Creation of compositions from artificial flowers. Do-it-yourself compositions of artificial flowers for the interior

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Since ancient times, bouquets of artificial flowers have been used to decorate the interior. Now they are made both to create understudies for the bride, and as an original gift.

Over time, manufacturing techniques and the materials themselves began to change. At first, such compositions were made only from paper, fabric, foamiran, ceramics and clay. Then heavy ceramics and clay, which harden after firing, were replaced with polymer compounds and lightweight plastic. Well, no one has canceled the use of ready-made artificial flowers, which can be bought in many stores. This article describes in more detail what materials are used to create bouquets with your own hands, what are their advantages and how to make them.

Materials and their features

Popular materials for making bouquets of artificial flowers with your own hands have their own characteristics:

  • Plastic flowers are the most practical. It is a very cheap and lightweight material. However, the low cost is offset short term use, because sooner or later the pigment on the surface of the plastic will begin to fade and the flowers will have to be replaced.
  • Polymer clay is heavy but durable. You can’t drop such bouquets in any way, because this material easily splits.
  • Textile. Products are durable, strong and inexpensive, but they collect a lot of dust or can burn out in the sun. Among the minuses, you can also highlight the weight of such a bouquet. Sometimes it reaches several kilograms.
  • Paper or satin ribbon. Such a composition looks very impressive, but will not last long.

Additional decorations are:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • tapes;
  • glass balls;
  • buttons;
  • brooches;
  • pearls;
  • chains;
  • ropes;
  • twine.

Important! In order for the decoration to last as long as possible, it is not recommended to put the compositions on the windowsill or where there are a lot of sunlight.

Containers for artificial flowers

An artificial bouquet made by hand can stand in different containers:

  • In pots. Classic variant.
  • In vases. It will look very original if filled glass vase smooth pebbles, multi-colored balls.
  • In wicker baskets. They look very cute and cozy.
  • In a pot. A cover is put on the pot, for example, knitted, it is hung from the ceiling by a loop.
  • In bottles or glasses (suitable for miniature compositions).

Except beautiful decorative compositions, you can make a bouquet of artificial flowers with your own hands for a beautiful bride or just as an interior decoration. Below we consider the most interesting ideas.

Master classes

The floristry industry does not stand still, new forms, types of flowers and color solutions. Artificial bouquets are not an innovation, but a very original option.

kanzashi bouquet

Every bride wants her bouquet to be the best and most unique, even if it is an understudy. For this, an artificial wedding bouquet made with your own hands using the kanzashi technique (made from ribbons) is ideal.

You can create any flower from ribbons, give it different shape and choose the color you want. This composition is also suitable as the main bouquet of the bride. It will look original and bright in photographs. It is easy to make it yourself, it remains to turn on the fantasy and put your soul into it.

For an artificial bouquet for a wedding you will need:

  • Ribbons (for buds, pens and leaves). One flower takes about 40 cm of ribbon 2.5 cm wide.
  • A roller or roll, for example, from kitchen napkins.
  • Wire.
  • Glue.
  • Threads.
  • Styrofoam ball.
  • Lace or openwork ribbons.
  • Decor (rhinestones, beads, etc.).

It will be a bouquet of artificial roses. We form a flower:

  • We take one ribbon for the flower bud, bend the edge and sew it, tightening the thread so that a petal forms. For one flower, 11 petals are required.

  • We attach all the petals to the wire. For one rose, you need 5 cm of wire with a diameter of 6 mm. One of its edges is bent into a loop. The petal is smeared with glue from one edge and wrapped around the wire.
  • To form a rose bud, 3 petals are glued, then in the first row - 3 more pieces, in the second (final row) - 5 petals, the last one is glued under the first. Thus, you can independently adjust the size of the buds.
  • For green leaves, an atlas is required. It is necessary to cut off the tape 5 * 5 cm (one sheet). It folds in half, each corner needs to be burned with a candle. The sheet is glued under the rosebud.
  • To make the base, the foam ball must be cut in half. The bouquet will require only one part. In this half, 4 through holes are made, and a place for the roll is cut out. The same holes are made in it for the wire, it is mounted on glue and wire.
  • Now let's start decorating the bride's bouquet, made with artificial flowers with our own hands. The roll is decorated with a green ribbon. First, rectangles are cut from the tape that will cover the bottom edge, after which the tape is wound over the handle.

  • All roses made are strung on a ball. Here you can dream up. Roses can be made in solid color or combine several colors, for example, blue and white. This will already depend on the style of the wedding and the image of the bride herself.

  • Having decorated the composition with roses, it is necessary to fix the green leaves along the bottom edge. On the bottom of the bouquet under the leaves, you can glue an openwork ribbon, so it will look more elegant and interesting. From satin ribbons, you can make two tiers of loops that will decorate the bottom.
  • It remains to decorate a ball of flowers with beads, pebbles and rhinestones.

This artificial kanzashi bridal bouquet, made by hand, will delight guests and become the highlight of the celebration.

clay bouquet

For a decorative bouquet of artificial flowers, made by hand, as a material, and polymer clay. From it you can make the most different types colors. Such a composition in a beautiful vase will perfectly complement the interior of the house.

What will be required:

  • Clay of three colors (two for the buds, green for the stem).
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Toothpick.
  • Beads for decorating the core of a flower.
  • Board for work.
  • Wire used as a frame.

Our flower will need white and pink clay to give it a natural look. Work sequence:

  • Wear gloves to prevent the material from sticking to the bunches and not to get dirty.
  • From two multi-colored clay bars, you need to pinch off the same pieces. Roll them into "sausages" on the board. Wrap one of the finished "strips" in a spiral around the other.
  • Roll the clay into a ball that is cut in half. You will get two pieces, from which a couple of buds will come out.
  • Roll each hemisphere into a round pancake. One side of it needs to be pulled out a little and lengthened, like a leaf. Screw it into a bud.
  • To give the flower naturalness, it is necessary to lengthen the wide part of the flower a little too.
  • Poke a hole in the middle of the bud with a toothpick. A stem will be inserted into it, which is made of wire wrapped in clay or crepe paper. The core is decorated with beads.
  • It remains only to repeat this process as many times as you need flowers. You can turn on your imagination and make several buds on one stem. Then it will turn out very original.

Important! When the material begins to dry out or becomes difficult to work with, you need to add a little baby cream. If the clay starts to stick, you need to sprinkle the board with talcum powder.

To create more complex flower buds, templates, stamps and stacks are used.

Cascading double bouquet

In this version, the taping technique is used, which allows you to give the composition any shape with your own hands.

To create a cascading wedding bouquet of artificial flowers, you will need:

  • Small artificial roses (40 pieces).
  • 2 branches of white carnation.
  • 10 rose leaves.
  • Artificial greenery with small leaves (several branches).
  • Thin floral wire (0.7 mm).
  • Glue gun and glue for it.
  • Tape.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Lace about 50 cm.
  • Scissors.
  • 15 beads for decoration.
  • Satin ribbons 2 m long (width 4 cm and 2.5 cm).
  • Decorative button.

The process of making an understudy bouquet of artificial flowers:

  • It is necessary to cut the carnations so that only the "legs" remain from them, which will be used to form the stems of the roses. We use this carnation wire, cutting it into pieces of 4-5 cm. There should be as many such pieces as the roses will be used to create the composition. We put buds on these segments. First, a drop of glue must be applied to the tip of the wire.
  • Floral wire is used to further form the stems. It must be wound to the legs of the roses so that the ends of the wire become a continuation of the existing legs. The same must be done with all the flowers and branches of greenery.

  • Now you need to tape the wire using tape. Stretching it from top to bottom, it is necessary to wrap the ends of the wire tightly.

  • We collect the bouquet by putting together one flower at a time and forming a “cap” of the composition. It is better to secure everything with teip tape in the process several times. It is necessary to alternate red and white flowers, periodically inserting small greens, trying to form a hemisphere.
  • We are starting to decorate the handle of an artificial bridal bouquet made by ourselves, this option will also be beautiful. But since now we are talking about a cascading bouquet, we need to make a falling part. For this, 1 rose is taken, then 2 more roses (heads) are located below. Under them there should be 3 more roses. In this case, do not forget to add cloves and herbs. The number of roses will depend on the required length (you can also make it to the floor).

  • We combine the hemisphere and the falling part so that they become one. Everything is fixed with teip tape.

  • To decorate the leg of the bouquet, it is necessary to cover it with leaves around it and fix it well again.
  • We cut the satin ribbon (4 cm) into 8 parts 10-12 cm long. All segments must be folded in half, bent and fixed with glue. We glue the leg of the composition in a circle with such blanks.

  • We cut off the extra stems with wire cutters, everything is fixed with teip tape.
  • We begin to decorate the leg along the entire length, using a ribbon (2.5 cm).
  • The final step in making an artificial wedding bouquet with your own hands will be decorating roses with beads. It is not necessary to glue them into each rose, but arrange them randomly. On the leg you need to tie a lace ribbon and decorate with a decorative button.

Compositions of pre-prepared artificial flowers for home interior with their own hands gradually replace living plants. And if until recently such decor looked in most cases clumsy and tasteless, today it is able to compete with natural works of art - fresh roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficuses.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with our own hands

There is no need to prove that the compositions of artificial flowers in the cemetery are in some way superior to their natural counterparts. There will always be both supporters and opponents of such an unusual artificial interior decor. We will simply list the positive and negative aspects of indoor artificial flora, and you can draw your own conclusions.

The positive aspects for decorating the interior include the following:

  • artificial plants in pots for home interior do not require the use of fertilizers, transplanting, watering;
  • there is no need to ask relatives or your neighbors to come to your house and water the green seedlings when you are away;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by vicious pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for flora lovers suffering from pollen allergies;
  • if pets or small children accidentally knock over a container with a composition, you do not have to remove the crumbled black soil or wipe the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a great opportunity for needlework lovers to show their talents, because if you learn how to make artificial flowers and practice a little, you can decorate the interior with your own hands with stylish hand-made decor;
  • unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to living conditions. You can place them in the bathroom, hallway, dressing room and even on the loggia without worrying that the plants will be hard to be in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants make it possible to independently select the color shade of the bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the whole interior is decorated in restrained colors and in a classic way, and you don’t want the composition on the wall to stand out from the general style of the room, there is a way out. It is only necessary to tint the petals of sunflowers in a suitable shade.

Among the disadvantages of artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not delight you with their floral scent;
  • artificial plants made from cheap and low-quality materials can cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals may lose over time color saturation and burn out under the influence sun rays;
  • artificial plants still require maintenance: it will be necessary to wipe or wash them with soap and water from time to time to prevent dust from accumulating.

We have told you about the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial flower arrangements. Now you can think about and decide how acceptable it is for you to use such elements in decorating your room.

Your interior, of course, will be decorated with compositions of artificial flowers, made by hand with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to decorate the interior of the room that you are preparing to receive guests. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if you give them not just a bunch of flowers for the holiday, but a beautifully designed composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower arrangements can be arranged with your own hands in a wicker basket, because they do not need water at all, they will delight you with their beautiful view, but will not fill your home with their unique floral scent.
An unusual autumn composition can also be arranged in a wicker basket, which will include autumn yellowed leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also, compositions made of artificial materials can be arranged in a tea cup or teapot, and if you want to use them for decoration personal plot, then you can take an old iron kettle.

A selection of thematic video for the article

After reading our article, we suggest watching a selection of thematic videos. This will allow the most profound study of this issue. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of making compositions. Happy viewing!

Recently, more and more often you can see a variety of compositions of artificial flowers for the interior. We will try to find out by what criteria they need to be selected, what to look for Special attention to get the desired result.

Selection rules

In order for the interior of the apartment to acquire individuality and additional charm, you can choose original compositions from artificial flowers. For example, with the help of velvety roses, delicate lilies, amazing orchids, you can decorate the interior of an apartment.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences after finishing design work, it is necessary to select unrumpled lush flowers into the interior, not to acquire twigs with shabby petals, check the presence of buds, leaves, and also make sure the strength of the selected compositions.

Corridor decoration

Compositions of artificial orchids or roses are quite appropriate here. Real fresh flowers are not suitable for the interior of the corridor, because they will wither due to insufficient sunlight.

Advice! When choosing artificial flowers for the corridor, interior experts suggest opting for high colors that can be placed in floor vase, or small twigs that will serve as a decoration for the mirror.

Flowers for a modern kitchen

Given the specifics of this room, stylists suggest placing vases with decorative peaches, oranges, and apples in the kitchen. Over a working apron, bundles of artificial garlic, peppers, and onions would be quite appropriate. For decorating a kitchen window, vases and pots with decorative roses or orchids.

Living room decorated with artificial compositions

This room is calling card house or apartment, so it is important to be especially careful when choosing artificial flowers for decorating this room. original ideas, the rules for selecting artificial flowers, as well as a photo and video review of finished interiors, look for the link

If you plan to decorate the living room in country house, in the center of which a real wood-burning fireplace is installed, it is quite possible to decorate it with the help of original artificial flowers.

For example, next to soft sofa you can install a ficus bush, or put a palm tree. decoration coffee table there will be a small vase with decorative fruits.

Bedroom decoration

In this room, artificial compositions should preferably be used with extreme caution.

Attention! Do not forget that flowers are able to attract dust, so instead of an artificial composition, it is better to choose a small bouquet of original dried flowers for the bedroom.

But for a balcony or loggia, artificial flowers are considered by professionals ideal option to create a harmonious home environment. Due to temperature changes, changes in air humidity, it is difficult to pick up fresh flowers that will delight their owners on a balcony or loggia window, and here original compositions of artificial flowers come to the rescue.

Specific care of artificial compositions

You do not need to have special knowledge in order to carry out complete care behind the artificial flower compositions created in a residential interior. You can limit yourself to wiping them with a damp cloth several times a month.

Professionals do not give specific advice on choosing the type of artificial flowers, but remind them of their obvious advantages: long service life, low cost, excellent assortment, simplicity and ease of maintenance, preserving their original flower arrangements. appearance throughout the entire service life.

People are created to live in complete harmony with wildlife, they strive to surround themselves with beautiful objects, flowers, to make the interior of their house or apartment as cozy and comfortable as possible. Fresh flowers are an ideal material for decoration, but they quickly lose their beautiful appearance, and then completely fade. In order to cope with such a problem, interior experts advise choosing artificial flower compositions for decorating residential premises.

The creators of modern synthetic and polymer materials used in production innovative technologies, so there is no need to fear for the quality and safety of those materials that are chosen to create single and spray roses, orchids, tulips, lilies.

Excellent decorative bouquets can be selected from latex, plastic, synthetic and natural fabric. Zealous housewives try to create unusual flower arrangements with their own hands, arm themselves with beads, glass beads, braid, and realize their creative imagination.

Silicone flowers outwardly practically do not differ from living counterparts. This material accurately conveys the smallest details flower, has a long service life, is easy to maintain, is not afraid of direct sunlight on the finished product.

Among the main disadvantages that can be distinguished from silicone flowers, we note their high cost. The reason is that flower arrangements are created by hand, which significantly increases the final cost of the product.

Fabric imitations of fresh flowers began to be used in China, and are currently being used by interior designers to decorate living spaces in different parts of our planet.

For modern interiors create compositions in which satin, silk, batiste, crepe de chine are used as material for flowers.

Flowers made of modern plastic also look elegant and original. Buyers are attracted not only by their aesthetic appearance, but also low price as well as ease of maintenance.


Artificial compositions can increasingly be seen in the works of experienced interior specialists. They are convinced that it is artificial flower arrangements made from safe and high-quality materials that are the perfect decorative element for urban and country interiors.

Home decoration is an integral part of our life. This process is always controlled fashion trends styles in certain time. But nothing lasts forever and is constantly in motion.

Any alterations and restructuring entail a waste of time, effort and money. But there are opportunities not to resort to drastic measures and to be in the abyss of fashion. Possible options a lot of: Refinement of the existing style with elements based on new fashion trends. Symbiosis different styles with zoning. The use of bright strokes that will concentrate all attention on themselves and ennoble the interior on their own. new way. This is such a versatile option that artificial flowers decor is used for an existing interior.

Positive aspects of artificial plants

Ultimately, they indirectly allow the conservation of flora as part of natural wealth.

Negative points

  • They collect dust on themselves, sometimes the relief of parts makes it difficult to remove it.
  • No true natural flavor inherent this species colors.
  • The first admiration from contemplation passes quickly.
  • Lose color brightness under the influence of sunlight.

Materials for the production of artificial flowers

Frames in the form of trunks, stems, branches and veins are made of stainless steel and copper, more cheap material hard plastic.

From of stainless steel make trunks, branches and stems of plants imitating shrubs, small fruit trees, flowers in nature having a hard stem.

Copper wire suitable for stems and branches climbing plants. The shape of such flowers can be easily changed without destroying the appearance. Springs from copper wire small diameter is used to make veins of leaves and petals of inflorescences.

Plastic is suitable for imitation of all parts of the plant or is produced from it. outer coating metal base.

Leaves and flower petals are distinguished by a variety of materials used for manufacturing:

Silicone and latex, new types of materials are as close as possible to the sensations of natural colors.

Varieties of products imitating living plants

  • Potted simulants are examples of flowering plants, shrubs, small fruit and citrus plants, high ficuses and even imitation of trees in the form of palm trees or firs.
  • Imitation of climbing vines with soft stems. They can reach several meters in length.
  • Artificial single flowers imitating simple and exotic plants. Of these, bouquets and similar compositions are made.

Where is the decor of artificial plants and flowers used?

In private housing

Compositions of flowers and plants imitating masterpieces of nature are successfully decorated by stylists of premises and apartments. Perfectly they fit into any existing style, updating it to new heights. There is no need for a complete refurbishment of the premises.

For each room, its own composition of plants and flowers is selected:

  • On it is necessary to use vases with imitators of fresh fruits and vegetables for the style, but bundles with artificial fruits are hung. Lianas hang over the window.
  • Bathrooms are equipped with plants growing in tropical climates. Small pots with orchids and vines hanging down to give the room the feel of an exotic place.

For office decoration

A person spends a large amount of time in the workplace. Decorations from beautiful and bright colors will help you relax and effectively rest during your break.

To decorate recreation areas

The use of artificial flowers and plants in compositions for decorating recreation areas in shopping malls, cinemas and other places of public recreation is assumed by default.

The use of imitation flowers for the arrangement of venues for celebrations

Compositions are used to decorate celebrations and celebrations of anniversaries, wedding ceremonies, graduation balls. It is currently in vogue to hold such events on open area and artificial flowers and plants come, by the way, in such situations.


Artificial flowers help to successfully add variety to the daily environment surrounding a person.

Makes the room look bright and interesting. A small number of negative points can be overcome with simple actions, the absence of a natural smell is restored by the use of natural aromatic oils. The dust that has fallen into the fine relief of the foliage is washed out large quantity water, plant simulant material is impervious to moisture and dries quickly.

Master Class: flower arrangements"Flight of Fantasy"

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna teacher of the first junior group
Municipal Preschool Autonomous educational institution Kindergarten general developing species No. 11 MO Korenovsky district

Work description:

The master class is designed for parents and teachers, all creative people. I bring to your attention five compositions at once, I called the master class “Fantasy Flight”, each flower tree is your fantasy and such trees also symbolize in different ways when you do this original gift, be sure to put your “whole soul” into your work and then the result will be 100%.
Not a lot of history, we all know that the art of topiary has a long history. Original small trees, for the manufacture of which natural and artificial materials, your imagination and each tree will be original in its own way, it is very nice to receive such a craft as a gift and decorate your home with it.


The flower tree is intended for a gift to friends, acquaintances, as well as for interior decoration. Learn to create a flower tree from improvised material of artificial flowers, ribbons, beads.

develop creative imagination, fine motor skills of hands, eye and of course patience.
Develop accuracy, cultivate perseverance when creating a flower tree. In this master class, I will show you how to make five artificial flower topiary at once.
This is the beauty we will create with you:

To create our topiary we need:


1. Flower pots
2. Artificial flower heads
3. Gypsum, water
4. Artificial grass (lawn)
5. Glue gun
6. Various decor (ladybugs, butterflies, grapes)
7. Skewers
8. Plastic ball
9. Ball
10. Penoplen
11. Tape tape
12. Toothpicks
13. Coffee beans

step by step works:

Each master in the manufacture of topiary uses the basis at his own discretion and for money. I tried many ways to make the base of a tree, the cheapest is to crumple the newspaper and wrap it with cling film to form a ball, flat paper or fabric flowers are easily glued to this shape, foam balls or children's balls are used to insert flowers or fruits with toothpicks straight into the ball, using a glue gun, if you make a heart, you can use foam (sold at any hardware store). To start making trees, you need the pots to be filled with plaster and of course have time to dry
And so we begin with the preparation of pouring gypsum into pots, dilute gypsum with water, set the "barrel" in this case I used 6-7 skewers

pre-wrapped with teip tape,

you can add small seedlings to the pot for strength, pour the solution into the pots, insert the trunk and let it dry well, usually one day is enough

You don’t need to insert the barrel right away, after 10 minutes, when the gypsum turns into a thick “porridge”, you can insert the “trunks”

In my master class, I used coffee, poured it on still wet gypsum, when the gypsum dries, the coffee beans will also hold tight

Now our pots are aside and we begin preparing the upper base, in the first example I will show such a base, I caught my eye like this unusual blank with spikes in the form of a ball, on which you can wear artificial grass in this case

And we begin to string grass step by step around the circle

It turns out this is the basis

I decided to make for my trees only such green and fluffy

As soon as the gypsum has solidified thoroughly, using a glue gun, we glue our fluffy green ball and start creating

1. The first tree "Our Kuban sun"

For this tree, I used sunflower heads, coffee beans

To begin with, we revive our sunflower, decorate the middle with coffee beans using PVA glue

We smear the middle with glue and glue the grains

and so all the flowers, it should turn out like this

we begin to make out the bottom, while our flowers dry, your imagination is here, I used lawn artificial grass and ladybugs

sunflower flowers glued on hot glue, the bottom of the trunk was tied with teip tape three leaves, and at the top as a decoration a butterfly and I got the first tree "Our Kuban Sun"

look from different angles

2. The second tree "Passion"

In this tree, I designed the bottom, when the gypsum had not yet hardened with the help of canapes and grass, I inserted it into soft gypsum

Added red flowers and decorative ornament and i got it like this

Now the crown, I used red flower beads and greens, placed and glued with a glue gun at the top and bottom

Decorated with red beads

It turned out such a tree of passion

3. The third tree "Tenderness"

For this tree, I used very delicate flowers, similar to jasmine flowers. Decorated the bottom with flowers, butterflies glued with hot glue

Now the top of the crown, I glued the flowers in a chaotic manner, on the right, for a shade, a delicate twig with white flowers

It turned out to be a very tender tree.

4. The fourth tree "Vine"

In the manufacture of this tree, I used artificial grapes, artificial grape leaves, flowers purple, and various decorations.

I decorated the bottom of my tree with artificial flowers and leaves.

Top, your flight of fancy, definitely a bunch of grapes, everything is glued with thermal glue, it keeps very well

And now the tree in all its glory

5. Fifth tree "Breath of summer"

This tree consists of a different set of wild flowers and you can arrange it at your discretion, the bottom can be arranged like this

The top will be so fun

In the end, our tree will look like this

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