it is precisely noticeable success in the field of the creation of GMOs served as an impetus for the emergence of another important direction of genetic biotechnology - gene therapy in 1990. With the help of gene therapy in cells that suffer from a breach of the gene, one can deliver a "good" gene, capable of compensating for the work of "bad". True, sometimes the disease is caused by excessive operation of individual genes, unknown by the normal cell (for example, when viral infection). In such cases, the opposite should be suppressed by the work of the "harmful" gene. One of the most promising approaches to this - the RNA interference is the process of suppressing the generation of the gene with the help of fragments of RNA molecules, the mechanism of which is revealed by A. Fair and K. Melo (and again the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for 2006). All this is trying to do today with the help of gene therapy. The target for gene therapy can be both cell cells (somatic cells) and germinal cells (eggs, sperm). In the case of hereditary diseases, germinal cells could be more suitable for gene therapy, the correction of which should be maintained in the offspring. However, in practical terms, somatic therapy is now greater interest, and the germinal cell gene therapy is the problem of a remote future, although in reality hereditary diseases could be cured once and for all, affecting the sex cells or embryos cells in the early stages of development. The introduced gene, falling as a result of artificial transfer to a variety of intensively dividing embryos cells, is able to prevent the development of the disease. But this type of gene therapy is associated with a number of problems both technical, and mainly ethical. In particular, fears are expressed that this approach can be used to produce a new generation of "children to order".

Reality is currently only gene therapy, aimed at somatic cells of an adult organism. Of the total number of known human diseases, about 30-40% are so-called genetic or hereditary diseases. Many of these pathologies are associated with a violation of the work of one single gene. Gene therapy is primarily applied to such diseases, since in these cases the treatment process is significantly facilitated. Currently, using information on the structure of the human genome and its individual genes, scientists carry out a large-scale search for means of treating many traditionally considered fatal for a person of hereditary and acquired diseases for which the "bad" gene and / or its product is known. First of all, these are diseases such as hemophilia, fibrosis, adenosine formation deficiency, Duzhenna Miodistrophy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, various cardio-vascular pathologies, etc. So, in the US and the UK, tests were carried out on patients with a gene defect, which encodes protein, Retinal required for normal operation. In the course of operations, these patients introduced "healthy" copies of the damaged gene into the back of one eye. After six months, patients who could only distinguish between the movements of the hands, began to see all lines on the viewing table of vision. There are certain successes and when using gene therapy for the treatment of a number of non-treating pathologies (individual forms of cancer, ischemia) and infectious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis). Currently in different countries The world has already approved over 600 protocols of clinical trials with the use of gene and genetic cell therapy.

Technology of gene therapy has undergone significant changes over the past years. In the first stages, for transferring genes to the body, they were relying mainly on the natural ability of viruses carrying the therapeutic gene, penetrate and multiply in cells. It's time for Nanobiotechnology participation in this. The development of approaches to the directional transfer of genes into certain types of cells with nanoparticles containing antibodies to specific antigens of these cells on its surface is already launched. Such "loaded" nanoparticle nanoparticles are purposefully moving in the body to affected places and have a target therapeutic effect. However, with all positive results obtained by gene therapy, it still remains ineffective. Such key problems as targeted genes, long-term and efficient functioning in affected tissues remain unresolved. The future of genetic therapy largely depends on the solution of these problems.

The success of gene biotechnology has largely contributed to the parallel development with them of cellular biotechnology. One of the important achievements was the preparation and cultivation of stem cells. In the late 70s, convincing data were obtained about the possibility of applying transplantation of bone marrow stem cells in the treatment of sharp leukemia. From this time, a new era began in medicine. First of the embryos of mice, and then the so-called embryonic stem cells were obtained from human embryos. The last event was recognized as one of the three most significant achievements in biology for the 20th century (along with the discovery of the DNA double helix and the full decoding of the human genome).

Significant progress in modern biotechnology has occurred in connection with the development of technology for reproductive cloning of animal organisms, i.e. obtaining artificially by identical copies of such organisms. About 10 years ago, an incredible noise around the birth of the sheep had dolly, which everyone now knows about.

Visitors to the Startup Village conference last week in Skolkovo, had a unique opportunity to look at the near future, when humanity, forced to revise the diet, will begin to get a significant proportion of proteins due to insects

At one of the stands at the exhibition of startups, manufacturers of firing proteins from larvae Much, representing the Lipetsk company "New Biotechnology". While feed is intended for animals, but in the future dishes from insects, as follows from numerous forecasts, will cease to be exotic and in the human menu. Try the product with exceptional nutritional properties on Startup Village perched five bravery. The Correspondent Site did not risk to follow their example, but it was asked to ask the tasters in detail, what it was the taste of the future of the future, and at the same time he learned that he had a much fruit of their relatives surrounded by warm and caring of breeders of the selectioners of Lipetsk.

Alexey Istomin with new biotechnology products on Startup Village. Photo: Site

"New biotechnologies" specialize in the production of high-protein feed from dried and crushed larvae of green meat flies by analogy with that mechanism over the production of which the nature worked millions of years. "Animals, fish, birds breed, feed, leave after themselves manure and litter, die, and nature all this is relentlessly processed .. - Muhi lay down on the eggs of the egg, they appear larvae that distinguish enzymes that accelerate the decomposition and mineralization of waste. In this case, the larvae themselves become food for animals, fish and birds. And the remaining substrate under the influence of rains and the sun in the form of organic fertilizer falls into the soil and contributes to the stormy growth of the phytomass, which is also feed for all living things. In other words, recycling nutrientsAnd without any pesticides and poisons. Only organic. "

This natural process borrowed in the company "New Biotechnology". The resulting application of biomass technology, larvae flies, have a high content of nutrients. By 50-70%, biomass consists of raw protein, 20-30% come on raw fat, 5-7% is a raw fiber.

In describing the positive effect of the use of feed protein (the commercial name - "zoo") in different sectors of agriculture, Alexey Istomin was very convincing. "In pig breeding, the use of protein-lipid concentrate in the micro-lipid concentrate as an additive to the diet of piglets, pigs, whiffs allows to increase the digestibility of food and the natural resistance of the organism of diseases and viruses, increase the weights, activity and range, - lists the advantages of feed from the larvae Mr. Mr. Istomin . - This is due to the content of a large number of enzymes, chitin, melanin, immunomodulators in the "zoo". In the poultry farming, the inclusion of our feed protein into the diet for broiler chickens, turkeys, ducks and other birds allows you to increase the daily weight gain and reduce the feed coefficient. In churls, egg production is observed, the resistance of the body to diseases and viruses increases, mortality decreases. In the beverance, the addition of "zoo" in the feed of mink, sands, foxes leads to improved frame quality and decrease in the percentage of marriage. Animals have a greater body length and chest girth, therefore, you can get large quantity Skuff.

From left to right: finished feed, dried and living larvae. Photo: Site

The appearance of feed from flies will also make owners of pets. According to Alexei, Istomy, "in cats and dogs it is easier to flow and molting, muscle tone and activity rises, wool becomes more dense; Animals are less ill. " Healthier with the addition of protein from the larvae flies in the feed becomes and poultry, their color becomes brighter. Falls of aquarium fish develop twice as fast, and the survival of the fry is approaching 100%.

The miraculous technology has not arisen in an empty place - its theoretical foundations were laid on half a century ago at the All-Union Research Institute of Livestock, as well as in the Novosibirsk State Agricultural Institute. There in the laboratory conditions comprehensively studied the feed additives from the larvae flies. Now work in this direction continues by the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, VNIII them. L.K. Ernsta, Institute of Ecology Problems and Evolution. A.N. Seversow. According to Alexei Eastina, the efficiency of the use of protein feed, obtained from the processing of waste with flies of flies, compared with other animal proteins (fish and bone flour) was confirmed by research conducted in the All-Russian Research Institute of Livestock and the All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Education. It is noteworthy that over time, the relevance of this technology is only growing, because the world has encountered an acute deficit of animal proteins.

"What prevents us will smell badly and requires high costs, can help and work for the benefit of domestic agriculture, bringing additional profits and reducing the burden on the environment"

The company "New Biotechnology" is estimated at 25 million tons; In Russia, the same indicator is 1 million tons. Since 1961, the population of the Earth has grown more than twice, and the world consumption of meat is 4 times. According to forecasts, until 2030, the global consumption of animal protein will increase by 50%. So far, in agriculture, its main sources are fish (fish flour) and meat-bone flour. "The highest-quality fish flour is produced in Morocco, Mauritania and Chile, and its value increases in proportion to logistics costs. The price of fish flour over the past 15 years has grown 8 times, "Alexey Eastomin shares statistics. - Many producers of agricultural products refuse to high-quality imported fish flour in favor of cheaper and less qualitative analogs, as well as go to meat-bone flour or plant proteins, in particular, soy. The use of vegetable proteins does not allow to achieve the desired result - such protein requires a large number of land resources and cannot fully replace the animal protein in composition. "

The project of "new biotechnologies" caused interest from the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev. Photo: Site

In addition to economic, there are environmental prerequisites for changing the feed paradigm. So, for the manufacture of 1 tons of flour, it is required to catch 5 tons of fishing fish. Given that the need for animal proteins is large, fish catch has reached significant indicators (170 million tons in 2015). The ecosystem does not have time to reproduce fish stocks in the seas. In the manufacture of one ton of fish flour, almost 11 tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Additional costs of ecology in this case are estimated at 3.5 thousand dollars. In the production of one ton of flour from the larvae flies into the atmosphere 5 times less than CO2. That is, each produced ton of protein from the larvae of the flies retains 5 tons of fish in the sea.

"The taste is unusual, not like anything. But this protein strengthens immunity and promotes the growth of muscle mass "

Thinking about alternative sources of animal protein, the researchers drew attention to insects. On the planet - more than 90 thousand species of flies, and each of them feeds on certain waste: vegetable, manure / litter, nutritional waste, etc. "What prevents us will smell badly and requires high costs, environmental, financial, energy - can help and work for the benefit of domestic agriculture, bringing additional profits and reducing the workload of the environment," says Alexey Istomin. At the same time, the experienced production of new biotechnology in Lipetsk proves the prospects for using technology in industrial conditions.

Farsh from Lucy.

Famous Many Metallic Green Bright Flies Lucilia Caesar (in the company This type of insect is gentle by Luce) in production in Lipetsk contained in special insectagries. There are several tens of millions of flies. This is a lot of unique insects. To improve their reproduction abilities, scientists more than two years led painstaking selection work, according to a certain method, crossing insects. If in nature, one fly makes a masonry in 60 eggs, then the Lipetsk insects laying (and, consequently, the number of larvae and the feed received from them) - on average three times more. No genetic manipulations over flies specialists of "new biotechnology" do not produce, we are talking about the "traditional" selection, Mr. Istomin assures Mr. Istomin. I posing on a tightened small mesh, a cage of a saddle with sinking insects on the stand, he continues: "Yesterday there was only yesterday 6 flies; In just a day, their number reached several hundred. This became possible thanks to correct selection Cycles of the development of dolls, called still pupils. We have done the cycle in such a way that today they have become much larger. Tomorrow their number will still grow up. " In part, this process was contained not too suitable weather: the optimal temperature for the transformation of the doll into the fly is about 30 degrees. Despite the fact that on Startup Village at night insects, the temperature there was lower.

In production in Lipetsk, flies - full of detrunities. Photo: "New biotechnology".

In production in Lipetsk, flies - a complete expanse, there they are protected and from unfavorable conditions, and from stress. Flies are contained in special cells-cages, which have water, sugar, milk powder and boxes with minced meat, where flies make masonry eggs. Masonry removed daily. The quality control and purity of the population is carried out by the main technologist. For this, the larvae is taken, which in special conditions are pounded and in the form of a pupae are stored in refrigerated chamber. If necessary, the pupa is placed in the cells of the insectagium, and after a while, flies appear.

As soon as the larvae appeared from the eggs, they are moved to the output shop. In special trays on the litter of sawdust place the feed substrate and the masonry of eggs. The larvae is very voracious and grow rapidly, increasing up to 350 times per day. The period of refill and active growth is 3-4 days. Then the grown larvae turn out to be on the tramp. So called the process of separating the larvae from the organic substrate. After biomass dried and sent for storage.

Flies grow on meat with poultry farms, which is located near the experienced production of New Biotechnologies. The larvae grown on poultry meat possess higher rates of nutrient content than those that cultivated on the manure and litter. At the same time, meat reserves should be much - to produce 1 kg of "zooprotein", it is necessary to grow 3.5 kg of living larvae, which requires 10 kg of meat waste.

Since 1961, the population of the Earth has grown more than twice, and the world consumption of meat is 4 times. According to forecasts, until 2030, the global consumption of animal protein will increase by 50%

"The average poultry farm case is 5% of the total livestock. This type of waste delivers a large amount of hassle to poultry farms. These are environmental issues (need to be disposed of), and financial (for recycling it is necessary to pay), and organizational (collect, store, deliver, take into account). Therefore, the use of our method is most effectively directly on the poultry farm, which makes it possible to make bird production without frequenid, - explained Alexei Istomin. - In general, the increase in agricultural production increases inevitably increasing the increase negative influence on the environment. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in Russia the total area of \u200b\u200bland polluted by agricultural waste exceeds 2.4 million hectares. In 2015, the total number of such waste exceeded 380 million tons. There is practically no culture of recycling of agricultural waste. Account in such production goes to units. "

Experienced production in Lipetsk. Photo: "New biotechnology"

The complexity of industrial implementation of technology is due primarily by administrative and environmental factors. "Abroad, in particular, in China and Indonesia, use the basin (" open ") method, explains Istomin. - He is unacceptable in our conditions, since the larvae in the process of life produce a large number of ammonia. In our project, a "closed" method is proposed using extensive cabinets for flies equipped with local exhaust ventilation, microbiological filter for air purification, special systems of cooking raw materials, infrared drying. All this allows you to maximize the requirements for environmental safety.

The larvae is very voracious and grow rapidly, increasing up to 350 times per day. Photo: "New biotechnology"

Now the company "New Biotechnologies" is in the process of obtaining the status of the Resident "Skolkovo". The team counts on the help of the Fund mainly in product certification. In Russia, there is no regulatory framework associated with the regulation of the use of waste processing technology with larvae flies, therefore, tells Alexei Eastomin, "I have to be sophisticated." At the same time, the controlling instances state the safety of products: "Lipetsk Oblastabutory" produces research of live biomass for the presence of salmonella, the genome of the pathogens of ornithosis and influenza in birds, eggs and the larvae of helminths. In the dried biomass, the larvae flies determine the mass fraction of raw protein, the mass fraction of raw fat, humidity and toxicity. "Tula Interregional Veterinary Laboratory" conducts studies of organic fertilizer Zoogulus for the presence of pathogenic flora. The results of each study are decorated with a protocol. "

The source site is convinced: in the foreseeable future, the taste of protein from insects will get acquainted with animals, but also people. This point of view shares more and more specialists. So, three years ago, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN issued a study, which said that in the diet of 2 billion people in one degree or another insects were present now. To cope with hunger and pollution of the environment, humanity should have more insects, called compilers of the report.

Especially since as evidenced personal experience Alexey Istomina, it's not so scary. For several months now, he adds a tablespoon of protein from insects in the morning cervix from milk, banana and other traditional ingredients. "The taste is unusual, not like anything. But it strengthens immunity and contributes to the growth of muscle mass, "says Alexey.

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